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SYNOPSIS TITLE : SECURE ONLINE BANKING USING CRYPTOGRAPHY ABSTRACT : Secure online banking using cryptography involves the use of advanced mathematical algorithms to protect online banking transactions from unauthorized access and tampering. The use of cryptography ensures that sensitive information such as login credentials, personal identification numbers, and financial transaction details are encrypted and can only be deciphered by authorized parties. In this process,the user can create bank account, withdraw and deposit moncy, view transactions, raise complaints and in admin part, admin will take of creating account details for user, reject applications, view complaints and main thing is to provide complete security to transaction details. Overall, the use of cryptography in online banking provides a high level of security and protection against fraud and cyber attacks, ensuring that customers can conduct their banking transactions with confidence and peace of mind. KEYWORDS : secure banking, raise complaints, reject applications, view transactions, view active users. SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS : > Hardware Requirements : Processor AMD Ryzen 5 RAM 4GB Hard Disk 10GB ‘Cache memory 6MB > Software Requirements : Operating System Windows 7 and above Front end HTML, CSS and Javascript Backend SQL Server Database IDE NetBeans OUTCOME ; The outcome of secure online banking is that customers can conduct their banking transactions with confidence, knowing that their sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access and tampering, By using cryptography, online banking systems are able to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data transmitted between the user and the bank, ensuring that only authorized patties are able to access the information. Name of the mentor : Asst. Prof. Manjesh Name : Darshan CS Reg no. : 201WSB7007

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