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Charlene Joice Maniego,

Jhealsa Marie Carlos,
Sean David Medina

Grade & Section: 10 - Love

Complete the table below for your initial research:

(Volcanic Eruptions)

Title of the Article Summary of Important Points URL

(bulleted form)

1. Geophysical Hazard : ● The most dangerous type of volcanic

Volcanic Eruptions eruption is called ‘glowing avalanche', a o/disaster-management/about-dis
freshly erupted magma forms hot asters/definition-of-hazard/volcani
pyroclastic flow which has temperatures of c-eruptions/

up to 1,200 degrees.

2. Volcanic Ash ● Volcanic ash is a mixture of rock, mineral, https://www.nationalgeographic.o

and glass particles, which can cause eye, rg/encyclopedia/volcanic-ash/
nose, lung irritation, and breathing

3. (Volcanic Gas ) ● Volcanic gases are volatile substances

released from a volcano or volcanically anic-gases/
active area. Volcanic gases are always
involved in volcanic eruptions, but they are
often given off by passively degassing
volcanoes as well.
● The sources volcanic gases is the mantle,
the crust as well as the atmosphere and

4. How dangerous

volcanic eruption and ● How can we tell when a volcano will volcanoes/
how can we tell when erupt? Most volcanoes provide
a volcano will erupt warnings before an eruption. 06/21/makes-volcanoes-danger
Magmatic eruptions involve the rise of ous/
magma toward the surface, which
normally generates detectable
earthquakes. It can also deform the
ground surface and cause
anomalous heat flow or changes in
the temperature and chemistry of the
groundwater and spring waters.
Steam-blast eruptions, however, can
occur with little or no warning as
superheated water flashes to steam.
The danger of the volcanic eruption is
that the Volcanoes spew hot,
dangerous gases, ash, lava, and rock
that are powerfully destructive.
People have died from volcanic
blasts. Volcanic eruptions can result in
additional threats to health, such as
floods, mudslides, power outages,
drinking water contamination, and
wildfires. Health concerns after a
volcanic eruption include infectious
disease, respiratory illness, burns,
injuries from falls, and vehicle
accidents related to the slippery,
hazy conditions caused by ash.

5. How do volcanoes Deep within the Earth it is so hot that some rocks slowly melt
and become a thick flowing substance called magma. Since it
erupt is lighter than the solid rock around it, magma rises and
collects in magma chambers. Eventually, some of the magma
pushes through vents and fissures to the Earth's surface.
Magma that has erupted is called lava.
Some volcanic eruptions are explosive and others are not. The
explosivity of an eruption depends on the composition of the
magma. If magma is thin and runny, gases can escape easily
from it. When this type of magma erupts, it flows out of the
volcano. A good example is the eruptions at Hawaii’s
volcanoes. Lava falls rarely kill people because they move
slowly enough for people to get out of their way. If magma is
thick and sticky, gases cannot escape easily. Pressure builds
up until the gases escape violently and explode. A good
example is the eruption of Washington’s Mount St. Helens In
this type of eruption, the magma blasts into the air and breaks
apart into pieces called tephra. Tephra can range in size from
tiny particles of ash to house-size boulders.
Explosive volcanic eruptions can be dangerous and deadly.
They can blast out clouds of hot tephra from the side or top of
a volcano. These fiery clouds race down mountainsides
destroying almost everything in their path. Ash erupted into the
sky falls back to Earth like powdery snow. If thick enough,
blankets of ash can suffocate plants, animals, and humans.
When hot volcanic materials mix with water from streams or
melted snow and ice, mudflows form. Mudflows have buried
entire communities located near erupting volcanoes.
Write the draft of your persuasive essay here:
● Highlight the persuasive techniques used

I. Introduction:
II. Body:
III. Conclusion:
IV. References: in APA format

Volcanoes are openings in the earth’s crust that have molten rocks, known as magma, inside. Meanwhile,
volcanic eruption happens when lava and gas are discharged from the volcanic vent due to the pressure of the
magma rising to the surface. This natural disaster caused by the eruption produces dangerous lava flows, poisonous
gases, flying rocks and ash. 75% of the planet's volcanoes are located in the Ring of Fire.

Based on our research, how can we tell when a volcano will erupt? Most volcanoes provide warnings before
an eruption. Magmatic eruptions involve the rise of magma toward the surface, which normally generates
detectable earthquakes. It can also deform the ground surface and cause anomalous heat flow or changes in the
temperature and chemistry of the groundwater and spring waters. Steam-blast eruptions, however, can occur with
little or no warning as superheated water flashes to steam. The next one is, how dangerous is a volcanic eruption? The
Volcanoes spew hot, dangerous gases, ash, lava, and rock that are powerfully destructive. People have died from
volcanic blasts. Volcanic eruptions can result in additional threats to health such as floods, mudslides, power outages,
drinking water contamination, and wildfires. Health concerns after a volcanic eruption include infectious disease,
respiratory illness, burns, injuries from falls, and vehicle accidents related to the slippery, hazy conditions caused by
ash. This is why people should be aware of what to do when this natural disaster occurs. Lastly, here are some tips and
reminders if the volcanic eruption will explode. We prepare before, during and after the eruption. Before the eruption,
evacuate immediately if you live within the radius of affected areas. Long before the explosion, affected areas would
have been given a warning to evacuate the premises by local government units. Stay tuned to national news and
your local community’s channels to be on top of the situation and stay informed with local safety plans and
evacuation areas. Whether it’s through local radio, TV news, or official social channels of news outlets, make sure that
you’re getting reliable information from trusted sources and not misinformation from hoax accounts. Charge your
mobile devices and power banks in case of power interruptions. Know the disaster and other emergency hotlines.
Prepare a go-bag in case of evacuation which include a mask per person, copies of personal documents, phone,
powerbank, flashlights and batteries or candles and matches, three gallons of potable water, three days worth of
non-perishable food, hygiene and sanitation items, first aid kit and extra cash. During the eruption, use an N95 dust
mask. If unavailable, use a damp handkerchief or makeshift one from an old t-shirt. Protect your skin and eyes with
proper clothing and glasses/goggles. Ashfall is sharp and abrasive, so don’t rub if any comes into contact with your
skin or eyes. Secure your pets inside your home. If you are outside, seek cover immediately in case of rock and/or ash
falls. If inside, stay tuned to the news. Close all doors and windows. Dampen curtains to keep fine particles from
coming through. If you are driving a vehicle, pull over and stop if there is a heavy ashfall. Cover food and water
containers to avoid contamination with ash. Wash all utensils thoroughly before eating. Stay away from rivers or
streams to avoid lahar flow. After the eruption, do NOT leave your home until notified safe by the local government.
Keep a watchful eye on your kids or loved ones who may be tempted to go out. Still wear protection like masks,
glasses/goggles, long sleeves, pants, and shoes when clearing out ash to protect your lungs, skin and eyes. Clean
your gutters and roof with water to prevent corrosion. Wait for further announcements from LGUs or national news
related to the volcanic eruption.
Some volcanic eruptions are explosive and others are not. The explosivity of an eruption depends on the
composition of the magma. Explosive eruptions blast out clouds of hot tephra that race down mountainsides.
Mudflows have buried entire communities near erupting volcanoes. It causes serious medical issues. We believe, this
natural disaster should be prepared and be alarmed for. Prepare before an eruption. Know what to do while there is
a volcanic eruption. And know the proper action after a volcanic eruption.


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