50 Top Soft Skills para Quem Procura Emprego

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AULA: Soft Skills Para o Curriculum

Lista dos 50+ Top Soft Skills

Para Funcionários

1. Adaptability 17. Enthusiasm

2. Artistic sense 18. Facilitating skills
3. Assertiveness 19. Flexibility
4. Collaborative abilities 20. Friendliness
5. Communication skills 21. Humor
(including verbal and written!)
22. Influence/persuasion skills
6. Compassion
23. Innovation
7. Competitiveness
24. Interpersonal skills
8. Conflict or dispute resolution
25. Leadership Skills
9. Creative thinking
26. Listening skills
10. Crisis management skills
27. Management skills
11. Decision making skills (both for time and people!)

12. Delegation skills 28. Mentoring/coaching skills

13. Design sense 29. Motivational skills
14. Diplomacy 30. Negotiating skills
15. Emotional regulation 31. Networking skills
16. Empathy 32. Openness to feedback
33. Patience 49. Teamwork/team player skills
(also goes hand in hand
34. Perceptiveness with collaboration)

35. Perseverance/persistence 50. Time management

36. Positivity 51. Work ethics
37. Presenting/public
speaking skills

38. Problem solving

and troubleshooting

39. Reliability
40. Research skills

41. Resilience

42. Scheduling skills

43. Self assessment

44. Self awareness

45. Self confidence

46. Strategic skills

47. Stress management

48. Supervision skills

Mentoria para
Talita Meira Oportunidades na Australia
Marcia Percival

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