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ANS) MANAGEMENT: The process of designing and maintaining an environment in which
individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims is called
MANAGERIAL SKILLS: Managerial skills are abilities and traits needed to perform certain
duties, usually as it pertains to overseeing a team, such as solving problems,
communicating well and motivating employees. There are four skills required:-technical,
conceptual and design skills
MANAGEMENT LEVELS OF ORGANISATION: Management levels are the divisions between
degrees of authority and responsibility in a company.
1. Were oriented toward action
2. Learned about the needs of their customers
3. Promoted managerial autonomy and enterprenuership
4. Achieved productivity by paying close attention to the needs of their people
5. Were driven by company philosophy often based on the values of their leaders
6. Focused on the business they knew best
7. Had a simple organization structure with a lean staff
8. Were centralized as well as decentralized , depending on appropriateness
ANS) The operational approach draws together concepts, principles and techniques and
knowledge from other fields and managerial approaches. The attempt is to develop
science and theory with practical applications. Distinguishes between managerial and
nonmanagerial knowledge. Develops a classification system built around the managerial
functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
Does not, as some authors do, identify representing or coordination as a separate
function, Coordination, for example, is the essence of managership and is the purpose of
3) Explain the different managerial skills required in organizational hierarchy.
ANS) In an organizational hierarchy, different managerial skills are required at various
levels to effectively manage teams, coordinate activities and achieve organizational goals
they are:
1. Technical skills: It refers to the ability of a person to carry out specific activity. In
order to do so, you need to have knowledge of methods, process and procedures.
Technical skills are essential for first level managers. First level managers spend
much time in training subordinates and clarifying doubts in work-related problems
2. Human skills: Human skills or interpersonal skills refer to the ability of a person to
work well with other people in a group. It is the ability to lead, motivate, and
communicate with people to accomplish certain objectives. These skills aid
employees during interaction with their supervisors, peers and people outside the
work. These skills are important for all levels in the organization.
3. Conceptual skills: Conceptual skills refer to the ability of a person to think and
conceptualize abstract situations. These skills are most important at the top
management level, as top-level managers have the greatest need to see the “nig
picture”, to understand how the various parts of the organization relate to one
another and associate the organization with external environment.
4. Design skills: Design skills refer to the ability of a person to find solution to
problems in ways that would benefit the organization. As a top manager, we
should not only recognize a problem but also suggest ways to overcome them.
4) The Dabbawallas of Mumbai is the story of a SIX SIGMA business enterprise. The
success of the business lies in the complex yet well coordinated exercise that is
carried out on the streets of Mumbai day after day.
Identify the managerial functions which are being followed and Elaborate
Ans) The Dabbawalas of Mumbai indeed exemplify several managerial functions in their
operations. Let's identify and elaborate on some of these functions:
1. Planning: Planning involves setting objectives and determining the best course of
action to achieve them. The Dabbawalas meticulously plan their daily operations. They
plan the routes, logistics, and schedules for picking up and delivering lunchboxes
(dabbas) from homes to offices and vice versa. They also plan for contingencies such as
traffic or train delays to ensure timely delivery.
2. Organizing: Organizing entails structuring and arranging resources to accomplish the
planned objectives. The Dabbawalas organize themselves into a well-coordinated system.
They are divided into different teams, with each team having a specific role and
responsibility. There are teams for collecting dabbas from homes, sorting them, loading
them onto trains, and delivering them to the respective offices.
3. Staffing: Staffing involves recruiting, selecting, training, and developing the right
individuals for the organization. The Dabbawalas have a rigorous selection process and
maintain a high level of discipline and integrity. New recruits undergo extensive training
and apprenticeships to learn the art of dabbawala operations and adhere to the
established processes.
4. Directing: Directing refers to guiding and motivating employees to achieve
organizational goals. The Dabbawalas have a hierarchical structure, with senior members
providing guidance and supervision to the newer recruits. The experienced Dabbawalas
act as mentors and role models for the new members, fostering a sense of dedication
and commitment to their work.
5. Coordinating: Coordinating involves harmonizing activities and ensuring smooth
collaboration among different departments or teams. The Dabbawalas excel in
coordination as their entire system relies on synchronization. From the collection of
dabbas from various locations to their transportation by bicycles and trains, and finally,
the delivery to the right recipients, every step is coordinated to perfection.
5) Describe the various phases in systems approach to Management process with a
neat diagram
ANS) The systems approach to management is a holistic framework that views an
organization as a complex system with interconnected and interdependent parts Here is
a description of the various phases:
1. Input: The input phase involves identifying and acquiring the resources necessary
for the organization's functioning. These resources can include raw materials,
capital, human resources, information, technology, and any other inputs required
for the organization's operations.
2. Processing: In the processing phase, the acquired inputs are transformed into
outputs through various activities and processes. This phase encompasses the
internal operations of the organization, such as production, manufacturing, service
delivery, and other core business processes.
3. Output: The output phase involves the delivery of the final products or services to
the intended recipients, which can be customers, clients, or other stakeholders. The
outputs should meet the desired quality standards and fulfill the needs and
expectations of the recipients.
4. Control: The control phase involves monitoring and evaluating the performance of
the organization and comparing it with the set standards and objectives. It aims to
identify any deviations or variations and take corrective actions to bring the
organization back on track.
5. Environment: The environment is the external context in which the organization
operates. It includes factors such as market conditions, economic trends, legal and
regulatory frameworks, competition, social and cultural factors, and technological
1) Explain span of Management with respect to organizational levels and List the
factors influencing the effective span of management
ANS)Span of management, also known as span of control or span of supervision, refers
to the number of subordinates or employees that a manager can effectively oversee and
supervise. It represents the number of individuals or work units that report directly to a
manager at a particular organizational level. The span of management can vary across
different levels in an organization.
The effective span of management is influenced by several factors:
1. Manager’s Capability & Competence: The more competent the manager is, more
likely it is that they will be able to supervise more subordinates than a less
competent one. Skilled managers are able to make better decisions that help not
just the organisation, but also the professional growth of the subordinates.
2. Subordinate’s Capability & Competence: When the subordinates are not well-
trained, it is ideal to have a narrow span of management. The reason is because
the manager would have to spend more time to train them. On the other hand, the
subordinates are highly skilled, the manager will not have to deal with intervening
in every action taken by the subordinate.
3. Nature & Complexity of Work: When the workload is repetitive, it does not matter
how many of the subordinates are under one manager. It is essential to have a
narrow span of management when the work is more complex and non-repetitive.
4. Complete Supervision: Supervision when required is crucial. A manager should
have the time to provide it to subordinates when they need it. A situation where
the manager does not have the bandwidth to provide supervision is not ideal for
the long term.
5. Organisational Planning: It is essential to determine the span of management
when planning is done on an organisational level. Planning should state how many
subordinates should report to one manager and have some amount of contingency
in case, the plan does not work out.
6. Levels of Management: The span of management is directly related to the levels
of management. When there are more levels, there is more hierarchy, which
means it will be a narrow span of management.
2) Acer Inc. company, encountered difficulties in 2000 because of differences at
the Superior Management level due to delegation of authority. As poor or inept
delegation is one of the causes of managerial failures. Elaborate on the personal
attitudes towards delegation that resulted in company's failure.
ANS)Personal attitudes towards delegation
a. Receptiveness : “NIH (not invented here) factor” and must be able not only to
welcome the ideas of others but also to help others come up with ideas and to
compliment them on their ingenuity.
b. Willingness to let go : Managers willing to release the right to make decisions
to subordinates.
c. Willingness to allow mistakes by subordinates : Patient counseling, asking
leading or discerning questions, and carefully explaining the objectives and
d. Willingness to trust subordinates : trustful attitude
e. Willingness to establish and use board controls : Willing to find means of
getting feedback
3) Nissan, a car company which is under loss because of the competition from other
companies. It has to come out of the loss by setting proper objectives by its
manager. List the verifiable and non-verifiable objectives that may be set by its

ANS) To help Nissan come out of its losses and regain competitiveness, the manager can
set a combination of verifiable and non-verifiable objectives. Verifiable objectives are
those that can be measured and quantified, while non-verifiable objectives are more
subjective and difficult to measure. Here are some examples of both types of objectives:

Verifiable Objectives:

1. Increase market share by X% within the next two years.

2. Achieve a cost reduction of X% in production and operational expenses.
3. Improve product quality by reducing customer complaints and warranty claims by
4. Increase sales revenue by X% within the next fiscal year.
5. Achieve a return on investment (ROI) of X% by implementing cost-saving
6. Reduce inventory levels by X% through better supply chain management and
demand forecasting.

Non-Verifiable Objectives:

1. Enhance brand reputation and customer perception of Nissan's products and

2. Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by delivering exceptional customer
3. Foster a culture of innovation and encourage employees to generate new ideas and
4. Strengthen partnerships and collaborations with suppliers, technology companies,
and other industry stakeholders.
4)Distinguish between authority and power. Identify the circumstances under
which a person can exercise different types of power.


1. Legitimate power - arises from position and derives from our cultural system of
rights, obligations, and duties whereby a “position” is accepted by people as being
2. Expertness - power of knowledge (teacher)
3. Referent power - influence those people or groups may exercise because people
believe in them and their ideas (Movie actor)
4. Reward power
5. Coercive power - Closely related to reward power and normally arising from
legitimate power, it is the power to punish, whether by firing a subordinate or by
withholding a merit pay increase
5) Facebook, the world's leading social network, had its initial public offering in 6
May 2012 to great fanfare. However, after months and years of anticipation, its IPO
process and performance failed to meet expectations. Widely criticized for an
inflated price and excessive release of shares, Facebook lost about half its market
value over the ensuing months. Concerns over its ability to manage and innovate on
its mobile platform were among some of the issues raised.
Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder and CEO, was also criticized for his informal style
and limited communication with the financial markets and media. Justify with a
neat diagram and explain how management by objectives would have helped for
the above scenario.

Management by objectives
A comprehensive managerial system that integrates many key managerial activities in a
systematic manner and is consciously directed toward the effective and efficient
achievement of organizational and individual objectives.
There is considerable evidence, much of it from laboratory studies, that shows the
aspects of clear goals. However, there are other benefits, such as the following:
■ Improvement of managing through results-oriented planning
■ Clarification of organizational roles and structures as well as delegation of authority
to the results expected from the people occupying the roles
■ Encouragement of commitment to personal and organizational goals
■ Development of effective controls that measure results and lead to corrective actions

Implementing MBO does not guarantee success, as external factors and market
dynamics also play a significant role. However, by focusing on clear objectives,
collaboration, performance measurement, effective communication, and continuous
improvement, MBO could have helped Facebook address some of the challenges and
improve the outcome of its IPO.
6)Starbucks coffee houses were known for providing a relaxed atmosphere where
customers could sip a cup of coffee in a relaxed manner. The emerging Competition
and the 2008/2009 recession lead to a need for exploring approaches for improving
Starbuck's efficiency. Interpret the key aspects of Reengineering approach applied
by Starbucks to reduce costs and finding ways to improve the drink preparation and
exploring other cost saving.

ANS) Reengineering means “The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business
processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of
performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.”
1. Hardly anyone would disagree on the need for a fundamental rethinking of what the
organization is doing and why.
2. The second key aspect in the definition is radical redesign of the business processes.
– Reinvention
o Downsizing or “rightsizing” is not the primary purpose of reengineering.
o Managers intent on reducing costs, without necessarily addressing customer
needs and expectations.
o But team efforts are built on trust, and trust has to be built over a long period
of time. With radical redesign, trust can be destroyed.
3. The third key term calls for dramatic results.
4. The fourth key word in the reengineering definition is processes.
7) Imagine yourself as a manager and you are planning for execution of a
project. Describe in detail how plans can be classified to achieve the goals of an
ANS) As a manager planning for the execution of a project, it's essential to classify
plans effectively to ensure the organization's goals are achieved. Plans can be
classified based on various criteria and levels of specificity. Here's a detailed
description of different classifications of plans:
1. Strategic Plans: Strategic plans are long-term plans that define the overall direction
and goals of the organization. They typically cover a period of three to five years or
more. Strategic plans focus on the organization as a whole and involve top-level
management. Examples of strategic plans include market expansion strategies,
mergers and acquisitions plans, and long-term financial goals.
2. Tactical Plans: Tactical plans are medium-term plans that support the
implementation of strategic plans. They are more specific and detail-oriented than
strategic plans. Tactical plans cover a period of one to three years and are developed
by middle-level management. Examples of tactical plans include departmental or
functional plans, sales strategies, and budget allocation plans.
3. Operational Plans: Operational plans are short-term plans that provide guidance
for day-to-day activities and operations. They are highly detailed and specific,
focusing on the implementation of tactical plans. Operational plans cover a period
of a few weeks to one year and are developed by front-line managers or supervisors.
Examples of operational plans include production schedules, staffing plans, and
project implementation plans.
4. Single-Use Plans: Single-use plans are developed for specific, one-time events or
situations. They are not intended for ongoing use. Single-use plans are designed to
address unique circumstances, such as launching a new product, organizing a
conference, or responding to a crisis. Once the event or situation is complete, the
single-use plan is no longer applicable.
5. Standing Plans: Standing plans, also known as repetitive or ongoing plans, are
developed for activities that recur regularly within the organization. They provide
guidance for routine operations and help maintain consistency and efficiency.
8) Tata farms Company Manufactures several food products and wants to set up 10
its manufacturing plant in new area. Summarize in detail with a neat diagram for the
steps involved in Planning.
9)With a neat diagram explain in detail formal and informal organization.

1. The intentional structure of roles in a formally organized enterprise
2. A formal organization must be flexible.
3. There should be room for discretion, for beneficial utilization of creative talents, and
for recognition of individual likes and capacities in the most formal of organizations.
4. Yet individual effort in a group situation must be channeled toward group and
organizational goals.

1. A network of interpersonal relationships that arise when people associate with each
2. Relationships not appearing on an organization chart—might include the machine
shop group, the sixth floor crowd, the Friday evening bowling gang, and the morning
coffee “regulars.”
10)Analyse the concept of decentralization of authority and list the advantages and
disadvantages of Decentralization

1)Interpret the term Staffing and explain the concept of system approach to
ANS) Defined as filling, and keeping filled, positions in the organization structure.
2) Analyze the concept of Leadership with three leadership styles followed.
ANS) The art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and
enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals is called as leadership
Based on use of authority there are three leadership styles

1. The autocratic leader

2. The democratic, or participative
3. The free-rein leader
3) Infosys founded by N R Narayana Murthy has 90,000 employees worldwide.
Apply the knowledge of system approach of selection, to identify the factors needed
to recruit competent people for this global organization


1. External environment
o Equal employment opportunity
o Women in management
o Diversity in the workplace
o Staffing in the international environment

2. Internal environment
o Promotion from within
o Promotion from within large companies
o The policy of open competition
o Responsibility for staffing
4)Choose a business or political leader you admire and identify their style of
leading by applying the managerial grid or the continuum-of-behaviour model of
Tannenbaum and Schmidt


1) Differentiate between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship. Mr Kiran has a dream

to become an entrepreneur but he is not aware of different types of entrepreneurs
with whatever amount he had planned. Help Kiran to analyze the different types of
entrepreneurs based on functional characteristics and types of business with

1. Innovative entrepreneur - introduce new goods or new methods of production

or discover new markets or re-organise their enterprises

2. Imitative or adoptive entrepreneur - imitate techniques and technology

innovated by others

3. Fabian entrepreneur - display great caution and skepticism in experimenting

with any change in their enterprise

4. Drone entrepreneur - Characterized by a die-hard conservatism (traditional)

and may even be prepared to suffer the loss of business
2) Describe Women Entrepreneurship and explain the challenges in the path of
Women Entrepreneurship.

ANS) Women. Entrepreneurs means the women or a group of women who initiate,
organize and operate a business enterprise. A woman entrepreneur is therefore a
confident, creative and innovative woman. desiring economic independence individually
and simultaneously creating employment. opportunities for others.


1. Lack of Confidence
2. Problems of Finance and Working Capital
3. Socio-cultural Barriers
4. Production Problems
5. Inefficient Marketing Arrangements
3) Government of India has put forth many Entrepreneurship development schemes
like Samriddh scheme, Startup India etc. Apply the entrepreneurial development
cycle and explain how these schemes help in promotion and development of


1. Entrepreneurial education
2. Planned publicity for entrepreneurial opportunities
3. Identification of potential entrepreneurs through scientific methods
4. Motivational training to new entrepreneurs
5. Help and guidance in selecting products and preparing project reponse
6. Making available techno-economic information and product profiles
7. Evolving locally suitable new products and processes
8. Availability of local agencies with trained personnel for entrepreneurial counselling
and promotions
9. Creating entrepreneurial forums
10. Recognition of entrepreneurs

1. Registration of unit
2. Arranging finance
3. Providing land. shed, power, water, and so on.
4. Guidance for selecting and obtaining machinery
5. Supply of scarce raw materials
6. Getting licences/import licences
7. Providing common facilities
8. Granting tax relief or other subsidy
9. Offering management consultancy services
10. Help marketing the product
11. Providing information


1. Help modernisation
2. Help diversification/expansion/substitute production
3. Additional financing for full capacity utilisation
4. Deferring repayment/interest
5. Diagnostic industrial extension/consultancy services
6. Production units legislation/policy change
7. Product reservation/creating new avenues for marketing
8. Quality testing and approving services
9. Need-based common facilities centres
5) Illustrate the importance of women entrepreneurship. Describe the different
spheres or environment through which women entrepreneurs operate.


1. The country needs to mobilise and utilise fully all its resources including
human resources.
2. The economic status of women is now accepted as an indicator of a
society's stage of development.
3. The long-term objectives of the development programmes for women
should aim to raise their economic and social status in order to bring
them into the mainstream of national life and development.

Women entrepreneurs operate through different spheres or environment:

Micro sphere

• In many South Asian countries, women experience an unequal power relationship

with men which is often reflected in persistent inter-family inequalities in the
distribution of tasks.

• Male possessiveness and dominance also weakens a women's extra household

bargaining power.

• Organisations tend to militate against women and their economic empowerment,

as most are based on patrilineal and paralegal relationships where women rarely
have access to property succession rights from fathers or husbands

1. There are a large number of organisations involved in providing support services to

2. However, for a variety of reasons, many of the organisations tend to act as barriers
when it comes to providing assistance to 'women entrepreneurs.


1. The macro environment within which women entrepreneurs develop and grow
comprises many interconnecting structures and dynamics, including laws and
regulations, economy, international Trade, including market liberalisation and
globalisation, availability of finance and credit, labour market , human capital
resources, technology, physical infrastructure and natural resources.

2. Women's ability to bargain in the labour market, as in other arenas, is critically

affected by predominant gender ideology and practices.

1)"Creativity" is an important attribute of successful entrepreneur but it declines

at some time. Illustrate the creative ideas and innovation generated by
using different creative problem-solving techniques.

ANS) Creative problem-solving techniques are designed to stimulate innovative

thinking and generate creative ideas. Here are a few popular techniques
and how they can contribute to generating creative ideas and innovation:

1. Brainstorming:

Brainstorming involves generating a large quantity of ideas in a free-flowing and non-

judgmental environment.It encourages participants to think broadly and build upon
each other's ideas, leading to unique and innovative solutions.

2. Design Thinking:

Design Thinking is a human-centered approach that emphasizes empathy,

collaboration, and experimentation. It involves understanding the needs and
motivations of users, challenging assumptions, and iteratively prototyping and testing

3. Reverse Thinking:

Reverse thinking involves flipping the problem statement or challenge on its head and
considering the opposite or inverse scenario.By reframing the problem in reverse,
individuals can challenge assumptions, explore alternative perspectives, and generate
innovative solutions.
4. Mind Mapping:

Mind mapping is a visual technique that helps organize thoughts and ideas around a
central concept or problem.It promotes non-linear thinking, encourages the
exploration of associations and connections, and facilitates the generation of new and
creative ideas.
2) Illustrate the steps required in writing the business plan.
3) Identifying your dominant personality theme and understanding how you
operate in your business helps in giving your company the best part of you. Analyze
the categories of entrepreneurs based on this criterion with a brief explanation for
each of them.
1)Define Management. Explain Managerial Skills at different organizational
ANS) Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in
which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims
2) Indian FMCG Companies should look upon to increase the productivity of
products to a large extent. What according to you is productivity and how do you
improve it? What are the factors that productivity implies, justify with suitable

ANS) Productivity =Outputs/ Inputs

(within a time period, quality considered)
The formula indicates that productivity can be improved by (1) increasingoutputs with
the same inputs, (2) decreasing inputs but maintainingthe same outputs, or (3)
increasing outputs and decreasing inputs to change the ratio favorably.Companies use
several kinds of inputs, such as labor, materials, and capital. Total-factor
productivitycombines various inputs to arrive at a composite input.
Productivity implies effectiveness and efficiency in individual and organizational
performance. Effectiveness is the achievement of objectives.
Efficiency is the achievement of the ends with the least amount of resources.
For example, an organization may achieve itsgoal through an inefficient method which
would result in higher costsand a noncompetitive product or service. Similarly, an
enterprise may bevery efficient in achieving sub-optimal goals and miss the market
3) An airline company called Boeing planned to go digital in developing one of its
products called 777- using CAD/CAM technology. Outline the three approaches in
selecting alternative courses of action and choose the best alternative to the given
scenario. Justify your option.

ANS) This is the point at which the plan is adopted—the real point of decision-making.
Occasionally, an analysis and evaluation of alternative courses will disclose that two or
more are advisable, and the manager may decide to follow several courses rather than
the one best course

Identify the specific alternative course of action for the given application

4) Identify the management theory popularized by Henry mintzberg. Discuss the

roles identified by him as the conclusion from his research.

ANS) One widely discussed approach to management theory is the managerial roles
approach, popularized by Henry Mintzberg.his approach is to observe what managers
actually do and from such observations come to conclusions as to what managerial
activities (or roles) are. Although many researchers have studied the actual work of
managers—from CEOs to line supervisors—Mintzberg has given this approach higher

Interpersonal roles

1. The figurehead role (performing ceremonial and social duties as the organization’s

2. The leader role

3. The liaison role (particularly with outsiders)

Informational roles

4. The recipient role (receiving information about the operation of an enterprise) 5. The
disseminator role (passing information to subordinates)

6. The spokesperson role (transmitting information to those outside the organization)

Decision roles

7. The entrepreneurial role

8. The disturbance handler role

9. The resource allocator role

10. The negotiator role (dealing with various persons and groups of persons)

5)Consider the following situations and justify with necessary diagrams which
approach to management you will apply:

ANS) (i). Employees been late to office,

Contigency/situation approach
ii). Profit =Selling Price – Cost Price

ANS) Mathematical approach

iii). War between Pandavas and Kauravas

Decision theory approach

iv). Gift / offers during festive season by Amazon

Reengineering approach
Design an appropriate management approach based on the scenario provided below:
(i). Tata groups have highly diversified concept of business expansion.
(ii). If your focus is on services to be provided at hospital, then which approach of
management would to apply, Justify with a help of a diagram.
(iii). Youth for Seva, teaching under privilege children comes under which category of
management approach.

Justify why Mintzberg’s management approach failed?

i)System approach

ii)Socialtechnical system approach

iii)Cooeprative social system approach

Failure of Mintzberg approaches:

+ Only 5 CEO’s were in the sample space analysed

+ Not considered - to spend some of their time in public and stockholder relations, in
fund-raising, and perhaps in dealer relations, marketing
+ Many activities mapped POSLC
+ Structuring an organization, selecting and appraising managers, and determining
major strategies

1) Describe the different types of power and provide suitable examples

ANS) Legitimate power - arises from position and derives from our cultural system of
rights, obligations, and duties whereby a “position” is accepted by people as being
Expertness - power of knowledge (teacher)
Referent power - influence those people or groups may exercise because people believe
in them and their ideas (Movie actor)
Reward power:
Coercive power - Closely related to reward power and normally arising from
legitimate power: it is the power to punish, whether by firing a subordinate or by
withholding a merit pay increase
2) Herbert Keller, the chairman of Southwcst Airlines has been loved by all nis
employees because of his style of leadership. Even after Covid in America, most
American airlines suffered great losses due to down turn in air travel, But Still
Southwest Airlines Handled this crisis because of Herbert Keller. Analyze the
various ingredients of leadership that a successful leader like Herbert Keller
possessed that provided a vision for his company
ANS) Herbert Keller, the chairman of Southwest Airlines has been loved by all his
employees because of his style of leadership. Even after the COvid and other problems in
America, most American airlines suffered great losses due to down turn in air travel, but
this did not affect Southwest Airlines because of Herbert Keller and the way he handled
the crisis. Analyzing the various ingredients of leadership that a successful leader like
Herbert Keller possessed that provided a vision for his company.

This skill seems to be a compound of at least four major ingredients:

(1) the ability to use power effectively and in a responsible manner,
(2) the ability to comprehend that human beings have different motivating forces at
different times and in different situations,
(3) the ability to inspire, and
(4) the ability to act in a manner that will develop a climate conducive to responding to
and arousing motivations.
• The first ingredient of leadership is power.
• The second ingredient of leadership is a fundamental understanding of people.
• As in all other practices, it is one thing to know motivation theory, kinds of motivating
forces, and the nature of a system of motivation but another thing to be able to apply
this knowledge to people and situations.
• The third ingredient of leadership is the rare ability to inspire followers to apply their
full capabilities to a project.
• The fourth ingredient of leadership has to do with the style of the leader and the
organizational climate he or she develops.
3)Reliance is the largest Indian private employer with over a million people. Even
SM though Company does not pay attractive wages, yet employees are generally
happy. Analyze the situational factors that have contributed to the success of

ANS) The actual process of staffing shown in is affected by many environmental factors.
Specifically external factors include the level of education, the prevailing attitudes in
society (such as the attitude toward work), the many laws and regulations that directly
affect staffing, the economic conditions, and the supply of and demand for managers
outside the enterprise. There are also many internal factors that affect staffing. They
include organizational goals, tasks, technology, organization structure, the kinds of
people employed by the enterprise, the demand for and the supply of managers within
the enterprise, the reward system, and various kinds of policies.

The External Environment:

• Equal employment opportunity
• Women in Management
• Diversity in the workplace
• Staffing in the international Environment

The Internal Environment:

• Promotion from within
• Promotion from within in large companies
• The policy of open competition
• Responsibility for staffing
4) Differentiate between functional authority and line authority.

• Line authority gives a superior a line of authority over a subordinate i.e It is a

relationship in which a superior exercises direct supervision over subordinates.
• It becomes apparent from the scalar principle that line authority is that relationship
in which a superior exercises direct supervision over a subordinate — an authority
relationship in a direct line or steps.
• Functional authority is the right delegated to an individual or a department to control
specified processes, practices, policies, or other matters relating to activities
undertaken by persons in other departments.
• It is the right to control the specified activities and is a small slice of a line managers
authority and should be used sparingly
5) Mr.John is an Entrepreneur , founded a startup company which is an Al based
company providing solutions to various problems using AI Techniques. Since it was
a Startup company, initially john encountered various problems, Analyze and
elaborate the various problems that he had to face as Entrepreneur

ANS) The problems of entrepreneurs may be divided into two groups-external and

Internal Problems of Entrepreneurs:-

• Planning
• Implementation
• Production

External Problems of Entrepreneurs:-

• (a) Infrastructural • Location • Power • Water • Post Office and so on •
Communication • Non-availability or irregular supply of critical raw materials or
other inputs • Transport bottlenecks
• (b) Financial • Capital • Working capital • Long-term funds • Recovery
• (c) Marketing
• (d) Taxation
• (e) Raw material
• (I) Industrial and financial regulations
• (g) Inspections
• (h) Technology
• (i) Government policy Administrative hurdles
• (k) Rampant corruption
• (I) Lack of direction
• (m) Competitive and volatile environment

Specific Management Problems:-

• Management deficiency:
• Finance:
• Manufacturing and technical problems:
• Product planning:
• Selection or equipment, plant and machinery:
• Human resource development:
• Technical know-how:
• Preparation or project report:
6)Azim Premji recognized that his role was to be the visionary of the company, but
he needed professional managers to run his Company. He combined his unyielding
determination and passion with a well-structured management team to make Wipro
the giant it is today. llustrate with a neat diagram the managerial grid table and
provide liustification where will Azim Premji belong to in this grid structure
7) *Entrepreneurs are born not made" This is a myth because there are various
examples in front of us where people have becone successful Entrepreneurs and
ruling the industry. Analyze All such Myths of Entrepreneurship

ANS) (a) Entrepreneurs are born, not made

(b) Entrepreneurs are academic and social misfits

c) Entrepreneurs fit an ideal profile

(d) All you need is money to be an entrepreneur

(e) All you need is luck to be an entrepreneur

(f) A great idea is the only ingredient in a recipe for success

(g) My best friend will be a great business partner

(h) Having no boss is great fun

(i) I can make lots of money

(J) I'll definitely become successful

(k) life will be much simpler if i work for myself


1) It is fundamental in the entrepreneurial process that entrepreneurs must have the

ability to recognize a business opportunity. Analyze and explain the model that
identifies the aspects of opportunity recognition process.

ANS)Some entrepreneurs need the ability to recognize a business opportunity; this is

fundamental to the entrepreneurial process as well as growing a business.

• As is indicated, recognizing an opportunity often results from the knowledge and

experience of the individual entrepreneur and, where appropriate, the
entrepreneurial business.

• This prior knowledge is a result of a combination of education and experience, and

the relevant experience could be work related or could result from a variety of
personal experiences or events.

The entrepreneur needs to be aware of this knowledge and experience and have the desire
to understand and make use of it.
2) Small Business Administration (SBA) was created in 1953 as an independent
agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of
small business concerns, preserve free competitive enterprise, and maintain and
strengthen the overall economy of our nation.
It also facilitates the growth and diversification of existing entrepreneurial venture
in all possible ways, support skill up-gradation and renewal of learning processes
among entrepreneurs and managers, support agencies in the area of
entrepreneurship about the current requirement of growth.
Design a Entrepreneurial development cycle for the above case.

ANS)Entrepreneurship is a behaviour rather than a personality trait. M. P. Akhori

suggested the entrepreneurial development cycle (Figure ) consisting of the following
components for the promotion and development of entrepreneurship

1. Stimulatory activities: These activities ensure the emergence of entrepreneurs in the

society. They prepare the background for the entrepreneurship to sprout and for people
to start looking for entrepreneurial pursuits. They generate initial motivation and offer
opportunity to acquire skill.
These can be achieved by the following activities:
• Entrepreneurial education
• Planned publicity for entrepreneurial opportunities
• Identification of potential entrepreneurs through scientific methods
• Motivational training to new entrepreneurs

2. Support activities: These activities help a person to develop into an entrepreneur. They
nurture and help entrepreneurship to grow.
• This can be done by providing the necessary infrastructure in the form of
computers, Internet connectivity, offering consultancy and training, and providing
all required information as to how a person should groom himself as an
The various support activities are given below.
• Registration of unit
• Arranging finance
• Providing land. shed, power, water, and so on.
• Guidance for selecting and obtaining machinery
• Supply of scarce raw materials

3. Sustaining activities: These activities are all those that help in the continuous and
efficient functioning of entrepreneurship.
• These include modernization of infrastructure, encouraging diversification.
providing opportunities and supporting industry-institute interaction through
consultancy, promoting quality, and organizing need-based common facilities
The various sustaining activities are as follow s:
• Help modernization
• Help diversification/expansion/substitute production
• Additional financing for full capacity utilization
• Deferring repayment/interest
3) For the following scenarios identify the fruitful sources of ideas for Entrepreneurs
and justify your answer.
a. An entrepreneur found out from a sales clerk in a large departmental store that the
reason his Washing powder was not having proper sales was due to its packing. –
Distribution channels
b. A person meets his friends and relatives in an event and chats for a long time, this
stimulated him for new ideas and develop a new product. – Research and
c. Mukesh Ambani Head of Reliance industry would frequently visit competitive stores
focusing not on what the competitive store did badly but rather on what it was
doing very well – Existing products
A promotional and regulatory measure mandated the replacement of the unhygienic
reusable bottles by bio-degradable containers and covers for milk and juices – Federal
4) Apply the suitable school of thought for the given criteria: “This thought focuses
on personality factors and emerged because of the lack of innovativeness within
organization”. What are the characteristics and believes of the system.
The Intrapreneurship school of entrepreneurship
• The Intrapreneurship school evolved in response to the lack of innovativeness within

• Intrapreneurs to the limited extent that they possess discretionary freedom of action
are able to act as entrepreneurs and implement 'their ideas without themselves
becoming owners.

• Alertness to opportunities is one dimension of intrapreneurial activity. Such strategic

behaviour provides

• Intrapreneurship involves the development of independent units designed to create

a market. and expand innovative services, technologies or methods within the

• Schumpeter noted that successful intrapreneurial activity often leads to organisation

building and to intrapreneurs becoming managers.

• The Intrapreneurial school generally assumes that encouraging people to work as

entrepreneurs in semi-autonomous units can achieve innovation in existing
5) Mrs. Roopa Gupta was an intelligent, creative and energetic lady. Inspite of being
an M.Sc in Chemistry, she was a housewife. Her husband an M.A. in economics was
a bank official. Mrs. Gupta wanted to supplement her family income, but did not
want to opt for a job, she wanted to get absorbed in creative activity with some
earning potential. Rural crafts and metal handicrafts held a special appeal for her.

(i) Analyze the problems and constraints experienced by Mrs. Roopa Gupta
(ii) Discuss the strategies that help her to meet the challenges and become an

(i) Lack of Confidence

Women generally lack confidence in their own capabilities.

Problems of Finance and Working Capital

Another problem faced by women entrepreneurs is lack of access to funds because they
do not possess any tangible security and credit in the market.

Socio-cultural Barriers
A woman has 10 perform her family duties irrespective of her career as a working woman
or an entrepreneur.

Production Problems
Production in a manufacturing enterprise involves coordination of a number of activities.

Inefficient Marketing Arrangements

Heavy competition in the market, and their lack of mobility makes the women
Entrepreneurs dependent on middlemen.
(ii) To overcome the resistance from husband and members of the family at the time
of setting up of their venture, prospective women entrepreneurs are advised to
maintain their cool and persistently convince them, without confronting them,
regarding the benefits of setting up of an enterprise.
• Shouldering the dual responsibilities of an entrepreneur and a homemaker can be
effectively undertaken by a women entrepreneur through better time management.
• A women can set up a home-based business. By operating her business from home, a
women can better coordinate her household and business responsibilities.
A women can start her business when her children are grown up enough to take care of
their own small needs. This gives the women enough time enough to manage her
• Women must acquire education and go through confidence-building training to get rid
of the traditional feeling that they are inferior to men and are dependent on men.
• For marketing her products. a women entrepreneur must establish her credibility in
terms of quality and competitiveness of product or service. She should acquire relevant
techniques and skills to win customer 's loyalty.
• Effective and efficient use of information technology like the Internet can help in
assimilating information about the variety, range and quality of say competing
• Workshop and seminars should be organized frequently for the officials of financial
and support agencies and for women entrepreneurs to make their relations more
• Since complicated and lengthy procedures make it difficult to acquire loans from
government financial agencies and banks, it is suggested that women entrepreneurs
search for non-formal sources of finance like private financiers, relatives, friends,
and others.
• Banks and financial institutions must maintain a minimum target of loan to be disbursed
to women entrepreneurs.
• Women entrepreneurs should acquire relevant training in technology and in details of
their plant and machinery. They should be knowledgeable about the functioning of
machines and processes.
• Group entrepreneurship is a viable option for the weaker sections of the society and it
helps woman to overcome their poverty. It empowers women and provides the necessary
confidence for entrepreneurship
6)Ideas that get generated through different sources has to through the refinement
process, Analyze the different stages in the refinement process with a neat diagram

Once ideas emerge, they need further development and refinement. This refining process—the product planning
and development process—is divided into five major stages:
• Idea stage

• Concept stage

• Product development stage

• Test marketing stage

• and commercialization

which starts the product life cycle

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