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Operation Put in but no Pull Out

- Covert Directive -

To: The EB, Saddam Hussein

Authored by: The Delegate of Iraq
Primary objective: To blow up the Al Maqal railway station
Secondary objective: To provide further justification for the attack
being conducted presently in Iran.
● Phase I
● Phase II
● Phase III
Plan of Action:
Phase 1
1. 12 Soldiers have been selected for the operation
• Abrahim Zaid – Agent A – Getaway expert.
• Maqsood Ahmed – Agent B – Martial arts and weapons experts.
• Amir Rehmaan – Agent C – Gunpowder expert
• Ahmed Siddiqui – Agent D – Intelligence agent
• Rasheed Iqbal – Agent D – Bomb implantation expert
• Zaid Khan – Agent E – Getaway expert 2
• Nashthar Ali – Agent F – Intelligence agent
• Iqbal Qasim – Agent G – Intelligence specialist.
• Mohammed Ali – Agent H – Bomb detonating device specialist
• Shabbeer Khan – Agent I – Bomb engineer
• Mustaqa Rehmaan – Agent J – Getaway expert
2. All these soldiers have been provided with a fake Iranian passport.
3. The soldiers will be disguised as Iranian terrorists.
4. The Soldiers will travel in two separate vans, and will be divided
into two groups
a. Team 1 – Will be involved in stealing 8 tonnes of gunpowder and
transporting it to the point where the bombs shall be made, they will
also be working on implanting the bomb, this team consists of agents
A, B, C, D, E, F.
b. Team 2-Will consist of technical specialists and will work on the
bomb, along with having the responsibility of transporting the bomb
to the venue of the blast. This consists of agents G, H, I, J.
Phase 2
1. Team 1 will steal 8 tonnes of Firework Gunpowder from the
Isfahan Firework factory. This will be done at 2AM when there are no
workers present in the factory. The stolen gunpowder will be
transported to the temporary base set up 10 kilometres from the Al
Maqal Railway station, large trucks will be used for this purpose.
2. Team 2 will then begin working on the bombs, which will be
referred to as the fireworks by the soldiers.
3. The bombs will have been prepared by Team 2 and transported to
the Al Maqal Railway station by 5 AM.
4. The Bombs will then be planted by Team 1, and both teams will
vacate the venue by 7:30 AM.
5. The bomb will be detonated exactly at 8:00 AM. It will be
detonated by the use of a small phone with the detonating device
attached to it.

Phase 3
1. Team 1 and Team 2 will send a video of themselves to the
Parliamentary Residence, claiming to be an extremist Iranian
terrorist group with the backing of the current Iranian regime. This
will be made public in a week’s time.
2. The following will be said in the video, in ethnic Iranian Persian,
“We do not wish to be attacked by Iraq, Father Khomeini has made it
clear. We will destroy every place related to Iraq in due course of
time and spread the Islamic Revolution in Iraq despite all resistance
and regardless of any warnings.”
3. The following press release will be made by President Saddam
Hussein, officially at 12 noon.
“Iraq has now just received a threat to its people. The military
operations will continue in Iran as we seem fit. This is now a global
Iraq now has a clear reason to invade Iran.
Operation Khuda Hafiz
- Covert Directive -

Authored by: The Delegate of Iraq

Primary Objective: Assembly of the First Thermonuclear Bomb
called ‘Khuda Hafiz’
Secondary Objective: Empowering our glorious nation by innovating
the manufacture of the First Thermonuclear Bomb, cementing the
position of Iraq as a geopolitical superpower
● Part I - Research Team
● Part II - Structure of the Weapon
● Part III - Workings of the Weapon
● Part IV - Raw Material & Sources

Plan of Action:

Part I - Research Team

1. A team in leadership of Prof. Mohammed Iqbal, consisting of his

research team from The Iraqi Academy of Sciences, along with the
following Nuclear Physicists:
• Maqsood Ahmed
• Ahmed Siddiqui
• Zaid Rehmaan
• Nashthar Ali
• Shabbeer Khan
• Mustaqa Mohammed.
The Present Iraqi Academy of Sciences which is under formal
renovation will be used as the main base of operations.
3. The operation and working of this program and committee will be
completely covert.

Part II - Structure of the Weapon

The team will begin working on this weapon. The bomb will weigh
approximately 2300 kilograms and have a blast force of around 30
megatons. The Structure of the bomb will be as follows:
1. The primary will have a U-235 core with a beryllium casing,
surrounded by conventional explosives.
2. The secondary will have a spark plug of U-235 surrounded by
lithium-6 deuteride in a casing of U-238 that will also act as a tamper.
3. There will be a reflector made of U-235 between the primary and
4. The casing of the entire bomb, with both the primary and
secondary present inside it will be made from U-238.
5. The space between the primary and secondary within the U-238
casing will be filled with polystyrene foam.
Part III - Workings of the Weapon

1. The conventional explosives will be detonated, which will release a

compressional shock wave that travels faster than the speed of
sound and apply high amounts of pressure on the beryllium casing
(which also acts as a neutron reflector for the U-235 core) as well as
the U-235 contained within. Thus, increasing the density of the U-
235 core, causing it to attain supercritical mass and undergo a rapid
chain fission reaction.
This process will also release X-rays.
2. The reflector made of U-235 placed on top of the secondary
prevents heating of the secondary (by X-rays) pre-detonation.
3. The X rays are reflected throughout the inside of the casing,
causing the polystyrene foam to heat up and change state. The
polystyrene is now in the plasma state.
4. The plasma polystyrene compresses the U-238 tamper on the
secondary, which ignites the U-235 spark plug.
5. The energy released by the fission in the sparkplug in the
secondary initiates a fission reaction in the lithium-6 deuteride in the
6. Lithium in lithium-6 deuteride absorbs a neutron and turns into
tritium. Deuterium and tritium then fuse to release helium, energy
(about 17.6 MeV) and a neutron that continues this fusion reaction.
Part IV - Raw Material & Sources

1. Heavy water will be extracted from seawater using chemical

exchange processes.
Deuterium will then be extracted from heavy water through
electrolysis with hydrogen sulphide. The obtained deuterium will be
reacted with lithium metal (extracted from Li2O) at a temperature no
less than 700oC to give us lithium-6 deuteride.
2. Uranium will be obtained from The Akashat Mine, located 420 km
west of Baghdad by the following processes:
a. Uranium ore is mined either in shallow open pits or deep
underground shafts. Overburden is removed by drilling and blasting.
b. The ore is transferred to a mill, where it is ground and roasted
before undergoing uranium leaching.
c. Uranium leaching can be done with either an acid or a base
leaching agent, we will be using alkaline leaching as it gives a purer
d. Uranium oxide (UO2) is reacted with oxygen to give UO3. Uranium
trioxide is then reacted with sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen
carbonate to give sodium uranyl tricarbonate and water.
e. In this reaction, the presence of the cation hexavalent U6+ must
be maintained. This is achieved by bubbling some air in the solution
to add oxygen.
f. The leaching agents are sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen
carbonate to prevent the formation of uranyl hydroxide compounds
in the solution.
g. Higher temperatures and pressures can be used to increase the
rate of reaction.
3. U-235 will be separated from U-238 at our cyclotron at RIKEN
(cyclotrons are types of particle accelerators that send a stream of
the sample through an electromagnetic field. Due to the differing
mass of the isotopes, they get separated and are collected at
different receivers once separated.)
4. U-235 has a critical mass of about 15kg, we’ll need this much for
the main core of the primary, but more for the tamper, reflector, and
casing, which will be approximately 25kg of Uranium of both
isotopes, U-235 and U-233 which will be eventually obtained.
Outcome: The Thermonuclear Bomb has been created and can be
used by Iraq.
Operation Kaishi
Covert Directive

From: The Delegate of Iraq
Primary Objective: Mobilization of troops across the country
especially border regions, and Khuzestan.
Plan of Action:
Phase I
1. 10000 troops in total will be deployed in the province Khuzestan.
2. 600,000 troops will be mobilized throughout the border of Iraq
and Iran.
3. All the troops in border will be split and allotted to divisions of
troops containing 30,000 troops each, these will be split further into
platoons which would have 3,000 troops each.
4. Additionally, around 600 tanks will be split evenly between the
5. 100 armoured vehicles will be sent to Khuzestan.
6. 100 Mortars, Field artillery rocket launchers, Field guns, and anti-
aircraft weapons will be given.
7. The troops will be split as follows:
a. Army division Y1 – commanded by Commander Mohammed
Haqum. 30,000 troops, 10 tanks, 10 Mortars, 10 field artillery rocket
launchers, 10 field guns, and 10 anti-aircraft weapons.
This division will further be divided into Platoons Y1A, Y1B, Y1C, Y1D,
Y1E, Y1F, Y1G, Y1I, and Y1J. The appointment of the leaders of these
platoons will be left to the Commander’s discretion. Each platoon
will boast of 3,000 troops, 1 tank, 1 Mortar, 1 field artillery rocket
launcher, 1 field gun, and 1 anti-aircraft weapon.
b. Army division Y2 – commanded by Commander Akbar Rehman.
30,000 troops, 10 tanks, and 10 Mortars, 10 field artillery rocket
launchers, 10 field guns, and 10 anti aircraft weapons. This division
will further be divided into Platoons Y2A, Y2B, Y2C, Y2D, Y2E,
Y2F, Y2G, Y2I, and Y2J. The appointment of the leaders of these
platoons will be left to the Commander’s discretion. Each platoon
will boast of 3,000 troops, 1 tank, 1 Mortar, 1 field artillery rocket
launcher, 1 field gun, and 1 anti aircraft weapon.
c. Army division Y3 – commanded by Commander Iqbal Zaid. 30,000
troops, 10 tanks, and 10 Mortars, 10 field artillery rocket launchers,
10 field guns, and 10 anti-aircraft weapons.
This division will further be divided into Platoons Y3A, Y3B, Y3C, Y3D,
Y3E, Y3F, Y3G, Y3I, and Y3J. The appointment of the leaders of these
platoons will be left to the Commander’s discretion. Each platoon
will boast of 3,000 troops, 1 tank, 1 Mortar, 1 field artillery rocket
launcher, 1 field gun, and 1 anti-aircraft weapon.
d. Army division Y4 – commanded by Commander Rehmaan Iqbal.
30,000 troops, 10 tanks, and 10 Mortars, 10 field artillery rocket
launchers, 10 field guns, and 10 anti-aircraft weapons.
This division will further be divided into Platoons Y4A, Y4B, Y4C, Y4D,
Y4E, Y4F, Y4G, Y4I, and Y4J. The appointment of the leaders of these
platoons will be left to the Commander’s discretion. Each platoon
will boast of 3,000 troops, 1 tank, 1 Mortar, 1 field artillery rocket
launcher, 1 field gun, and 1 anti-aircraft weapon.
e. Army division Y5 – commanded by Commander Zaid Hussen.
30,000 troops, 10 tanks, and 10 Mortars, 10 field artillery rocket
launchers, 10 field guns, and 10 anti-aircraft weapons. This division
will further be divided into Platoons Y5A, Y5B, Y5C, Y5D, Y5E, Y5F,
Y5G, Y5I, and Y5J. The appointment of the leaders of these platoons
will be left to the Commander’s discretion. Each platoon will boast of
3,000 troops, 1 tank, 1 Mortar, 1 field artillery rocket launcher, 1 field
gun, and 1 anti-aircraft weapon.
f. Army division Y6 – commanded by Commander Hazam Shah.
30,000 troops, 10 tanks, and 10 Mortars, 10 field artillery rocket
launchers, 10 field guns, and 10 anti-aircraft weapons.
This division will further be divided into Platoons Y6A, Y6B, Y6C, Y6D,
Y6E, Y6F, Y6G, Y6I, and Y6J. The appointment of the leaders of these
platoons will be left to the Commander’s discretion. Each platoon ill
boast of 3,000 troops, 1 tank, 1 Mortar, 1 field artillery rocket
launcher, 1 field gun, and 1 anti-aircraft weapon.
g. Army division Y7 – commanded by Commander Iqbal Husseen.
30,000 troops, 10 tanks, and 10 Mortars, 10 field artillery rocket
launchers, 10 field guns, and 10 anti-aircraft weapons.
This division will further be divided into Platoons Y7A, Y7B, Y7C, Y7D,
Y7E, Y7F, Y7G, Y7I, and Y7J. The appointment of the leaders of these
platoons will be left to the Commander’s discretion. Each platoon
will boast of 3,000 troops, 1 tank, 1 Mortar, 1 field artillery rocket
launcher, 1 field gun, and 1 anti-aircraft weapon.
h. Army division Y8 – commanded by Commander Ahem Iqbal.
30,000 troops, 10 tanks, and 10 Mortars, 10 field artillery rocket
launchers, 10 field guns, and 10 anti-aircraft weapons.
This division will further be divided into Platoons Y8A, Y8B, Y8C, Y8D,
Y8E, Y8F, Y8G, Y8I, and Y8J. The appointment of the leaders of these
platoons will be left to the Commander’s discretion. Each platoon
will boast of 3,000 troops, 1 tank, 1 Mortar, 1 field artillery rocket
launcher, 1 field gun, and 1 anti-aircraft weapon.
i. Army division Y9 – commanded by Shaheed Faizal. 30,000 troops,
10 tanks, and 10 Mortars, 10 field artillery rocket launchers, 10 field
guns, and 10 anti-aircraft weapons.
This division will further be divided into Platoons Y9A, Y9B, Y9C, Y9D,
Y9E, Y9F, Y9G, Y9I, and Y9J. The appointment of the leaders of these
platoons will be left to the Commander’s discretion. Each platoon
will boast of 3,000 troops, 1 tank, 1 Mortar, 1 field artillery rocket
launcher, 1 field gun, and 1 anti-aircraft weapon.
j. Army division YX – commanded by Commander Ibrahim
Mohammed. 30,000 troops, 10 tanks, and 10 Mortars, 10 field
artillery rocket launchers, 10 field guns, and 10 anti-aircraft weapons.
This division will further be divided into Platoons YXA, YXB, YXC, YXD,
YXE, YXF, YXG, YXI, and YXJ. The appointment of the leaders of these
platoons will be left to the Commander’s discretion. Each platoon
will boast of 3,000 troops, 1 tank, 1 Mortar, 1 field artillery rocket
launcher, 1 field gun, and 1 anti-aircraft weapon.
9. Each soldier will be given:
(i) A type 30 bayonet for hand combat.
(ii) A Makarov PM Semi-automatic pistol
(iii) Avtomat Kalashnikova – 47 as an assault rifle.
(iv) Three F-1 hand grenades.
10. The tanks used will be a mix of PT-76, SU-100, SU-122, T-34-85, T-
54 and the Type 63 amphibious tank.
11. Other armoured vehicles that will be used are BTR-40 APC, BTR-
50 APC, BTR-60PB APC and BTR-152 APC.
12. Trucks such as the Beijing BJ212 may also be used as required.
13. Each platoon will also be given the following extra ammunitions
(i) Chiang Kai-shek rifle – 100x
(ii) PPSh-41 submachine gun – 150x
(iii) DP-27 machine gun – 30x
(iv) RPD light machine gun – 50x
(v) LPO – 50 flamethrower – 10x
(vi) RPG-2 recoilless rocket launcher – 10x
14. The Divisions will form the following formation on the ground:

15. Fortifications will be constructed wherever the divisions set up


Iraq is now ready to launch a full scale attack on Iran.

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