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—= j Rate - Ratio = Percentage-Work fs c AVErS he Mean - Median “Rte 9, Mode = Range ‘i i Sie, Jester “Yee 6, Probability Survey-CAmpeco & Problem Sol Data a i of Se Matte Shereen Samir Rate - Ratio ercentage-Work inect&lnvere bes Wariati A|Page 1 decagram = 10 grams 1,000 ilirams = 1 gram ‘Ahorpital sores one type of medicine in 2-decagram ‘containers. Based onthe information given in the box above, how many L-milgram doses are therein ‘one 2-decagram container? A) 002 8) 20 ©) 2000 D) 20000 ’ 1 22.and 23 refer to the following information, ‘Annual Budgets for Dilferent Programs in Kansas, 2007 to 2010, Yar ioe Program me 2009 Agricutue/atral resources |] avago04 | asson | 485807 Education 2.164.607 2ansia | 3008036 aon | General government aH7335 to302407 | 14716155. Highwaysandiranspoctation |) 18.482 130,80 | 1.773808 Human resources 4.051.050 | sose067 | asieasa | 5921.79 Public alaty reste | soa | asso | a6t233 ‘Thetable abo lists the annual budget, in thousands of dallas, foreach of sx diferent state programs in Kansas from 2007 t9 2010, htetineg eee | weet Tliyte tgricalture/oatura resources in Kansas from 200810 | 20108 | 2) tempo | m iesore ©) snap yr | Dy simon peoe 2|Page Done by: Shereen Samir (Of the following which program's ratio ofits 2007 budget tots 2010 Budge closest tothe ‘human resources progrann’s aio of ts 2007 budget tots 2010 budget? A) Agpiculture/matural resources ') Edacation (©) Highwaysand transportation D) Publis Katarina isa botanist studying the production of pears by two types of pear trees. She noticed that ih no two regions overlap. The ‘Type A trees produced 20 percent more pears the sail than Type B trees did, Based on Katarina’s observation, ifthe Type A trees produced 144 pears, Sheree ee TH een che how many pears did the Type B trees produce? ‘Asquare ld measures 10 meters by 10 meter. ‘Tenaidens each mark ofa randomly selected Wambo of [gg] Namberak A) 15 eartworms| 8] eahworms 17 1a B) 120 ia i © 124 tte D) 173 1S 1 ‘Which ofthe flowing ia eaonabe approximation ofthe number af erthworms 2 dtp scentimetr beneath ror’ {th entire eld? Number of Portable Media Players a Sold Worldwide Each Year from 2008 to 2011 » ks ©) 15000 ) ssa00 oBSSESsEaR ‘Number sold (millions) ‘20006: 2007 "2068 2000 /2020;-2011 A local television station sells time slots for programs ‘Year in 30-minute intervals. If the station operates 24 hours per day, every day of the week, what is the total number of 30-minute time slots the station can According to the line graph above, the number of sl portable media players sold in 2008 is what fraction sell for Tuesday and Wednesday? ff the number sold in 2011 # 3|Page Dome by: Sherean Samir ‘A quality control manager ata factory selects 7 lightbulbs at random for inspection out of every 400 lightbulbs produced. At this ate, how many lightbull wil be inspected i the factory produces 20,000 lightbulbs? A) 300 B) 350 ©) 400 D) 450 ‘Number of hours Tony plans to read the novel per day 3| ‘Number of paris in the novel 8 ‘Number of chapters in the novel Be ‘Number of words Tony reads per minute] 250 ‘Number of pages in the novel 1.078) [Number of words in the novel 349,168 ‘Tony is planning to read a novel ‘The table above shows information about the novel, Tonys reading speed, and the amount of time he plans to spend reading the novel each day. If Tony reads atthe rates given in the table, which ofthe following i closest to the number of days it would take Tony to read the centre novel? Aa 6 B 8 OB D) 38 ) “The atomic weight ofan unknown element, in stomic mass units (amu) is approximately 20% less than that of calcium, The atomic weight of calcium {s40amu. Which of the fallowing best approximates the atomic weight, in amu, ofthe unknown element? as 8) 20 Qn Dd) 48 4|Page Done by ‘Shareen Samir v ‘Questions 4 and 5 refer tothe following information. The moant of ooey «performer carats dee roportonal othe ntmber a epic tending the Fertrmance The perorner enon Sista FFrtormance where people tend How auch money wil the performer eara when, 20 poople attend performance? A) $960 B) 480 ©) $300 D) $240 a ‘The performer ses 43% of the money earned to pay the cont involved in putting on each performance, The rest ofthe money earned isthe performer's profit, What isthe profit the performer makes ata performance where 8 people attend? A) $51.60 B) $57.00 ©) s68.40 D) $77.00 a | ‘The distance traveled by Earth in one orbit around the Sun is about 580,000,000 miles. Earth makes ‘one complete orbit around the Sun in one year. OF the following, which is closest to the average speed of Earth, in miles per hour, as it orbits the Sun? A) 66,000 B) 93,000 ©) 210,000 D) 420,000 v ‘Questions 22 and 23 refer to the following a Information. Forthe sume pal ently arsine a. ier? ‘Ata lrge distance r from a radio antenna, the intensity ‘of the radio signal 1 i related to the power ofthe signal P by the formula above. a @ Which ofthe following expresses the square of the distance from the radio antenna in terms ofthe intensity ofthe radio signa and the power ofthe signal? a Aek an ‘A coastal geologist estimates that a certain country’s beaches are eroding at a rate of 1.5 feet per year. According to the geologists estimate, how long will it take, in years, fr the country's beaches to erode by 21 feet? If h hours and 30 minutes is equal to 450 minutes, what is the value of h ? 5|Page Dome by: Sherean Samir ke | [A painter wil paint walls with the sme size and shape na building using a specitic brand of paint. “The painter fee canbe calcoted bythe expression fake where isthe numberof walls, K isa constant with units of dollar pr square foot, € is the length ofeach wall in fet, and hr isthe height of ‘ach wallin fot. Ifthe customer asks the pint to ‘use a more expensive brand of paint, which ofthe factors inthe expesslon would change? Ak Be aK j~ é Marys Hike 20) 1s 10 0s. “The umber of sates that ined the United Sater Ietween1776and 1849s brie the numberof ater that joined between 1850 and 190. 130 state pine the United States between 1775 and 1840 nd ‘Panes jined between 1850 ad 190, hich of the {At Lincoln High School, approximately 7 percent of carole juniors a5 percent of enrolled seniors ‘were inducted into the National Honor Society last yea. Ithere were 562 juniors nd 2 seniors enrlled at Lincoln High School last year, which of the followings closest to the total number of juniors and seniorsat Lincoln High School ast year who Diane fm cape ile) ‘ime Soo, aol satus ‘wer inducted int the National Hone Society? 4) 0 “The raph above shows May's distance from her yo ‘ampate during « hour ike, She stopped for S@rminitesdurog herbie ta have neh, Reed on ox» ‘the graph, which a the flloringis closest to the Dp « time she fnihed lunch and continued he ike? A) 120m, 8) tons, © var D) eve = 8B Nate walls 25 meters in 137 second he walt this same rate, which of the following is closest to the distance he will walk in 4 minutes? A) 150 meters B) 450meters ©) 700 meters D) 1,400 meters 6|Page Dome by: Sherean Samir Graphene, whichis used in the manufacture of Integrated circuits 20 thin that a sheet weighing (Of the following four types of savings account plans, which option would yield exponential growth ofthe ‘money in the account? ‘one ounce ean cover up 107 football elds, 164 football 1 ld has an area of approximately 1 acres, A) Each successive yea, 2% of the intial savings is added tothe value ofthe account. sbout how many acres could 48 ounces of graphene " eos 1B) Each successive year, 1.5% ofthe initial savings covert and $100 isadded to the vale ofthe account. a) 250 ©) Each successive year, 19 of the current value is ss added tothe value ofthe account. ao 450 D) Bach successive year, $100 is added tothe value Daan ofthe account. A rectangle was altered by increasing its length by 10 percent and decreasing its width by p percent. If these alterations decreased the area of the rectangle by 12 percent, what is the value of p ? A) 2 B) 15 © 2 b) 2 ‘Questions 37 and 38 refer to thefeliowing Information. shoppers enter astoreat an average rate ofr shoppers pperminute and each stays inthe tore for an aerage ne {FT minuten the average numberof shopper inthe Sore, Nat any one ime given by the formula N= eT “Thi relationahip known title “The owner ofthe Gow Deas Store etimstes tha daring bbasines hour an average of shoppers per minute ‘ater the wore and that eoch of heat aayeen average of Senieten The tare owner une Linh lee to eolrete that there are 45 shoppers inthe tore at ny ine = @ ace Sela 7|Page Dome by: Sherean Samir The owner ofthe Good Desa Store open new ‘Rare acvos town. Borin ew ote ta oer ‘rtmater hat, during busines hours an average of SOshoppersperhour ener the store andeach them aye an average of 12 minutes. The ewerage Sumber af hopper in he ow store af ny ene la Sat percent es than the average number of ‘hoppers in the orginal sre st any tne Note igre hn percent tye when ang your shower Forexample, ifthe anew e421 enter 20 ‘While preparing to run a marathon, Amelia creted if training schedule in which the distance of her longest run every week increased bya constant amount. 1 “Amelia's training schedule requires that her longest ‘week isa distance of 8 miles and he longest tun in week 16a distance of 26 miles, which ofthe following best describes how the distance Amelia ‘uns changes between wok 1 and wook 16 of her training schedule A) Amelia increases thedlstanceof he longest ran bby 05 miles each week. 3B) Amelia increases the distance of het longest run bby 2 miles each week (©) Amelia increases the distance of her longest run ‘by 2 mile every 3 weeks, D)_ Amelia increases the distance of het longest run bby LSmiles each week. Ifa 3-pound pizrais sliced in half and each halfis sliced into thirds, what isthe weight, in ounces, of ‘each ofthe slices? (1 pound = 16 ounces) ao ‘The mesosphere isthe layer of Earth's atmosphere between 50 kilometers and 85 kilometers above Earth's surface. Ata distance of 80 kilometers from Earth's surface, the temperature in the mesosphere is * Celsius, and at a distance of 80 kilometers from Earth's surface, the temperature in the mesosphere is 80" Celsius. For every additional 10 kilometers from Earth's surface, the temperature in the _mesosphere decreases by K* Celsius, where k isa constant, What isthe vale of k [Nick surveyed a random sample ofthe freshman class of his high school to determine whether the Fall Festival should be held in October of November. OF the 90 students surveyed, 25.6% preferred October. Based on this information, about how many students in the entire 225-persom clas would be expected to a4 prefer having the Fall Festal in October” 8) 6 eo os no b) 16 o7 D) 80 “The density ofan object is equal to the mass of the objet divided by the volume ofthe object. Wht s the volume, in liters ofan object with amass of 2A grams anda deni of 3 grams per milter? A) 0125 B 8 o 2 Db) 72 B|Page Done by: Shereen Samir m “Movies with Greatest Ticket Sales in 2012 + soot) MPAA Aygo ele “The expression above gives the amount of money, in ating Animated Comedy ra dollars, generated in a year by a $1,000 deposit in a bank account that pays an annual interest rate of 1%, compounded monthly. Which ofthe following ‘expressions shows how much additional money is 7 z ‘generated at an interest rate of 5% than at an interest rate of 3%? PG “ool | 18 ‘Theta above represent th SO ovis tht had pea the reset kt sn 212g by ove 8) 10001 +] nd Msion Pre Auoition of Amen CBEPAA) rating. What proportion ofthe vier re ‘comet with P13 aig? a 8) Iv gle aly 9 >) a @ Jim ha denicl drinking ae cach in the shape of 3 ithen He pour fom «gallon joints each Basventd a the hehe wi enh gi ol ince ats te ryt ater of mk (Note: There are 31 cabcinchenin gan) || a” A partially filled pool contains 600 gallons of water. 3) A hose is turned on, and water flows into the pool at o the rate of 8 gallons per minute. How many gallons a of water will be in the pool after 70 minutes? 9|Page Dome by: Sherean Samir ‘The pes, a Roman measure of length, approximately equal to 11.65 inches. Itis also equivalent to 16 smaller Roman units called digits. Based on these relationships, 75 Roman digits is equivalent to how many feet, to the nearest hundredth? (12 inches = 1 foot) nasty oa migration abit, 240 mule ad 16 falar en tage 1100 more female set attaged ow many more malate tango that 3 ofthe tot aumber ofan the study are male? 1 gaye ‘The dynamic pressure q generated by a fluid moving with velocity v can be found using the formula above, where 1 is the constant density of the fluid. ‘An aeronautical engineer uses the formula to find the dynamic pressure of a luid moving with velocity v land the same fluid moving with velocity 1-5». What is the ratio ofthe dynamic pressure of the faster fluid to the dynamic pressure of the slower fluid? a ‘Alan drives a average of 100 miles each week. His car can travel an average of 25 miles per gallon of fnseline. Alan would like to reduce his weekly expenditure on gasoline by 85. Assuming gasoline oss $4 per gallon which equation can Alan use to determine how many fewer average miles, m, he should drive each week? 25 a) Bm=s5 25 0) Bm 4 © fm=ss 4 D) emes In the 1908 Olympic Games, the Olympic marathon was lengthened from 40 kilometers to approximately 42 kilometers. Of the following, which is closest to the increase in the distance ofthe Olympic ‘marathon, in miles? (1 mile is approximately Le kilometers) A) 1.00 B) 125 © 150 D) 175 10| Page Done by: Shereen Samir "To make a bakery’s signature chocolate mutfins, a baker needs 25 ounces of chocolate for each muffin, How many pounds of chocolate are needed to make 48 signature chocolate muffins? (1 pound = 16 ounces) A 75 B) 10 ©) 505 D) 120 ‘The weight of an object on Venus is approximately + ofits weight on Earth, The weight ofan object 2 on Jupiter is approximately 2> ofits weight on Earth, Ifan object weighs 100 pounds on Earth, approximately how many more pounds docs it ‘weigh on Jupiter than it weighs on Venus? A) 90 B) ©) 40 D) 230 Im State X, Me. Camp's eighth-grade class consisting of 26 students was surveyed and 34.6 percent ofthe students reported that they had at least two siblings. “The average eighth grade class sie in the state is 26. {ifthe students in Mr. Camp's class ae representative of students inthe state's eighth-grade classes and there are 1,800 eighth-grade clases inthe state, ‘which ofthe following best estimates the aurnber of clghth-grade students in the state who have fewer than two siblings? A) 16200 B) 23,400 ©) 30,00 D) 46.800 Horsepower and watt are units of measure of power. They are directly proportional such that S horsepower is equal to 3730 watts. How much Power, in watts, is equal to 2 horsepower? a ‘The painting The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh is rectangular in shape with height 29 inches and width 36.25 inches, Ifa reproduction was made where cach dimensions ; the corresponding original dimension, what is the height ofthe reproduction, in inches? 11| Page Done by: Shereen Samir cmimrsimannctanonny or Tonal a Cy eae oti Propeny adres | Pacarnee | Mon dita) | Clearwater Lane 128,000 950 Driftwood ese —raabo [1310 Edgemont Street 70,000 S15 (Gavce See —| —Takom—| Toa Tsmites Ge [50000 —[ 3388 ‘The Townsend Realty Group invested in the five different properties listed inthe table abave. The table shows the amount, in dollars, the company paid for each property and the corresponding monthly rental price, in dollars, the company charges for the property at each ofthe five locations. ‘The relationship between the monthly rental price r in dollars, and the property's purchase price pin thousands of dollars, can be represented by a linear function. Which of the following functions represents the relationship? A) r(p) =2.5p-870 B) rip) =5p+ 165 ©) rip) = 6.5p +440 D) rip) =7.5p-10 ‘Townsend Realty purchased the Glenview Street property and received a 40% discount off the original price along with an additional 20% off the discounted price for purchasing the property in cash. Which of the following best approximates the original price, in dollars, of the Glenview Street property? A) $350,000 B) $291,700 ©) $233,300 D) $175,000 Questions 37 and 38 refer to the following information. Ms. Simon's Workday Morning Drive ‘Average driving| Segment of | Distance| speed with no drive | (miles) | traffic delay (mph) From home to freeway 06 25 entrance From freeway entranceto | 15 50 freeway exit From freeway exitto ry 35 workplace Ms, Simon drives her car from her home to her ‘workplace every workday morning. The table above shows the distance, in miles, and her average driving speed, in miles per hour (mph), when there is no traffic delay, fr each segment of her drive. 12| Page Dome by: Shereen Samir ‘One morning, Ms. Simon drove directly from her ‘home to her workplace in 24 minutes. What was her average speed, in miles per hour, during her drive that morning? IfMs. Simon starts her drive at 6:30 a.m, she can drive at her average driving speed with no traffic delay for each segment of the drive. If she starts her drive at 7:00 a.m. the travel time from the freeway entrance to the freeway exit increases by 33% due to slower traffic, but the travel time for each of the other two segments of her drive does not change. Based on the table, how many more minutes does Ms. Simon take to arrive at her workplace ifshe starts her drive at 7.00 a.m. than if she starts her drive at 6:30 a.m.? (Round your answer to the nearest minute.) How many liters of a 25% saline solution must be added to 3 liters of a 10% saline solution to obtain a ‘Where Do People Get Most of ‘Their Medical Information? 15% saline solution? Percent of Se those surveyed oO Doctor 6% Ice Cream and Topping Selections — ee ia Magazines/brochures om Soa. [ce Pharmacy o% : amie | a z ‘Television 2% roping ot ; 7 Other/none ofthe above 7% ‘The table above shows a summary of 1,200 responses toa survey question, Based on the table, how many of those surveyed get most of their medical information from either a doctor of the Internet? ‘The table above shows the flavors of ice cream and the toppings chasen by the people ata party. Each person chose one flavor of ice cream and fone topping, Of the people who chose vanilla, ice cream, what fraction chose hot fudge asa a) 865 topping? B) 887 2 om Ns D) 926 5 »= o2 a Acustomer’s monthly water bil was $75.74. Due to 2 Ciacioaets rman banaue Te B thenearest tenth of percent, by what percent did the amount of the customer's water bill increase? A) 41% B) 5.1% ©) 52% D) 54% ‘The total area ofa coastal city is 92.1 square miles, of which 11.3 square miles is water. Ifthe city had a population of 621,000 people inthe year 2010, which of the following is closest to the population density, in people per square mile of land area, ofthe city at that time? A) 6740 8) 7.690 ©) 55,000 D) 76,000 13|Page Dome by: Sherean Samir Questions 16-18 refer to the following information. Species of ree Red maple River birch [Cottonwood Black walnut White birch “American elt Pin oak Shaghark hickor (Growih factor (One method of calculating the approximate age, in years, ofa tee of species is to multiply the diameter ofthe tee, in inches, by a constant called the growth factor for that species. The table above gives the growth, factors for eight species of trees. ‘According tothe information in the table, what is the} approximate age of an American elm tree with a diameter of 12 inches? A) 2years B) 36 years 40 years D) 48 years 1a| Page Done by [A gear ratio rss the ratio ofthe numberof teeth of| two connected gears. The ratio of the number of revolutions per minute (rpm) of two gear wheels is Inthe diagram below, Gear A is turned by ‘motor. The turing of Gear A causes Gears B and C totum as well. Gear B 60 teeth Gear A is rotated by the motor ata rate of 100 rpm, ‘whats the number of revolutions per minute for GearC? a 50 B) 0 Q 200 D) 1.000, ‘Shareen Samir “Tree Diameter vers Age Toi iiss “ree diameter inches) “The scaterplot above gives the re damier plotted Agsinst age for 26 trees fa sng spoces. The {row factor ofthis peces cloves to that of hich of the flan species of ee? 1A) Red maple 3B) Cottonmood ©) White birch DD) Shaghark hickory a a white birch tre anda pin oak tre each now have diameter of 1 foo, which of the following wil be osest othe diference im inches of thir ameters 10 years from now? (1 foot = 12 inches) Ao B12 ous Dy ia Amotor powers a model caso that afer startng from est the cartravels s inchesin f seconds, where s= 161. Which ofthe allowing ives the average speed ofthe carn inches per second over thetist seconds afterit starts? A) NE A group of friends decided to divide the $800 cost ‘of atrip equally among themselves. When two of the friends decided not to go on the trip, those remaining stil divided the $800 cost equally, but ‘many friends were in the group originally? each friend's share of the cost increased by $20. How [3] A school district is forming a committee to discuss plans for the construction of a new high school. Of those invited to join the committee, 15% are parents of students, 45% are teachers from the current high school, 25% are school and district administrators, and the remaining 6 individuals are students. How ‘many more teachers were invited to join the committee than school and district administrators? ‘A company that makes wildlife videos purchases camera equipment for $3200. The equipment depreciates in value ata constant rate for 12 yeas, after which itis considered to have no monetary Yalue. How much isthe camera equipment worth A years afer itis purchased? 8) 8103800, B) $16,200 ©) $21,600 D) $29,700, Feeding Information for Boarded Pets Fed only | Fed both wet dry food | and dry food | Tt cas |S 1 16 Dogs) 2, 3 3 Toul | 7 An a to the cats and dogs currently boarded at a pet care facility. What fraction of the dogs ae fed only Ay food? a) es g sw Bs Ble 15| Page Dome by: Shereen Samir ‘The table above shows the kinds of foods that are fed Ken is working this summer as part of a crew on a farm. He earned $8 per hour for the frst 10 hours he ‘worked this week. Because of his performance, his rev leader raised his salary to $10 per hour forthe rest ofthe week. Ken saves 90% of his earnings from ‘each week. What isthe east number of hours he ‘must work the rest ofthe week to save a least $270 for the week? A) 38 B) 33 oO 2 D) 16 ‘A certain package requites 3 centimeters of tape to be closed securely. What is the maximum number of packages ofthis type that can be secured with ‘6meters of tape? (1 meter = 100 cm) A) B) ° D) A customer paid $53.00 for a jacket after a6 percent sales tax was added. What was the price ofthe jacket before the sales tax was added? A) $47.60 B) $50.00 C) $52.60 D) $52.84 Lani spent 15% of her 8-hour workday in meetings How many minutes of her workday did she spend in meetings? A) 12 B) 15 © 48 D) 72 Subscriptions sold "The manager of an online news service received the report above on the number of subscriptions sold by the service. The manager estimated that the percent increase from 2012 to 2013 would be double the percent increase from 2013 to 2014. How many subscriptions did the manager expect would be sold in 2014? A) 6020 B) 6027 ©) 6440 D) 6468 16 | Page Done by: Shereen Samir 150 one-cent coins were stacked on top of each other in a column, the column would be approximately 37 incest. At hire which of the following is closest to the number of one-cent coins it would take to make an 8-inch-tall column? In 1854, during the California gold rush, each ounce of gold was worth $20, and the largest known mass of gold found in California was worth $62,400 in that Year. What was the weight, in pounds, ofthis mass of sold? (16 ounces = 1 pound) a (One pound of grapes costs $2. At this rate, how many dollars wil ¢ pounds of grapes cost? o ine A group of 202 people went on an overnight camping trip, taking 60 tents with them. Some of the tents held 2 people each, and the rest held 4 people each. Assuming all the tents were filled to capacity and > every person got to sleep in a tent, exactly how many o2 of the tents were 2-person tents? B) 2+e A) 30 B) 20 9 ry D) 18 Ina random sample of 200 cars of a particular model 3 havea manufacturing defect. At this rate, how ‘many of 10,000 cars of the same model will have a manufacturing defect? a) B) [Number of Adults Contracting Colds a Gad [Nocold | Total Vitamin [21 29 Sugarpit [33 | _uu7 “Total st 286 py) $ a ‘The table shows the results of a research study that ‘There are two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of investigated the therapeutic value of vitamin C in ‘oxygen in one molecule of water. How many atoms preventing colds, A random sample of 300 adults of hydrogen are there in 51 molecules of water? received either a vitamin C pill or a sugar pill each dey dag ele pol Gene ene slate tay caraeet a uti tae Se saci yc gern sii reel erga rapecbomesctig et u Ts “oe On April 18, 1775, Paul Revere set off on his » 2 midnight ride from Charlestown to Lexington. If he 50 had ridden straight to Lexington without stopping, ¥ he would have traveled 11 miles in 26 minutes. In ° a such a ride, what would the average speed of his horse have been, to the nearest tenth of a mile. n : Doo per hour? 100 17 | Page Dome by: Shereen Samir Hl. " B a So sat ARE, college professor has noted that hi ‘Alan sents 77 adept oa A college professor iis resheman * he states that he is, “F feet environmental design class has steadily grows inches al” whe is ksthan 2. What he vale af [ase Wels do weeny Stine wa ated caching the course 17 yest age the coure -corotiment hrs had an ean suas eeu of tow men ‘students per year? v 5 Questions 37-38 refer to the following information. Seas VENA.) a A.small nanufacturerand supplier of bookshelf audio systems spent $5,200 lst year on averising. The manufatrer calculates its current advertising budget in dollars each year, hating the forma sbove where P,.feqresens the nel profit fromm the current year's sales, J, is the net profit from last year’s sales, andl A,,, is the advertising budget from last year in dollars, wO r Ifthe company were to have a curren: net profit that was To eee Netgear, how many di ell he company expect o spend on advertising in the current yer? Ifthe company’s current net profit wert act aly $142,5¢ and the current advertising budget had to be reduced to '$5,187, how much larger was last year's net profit than this year's net profit? A 18|Page Dome by: Sharean Samir a No calc Jobs Completed in « Week f ]_ Cars Newspapers] | err |Last | teal seed (was Demarus| 3 | 8 | 35 The chart above shows the numberof times that Will ‘and Demarius compieted each of three jobs ina ‘week. Each worker was paid $20 for each lan he cut, $5 for each car he washed, and $2 for each sewspaper he delivered. 1 Will and Demarius each earned the same amount of money during the given week by doing these thre jobs, what isthe value of? A 2) 10 au Dd) 2 Calculator Calculator 130) A stock increased in value by 7% on Wednesday and ol 7) eeaana’ then decreased in value by 4% on Thursday. What Got | tv ronse| ea ‘was the net percentage increase in the value of the ‘Canada wa | 7 s | 2% ‘stock from the end of the day on Tuesday to the end Noneay- | 9 | 8 6 2B of the day on Thursday? South Korea] 6 | 6 2 [ul A) 2.72% 7 2] a | 3 pp = = - = ©) 300% ‘The table above shows the number of gold, silver, D) 3.28% and bronze medals awarded to three of the countries that participated in the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Of the 63 medals awarded to these countries, svhat fracon were iver? 1 alata at a palm =4 gers 1 » oy cbt = pale ‘The equations above give the lationship berween a ¢ some ancient Egyptian units of length. A length of 28 fnges is equivalent to how many royal cubis? D) 19| Page Done by: Shereen Samir ~—Calculator, Questions 37 and 38 refer to the following information. ‘A combination of clay, sand, and sits often used to ‘reate parts of a basebll field. An infield mixture is used to construct the infield, baselines, and home plate area, A different mixture is sometimes used to construct the pitcher's mound. A community recreation department is ‘onstractin the volume ratios shown in the tables below. ‘new baseball feld using dirt mixtures in Infield Mixture (Anfield, Baselines, and Home Plate Area) [Sndteaey OT 3t ‘Sando silt Tr feandeoate Set) ‘Clay to sft tt] Pitcher’s Mound Mixture [Sndtoday 21] Sadtesit———T 1] r ‘Clay to silt i pitcher’ mound baseline hhome plate area ‘What is the difference in the percent of silt in the pitcher's mound mixture and the percent of silt in ‘the infield mixture? (Ignore the percent sign when ridding your answer. For example, if your answer is 35%, grid 35) 20|Page Done by A pitcher's mound is being built with 1.6 cubic ‘meters of clay. What is the total volume, in cubic ‘meters ofthe materials inthe mixture for the pitcher's mound? ‘Shareen Samir Calculator ‘When Michael swims he burns 9 calories per minute, and when he walks he burns 4 calories per minute, If Michael spends a total of 4 hours walking and swimming and burns a total of 1600 calories, how ‘many minutes did he spend walking? Price of Lunch Specials Monday- $1000” } ‘Tuesday - $12.00 Based on the menu above, by how much does the price, in dollars ofthe lunch special on Tuesday ‘exceed the average (arithmetic mean) price ofthe lunch special forthe 5 days shown? (Disregard the $ sign when gridding your answer, For example, if your answer is $1.37, grid 1.37) Calculator United States Net Elecite Power Generation by Energy Source, 2011 other 1% hydropower. || a Calculator eset abehan lincda basil greed at aati (ms the Declaration of Tsien wren yb ein “37 years ago,” Lincoln said, “4 scoreand 7 years natural: ago” How many yearsare in 3 score? o A) 2years Based on the graph above, what fraction of the net B) 30years shsticpowst pao nthe Unie Satin = came omy epower, renewables and oan rudlear combined? D) 6oyears ‘The table above shows the acreages devoted to planting three crops on a farm for each of five years. In what year dd comm repreent exactly = ofthe total acreage planted that yeart A) 2008 © 2010 B) 2009 D) 2011 21| Page Done by: Sheree Samir Questions EEE- EZI referto the following Information. Energy Usage for Sarayda's Apartment ‘The table above shows the total energy usage, In Sorayda's apartment during each of four months. In April, the cost of electricity Hioyatrhows whut the co of dey ‘April for Sorayda's apartment? A) st46t By $3465 ©) S644 D) $146.10 ‘What fraction ofthe energy used in March ia apartment was from electricity? m2 1,992 an 22M 1.770 A) ) ° 1,992 » 2214 in kilowatt-hours GcWh), Calculator Which ofthe following best approximates the percent decrease in gas used from May to June in Sorayyh's apartment? a) 0% 8) 13% ©) 17% D) 21% Calculator landscape-supply company sells mulch at a rate of Sopercibic yd What price does the company charge for $4 cuble feet of mulch? (1 yard = 3 feet) A) SH 3B) $60 c) $810 D) $1,620 2|Page Done by: Shereen Samir —_—__—.,, ‘Questions 37 and 38 refer tothe following Information. ‘The bacterial density ofa sample of certain marine hegerecan be cud moped Sax The tableshove gives the bacterial densty of sample, mes sed opi density (OD). leminut sera ‘When the first measurement ofthe bacterial density ofthe sample is taken at time f» 0, the mass ofthe sample is 0.0033 grams. Ifthe mass of the sample ls dizectly proportional to ts bacteria densty, ta ‘optical density, what isthe mass, in grams, ofthe sample 60 minutes after the first measurement of density? (Round your answer tothe nearest thousandth) | | | | | | | | | P35 | Calculator According tothe table, a the end of every 16-minute Jnterval, the bacterial denity is p percent greater ‘than the bacterial denslty at the beginning of the terval. Atthat rate, what wil be the bacterial density in optical density, 96 minutes after the frst ‘bservation? (Round your answer to the nearest thousand) a Calculator (On Tuesday, Dianna’s store sold 5 pais of running shoes for every 9 pairs of sandals sol. If Dianna's store sold 27 pars of sandals on Tuesday, how many pais of running shoes did Dianna's store sell on that day? A) 10 B) 15 oO» D) 25 23| Page Done by: Shereen Samir Calculator AA bag containing 12 marbles includes 3 red marbles, 6 blue marbles, and 3 white marbles. What percent of the marbles inthe bag are blue? A) 6% B) 25% ©) “50% D) 75% Lod Calculator , Career Majors [aw] Medicine] Teaching [Other | Toul | English 23 5 32 30 90 Biology 2{ 7 | 20 | 10 [Ho Political Science | 54. 1 9 16 | 80 Economics 13 | 10 | 17} 801120 Total [2 [94] 78 | 136 | 400 ‘The table above shows the number of students who were enrolled in one of four majors when they were in college and the careers that each student chose directly after college. Based on the table, what proportion of students who majored in political science did not have a career in law, medicine, or teaching directly after college? A) 004 B) 2 ©) 016 1] Calculator Kim purchased a shirt that cost $23.00 before a (6% sales tax was added. How much sales tax, in dollars, did Kim pay for this shirt? (Disregard the $ sign when gridding your answer. For example, if ‘your answer is $4.97, grid 4.97) 24a|Page Done by: Shereen Samir ‘A bucket contains 5 gallons of water. The water in the bucket weighs 42 pounds. One gallon of diluted bieach is mixed with the water, and then the total ‘weight of the liquid in the bucket is 50.52 pounds. ‘What is the weight per gallon of the liquid in the bucket after the diluted bleach is added? A) 0.10 pounds/gallon B) 0112 pounds/galion ©) 842 pounds/gallon D) 850pounds/gallon ~——Calculator__ ‘Questions 37 and 38 refer to the following information. Ina typical elk herd in Yellowstone National Park, the ratio of males to females is 14 to 46, A biologist spots « herd of 150 elkin the park. The biologist uses the ratio of males to females in a typical herd to estimate the number of males in this herd. How many males would the biologist expect to bein this herd? Ifp percent ofa typical herd of elk is fernale, what is the value of p, rounded to the nearest whole number? a Cale A sports agent, Ann, earns a commission equal to 10 percent ofthe salary of each athlete she represents. If her commission from an athlete she represents is $4,575.00, what is that athlete's salary? A) $4575 B) $457.30 ©) $45,750.00 D) $457,500.00 [21 Cale: ‘Native continent Class | Australia| aftica | Mammals 8 6 Reptiles 9 7 Birds 7 | 3 The table above shows the numbers of animals classified by class and native continent for all 90 animals at a local 200. What fraction of the reptiles are native to Australia? 1 ay 2 » T0 aye 4 3 q 4 dD) = 25| Pace Done by Isabel began charging her phone battery when it was 40% charged. After 48 minutes, her phone battery ‘was 80% charged. If the phone battery charges at a Constant rate, how many more minutes will it take for her phone battery to be exactly 90% charged? A 4 3) 8 ©) 10 D) 12 Mineral composition Texte |G nds ei Canegimd| = | |e Fegan’ ie [Je] ‘The table above shows the distribution of all 159 igneous rocks ina university's earth science laboratory by mineral composition and texture. ‘What fraction ofthe university's granitic rocks are coarse-grained? 96 158 2 139 2 ° 6 2 Ds 4) B) Cale -— le__ (Questions 37 and 38 refer to the following information. ‘Most Frequently Reported Prir Career Fields ofthe 535 Members ofthe 113th Congress Ciba repo | Sm Busines wl thee [ae Lew 184 | 35 aicee [awe [a ‘The table above gives the distribution, by chamber, of. {els in which members ofthe 113th Congres ofthe United States most irequently reported spending 3 orton oftheir careers before being elected to Cony ‘There were 435 members jn the Hause of Represent ‘and 100 members in the Senate atthe time these data recollected. Somemembers:eported more than one career field. 3 Cale If x percent of members of the Senate reported education as a prior career field, what is the value ofx? 26| Page Done by: Shereen Samir a Cale a rd ‘On a60-mile road there are 7 rest stops placed at equal intervals, including one at each end of the road, as shown above. Whatis the distance, in feet, between two consecutive rest stops? (Note: 1 mile = 5,280 feet) A) 31,680 B) 36,960 ©) 45,2 D) 52,800 Cale ‘A dairy farm produces 5300 pounds of whole milk cach day. The farm uses 21.2 pounds of whole milk to produce one pound of butter. At this rate, how ‘many pounds of butter can the dairy farm produce each day? Cale Of the 435 people who reported from the House of Representatives, 78 are female. Assuming that ‘gender and prior career field are independent, how ‘many female representatives would be expected to have reported a prior career field in public service? (Round your enswer to the nearest whole number) Calculator A production manager sets a conveyor belt of an assembly line to move at a rate Of | foot per second. At what rate does the coaveyor belt move in feet per minute? AS B) 12 ©) 60 D) 20 Calculator salespenion receiees 5 percent of the of ca sale as conreninaion what in the ‘ale of 400 square talesperse yards of fabric selling for $8 per square yard? A) S160 27|Page Done by ‘Shareen Samir Calculator ‘A radar gun was used to measure the speed of ‘thicles traveling slong s highway. Afler all of the data were collected, it was found that the radar gun had been calibrated Incorrectly and was tach speed es 3.9 miles per hour lower than the ‘tctual speed of the vehicles. Which of the following ‘Statistics will NOT change if the speeds are reported i thelr actual valocs? A) Men 3) Median ©) Minimum D) Standard deviation ‘refer to the heltewing Infermetion. ‘Guests Whe Rode the Boat Ride in 2011 by Age $ehotwreh ot oe Pee ee eed wt OY eh eh one se MPa pepe per” F o tn 201. the total number of guess whe rode he bt idea al ‘Ammuasement park was 56,344. The bar graph abow shows the 0f the guests by age. es er Of the following, which ss closest to the ratvo ofthe ‘number of guests who rode the boat nde aged 6010 64 to the number of guests who rode the boat nde aged 65 and over? Ay bot B) 2105 ©) tw? D) 2 28|Page Done by ‘Shareen Samir Age ror os Which of the following age-groups is approximately 25% larger in number than the 6S and over group? S009 y M024 Q 8039 p) S049 Be! Eee Which ofthe following age could be the median age ‘of the group of guess who rode the bost ride ta mut nv HD on D) 3s Kevin, Shanla, end Teavis surveyed three yroaps of en ates rom he ae a At thelr school, asking about the favorite sandwich of ‘ach student. No student was surveyed! more than ‘once. The results of the survey are shown fn the table sandwich ype Merit | Sa | ee Ham 2 3 2 Roast beef | 2 a 3 "Tuna v[o3 1 may | 2 | 8 Vensie 7)o2f 2 Other —t 1 2 1 Teal aps [2 | ‘There are a total of 250 students in the 9th-grade cate at their school. Based on the data in the tble, hich ofthe following isthe best estimate of the ‘number of students in the Sth-prade class who would choose tuna as their favorite sandwich? Tothe nearest tenth of percent, what percent ofthe carolled in some type of choo were 2s me adicloa cone epaue c) 30 a D) Bs 4) 2% » 2% Calculator 4 | gq as% Questions 37 and 38 reter to the following D) Mem Uv a cemmumunity pardon, the rater of townnates plants to pepper plants is 13, and the raticr of pepper plants 10 pea plants sR There are © pea plants in the garden na Potreteniod Sipe! (Yona wo burp Ts the eaten hv, oz ‘es the Sih Red? How many tomato plants are un the garden’ eens Sa ot ae Newt year there will be 25% more pepper plant to the garden. [Teach plant yiekls 4 peppers, how many peppers will there be? 29|Page Done by: Sherean Samir One brand of a commercial ice machine ean produce a ‘maximum of 263 pounds of ice each day. If 1 cubic foot of ice ‘Weights about $7.2 pounds, which of the following best approximates the maximum number of cubic feet of ie the machine can produce in one day? A) 02 B) 46 ©) 206 ) 320 Gi Calculator ‘Vitrivius, a Roman architect of the first century BCE, set guidelines in his writings for the relationship between the height (rise) and tread (run) of stairs in a building. He wrote that the rise should be between 9 and 10 inches, inclusive, per step, and the run should be between 18 and 24 inches, inclusive, Which of the following could NOT be the ratio of rise to run for a set of stats that follows this guideline? al 3 a So 2 os Do 30|Page Dome by: Sherean Samir ‘Over a two-year period, scientists searched for ‘neutrinos (subatomic particles) that are produced ‘outside the solar system, The energy, E, of those ‘neutrinos is measured in units of 10! electron volts, (TeV). The table below shows the results ofthe Approximately what percentage of neutrinos detected had an energy of 90 TeV or less? A) 18% By 25% ©) 64% D) 75% fa Caloulator ‘At Mount Rushmore National Memorial four sculptures of United States presidents” heeds are carved into granite ‘mountain. The ratio ofa sculpture’ head length othe actual presidents head length is 40 feet o 6 ienhes. What isthe sculpture’s head length, in fet, fora president with «head Jengih of 9inches? ‘vale of? B1| Page Done by: Shereen Samir 36] ‘caleutator Acertain alloy isa mixture of diferent components ‘given the table below. Component —_| Percentage (by weight) Chromium 18% ‘Nickel 10% ‘Steet (by weigh, 98% ™ iron and 2% carbon) ‘This alloy isp percent carbon by weight, What isthe ‘Questions 37 and 36 refer tothe following information. Calcul A researcher conducted a study of the effects of taking a specific ‘vitamin once a day on the blood pressure of elderly people inthe state of Vermont. The sample used forthe study is all residents at ‘the Chestnut Hills Nursing Home, located in Vermont. The ‘sample is made up of 38 male participants and $6 female participants, The distribution ofthe ages ofall participants in the study is shown inthe table below. Ifthe ration of mae to ferme participants is Ito 4 for participants who are 8Oyears or older, how many participants {80 years or older are male? ‘The participants younger than 75 years old ae x percent ofall participants. What isthe value of x tothe nearest whole number? ~ Calculator a icaalaton ‘Questions 5 and 6 refer tothe following information. Last year, 800 student attended the carer fi at West High School. This yea, the numberof students Nutritional Information for 1-Ounce Servings of wo attended the carer fair increased by 5%, How ‘Seeds and Nats ‘many students attended the carer fir at : Total fat] Protein ‘Wet High School this year? Seed or nut | Calories (grams) | (grams) A) 80 Pecan 198 202 30 8) 805 Pistachio 0 65 30 ©) 80 Pumpkin —| 159 139. a5 Sunflower | 166 146 59 ) 1.200 . Walnut 185, 18.5, 43 “The tbl above shows the clos, grams of fat. and u — Ef panin once urn hl ts Kate oughta bs pass that had anil value of ‘$90, For every bus ride Kate takes, $1.80, the cost of ‘one bus ride, is subtracted from the value ofthe pass. a aera iactioees Hor many more ams of rotein rein one pound : of pumpkin seeds than aren one pound of a) Las pinachlon? (pound le onnces) B) 2% ee oO 5% B72 D) 988 © D) 136 a Caloulator onel purchases I-pound bags ofeach of the five seeds and nuts shown in the table, Of the following, which best approximates the average (arithmetic mean) numberof calories per bag? (pound = 16 ounces) A 10 oa Calculator ‘A greenhouse owner purchases fertilizer in 60-gllon drums, The fertilizer mixed with water to make Several batches of olution. Each batch of solution is tnade by mixing 3 quarts of fertilize with water. ‘What is the maximum numberof batches of solution B) 250 ©) 1,500 ) 2500 that can be made from one 60-gallon drum of fertilize? (1 gallon = 4 quarts) Ay 4s B) 60 © 8 D) 180 a2|Page Dome by: Sherean Samir ‘Michael performed an experiment where he tossed ‘two coins, one dime and one nickel at the same tine and recorded whether esch one landed om heads or tals. His results are shown in the table below. ‘Nickel Head | Tail Hedi] 27 | 26 go Calculator During a storm, the atmospheric pressure in a certain location fell at a constant rate of 3.4 millibars (mb) per hour over a 24-hour time period. Which of the following is closest to the total drop in atmospheric pressure, in millimeters of ‘mercury (mm Hg), over the course of S hours Dime ‘tas [20 [25 For what percent ofthe tosses did the dime Michael tossed land on heads? A am B) 49% © 51% D) 53% during the 24-hour time period? (Note: 1,013 mb = 760 mm Hg) A) 26 B) 128 © 170 D) 227 33| Page Century and Region of United States Presidents’ Births as of 2014 Centut Tsth | 19th [ 20th Northeast 6 South Midwest West 4 9 0 ‘The table above shows the distribution of United States presidents according to the century and the region of the country in which they were born. Based on the information in the table, what fraction of presidents who were not born in the nineteenth century were born in the South? Done by: Sheree Samir A certain wind turbine spins at a rate of 22 revolt ions per minute. At this rate, how many revolutions will the wind turbine make in 5 hours? A) 10 B) 300 © 1,320 D) 6,600 = Calculator ‘A recipe for pound cake instructs a cook to use cups of flour for every 3 3 cups of Nour fe 3 extract used. According to the recipe, if a cook uses ‘pon of vanilla 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract, how many cups of Nour should be used? a4 4 w» at 3 © 53 b) & Calculator ‘The population of a town was 8,247 in 1990. In 2000, the population of the town was 2.6% less than the population in 190, and the population in 2010 ‘was 2.2% less than the population in 2000. Which, of the following was the population of this town in 20107 A) 4,763 1B) 7.855 ©) 8.026 D) 8,066 34 | Page Done by: Sheree Samir = Calculator Ina survey, $8 residents of a particular town were selected at random, and approximately 40% of them reported that they reeycle regularly, IF the teported percentage is used as an estimate forthe proportion ofall residents in the town who recycle regulary, the margin of error is 13%. Which ofthe following statements i appropriate ased on the data provided? ‘A) Less than 25% of all the town residents recycle sequlat 1B) Berween OM and 13% of all the town residents recycle regulary © Between 27% and 53% of all the town residents recycle regularly 1D) Approximately 12.6% ofthe surveyed residents misstated how offen they reyele. a Calculator Voyoyer Visa space launched by NASA to obsever the outer solar system . If Vsager | is curventy traveling ata rate of 17.032 kilometers per second, how fast isi traveling ,in miles per hour, rounded {to the nearest 100 miles per hour? (1 mile is approximately 1.61 kilometers) A) 600 By 1,600 ©) 38,100 D) 98,700 [25 | Calculator Danica is mixing iced tea and lemonade to make a saan punch, She likes the taste of the punch most when Math [Physics Tot she mixes 2 ounces of iced tea with 5 ounces of 2 | IS 62 parttime | _32_| 25 96 [roxal 60 | 43 | 55 [158 lemonade. If she uses this same mixing ratio of iced tea to lemonade to make 10.5 liters of punch , how many liters of lemonade will she need ? The table above shows the numberof full-time and a3 part-time faculty in the math, physics, and biology B) 42 departments at « university. What fraction of the 075 math department faculty at the university is D) 8s 1 = Calculator In 2008. the island of Guam had a population of approximately 175,800 people and a population density of 830 people per square mile. Based on these approximations, if 9%of the island’s area was suitable for growing crops, to the nearest whole number, what is the area, in square miles, of land in Guam that was suitable for growing crops? ge a c stow A gro by apni population of town Aree arson kta edriain point in time, 1 US dol Pa and 2008 3d pave oa ‘on this relation Epona 2 ten 20004 0 *alue of 20 US dollars in euros at that time? papain ws 2640 2 ng Tpprenng change ihe mam 5 Calculator roam Nbtwcen 1996808 = © aytoeresie of 947 people 8) 20.00 eet © 1800 6) Decree of 528 people £967 people D) 090 1) Decree af 967 pop B5|Page Done by: Shereen Samir wie Stary of the members 1 ress of the United States bet HOTA. categorized by gender and ‘pole affiliation. Iron of the Democrats in the Ti3th Congress is selected at random, which ofthe following is closest to the percent likelihood that tha memiber of Congress is female? A) 3%, Sah cerns s tallest buildings. Ifa new building is busi, {sone porsible height, rounded to the nearest foot, that would make the averege height cf the four buildings greater than 2150 feet but sitet en 36|Page Done by: Shereen Samir A helicopté is lying ata “hour, Whatis it saloon be 412006, BOE 169% of, 5: mb. The le chan bey a ae rive length of tite thoye cash iy. {hour 30 minutes to hour 59 minutes 29 minutes ‘sed on the data shown, which of the folosing * cold be the median length of time spent exercising cach day for those peuple who exercised? A) Ominutes 1B) 45 minutes ©) Uhour $ minutes 1D) 2hours 10 minutes speed of 180 miles p> Sa ‘Questions 37 and 38 refer to the | Information, Calculator The table below compares festures ofthe ‘and Pluto, pes 3 © The ratio of Pluto's semimajor axis to Earth's semimajoraxissp:1, where p is a constant, Whats: the value of p, roinded to the nearest tentht % Ya. > ae eDee: Ta the nearest hundredth, what percent of Pluta' perihelion distance is Earth's perihelion distance? (Disregard the % sign when gridding your answer) a7|Page Done by: Shereen Samir SAT Mathie Event Shereen Samir Mode = = Rang 1[Page Roofiop Solr Panel Installations in Five Ces ‘Number of apples 34567809 ‘Number of seeds ‘Number of Seeds in Each of 12 Apples Based on the histogram above, of the following, ‘which is closest to the average (arithmetic mean) “The number of rooftops with solar panel installations number of seeds per apple? in Scher shows inthe pa save the umber onto 7500, what an Aa {rope el or ever note apt ne A) Number of installations (in tens) ) 18) Number ofitalitins in hundre) O6 ©) Number ofitaltions (i hon) D)7 1) Nombe talons en hows) o Come ita [Geometry] A | yu Center| Feats [38 [a Mle [| 957 | 1 Tot [ 9 [ 9] 00 th grade students responded toa survey that asked which math course they were curently enrolled in. The survey data were broken dawn ts shown inthe table shove. Which o the following categories account for approximately 19 percent ofall the survey respondents? |A)_ Females taking Geometry aking Algebra It 1D) Males taking Algebra 1 2|Page Done by: Shereen Samir 3|Page Done by Lengths of Fish (in inches) 3 9 9 10_| 1 a a ‘The table above lst the engths, to the nearest inch, ‘ofa random sample of21 brown bullhead fish. The ‘outlier measurement of 24 inches an error. Of the ‘mean, median, and range ofthe values listed, which will change the most ifthe 24-inch measurement is removed from the data? A) Mean, B) Median ©) Range D) They will ll cha rey the same amount. A researcher conducted a survey to determine ‘wether people ina certain large town prefer ‘eatching sports on television to attending the Sporting event, "The researcher asked 117 people who ‘sted oeal restaurant om Saturday, and 7 poople {efused to respond. Which of the following factors ‘makes it lest kly tata reliable conclusion can be Arawn about the sports-watching preferences fall people in the town? AA) Sample size B) Population size (C) The number of people who refused to respond 1D) Where the survey was given ‘Shareen Samir ‘A survey was taken ofthe value of homes ina county, land itwas found thatthe mean home vac was $165,000 and the mevian home value was $125.00. diference beneeen the mean and median home ‘when inthe county? A) The homes have values tht are lose to each other 1) Therearea fewhomes that are valued much lest than the et (©) Therearea few homes that are valued much sore than theres. 1D) Many ofthe homes have values berween $125,000 and $165,000. ¥ A a Questions 19 and 20 refer to the Killomtog ‘Based on the survey data, which of the following, ‘mon er coer ‘A sociologist chose 300 stadents at random from each of of atudents with 4 siblings atthe two schools? two schools and asked each student how many siblings he ‘or he has. The revults ae shown in the table belve. A) The total number of students with 4 siblings is Sanda ig cwy ‘expected to be equal atthe two schools. B) ‘The total number of students with 4 siblings at Namberof || Lincoln | Washington Lincoln School is expected to be 30 more than at siblings |) Schoo! | — School ‘Washington School ° 0 40 ©) The total number of students with 4 siblings at ‘Washington School is expected to be 30 more 1 80 0 than at Lincoln School. 2 o 20 D) ‘The total number of students with 4 siblings at ‘Washington School is expected to be 900 more than at Lincoln School. 3 30 0 4 10 10 ‘There area total of 2400 students at Lincoln School and x 3300 students at Washington School. ‘What isthe median numberof siblings for 4|Page Done by: Shereen Samir ‘The graph below shows the total number of music album sales, in millions, each year from 1997 through 2009. Annual Music Album Sales Sales (millions of music albums) 012345678 901 Years since 1997 Based on the graph, which ofthe following best describes the general trend in music album sales from 1997 through 2009? AA) Sales generally increased each year since 1997, B) Sales generally decreased each year since 1997. (©) Sales increased until 2000 and then generally decreased, D) Sales generally remained steady from 1997 ‘through 2008. ‘Ages ofthe First 12 United States Presidents at the Beginning of Their Terms in Office ] 2 In order to determine if treatment X is successful improving eyesight, a research study was conducted. From a large population of people with poor «eyesight, 300 participants were selected at random. Half ofthe participants were randomly assigned to receive treatment X, and the other half did not receive treatment X. The resulting data showed that participants who received treatment X had significantly improved eyesight as compared to those ‘who did not receive treatment X. Based on the design and results ofthe study, which of the following is an appropriate conclusion? A) Treatment X is likely to improve the eyesight of people who have poor eyesight B) Treatment X improves eyesight better than all other available treatments. ©) Treatment X will improve the eyesight of anyone who takes it D) Treatment X wil cause a substantial improvement in eyesight. President Age (years) Age President | (08 37 Jackson | 62 a 35 58 68 58 ‘Tyler 5 9 58 Polk 50 Taylor 6 ‘The table above lists the ages ofthe frst 12 United States presidents when they began their terms in office. According to the table, what was the ‘mean age, in years, ofthese presidents atthe beginning of their terms? (Round your answer to the cares tenth.) S|Page Done by: Shereen Samir 6|Page Done 6 ‘The mass of living organisms in a lake is defined to be the biomass ofthe lake, Ifthe biomass ina lake double each year, which ofthe following graphs could model the biomass in the lake as a function of time? (Note: In each graph below, O represents (0.0)) ae 32 C4 Gi Time (years) B) oT 3 ‘Time (years) 9) Time (years) D) y> Shereen Samir ‘The tables below give the distribution of high temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit‘) for City A and City Bover the same 21 days in March, City A ‘Temperature ('F | Frequency 80 3 2 4 7 2 7 1 % 1 City B Temperature (7) | Frequency 0 6 7 3 7 2 7 4 %6 6 ‘Which of the following i true about the data shown for these 21 days? AA) The standard deviation of temperatures in ity A islarger. B) The standard deviation of temperatures in City Bis ager. (©) Thestandard deviation of temperatures in ity A isthe same as that of City B, D) The standard deviation of temps cites cannot be calculated with provided, res in these If x is the average (arithmetic mean) of m and9, _y isthe average of 2m and 15,and = is the average ‘of 3m and 18, what isthe average of x, y,and 2 in terms of m ? A) mss B) m+? ©) Imad D) 3m+21 ‘Number of 3-D Movies Released by Year ‘The mean score of 8 players in a basketball game was 145 points. Ifthe highest individual score is removed, the mean score of the remaining 7 players becomes 12 points. What was the highest score? SH oe seo os 4) 2 S. B) 24 According tothe line graph above, between which i? = two consecutive years was there the greatest change D) #6 in the number of 3-D movies released? ‘A) 2003-2004 B) 2008-2009 © 2009-2010 D) 2010-2011 7[Page Done by: Shereen Samir a [Number f States with 10. More letra Votes in 2008 lectorl ves | Frequency Masses (kilograms) ‘Andrew [2.4]2.5]3.6]3.1]2.5 27) Maria x 13.1/2.7]2.913.3]28 ‘Andrew and Maria each collected six rocks, and the ‘masses ofthe rocks are shown in the table above. ‘The mean of the masses of the rocks Maria collected {0.1 kilogram greater than the mean of the masses of the rocks Andrew collected. What isthe value of x? a 7 1 H 3 1 L 2 n D D r In 208, there were 21 states with 10 more ‘lector ves as shown in the able above, Based on the table, what was the median number of electoral oes forthe 21 states? au B) 5 ov D) 20 B|Page Done by: Shereen Samir Percent of Residents Who Earned "Bachelors Degree or Higher ‘Questions 37 and 38 refer to the following State | Percent of resident 7 a ‘Nuniber of Contestants by Score and Day State A 219% sTaTsT alii cout | out | out | out | out | out of 5 | of 5 | of 5 | of 5 | of 5 | of S| Total ‘State C 25.9% Dayi | 2 3 4 6 3 20 Day2{2 {3 {st sta ti {2 Day3 aps 2 [20 6 60 State B 27.9% State D 195% 313 Cae min Total | 7 | 9 [13 | 16 ‘Slate F 364% ‘The same 20 contestants, on each of 3 days. answered 5 questions in order to win a prize. Each contestant State G 355% received 1 point for each correct answer. The number of ‘contestants receiving a given score on each day is shown in the table above. A survey was given to residents of all 30 states asking ifthey had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. ‘The results from 7 of the states are given inthe table above. The median percent of residents who earned a aabachelor’s degree or higher forall 50 states was 26.95%. What is the difference between the median percent of residents who earned a bachelor’s degree Or higher for these 7 states and the median for all 50 states? A) 0.05% a No contestant received the same scare on two Hy bam diferent days. Ifa contestant is selected at random, ©) 122% ‘what is the probability that the selected contestant 745% received a score of Son Day 2 or Day 3, given that ee the contestant received a score of 5 on one ofthe three days? What was the mean score ofthe contestants on Day1? S| Page Done by: Shereen Samir ‘Ages of 20 Students Enrolled in a College Class ‘Age | Frequen 18 6 19 20 21 2 23 30 ‘The table above shows the distribution of ages of the 20 students enrolled in a college class. Which of the following gives the correct order of the mean, ‘median, and mode of the ages? ‘To determine the mean number of children per household in a community, Tabitha surveyed 20 families ata playground, For the 20 families, surveyed, the mean number of children per household was 2.4, Which of the following statements must be true? A) The mean number of children per household in the community is 2.4. B) A determination about the mean number of children per household in the community should not be made because the sample size is too small ©) The sampling method is awed and may produce a biased estimate of the mean number ‘of children per household in the community. “The sampling method isnot flawed and is likely to produce an unbiased estimate of the mean ‘number of children per household in the ‘community A) mode < median < mean B) mode< mean < median ©) median < mode < mean D) mean < mode < median ‘The 22 students in a health class conducted an experiment in which they each recorded their pulse rates, in beats per minute, before and after completing alight exercise routine. The dot plots below display the results ot 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 Beats per minute before exercise 33 8 3 3 3 a 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 eats per minute after exercise Lets, and 7, be the standard deviation and range, respectively, of the data before exercise, and let 53 and ry be the standard deviation and range, respectively, of the data after exercise, Which of the following is true? A) s=s. and nen B) 5, andq>n D) #5, andq=n 10| Page Done by: Shereen Samir Calculator ‘Questions 11-13 refer to the following information, At regular checkups, a pediatrician measures Anne's height and weight and reports each as a percentile for her age. For exampie, when Anne was 24 months old, her weight percentile of 63 indicated that 65% of children Calculator oa Which of the following values is larger forthe weight percentile data than for the height percentile data? A) Mean B) Median ©) Mode D) Range What is Anne's median height percentile for these 6 checkups? a B) Q >) 2] Calculator If p represents the height percentile value reported. for Anne during the 6 checkups, which of the following is true? A) |p| s10 B) |p-10}<5 ©) |p-40]<10 D) |p-50] 10 11] Page Done by: Shereen Samir og Calculator 24,32, 33.37.4245 ‘The list above consists of seven integers that increase a value frorn left to right. Ifthe range ofthe list is itis coca wlerin thet cathe ‘greatest possible value of x ? AaB 12 B) 2 D) Oo o Calculator ‘The tallest sadent in Class A ts 50 inches tall and the tallest stadent in Class Bs 48 tnches tall. Each class has 25 students, and the shortest student in each, clas is the same height. Which ofthe following statements must be true? 1 The range ofthe heights for students in Gana h generthie hanna ML ‘The median ofthe heights for students in (Class A ts greater than that in Class B. IML, The mean of the heights for students in (Chats As greater than that in Class B. A) Tonly 3) Monly ©) Tard Nenly D) Lthanditt Calculator tis often possible to donate money to a charity by ‘mail or by cell phone. The amounts of 5 mail donations and 5 cell phone donations are given in the table below. What is the positive difference, in dollars, in the mean donation amount for mail donations and for cell phone donations? Donation Amounts in Dollars Donate? | Amount (in dollars) [Mail 10 | 30 [25 5710 {Celiphone| 5 [10 | 10 | 20] 5 A) 0 B) 10 © 3 D) 50 12| Page Done by: Shereen Samir a Calculator ‘The average net primary production in tropical rain forests each year is 8,900 kilocalories per square meter, Ifthe total net primary production of Selected portion of «tropical rainforest in given ‘year is 1.8 x 10* kilocalories, what isthe approximate ‘otal area, in square meters, ofthe selected portion? A) 49x10 B) 16x10" © 290x108 D) 16x10 Employee Absences [Number of] Number of] days Hi ‘The frequency table above shows the distribution of ‘the number of days each of the 25 employees of a ‘company was absent last month. What i the median ‘number of days absent forthe 25 employees last month? Ai Bz a4 Db) s H 5 ale Ageof Pariipants 137, 163, 115, 137, 179, 155,171 EW 5s | 2 | A geologist recorded the heights, i fet, of geyser's Tit ‘eruptions over atwelve-hour period. The heights are 25 [3s 9 ven in thelist above. What isthe median height “71 @ recorded by the geologist? 3 7 | 7 a ii8 = | 17 am) te A journal article reported the mean age of ©) 151 participants in astdy. Theages ofthe D) 155 18 participants inthe study are given inthe table above. Which of the following statements best escibes why the mean age of participants alone may not bea useful measure of center for the diseibucon? A) Outliers may cause the disibaton tobe sewed. ) Repeated numbers may cause the distibation to beskewed, ©) The number of participants is too small to calculate and report the mean. 1D) Sets containing an even number of data points may cause the distribution to be skewed. 33 | Page Done by: Shereen Samir Calculator a es 1 rater to She folowing ‘What fraction of the adults surveyed gave a rating of 4 or Sto ahs Lis] = bo) Cn the fist night of ach movie's reas the smanager of movie theater ass the people ‘who saw the movie orale iten asa of {wos 15 (bes). The table above sammarizs the responses of al 400 viowers oe paniclar movie a cae the theater manager assumes the surveyed group is oenvcmrennae ‘epresenaive ofthe ist,000 people to vew the move at sp mabnciaay an nee this sout how many othe 400 people woul! the 2) Themen rang of te ss sper theater manager expect toate the movie #2 orlower? © Themedanratingof ecient ay 380 1) Thee oso give ea nbrmaton 0 B70 ‘ong ten cust by sata “The able above shows tial predictions for Hering Cove. According tothe table, what i the dfercnce between the ‘median predicted high tide and the median predicted low tide over the 7-day period? A) 26 feet By 239 ee C242 eet D)249 feet, 14| Page Done by: Shereen Samir 15|Page Done by Calculator ‘Ticket Prices by Row Number Ticket pric 25, $20) S15, “The price ofa ticket toa play is based on the row the set is in, as shown in the table above. A group wants to purchase 10 tickets forthe play. ‘They will purchase 3 tckets for seats in row 1 ‘They will purchase 2 tickets for seats in row 3. ‘They will purchase 2 tickets for seats in rove 4. ‘They will purchase 3 tckets for seats in row 12. ‘What isthe average arithmetic mean) ticket price, in dollars, forthe 10 tickets? (Disregard the S sign when sgridding your answer) = Calculator ‘Shareen Samir ‘The mean weight of a group of 10 automobiles is 3,316 pounds. The weights, in pounds, of 4 of the automobiles in the group are listed below. 7 Weight Automobile | Gn pounds) A 1,800 B 3,200 c 3,300 D 8,500 TThe removal of which of these automobiles from. the group will have the largest impact on the mean weight of the group of automobiles? A) Automobile A B) Automobile B ©) Amtomobile € D) Automobile D + ——_Caleulator Questions 37 and 38 refer to the following information. Recommended Daily Intake of Calcium ‘Age [Calcium(mg) ‘S months 200 [7-11 months 250) [1-3 years 700 [458 years 1,000 [9-18 years 1,300 19-50 years 1,000 [51-70 years (male) | 1,000 (51-70 years (female) 1,200 [71 years 1,200 ‘The table above shows the recommended daily intake of calcium, in milligrams (mg), by age and gender. Heather and her husband Roger are 32 and 35 years old, respectively. Their three old, 3 years old, and S years old. What is the range Of the values of the recommended daily calcium dren are 4 months imakes, in milligrams, for the members of the family? [3s J Calculator Jennifer is a 55-year-old woman. Her recommended calcium intake is 20% greater than that of her daughter. What is the youngest age her daughter ‘could be, in years? 16 | Page Done by: Shereen Samir

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