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Department of EEE



What is operating time of relay?

Give the purpose of backup protection.
Give the torque equation of shaded pole structure induction type relay.
Justify with two merits that why electromechanical relays are still used by the utilities.
Define plug setting multiplier.
What are the versatile families of relays in the distance relay group?
What are different types of fault?
Write the classification of protective relays based on their generation of development.
Less number of faults are generally reported for which type of power system apparatus?
What is the function of protective relay?

Classify the protective schemes.

Write the classification of protective relays based on speed of operation.
Define burden of a relay.
Explain the working of attracted armature type relay.
Write a short note on earth fault relay.
Discuss the essential qualities of a protective relay.
With a neat sketch explain the components of protective system.
Mention some difference between static and numerical relay.
What do you understand by the incorrect operation of a protective relay?
What are the reasons for incorrect operation?
Explain the nature and causes of fault. Discuss the consequences of faults on a power system.
Explain the time graded over current protective scheme.
Differentiate between digital relay and numerical relay.
What is an impedance relay? Explain its operating principle.
Explain the working of balanced beam type relay.
Write a short note on Zones of protection.
Define static relay. What are all its components? Explain its features with basic operation.
Explain the nature and causes of fault. Discuss the consequences of faults on a power system.
What are the various components of a protective system? Briefly describe their function with the help of a
schematic diagram.
Discuss the essential qualities of a protective relay.
Explain the current-graded over current protective scheme.
Differentiate between digital relay and numerical relay.
Explain the types of over current relays based on time – current characteristics.

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