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Coral life of

Lakshadweep islands

 White sands and blue waters- these two features instantly

evoke an image of gorgeous isles, fringed with tall palm trees that
overlook a surf line formed as the blue water sweeps over the sand
before continuing into the calm, endless expanse of the ocean.

  beautiful, yet lesser-known island groups in India- the

Lakshadweep Islands. These coralline atolls are about 200km off the
west coast of Kerala in the Arabian Sea and comprise 16 atolls and 32
islands, of which merely 11 islands are inhabited.

 These conditions provide a perfect haven for a variety of marine

flora and fauna.

 The water bodies house rich seagrass beds, algal and coral
communities that are teeming with various species of fish,
invertebrates, sea turtles, elasmobranchs, and marine mammals. 

 The blue waters are a treasure trove of marine diversity, the

white sands are dotted with various trees -predominantly tall and
sturdy coconut palms -and supports one of the most densely packed
human populations in the country.

 The blue waters lie coral reef and seagrass species that serve
as the foraging, breeding, and resting habitats for a range of marine
fauna a dip into the water stuns the eyes with a rainbow of colours-
red snappers, orange anthias, yellow oriental sweetlips, blue-green
parrotfish, blue tangs, and purple damselfish zooming past.

 You might chance upon a juvenile green turtle resting under

some coral or a hawksbill turtle digging out and feasting on a
sponge! If you are extremely lucky, a juvenile, white-tipped reef
shark might just join your snorkelling expedition in the lagoon.

 these characters make an appearance, then sometimes even

the sight of a ray gliding across the white sand substrate will make
your day! While these serve as some lucky sightings, the varied
shapes and forms of coral are enough to keep one interested: from
the brain to branching to the table. 

 Swimming in the water, one can also witness the fishes and
other creatures darting in and out of their hiding places.

 The aquatic realm supports rich marine life within, the land
provides for various marine bird species like terns and waterfowls
like herons, terrestrial birds, and agricultural animals like poultry,
sheep, and cows.
 Trip down a Lakshadweep Street will not be complete without
a family of sheep resting on the concrete road or a row of chicks
following their mama and crossing your path.

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