SGCL Khulna

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Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

O{fice of the Project Director
.'Construction of Double Line Traek Between Khulna'Dal'sana
Junction Section of Bangladesh Rnilwny" Project
Bangladesh Railway, Railbhaban' Dhaka'

No. PD/Khulna-DarsanarMiscellan eausl2023-!yZ Date: I \altzazl

Subject: Request fbr sharing infbrmation on Gas pipeline crossing'
"Construction of
This has the refbrence to the captioned subject. Bangladesh Railway is executing 'Ihis
D.uble Line Track between I(hulna-Darsana Junction Section ol Bangladesh Railway" Project.
proiect is tirndecl by Government ol Bangladesh (coB) ancl Government of India (Gol) under
credit t-ineiLoC-z).Tocope withlhe increasing demand fbr railway transport in Khulna-Dhaka,
Khulna-chilahati and Khulna-Rajshahi routes, Bangladesh Railway aims to construct a second
for double line
track ( 126.2s route-km) beside the existing track between Khulna and Darshana Junction
operation of train services in the section. Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) has appointed
as a sub-
consultant (Main Consultant STIIP-AARVEE-DDC Joint Venture) to conduct a detailed
and hydrographic survey algng the alignment using for this project.

2 In this regard, we request that you provide us with a detarled network plan and convey the hkel.v
location(s) of your gas distribution line crossrng on the existing alignment or running near the
existing rail
line. This information will enable us to take the necessary sa.feguards to protect your gas distribution

.l we would also like to request a ioint site visil of the affected locations (if any) so that necess&ry
satbguarcls can be taken while designing the rail alignnrerrt

We appreciate your cooperation and look tbrward to hearing from you soon.

Enclosed: As described.


(Md Islam F irozi)

Project f)irector
Contact No: 0l 711-692942
E-maiI: pdkln dsn(igttlail corn
Managin.g Director
Sundartran Gas (lornpany L,irnited
2 I 8. M A Bari Roacl., Sonad anga,
I(hulrla-9 I00

Distribution fbr kind infbrmation (Irlot according to seniority).

l. Additional Director General (lnfrastructure), Bangladesh Railway, Railbhabart, l)haka.
2. Project [.eader, 'I'opographic and Hydrographic survey of KI-N-DSN double rail, Survey and Data
Division, lnstitute of Water Modelling (lWl\'t).

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