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Industrial IOT


Introduction – Definition and characteristics of IoT – Physical and
Logical Design of IoT - Communication models and APIs –
Challenges in IoT - Evolution of IoT- Components of IoT - A
Simplified IoT Architecture – Core IoT Functional Stack.

UNIT II INDUSTRIAL IoT 9 IIoT-Introduction, Industrial IoT:

Business Model and Reference Architecture: IIoT-Business Models,
Industrial IoT- Layers: IIoT Sensing, IIoT Processing, IIoT
Communication, IIoT Networking

UNIT III IIOT ANALYTICS 9 Big Data Analytics and Software

Defined Networks, Machine Learning and Data Science, Julia
Programming, Data Management with Hadoop

UNIT IV IOT SECURITY 9 Industrial IoT: Security and Fog

Computing - Cloud Computing in IIoT, Fog Computing in IIoT,
Security in IIoT

UNIT V CASE STUDY 9 Industrial IOT- Application Domains: Oil,

chemical and pharmaceutical industry, Applications of UAVs in
Industries, Real case studies: Milk Processing and Packaging
Industries, Manufacturing Industries
Industrial IOT

Difference Between Physical and Logical

Design of IoT
Physical Design Logical Design

Logical design is a high-level design and

Physical design is highly detailed.
doesn’t provide any detail.

Physical design is more graphical than

Logical design can be textual, graphic, or both.
textual; however, it can comprise both.

A physical design focuses on specific A logical design focuses on satisfying the

solutions explaining how they are design factors, including risks, requirements,
assembled or configured. constraints, and assumptions.

Sensor type Description

Motion sensors Sense and measure the movement of

objects or people

Acceleration sensors  Detect a change in velocity of an object

Gyroscopic sensors Detect and measure rotation of an object

Environmental sensors Measure temperature, barometric pressure

Industrial IOT

humidity, etc.

Location tracking sensors Track the geographic location of an object

Pressure sensors Measure force per unit area

“Things” in IoT
Things refer to IoT devices with unique identities that have actuating, monitoring, and remote
sensing capabilities. Things are the primary component of IoT applications.
IoT devices can be of various types, including smartwatches, sensing devices, smart
electronics appliances, automobiles, wearable sensors, and industrial machines. IoT devices
generate data in some form which leads to useful information when processed.
Interesting Post: IoT Sensors – Developing Safer, Smarter & Reliable Solutions for

Physical Design of IoT

A physical design of an IoT system refers to the individual node devices and their protocols
that are utilised to create a functional IoT ecosystem.
Each node device can perform tasks such as remote sensing, actuating, monitoring, etc., by
relying on physically connected devices. It may also be capable of transmitting information
through different types of wireless or wired connections.
The things/devices in the IoT system are used for:

 Building connections
 Data processing
 Providing storage
 Providing interfaces
 Providing graphical interfaces

The devices generate data, and the data is used to perform analysis and do operations for
improving the system. For instance, a moisture sensor is used to obtain the moisture data
from a location, and the system analyses it to give an output.

Logical Design of IoT

A logical design for an IoT system is the actual design of how its components (computers,
sensors, and actuators) should be arranged to complete a particular function. It doesn’t go into
the depth of describing how each component will be built with low-level programming
IoT logical design includes:
Industrial IOT

1. IoT functional blocks:

IoT systems include several functional blocks such as Devices, communication,
security, services, and application. The functional blocks provide sensing,
identification, actuation, management, and communication capability.These
functional blocks consist of devices that handle the communication between the
server and the host, enable monitoring control functions, manage the data transfer,
secure the IoT system using authentication and different functions, and provide an
interface for controlling and monitoring various terms.

2. IoT communications models

There are multiple kinds of models available in an Internet of Things system that is
used for communicating between the system and server, such as:

o Request-response model

o Push-pull model

o Publish-subscribe model

o Exclusive pair model

3. IoT communication APIs

APIs are used to communicate between the server and system in IoT. Some API’s

o REST-based communication APIs

Industrial IOT

o Client-server

o Stateless

o Cacheable

o Websocket based communication API

Generic Block Diagram of an IoT Device

IoT Protocols
The set of rules governing all direct or indirect exchange of data between computers on a
network. These rules are formulated at the application level and are used collectively to
define how devices communicate interoperably, irrespective of differences in their internal
designs and operations.
IoT protocols help send commands and data between a network of devices controlled by
sensors or other physical attributes like motion, temperature, or vibration. Network protocols
help achieve reliable data transfer across all layers like the application, transport, network,
and link layer.
Industrial IOT

Application Layer Protocols

On this layer, protocols use an application interface to define how the data can be sent over
the network. These protocols include HTTP, XMPP, WebSocket,  DDS, MQTT, and AMQP.
Transport Layer Protocols
This layer is responsible for data flow control and error handling, ensuring that there are rules
in place to deal with errors. This layer also provides end-to-end message transfer capability,
independent of the underlying network infrastructure. It provides essential connectivity
between the two nodes on either end of the point-to-send-point-receive model used by key
protocols such as TCP/IP.
Network Layer
This layer is used to send data from a source network to a destination network. For this, IPv4
and IPv6 protocols are used for host identification, which transfers data in packets.
Link Layer
Link-layer protocols are the type of data transmission protocol used to help send data over the
physical layer. They also determine how devices signal and code packets on the network.

2.communication models of IOT

IoT devices are found everywhere and will enable circulatory intelligence in the
future. For operational perception, it is important and useful to understand how
Industrial IOT

various IoT devices communicate with each other. Communication models used in
IoT have great value. The IoTs allow people and things to be connected any time,
any space, with anything and anyone, using any network and any service.
Types of Communication Model :
1. Request & Response Model – 
This model follows a client-server architecture.
 The client, when required, requests the information from the server. This
request is usually in the encoded format.
 This model is stateless since the data between the requests is not retained
and each request is independently handled.
 The server Categories the request, and fetches the data from the database
and its resource representation. This data is converted to response and is
transferred in an encoded format to the client. The client, in turn, receives
the response.
 On the other hand — In Request-Response communication model client
sends a request to the server and the server responds to the request. When
the server receives the request it decides how to respond, fetches the data
retrieves resources, and prepares the response, and sends it to the client.

2. Publisher-Subscriber Model –
This model comprises three entities: Publishers, Brokers, and Consumers. 
 Publishers are the source of data. It sends the data to the topic which are
managed by the broker. They are not aware of consumers.
 Consumers subscribe to the topics which are managed by the broker.
 Hence, Brokers responsibility is to accept data from publishers and send it
to the appropriate consumers. The broker only has the information
regarding the consumer to which a particular topic belongs to which the
publisher is unaware of.
Industrial IOT

3. Push-Pull Model – 
The push-pull model constitutes data publishers, data consumers, and data queues.
 Publishers and Consumers are not aware of each other.
 Publishers publish the message/data and push it into the queue. The
consumers, present on the other side, pull the data out of the queue. Thus,
the queue acts as the buffer for the message when the difference occurs in
the rate of push or pull of data on the side of a publisher and consumer.
 Queues help in decoupling the messaging between the producer and
consumer. Queues also act as a buffer which helps in situations where
there is a mismatch between the rate at which the producers push the data
and consumers pull the data.

4. Exclusive Pair –
Industrial IOT

 Exclusive Pair is the bi-directional model, including full-duplex

communication among client and server. The connection is constant and
remains open till the client sends a request to close the connection.
 The Server has the record of all the connections which has been opened.
 This is a state-full connection model and the server is aware of all open
 WebSocket based communication API is fully based on this model.

3. Challenges in Internet of things (IoT)

Introduction :
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnectivity of physical devices,
vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software,
sensors, and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data.
The IoT concept involves extending Internet connectivity beyond traditional devices
like desktop and laptop computers, smartphones and tablets to a diverse range of
devices and everyday things. The ultimate goal of IoT is to offer advanced
connectivity of devices, systems, and services that goes beyond machine-to-machine
communications and covers a variety of protocols, domains, and applications.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has fast grown to be a large part of how human beings
live, communicate and do business. All across the world, web-enabled devices are
Industrial IOT

turning our global rights into a greater switched-on area to live in.
There are various types of challenges in front of IoT. 
Security challenges in IoT :
1. Lack of encryption –
Although encryption is a great way to prevent hackers from accessing data,
it is also one of the leading IoT security challenges.
These drives like the storage and processing capabilities that would be
found on a traditional computer.
The result is an increase in attacks where hackers can easily manipulate the
algorithms that were designed for protection.
2. Insufficient testing and updating –
With the increase in the number of IoT(internet of things) devices, IoT
manufacturers are more eager to produce and deliver their device as fast as
they can without giving security too much of although.
Most of these devices and IoT products do not get enough testing and
updates and are prone to hackers and other security issues.
3. Brute forcing and the risk of default passwords –
Weak credentials and login details leave nearly all IoT devices vulnerable to
password hacking and brute force.
Any company that uses factory default credentials on their devices is
placing both their business and its assets and the customer and their
valuable information at risk of being susceptible to a brute force attack.
4. IoT Malware and ransomware –
Increases with increase in devices.
Ransomware uses encryption to effectively lock out users from various
devices and platforms and still use a user’s valuable data and info.
Example –
A hacker can hijack a computer camera and take pictures.
By using malware access points, the hackers can demand ransom to unlock
the device and return the data.
5. IoT botnet aiming at cryptocurrency –
IoT botnet workers can manipulate data privacy, which could be massive
risks for an open Crypto market. The exact value and creation of
cryptocurrencies code face danger from mal-intentioned hackers.
The blockchain companies are trying to boost security. Blockchain
technology itself is not particularly vulnerable, but the app development
process is.
6. Inadequate device security : Inadequate device security refers to the lack
of proper measures to protect electronic devices such as computers,
smartphones, and IoT devices from cyber attacks, hacking, data theft, and
unauthorized access. This can happen due to outdated software, weak
passwords, unpatched vulnerabilities, lack of encryption, and other security
risks. It is important to regularly update the software and implement strong
security measures to ensure the security and privacy of sensitive
information stored on these devices. Many IoT devices have weak security
features and can be easily hacked.
Industrial IOT

7. Lack of standardization:  Lack of standardization refers to the absence of

agreed-upon specifications or protocols in a particular field or industry. This
can result in different systems, products, or processes being incompatible
with each other, leading to confusion, inefficiency, and decreased
interoperability. For example, in the context of technology, a lack of
standardization can cause difficulties in communication and data exchange
between different devices and systems. Establishing standards and protocols
can help overcome this and ensure uniformity and compatibility. There is a
lack of standardization in IoT devices, making it difficult to secure them
8. Vulnerability to network attacks: Vulnerability to network attacks refers
to the susceptibility of a network, system or device to being compromised
or exploited by cyber criminals. This can happen due to weaknesses in the
network infrastructure, unpatched software, poor password management, or
a lack of appropriate security measures. Network attacks can result in data
theft, loss of privacy, disruption of services, and financial loss. To reduce
vulnerability to network attacks, it’s important to implement strong security
measures such as firewalls, encryption, and regular software updates, as
well as educate users on safe internet practices. IoT devices rely on
networks, making them vulnerable to attacks like denial-of-service (DoS)
9. Unsecured data transmission: Unsecured data transmission refers to the
transfer of data over a network or the internet without adequate protection.
This can leave the data vulnerable to interception, tampering, or theft by
malicious actors. Unsecured data transmission can occur when data is
transmitted over an unencrypted network connection or when insecure
protocols are used. To protect sensitive data during transmission, it is
important to use secure protocols such as SSL/TLS or VPN, and to encrypt
the data before sending it. This can help to ensure the confidentiality and
integrity of the data, even if it is intercepted during transmission. IoT
devices often transmit sensitive data, which may be vulnerable to
eavesdropping or tampering if not properly secured.
10. Privacy concerns: Privacy concerns refer to issues related to the collection,
storage, use, and sharing of personal information. This can include concerns
about who has access to personal information, how it is being used, and
whether it is being protected from unauthorized access or misuse. In the
digital age, privacy concerns have become increasingly important as
personal information is being collected and stored on an unprecedented
scale. To address privacy concerns, individuals and organizations need to
implement appropriate security measures to protect personal information, be
transparent about how it is being used, and respect individuals’ rights to
control their own information. Additionally, privacy laws and regulations
have been established to provide guidelines and protections for individuals’
personal information. The vast amount of data generated by IoT devices
raises privacy concerns, as personal information could be collected and
used without consent.
Industrial IOT

11. Software vulnerabilities: Software vulnerabilities are weaknesses or flaws

in software code that can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized
access, steal sensitive information, or carry out malicious activities.
Software vulnerabilities can arise from errors or mistakes made during the
development process, or from the use of outdated or unsupported software.
Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to gain control over a system,
install malware, or steal sensitive information. To reduce the risk of
software vulnerabilities, it is important for software developers to follow
secure coding practices and for users to keep their software up-to-date and
properly configured. Additionally, organizations and individuals should
implement robust security measures, such as firewalls, antivirus software,
and intrusion detection systems, to protect against potential threats. IoT
devices often have software vulnerabilities, which can be exploited by
attackers to gain access to devices and networks.
12. Insider threats: Insider threats refer to security risks that come from within
an organization, rather than from external sources such as hackers or cyber
criminals. These threats can take many forms, such as employees who
intentionally or unintentionally cause harm to the organization, contractors
who misuse their access privileges, or insiders who are coerced into
compromising the security of the organization. Insider threats can result in
data breaches, theft of intellectual property, and damage to the reputation of
the organization. To mitigate the risk of insider threats, organizations should
implement strict access controls, monitor employee activity, and provide
regular training on security and privacy policies. Additionally, organizations
should have a plan in place to detect, respond to, and recover from security
incidents involving insiders. Employees or contractors with access to IoT
systems can pose a security risk if they intentionally or unintentionally
cause harm.
To address these challenges, it is important to implement security measures such as
encryption, secure authentication, and software updates to ensure the safe and secure
operation of IoT devices and systems.
Design challenge in IoT :
Design challenges in IoT (Internet of Things) refer to the technical difficulties and
trade-offs involved in creating connected devices that are both functional and secure.
Some of the key design challenges in IoT include:
 Interoperability: Interoperability refers to the ability of different systems,
devices, or components to work together seamlessly and exchange data
effectively. In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), interoperability is
a critical challenge, as a large number of diverse devices are being
connected to the internet. The lack of standardization in the IoT can lead to
difficulties in communication and data exchange between devices, resulting
in an fragmented and inefficient system. To overcome this challenge,
organizations and industry groups are working to establish standards and
protocols to ensure interoperability between IoT devices. This includes the
development of common communication protocols, data formats, and
Industrial IOT

security standards. Interoperability is important for enabling the full

potential of the IoT and allowing connected devices to work together
effectively and efficiently. Ensuring that different IoT devices can work
together seamlessly and exchange data effectively.
 Security: Security is a critical concern in the Internet of Things (IoT) as it
involves the protection of sensitive data and systems from unauthorized
access, theft, or damage. IoT devices are often vulnerable to cyber attacks
due to their increased exposure to the internet and their limited computing
resources. Some of the security challenges in IoT include:
1. Device security: Ensuring that IoT devices are protected from malware and
unauthorized access.
2. Network security: Protecting the communication between IoT devices and
the network from cyber attacks.
3. Data security: Securing the data collected and transmitted by IoT devices
from unauthorized access or tampering.
4. Privacy: Protecting the privacy of individuals whose personal information is
collected and transmitted by IoT devices.                                                                  
To address these security challenges, organizations should implement robust
security measures such as encryption, firewalls, and regular software
updates. Additionally, they should conduct regular security audits and
assessments to identify and address potential security risks. By prioritizing
security, organizations can help to protect the sensitive data and systems
involved in IoT and reduce the risk of cyber attacks.Protecting IoT devices
and the sensitive data they collect and transmit from cyber threats and
unauthorized access.
 Scalability: Scalability refers to the ability of a system to handle increasing
workloads or numbers of users without a significant decline in performance.
In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), scalability is a major
challenge as the number of connected devices is rapidly growing, leading to
an increased volume of data and communication. Scalability challenges in
IoT include:
1. Data management: Effectively managing and storing the large amounts of
data generated by IoT devices.
2. Network capacity: Ensuring that networks have sufficient capacity to handle
the increased volume of data and communication.
3. Device management: Efficiently managing the growing number of IoT
devices and ensuring that they can be easily configured and maintained.
         To address these scalability challenges, organizations should adopt scalable
architectures, such as cloud computing, that can accommodate the growing                      
number of IoT devices and the data they generate. Additionally, they should
implement efficient data management and storage solutions, such as distributed              
databases and data lakes, to handle the increased volume of data. By prioritizing
scalability, organizations can ensure that their IoT systems can handle the                  
growing number of connected devices and continue to deliver high performance and
efficiency. Designing systems that can accommodate large numbers of                
connected devices and manage the resulting data flow effectively.
Industrial IOT

 Reliability: Reliability refers to the ability of a system to perform its

intended function consistently and without failure over time. In the context
of the Internet of Things (IoT), reliability is a critical concern, as the failure
of even a single IoT device can have significant consequences. Some of the
reliability challenges in IoT include:
1. Device failure: Ensuring that IoT devices are designed and built to be
reliable and function correctly even in harsh environments.
2. Network connectivity: Maintaining stable and reliable connections between
IoT devices and the network, even in the face of hardware or software
3. Data accuracy: Ensuring that the data collected and transmitted by IoT
devices is accurate and reliable.
          To address these reliability challenges, organizations should implement robust
and reliable hardware and software designs for IoT devices, and conduct regular          
testing and maintenance to identify and resolve any issues. They should also
implement redundant systems and failover mechanisms to ensure that the system          
continues to function in the event of a failure. By prioritizing reliability, organizations
can help ensure that their IoT systems perform consistently and without              
failure, delivering the intended benefits and results. Ensuring that IoT systems remain
functional and accessible even in the face of hardware or software                      
 Power consumption: Power consumption refers to the amount of energy
that a system or device uses. In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT),
power consumption is a critical challenge, as many IoT devices are
designed to be small, low-power, and operate using batteries. Some of the
power consumption challenges in IoT include:
1. Battery life: Ensuring that IoT devices have sufficient battery life to operate
without frequent recharging or replacement.
2. Energy efficiency: Making sure that IoT devices are designed to use energy
efficiently and reduce the overall power consumption of the system.
3. Power management: Implementing effective power management
techniques, such as sleep modes, to reduce the power consumption of IoT
devices when they are not in use.
          To address these power consumption challenges, organizations should adopt
low-power technologies and energy-efficient designs for IoT devices. They should          
also implement effective power management techniques, such as sleep modes, to
reduce the power consumption of IoT devices when they are not in use. By              
prioritizing power consumption, organizations can help ensure that their IoT systems
are energy efficient, reducing costs and environmental impact. Minimizing           the
power consumption of IoT devices to extend battery life and reduce costs.
 Privacy: Privacy is a critical concern in the Internet of Things (IoT), as IoT
devices collect, store, and transmit large amounts of personal and sensitive
information. Some of the privacy challenges in IoT include:
1. Data collection: Ensuring that only the necessary data is collected and that it
is collected in a way that respects individuals’ privacy rights.
Industrial IOT

2. Data storage: Ensuring that the data collected by IoT devices is stored
securely and that access to it is strictly controlled.
3. Data sharing: Controlling who has access to the data collected by IoT
devices and ensuring that it is not shared without proper authorization.
           To address these privacy challenges, organizations should implement robust
privacy policies and procedures, such as data protection, data minimization, and              
data retention. They should also educate users on the privacy implications of using
IoT devices and encourage them to take steps to protect their privacy.                    
Additionally, organizations should adopt privacy-enhancing technologies, such as
encryption and anonymization, to protect the privacy of individuals whose                
information is collected by IoT devices. By prioritizing privacy, organizations can
help to ensure that individuals’ rights and freedoms are respected, and that                
sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access or misuse. Protecting the
privacy of individuals whose personal information is collected and                      
transmitted by IoT devices.
 Battery life is a limitation –
Issues in packaging and integration of small-sized chip with low weight and
less power consumption. If you’ve been following the mobile space, you’ve
likely see how every yr it looks like there’s no restriction in terms of display
screen size. Take the upward thrust of ‘phablets’, for instance, which can be
telephones nearly as huge as tablets. Although helpful, the bigger monitors
aren’t always only for convenience, rather, instead, display screen sizes are
growing to accommodate larger batteries. Computers have getting slimmer,
but battery energy stays the same.
 Increased cost and time to market –
Embedded systems are lightly constrained by cost.
The need originates to drive better approaches when designing the IoT
devices in order to handle the cost modelling or cost optimally with digital
electronic components.
Designers also need to solve the design time problem and bring the
embedded device at the right time to the market.
 Security of the system –
Systems have to be designed and implemented to be robust and reliable and
have to be secure with cryptographic algorithms and security procedures.
It involves different approaches to secure all the components of embedded
systems from prototype to deployment.
Designers and engineers must carefully balance these design challenges to create IoT
systems that are functional, secure, and scalable.
Deployment challenges in IoT :
The deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) systems can present several challenges,
1. Connectivity –
It is the foremost concern while connecting devices, applications and cloud
Connected devices that provide useful front and information are extremely
Industrial IOT

valuable. But poor connectivity becomes a challenge where IoT sensors are
required to monitor process data and supply information.
2. Cross platform capability –
IoT applications must be developed, keeping in mind the technological
changes of the future.
Its development requires a balance of hardware and software functions.
It is a challenge for IoT application developers to ensure that the device and
IoT platform drivers the best performance despite heavy device rates and
3. Data collection and processing –
In IoT development, data plays an important role. What is more critical here
is the processing or usefulness of stored data.
Along with security and privacy, development teams need to ensure that
they plan well for the way data is collected, stored or processed within an
4. Lack of skill set –
All of the development challenges above can only be handled if there is a
proper skilled resource working on the IoT application development.
The right talent will always get you past the major challenges and will be an
important IoT application development asset.
5. Integration: Ensuring that IoT devices and systems integrate seamlessly
with existing technology and infrastructure.
6. Network infrastructure: Building and maintaining the network
infrastructure needed to support the large number of connected IoT devices.
7. Device management: Efficiently managing and maintaining the large
number of IoT devices in a deployment.
8. Data management: Managing and analyzing the large amounts of data
generated by IoT devices, and integrating it with existing data systems.
9. Security: Ensuring that the IoT deployment is secure from threats such as
cyber attacks, data breaches, and unauthorized access.
10. Cost: Balancing the cost of deploying and maintaining an IoT system with
the benefits it delivers.
        To address these deployment challenges, organizations should adopt a structured
and well-planned deployment approach, involving the careful selection of              
hardware and software components, careful planning of the network infrastructure,
and the development of a robust security strategy. They should also                      
implement efficient device and data management systems, and seek to maximize the
return on investment by choosing cost-effective solutions. By approaching        
deployment in a structured and well-planned manner, organizations can help ensure
that their IoT systems deliver the intended benefits and results.
Industrial IOT

4. Evolution of Internet of Things (IoT): Past, present and future

A child grows every day and amazes their parents every moment, but still there are some
moments that become milestones in their life history. Let us attempt to chronicle such
milestone moments in the evolution of IoT:

ARPANET was the first connected network – granddad of the Internet as we know it today.
The history of IoT starts with ARPANET.

In 1982, a graduate student in Carnegie Mellon University’s computer science department,

David Nichols, wanted to know if the department’s coke vending machine had cold soda
bottles. He was tired of going to the machine only to find there was no cold bottle available;
the vending machine was quite some distance from his classrooms. So, he wanted to have
information beforehand.

He was helped in this endeavor by Mike Kazar and Ivor Durham, two fellow students, and
John Zsarnay, a research engineer at the university. The code they wrote could check if coke
was available in the vending machine, and if yes, whether it was cold or not. Anyone on the
university ARPANET could monitor the status of the coke vending machine.

In 1989 Tim Berners Lee proposed the framework of world wide web, which laid the
foundation of the Internet.

In 1990 John Romkey developed a toaster that could be turned on and off over the Internet. It
was a toaster wired to the computer as there was no Wi-Fi then!! This toaster is considered to
be the first IoT device – the first “thing” that began Internet of Things.

Researchers and scientists seem to have a thing for caffeine – cold or hot. In 1993, the Trojan
Room Coffee Pot was built in the computer laboratory of the University of Cambridge by
Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Paul Jardetzky in 1993. An image of the interior of the pot was
uploaded to the building server thrice every minute. Later on, when browsers began
displaying images, these images could be viewed online.

The next milestone in development of IoT came in 1999 when Kevin Ashton, current
Executive Director of the Auto-ID Labs, coined the term internet of things. It was the title of
a presentation he made at Procter and Gamble (where he was working at that point of time)
about linking RFID in P&G’s supply chain to the Internet.

The term IoT began to be used in mainstream publications like The Guardian and Scientific
American by 2003-2004. In the same period RFID deployed by the US department of
Defence and by Walmart in its stores.

The United Nations International Telecommunications Union acknowledged the impact of

IoT in its report in 2005. It predicted that IoT will help create an entirely new dynamic
network of networks.

In March 2008, the first IoT conference was held in Zurich. It brought together researchers
and practitioners from both academia and industry to facilitate sharing of knowledge. In the
Industrial IOT

same year, the US National Intelligence Council included the Internet of Things as one of the
six disruptive civil technologies.

In its 2011 white paper, Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (CIBSG) said that internet
of things can truly be said to be born between 2008 and 2009 when the number of things
connected to the internet exceeded the number of people connected to it. CIBSG calculated
that the things to people ratio grew from approximately 0.8 in 2003 to 1.84 in 2010.

Together with the white paper, Cisco released many educational materials on the topic and
started marketing initiatives to attract clients looking to adopt IoT. IBM and Ericsson joined
the race soon after.

In 2011 Gartner included IoT in its Hype cycle for emerging technologies that were on the

In 2013 IDC released a report that predicted IoT market to grow at a CAGR of 7.9% and
reach USD 8.9 trillion by 2020.
Industrial IOT
Industrial IOT

uture of IoT
According to Statista, the total number of installed connected devices is expected to be 75.4
billion globally by 2025. This would be five times increase since 2015.

These numbers indicate that the future of IoT promises to be more innovative and
revolutionary as compared to the present. That more and more domains would be embracing
IoT is a foregone conclusion. Let’s discuss some of the trends that will change the face of

5G integration

2020 has already seen testing of 5G by many companies. IoT architecture will be integrating
5G into systems, new as well as old. 5G would enhance capabilities of existing networks
manifolds. 5G would not be replacing the existing network but enhancing its capabilities. Old
or new, 5G would be enable transmission of data to and from cloud servers at lightning

Single interface

As discussed earlier, more and more devices with varieties of capabilities are joining the IoT
networks every second. users — individuals or Enterprises — would need a single interface
that provides them end to end access instead of a basket of remotes and interfaces.

Multi-level privacy and security

Data privacy and security is going to be even more important. Historically data security has
been implemented at device level be it a smartphone or a laptop or a any other smart device
connected to the IoT network. However, in future privacy and security measures would be
implemented at multiple layers between IoT endpoints.

Shift from products to services ecosystem

The key driver of any IoT system is the data generated by it. Companies providing products
would gradually move towards services around insights provided by the data.

5. Major Components of IoT

What is IOT ? 
Internet of Things (IoT)  is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are
accessible through the Internet (formal definition). So, in simple terms IOT means
Industrial IOT

anything that can be connected to internet and can be controlled / monitored using
Internet from our smart devices or PCs. 
The “things” specified here can be anything from small tracking chips to actual
smart cars on road, all these can be categorized as IOT. All things that are connected
to internet are assigned with IP to it so that it can be monitored uniquely using
internet. The embedded systems and technology are the objects that help in
realization of successful IOT. 
Why to use IOT ? 
Everything can be connected to internet and can be controlled from internet. Systems
can be automated so that sensors upload data continuously to cloud and various
algorithms (like Machine Learning Techniques) can be applied to this data so that
we can analyse the data properly and produce efficient outputs. And based on
results, the clouds can perform pre-defined actions in response to sensor data. 
Security can be enhanced from our smart devices as we can keep an eye at our
homes, work places etc. Automated rapid responses like in industries when certain
parameters get disturbed automatically actions are triggered to counter the effect.
(License plate recognition used in Traffic systems). Monitor places where
surveillance is difficult. 
 IOT in Agriculture, Health Care etc. 
 Smart Wearables, Vehicles and cars. 
 Smart Grids and Industries. 
 Smart cities and Smart Grids. 
Major Components of IOT: 
These are explained as following below. 

1. Things or Device 
These are fitted with sensors and actuators. Sensors collect data from the
environment and give to gateway where as actuators performs the action
Industrial IOT

(as directed after processing of data). 

2. Gateway 
The sensors give data to Gateway and here some kind of pre-processing of
data is even done. It also acts as a level of security for the network and for
the transmitted data. 
3. Cloud 
The data after being collected is uploaded to cloud. Cloud in simple terms
is basically a set of servers connected to internet 24*7. 
4. Analytics 
The data after being received in the cloud processing is done . Various
algorithms are applied here for proper analysis of data (techniques like
Machine Learning etc are even applied). 
5. User Interface 
User end application where user can monitor or control the data. 
Is the cloud necessary for IOT? 
The answer is simply no because we can do the processing even locally instead of
uploading the data into the cloud. These techniques are called as “Fog Computing ”
or “Edge Computing ”. But then, why we associate cloud computing with IOT, the
reason is also simple because cloud computing gives us scalability and low cost of
If we stop using the Cloud resources then this would slow down the growth of the
IOT career . 
So, benefits of using the clouds are :- 
 Decreased cost of setting up new infrastructure. 
 Highly Scalable (we can use as much we want to). 
 Pay as much we use (just like house electricity bills). 
 Easily accessible just by internet. 
What is exactly Cloud Computing ? 
In simple terms, it is defined as storing and accessing of data and computing services
over the internet rather than managing the files in a local storage. Cloud computing
makes it possible to save these files(data)over internet. It’s like having a high
performance computer some where in internet and we are only using the computing
resources of that virtual high performance computer. 
Essential characteristics of Cloud Computing: 
 On-demand Self Service. 
 Broad network access. 
 Resource Pooling. 
 On demand rapid expansion of resources. 
 Pay as you use. 
Industrial IOT

How to use Cloud ?

Cloud can be used as :- 

1. Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS): 

It is the lowest level of cloud service. Here we just allocate the hardware
as per the demand and rest everything is on our part that is starting from
choosing OS to application programs. 
2. Platform As A Service (PaaS): 
Here we don’t deal with the underlying hardware, Operating Systems etc.
But here we have control over the applications that we want to use and put
in our virtual system. In simple terms, it provides an environment for
Development purpose.
3. Software As A Service (SaaS): 
Here consumers are allowed to use the licensed applications (that they
have subscribed). Its like on-demand software. In simple terms, it means
we take subscriptions of the services we want and after that we are to
those applications hosted in the cloud. 
Types of Cloud: 
These are explained below: 
1. Public Cloud: 
Cloud Infrastructure can be used by general public. 
2. Private Cloud: 
Cloud Infrastructure to be used by specific organisation . 
3. Community Cloud: 
Cloud Infrastructure to be used by specific community of consumers from
organisation who may be working together. Example.: Healthcare industry
4. Hybrid Cloud: 
Here two or more cloud infrastructures are implemented and there is a
switching between resources as per demand and need. 
So, we discussed about importance of IOT and Cloud Computing. But what are
the challenges in IOT ? 
1. Security: 
As the number of devices connected to internet are increasing so as poorly
designed devices are also getting more prone to security threats. 
2. Privacy: 
The data of the user has to be protected from theft as almost all activities
done by an individual can be monitored. 
Industrial IOT

3. Standards: 
There are no proper standards and documentations discussing the best
4. Regulation: 
Legal issues with Int involves cross border data flow, data retention and
destruction policies etc. 
5. Development: 
It should be expanded and implemented to even developing and under
developed countries instead of focusing only on developed countries. 

6.iot architect
Internet of Things (IoT)  technology has a wide variety of applications and use of
Internet of Things is growing so faster. Depending upon different application areas
of Internet of Things, it works accordingly as per it has been designed/developed.
But it has not a standard defined architecture of working which is strictly followed
universally. The architecture of IoT depends upon its functionality and
implementation in different sectors. Still, there is a basic process flow based on
which IoT is built. 
So. here in this article we will discuss basic fundamental architecture of IoT i.e., 4
Stage IoT architecture.  

4 Stage IoT architecture

So, from the above image it is clear that there is 4 layers are present that can be
divided as follows: Sensing Layer, Network Layer, Data processing Layer, and
Application Layer. 
These are explained as following below.
1. Sensing Layer – 
The sensing layer is the first layer of the IoT architecture and is
responsible for collecting data from different sources. This layer includes
sensors and actuators that are placed in the environment to gather
Industrial IOT

information about temperature, humidity, light, sound, and other physical

parameters. These devices are connected to the network layer through
wired or wireless communication protocols.
2. Network Layer – 
The network layer of an IoT architecture is responsible for providing
communication and connectivity between devices in the IoT system. It
includes protocols and technologies that enable devices to connect and
communicate with each other and with the wider internet. Examples of
network technologies that are commonly used in IoT include WiFi,
Bluetooth, Zigbee, and cellular networks such as 4G and 5G. Additionally,
the network layer may include gateways and routers that act as
intermediaries between devices and the wider internet, and may also
include security features such as encryption and authentication to protect
against unauthorized access.
3. Data processing Layer – 
The data processing layer of IoT architecture refers to the software and
hardware components that are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and
interpreting data from IoT devices. This layer is responsible for receiving
raw data from the devices, processing it, and making it available for
further analysis or action.The data processing layer includes a variety of
technologies and tools, such as data management systems, analytics
platforms, and machine learning algorithms. These tools are used to
extract meaningful insights from the data and make decisions based on
that data.Example of a technology used in the data processing layer is a
data lake, which is a centralized repository for storing raw data from IoT
4. Application Layer – 
The application layer of IoT architecture is the topmost layer that interacts
directly with the end-user. It is responsible for providing user-friendly
interfaces and functionalities that enable users to access and control IoT
devices.This layer includes various software and applications such as
mobile apps, web portals, and other user interfaces that are designed to
interact with the underlying IoT infrastructure. It also includes middleware
services that allow different IoT devices and systems to communicate and
share data seamlessly.The application layer also includes analytics and
processing capabilities that allow data to be analyzed and transformed into
meaningful insights. This can include machine learning algorithms, data
visualization tools, and other advanced analytics capabilities.

industrial internet of things (IIoT)

What is the industrial internet of things?
The industrial internet of things (IIoT) is the use of smart sensors and
actuators to enhance manufacturing and industrial processes. Also known
Industrial IOT

as the industrial internet or Industry 4.0, IIoT uses the power of smart
machines and real-time analytics to take advantage of the data that "dumb
machines" have produced in industrial settings for years. The driving
philosophy behind IIoT is that smart machines are not only better than
humans at capturing and analyzing data in real time, but they're also better
at communicating important information that can be used to drive business
decisions faster and more accurately.

Connected sensors and actuators enable companies to pick up on

inefficiencies and problems sooner and save time and money, while
supporting business intelligence efforts. In manufacturing, specifically, IIoT
holds great potential for quality control, sustainable and green practices,
supply chain traceability, and overall supply chain efficiency. In an industrial
setting, IIoT is key to processes such as Predictive maintenance (PdM),
enhanced field service, energy management and asset tracking.

How does IIoT work?

IIoT is a network of intelligent devices connected to form systems that
monitor, collect, exchange and analyze data. Each industrial IoT ecosystem
consists of:

 connected devices that can sense, communicate and store

information about themselves;

 public and/or private data communications infrastructure;

 analytics and applications that generate business information from

raw data;

 storage for the data that is generated by the IIoT devices; and

 people.

These edge devices and intelligent assets transmit information directly to

the data communications infrastructure, where it's converted into actionable
information on how a certain piece of machinery is operating. This
Industrial IOT

information can be used for predictive maintenance, as well as to optimize

business processes.


Ultimate IoT implementation guide for businesses

 Which also includes:

 Top 8 IoT applications and examples in business

 Top 5 IoT security threats and risks to prioritize

 Future of IoT offers mixed bag of opportunity, shortages

IIoT infrastructure components include the IoT or edge gateway, sensors, actuators and
edge nodes.

Which industries are using IIoT?

There are countless industries that make use of IIoT. One example is the
automotive industry, which uses IIoT devices in the manufacturing process.
The automotive industry extensively uses industrial robots, and IIoT can
help proactively maintain these systems and spot potential problems before
they can disrupt production.

The agriculture industry makes extensive use of IIoT devices, too. Industrial
sensors collect data about soil nutrients, moisture and more, enabling
farmers to produce an optimal crop.

The oil and gas industry also uses industrial IoT devices. Some oil
companies maintain a fleet of autonomous aircraft that can use visual and
thermal imaging to detect potential problems in pipelines. This information
is combined with data from other types of sensors to ensure safe

What are the benefits of IIoT?

One of the top touted benefits of IIoT devices used in the manufacturing
industry is that they enable predictive maintenance. Organizations can use
real-time data generated from IIoT systems to predict when a machine will
need to be serviced. That way, the necessary maintenance can be
Industrial IOT

performed before a failure occurs. This can be especially beneficial on a

production line, where the failure of a machine might result in a work
stoppage and huge costs. By proactively addressing maintenance issues,
an organization can achieve better operational efficiency.

Another benefit is more efficient field service. IIoT technologies help field
service technicians identify potential issues in customer equipment before
they become major issues, enabling techs to fix the problems before they
inconvenience customers. These technologies might also provide field
service technicians with information about which parts they need to make a
repair. That way, the technician has the necessary parts with them when
making a service call.

Asset tracking is another IIoT perk. Suppliers, manufacturers and

customers can use asset management systems to track the location, status
and condition of products throughout the supply chain. The system sends
instant alerts to stakeholders if the goods are damaged or at risk of being
damaged, giving them the chance to take immediate or preventive action to
remedy the situation.

IIoT also allows for enhanced customer satisfaction. When products are
connected to the internet of things, the manufacturer can capture and
analyze data about how customers use their products, enabling
manufacturers and product designers to build more customer-centric
product roadmaps.

IIoT also improves facility management. Manufacturing equipment is

susceptible to wear and tear, which can be exacerbated by certain
conditions in a factory. Sensors can monitor vibrations, temperature and
other factors that might lead to suboptimal operating conditions.

Is IIoT secure?
Early on, manufacturers created IoT devices with little regard for security,
resulting in a perception that IoT devices are inherently insecure. Given the
Industrial IOT

similarities between IoT and IIoT devices, it's worth considering whether it's
safe to use IIoT devices.

As with any other connected device, IIoT devices must be evaluated on a

device-by-device basis. It's entirely possible that one manufacturer's device
is secure while another isn't. Even so, security is a bigger priority among
device manufacturers than ever before.

In 2014, several technology companies including AT&T, Cisco, General

Electric, IBM and Intel came together to form the Industrial Internet
Consortium (IIC). Although this group's primary objective is to accelerate
the adoption of IIoT and related technologies, it's making security a priority,
even going so far as to form a security working group. The IIC's other
working groups include Technology, Liaison, Marketing, Industry and
Digital Transformation.

What are the risks and challenges of IIoT?

The biggest risks associated with IIoT use pertain to security. It's relatively
common for IIoT devices to continue using default passwords, even after
they have been placed into production. Similarly, many IIoT devices
transmit data as clear text. These conditions would make it relatively easy
for an attacker to intercept the data coming from an IIoT device. Similarly,
an attacker could take over an insecure IIoT device and use it as a platform
for launching an attack against other network resources.

Security is a big challenge for those who are responsible for an

organization's IIoT devices, but so, too, is device management. As an
organization adopts more and more IIoT devices, it will become
increasingly important to adopt an effective device management strategy.
More specifically, organizations must be able to positively identify IIoT
devices to prevent the use of rogue devices. Establishing a means of
identifying each individual device is also crucial for tasks such as replacing
a failed device or performing a device refresh.
Industrial IOT

Patch management presents another big challenge regarding IIoT devices.

It's becoming increasingly common for device manufacturers to issue
periodic firmware updates. Organizations must have an efficient means of
checking devices to see if they have the latest firmware installed and
deploying new firmware if necessary. Additionally, such a tool must adhere
to the organization's established maintenance schedule so as to not disrupt

What is the difference between IoT and IIoT?

Although IoT and IIoT have many technologies in common, including cloud
platforms, sensors, connectivity, machine-to-machine communications
and data analytics, they are used for different purposes.

IoT applications connect devices across multiple verticals, including

agriculture, healthcare, enterprise, consumer and utilities, as well as
government and cities. IoT devices include smart appliances, fitness bands
and other applications that generally don't create emergency situations if
something goes amiss.

IIoT applications, on the other hand, connect machines and devices in such
industries as oil and gas, utilities and manufacturing. System failures and
downtime in IIoT deployments can result in high-risk situations, or even life-
threatening ones. IIoT applications are also more concerned with improving
efficiency and improving health or safety, versus the user-centric nature of
IoT applications.

What are IIoT applications and examples?

In a real-world IIoT deployment of smart robotics, ABB, a power and
robotics firm, uses connected sensors to monitor the maintenance needs of
its robots to prompt repairs before parts break.

Likewise, commercial jetliner maker Airbus has launched what it calls

the factory of the future, a digital manufacturing initiative to streamline
operations and boost production. Airbus has integrated sensors into
machines and tools on the shop floor and outfitted employees with
Industrial IOT

wearable tech -- e.g., industrial smart glasses -- aimed at cutting down on

errors and enhancing workplace safety.

IIoT is used in many industries and sectors, including robotics, manufacturing and smart

Another robotics manufacturer, Fanuc, is using sensors in its robotics,

along with cloud-based data analytics, to predict the imminent failure of
components in its robots. Doing so enables the plant manager to schedule
maintenance at convenient times, reducing costs and averting potential

Magna Steyr, an Austrian automotive manufacturer, is taking advantage of

IIoT to track its assets, including tools and vehicle parts, as well as to
automatically order more stock when necessary. The company is also
testing "smart packaging" that is enhanced with Bluetooth to track
components in its warehouses.

Who are IIoT vendors?

There are several vendors with IIoT platforms, including:

 ABB Ability. An IIoT company specializing in connectivity,

software and machine intelligence.

 Aveva Wonderware. A company that develops human-machine

interface (HMI) and IoT edge platforms for OEMs (original
equipment manufacturers) and end users.

 Axzon. An IIoT company focusing on smart automotive

manufacturing, predictive maintenance and cold chain.

 Cisco IoT. A networking company offering platforms for network

connectivity, connectivity management, data control and
exchange, and edge computing.

 Fanuc Field System. A company that has developed a platform

for connecting various generations, makes and models of
industrial IoT equipment.
Industrial IOT

 Linx Global Manufacturing. A product development and

manufacturing company offering custom IIoT, application and data
management platforms.

 MindSphere by Siemens. An industrial IoT solution based

around artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics.

 Plataine. An IIoT company specializing in using AI to generate

actionable insights in manufacturing.

 Predix by GE. A platform for connecting, optimizing and scaling

digital industrial applications.
IIoT and 5G
5G is the emerging standard for mobile networks. It has been specifically
designed to deliver fast data throughput speeds with low latency. 5G will
support download speeds of up to 20 Gbps (gigabits per second) with sub-
millisecond latency.

The emergence of 5G will likely affect the use of IIoT devices in two main
ways. First, 5G's high throughput and low latency will make it possible for
devices to share data in real time. Previously, this was only possible when
the devices were located on private networks with high-speed connectivity.
This real-time connectivity will support use cases such as driverless
cars and smart cities.

The other way 5G will affect IIoT adoption is that it will likely result in device
proliferation. Industrial operations might use thousands of 5G connected
devices. 5G's high speed and low latency also means we'll likely see IIoT
devices used in remote sites whose lack of high-speed connectivity
previously made IIoT use impractical.

What is the future of IIoT?

The future of IIoT is tightly coupled with a trend known as Industry 4.0.
Industry 4.0 is, essentially, the fourth Industrial Revolution.
Industrial IOT

Industry 1.0 was the first Industrial Revolution and occurred in the late
1700s as companies began to use water-powered or steam-powered
machines in manufacturing. Industry 2.0 started at the beginning of the
20th century and was brought about by the introduction of electricity and
assembly lines. Industry 3.0 occurred in the latter part of the 20th century
and was tied to the use of computers in the manufacturing process.

Industry 4.0 is where we are today. Industry 4.0 is based on the use of
connected electronic devices -- particularly, IIoT devices.

Going forward, IIoT devices will play a major role in digital transformations,
especially as organizations attempt to digitize their production lines and
supply chains. Additionally, big data analytics will evolve to incorporate IIoT
data. This will make it possible for organizations to detect changing
conditions in real time and respond accordingly.

Although IIoT devices have been around for several years, real-world
adoption is still in its infancy. This is sure to change as 5G becomes
increasingly prevalent and more and more organizations begin to realize
what IIoT can do for them. There are a number of resources available
online for organizations that want to get up to speed on IoT and IIoT.

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