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MEZ GmbH, 2021 All rights reserved.
7259 V.1/EW

Kalamas Knitting

Socks Intermediate 3

Design: REGIA Designteam

Initial publication: July 2010

28/29, 38/39 - For further sizes see table page 3 Col. = Color(s)
Instructions are for smallest size, with changes for larger cont = continue
sizes noted in different colors. When only one figure is given, foll = following
it applies to all sizes. K = knit
P = Purl
MATERIALS patt = pattern
REGIA 4-ply, 100 g ball rep = repeat
Col. 06629 (ocean), 1 ball RS = right side
1 Double Pointed Needles 2,00 - 3,00 mm St-st = stockinette stitch
st(s) = stitch(es)
BASICS WS = wrong side
Stockinette stitch:
In Rows: RS: knit all sts, WS: purl all sts.
In Rd: knit all sts
Rib pattern: alt K1, P1. You will find the course „Technique of sock knitting“ at and under the design
Lace pattern: work all rounds foll Chart; work motif of 15 sts No R0333. Sizing charts can be found at Tips & Tricks at
4 times. Rep rounds 1 - 16 throughout for patt.

Did you know that our designs are on Ravelry too?

GAUGE Search for the model number, create your project and
on 2-3mm needles in Lace Patt (stretched slightly in width) link it to our pattern for all Ravelers to see and to admire.
and st-st: 30 sts and 42 rounds, each to 4 x 4 in/10 x 10 cm.
Take time to check gauge, changing needle size if necessary #madewithregia

With 4 double-pointed needles cast on 52/60 sts evenly
across (= 13/15 sts on each needle) and work 3 rounds
st-st, then 2 cm Rib Patt. Knit 1 round, then cont in Lace
Patt. When leg measures 7,5/11.5 cm (= 32/48 rounds) Lace
Patt, cont in st-st over the 26/30 sts on Needles 1 and 4 only,
and another 4 rounds Lace Patt over the 30 sts on Needles
2 and 3. Then work Foot with short-row heel foll “R0333
Sock Guide”. Work short-row heel in st-st in open rows
over the 30 sts on Needles 1 and 4. Then work in st-st over
the sts on Needles 1 and 4, and in Lace Patt over the sts on
Needles 2 and 3. When Foot measures 14/20 cm, work toe
shaping in st-st. Total length of foot 18/25 cm. Work both
socks alike.

Please review our full terms of use of this

pattern on our website.
© Copyright MEZ GmbH, 2021.

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Kalamas socks • 7259 • V.1


28/29 AND 30/31 32/33 AND 34/35 36/37 AND 38/39

16 16 16
15 15 15
14 14 14
13 13 13
12 12 12
11 11 11
10 10 10
9 9 9
8 8 8
7 7 7
6 6 6
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
motif = 15 sts motif = 14 sts motif = 15 sts


= P1
- = K1
= 1 yarn-over
 = K2 tog

 = slip dec knitways over 2 sts: slip 1 knitways, K1,

pass slipped st over


Size 28/29 30/31 32/33 34/35 36/37 38/39

length of foot (cm) 18 19,5 21 22 23,5 25

sts to cast on 52 52 56 56 60 60

sts per needle 13 13 14 14 15 15

sts for heel 26 26 28 28 30 30

sts in each heel section 8/10/8 8/10/8 9/10/9 9/10/9 10/10/10 10/10/10

Foot, length to toe (cm) 14 15,5 17 18 18,5 20

Decreases for barn toe after first decrease round

every 4th rnd - - - - 1x 1x

every 3rd rnd 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x

every other rnd 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x

every rnd 5x 5x 6x 6x 6x 6x

Please review our full terms of use of this

pattern on our website.
© Copyright MEZ GmbH, 2021.

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