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Table of Contents
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................4

2. Placement in the host institution.............................................................................................................5

2.1 Bank reconciliation position..............................................................................................................5

2.2 Voucher & Receipt position..............................................................................................................5

2.3 Imprest position................................................................................................................................5

3. Tasks Assigned.........................................................................................................................................6

3.1 Preparation of bank reconciliation statements................................................................................6

3.2 Preparation of payment Voucher and Receipts................................................................................6

3.3 Handling, preparation and retirement of staff imprests...................................................................6

3.4 Sample of payment voucher and retirement of imprest document as prepared using votebook
management system software...............................................................................................................8

4. Working Environment............................................................................................................................13

4.1 Participation...................................................................................................................................13

4.2 Working relationship......................................................................................................................13

5. Relevance of work assigned to my area of specialization......................................................................14

6. Strengths and Challenges.......................................................................................................................15

6.1 Strengths........................................................................................................................................15

6.2 Challenges.......................................................................................................................................15

7. Problems and Recommendations..........................................................................................................16

7.1 Problems.........................................................................................................................................16

7.2 Recommendations..........................................................................................................................16

8. New things and skills learned................................................................................................................17

8.1 Impest system.................................................................................................................................17

8.2 Votebook Financial management system.......................................................................................17

9. Comments about the organization versus my future expectations.......................................................19

10. Conclusions..........................................................................................................................................20

I would like to give thanks firstly to almighty God who granted me strength,
knowledge, ability and opportunity to accomplish my practical training safely
without any inconveniences.
Secondly, I would like to thank my internal supervisors, ACPA Stella Aloyce and
madam Amina Mzingi, department of accounting at the School of Journalism and
Mass Communication(SJMC), whose worthy guidance and professional attitude is
appreciable in completing this practical training.
I thankfully acknowledge the support and inspiration that I received from the staff
members of the administration of SJMC, their kindness and cooperation is of
great value in gaining experience of my professional.
Lastly, I would like to thank my practical training coordinator, Dr. Victor Wilson
whose help cannot be left unmentioned due to his support, guidance and
encouragement towards the completion of the training.
1. Introduction

The practical training was done at the School of Journalism and Mass
Communication which is located in New city road, Dar es Salaam. The School of
Journalism and Mass Communication is a teaching, and research School of the
University of Dar es Salaam. it conducts training and offers consultancy on issues
concerning Journalism and Mass Communication. The organization possess
mlimani television and mlimani radio(106.5FM) which engages in public service
programs that are directly accessible to the audiences on multiple media
platforms. It’s administrative staff consists of 18 employees in which they
include; principal administrative officer, accountants, procurement officers, ICT
officer, studio instructors, mlimani media producers, secretaries and drivers. Most
of the activities of the organization are academic related thus a number of its
customers are mainly students and workers of the organization. It employs an
updated technology throughout the course of its activities such as Votebook
management system for its transactions.
The training commenced on 25th August 2022, where I reported to the principal
administration officer, madam Magreth Bwathondi who introduced me to my
internal supervisors and other staff members. They gave me instructions and
orientation about the working environment. Fairly speaking, I was kindly received
by the organization that endowed me with confidence and helped me with my
learning experience throughout the training.
2. Placement in the host institution
The practical training was done at the accounting department of the organization,
where as my internal supervisors were the accountants of the organization. I was
placed on more than one related positions both dealing with handling the
organizations transactions as clarified below;

2.1 Bank reconciliation position

As an accounting student, I was assigned to this position so as to assist in the
preparation of several bank reconciliation statements of the months that I was a
trainee in the organization

2.2 Voucher & Receipt position

As a trainee of the organization, I was assigned to this position so as help in the
preparation of payment voucher and receipts as supporting documents for an
invoice of the organization by using votebook management system.

2.3 Imprest position

As a trainee of the organization, I was assigned to this position to assist in
handling and preparation of general, petty, safari and retirement of imprest of the
customers and staff members of the organization.
3. Tasks Assigned
While working at the School of Journalism and mass communication( SJMC) as an
accountant, I was assigned to perform various tasks of my professional as follows;

3.1 Preparation of bank reconciliation statements

As an accounting student and a trainee of the organization, I was entrusted with
few responsibilities including preparation of bank reconciliation statements by
using the Votebook management system which is the transaction system that is
used by University of Dar es Salaam. This involves confirmation that payments
have been processed and cash collections have been deposited into the bank

3.2 Preparation of payment Voucher and Receipts

As a trainee of the organization, I was also assigned to perform transaction duties
including preparation of vouchers and receipts of customers who engaged in
several transactions with the organization e.g Overtime lecturers who were paid
for the extra time used in teaching the students, thus using the votebook
management system, it was required to transfer funds from the organization to
their respective accounts and prepare a voucher document supporting the

3.3 Handling, preparation and retirement of staff

As a trainee of the organization, I was assigned to handle general, petty and safari
imprests. Petty cash imprests refers to the cash account in which the business
relies upon to pay and handle minor disbursements eg office expenses where by a
fixed amount is normally set aside and replenished so as to maintain the fixed
amount. Safari imprests refers to the amount which is provided to a staff member
in order to assist him/her in carrying out both travelling expenses and specific
duties eg driver’s training, always fixed to the one requested by the staff member.
Retirement of staff imprests refers to a document that contains details and
receipts of the expenditure so as to certify that the amount provided by the
organization is efficiently used in carrying out a specific request/purchase .These
documents are all prepared using the votebook management system.
3.4 Sample of payment voucher and retirement of imprest
document as prepared using votebook management system
4. Working Environment
Working environment was generally friendly as I worked under good condition
without any inconveniences. The staff members were so kind and were ready to
offer me with unconditional assistance that I required. They gave me enough
cooperation to make sure I gained experience at the end of the practical training.
Internal supervisors made sure that I prioritize and delegate activities accordingly
to ensure that they are completed in a timely and efficient manner.

4.1 Participation
The working environment allowed and endowed a full participation spirit. This is
due to the kindness and motivational spirit of the staff members that I worked
with. They encouraged me to put my best effort forth at all times, listen and
follow directions well.

4.2 Working relationship

Relationship with other staff members was great and a team work related as we
worked together in undertaking several activities. They embraced collaboration
and provided me with constructive feedback when ever I asked for assistance.
Their willingness to share expertise is an attribute that should not be left
5. Relevance of work assigned to my area of
As an university student taking a bachelor degree in accountancy, I was assigned
to perform several duties including preparation of bank reconciliation statements,
payment vouchers & receipts and staff imprests. From the tasks that I was
assigned to perform, preparation of bank reconciliation statements was a task
that is entirely within my area of specialization since I have theoretically learned
throughout the course of my degree, where as the other tasks can be marked as
work experience as an accountant of SJMC.
My expectations were not entirely met due to nature of the organization which is
entitled to attend students and staff members as most of its customers. As an
accounting student, I expected to employ my theoretical knowledge concerning
the duties and responsibilities of an accountant in an organization, but I have
practically observed and gained experienced from some of them eg preparation
of bank reconciliation statements.
6. Strengths and Challenges
6.1 Strengths
My strength was realized on the degree of efficiency in undertaking tasks and
duties which were assigned to me. I found the tasks given to me interesting
because I am a self motivated student who is eager to learn and understand new
ways of doing things, thus I was flexible to adapt with the work experience as an
trainee accountant of the organization. I was entrusted with important duties
which were delegated to me by my internal supervisor subsequent to the
performance other tasks eg preparation of bank reconciliation statements as per
specific month.

6.2 Challenges
No matter how good a working environment can be, challenges in the field work
are ought to be encountered. In my case, one of the challenges that I faced
included, undertaking of tasks in which I had no theoretical knowledge about.
Before practical training, I never came across a term imprests. Thus, I had to
adjust and understand how the task was done so as I can be of any assistance to
my supervisors.
7. Problems and Recommendations

7.1 Problems
While undertaking tasks assigned to me, I faced one major problem which was
lack of stable internet connection which is largely required to perform most of the
tasks assigned to me. The votebook management system of transactions required
a stable internet connection so as to login and undertake the duties, but
unfortunately there was not, thus resulted to task pile up and required handling
at the university campus where there is strong and stable internet connection.
This created an experience lag because tasks to be handled were taken to the
campus by my internal supervisor.

7.2 Recommendations
I suggest that the University of Dar es Salaam networking department should look
into the internet connectivity of areas that are far from the campus so to
eradicate unnecessary inconveniences that result from lack of stable internet
connection at the specific areas such as at the School of Journalism and Mass
8. New things and skills learned
As the main purpose of practical training is just to enhance
student’s knowledge and experiences, I also learnt some new
things and skills such as how staff workers issue imprests in
their specified organization and how to use votebook financial
management system to support the automation and
intergration of financial management processes of an
organization I.e SJMC.
8.1 Impest system
Imprest system is an accounting system that’s used to track
how business is spending cash. Imprests issued in organization
are categorized into three, namely; General imprest which is
the one which is specifically issued to a person so as he/she can
perform a certain tasks using organization funds e.g purchasing
of office printers. Petty cash imprests issued to office to
handle minor office disbursements such as sugar for office use.
Safari imprests issued to a staff member who is supposed to
travel and undertake specific duty on behalf of the office using
organization funds.
8.2 Votebook Financial management system
There are several financial management information systems
that are used to ensure organization’s economic stability,
efficiency and transparency. They include; Oracle ERP Cloud,
Sage intacct e.t.c
But for the case of the University of Dar es Salaam, Votebook is
system software that is used to track the use of funds and see
whether they are being used for the purpose for which they are
Due the fact that most of the duties assigned to me required
the use of this software, it has enabled me to gain knowledge
and understanding of the software , and how to operate it
various transactions requirements
9. Comments about the organization versus my future
SJMC is one of the best colleges of journalism in Tanzania. A
s a part of the university of Dar es Salaam, it is an
institution where anyone can feel comfortable working for. I
gained new knowledge, skills and experience of my area of
specialization that made me to acknowledge the institution as it
provided me with a glimpse towards my professional
I would like to be employed in this organization since it is
transparent and highly technological developed.
10. Conclusions
Conclusively, my practical training at SJMC ended on 26th
October after two months of enhancing theoretical knowledge
and gaining professional experience as an accountant trainee of
the organization. Frankly, it was a good experience through
learning and undertaking several duties assigned to me. The
support I got from my internal supervisors and other staff
members was incredible to guide me throughout the learning
process. In fact, I would agree working at the institution in case
given the opportunity to.

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