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Project Title: Automobile Company Website


Our client, an automobile company, wants to build a website that will serve as a digital platform for their
business. The website should be user-friendly, responsive, and informative. The purpose of the website
is to provide a platform for the customers to learn more about the company's products and services,
and also to engage with the company.

Scope of Work:

The scope of work for this project includes:

Website Design:

The website design should be modern, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. The design should be
responsive, ensuring that the website is accessible across multiple devices.

Website Development:

The website should be developed using a CMS (Content Management System) such as WordPress,
Drupal or Joomla. This will allow the client to easily update and maintain the website content.


The homepage of the website should contain a brief overview of the company and its products and
services. It should also include links to other sections of the website.

About Us:

The "About Us" section of the website should provide detailed information about the company, its
history, vision, and mission.

Products and Services:

This section should provide detailed information about the company's products and services. It should
include product descriptions, specifications, and pricing information.

Contact Us:

The "Contact Us" section should provide contact information for the company, including an email
address, phone number, and physical address. It should also include a contact form for visitors to send
inquiries or feedback.

The website should include a blog section where the company can post articles and updates related to
the automotive industry. The blog should be easy to navigate and include social sharing buttons.

Search Engine Optimization:

The website should be optimized for search engines to increase its visibility and attract more visitors.
This includes using appropriate keywords, meta tags, and descriptions.


The website should be secure, using SSL encryption to protect user data and prevent hacking.

Location of Work :

Contractor shall perform the services required under this agreement at the client's main office located
at 171 Near EidGah Multan. The work may occasionally require travel to other client locations within a
50-mile radius, for which reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed by the client.

Period of performance:

The period of performance for this contract shall be from May 1, 2023, to July 1 ,2023. The contractor
shall provide all deliverables outlined in the Scope of Work within the designated timelines specified in
the project schedule, which will be mutually agreed upon by both parties no later than two weeks after
the start of the contract. Any changes to the project timeline must receive written approval from both
parties and updated schedules must be submitted to the client within 48 hours of agreement.


The deliverables for this project include:

Website design mockups.

Development of the website.

Content creation for the website.

Deployment of the website on a web server.

Testing and quality assurance.

User documentation.

Search engine optimization.

Applicable standards and Acceptance Criteria:

"The deliverables outlined in this Statement of Work must meet the following applicable standards and
acceptance criteria:

1. All software developed as part of this project must comply with industry standards for coding and
documentation, such as those outlined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) or
the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

2. The project deliverables must meet the performance specifications outlined in the project plan,
including uptime, response time, and accuracy metrics.

3. All documents submitted to the client must adhere to the formatting requirements specified in the
client's Style Guide and/or branding guidelines.

4. Testing procedures and results must be documented according to standard practices, such as those
outlined by the Software Engineering Institute's Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI).

5. The completed project must be delivered error-free and within scope to receive final acceptance from
the client.

The acceptance process will include formal reviews by the client team within 5 business days of receipt
of each deliverable. Any non-conformance to the applicable standards or acceptance criteria will require
immediate corrective action by the contractor."


The estimated timeline for this project is 8 weeks, including design, development, testing, and


The estimated budget for this project is $60,000, which includes website design, development, content
creation, and search engine optimization.


The website will serve as a powerful tool for the automobile company to reach out to their customers,
showcase their products and services, and provide a platform for engagement. The website will be
developed using the latest web technologies and will be optimized for search engines to ensure
maximum visibility.

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