16.07 Biostatistics

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(Affiliated to Gujarat University)

Second Year Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Preliminary Examination– JULY 2021
Date: 16.07.2021 Time: 9.30 AM to 11.30 AM Total Marks: 40

1. Write down the answers legibly.
2. Draw the figure wherever necessary.
3. Marks on the right side suggest the total marks of that question.
4. Answer should be brief and to the point. Irrelevant writing decreases value of answer.

Q.1 In a study, 5400 smokers and 2000 non smokers were followed up for 10 years and
observed for the development of the lung cancer. Among smokers, 50 persons developed lung
cancer while among non smokers, 3 persons developed lung cancers.
a) Identify the study design. Justify your answer.
b) Represent the data in a 2* 2 table form.
c) Calculate the appropriate measure of risk and interpret. (8)

Q.2 Describe measures of central tendency in detail (7)

Q.1 Calculate Mean and Median weight of children from the following Data. (8)

Weight of children No. of children

60-61 10
61-62 20
62-63 45
63-64 50
64-65 60
65-66 40
66-67 15

Q.2 Define epidemiology and their types. Write down Cohort study in details. (7)

Q.3 Short Notes ( 3 out of 4) (15)

a. Cluster Sampling
b. Basic Steps of Research
c. Describe Data presentation methods for qualitative data
d. Describe any four methods of Probability sampling.

Q.4 Short Note (2 out of 3) (10)

a. Sample Size calculation for both types of Data
b. Define Basic Tools of Epidemiology (Rate, Ratio, Proportion)
c. Scales of Measurement of Data

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