Skillful 1 Vocabulary Chart Unit 1S22 2

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Skillful: Summary of Text Vocabulary / Definitions

Unit 1 Character *words from “Sibling Personalities”

Write a sample sentence for each word.

Vocabulary Part of Definition Sample Sentence


bold Adj -confident and willing to take risks

arrogant Adj -believing you are very important,

clever, etc.

determined Adj -very sure that you want to do

something, and not letting anyone or
anything stop you

relevant Adj -directly related to the subject or

problem that you are discussing

conscientious* Adj. -careful to complete the things that

need to be done

Centennial College EAPP 096 D. Shibata

Vocabulary Part of Definition Sample Sentence

-someone who refuses to change their

stubborn* Adj. opinions or beliefs in a way that seems

-the people, place and things around

environment n you

credit n -praise or approval for something

-recognition good actions

responsible adj -having good judgement, able to make

decisions correctly, so people can trust

treat V -to behave towards a person or animal

in a particular way

lazy Adj -a person who does not like working or

doing things that need effort

Centennial College EAPP 096 D. Shibata

Vocabulary Part of Definition Sample Sentence

encourage* V -to give someone hope and confidence

to persuade or push them to do

achieve V -to be able to do or get something you


succeed V -to get what you have been trying to


selfish Adj -caring only about yourself and not

about other people

-to get certain qualities from parents

inherit * v through your genes (e.g. your eye
color, nose shape)

raise* v -to look after and help a child grow

random* (adj) v -in no particular order

randomly (adv)

Centennial College EAPP 096 D. Shibata

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