Business Inteligent Thanu

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Business Inteligent Thanu

software project proposal (ESOFT Metro Campus)

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Higher Nationals
Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)
Programme title HND in Computing
Mr.Aqeel Mr.Thanulagshan
Assessor Internal Verifier
Unit 14: Business Intelligence
Applying BI solutions to enhance and improve business
Assignment title operations
Thamilthasan Thanushyanthan
Student’s name
List which assessment criteria Pass Merit Distinction
the Assessor has awarded.


Do the assessment criteria awarded match

those shown in the assignment brief?
Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade
awarded justified by the assessor’s Y/N
comments on the student work?
Has the work been assessed accurately?
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:
• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment criteria? Y/
• Identifying opportunities for N
improved performance? Y/
• Agreeing actions?

Does the assessment decision need amending?

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if required)


[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 1

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Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature
Programme Leader
signature (if required) Date

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 2

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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID Thamilthasan Thanushyanthan (BAT/A-006965)
Unit 14: Business Intelligence
Unit Title
Assignment Number 1 Assessor Mr.Aqeel
10/12/2021 Date Received 10/12/2021
Submission Date 1st submission
Date Received
Re-submission Date 2nd submission
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used to support business decision-making.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 M1 D1


LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated with business intelligence

functionality. Pass, Merit & Distinction P2 M2 D2


LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M3 D3

LO4 Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools and technologies for
effective decision-making purposes and the legal/regulatory context in which
They are used.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M4 D4


Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 3

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Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

For the Business Intelligence, my lecturer Mr.Aqeel. His method of lecturing is efficient. He
used a variety of new approaches to lecture us and aided us in completing our assignment
on time. He not only inspired us to do our best, but he also guided us.

Assessor Date

Student Date 10/12/2021


[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 4

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Pearson Higher Nationals in

Unit 14: Business
Intelligence Assignment 01

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 5

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General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment.
Use previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
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5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help
editing your assignment.

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6. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
7. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as
illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
8. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
9. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will
then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
10. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using
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citation and a reference list.
11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could
be reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course.

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 6

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Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to
present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further
understand what it means to copy another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of
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4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program,
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5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a
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6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this
document is not attached to the assignment.

Student’s Signature: Date: 10/12/2021

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 7

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Higher National Diploma in Business
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number Thamilthasan Thanushyanthan (BAT/A-006965)

Unit Number and Title Unit 14 : Business Intelligence

Academic Year 2020/21

Unit Tutor Mr.Aqeel

Assignment Title Business Process Support Mechanisms

Issue Date 14/9/2021

Submission Date 10/12/2021

IV Name & Date

Submission format
The submission should be in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, form

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 8

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Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used to support

business decision-making.
LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated with business intelligence
LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies
LO4 Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools and technologies for
effective decision-making purposes and the legal/regulatory context in which they
are used

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 9

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Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Data and information are core to any organizational business process. Meaningful
information is a necessity to drive profitable business actions. The concept of Business
Intelligence (BI) has evolved through technologies such as Decision Support Systems (DSS)
to a number of tools, technologies, architectures and methods which involves data
cleaning, data integration, data mining, data evaluation and data representation. Hence BI
can be identified as a software suite of software and services to transform data into
actionable intelligence and knowledge.

Yard of Ale is a large-scale brewery in Sri Lanka and well establish company control 20%
market share of beer market which is the 2nd biggest market share from entire beer
market. The company have automated production line include mills, Brewhouse and
bottling plant and each control by separate embedded software system not allowed to
access operational data stores but can be configured to generate CSV or excel operational
data file at the end of each batch. The company consists of multiple departments
responsible for each operations of the organization such as Production, Engineering,
HR/Legal, finance, Sales and marketing, Procurement, Administration, Quality control,
Research and development, IT and each and every department have its own operational
systems to record keeping purposes and each operational application software developed
by professionally. Each department manages by a department manager. For an example,
production department manages by the production manager and he is responsible for
manage all production related operations in sub departments. Mills, Brew house, Bottling
plant, raw material and finish products stores and each sub department managed by
operational manager. This hierarchical configuration replicates throughout most of the
department. Upper management of brewery required to consolidate all these data in to
one data warehouse with the data contain in the legacy system as well. Other than that
upper management required to incorporate every external data about company and
products from various data collection and research agencies the business intelligent
system. Those external data available as JSON/XML data files, plain text reports, social
media comments/posts and all negative and positive online comments about organization
and products.

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 10

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Upper management of company believe more you know about organization and the
external environment you have better completive advantage. Have potential to control
bigger market share and effectively become number 1 beer in Sri Lanka

Task 1

Analyse the business processes and the supporting processes of the organization
given in the scenario and differentiate between semi structured and unstructured
data. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using application software to handle
the business processes in Yard of Ale.

Task 2
Compare how strategic, tactical and operational decisions are supported within the
organization for business decision making process. You have to furthermore
compare and contrast how various information systems (TPS, MIS, DSS) could be
utilized to enhance those decisions with related to key features of BI framework.
Justify your answer with relevant to the functionalities of business intelligence.

Task 3
Chief Engineer is the tactical manager of engineering department who oversees all
repairs and maintenance of the total eight sectors of the factory that include water
purification plant, Mill, Brewhouse, bottling plant, waste treatment plant, factory
maintenance and repair/ fabrication shop. Each sector consists of two or more sub
sectors and each subsector have 4- 10 of machines. Chief engineer requires to track the
maintenance and repair all the machineries with minimal disruption to production and
he must maintain healthy inventory of spare parts which consist of over 5000s items,
track the progress of every jobs, Identify problematic arias, Track engineers and
mechanics work logs and efficiency and monitor system downtime.

3.1. Explain what business intelligence is and the tools and technologies associated with
it by taking relevant examples to the organization given in the scenario.

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 11

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3.2. Design a Managerial dash board for chief engineer using various data visualizations
methodologies that includes 6-8 widgets to present required information. Apply
appropriate customizations that can utilize to improve the managerial dashboard
designed above. Critically evaluate how your Dashboard design and the suggested
enhancement could optimize chief engineer’s performance by delivering accurate and
reliable information to increase his effectiveness.

Task 4
4.1. Discuss how organizational decision-making process can be improved by
implementing business intelligence tools. Conduct a research to identify the
organizations that have utilized new business intelligent innovations and trends to
improve their performance and to extend BI systems to target audience, provide
better competitive advantage within the market.

4.2. Sharing data within the organization through a BI tool can raise legal, ethical and
professional concerns. Explore the legal issues that may result when using business
intelligence tools (Eg: Data protection laws, Cyber security, etc.) and evaluate how the
chosen organization and extend the target audience / gain a competitive advantage by
securely exploiting Business Intelligence tools.

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 12

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Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used

to support business decision-making.

P1 Examine, using examples, the terms ‘Business

Process’ and ‘Supporting Processes’.
M1 Differentiate between unstructured and semi-
structured data within an organisation.
D1 Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using
application software as a mechanism for business

LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated

with business intelligence functionality

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 13

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P2 Compare the types of support available for
business decision-making at varying levels within an
M2 Justify, with specific examples, the key features of
business intelligence functionality.
D2 Compare and contrast a range of information systems
and technologies that can be used to support organisations
at operational, tactical and strategic levels.
LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools
and technologies
P3 Determine, with examples, what business
intelligence is and the tools and techniques associated
With it.
P4 Design a business intelligence tool, application or
interface that can perform a specific task to support
problem-solving or decision-making at an advanced
M3 Customise the design to ensure that it is user friendly
and has a functional interface.

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D3 Provide a critical review of the design in terms of how it
meetsa specific user or business requirement and identify
what customisation has been integrated into the design.
LO4 Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools and
technologies for effective decision-making purposes and
the legal/regulatory context in which they are used
P5 Discuss how business intelligence tools can contribute to
effective decision-making.

P6 Explore the legal issues involved in the secure

exploitation of business intelligence tools.
M4 Conduct research to identify specific examples of
organisations that have used business intelligence tools to
enhance or improve operations
D4 Evaluate how organisations could use business
intelligence to extend their target audience and make
them more competitive within the market, taking
Security legislation into consideration.

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 15

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I have taken undertakings in this endeavor. It would not have been possible without
the caring assistance and help of various individuals and affiliations. I should stretch
out my real by virtue of all of them. I am especially committed to (Esoft) for their
course and unfaltering supervision and furthermore for giving significant information
as for the endeavor and in like manner for their assistance in completing the endeavor.
I should offer my thanks towards to Mr. Aqeel lecturer of the ESOFT Metro Campus
and individual from (Esoft) for their caring co-activity and bolster which help me in
completion of this endeavor.

Yours Truly
Mr. T.Thanushyanthan

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 16

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Table of Contents
Task 1.....................................................................................................................................21
1.1 Analyze the business processes and the supporting processes of the organization given
in the scenario and differentiate between semi structured and unstructured data................21
1.1.1 Business Process....................................................................................................21
1.1.2 Differentiate between semi structured and unstructured data in organization........24
1.2 Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using application software to handle the
business processes in Yard of Ale.......................................................................................26
1.2.1 What is Business process management software?..................................................26
1.2.2 Benefits and drawbacks of using business process applications.............................29
1.2.3 Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using business processes software in Yard
of Ale..............................................................................................................................31
Task 2.....................................................................................................................................33
2.1 Strategic, tactical and operational decisions are supported within the organization for
business decision making process.......................................................................................33
2.1.1 Business Management Level..................................................................................33
2.1.2 Decision Making progress......................................................................................36
2.2 Various information systems (TPS, MIS, DSS) could be utilized to enhance those
decisions with related to key features of BI framework......................................................39
2.2.1 Information system................................................................................................39
2.2.2 Business Intelligence Framework..........................................................................41
Task 3.....................................................................................................................................44
3.1. Explain what business intelligence is and the tools and technologies associated with it
by taking relevant examples to the organization given in the scenario................................44
3.1.1 Business intelligence tools.....................................................................................44
3.1.2 Tools in Business Intelligence................................................................................45
3.1.3 Business Intelligence tool used in Yard of Ale.......................................................48
3.2. Design a Managerial dash board for chief engineer using various data visualizations
methodologies that includes 6-8 widgets to present required information. Apply appropriate
customizations that can utilize to improve the managerial dashboard designed above.
Critically evaluate how your Dashboard design and the suggested enhancement could
optimize chief engineer’s performance by delivering accurate and reliable information to
increase his effectiveness....................................................................................................49
3.2.1 Yard of Ale Business Intelligence tool Interface....................................................49
3.2.2 Critically evaluate how your Dashboard design and the suggested enhancement
could optimize chief engineer’s performance by delivering accurate and reliable
information to increase his effectiveness........................................................................54
[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 17
Task 4.....................................................................................................................................55

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4.1. Discuss how organizational decision-making process can be improved by
implementing business intelligence tools. Conduct a research to identify the organizations
that have utilized new business intelligent innovations and trends to improve their
performance and to extend BI systems to target audience, provide better competitive
advantage within the market...............................................................................................55
4.1.1 How implementing business intelligence tools improve Decision-making process55
4.1.2 Business intelligent innovations and trends to improve their performance and to
extend BI systems...........................................................................................................58
4.2. Sharing data within the organization through a BI tool can raise legal, ethical and
professional concerns. Explore the legal issues that may result when using business
intelligence tools (Eg: Data protection laws, Cyber security, etc.) and evaluate how the
chosen organization and extend the target audience / gain a competitive advantage by
securely exploiting Business Intelligence tools...................................................................71
4.2.1 Legal, ethical and professional concerns when using BI tool.................................71
4.2.2 Legal or Security issues that may result when using business intelligence tools....72
4.2.3 Data protection laws...............................................................................................78
4.2.4 Evaluate how the chosen organization and extend the target audience / gain a
competitive advantage by securely exploiting Business Intelligence tools.....................84
Self -Criticism........................................................................................................................85

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 18

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List of Figures
Figure 1-Business Process......................................................................................................21
Figure 2-Kissflow Software....................................................................................................26
Figure 3-Processmaker Software............................................................................................27
Figure 4-Zoho creator Software..............................................................................................27
Figure 5-Nintex Software.......................................................................................................28
Figure 6-Bizagi Software........................................................................................................28
Figure 7-BPM online studio Software....................................................................................29
Figure 8-Business Management Level....................................................................................33
Figure 9-SAP..........................................................................................................................45
Figure 10-Datapine.................................................................................................................46
Figure 11-MicroStrategy........................................................................................................46
Figure 12-SAS........................................................................................................................47
Figure 13-Power BI................................................................................................................47
Figure 14-Login Page.............................................................................................................49
Figure 15-Dashboard page......................................................................................................49
Figure 16-Add New Employee Page......................................................................................50
Figure 17-Employee Leave form............................................................................................50
Figure 18-High ranked employees access page......................................................................50
Figure 19-Applied Vacancies.................................................................................................51
Figure 20-Promotion...............................................................................................................51
Figure 21-Promotion Level.....................................................................................................51
Figure 22-Sales.......................................................................................................................52
Figure 23-high Ranked Employees Access page 2.................................................................52
Figure 24-Daily Sales.............................................................................................................52
Figure 25-Monthly Sales........................................................................................................53
Figure 26-Yearly Sales...........................................................................................................53
Figure 27-Employee Leave.....................................................................................................53
Figure 28-BI Trends...............................................................................................................60
Figure 29-AI...........................................................................................................................61
Figure 30-AI...........................................................................................................................62
Figure 31-Data security risks..................................................................................................63
Figure 32-Predictive Analysis.................................................................................................66
Figure 33-Botnet Attacks........................................................................................................73
Figure 34-Identity Theft.........................................................................................................74
Figure 35-DoS........................................................................................................................74
Figure 36-Man in the middle..................................................................................................75

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List of Tables
Table 1-Justify relevant functionality.....................................................................................42
Table 2-Data Protection Law..................................................................................................83

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 20

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Task 1
1.1 Analyze the business processes and the supporting processes of
the organization given in the scenario and differentiate between semi
structured and unstructured data.
1.1.1 Business Process
A business process is an activity or group of operations that can help a company
achieve a specified goal. Business processes should have clear objectives, be as
detailed as possible, and produce consistent results. Company process management
(BPM) is a method for systematically improving processes and achieving business
objectives. Business process outsourcing may be used if an organization is unable to
perform some business processes internally due to cost or resource constraints (BPO).
Many businesses outsource specific business tasks to third-party service providers,
such as payroll, human resources (HR), or accounting.[ CITATION sea211 \l 1033 ]

Organizations track the successful completion of different steps inside the process —
i.e., benchmarks — or reaching the process's endpoint to gauge the success of a
business process. There are a variety of ways you may take to improve a business
process if it is not assisting an organization in achieving a goal within a schedule or
with the resources available. Businesses may concentrate on business process
visibility in order to spot problems with process performance or execution. Firm
process mapping gives organizations a visual depiction of how different processes
work, giving them a greater understanding of how their business operates. It can also
help improve a company's operational efficiency.[ CITATION sea211 \l 1033 ]

Figure 1-Business Process

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 21

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There are different types of business process
Business processes are frequently divided into multiple categories depending on the
organization, industry, and nature of labor. These are some of the categories:
[ CITATION sea211 \l 1033 ]
1. Operational processes: Operational processes, also known as primary processes, are
responsible for the core business and value chain. By assisting in the production of a
product or service, these procedures provide value to the client. Operational
procedures are fundamental business operations that help companies achieve their
goals, such as earning income. Taking consumer orders and managing bank accounts
are two examples of this. For Example
• Model design and development: Yard of Ale designs and develops their beer
• Production: Yard of Ale produces their products (beer) for their customers.
• Marketing and sales: Yard of Ale markets and sells its products (beer) to its
• Delivery: After the sale, Yard of Ale delivers the merchandise to their

2. Supporting processes: Within an organization, supporting processes support

fundamental processes and functions. Accounting, HR management, and workplace
safety are examples of supporting or management processes. Support processes do not
directly deliver value to clients, which is a major distinction between operational and
support processes. For Example
• Maintenance: Yard of Ale maintains all of the company's works.
• Human resource: Yard of Ale is a corporation that employs people.
• Information technology: Yard of Ale uses information technology to keep
their work up to date.
• Accounting, financial, and legal departments: Yard of Ale's accounting,
financial, and legal departments keep track of their accounts, finances, and
legal matters.

3. Management processes: Management processes measure, monitor, and regulate

business operations and systems activities. Internal communications, governance,

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 22

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strategic planning, budgeting, and infrastructure or capacity management are
examples of management processes. Management activities, like supporting
processes, do not give direct value to customers. For Example
• Strategic and tactical planning: Yard of Ale is putting out a strategy for their
future implementation.
• Budgeting: Yard of Ale is making a budget for the coming week, month, and
• Risk management and compliance: Yard of Ale safeguards their business
against disasters and threats.
• Management of investors, suppliers, and partners: Yard of Ale manages and
protects their company's investors, suppliers, and partners.
• Company maintenance policy: Yard of Ale is in charge of creating and
maintaining corporate policies.

The business process steps

1.Define your objectives: What is the process's purpose? What was the purpose of its
creation? How are you going to know if it's a success?[ CITATION kis211 \l 1033 ]
2.Develop a process map: What strategies are required to attain the objectives? This is
the process's general road map.
3. Determine the actions to be taken and the people who will be responsible for them:
Determine the specific tasks that your teams and machines must complete in order to
carry out the strategy.
4. Put the procedure to the test: To observe how well the method works, try it out on a
small scale. Make the necessary modifications if there are any gaps.
5. Start the procedure: Start the procedure in a real-world setting. All parties should be
properly informed and trained.
6. Keep an eye on the findings: Examine the procedure and look for patterns. Keep a
record of the process's progress.
7. Repeat: If the process meets the goals established for it, it should be replicated for
subsequent processes.

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 23

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1.1.2 Differentiate between semi structured and unstructured data in

What is semi structured data?

Data that is semi-structured has some level of organization. It's not as well-organized
as structured data, but it's also not as chaotic as unstructured data. Tags or other
components with defined features that add a hierarchy and system into a file are
commonly used to accomplish this level of structure. The arrangement and number of
such structuring tags and elements, on the other hand, may vary. As a result, the
structure placed on a dataset is less strict than with structured datasets, where all data
must correspond to the data table's structure (spreadsheet).[ CITATION mic21 \l
1033 ]
Consider a TXT file containing structured text (Headers, paragraphs, and so on.).
• HTML files (Hypertext Markup Language)
• JSON files (JavaScript Object Notation)
• XML files (Extensible Markup Language)

Characteristics of semi structured data

1. Data is saved in files that are organized and structured in some way.
2. Elements are separated and hierarchies are enforced by tags or other markers,
but the size of elements can vary and their order is unimportant.
3. Requires some pre-processing before a machine can analyze it.
4. With the advent of the World Wide Web, it has grown in prominence.

What is unstructured data?

Unstructured data is information that does not have a pre-determined organizational
structure or format. Unstructured data, in other terms, is any data that is not structured
or semi-structured. This could be data in any file format that doesn't fit well into a
spreadsheet or other semi-structured data format. Unstructured data makes up the
great majority of today's data. Consider how much text, chat, video, and audio content
is created every day all around the world! For us humans, unstructured data is usually
simple to ingest (e.g. images, videos and PDF-documents). However, because the data

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 24

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is disorganized, it is difficult – if not impossible – for a computer to make sense of it.
As a result, we say it's less machine-readable.[ CITATION mic21 \l 1033 ]

However, with the development of AI and increasingly advanced machine learning

approaches, we are now making significant progress in processing and, in effect,
teaching a machine how to make sense of unstructured data. Natural language
processing (NLP) and computer vision, for example, are undergoing substantial
advancements at the time.[ CITATION mic21 \l 1033 ]
Anything that isn't structured or semi-structured is considered unstructured data
(which is a lot).
• Images in jpeg or png format.
• Videos in mp4 or m4a format.
• Audio files, such as mp3 or wav.
• Simple text files.
• Word documents.
• PDF documents.

Characteristics of unstructured data

1. Data that can take any shape and be saved as any type of file (formless)
2. There is no content structure within that file.
3. Requires significant pre-processing before being analyzed by a computer, but
is frequently digestible by people (e.g. pictures, videos, plain texts)
4. The vast majority of today's data is unstructured.

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 25

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1.2 Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using application
software to handle the business processes in Yard of Ale.

1.2.1 What is Business process management software?

Business Process Management Software (BPMS) is a process automation solution that
helps you examine your processes from beginning to end and create frameworks for a
variety of scenarios. It keeps track of existing operational flows, assists in their
simplification by automating repetitive tasks, and aligns them with your company's
objectives. BPMS helps you uncover operational bottlenecks and eliminate them by
mapping out your day-to-day operations, making your processes more integrated and
efficient. In a crowded market, picking the correct business process management
software can be daunting. It's not a decision to be taken lightly, as gaining
organizational buy-in requires a lot of persuasion. A bad decision can result in not just
a squandered software investment, but also lost hours and effort.[ CITATION
kis212 \l 1033 ]

Business process management software

1. Kissflow
Kissflow is a no-code business process management software that creates a digital
workplace. It aids in the streamlining and automation of a wide range of tasks,
including processes, projects, cases, and collaboration. A user-friendly interface,
adjustable report templates, and an advanced form designer are just a few of its top
features.[ CITATION kis212 \l 1033 ]

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2. Processmaker
Processmaker is a low-code business process management (BPM) and workflow
system that allows you to develop, automate, and deploy business processes. It's
suitable for businesses that need enterprise-scale, production-ready business process
management software. It distinguishes itself from competitors by providing a variety
of hosting options, including on-premise, cloud, and open-source.[ CITATION
kis212 \l 1033 ]

Figure 3-Processmaker Software

3. Zoho Designer
Zoho Creator is a low-code application creation tool that lets users build custom
forms, workflows, and informative pages. It's great for companies searching for do-it-
yourself solutions.[ CITATION kis212 \l 1033 ]

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Figure 4-Zoho creator Software
4. Nintex
Nintex makes digital transformation a reality. Along with its usual on-premise
hosting, it now offers cloud hosting. It was created to work with Office365,
Sharepoint, and Project Server, among other programs. Advanced workflow, modern
forms, process mapping and management, mobile apps, and RPA are all elements of
the Nintex Platform.[ CITATION kis212 \l 1033 ]

Figure 5-Nintex Software

5. Bizagi
Bizagi provides enterprise automation solutions through three products: Bizagi
Modeler, Bizagi Studio, and Bizagi Automation. The Modeler employs Bizagi's own
version of BPMN, which necessitates certain knowledge and training. Bizagi provides
both cloud and on-premise hosting alternatives. Bizagi does not provide prices on
their website and instead requests that you contact them for a quote.[ CITATION
kis212 \l 1033 ]

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Figure 6-Bizagi Software
6. Bpm’online
Bpm’online is a low-code business process management program for businesses. It's
available as standalone products (bpm'online marketing, bpm'online sales, and
bpm'online service) or as part of a package with bpm'online studio. It provides both
on-premise and cloud hosting options.[ CITATION kis212 \l 1033 ]

Figure 7-BPM online studio Software

1.2.2 Benefits and drawbacks of using business process applications

The benefits of business process software

1. Risks are reduced: BPM software assists in the prevention and correction of
errors and bottlenecks, hence reducing risks.[ CITATION kis211 \l 1033 ]
2. Reduction in redundancies: Duplicated tasks can be identified and eliminated
by monitoring processes. BPM software also improves resource allocation,
ensuring that human effort is spent only on tasks that are important.

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3. Costs were kept to a minimum: Improved visibility into processes aids in
identifying wasted spending. Costs are kept to a minimum and savings are
increased in this manner.
4. More effective collaboration: BPM software promotes transparency, which
improves communication between internal teams as well as external vendors
and buyers. Everyone understands their roles, as well as schedules and
5. Agility: Organizational operations can be more agile thanks to improved
processes. Errors, bottlenecks, and duplication are reduced, allowing for
faster response times.
6. Productivity has increased: Approvals are speedier and information retrieval
is easier when processes are in good shape. Without human interaction, tasks
are routed in a sequential manner. These advantages dramatically increase
team productivity.
7. Efficiency gains: BPM software's comprehensive dashboards provide a bird's-
eye perspective of process performance. It assists managers in ensuring quick
turnaround times and high accuracy levels.
8. A higher level of compliance: Creating audit trails and complying with
industry norms and standards is easier and more thorough with BPM

The drawbacks of business process software

Despite the limitations of business process software, it is nevertheless used by many
enterprises, businesses, and organizations. On the other hand, despite its benefits,
some people remain skeptical of its effectiveness. This is because, if handled
incorrectly, business process software can result in a loss of revenue, customers, sales,
intellectual property, and other assets. Despite these drawbacks, it is clear that
business process software gets the job done well, as most firms require these
approaches to be productive in areas such as accounting, ICT, engineering, web
design, and others.[ CITATION pro21 \l 1033 ]

1. Poor management and financial loss: The benefits of business process

software will only be fully realized if it is properly applied. Failure to follow

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the methodology will result in a significant loss of dollars and other resources,
which is the last thing you want to happen. Business process software is not
cheap, but it is inexpensive. You'll still have to shell out a lot of cash. If done
correctly, you will quickly recoup your investment or experience a significant
increase in your return on investment. If you don't, your company is going to
have a lot of troubles. Bad dissemination of information can also lead to poor
2. Limited innovations: As previously said, when it comes to business processes,
contemporary technology and business process software should be used to
their maximum potential. However, there have been complaints that
businesses who use business process software aren't very good at adapting to
new technologies or trends. Process management is said to be a barrier to

1.2.3 Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using business processes software
in Yard of Ale

All of their methods use internet browsers, and MS Office is employed to scan the
most up-to-date approaches for their documentation functions and internet browsers.
They use LinkedIn and Job Adder during the hiring process. MS Office is used to scan
the most up-to-date methods for their documentation features and internet browsers,
and all of their tactics utilize internet browsers. Kissflow is the software that they
utilize to manage their human resources. Everyone has opportunities, but Sales and
HR departments in particular have a plethora of them. For networking professionals,
LinkedIn was and continues to be the go-to app. Microsoft not only maintains
LinkedIn, but it also develops superb training, office, paper, HR/recruiting, and other
connectors that considerably expand its utility. Despite the fact that it is sometimes
the most significant and first choice for professional interactions, I never used
LinkedIn as a salesperson; the downsides are not well-known in the nonprofit sector.
LinkedIn claims that its services are free, however even their most fundamental
feature, 'people search,' is restricted for free-planning users. The search results are
displayed in the LinkedIn sales navigator, however when we click on a person's
profile, we are routed to a screen that indicates.

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Such tools are available in Processmaker to assist organizations in managing their
online job advertisements. Good. Everything has been refined, and they are
continuously working on it. Because the workflow is straightforward, the recruiter can
continue working. They're easy to use and have a pleasant user experience, and they're
competitively priced for what they offer. Although there are some limitations, there is
a friendly support team and a terrific training manager. Processmaker pays special
attention to client feedback and often incorporates it into their product development.
Kissflow is an easy application to use. UX, user-friendliness, appealing colors, and
good customer service. Flexible (at least in principle), well-presented, and simple to
use for both users and administrators.
UX, user-friendliness, appealing colors, and good customer service. Flexible (at least
in principle), well-presented, and simple to use for both users and administrators.
Google Chrome is a free web browser that uses the Web Kit layout engine and is
created by Google. Google Chrome is known for being the fastest browser accessible
due to its simple and basic design. Google Chrome is the most popular web browser
in the world, with around 33% usage. In this part, I'll go over the benefits and
drawbacks of Google Chrome. Chrome is a superfast web browser that loads and
shows material in a flash. Google Chrome has a clean, plain interface that makes it
easy to use. The Startup page lists the most frequently visited websites and allows
visitors to reach them fast by clicking on them. For the sake of convenience, Chrome
automatically transforms pages into a language that users can understand.

Chrome is faster than Firefox and Internet Explorer, and it just takes a few minutes to
get started. The disadvantage is that Chrome uses a lot of memory when running
(RAM). If they accidentally close the window, Chrome will close all open tabs
without warning. The method of auditing is based on online payment. Third-party
apps are simple to integrate, modules and dashboards are simple to use, standard
reports are available, and payroll enhancements are quick. Audit Board is the leading
cloud-based platform for risk automation, collaboration, and reporting in the industry.
With our complete selection of easy-to-use audit and compliance tools, you can
streamline SOX, management controls, and internal audits. Clients of the Audit Board

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range from industry-leading pre-IPO enterprises to Fortune 50 companies looking to
manage their audit functions utilizing the industry's most user-friendly platform.

Task 2
2.1 Strategic, tactical and operational decisions are supported within
the organization for business decision making process
2.1.1 Business Management Level
The term "management levels" refers to the distinction that exists between various
managerial positions within an organization. The number of levels in management
grows in lockstep with the size of the organization and employees, and vice versa.
The various levels of management can influence the chain of command within an
organization, as well as the degree of authority and, in most cases, decision-making
power that all managerial roles have. Managerial levels are often divided into three
categories, each of which directs managers to execute particular tasks. Managers are
members of an organization who are responsible for other members' work
performance. Managers have official authority to make decisions and allocate
resources inside the organization. Most firms have three levels of management: top-
level, middle-level, and first-level.[ CITATION spr21 \l 1033 ]

These three primary levels of management form a hierarchy, with each level having a
different level of importance. In most firms, the number of managers at each level is
structured in a pyramid, with many more first-level managers, fewer middle
managers, and the fewest managers at the top. Each of these management levels is
described below, along with potential job titles, primary responsibilities, and career
paths to these positions. There are also differences in the kind of management
responsibilities that each level of management does and the roles that they play in

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Figure 8-Business Management Level
respective professions. Finally, many firms are undergoing changes that are impacting
management hierarchies, such as increased use of teams, more outsourcing, and
flattening organizational statures.[ CITATION spr21 \l 1033 ]

• Top Level of Management.

• Middle Level of Management.
• Lower Level of Management.

Top level of management

The board of directors of an organization, as well as the chief executive or managing

director, make up this level of management. Because it monitors a company's goals,
regulations, and procedures, it is the ultimate source of power and authority. The
strategic planning and execution of the overall business success is their top priority.
The top level of management's functions and responsibilities can be summarized as
follows:[ CITATION spr21 \l 1033 ]

• Determining the commercial enterprise's goals and general policies.

• Issuing essential instructions for preparing department-specific budgets,
timetables, and processes, among other things.
• Developing the organization's strategic plans and policies.
• Appointing middle-level management executives, i.e. departmental managers.
• Ensuring that all organizational departments are under control.
• Because it is made up of the Board of Directors, the top management level is
also in charge of interacting with the outside world and is held accountable for
the company's performance to its shareholders.
• Providing overall guidance and direction, as well as encouraging cooperation
and harmony.

Middle Level of Management

This middle management level is made up of branch and departmental managers.

These individuals are directly responsible to senior management for the smooth

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operation of their departments, allowing them to devote more time on organizational
and directional tasks. Smaller businesses may just have one layer of middle
management, but larger businesses may have senior and junior levels under this
sector. The middle level of management's functions and responsibilities can be
summarized as follows:[ CITATION spr21 \l 1033 ]

• Implementing the organization's strategies in compliance with the policies and

directions established by top management.
• Creating plans for the organization's sub-units that they supervise.
• Taking part in the hiring and training of lower-level management personnel.
• Explaining and interpreting policies to lower-level management from top-level
• Promptly and efficiently delivering reports and data to upper management.
• Evaluating junior managers' performance.
• Encouraging lower-level managers to improve their results.

Lower Level of Management

Supervisors, foremen, section officers, superintendents, and all other executives in

this level of management are responsible for HR control and the guidance of operative
staff. Simply defined, lower-level managers are primarily concerned with the
execution and coordination of day-to-day workflow to assure project completion and
delivery of deliverables. The lower level of management's functions and
responsibilities can be stated as follows:[ CITATION spr21 \l 1033 ]

• Assigning roles and tasks to different employees.

• Providing day-to-day guidance and instruction to employees.
• Supervising both the quality and quantity of the output.
• Maintaining positive relationships at the organization's lower levels.
• Assisting workers by communicating problems, recommendations, and
recommendatory appeals to higher levels of management, and then explaining
higher-level goals and objectives to workers.
• Assisting in the resolution of worker disputes.
• Guiding and supervising their subordinates.
• Participating in the hiring and training of their employees.

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• Assembling the materials, machinery, tools, and other resources needed to
complete organizational activities.
• Preparing periodic reports on the performance of the employees.
• Maintaining workplace discipline, decency, and harmony.
• Improving the company's overall image as a result of their direct engagement
with employees.

2.1.2 Decision Making progress

Managers at all levels are responsible for making choices on behalf of their
companies. The extent of the choices made distinguishes decisions made at distinct
levels. Long-term decisions that influence the entire firm are made at the top
management levels, whereas decisions that affect day-to-day operations are made at
the lowest levels. All decisions are related to larger management activities such as
planning, organizing, leading, staffing, and controlling, either directly or indirectly.
Different levels of management devote more attention to specific functions than to
others.[ CITATION sma21 \l 1033 ]

• Strategic decision making.

• Tactical decisions making.
• Operational decisions making.

Strategic decision making

Making strategic decisions entails making and developing strategic decisions in order
to attain strategic goals (or goals). The strategic choice is usually made by top level of
management. These are usually long-term decisions or initiatives that will have
ramifications for the next five years or more. Long-term or strategic decisions are
fraught with danger and uncertainty. To gather information for strategic decisions, a
thorough scanning and analysis of the external environment is required.[ CITATION
you21 \l 1033 ]

The following are some of the strategic operations planning decisions:

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1. Technology decisions: selecting appropriate technology, equipment,
processes, and automation levels.
2. Capacity choices: quantity, timing, and kind
3. Facility selection: size, location, and specialty.
4. Direction, extent, and balance of vertical integration Production

Strategic level is concerned with decisions that will affect the next five to ten years.
These choices are crucial to the organization's success and improved performance.
These decisions have an impact on the company's competitive position and serve to
position the company's operations plan.[ CITATION you21 \l 1033 ]

Tactical decisions making

Tactical decision-making takes place at the middle management level, and it mostly
concerns resource acquisitions and utilization in order to meet organizational
objectives. When compared to strategic decision-making, tactical judgments cover
shorter time frames and are linked with less uncertainty and thus lesser risk.
Production decision-making at the tactical level is a medium-term decision. (A
planning period of two to three years.) Tactical planning is primarily concerned with
determining how the organization's resources will be used to achieve the
organization's strategic goals. When opposed to strategic planning, tactical decision-
making includes less ambiguity and thus reduced risk. The majority of the data
required for planning is generated internally.[ CITATION you21 \l 1033 ]

The following are examples of tactical planning decisions:

5. Defining metrics for assessing operational efficiency and productivity.

6. Making plans to make better use of available resources.
7. Make plans for equipment and manpower.
8. Making plans for the upgrading and automation of the facilities.
9. Specific technologies and instruments to improve the efficiency or
productivity of production.
10. Creates work plans for process re-engineering, technique
improvement, and job creation.
11. Decide whether to make or buy.

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12. Prepare skill development plans based on projected skill requirements
for future work assignments.
13. Preparing for medium-term maintenance (preventive and condition
monitoring) to improve production facility availability.

Operational decisions making

Decisions about operational planning are made at the lowest levels of management,
and they are routine decisions. These plans are made to lay out the steps that must be
taken in order to achieve operational objectives. These are for a shorter period of time,
such as a year. These plans have no or very little ambiguity, and the information
required is internal. They are stated quantitatively and can be spelled out in terms of
time and objectives. Lower-level management creates operational plans with a
(maximum) one-year planning horizon. These plans lay out the steps that must be
taken in order to meet operational objectives. These designs are deterministic in the
sense that there is very little uncertainty involved. The plans are defined in actionable
steps that can be measured.[ CITATION you21 \l 1033 ]

The operational level planning provides information such as:

1. What is the nature of the job?

2. Which machine will it be processed on? (sequence of operations).
3. Who should do this work - specifics on the operator
4. The start and end timings of each job at each workstation, machine, or facility.
5. Specifications for quality, as well as inspection and testing procedures.

As a result, the operational production plan contains all of the information about the
product's processing, from raw materials to finished goods ready for distribution
following quality control and performance testing.[ CITATION you21 \l 1033 ]

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2.2 Various information systems (TPS, MIS, DSS) could be utilized to
enhance those decisions with related to key features of BI framework
2.2.1 Information system
An information collection that monitors transaction programmers and processes data
transactions in a database system is known as a Transaction Processing System. The
strategy is useful for selling things on the internet. It allows for a time gap between
the time an item is posted for sale and the time it is actually sold. For middle
managers working with semi-structured choice scenarios, decision support systems
(DSS) are specialized tools that merge analytical models with operational data, as
well as interactive supporting inquiries and analyses. Executive support systems
(ESS) are specialized systems that provide senior management with a variety of
external information (news, stock evaluations, industry trends) and high-level firm
performance summaries so that they can make largely unstructured decisions. GDSSs
are complex systems that enable administrators and teams to collaborate analyze and
produce solutions to unstructured and semi-structured situations in an automated
community setting.

• Transaction Process System (TPS)

• Executive Support System (ESS)
• Management Information Systems (MIS)
• Decision Support System (DSS)

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Transaction Process System (TPS)

A transaction process system (TPS) is a business transaction information processing

system that collects, modifies, and retrieves all transaction data. Performance,
dependability, and consistency are all characteristics of a TPS. Transaction processing
or real-time processing are other terms for TPS. A batch process system and batch
processing, in which several requests are executed at once, are frequently contrasted
with a transaction process system and transaction processing. The former necessitates
user engagement, whereas batch processing does not. The results of each transaction
are not immediately available in batch processing. There is also a lag as the numerous
requests are collected, stored, and subsequently completed. There is no delay in
transaction processing, and the outcomes of each transaction are immediately
available.[ CITATION tec217 \l 1033 ]

Errors can arise during the batch processing delay time. Although transaction
processing failures do occur, they are few and accepted, and do not justify shutting
down the entire system. Data must be readily accessible in a data warehouse, backup
methods must be in place, and a recovery mechanism must be in place to deal with
system failure, human failure, computer viruses, software applications, or natural
disasters.[ CITATION tec217 \l 1033 ]

Executive Support System (ESS)

An Executive Support System (ESS) is software that enables users to swiftly translate
corporate data into executive-level reports, such as those used by billing, accounting,
and staffing departments. Executives can make better decisions with the help of an
ESS. Executive Information System is another name for ESS (EIS). An ESS provides
analysis utilities and performance assessment predictions in addition to facilitating
access to organized business and departmental data. An ESS gives potential outcomes
as well as rapid statistical data for use in decision-making. ESS reporting tools and
results are ultimately dependent on the developer and industry application. Cambridge
Systematics, Inc., for example, developed an ESS that is connected with the Ministry
of Transportation of Canada's investment plan.[ CITATION tec218 \l 1033 ]

Management Information Systems (MIS)

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The study of people, technology, organizations, and their interrelationships is known
as management information systems (MIS). MIS professionals assist businesses in
getting the most out of their investments in people, equipment, and business
processes. MIS is a people-oriented field that emphasizes technology-assisted service.
Businesses utilize information systems to gather, process, and store data at various
levels of their operations. Management compiles and disseminates this data in the
form of information required for day-to-day business operations. Information systems
are used by everyone in business, from the person who pays the bills to the person
who makes hiring choices. A computer database could be used by a car dealership to
keep track of which products sell best. To sell things through the Internet, a retail
store might use a computer-based information system.[ CITATION may21 \l 1033 ]

In fact, many (if not all) firms focus on aligning MIS with business goals in order to
gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. MIS specialists design data
management information systems (i.e., storing, searching, and analyzing data). They
also manage a variety of information systems to fulfill the demands of managers,
employees, and customers. MIS experts can play a major role in areas like
information security, integration, and exchange by collaborating with other members
of their work group, as well as with their customers and clients. As a business
information system major, you'll learn to build, implement, and use business
information systems in novel ways to improve your company's performance and
efficiency.[ CITATION may21 \l 1033 ]

Decision Support System (DSS)

A decision support system (DSS) is an information system that assists a company in

making decisions that need judgment, determination, and a set of steps. The
information system aids an organization's mid- and high-level management by
processing large amounts of unstructured data and accumulating information that can
aid in issue solving and decision-making. A DSS can be human-powered, automated,
or a hybrid of the two.[ CITATION cor21 \l 1033 ]

2.2.2 Business Intelligence Framework

A Business Intelligence Framework (BIF) is a framework that combines the many
parts of a business, such as organizational roles, KPIs, authorization, and
visualization, in a seamless manner. This makes it easier and faster to implement

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Business Intelligence plans. Business intelligence is becoming increasingly popular
among companies. The business climate is the driving force behind this shift.
Organizations are compelled to collect, store, and analyze data.[ CITATION pas21 \l
1033 ]

This information is crucial to a company's success. Any decision-making process in

an organization requires accurate data. The BI framework keeps track of the
information or insight each organizational job requires, in what format, and at what
stage of the manufacturing process. In other words, the most up-to-date information is
easily accessible to anyone requires it at any given time. 100% up to date, interactive,
and quick. Users no longer have to sift through complex file structures or navigate
through a plethora of tabs to get the proper report or dashboard.[ CITATION pas21 \l
1033 ]

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Table 1-Justify relevant functionality

Types Management Functionalities Decisions

TPS Lower level of Transaction processing systems record • Personnel changes are in
management the organization's day-to-day business the works.
transactions. Users in the operational • Employees' responsibilities
management level utilize these. There are assigned.
are two different processing modes to • Make decisions about day-
choose from. to-day operations to direct
• A large number of items are and manage staff.
processed. • Make decisions about
• Processing must be done in real time. concerns with the workforce.
• Making judgments based on
feedback from customers.

MIS Middle level of The MIS system analyzes the inputs • Make a tactical strategy
management using standard algorithms. Data is plan.
acquired, compared, and summarized • Make a decision about the
in reports prepared by tactical company's strategic plans.
managers, for example, to monitor,
regulate, and anticipate future

DSS Top level of Senior management makes non- • Profit-shifting should be

management routine decisions with the help of investigated.
decision support systems. Decision- • Choosing a new aim every
making aid systems use data from year.
both internal (transaction processing • Making decisions about
systems and information management how to increase product

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systems) and external systems. quality.
• The creation of a new
business strategy.
• Make a mission statement
for your company.
• Making firm-wide policy
ESS Top level of Humans can use artificial intelligence • An investigation into the
management to help them find patterns in large factors that affect market
data sets. share.
• Increasing the distribution
network's efficiency.
• An evaluation of another
company's market-leading

Task 3
3.1. Explain what business intelligence is and the tools and
technologies associated with it by taking relevant examples to the
organization given in the scenario.

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3.1.1 Business intelligence tools
A business management tool is an application, system, or approach that aids in the
efficient operation, maintenance of a competitive position, and improvement of
performance of a company. This large category encompasses a wide range of
products, many of which are suited to certain sectors and tasks. Businesses typically
choose these products carefully, considering their long-term stability, interoperability
with their environment, usability and feature set, and capacity to give value right out
of the box without requiring considerable adaption. Customer relationship
management (CRM), strategic planning, market segmentation, supply chain
management, total quality management, outsourcing, change management, and other
enterprise resource planning initiatives are all popular forms of business management
tools for major multinational organizations.[ CITATION sus21 \l 1033 ]

Other technologies targeted for small and medium-sized businesses enable

entrepreneurs to run profitable operations with a small crew. Project management,
document sharing and storage, bookkeeping, and marketing are all needed by this
population, as are things like customer relationship management and
outsourcing/vendor management, which are also needed by major organizations.
Along with commercial providers like Microsoft, Oracle, and others, there are many
free, open-source alternatives to some of the most popular business management
applications.[ CITATION sus21 \l 1033 ]

3.1.2 Tools in Business Intelligence

1. SAP Business Objects:

SAP Business Objects is a business intelligence application that provides
comprehensive reporting, analysis, and interactive data visualization. Customer
Experience (CX) and CRM, digital supply chain, ERP, and other sectors are highly

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included on the platform. The self-service, role-based dashboards that this platform
provides are particularly appealing, as they allow users to create their own dashboards
and apps. SAP is a powerful software that caters to all roles (IT, end users, and
management) and provides a wealth of features on a single platform. The product's
intricacy, on the other hand, raises the price, so be prepared.[ CITATION mop21 \l
1033 ]

Figure 9-SAP

2. Datapine:
Datapine is an all-in-one business intelligence platform that makes even non-technical
individuals comfortable with the difficult process of data analytics. Data analysts and
business users may quickly combine different data sources, execute complex data
analysis, develop interactive business dashboards, and generate actionable business

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insights with datapine's solution, thanks to a full self-service analytics strategy.
[ CITATION mop21 \l 1033 ]

Figure 10-Datapine

3. MicroStrategy:
MicroStrategy is a business intelligence platform for enterprises that provides strong
(and fast) dashboarding and data analytics, as well as cloud solutions and
hyperintelligence. Users can use this solution to spot patterns, spot new opportunities,
boost productivity, and more. Users can connect to one or more sources, whether the
data is coming from a spreadsheet, the cloud, or enterprise data tools. It can be
accessed from a computer or a mobile device. Setup, on the other hand, can
necessitate the participation of several parties and a thorough understanding of the
application in order to get started.[ CITATION mop21 \l 1033 ]

F igure 11-MicroStrategy
4. SAS Business Intelligence :
While SAS is most known for its superior predictive analytics, the company also has a
strong business intelligence platform. This well-established self-service platform,
which dates back to the 1970s, helps users to make educated business decisions by
leveraging data and metrics. SAS provides users with a variety of customization

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Figure 12-SAS
choices through their APIs, and SAS ensures high-level data integration and powerful
analytics and reporting. They also have a fantastic text analytics option that provides
you with extra contextual information about your data.[ CITATION mop21 \l 1033 ]

5. Microsoft Power BI:

Microsoft Power BI is a web-based business analytics tool suite that specializes at
data visualization. It contains brand new connectors that allow you to improve your
game in campaigns and allows users to discover trends in real-time. Microsoft Power
BI may be accessible from almost anywhere because it is web-based. Users can also
integrate their apps and offer reports and real-time dashboards using this software.
[ CITATION mop21 \l 1033 ]

Figure 13-Power BI

3.1.3 Business Intelligence tool used in Yard of Ale

They use Power BI to conduct their research. They used Microsoft Power BI to get
business insights from Yard of Ale inventions, which allowed them to store data from
both on-premise and cloud sources in a dynamic, spectacular interactive
representation with low ownership expenses. Thanks to solid insights, their

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organization will be able to make critical business decisions that will help them
develop, provide better service to their customers, and increase their ROI at a cheap
cost. On a single platform, meet their self-service and enterprise data analytic needs.
To access the data of the Nestle client using Content Packs, Power BI uses dashboard
reports, data models, and embedded queries.

Packs are now being used in a growing number of programs, including QuickBooks.
It's one of the most useful features of Power BI. Use Microsoft AI's most recent
developments to help non-data scientists prepare data, build machine-learning models,
and quickly find insights from both structured and unstructured data, such as text and
images. Power BI dashboards provide a unique printing option that could be useful in
board meetings and arguments. With new data sources being added every month,
Power BI Desktop has a huge number of structured and unstructured on-premises and
cloud data sources. The powerful DAX formula language provides libraries with
incredible possibilities for doing data acrobatics and constructing advanced analytical
data models.

You can speed up big data planning with Azure. Reduce the time and effort required
to process and exchange massive amounts of data. By accessing an Azure data lake
with no limits, they will reduce the time it takes to gather insights and boost
collaboration among business analysts, data engineers, and data scientists. Tableau
wins in terms of speed and capability, while Power BI wins in terms of ease of use.
Tableau and other programs, on the other hand, will assist medium- and enterprise-
sized firms that value data.

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3.2. Design a Managerial dash board for chief engineer using various
data visualizations methodologies that includes 6-8 widgets to present
required information. Apply appropriate customizations that can
utilize to improve the managerial dashboard designed above.
Critically evaluate how your Dashboard design and the suggested
enhancement could optimize chief engineer’s performance by
delivering accurate and reliable information to increase his

3.2.1 Yard of Ale Business Intelligence tool Interface

Figure 14-Login Page

Figure 15-Dashboard page

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Figure 16-Add New Employee Page

Figure 17-Employee Leave form

This page only Accessible by High ranked Employees

Figure 18-High ranked employees access page

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Figure 19-Applied Vacancies

Figure 20-Promotion

Figure 21-Promotion Level

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Figure 22-Sales

Figure 23-high Ranked Employees Access page 2

Figure 24-Daily Sales

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Figure 25-Monthly Sales

Figure 26-Yearly Sales

Figure 27-Employee Leave

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3.2.2 Critically evaluate how your Dashboard design and the suggested
enhancement could optimize chief engineer’s performance by delivering
accurate and reliable information to increase his effectiveness.

Yard of Ale's BI tool is in a manual system after establishing a business intelligence

tool system for the corporation. It's a business intelligence solution for managing
company processes that's easy to set up and use. This Yard of Ale BI tool will run
smoothly with the help of a business intelligence tool. They change hardware
specifications, performance, as well as data storage, organization, and retrieval.
Tables are used to hold data in relational databases. The security of this device is quite
high. You'll need a password and a user name to get around the UI. This system
shows an up-to-date estimate of monthly import and export data, allowing it to
complete property details and reports correctly. Proposals are simple to check and
approve. As a result, contract caps should be handled in such a way that gadgets and
levers can be changed.

Customer contact information, work tables, load forms, personnel information,

transportation information, and payment information can all be stored on the device. It
will deliver a monthly failure of sales report to an account executive, allowing them to
track sales, daily loss, and profit. As a customer support professional, they want to see
the consumer's most recent transactions. They also get information from the device.
Customers require access to cancellation orders, ordering reports, and billing data.
This is a faultless business intelligence tool. When creating the system, it was simple
to comprehend, and it is simple to use for both the system and the user. The manual
technique is simple to implement. Some of these include restricted constraint
representation, restricted relationship representation, no representation of data
manipulation, and knowledge loss.

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Task 4
4.1. Discuss how organizational decision-making process can be
improved by implementing business intelligence tools. Conduct a
research to identify the organizations that have utilized new business
intelligent innovations and trends to improve their performance and
to extend BI systems to target audience, provide better competitive
advantage within the market.

4.1.1 How implementing business intelligence tools improve Decision-making

Companies can use business intelligence tools to stay competitive and increase
income streams. BI tools are used by businesses of all sizes and stages to analyze,
manage, and visualize their data. Every organization has its own idiosyncrasies, and
the correct business intelligence (BI) tools will often account for these oddities and
provide a comprehensive, tailored solution. Data analytics is one of the most
important features of business intelligence software, and the sort of analysis required
depends on the company's objectives. By studying market patterns, highlighting new
opportunities, and establishing new strategies, BI software tools like Tableau may
help firms gain an advantage over their competitors. From business-to-business (B2B)
to business-to-consumer (B2C), these tools may help firms better understand their
customers' and clients' demands and optimize their services (B2C). Internally,
companies can use these systems to track staff productivity in real time.[ CITATION
mas211 \l 1033 ]

1. Improving business performance:

A cable company's profitability is heavily influenced by its success. Small firms can
use a business intelligence technology to gain reliable information about Yard of Ale
changes and find marketing possibilities that might otherwise go unnoticed. Employee
actions, efficiency, and overall performance are tracked using Bl tools, which are
based on predetermined primary performance measures for beer manufacture. This

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will aid in identifying procedures and areas that require simplification, making
operations more efficient and thereby improving the company's efficiency.
[ CITATION mas211 \l 1033 ]

2. Developing effective pricing strategies:

Business intelligence software aids in data segmentation, which aids in the
development of effective pricing strategies. The data provided enables a small
business to better understand various pricing aspects such as marketing techniques,
location, season, and so on. Small businesses will take the lead by examining industry
dynamics and patterns through pricing games.[ CITATION mas211 \l 1033 ]

3. Improving procedures and operational performance:

Business intelligence (BI) technologies assist small organizations in identifying
ineffective and wasteful regions and processes. This could be due to inadequate
procurement techniques, poor inventory control, unsuccessful marketing initiatives,
and so on. Improving output in these sectors will result in more prospects for growth.[
CITATION mas211 \l 1033 ]

4. Improving customer satisfaction:

Bl software can make it simple for businesses to figure out what their customers want
and need. This knowledge will allow the organization to update its procedures and
primary methods in order to suit the needs of present and future customers. It will
increase customer loyalty, resulting in increased sales and profitability for Yard of
Ale.[ CITATION mas211 \l 1033 ]

5. Improve communication:
The BI tool makes it easier to share confidential information with Yard of Ale
Company and stay in touch. Even if a user's device is stolen or misplaced, BI
solutions keep vital corporate information safe and secure. These systems frequently
allow users to access data at any time and from any location, allowing each user to be
aware of the current status of the beer at all times. This can help accelerate the growth
of Yard of Ale company operations by increasing Yard of Ale Company,

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communication, and collaboration among all stakeholders in the Yard of Ale
Company.[ CITATION mas211 \l 1033 ]

6. Business Intelligence technologies assist small businesses expand market

share for Yard of Ale Technologies by measuring, tracking, and predicting
sales performance:
It is feasible to estimate competitors' strengths and find areas for improvement while
attempting to grow market share through product monitoring, trends, and customer
feedback. Market intelligence technologies may also reveal the cost of obtaining new
clients, as well as the link between these expenses and sales success.[ CITATION
mas211 \l 1033 ]

7. Improving delivery and supply chain effectiveness:

As the demand for company goods and services grows, so does the requirement to
supply an expanding number of consumers, putting the supply chain under constant
strain. Business intelligence software reveals how a company can handle and respond
to a high number of customer orders, requests, and questions. It can analyze consumer
data in a specific region to uncover external elements that may influence customer
behavior in that area, allowing businesses to better manage these factors.[ CITATION
mas211 \l 1033 ]

8. Providing data security:

Malware assaults and data breaches are two of the most common cyber hazards facing
small organizations. Complex encryption and authentication processes are built into
business intelligence platforms to safeguard the firm from harmful assaults and
hackers.[ CITATION mas211 \l 1033 ]

9. Budgeting, financial planning, and forecasting for Yard of Ale:

Business intelligence technologies assist in extracting information that is critical to a
company's cash flow. It contains a budgeting function that helps with the automated
updating of budgets on a regular basis to keep the bottom line in check and track
expenditures. [ CITATION mas211 \l 1033 ]

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10. Reducing the complexity of complicated business operations Yard of Ale:
Business intelligence software may assist firms in separating important information
from general data and producing reports that can help them come up with suggestions
for how to streamline complex business operations. The software can automate some
business activities, allowing for integration with current systems. For both
management and employees, this can free up time to focus on more demanding
business tasks.[ CITATION mas211 \l 1033 ]

4.1.2 Business intelligent innovations and trends to improve their performance

and to extend BI systems

Business intelligence innovations

Price, design, and advertising are no longer the only criteria for beating the
competition. Understanding client demands, as well as their ability and desire to pay,
are more important elements in determining competitive advantage. The importance
of data in a business has never been greater. We've now entered what's known as the
"third generation" of business intelligence (BI). However, the role of a business
intelligence team has always been the same: to comprehend and analyze the past in
order to make better judgments in the future.[ CITATION ana211 \l 1033 ]

1. Technology Shifts:
BI platforms in the early 2000s built solutions based on the architecture that was
prevalent at the time. More users meant larger data, thus high-performance desktop
computers with single-processor server systems with more memory and directly
attached storage were purchased. The design point for the previous two generations
was a data-centric stack, whereas the third generation is going toward a network-
centric stack. Critical technology shifts began to emerge as mega-vendors like IBM
and Oracle were busy merging. BI solutions used to be largely deployed on the
desktop, and business software products were difficult to deploy internationally.
However, as the web became the focal point of design, a fully web-based architecture
was created, with a simple installation process and speedier deployment possibilities.[
CITATION ana211 \l 1033 ]

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2. Data about Data:
Vendors realized that analytics was an enterprise-wide function, not just a desktop
activity, and that products with correct governance and security needed to be created
with the organization in mind. A metadata layer served as the foundation for the
products. Metadata is stored and managed in a metadata repository. There are three
types of metadata: descriptive (for finding and identifying a resource), structural (for
describing types, versions, and other features of digital material), and administrative
(for providing information about data containers and describing types, versions, and
other features of digital material) (giving technical information like file type, how was
a particular file created and who all can access it).[ CITATION ana211 \l 1033 ]

3. Data Storytelling:
Earlier BI solutions relied on tools that were just focused on reporting and
dashboards. However, as architectures changed, so did the functionality of BI
solutions. A skilled person can argue that a certain set of facts has provided self-
evident insights. However, your audience must be able to comprehend your thoughts
in the same way. Using analytical thinking, telling tales through data can help
overcome that divide. A dashboard will only provide users with graphical insights or
data that they may not completely comprehend. To understand the true significance of
the data, solutions were developed that included narrative tools.[ CITATION ana211 \
l 1033 ]

4. Smart Data Discovery:

Augmented intelligence, often known as smart data discovery, is rapidly transforming
the analytics landscape. "By 2021, the number of users of modern BI and analytics
platforms that are differentiated by smart data discovery capabilities will grow at
twice the rate of those that are not, and will deliver twice the business value,"
according to Gartner's 2017 report on "Critical Capabilities for BI and Analytics
Platforms." Early adopters attest to the lightning speed with which they can gain
insight merely by asking questions and receiving replies. Machine learning algorithms
can examine billions of data combinations across diverse data sources without any
data modeling. Only a few manufacturers have been able to develop such tools so far,
and such solutions do not currently allow consumers to understand why something

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happened. End-users on modern BI solutions are intended to be extremely scalable. A
modern BI server should be capable of simultaneously delivering reports and analysis
to hundreds or thousands of users. The current BI platform should be able to take full
use of today's network-centric infrastructure at no additional cost.[ CITATION
\l 1033 ]
Business intelligence trends
Business intelligence has changed dramatically during the last decade. Data
multiplied and grew in size. Suddenly, we had all obtained access to the cloud.
Spreadsheets have finally given way to interactive business dashboards and actionable
and intelligent data visualizations. The democratization of the data product chain was
aided by the advent of self-service analytics. Advanced analytics was no longer
reserved for analysts. The year 2021 will be remembered as a watershed moment in
the business intelligence industry. The patterns we discussed last year will continue
until 2022. However, the BI landscape is changing, and the future of business
intelligence is being played now, with new trends to watch. BI tools and techniques
will become more personalized in 2022. Businesses of all sizes are now asking what
is the ideal BI solution for their specific organization, rather than if they need more
access to business intelligence insights.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

Companies are no longer debating if data visualizations improve analysis, but rather
how to best communicate each data story, especially with the support of
contemporary BI dashboard tools. Data security and data discovery will be the focus
in 2022, with clean and secure data mixed with a clear and compelling presentation. It
will also be a year of collaborative business intelligence and AI. We're looking
forward to seeing what this new year has in store for us.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

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Here are the top 10 analytics and business intelligence trends we will talk about in
• Artificial Intelligence.
• Data Security.
• Data Discovery/Visualization.
• Data Quality Management.
• Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics Tools.
• Real-time Data and Analytics.
• Collaborative Business Intelligence.
• Data Literacy.
• Data Automation.
• Embedded Analytics.

1. Artificial intelligence
We'll begin by looking at what's new in business intelligence using AI. Gartner's
current Strategic Technology Trends study focuses on this trend, which combines AI
with engineering and hyper automation, and focuses on the level of security in which
AI risks establishing weak areas of attack. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of
research that aims to make machines do things that complicated human intelligence
would normally do. Despite the legitimate warnings of certain reputable scientists and
tech-entrepreneurs, AI is not yet on the verge of destroying the human race.
[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

While we work on programs to avoid such inconvenient situations, AI and machine

learning are transforming the way we engage with our analytics and data management
systems, and increased security precautions must be considered. Organizations will
demand a lot more from AI-based systems in the coming year, thus it's projected that
AI will progress into a more responsible and scalable technology. Historical data will

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no longer be the primary driver of AI-based solutions, according to Gartner's Data and
Analytics research for 2021, with COVID-19 fundamentally transforming the
corporate environment.

This notion is referred to as ethical AI, and it tries to ensure that businesses use AI
systems in a legal manner. As it learns from historical trends and patterns, solutions
like an AI algorithm based on the most advanced neural networks give great accuracy
in anomaly detection.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

Figure 30-AI
Artificial intelligence capabilities have begun to emerge that allow users to speak with
software in plain language: the user inputs a question or request, and the AI delivers
the best possible response. The demand for real-time online data analysis tools is
growing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) is providing an inexhaustible amount of
data, putting statistical analysis and management at the top of the priority list. Testing
AI in a duel is another growing trend in the future of business intelligence. When a
fight occurs multiple times, AI can learn to analyze and break that type of online
security mechanism. In 2022, we should keep a watch on how tech giants use AI in a
variety of methods that will change the machine learning process.[ CITATION
dat21 \l 1033 ]

2. Data Security
In 2021, data and information security were on everyone's minds, and they will
continue to do so in 2022. Privacy rules such as the GDPR (General Data Protection
Regulation) in the European Union, the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) in

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the United States, and the LGPD (General Personal Data Protection Law) in Brazil
have laid the groundwork for data security and management. The Shield was a legal
framework that allowed corporations to transfer data from the EU to the United
States, but due to recent legislative changes invalidating the process, companies with
headquarters in the United States no longer have the right to transfer any EU data
subjects. However, even this option is problematic from a legal standpoint, as the US
judiciary might theoretically require US-based corporations to release data stored on
EU-based computers.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

Figure 31-Data security risks

In other words, data that is stored in the EU must remain in the EU. In effect, this
implies that EU-based enterprises that utilize US-based software vendors to keep any
kind of data for them are putting themselves in jeopardy because they are operating in
a legal grey area. This cybersecurity worry poses a difficulty for SaaS BI solutions, as
they must ensure that they are providing a secure product that clients can trust with
their sensitive data. Processing data quickly to deliver real-time insights that may be
subject to regulatory compliance, risks while transporting data from user systems to
the BI tool's cloud, and providing access to data from different devices that may be
hazardous and vulnerable to assaults are just a few examples.[ CITATION dat21 \l
1033 ]

With a more modular approach, it aims to create a defined security perimeter around a
person or a specific site, allowing users to securely access data from their

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smartphones, for example. The demand for security products and services is
understandable, given the prevalence of data breaches in the news, bustling industries,
and everyday people.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

3. Data Discovery/Visualization
In the recent year, data discovery has become more important. Data discovery was
ranked as one of the top four business intelligence trends for 2022 in a poll performed
by the Business Application Research Center. Essentially, data discovery is the
process of gathering data from a variety of internal and external sources and
combining it with advanced analytics and visualizations. Modern business intelligence
technologies provide data integration, interactive visualizations, a user-friendly
interface, and the flexibility to work with large amounts of data in an efficient and
straightforward manner to businesses of all sizes. The Research Center underlines that
“the increasing demand for data discovery tools represents a tremendous shift in the
BI sector toward higher data consumption and the extraction of insights”.[
CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]
• Easy to operate
• Adaptive and nimble
• Reduces the time it takes to get an idea
• Accepts a large volume and variety of data with ease.

Discovering previously unknown trends in business operations or enabling prompt

response when a business abnormality happens have become indispensable tools in
effectively managing enterprises of all sizes. The point is that data discovery is a
process that allows decision-makers to uncover insights, and teams may notice trends
and large outliers in minutes by employing visualizations. The data discovery trend
will grow in importance as one of the most important BI trends in 2022, as humans
digest visual data better.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

4. Data Quality Management

With so much data being generated every second, employing quality data when
conducting analysis has become a vital component, and thus a relevant business
intelligence trend to watch in 2022. When you consider that poor data quality costs a

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single business between $9.7 and $14.2 million per year, it's impossible to overlook
the significance of this trend, as working with insufficient data is not only a waste of
time and resources, but it can also be detrimental to a company's bottom line.
Incorrectly produced marketing budgets, how precisely firms understand client habits,
how quickly they can transform leads into sales, and even larger business decisions
such as incorrect investment or resource allocations are some of the repercussions of
poor data quality.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

Essentially, data quality management guarantees that businesses can make the best
data-driven decisions possible by ensuring that they are using the correct data for their
analysis. Data must be accurate, consistent, comprehensive, timely, and compliant, to
name a few standards to follow in order to achieve a successful data management
process. That is, there should be no duplicate or missing values, no obsolete data that
does not represent the relevant chronology, and no inconsistent data.[ CITATION
dat21 \l 1033 ]

5. Predictive & Prescriptive Analytics Tools

Tomorrow's business analytics is focused on the future and attempts to answer the
following questions: what will happen? As a result, predictive and prescriptive
analytics are by far the most talked-about business analytics trends among BI
practitioners, especially now that big data is becoming the focal point of analytics
processes used by both large corporations and small and medium-sized firms. The
method of gathering information from existing data sets in order to determine future
probability is known as predictive analytics. It's a subset of data mining that solely
considers historical data. As software that manages enormous volumes of data today
grows smarter and more effective, predictive analytics contains predicted future data
and so always includes the chance of errors in its definition, though those errors are
progressively decreasing.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

Predictive analytics provides a reasonable estimate of what will happen in the future,
as well as a few alternative scenarios and risk assessment. Predictive analytics is a
business tool that analyzes current data and past facts to better understand customers,
goods, and partners, as well as identify possible dangers and possibilities. Marketers

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use it to forecast client responses or purchases and set up cross-sell opportunities,
whereas bankers use it to calculate a credit score, which is a number calculated by a
predictive model that considers all relevant data about a person's creditworthiness.
There are several real-world examples of big data being utilized to shape our reality,
whether it is in the purchasing process or in the management of client data.
[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

Artificial neural networks (ANN) and autoregressive integrated moving average

(ARIMA) are two popular predictive analytics methodologies among data scientists
(ARIMA). Data is processed in artificial neural networks in the same manner as it is
in biological neurons. With a large volume, number of variables, or diversity of data,
this approach enables for capturing correlations or detecting regularities within a
group of patterns.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

ARIMA is a time series analysis model that uses historical data to model current data
and make predictions about the future. Inspection of autocorrelations – evaluating
how present data values depend on historical values – is part of the study, as is
determining how many steps into the past should be considered when making
predictions. The moving average (MA) portion uses any discrepancy between
projected and actual data. Any discrepancies in these points can provide insight into
the behavior of the data series, anticipate new abnormalities, or aid in the discovery of
underlying patterns that are not evident to the naked eye. Users just choose historical
data points, and the software generates forecasts based on history and present data, as
seen in the following example:[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

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Figure 32-Predictive Analysis

6. Real-time Data & Analytics

The demand for real-time data has exploded this year, and it will continue to do so in
2022, according to one of the data analytics trends. Since the outbreak of the
pandemic, we've seen how important it is to have real-time and precise information
for building adequate response measures. Data has been used by certain countries to
make the best judgments possible, and businesses have followed suit to secure
survival in these unpredictable times. Real-time data access has become the norm in
everyday life, not only for businesses but also for the general public, as seen by press
briefings packed with the most up-to-date facts, graphs, and statistics that have shaped
some of the pandemic's strategies. Not only that, but ad hoc analysis has allowed
firms to keep on top of changes and react to the enormous obstacles that this year has
thrown at them.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

With additional variables in the mix, forecasting and alarms will eventually become
much more important in formulating correct corporate responses and strategies for
future initiatives. Furthermore, integrating live dashboards will enable businesses to
quickly obtain pertinent information about their operations and respond if any
possible difficulties occur. Data that is up to date is more vital than ever before, and
because the world has evolved, businesses must adapt as well. High-tech data access
is becoming the norm, and it's one of the reasons why certain businesses will thrive
while others will perish. Real-time data will undoubtedly be one of the key drivers of
business analytics trends in 2022, and we will undoubtedly see more of it in action.
[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

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7. Collaborative Business Intelligence
Managers and employees must engage differently nowadays as they face an ever-
increasingly competitive environment. A new type of business intelligence is gaining
traction: collaborative BI. It's a mix of collaborative tools, such as social media and
other 2.0 technologies, and online business intelligence tools. This is being created in
the context of increased collaboration to handle the new issues that the fast-track
industry presents, where more studies and reports are being edited. When it comes to
collaborative BI, the term "self-service BI" comes to mind because self-service
technologies don't require an IT team to access, interpret, and comprehend all of the
data. These BI solutions make it easier to share information by generating automatic
reports that can be sent to specified people at specific times. They allow you to create
business information alerts and provide public or embedded dashboards with a
customizable level of interactivity, for example.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

All of these options are available on all devices, which improves decision-making and
problem-solving processes, which are crucial in today's constantly changing world.
This is especially important now that the epidemic has driven businesses to migrate to
a home office environment, where communication is more important than ever. The
focus of contemporary BI systems is on collaborative information, information
improvement, and collaborative decision-making. However, collaborative BI is not
limited to document exchanges or updates. It must keep track of meetings, phone
conversations, e-mail exchanges, and the gathering of ideas. According to more recent
research, collaborative business intelligence will become more integrated to more
systems and people. In this new concept, the team's performance will be affected, and
the decision-making process will flourish.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

In fact, by 2022, it is projected that collaborative BI will have progressed beyond

simply exchanging insights and will begin at an earlier level. Starting with data
discovery and moving through the complete analytical workflow for a more efficient
decision-making process that includes all stakeholders, regardless of location. Let's
see how it progresses in the 2022 business intelligence trends subjects.[ CITATION
dat21 \l 1033 ]

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8. Data Literacy
As data becomes the cornerstone of strategic choices for businesses of all sizes, the
ability to comprehend this data and use it as a collaborative tool that everyone in the
organization can use becomes increasingly important. In 2022, data literacy will be
one of the most important data analytics trends to watch. The ability to comprehend,
read, write, and transmit data in a specific context is referred to as data literacy. This
entails comprehending the data analysis methodologies and processes, as well as the
tools and technologies used. Poor data literacy, according to Gartner, is the second-
largest hurdle to the success of the CDO's office, and data literacy will become
important in driving business value by 2023.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

Data literacy is the core of a successful data-driven culture, despite the rise of self-
service tools that are accessible to everyone. Business leaders are responsible for
providing all employees with the necessary training and tools to enable them to work
with data and analytics. A rigorous assessment of the skills of employees and
managers is required to identify weak spots and gaps in order to establish a successful
data literacy approach. Start by identifying fluent data users who can act as
"mediators" for less-skilled groups, as well as communication hurdles where data is
failing to fulfill its purpose, according to Gartner. Creating focused training instances
will be easy now that you have all of this information.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

Users of various levels of knowledge will be able to undertake advanced analysis and
utilize data as their primary language in the long term, given the right training and
tools. Data science will no longer be required of experts as tools like as predictive
analytics become more widely available, allowing these professionals to focus on
more complex jobs such as Machine Learning or MLOps. Indeed, Gartner predicts
that by 2025, the scarcity of data scientists will no longer be a barrier to firms
adopting modern technology procedures. Data literacy, on the other hand, will be a
hot subject in the BI business in the coming year.

9. Data Automation
Without data (analysis) automation, business intelligence themes would be
incomplete. We've seen so much data produced, saved, and available to handle in the

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previous decade that businesses and organizations have been looking for modern data
automation solutions to deal with large amounts of data. According to a KDNuggets
poll, data science chores will be automated over the next decade, therefore this is one
of the business intelligence trends to keep an eye on because we don't know when it
will happen. The bottleneck that organizations face today still includes dozens of tools
and various sources. BI is a system that allows users to integrate all of a company's
data and provides ways for discovering, analyzing, measuring, monitoring, and
evaluating large-scale data.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

In our post about the top 10 IT buzzwords that Gartner expects will explode in the
next year, we cited hyper automation, and we agree. This new trend refers to firms
automating as many operations as possible utilizing a variety of tools and
technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, low-code, and
no-code solutions, among others. Many automation opportunities have arisen as a
result of business analytics, and we will see even more in 2022. Long-standing
boundaries between data scientists and business users are gradually being dissolved,
resulting in a one-stop shop for whatever data demand a firm may have, including
data collection, analysis, monitoring, reporting, and sharing. Intelligent reporting -
predictive analytics and automated reports boost the ability of business users to
automate data on their own, without the assistance of the IT department, in one
scenario. Data scientists, on the other hand, will continue to manage complicated
analyses that require human scripting and coding.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

10. Embedded Analytics

Embedded analytics is the name of the game when data analytics occurs within a
user's normal workflow. Businesses have realized the value of integrating BI
components such as dashboards and reports into their own applications, hence
boosting decision-making and increasing productivity. According to Allied Market
Research, the embedded analytics market will reach $77.52 billion by 2026, with a
CAGR of 13.6 percent from 2017, and this is one of the business analytics topics we'll
hear about even more in 2022. Embedded analytics is becoming a commonplace in
corporate operations, whether you need to build a sales report or provide several
dashboards to clients, and we'll see even more organizations using it in 2022.

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Embedding analytics allows for collaboration by keeping all stakeholders involved,
rather than just adding a dashboard or BI elements to an application.[ CITATION
dat21 \l 1033 ]

"Organizations are using embedded analytics solutions to experience considerable

gains in revenue growth, marketplace expansion, and competitive advantage,"
according to Business Wire's study "Global Embedded Analytics Market (2021 to
2026) - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts." Hospital management
may extract useful data that will help them enhance procedures from a clinical,
operational, and financial standpoint by adopting robust healthcare analytics software
that can be incorporated.[ CITATION dat21 \l 1033 ]

4.2. Sharing data within the organization through a BI tool can raise
legal, ethical and professional concerns. Explore the legal issues that
may result when using business intelligence tools (Eg: Data
protection laws, Cyber security, etc.) and evaluate how the chosen
organization and extend the target audience / gain a competitive
advantage by securely exploiting Business Intelligence tools.

4.2.1 Legal, ethical and professional concerns when using BI tool

Administrative concerns denotes a circumstance or event that would make the

Organization or any of the Auxiliaries ineligible to act as a venture counsel (or in any
other capacity contemplated by the Venture Organization Act) to an enrolled venture
organization, including any activity, proceeding, or examination pending or
undermining by any Legislative Power, which would make the Organization or any of
the Auxiliaries ineligible to act as a venture counsel (or in any other capacity
contemplated by In accordance with Section 203 or of the Venture Counsellors Act,
the Organization or any of the Auxiliaries becoming ineligible to work as a
speculation guide or as a related individual of an enlisted speculation guide, as
applicable, or being subject to legal restrictions concerning participation or support in,
or relationship with an individual from a self-administrative association as defined in

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Segment 3 of the Trade Demonstration, or exclusion for some other reason. which
disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the Organization or the Auxiliaries;
the inconvenient application of any "partnered exchanges" limitations under Segment
17 of the Speculation Organization Follow up on the Organization or any of the
Auxiliaries (other than any such limitations arising from the Financial specialist's
responsibility for the Organization's value) that would impose a material weight on
the Organization and the Auxiliaries; or a "task" on the Organization and the

4.2.2 Legal or Security issues that may result when using business intelligence

There are various types of attacks that can occur. The attacks are carried out because
of the IoT platform's security and privacy issues. Hackers, intruders, and unauthorized
agents can all carry out attacks. Physical cyber-attacks, network cyber-attacks,
software attacks, and encryption attacks are all sorts of attacks, according to Larson &
Chang (2016). The main reason for the physical attack, according to the author of the
paper, is due to the sensors inherent in IoT devices. In the context of a physical attack,
the author goes on to say that in this form of attack, the hacker typically tries to gain
access to a user's machine that is placed in close proximity. According to the author,
tampering will aid hackers or intruders in extracting data loaded with malicious code.[
CITATION res21 \l 1033 ]

The author also mentions cyber-attacks on the network system in the paper. In a
network cyber-attack, as stated by the author, hackers or intruders attempt to get
access to the user's network in order to detect and verify what data is traveling over it.
A man-in-the-middle assault is the most common type of network cyber-attack. Apart
from network cyber-attacks, the author has described another type of attack: software
attacks. In the context of a software attack, the author has stated that dangerous files

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or malware are injected into users in order to track and monitor user system data as
well as data flow. The author goes on to say that a virus can corrupt data or files as a
result of a software attack. The author has described the encryption attack as the final
sort of attack.[ CITATION res21 \l 1033 ]

In the case of an encryption assault, intruders or hackers infer the encryption key in
order to create their own code and algorithm for decrypting the key. According to the
author, once the hacker has unlocked the key, they will insert their own code into the
user system in order to monitor it. According to the author, the form of attack can be
DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service), Bonnets, Man in the Middle attacks, and so on,
depending on the type of assault.[ CITATION res21 \l 1033 ]

1. Botnet Attacks
According to them, a botnet is a network of one or more devices connected together.
According to the author, Botnet attacks are typically carried out with the purpose of
disrupting routine operations or degrading the overall services of the target system.
Before starting the attack, a large number of Botnets are necessary for its formation.
The botnet6s are delivered to the network once the assault has been launched in order
to target the system on a big scale. The request for an IoT assault for business
intelligence is sent in the form of text messages or emails. These types of attacks can
have a negative influence on business intelligence by slowing down network servers,
making the network too busy for users to access, and temporarily freezing the server.
[ CITATION res21 \l 1033 ]

Figure 33-Botnet Attacks

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2. Identity theft
They have described the business intelligence impact of identity theft. According to
the author, identity theft is a crime that involves gaining access to financial or
personal information. Despite this, the author claims that identity theft has a
significant influence on business intelligence. In the context of identity theft, the data
linked to business intelligence or data analytics is created by stealing the user's
identity or credential information. According to the author, there are two forms of
identities. Account takeover and true name identity theft are the two types of identity
theft highlighted by the author in the essay. According to the author, attackers or
hackers exploit the user's personal information in real name identity theft to collect
data for business analytics.[ CITATION res21 \l 1033 ]

In the case of account takeover identity theft, hackers or attackers modify the personal
details of the user's current account in order to gain access to information connected
to the organization's business data analytics.[ CITATION res21 \l 1033 ]

Figure 34-Identity Theft

3. Denial of service
They claim that a denial of service assault is another source of concern in the Internet
of Things platform's business intelligence. Denial of service occurs when a service is
unavailable throughout the normal work process, according to the author of the
article. As the author of the article points out, service unavailability can occur for a
variety of reasons. In the framework of a distributed denial of service assault, the
author has shown how a large number of computer systems utilized for business
intelligence in the organization could be harmed by introducing dangerous files or
malware into the system.[ CITATION res21 \l 1033 ]

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Figure 35-DoS
Injecting malicious code into the organization's file system will have a negative
impact, making data inaccessible to employees or the business organization for proper
analysis and strategic decision-making. According to the author, during a denial of
service assault, the network, network, or servers are unable to locate the hackers' or
attackers' returning address while providing the authentication permission. According
to the author, the effect of denial of service causes the server to function slowly,
causing the business organization to perform a proper analysis of the data.
[ CITATION res21 \l 1033 ]

4. Man in the middle attack

They described the man in the middle attack, in which hackers or attackers attempt to
intercept communication between two systems. The author of the post points out that
such an assault has a significant negative influence on the IoT Platform's business
intelligence.[ CITATION res21 \l 1033 ]

Figure 36-Man in the middle

Security Issues in Yard of

1. Technology with Weak Security:

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New technology is released every day. New gadgets frequently include some type of
Internet access but no security plan. Any unsecured link is susceptible, posing a major
threat. Innovators deserve credit for rapid technical advancement, but security lags far
2. Third-party Entry:
Cybercriminals pick the path with the least amount of resistance. Target is the poster
child for a large network attack that used third-party entry points. The unfortunate
contractor whose credentials were hacked and utilized to steal 70 million customers'
financial data sets was a big HVAC retailer.
3. Failure to properly configure big data tools:
Big data tools can be customized to meet the demands of a company. Companies
continue to overlook the need of properly configuring security settings. The New
York Times recently suffered a data breach as a result of only having one of the many
important components required to fully protect the organization's knowledge.
4. Lack of Encryption of Corporate Data on Personal Devices:
Despite its effectiveness, the protection of critical corporate data in transit and at rest
is still a policy that few companies have adopted. Because the healthcare industry
handles highly confidential data and understands the risk of losing it, HIPAA
compliance requires encryption on all devices.
5. Old Security Software:
Upgrading security software is a common technology management task and an
essential step in securing big data. Software is created to defend against known
hazards. As a result, any new malicious code that enters an outdated security software
version will be undiscovered.
6. Unprecedented Attacks:
The amount of important information stored on many data sources has expanded
rapidly since the early days of a single computer. As the number of devices storing
personal data grows, so does the risk of data being compromised for businesses of all
kinds. The Internet of Things (IoT) has adapted itself nicely to providing an
unmatched attack surface defense professional has never had to deal with in the past,
thanks to all of these apps. With this attack surface in mind, business owners must
take security precautions rather than focusing just on their company's computers and
mobile devices.

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7. Inadequate Security Technology:
Enterprise software that monitors network security has become a major trend. The
application is intended to provide warnings when an attempted intrusion is detected,
but the alerts are only useful if someone is present to respond to them. Businesses rely
too heavily on technology to totally defend against assault if it is supposed to be a
controlled instrument.
8. Social Engineering:
Cybercriminals are aware that penetration tactics have a finite lifespan. They've
shifted to less-technical methods like social engineering, which rely on social contact
and psychological manipulation to gain access to sensitive data. This type of incursion
is both unpredictable and successful.

Solution for Yard of Ale

1. Understanding the IoT:
The internet of things is a fairly complex topic, and there may be difficulties
understanding it. The key challenge with IoT in the field of business intelligence is
improving the ability to comprehend changes and implications made in the IoT
platform in order to increase business intelligence, activity, and data analytics
surveys. A lack of awareness of the internet of things makes it more difficult for
business intelligence to make right decisions and analyze actual and real-
time data. [ CITATION res21 \l 1033 ]
2. The issue of hardware compatibility:
Different types of sensors are used in the data collection process. These sensors are
linked to IoT gateways, which allow data to be collected and transmitted to the cloud.
If the hardware of the IoT devices is not compatible enough to support the Business
Intelligence system, the adoption of IoT for the purpose of company intelligence
could be a serious circumstance of an issue in the business organization.[ CITATION
res21 \l 1033 ]
3. Data Security Concerns:
Data security is a fundamental concern for any technology adoption. There are
numerous types of security vulnerabilities that may arise in the IoT platform as a
result of the appearance of ransomware and other malware assaults. The data

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associated security issue on the IoT platform may result in data loss, monitoring, or
tracking of organizational data that can be utilized for Business Intelligence, and other
forms of data and hardware related issues.[ CITATION res21 \l 1033 ]
4. Choosing the Right IoT Platform:
Choosing the right IoT platform for your business is extremely important. The
Internet of Things (IoT) in business intelligence is a complicated process. As a result,
if technology changes in the future, the entire business intelligence model will adapt
as well. The use of the wrong platform for business analytics could lead to a security
problem in the near future.[ CITATION res21 \l 1033 ]
5. Encryption Issue:
There are a variety of IoT-enabled tools that are not capable of encrypting company
data. In the business intelligence strategy, there is a high pace of data flow. Even with
the internet, there are a number of IoT platforms for business intelligence that are
unable to adequately encrypt data in terms of business intelligence.[ CITATION
res21 \l 1033 ]

4.2.3 Data protection laws

In general, data security refers to the process of preventing sensitive data from being
destroyed, hacked, misused, or corrupted. Any business or organization relies heavily
on data. The importance of data processing and regulations has increased as a result of
a large number of individuals and businesses creating and storing data at
unprecedented speeds in databases these days. The problem is that unauthorized
people have access to sensitive data. If we create data security policies and laws, they
should be adapted to the needs of businesses and organizations. Our data protection
approach should be gathered and managed in a fair and legal manner. All data
security procedures have the same goal: to keep data safe.[ CITATION ris21 \l 1033 ]

Mandatory Data Protection Laws and

Procedures Governance and the Primacy of Law

All users are expected to use corporate sites, services, facilities, and equipment in a
lawful way at all times, according to IT Services. We are still subject to the same rules
and regulations that apply in the real world when we utilize technology. Individual

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customers, in particular, are responsible for adhering to all applicable regulations,
including the Consumer Protection Act:

• The Data Protection Act (1990)

• The Computer Misuse Act (1990) (1998)

• Regulation (EU) 2016/679) on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

(which comes into effect on 25 May 2018)

• The Act on Copyright, Designs, and Patents (Act on Copyright, Designs, and
Patents) (1988)

• The Acts on Obscene Publications (1959, 1964)

• Information Technology Regulations under the Telecommunications Act of 1984

• The Telecommunications (Fraud) Act, which was enacted in 1997.

• The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (1976, 2000 Amendment)

• (Communications Data) Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000) (Additional

Functions and Amendment) Order for the year 2009.

Users are not permitted to keep or handle personal data on the organization's IT
infrastructure unless they adhere to current data privacy standards. Any liability
arising from non-compliance with the rules of current data protection legislation, as
well as any constraints put on how the data can be retained or used, falls on the
consumer. You must observe all relevant local laws while acquiring services from
other jurisdictions, including those controlling the service's location. When using IT
services, you are bound by the organization's general rules. You must abide by the
same regulations that govern any other entity whose services you use. This IT rule
will be considered a violation if any current third-party legislation or regulation is

Personal data protection legislation differs greatly from area to region, and even
nation to country. Some places, such as Europe, have implemented strict restrictions
that inflict harsh penalties on those who breach the rules, while others, such as the
United States, are still grappling with formal and centralized laws that provide
consistent protection. GDPR's implementation resulted in a seismic upheaval in how

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nations, organizations, and people regarded data privacy, resulting in a swift
worldwide trend toward more stringent controls and protections.[ CITATION tha21 \l
1033 ]

Here are some of the most important areas and nations that now have international
data privacy laws:

• Europe – The GDRP regulation was more of an international privacy law for data
protection than a localized layer of security and compliance that touched any
organization that processed any personal data from any EU citizen. With the
worldwide enforcement of security and data protection measures, the future of data
protection is defined by stronger regulations, larger penalties, and more reputational
harm if compliance is disregarded. After some corporations disobeyed the GDPR and
were slapped with large fines, businesses sat up and took notice. Organizations are
experiencing a difficult time as a result of the GDPR's implementation and the heavy
penalties and reputational harm that came with it. They must be compliant, and they
will require the appropriate assistance to do so.[ CITATION tha21 \l 1033 ]

• The United States of America - while the country lacks explicit regulations at the
federal level, there is some federal legislation that protects data in general. Several US
states have enacted their own data-related legislation as a result of the devolution of
authority to the states. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which provides
extensive privacy rights and consumer protection, is regarded one of the most
forward-thinking pieces of legislation in the country. The legislation gives people of
the state the ability to control how and why their personal information is gathered and
utilized. Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, New York, Washington, Illinois, Texas, and
Virginia are among the states that have legislation in place or are in the process of
being approved. Here is a complete collection of US privacy laws and their current
status.[ CITATION tha21 \l 1033 ]

• The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) was
enacted in Canada, and it is linked with EU data protection legislation. The Act
adheres to the five global privacy standards and provides customers with strong
personal information protection. On November 17, 2020, the Canadian Minister of
Information, Science, and Economic Development unveiled the Digital Charter
Implementation Act (DCIA). If passed, it will replace PIPEDA and bring some

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interesting modifications to the country's privacy laws. This includes a private right of
action as well as sanctions that may be higher than those imposed under the GDPR.
This will be revisited in 2021.[ CITATION tha21 \l 1033 ]

• The GDPR will apply in the United Kingdom until July 31, 2021, after which, due to
Brexit, alternative legislation will apply. However, as of January 1, 2021, the Data
Protection Act 2018 has already incorporated the EU's GDPR rules into UK law. The
Data Protection, Privacy, and Electronic Communications (DPPEC) Regulations of
2019 replaced the Data Protection Act of 2018 with the GDPR to establish a
comprehensive, UK-specific data protection framework known as the UK GDPR.
[ CITATION tha21 \l 1033 ]

• India has approved the Personal Data Protection Bill, which incorporates many of
the GDPR's concepts into the country's legal framework. These include notice and
prior consent requirements for the use of individual data, constraints on the reasons
for which organizations can handle data, and restrictions to guarantee that only data
required for delivering a service to the individual in question is gathered. However, in
2017, a supreme court judge decided that private corporations using Aadhaar data - a
platform that was launched in 2009 and is an important aspect of the country's
biometric identification program – was unlawful. Aadhaar has become a single,
universal digital identity number that every registered institution may use to
authenticate an Indian citizen since each person has their own 12-digit number. The
Aadhar number may now be used for verification, but it forbids private firms from
gathering personal information about the user.[ CITATION tha21 \l 1033 ]

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

In terms of how personal data is acquired, used, and secured, these guidelines
dramatically increase the employer's obligations and responsibilities. Employees must
be aware of their obligations under data protection laws, and firms must have
adequate data protection policies and procedures in place. Businesses must educate
their staff about the GDPR and provide training on the new regulations. A list of some
of the most essential requirements for employers, as well as a review of employee
rights, is provided below.[ CITATION gdp21 \l 1033 ]

Personal data is information that may be connected to or used to identify a real

person, either alone or in combination with other information, according to the

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GDPR. The subject of the data is the person whose personal information is

• Sensitive data (specific category data): Geographic or ethnic data, political

viewpoints, religious beliefs, Union membership, fitness, sexual orientation,
and genetic or biometric data are all examples of sensitive data (particular
category data). In theory, sensitive data cannot be handled without the data
subject's express agreement; data controllers and data processors are the
entities that collect and use personal data.

• To Process Personal Data, There Must Be A Legal Basis (Legitimate Reason).

To process employee personal data, the company requires a legal justification
(legitimate reason). The following are legitimate reasons:

• Processing is required before to entering the contract to act at the employee's

• Processing is required prior to entering the contract to fulfill part of the
contract for employees. (Take, for example, compensation in the context of
• Adherence to legal requirements (for example, statutory record keeping
standards for employees)
• Processing is essential to protect the vital interests of employees.
• For the objectives of valid legal interests (for example, when a person's
medical history is divulged to a hospital that treats them following a major car

• Consent: If none of the other legal grounds described above apply, consent is
an appropriate justification for the processing of employee data. Permission
must be "freely provided, precise, informed, and unequivocal," according to
the GDPR. This implies that the data subject must be notified that they are
agreeing to the processing of their data and should not be coerced to do so.
Before an employee consents to their data being processed, the employer must

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demonstrate that they have informed them about why their personal data is
being collected and how it will be used and managed.
• Data Subject Request (DSAR): Within one month, employers must have
mechanisms in place to respond to employee requests for personal data access.
If the request is complicated or many, it may be prolonged by two months.
• Obligations Concerning Safety: "Appropriate technology and organizational
methods" must be used to secure data. Anonymization, encryption, anti-virus
protection, and data backup should all be used to keep data secure. Employers
must verify that these precautions have been implemented in order to establish
compliance with the GDPR's security standards.
• Personal Data Sharing and Transfer: Organizations that rely on third parties to
process employee data, such as employment agencies or compensation
providers, must verify that such third parties are GDPR compliant and have a
suitable agreement in place. For data transfers outside the organization, you
must also follow the GDPR's obligations.
• Records Preservation and the Right to Remedy: Organizations can only store
data for as long as it's required to achieve the aim they've been assigned.
Employers must provide a justification for data retention as well as reasons for
keeping data. Employees have the right to know what information their
employers have about them and to have it updated. HR standards require that
what happens to employee records when an employment contract is terminated
be reported.
Table 2-Data Protection Law

Problems Law
Theft of personal information The Data Protection Act (DPA)
Copyright law
Computer Security Act of 1987
Unauthorized access to a PC and a business The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
intelligence application (CFAA) Computer Security Act of 1987

Intentionally causes a program, information, The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)
code, or instruction to be sent.

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Intentionally harms others without their The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)
Without authorization, intentionally enters The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
a Nestle protected computer. (CFAA) The Data Protection Act (DPA)
Computer Security Act of 1987

Nestle suffers harm and losses as a result of The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)
unintentional access.
Intentionally and knowingly defrauding The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
traffics (as defined in section 1029) in any bi (CFAA) The Data Protection Act (DPA)
application password Computer Security Act of 1987

Threatening to harm a machine that isn't The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)
Threat of obtaining information from a The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)
secured computer without permission

Without authorization, information was The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
accessed from a Nestle secured (CFAA) The Data Protection Act (DPA)
computer. Computer Security Act of 1987

4.2.4 Evaluate how the chosen organization and extend the target audience / gain
a competitive advantage by securely exploiting Business Intelligence tools.

As a System Engineer for Yard of Ale, I develop and implement a Business

Intelligence solution. Creating a Business Intelligence tool and doing a critical
evaluation of it. This was the task that had been entrusted to me. My current position
is satisfactory to me. Because I believe I successfully constructed a Business
Intelligence tool and published a comprehensive report on it. First and foremost, I
started making a list of the most important aspects of my idea. Then I went online and
looked up how to make an excellent Business Intelligence platform. That gave me
some thoughts. Then I gathered data on all of the network system's components.
Because I need to include the component definitions in my report. It was one of the
rules to do so.

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Then, due to the advantages of the Business Intelligence tool, I decided to use it as a
Business Intelligence tool. Based on the tool, I constructed a template for Yard of
Ale's system. In that approach, I allotted the number of data and forums to each of the
organization's high-ranking personnel. Then I select the most appropriate tool. I used
the Business Intelligence tool to design and set up the Business Intelligence tool.
After that, I used the user test approach to evaluate the accuracy of the Business
Intelligence tool. I noticed that my Business Intelligence product is in good working
order based on the test findings. Finally, for Yard of Ale, I created a report on the
implementation of the Business Intelligence tool. I've come to the conclusion that the
tool I created meets all user requirements, and I'm convinced that it will operate

The Yard of Ale beer company is one of Sri Lanka's largest corporations active in the
beer industry. The most essential business process at Yard of Ale is beer production,
but the company also features a variety of other excellent business processes,
including finance and accounting, human resource management, marketing, logistics,
and auditing. The company's board of directors is divided into three layers, with
representatives from each layer making decisions based on their level of knowledge.
The Yard of Ale beer company is one of Sri Lanka's largest corporations active in the
beer industry. The most essential business process at Yard of Ale is beer production,
but the company also features a variety of other excellent business processes,
including finance and accounting, human resource management, marketing, logistics,

[THAMILTHASAN THANUSHYANTHAN] [BAT/A-006965] [Business Intelligence] pg. 86

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and auditing. The company's board of directors is divided into three layers, with
representatives from each layer making decisions based on their level of knowledge.

Self -Criticism
During this time, I had to put in a lot of effort to finish my assignments before the
deadline. I was worried about whether or not I would be able to deliver my
assignment on time. As I was working on my assignment, I wanted to keep the
consistency in mind. As a result, I had to revise the contents of the task and the page
templates multiple times. Well, I gave it my all to finish this assignment before the
deadline. This assignment revealed some of my strengths and weaknesses to me.
When I started doing this Assignment I have half knowledge of how to do this
assignment. And I poorly know about the system. Laziness, tired and lack of interest.


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