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EXAMINATION NO: GEOGRAPHY Subject Number: M073/I Monday, 27 June Time Allowed: 24 hours 1:00 - 3:30 pm PAPER I (100 marks) MAP READING AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Instructions Question | Tickif | Domnot writein Number | answered | _ these columns | 1, This paper contains 12 printed pages. 1 Please check, | 2. There are five questions in this paper. 2 3. Answer question one and three others. 3 | a The maximum number of marks for the answers is indicated against each question 7 | | 4, Answer the questions in the spaces provided. a Write your Examination Number on ~ top of each page of the question paper. 6. _ Inthe table provided on this page, tick Total | against the question numbers you have | answered. © 2016 MANEB Turn over EXAMINATION NO.: 2016 Page 2 of 12 1073/1 1. Study the 1:50,000 map extract of Chitobwe area and answer the questions that follow. a (Identify the human feature found on grid reference 711892. (i mark) (ii) Give the six figure grid reference for the trigonometrical point 353/MWS. (2 marks) b. (i) Calculate the area east of Livulezi River on the map. (S marks) (ii) In which direction is Makombe River flowing? (mark) c(i) Identify three land use activities north of Northing 91 on the map. @ marks) (ji) What settlement pattern is shown by Muuso 2 Village between Easting 71 and 72 and Northing 89 and 90? @ marks) 4G State whether or not Chinkhamwazi School in grid reference 6585 amd Kampanje School in grid reference 7088 are intervisible. mark) Continued’... 2016 a, EXAMINATION NO. Page 3 of 12 MO073/1 (Continued) Gi) @ (ii) a (i) i) (ii) i) Gi) Give a reason for your answer in d. (). Find the contour interval of the map. (1 mark) What evidence is there on the map to show that conservation of natural resources is being done? What major environmental problem is likely to be experienced in the area represented on the map between Eastings 68 and 72? (i mark) Give a reason for your answer in £.()- ~~ @ marks) @ marks) Calculate the bearing of the road junction in grid square 6892 from ‘trigonometrical point 353/MWS in grid square 7389. (@ marks) Reduce the map to half its original size. Use the graph paper on page 4 to answer this question. (4 marks) On the reduced map, show Livulezi River, Bangwe Forest Reserve and Livulezi Estate. (3 marks) Continued’. MO73/1 EXAMINATION NO.: Page 4 of 12 2016 Graph paper for questions 1h (i) and (ii) EXAMINATION NO..: 2016 Page 5 of 12 M073/1 2. a. __ Figure 1 is the world map showing shields and volcanic features. Use it to answer the question that follow. Figure 1 Reference: R B Burnett General Geography in Diagrams () 1. Name the lava plateaus marked N and P. N: _ (mark) P: (i mark) 2, Identify the world shields marked Land M. Li mars) (i mark) Gi) Explain how the volcanic island labelled K was formed. (4 marks) Continued’... EXAMINATION NO.+ 2016 Page 6 of 12 M073/1 2 (Continued) (iii) Why are shields the most stable parts of the world? (@ marks) b. Gi) _Explain any two reasons why volcano-prone areas are densely populated despite the dangers they pose to human beings. G@ marks) (ii) Explain how each of the following leads to the occurrence of volcanoes 1. earthquakes ~~ @ marks) (@ marks) State any two results of plate tectonics. (2 marks) a. (i) Name ¢wo types of ocean currents. (2 marks) Continued... EXAMINATION Nt 2016 Page 7 of 12 MO073/1 , (Continued) (ii) Apart from the Labrador, give any two examples of ocean currents that are found in the Norther hemisphere. (iii) Explain one negative effect of the Labrador current on shipping along the north eastern part of North America (@ marks) b. Explain how each of the following factors affect the direction of ocean currents: (shape of continents (2 marks) (ii) wind direction (@ marks) c. Figure 2 below shows the major ocean currents of South America, Use it to answer the questions that follow. Figure 2 Source: F R Phiri, Senior Certificate Physical and Human Geography Continued... EXAMINATION Nt 2016 Page 8 of 12 ‘MO073/1 3c (Continued) (i) Name the ocean currents labelled A and B. focfe ee eee eee - (mark) B: _____ (mark) (ii) Explain any two effects of ocean current A on the adjacent landmasses, (@ marks) a Figure 3 is a diagram showing the hydrological cycle. Use it to answer the questions that follow. Wie oe SO Figure 3 Source: F R Phiri, Senior Certificate Physical and Human Geography (i) Name the features labelled A and C. A (1 mark) Cc _____ (i mark) (ii) How important is feature B to the hydrological cycle? Give any two points, marks) Continued/. EXAMINATION N 2016 Page 9 of 12 M0731 4. a. Figure 4 is the world map showing location of some tropical cyclones. Use it to answer questions a.(i) and (ii). [Tropic of Capeicore Figure 4 (i) Name the tropical cyclones marked A and B. (mark) (1 mark) (ii) Explain any one effect of tropical cyclone C on the Mozambican coastal areas. (2 marks) (iii) Describe two characteristics of a tropical cyclone. (4 marks) Continued’... EXAMINATION NO. 2016 Page 10 of 12 M073/1 4. (Continued) c(i) What is the difference between a cyclone and an anticyclone in terms of their structure? SS (@ marks) (ii) Name twa types of cyclones? (2 marks) 4. With the aid ofa diagram, show the patterns of prevailing winds on a rotating globe. (6 marks) 5, a. Describe any two human activities that endanger the environment. @ a a EXAMINATION NO.: 2016 Page 11 of 12 M073/1 5. (Continued) b. State any two effects of desertification on the environment, w (ii) (4 marks) c. Explain any two measures of controlling desertification, (4 marks) Describe any two ways of controlling air pollution. (i) Gi) Continued’... 2016 EXAMINATION NO.+ Page 12 of 12 ‘M0731 5. (Continued) f (Give any one threat to wetlands in Malawi, (mark) Gi) Explain any two ways of managing wetlands Give any one reason why wild life is important. (mark) END OF QUESTION PAPER NB: This paper contains 12 printed pages.

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