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We are proposing to add below point in latest edition of our monthly newsletter.

Here are some of the things we want to highlight this month:

An Annual picnic: An annual picnic is a great opportunity for colleagues,

families, and friends to come together and enjoy a day of fun, relaxation, and
team building. Every Year PCTL Organizes annual picnic for their employee. It
is great day for all employee and employer, they gossip each other and play
different type of indoor sports all day long. Some of them are singing and some
of them dancing on the day. It is an event that almost all of us look forward to
each year, providing a chance to socialize outside of the work environment and
build stronger relationships with coworkers. An annual picnic can be a perfect
opportunity for employers to show their appreciation for their employee’s hard
work and dedication, and to provide a fun and engaging experience that helps to
boost moral and foster a sense of community.
Celebrating International Women's Day: Celebrating International Women's
Day is an important way to recognize the achievements and contributions of
women all around the world. It is a day to celebrate women's social, economic,
cultural, and political achievements, and to reflect on the progress that has been
made towards gender equality. PCTL Celebrate and wish all the women
employee with presents at RNPP.
Celebrating 75
years of service is a
significant milestone
for any organization,
and it is a testament to
the hard work,
dedication, and
commitment of
everyone involved. It is
a time to reflect on the
many achievements
and successes of the
past and to look ahead
with optimism and excitement for what the future holds. 75 years of service is a
remarkable achievement that should be celebrated and recognized by all

stakeholders, including employees, customers, partners, and the wider

community. This celebration provides an opportunity to thank all those who have
contributed to the organization's success over the years, and to showcase the
values, culture, and vision that have made the organization thrive for so long. By
celebrating 75 years of service, we can recommit to our mission, values, and
goals, and inspire future generations to continue building on the legacy of those
who came before us.
Employee spotlight: We also have a great team, and we will be highlighting
their achievements and contributions to our organization. This month, we want
to take a moment to recognize one of our team members for their outstanding
contribution to our success.
Management Visit: We are excited
to announce that our management
team recently visited our worksite to
check on the progress of our ongoing
projects. This visit was aimed at
identifying any possible challenges
and finding ways to ensure that the
projects are completed on time and to
the satisfaction of our clients.
During the visit, the management
team met with the project team,
contractors, and other staff members
to discuss various issues affecting
the project, including timelines,
financial concerns, and quality
control. We are proud to report that
the visit yielded positive results, and
we are now more confident in our
ability to deliver quality work with
there standard.
Further, our
management team also
took the time to conduct
a tour of the site,
inspecting all areas of
the project to ensure that
they meet the required
standards. This exercise
helped identify areas
that may require further
improvement or
additional resources, and
the team is already
putting measures in
place to address these
We believe that this visit will go a long way in strengthening our relationship
with our clients and partners. The management team has reaffirmed our
commitment to providing top-notch services and to taking all necessary
measures to ensure that our projects are completed on time.
In conclusion, we would like to thank our management team for taking the time
to visit our site and for investing in our success. We will continue working hard
to achieve our goals and deliver on our promises
Project performance is a crucial element of any successful project. It involves
measuring and analyzing the progress of the project against key performance
indicators (KPIs) such as scope, schedule, budget, and quality. Regularly
reviewing project performance helps to identify potential issues, evaluate project
success, and make informed decisions to keep the project on track. Effective
project performance management requires open communication, collaboration,
and a commitment to excellence from all team members. By prioritizing project
performance, we can ensure that we deliver a successful outcome that meets or
exceeds the expectations of all stakeholders.
is a critical concern at any
construction site. The construction industry involves various hazards and risks
that can cause accidents, injuries, and illnesses to workers, visitors, and the
general public. Therefore, it is essential to establish a comprehensive HES
management system that addresses all aspects of health, environment, and
safety at the construction site.
Celebrating International Nuclear Day provides an
opportunity to reflect on the benefits of nuclear technology and energy, while
also raising awareness of the need for global peace and nuclear disarmament.
Nuclear energy has the potential to provide a significant and sustainable source
of electricity, and is crucial in mitigating climate change by reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. It has also been used in medical applications such as
cancer treatment and diagnosis. However, the potential dangers of nuclear
energy and weapons cannot be ignored. The devastating impact of nuclear
accidents and the destructive power of nuclear weapons make it essential that
nuclear technology is managed safely and responsibly. Celebrating International
Nuclear Day is an important way to encourage dialogue and cooperation
towards a world where nuclear energy is harnessed for peaceful purposes, and

where nuclear weapons are eliminated to ensure global peace and security.
Revenue & Collection: Getting good collection against planned billing is a
crucial aspect of managing cash flow for any business. In order to achieve good
collection, it is essential to have an efficient and accurate billing process in
place. This means ensuring that invoices are generated on time and accurately
reflect the goods or services provided to customers. It is also important to
clearly communicate payment terms and due dates to customers.
In The financial years (2022 -2023) PCTL revenue and collection as follows.
Q1 (Apr-Jun) Q2 (July- Sep) Q3 (Oct - Dec) Q4 (Jan- Mar) Total
Years 2022 -2023
Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual
BILLING 12.518 11.66 16.363 23.767 10.78 31.619 15.022 21.522 54.683 88.568
COLLECTION 13.278 9.507 16.363 8.325 10.78 21.877 15.022 33.502 55.443 73.211
Unit: MUSD

Regular monitoring of collection performance is also necessary to identify areas

for improvement and adjust collection strategies as needed
Overall, getting good collection against planned billing requires a combination
of efficient billing processes, effective collection strategies, positive customer
relationships, and regular monitoring and adjustment of performance metrics.
By prioritizing these elements, businesses can maintain healthy cash flow and
ensure long-term financial stability.

Achievements at RNPP: We are

pleased to announce that our
achievements over the past year
have been published in
Bangladesh Atomic Energy
Commission Annual Report.
One of our key
achievements was
the successful
Finish cooling
tower work
(Exhaust tower
shell) unit 01 at
Rooppur Nuclear
Power Plant. that
have received
positive feedback
from our customers.

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