Contingency Theory Lutherans

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A path out of the jungle

Fred Luthans is a faculty member in the department of efforts have turned out to be a losing battle.
management at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
The traditional management process has failed
Management theory has taken divergent paths to unify management theory.
in recent years. The author discusses each o f Today a jungle of management theories
these as well as the movement to unify still exists, but there are some clearly identifi- 67
existing schools of thought. The process able paths that seem to be leading out of the
approach, traditional and classical, has been jungle. The purpose of this article is to
supplanted by the quantitative, the be- identify the paths and trace them through the
havioral, and the systems approaches. The jungle and beyond. The figure accompanying
author defines these and explains their role in this article can be used as a guide to the
management theory and their function in discussion; it shows that the path leading up
actual practice. Singly, none o f these theories
to the current jungle was the process
can be applied to every organization and
approach. Other names applied to this path
management problem, and currently a theory
is emerging that can be used to draw the were classical, traditional, universal, opera-
disparate elements together.. This new tional, and functional.
approach is the contingency theory o f man- The starting point for this process
agement, which can be applied situationally. approach can be traced to the work of Henri
Fayol. In 1916, he identified the universal
functions of management as planning, organi-
Over a decade ago Harold Koontz wrote zing, commanding, coordinating, and control-
about the existing management theory jungle ling. He also described some universal prin-
in which he identified six different theoretical ciples of management such as unity of
schools of thought. 1 Although Koontz wrote command and equal authority and respon-
the article to defend the process approach, his sibility. Unfortunately, Fayol's work on the
functions and principles of management did
1. The six schools identified by Koontz were the not become part of the mainstream of man-
management process, empirical, human behavior, social
system, decision theory, and mathematical schools. Harold
agement theory in this country until the
Koontz, Academy o f Management Journal (December 1961), 1950s. Since that time, there have been ma.ny
pp. 174-88.
other process theorists, but they have not

JUNE, 1973

added much to Fayol's original conception of approach was characterized by the techniques
management theory. 2 of operations research. Various mathematical
Much of the terminology has been models were developed to solve decisional
changed; for example, Fayol's commanding is problems. However, it soon became apparent
now known as directing or leading. Also the that, although OR techniques were effective
meanings of Fayol's functions have become tools for management decision making, this
broader; for example, planning now incorpo- approach fell short of providing a theoretical
rates decision making, and directing incorpo- base for management as a whole.
rates communication, motivation, and leader- Starting in about 1970, the quantitative
ship. The principles have also changed in approach turned away from emphasis on
terminology and number. Yet, despite these narrow operations research techniques toward
changes, the universality assumption is still a broader perspective of management science.
made, and the process approach as a theoreti- The management science approach incorpo-
cal base for management remains basically the rates quantitative decision techniques and
same as that given by Fayol over fifty years model building as in the OR approach, but it
ago. also incorporates computerized information
The process approach has undoubtedly systems and operations management. This
had some unjustifiable criticism over the years. latter emphasis in the quantitative approach
However, it is also true that it was not strong marked the return toward a more broadly
enough to weather the storm of protest in based management theory.
recent years. This approach became over-
grown and entangled by other theoretical
68 approaches. By 1960 the process path had Behavioral Approach
been completely overrun, and two separate
paths emerged in opposite directions. These At about the same time the quantitative
new paths became known as the quantitative approach broke off from the process base, the
and behavioral approaches to management. behavioral approach struck out on its own. At
first the behavioral path was characterized by
human relations. Simplistic assumptions were
THE NEW PATHS made about human beings, and equally sim-
plistic solutions to behavioral problems were
Quantitative Approach offered. The human relations movement in
the 1960s searched for ways to improve
The quantitative approach has its roots in the morale, which was assumed would lead to
scientific management movement that increases in productivity. This approach cer-
actually predates the process approach. How- tainly did no harm, but it also produced few,
ever, as a major thrust in management theory, if any, results.
the quantitative approach really got under Around 1970, about the same time the
way about 1960. This new approach made a quantitative approach moved from emphasis
clean break from the traditional process on narrow operations research to a broad
orientation of management. management science perspective, the be-
During the 1960s the quantitative havioral approach had a parallel development.
This path veered toward a more broadly based
2. Probably the most widely recognized standard bearers organizational behavior approach, and now
of the process approach in modern times are Harold Koontz relies heavily on the behavioral sciences and
and Cyril O'Donnell, authors of Principles of Management
(New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1972). The book, makes more complex assumptions. More
which came out in 1955, is in its fifth edition. direct attention is devoted to organization

The Contingency Theory of Management

New Directions in Management T h e o r y to the whole. Systems has served as a magnet

to attract the quantitative and behavioral
approaches to management.
At the present time, both the management
science and organizational behavior detours

are heading back toward the main path of
systems. In management science, the new
1980 [~ emphasis on computer applications and
o@,, operations management techniques are
systems based. The same holds true for
organizational behavior. The formal organi-
zation is viewed as a system consisting of
structure, processes, and technology, and the
human being is conceived of as a system
containing a biological-physiological struc-
ture, psychological processes, and a person-
K**..'°*X Whether systems will actually unify the
quantitative and behavioral approaches to
management only time will tell. To date, the
JUNGLE JUNGLE quantitative, behavioral, and systems
approaches are clear but distinctly separate

paths through the jungle. However, as indi- 69
cated by the figure, b o t h the behavioral and
quantitative paths are headed toward the
systems path. If the three approaches do
theory and organization development. Organi-
come together in the next ten years, then the
zational behavior is the result of the inter-
results may be something entirely different.
action between the human being and the
This something that is different from the sum
formal organization.
of the parts is referred to in the figure as the
contingency theory of management.
Systems Approach
While the quantitative and behavioral
approaches were going their separate ways, a
new trend a p p e a r e d - t h e systems approach. The beginning of a path called contingency or
During the 1960s to the present, it took up sometimes situational is just starting to
emerge. 4 The figure indicates that by 1980
where the process approach left off in unify-
ing management theory. this path may be the one that leads manage-
ment out of the existing jungle of theories.
As a specific, theoretical approach,
systems can be traced back to the natural and
physical sciences nearly a quarter of a century 3. Fred Luthans, Organizational Behavior (New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973).
ago. The application to management has been
4. For example see Robert J. Mockler, "Situational
more recent. The systems approach-physical, Theory of Management," Harvard Business Review (May-
biological, or managerial-stresses the inter- June 1971), pp. 146-55, and Fremont E. Kast and James E.
Rosenzweig, Contingency Views of Organization and Manage-
relatedness and interdependency of the parts ment (Chicago: Science Research Associates, Inc., 1973).

JUNE, 1973

The pressure leading to a contingency theory state from different paths of development)
has largely come from people who are actu- are quite applicable to the present managerial
ally practicing management. situation.
For the past fifteen years, scholars, con- Despite the advances made in general
sultants, and practicing managers have systems development and the trend for both
attempted to apply either quantitative or the quantitative and behavioral approaches to
behavioral approaches, depending on their move toward a systems base, a contingency
orientation, to all situations. The performance path seems better suited to lead management
results of this universalist assumption were out of the present theory jungle. Kast and
generally disappointing. Certain quantitative Rosenzweig, who are closely associated with
approaches worked in some situations with the systems approach, support this view, at
some types of problems but not in others. least for the present. They call for a contin-
The same was true for behavioral approaches. gency approach, a mid-range concept that
For example, job enrichment seemed to work falls somewhere between "simplistic, specific
well with skilled technicians but not unskilled principles" and "complex, vague notions."
machine operators, s The contingency approach "recognizes the
Two of the difficulties encountered in complexity involved in managing modern
practice were that the quantitative people organizations but uses patterns of relation-
could not overcome behavioral problems and ships and/or configurations of subsystems in
the behavioral people could not overcome order to facilitate improved practice. ''6
operations problems adaptable to quantitative Important breakthroughs in various sub-
solutions. In the 1970s it is becoming more systems of management (organization design,
70 and more apparent that neither the quantita- leadership, behavior change, and operations)
tive nor behavioral approaches have all the have already demonstrated the value of the
answers for all situations. contingency approach.
Many of today's management theorists
believe that a systems-based theory can solve
the quantitative/behavioral dilemma. The CURRENT CONTINGENCY APPROACHES
December 1972 issue of the Academy of
Management Journal was entirely devoted to Pigors and Myers have been associated with a
general systems theory (GST) applied to situational approach to personnel manage-
management. The authors weighed the pros ment for the past twenty-five years. However,
and cons of whether GST can unify manage- the work of Joan Woodward in the 1950s
ment. The majority concluded that the marks the beginning of a situational approach
systems approach is appealing and has a great to organization and to management in gen-
deal of future potential, but is as yet incom- eral. She clearly showed in the British com-
plete. The open, as opposed to closed, panies studied that organization structure and
systems view is able to cope better with the human relationships were largely a function
increased complexity and environmental of the existing technological situation. Armed
influence facing today's managers. Systems with this and supporting follow-up evidence,
concepts such as entropy (a system will some organizational theorists such as Law-
become disorganized over time) and equi- rence and Lorsch began to call for contin-
finality (a system can reach the same final gency models of organizational structure. 7

6. Fremont E. Kast and James E. Rosenzweig, "General

5. William E. Reif and Fred Luthans, "Does Job Enrich- Systems Theory: Applications for Organization and Manage-
ment Really Pay Off?." California Management Review (Fall ment," Academy of Management Journal (December 1972),
1972), pp. 30-37. p. 463.

The Contingency Theory of Management

Organization Designs Model of Leadership

The contingency approach to organization More has probably been written about leader-
design starts with the premise that there is no ship than any other single topic. Although all
single design that is the best for all situations. this attention has been devoted to it, for years
The classical approach was to say that a research was not able to come up with any
bureaucratic design would lead to m a x i m u m concrete results. Most often the leader and his
efficiency under any circumstances. The neo- traits were examined. Recently, the work of
classical theorists pushed decentralization for Fred Fiedler, who emphasizes the importance
all conditions. It is inferred that even the that the situation has in leadership effective-
modern free-form systems and matrix designs ness, has produced a significant breakthrough.
have universal applicability. In practice, the Based on years of empirical research, Fiedler
classical, neoclassical, or modern structural was able to develop a contingency model of
designs did not hold up under all situations. leadership effectiveness.
For example, bureaucracy was not able to In simple terms, the model states that a
cope with a highly dynamic situation; decen- task-directed leader is most effective in very
tralization did not work well in a highly favorable and very unfavorable situations, but
cybernated situation; and the free-form, that a human relations-oriented leader is most
matrix designs were not adaptable to a situa- effective in moderately favorable and moder-
tion demanding cutbacks and stability. Even ately unfavorable situations. 9 Of special
Warren Bennis, who has been a leading advo- interest, however, is his ability to classify
cate of discarding classical, bureaucratically situations according to the three dimensions
organized structures and replacing them with of position power, acceptance by sub-
modern free-form, behaviorally oriented ordinates, and task definition. This type of
structures, has recently retrenched. Ironically, classification is the necessary goal of any
because of his actual experience as a practi- contingency approach.
tioner, he now admits that bureaucratic struc-
tures may be appropriate in certain situa-
tions. 8 Model of Behavioral Change
The contingency designs are conditional in
nature. The bureaucracy may work best in a Although not generally recognized in a mana-
stable situation and the free form in a gerial context, the contingency approach has
dynamic situation. Technology, economic and been widely applied to behavioral change in
social conditions, and human resources are mental health and education. Based on the
some of the variables that must be considered principles of operant conditioning, this
in a contingent organization design. approach assumes that behavior depends on
its consequences. Therefore, to change a
7. Joan Woodward, Industrial Organization (Landon: person's behavior, he must be able to perceive
Oxford University Press, 1965). Follow-up evidence from a contingent relationship between his be-
William L. Zwerman, New Perspectives on Organization
Theory (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Publishing Corpo- havior and the consequence of that behavior.
ration, 1970). For examples of support for contingency This contingent relationship, once established,
models see Paul R. Lawrence and Jay W. Lorsch, "Differenti-
will affect the frequency of subsequent be-
ation and Integration in Complex Organizations," Adminis-
traO've Science Quarterly (June 1967), pp. 1-47, and, more havior.
recently, Y. K. Shetty and Howard M. Carlisle, "A Contin- The author is currently directing a major
gency Model of Organization Design," California Management
Review (Fall 1972), pp. 38-45.
8. Warren Bennis, "Who Sank the Yellow Submarine?" 9. Fred Fiedler, A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness
Psychology Today (November 1972), pp. 112-20. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1967).

JUNE, 1973

field research program that is using this have begun to use a situational framework.
contingency concept. The approach is called For example, Stanley Young states that:
Organizational Behavior Modification (O.B. We m u s t k n o w u n d e r w h a t c o n d i t i o n s it is
Mod.). It can be used to train industrial advisable to m o v e f r o m Linear P r o g r a m m i n g to rule
of t h u m b a n d t h e n b a c k to Linear P r o g r a m m i n g .
supervisors through a process method of
T h e r e is an o v e r - c o n c e r n w i t h single d e c i s i o n rule, and
instruction to be contingency managers of we m u s t learn h o w to use d i f f e r e n t c o m b i n a t i o n s o f
their workers. Preliminary results of this rules u n d e r a variety o f o p e r a t i n g c o n d i t i o n s . 1 1 are very encouraging. 1° The study
has demonstrated that when first-line super- This article suggests that a contin-
gency approach may be the path
visors apply O.B. Mod. techniques to their out of the existing theoretical jungle in
subordinates, desirable job behaviors leading management. The process path was split by
to improved performance can be accelerated the behavioral and quantitative paths. How-
through the use of reinforcement and undesir- ever, neither of these approaches by itself
able behaviors can be decelerated through the seems capable of leading management out of
use of punishment. the jungle. Currently, the systems path seems
However, the key to the success of the to be drawing them together toward a unified
approach depends upon the worker's ability theoretical development, but by the time the
to perceive the contingency that if he behaves juncture is reached in the future, something
a certain way, then his behavior will result in may emerge which differs from the sum bf
a certain consequence. The if-then contin- the parts. This outcome is predicted to be the
gency pattern used in O.B. Mod. is similar to contingency theory of management.
the contingency approaches used in organiza- The successful contingency approaches in
tional design and leadership style. the behavioral and quantitative areas which
are beginning to surface are evidence of the
potential that a contingency theory may have
Approaches in the Quantitative Area for leading management out of the theory
jungle. The overall goal of a contingency
Although the examples so far are primarily theory of management would be to match
drawn from organizational behavior, the quantitative, behavioral, and systems
quantitative areas have also begun to use approaches with appropriate situational
contingency approaches. Operations research
itself is actually based on a situational Although this goal would be difficult to
premise. The starting point in developing any reach, the contingency theory could serve as
OR model is to account for the situational an effective framework for development.
givens. However, as OR was applied through Fiedler's work proves that it is possible. His
the years this premise was often abused. contingency model could serve as a proto-
Questionable initial assumptions which were type. The challenge for the future is to
often totally divorced from reality were develop a contingency theory for manage-
cranked into OR models. However, in recent ment as a whole.
years with the development of a broader
management science approach, more atten- 11. Stanley D. Young, "Organization as a Total System,"
tion is being given to situational factors. in Fred Luthans, ed., Contemporary Readings in Organiza-
tional Behavior (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company,
Recent books in the management science area 1972), p. 109. For other examples see David W. Miller, and
Martin K. Starr, Executive Decisions and Operations Re-
10. Fred Luthans, Robert Ottemann, and David Lyman search (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1970) and
are currently in the process of writing the study in Thomas R. Prince, Information Systems for Management
monograph form. Published results may be available in late Planning and Control (Homewood, Ill. Richard D. Irwin, Inc.
1973 or 1974. 1970).


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