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1.1 The background

In globalization era,home industry is increasing,especially local products.Jalabrian

traditional cake, is an old (old school) snack that looks like a ring cake.Even though they are

similar, this traditional cake has a special recipe that makes it different from other traditional

snacks. This wet cake is almost like a gemblong cake.Namely, both are made of black sticky rice

accompanied by brown sugar. The difference is if it's sugar on the inside, if it's clear sugar on the

outside Even though this cake is one of the most delicious pastries, it seems that not many

people recognize it nowadays

As we know that every city has famous local food,and so does majalengka,majalengka

has traditional food,namely jalabria.

Jalabria is one of the typical food of Majalengka. jalabria is rich in protein because the

basic ingredient is black sticky rice which contains high protein. One of the health benefits of

black sticky rice is to help strengthen the immune system. In fact, according to a study, black

sticky rice has the ability to maintain a better immune system than brown rice.

The innovation that I have from jalabria is jalabria gulmer chocolat. Jalabria gulmer

coklat has characteristics such as crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, of course

delicious and can be used as a special souvenir from Majalengka. almost everyone likes jalabria

because it is delicious and very rare, and without preservatives because it is made with natural

1.2 the purpose

In running a business, an entrepreneur has a purpose why he founded the business. Following

are the goals of my business:

 Increase local products

From time to time, many local products are often overlooked. Therefore, we intend to

increase the existence of local products in Majalengka, namely jalabria.

 To share business experiences

This business has good prospects to be developed by many people. And then, if we share

this business experience with other people, jalabria will be widely known by many people.

 Increase market opportunities and prospects

 To get high profits

In addition to our products being known by many people, getting high profits is one of our

goals in increasing business progress.

1.3 Bussiness vision & mission

A.Bussiness vision

“ Be a compotitive product that is competitive in quality and quantity in the global

market, does not pollute the environment, and creates a traditional concept."

 To open market opportunities.

Even though many competitors are engaged in the same business, I work around this with

innovations that are different from existing products. That is with innovations that taste better,

are affordable, and are highly nutritious. I'm sure this jalabria is able to compete in the market.

 To Provide the best service to consumers.

Service is one important aspect in improving the quality of business. I have to do better to

do excellent service to consumers.

 To Make jalabria a favorite food.

I will always improve the quality of my products so that jalabria can become a favorite

food for many people.

 To maintain product quality and the environment.

Not polluting the environment is one of my references to make jalabria better quality.

 To maintain product purity.

By maintaining the purity of my product, being jalabria has a good taste.

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