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Sorogo Street No.1, Kampungbaru, Karangboyo, Cepu


Written by :

1. PRITIA DWI YULIANTI (0015764811)



Campus I : Street Diponegoro No. 53 Tel/Fax. (0296) 421120

Campus II : Mentul Complex Block B No.2 Tel (0296) 423727
Website : http// e-mail : http//



Sorogo Street No.1, Kampungbaru, Karangboyo, Cepu

Written by:
1. PRITIA DWI YULIANTI (0015764811)

Advisor I, Advisor II,

Arif Fitriani, S.Pd Siti Ni’matul Izzah, S.T

Principal of Migas Vocational High School Cepu,

Mohammad Jaelani, S.Ag, M.Pd


TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL ................................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... iii

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................... 1

1.1 Problem Background ...................................................................... 1

1.2 Scope .............................................................................................. 1

1.3 Perpose & Benefit .......................................................................... 2

1.3.1 General Perpose .............................................................. 2

1.3.2 Benefit ............................................................................. 2

1.4 Systematic Report .......................................................................... 2

CHAPTER II COMPANY PROFILE ......................................................... 4

2.1 General Description ....................................................................... 4

2.2 History of PPSDM Cepu ............................................................... 5

2.2.1 The duct east period (1870-1942) ................................... 5

2.2.2 The Japanese period (1942-1945) ................................... 6

2.2.3 Period of Independence (1945 to present) ...................... 7

2.3 Organizational structure of PPSDM Cepu ..................................... 9

CHAPTER III LEARNING OUTCOME PROCES................................... 13

3.1 Definition of Separator ................................................................... 13

3.2 Main functions of the Separator ..................................................... 13

3.3 Types of Separator ......................................................................... 14

3.4 Separation Process ......................................................................... 19

3.4.1 Factors that can affect fluid separation include............... 20

3.5 Separator Qualification .................................................................. 21

3.6 Liquid Level Control (LLC)........................................................... 24

CHAPTER IV CLOSING ............................................................................. 25

4.1 Conclusion ..................................................................................... 25

4.2 Suggestions .................................................................................... 25

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 26


Figure 2.1 Profile of PPSDM Cepu.................................................................. 4

Figure 2.2 Oil and Gas PPSDM Organizational Structure ............................... 10

Figure 3.1 Horizontal Separator ....................................................................... 15

Figure 3.2 Vertical Separator ........................................................................... 17

Figure 3.3 Pherical Separator ........................................................................... 18

Figure 3.4 Separation Principle ........................................................................ 20


Praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT who has

bestowed His grace and guidance which has provided the opportunity, so

that we can complete this Field Work Practice Report on time.

We were able to complete the Field Work Practice Report thanks

to the encouragement, suggestions and assistance from various parties.

Therefore, on this occasion we do not forget to say thank you to:

1. Allah SWT who has given His mercy and guidance so that we can

make thisreport.

2. Mohamad Jaelani, S.Ag M.Pd as Principal of SMK MIGAS Cepu.

3. Arif Fitriani, S.Pd as homeroom teacher for class XII Refinery

Engineering SMK MIGAS Cepu.

4. Siti Ni'matul Izzah. S.T as Head of the Refinery Engineering

Expertise Program at SMK MIGAS Cepu.

5. The working staff at PPSDM Migas Cepu who assist in the

implementation of the Field Work Practice.

6. Both parents who help both morally and materially.

7. Friends of Cepu Oil and Gas Production Engineering who have

helped and encouraged us.

Finally, we hope that this Job Training Report can be useful for all

of us and we apologize for any shortcomings in this Job Training Report.




1.1 Problem Background

Oil and natural gas are natural resources in Indonesia, especially in the

Cepu and surrounding. The determinant of the efficiency of use is determined

by young people who are currently studying. However, in fact we are often get

the younger generation who do not care about Indonesia's natural resources.

They students prefer to use rather than create. This is further exacerbated by

the number SMK students are still relaxed with the advancement of Seeing

technology In this situation, many students feel unable to build Golden

Indonesia, and leave foreigners alone workers to continue to dominate


In this report the author will describe one of the positive activities

carried out by SMK students, this activity is Field Work Practice. This activity

relates to how students can apply what they learn every day at school in a real

industrial setting and students will prioritize SOP and safety as well as the

implementation of Field Work Practice as equipment for SMK students to take

the National Examination Investigation.

1.2 Scope

The practitioner's scope of work during practical work is:Participate in

activities related to the process of the petroleum industry starting fromoil and

gas exploration stage to oil and gas processing.

1.3 Perpose and Benefit

1.3.1 General perpose

This industrial work practice activity intends that students

can apply what they have learned in school to be practiced in

existing realities, and can then be of benefit to the general public,

so as to improve the quality of cooperation between Prakerin and

the school.

1.3.2 Benefit

1. Students can understand the process of the formation of the


2. Can form a professional attitude in doing the job.

3. Can understand and become a comparative study for students,

and canimplement material that has been obtained in school.

1.4 Systematic Report

The writing systematics used in this Field Work Practice report are as


1. To start the report, the author includes CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION

which explains about: Contains background, scope, and Report


2. The basis of the author's theory is placed in CHAPTER II COMPANY

PROFILE which includes: General Description, History PPSDM MIGAS,

Organizational Structure.

3. The core of the field practice report is placed in CHAPTER III SPECIAL

DESCRIPTION which contains: Definition of rock, theoretical basis, and

all areas practiced



2.1 General Description

PPSDM Migas Cepu is a government installation that has the task of

carrying out education and training in the field of oil and gas. Based on the

Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources number 150 dated

March 2, 2001, PPT Migas has changed its name to Pusdiklat Migas based on

the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation number 18 of 2010

dated November 22, 2010.

Figure 2.1 Profile of PPSDM Cepu

Agency Name : Center for Human Resources Development, Oil

and Gas

Address : Jalan Sorogo 1, Kec. Cepu Kab. Blora Central Java

Tel. (0296) 42188 Fax. (0296) 421891

E-mail :

Website :

Date of establishment : January 4, 1966

Facilities : CDU Refinery, Basic Science Lab, Petroleum Lab,

Electronics Lab, Process Lab / Pilot Plant,

Technical Lab, Computer Lab, Lab Mechanics,

Production Simulator, drill simulator and library.

2.2 History of PPSDM Cepu

2.2.1 The Dutch East Indies Period (1870-1942)

Petroleum exploration in Indonesia was started in 1870 by P. Van

Dijk, a Dutch engineer who was in the Purwodadi area of Semarang, by

observing seepages on the surface.

In the Cepu area, Central Java, there is an oil concession, named

Panolan, the discovery of oil wells began in Ledok village by Mr.

Adrian Stoop followed the Solo aristocracy on a raft from Ngawi to

Ngareng Cepu, then followed the discovery of an oil well in the

Ngareng area and finally chose Ngareng where the oil refining factory

and wells were drilled in July 1893. The area was then known as the

Cepu Refinery.

Cepu refinery was inaugurated on 28 May 1893 under the name of

AB. Versteegh. Then AB. Versteegh contracted it to the Dordtsche

Petroleum Maatschappij (DPM) company in Surabaya by paying

compensation of F. 10000 and F. 0.1 for each crate (37.5 Liters of

kerosene from the excavation). In January 1893, then based on deed

No. 56 dated March 17, 1923 DPM was taken over by Bataafach

Petroleum Maatschappij (BPM), a Dutch oil company.

2.2.2 The Japanese Period ( Years 1942-1945 )

World War II (March 1942) Japanese troops invaded Indonesia in

the East Asia War, the aim was to control areas rich in oil resources, for

war purposes and Japan's domestic oil needs. On March 1, 1942 the

Japanese landed on the island of Java and there was a seizure of

Japanese power against the Dutch, and forced the Dutch to surrender.

The island of Java changed hands to Japan, including all oil fields on

the island of Java. However, before being captured by the Japanese, all

the fields on the island of Java on earth were scorched by the Dutch to

prevent the Japanese attack.

But in the end, after rebuilding the oil resources by Japanese

civilians, drill drills for prisoners of war and Indonesian workers who

were experienced and skilled in the field of oil, as well as manual labor

were taken from the population of Cepu and other areas in large

numbers. Cepu oil was still able to operate optimally as usual and at

that time Japan had carried out new drilling in the Kawengan, Ledok,

Ngelobo and Semanggi oil fields.

2.2.3 Period of Independence (Year 1945 to Present)

At the time of independence, the oil refinery in Cepu underwent

several developments as follows, namely:

a) The period 1945-1950

on 15 August 1945 Japan surrendered to the allies. This led

to power in Indonesia. On August 17, 1945, Indonesia proclaimed

independence so that the refinery in Cepu was taken by Indonesia.

The government then established a mining company National Oil

(PTMN) based on the Decree of the Minister of Prosperity No.5.

b) Period 1950-1961

Other Oil Fields such as Ledok, Lobo, and Semanggi The

implementation was carried out by the Oil Resources

Administration (ASM), In 1951 it was handed back to the


RI.In 1957 the Republic of Indonesia Oil Mining Company

(TMRI) was established, but later replaced with the Nglobo CA Oil

Mine (Combi Aneksis).

c) Period 1951-1955

In 1951, the Ngelobo Oil Mine was changed to the State Oil

and Gas Company (PERMIGAN). Then the oil in the Ledok and

Ngelobo Oil Fields was stopped. In 1962, the Cepu Refinery and

the Kawengan Oil Field were purchased by the Government of the

Republic of Indonesia from Shell and handed over to the PN


d) The period 1965-1978

On January 4, 1966, the Cepu Refinery and Kawengan Oil

Field were used as education and training centers for the Oil and

Gas Industrial Field (PUSDIK MIGAS). Then on February 7,

1967, the Cepu Oil and Gas Academic (AKAMIGAS) was


e) Period 1978 – 1984

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Mining and Energy

No. 646 dated December 26, 1977 LEMIGAS was changed to

become part of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas LEMIGAS

(PPT MGB LEMIGAS). And based on Presidential Decree No. 15

dated March 15, 1984 article 107, Cepu was designated as the

Center for the Development of Oil and Gas Power (PPT MIGAS).

f) Period 1984-2001

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Mining and Energy

No. 0177/1987 dated March 5, 1987, where the PPT MIGAS area

used for Operational Training/Laboratory Production Fields was

handed over to PERTAMINA UP III in the Cepu field, so that the

Cepu refinery operates the processing of crude oil owned by


g) Period 2001-Present

On March 2, 2001, PPT MIGAS changed to Pusdiklat

Migas based on the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral

Resources No. 150 of 2001. With the issuance of the Decree of the

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 1196/K/60/2003

dated October 16, 2003, the Diploma IV Study Program was

officially integrated into the Higher Education Diploma Program

(PTK) AKAMIGAS/School of Energy and Minerals (STEM).

However, based on Ministerial Regulation (PerMen) No. 0003 of

2005 on April 4, 2005, the Energy and Minerals College (STEM)

was officially independent and separated from the organizational

structure of the Oil and Gas Education and Training Center.

Then the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources

Regulation No. 18 of 2010 replacing the Decree of the Minister of

Energy and Mineral Resources No. 30 of 2005.

2.4 Organizational Structure of PPSDM Cepu

PPSDM MIGAS is a resource development agency government-

owned human being under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy and

Mineral Resources. The following is the organizational structure of PPSDM


Profile 2.2 Oil and Gas PPSDM Organizational Structure

Description of organizational structural tasks:

1. Administrative Section

The administration section has the task of carrying out affairs

staffing, administrative and financial development center Oil and Gas

Human Resources. In carrying out tasks as referred to in article 896,

administrative section

performs functions:

a. Implementation of administrative affairs, equipment,

housekeeping, staffing, organization, management,

implementation of change management, legal, relations society

and protocol.

b. Implementation of financial affairs and property administration


2. Program and Evaluation Sector

The Program and Evaluation Division has the task of

implementing preparation of plans, programs, budgets, reporting, and

implementation of cooperation, performance evaluation and

accountability in the field development of human resources in the oil

and gas subsector. In carrying out the tasks referred to in article 900,

The Program and Evaluation Division carries out the following


a. Storage of materials for processing plans, programs, budget,

reporting, and implementation of cooperation in the field

development of human resources in the oil and gas subsector


b. Storage of evaluation materials, and performance

accountability in the field development of human resources in

the oil and gas subsector

3. Planning and Standardization of Human Resource Development


Planning and Standardization of Resources Development Sector

Human Resources has the task of carrying out the preparation of plans

development, preparation of guidelines, norms, standards, procedures

and criteria for human resource development in the oil and gas

subsector earth. In carrying out the tasks referred to in article 908, Field

of Implementation and Infrastructure Development

Human Resources performs the following functions:

a. Preparation of management and monitoring in the field

development of human resources in the oil and gas subsector


b. Preparation of the implementation of education and training in

the field development of human resources in the oil and gas

subsector earth.

c. Preparation of facilities and infrastructure management and

services technical development of human resources in the oil

subsector and natural gas.

Distribution of working hours for MIGAS PPSDM employees are

as follows :

a) Monday – Thursday : 07.30 – 12.00 followed by 13.00 – 16.00

b) Friday : 07.30 – 11.30 followed by 13.00 – 16.30

As for parts that require routine and continuous work for 24 hours,

such as processing department, control laboratory, and security, there is a

division of 3 work shifts, viz As for parts that require routine and

continuous work for 24 hours, such as processing department, control

laboratory, and security, there is a division of 3 work shifts, viz For

employees who work with Shift, held Shift replacement every 5 days and

get 2 days off.



3.1 Definition of Separator

The reservoir fluid can consist of a mixture of gas, oil and water. The

fluid must be separated and measured before going to the flow line or

reservoir (tank), because consumers only buy oil (after water and gas are

separated) or gas (after oil and water are separated).

The separator is an oil and gas separation device that uses the

principle of flash separation at a constant pressure and temperature.

Production from oil wells is in a vertical separator while production from gas

wells is processed in a horizontal separator. This is because the horizontal

separator has a wider and longer separation area than the vertical separator.

The separation of gas and oil in the field is carried out with a separator, which

is a pressure tube and a certain temperature to separate the gas and oil phases


3.2 Main Functions of the Separator

Separate the first phase of liquid hydrocarbons and free water from gas

or liquid, whichever is more dominant.

 Carry out further work on the separation of the first phase by precipitating

most of the liquid droplets involved in the gas stream.

Remove gas and liquid that has been separated from the separator

separately and ensure that there is no back process from one direction to

the other.

3.3 Types of Separator

Separators are divided into several types based on the shape and

phase of separation of the fluid that passes through it. Separators can

generally be divided into 3 forms, namely:

A. Horizontal separator

This separator is very suitable to be used if the production well

has a high Gas Oil Ratio (GOR) and requires a long storage time for

gas and liquid separation. Vertical separator: Used for fluids with low

GOR. Horizontal separators are easy to install, especially those

mounted on top of the skid, and also easy to maintain. Several

horizontal separators can easily be stacked upwards, to form a single,

space-saving stage separation assembly.

In a horizontal separator, the fluid flows horizontally and at the

same time is tangent to the surface of the liquid. Some separators have

horizontal baffle plates arranged close together equidistantly over most

of the length of the arranged vessel at an inclination of about 45° to the

horizontal plane. The gas flows within the surfaces of the baffles and

the liquid droplets adhere to the sealing plate and form a film which

then flows into the liquid section of the separator.

Figure 3.1 Horizontal Separator

1. Cheaper than vertical separator

2. Can accommodate crude in the form of foam

3. Easy to transport

4. It is more economical and efficient to process large

amount of gas

5. A smaller diameter is required for a certain gas capacity


1. If the fluid contains sand, it is more difficult to clean

2. Its installation requires a wider space, unless it is

arranged in layers

B. Separator Vertical (upright)

In operation, the inlet diverter will cause the incoming liquid to

touch the separator wall in the form of a film, and at the same time

provide centrifugal motion to the fluid. This provides the desired

reduction in momentum and allows the gas to escape from the liquid

film. The gas rises to the top of the vessel, and the liquid goes down to

the bottom.

In operation, the inlet diverter will cause the incoming liquid to

touch the separator wall in the form of a film, and at the same time

provide centrifugal motion to the fluid. This provides the desired

reduction in momentum and allows the gas to Figure 3.1 Horizontal


out of the liquid film. The gas rises to the top of the vessel, and

the liquid goes down to the bottom.

A few of the liquid particles will be carried up with the rising

gas to trap the liquid droplets that will follow the gas flow, a mist

extractor or mist eliminator is used, which is an arrangement of wire

mesh and some are more sophisticated with a certain thickness,

mounted transversely to the surface. direction of gas flow at the top of

the gas section. This kind of separator is commonly used for working

pressures between 50 to 150 psig.

1. In controlling the liquid level is not too complicated

Can handle large amounts of sand

2. Easy to clean because the bottom has a conical design.

3. Has a large liquid surge capacity


1. It is more difficult to maintain the safety equipment

installed above.

2. Installation of gas outlet is more difficult

3. The price is more expensive

4. Requires a larger diameter for a certain gas capacity

Figure 3.2 Vertical Separator

C. Pherical Separator
Used in locations that produce small.

Figure 3.3 Separator Pherical

The picture above is a schematic of a spherical separator. The parts

are similar to the vertical separator or horizontal separator. This type has

advantages in pressure containment, but because of the limited capacity of

surges and difficulties in fabrication, this type of separator is not widely

used in the field.


1. Cheaper than horizontal and vertical separators

2. Easier to clean than vertical type


1. Separation space is very limited

2. Controlling the liquid level is more complicated.

3. Less economical for large gas capacity

3. 4 Separation Process

There are two kinds of processes of gas formation (vapour) from

pressurized liquid hydrocarbons. The process is Flash separation and

Differential separation. Flash separation occurs when the pressure in the

system is lowered with the liquid and gas remaining in contact, in which case

the gas is not separated from its contact with the liquid as the pressure drop

allows the gas to escape from the solution. This process produces a lot of gas

and a little liquid. Differential separation occurs when a gas is separated from

its contact from a liquid at a pressure drop and allows the gas to escape from

the solution. This process produces a lot of liquid and a little gas. An ideal

oil/gas separator, which is based on the maximum liquid revenue, is a

construction designed in such a way, so as to reduce the fluid flow pressure

from the well at the separator inlet, to or close to the atmospheric pressure at

the separator outlet. The gas is moved/expelled from the separator

continuously as soon as it separates from the liquid, this is known as

differential separation, but the arrangement as above is not practical.

Separation depends on the effect of gravity to separate liquids, for

example the results of the separation of oil, gas and water will separate when

placed in one container because they have different densities from each other.

The separation process due to differences in fluid density and the effect of

gravity can be seen in the image below:

Figure 3.4 Separation Principle
1) When the fluid from the well enters the separator, where the

pressure has decreased compared to the time from the reservoir,

the fluid with different density, gravity begins to separate


2) Water, where the specific gravity is greater than oil, will settle

to the bottom. Oil, which is lighter in density than water, will

be in the middle.

3) Gas, the lightest fluid will be at the top.

3.4.1 Factors that can affect fluid separation include ;

a. Viscosity of the fluid

b. Density of oil and water

c. Type of equipment in the separator

d. The velocity of the fluid flow Diameter of the water droplets


3.5 Separator Qualification

The separator classification depends on the division of the type of

scope, in general it is classified as follows:

A. Based on the results of the separation

1. 2 (two) phase to separate formation fluid into gas and liquid (oil

and water)

2. 3 (three) phases to separate the formation fluid into gas, oil and


B. According to Working Pressure

1. .High Pressure (HP) Separator 650-1500 psi

2. Medium Pressure (MP) Separator 225-650 psi

3. Low Pressure (LP) Separator 10-225 psi

C. Phase Separator Equipment

 Inner

1. Inlet diverter: Inlet diverter serves to break the flow coming

from the well, change the direction of flow, and start the

separation process

2. Mist extractor: This tool serves to move the liquid from the gas

before the gas comes out of the separator

3. Baffles:Baffles keep the liquid surface calm (not choppy)

4. Equalizer: If the baffle is installed in the separator, the

equalizer is used to prevent gas vapor from expanding under

the baffle. This expanding vapor can cause level control


 Outside

1. Pressure gauges: Used to measure the pressure of the separator

2. Sight glasses: To show the level of liquid in the separator.

3. Relief valve: Works when there is more pressure than the


4. Level controller: Regulates that the liquid level is always


5. Pressure controller:To keep the pressure according to the


6. Safety head or Rupture Disc: to protect the separator if the

pressure is too high and the safety relief valve does not work

(separator pressure will break the plate inside the rupture disc).

D. 3 Phase Separator Equipment

 Inner

1. Inlet Diverter: Inlet diverter serves to break the flow coming

from the well, change the direction of flow, and start the

separation process

2. Mist extractor: This tool serves to separate the liquid from the

gas before the gas exits the separator.

3. Baffles:Baffles keep the liquid surface calm (not choppy)

4. Weirs:Weir is used in 3-phase separators. When the oil and

water separate, the oil will spill into the separator section of the


5. Separation section: This section is equipped with space and

6. The time for the gas to rise up and the liquid (with a small

amount of gas) to fall down

7. Straightening vanes: Generally found in horizontal separators,

these parts change the direction of gas flow and reduce

turbulent flow.

 Outside

1. Pressure gauges: Used to measure the pressure of the separator

2. Sight glasses: To show the level of liquid in the separator.

3. Relief valve: Works when there is more pressure than the


4. Level controller: so that the liquid does not go into the gas

outlet so that the gas does not enter the tank giving the liquid a

chance to liberate the gas

5. Pressure controller: To keep the pressure according to the


6. Safety head or Rupture Disc: to protect the separator if the

pressure is too high and the safety relief valve does not work

(rupture disc)

3.6 Liquid Level Control (LLC)

Liquid Level Control (LLC) is a tool to adjust the liquid level in the

separator automatically. With the intention of :

1. To prevent liquid from entering the gas outlet

2. So that gas is not wasted into the tank

3. Give the liquid a chance to stop for a moment to release the gas

Liquid level control consists of a floater that is connected to a valve

mechanically or pneumatically, in such a way that if the liquid level in the

separator rises (the floater rises) then the oil outlet valve opens. And vice

versa if the liquid level in the separator drops (floater drops), then the oil

outlet valve will close the Floater (float) when it drops it must not be as high

as the oil outlet, or at least it must be above the oil outlet so that gas does not

enter the tank.



4.1 Conclusion

From the results of the Field Work Practice at PPSDM MIGAS

Cepu for 2 months, I draw the following conclusions:

1. separator is used to separate fluids

2. can find out the parts of the separator

4.2 Suggestions

1. Because the supervisor cannot divide the time, students should be

given material so that they can be studied on their own.


Report on Field Work Practice (PKL) PPSDM MIGAS Cepu

Report PKL 2022 Refinery Engineering SMK Migas Cepu


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