The Design and Manufacturing of Essential Oil Distillation Plant For Rural Poverty

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Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management. Vol. 1 no.

1 March 2008

The Design and Manufacturing of Essential oil Distillation Plant for rural poverty
Alleviation in Ethiopia.

Abebe Kebede* and Mesele Hayelom*

The paper presents economic value of the design and manufacturing of essential oil production plant
as a strategy for rural poverty alleviation in rural Ethiopia. The level of technology for small scale
essential oil industry is characterized for rural community in Ethiopia. The adaptation of oil
distillation technology for essential oil production is proposed for small scale industrial entrepreneur.
Steam distillation method is selected considering the constraints to meet the socio-economic level of
the rural community. The distillation plant has been modelled based on local resources and the first
prototype has been manufactured and tested. The study showed that the small scale manufacturing
industry in the country do not have the capacity to manufacture the complete distillation plant
system with the required precision for standard quality of oil at affordable cost. Thus, the design and
the experiment in the use of a prototype small size distillation unit showed that the technology is
appropriate for essential oil distillation with low cost and minimal decrease in oil quality.

Key words: Small scale essential oil industry, technology characterization, rural poverty alleviation,
low cost manufacturing distillation unit.

Introduction Technological problem solving in

S mall-scale industries have been

noticed a prime mode of growth in
many developing countries. The experience of
rural areas is the direct advantage while the job
creation in the small-scaled manufacturing
firms is the indirect advantage. Small-scale
many developing countries currently with high agro- processing industries, which are based
economic transition like Japan china, India, on the local agricultural resources and rural
Korea is a case in history (Romijn 2001). For labour force, have significant impact in
instance, as early as 1900, before Japanese bringing sustainable rural development.
technology became self-reliant, the products of Ethiopian is endowed with a vast number of
small scale industries made up a high aromatic plants which have been used
percentage of Japan's exports (Takeshi 1990). traditionally for different purposes. The
For countries like Ethiopia where more than country’s geography ranging from the worlds
85% of the population heavily depend on low land Dalul to as high as Ras Dashen
subsistence agriculture in rural areas (FAO, Mountain, from arid zone to high precipitation
2003), the development and promotion of areas is very suitable to cultivate international
small-scale agro-industries is a prime mode of competitive commercial agricultural products
rural development. Recent experiences of (EI-Namki, (2003). For example, Coulter
Ethiopia in few sectors by government (1987) cites official estimates in 1981 of
initiative in small-scale industries have shown 23,000 tonnes pa for the potential production
a positive impact of economic growth. For of olibanum in Ethiopia. Having such suitable
example, the promotion and technology agricultural zones, African Laboratory of
adaptation of Treadle water pump for rural Natural products (ALNP) has proved that the
areas has produced many direct and indirect country can benefit by cultivating world’s first
economic advantages. classed aromatic plants for essential oil

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mekelle University, , Mekelle, Ethiopia
Acknowledgment-The author acknowledges Mekelle University for funding this research work.

The Design and Manufacturing ---- Abebe and Mesele EJESM Vol.1.NO.1 2008

The essential oil industry is an agro-

based industry, which involves cultivation and Characterization of Small-Scale Essential
distillation activities. It can involve the rural Oil Industries for Rural Communities
population by having them produce raw One of major problems of essential oil
materials and by creating job opportunities in industry in the country, like other small-scale
the processing of the oils (De Silva, 1998). industries, is scarcity of adapted technological
Distillation of essential oil is relatively input in the required level. The technological
uncomplicated. It can be done in rural areas, characteristics of small-scale industry can be
where the raw materials are produced. Both divided in to seven which include; economics
the technology and the skills required are not of the scale, Technological base, infrastructure
sophisticated. The investment required is also base, Technological level, labour intensity,
relatively low. As a source of energy, different linkage pattern, and their impact on
materials like fuel wood or fuel oil could be environment and biodiversity. Evaluation of
used. Essential oils are extensively used these factors is Critical for the design and
globally for food flavouring, fragrances, introduction of appropriate technology for a
aromatherapy and pharmaceuticals. Their wide profitable small- scale agro-industry in a
industrial applications make an interlocked society.
connection with industrial growth vs. essential Economics of scale
oil demand. The world growth in The small industrial units, by
industrialization has increased the worldwide assumption, limited scale of manufacturing
market for essential oils to US$2.6 billion, operations characterised by low productivity
with an annual growth rate of 7.5%. Fig 1 and output. This is usually interpreted in terms
shows the country’s import in 1999-2001. The of the labours involved in the production
value has decreased for 2000 and 2001 years process. The Korea and Taiwan experiences
compared to 1999, due to the Ethiopia-Eritrea [Ho, 1980], identified appropriate size of
war. This value is predicted to increase labour for efficient small-scale industries as
following the growth of cosmetic, food and between 5 -49 employees agro- based small-
pharmaceutical industries. The Ethiopian scale industries such as essential oil industries.
essential oil research center has collected and The capitalization depends on the financial
analyzed the chemical components of more capacity and the size of resource availability to
than 90 types of essential oils aroma plants and the entrepreneur(s).
their world market value. Technological base
Unavailability of small-scale adapted Small scale industries depend for their
technology based on the socio-economic level equipments and the process technology on
of the rural community, lack information on limited numbers of resources that start with the
the social and economic benefits to be derived entrepreneurs’ own technical expertise,
from the industrial utilization of aromatic medium and/or large firms that provide the
plants, and the low priority given by the technology and government and NGO
government have been a major factors institutions desirous to support a measure of
impeding the development of the essential oils indigenous technology. On current situations
industry in Ethiopia (De Silva, 1998; Romijn in rural areas of the Ethiopia, the targeted
2001). The high low–wage labour in rural entrepreneurs have never experienced the
community, the high renewable aromatic industry. The level of technical skills is also
resources in the country, impressive local and very low in rural communities. Therefore, the
international market demand of essential oils, technical expertise for this industry can be
and the good socio-cultural condition of rural optimized by selection of technological level
communities favour the development of in the design processes and by providing short-
appropriate technology input to the sector. term trainings.
This paper showcase an effort at design and Infrastructure base
manufacturing of a prototype low cost small- The infrastructure required for a
scale essential oil distillation plant adaptable to small-scale industry depends on the size and
the rural community. type of the industry, the type of product and
availability of raw materials input. In the case

Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management. Vol. 1 no.1 March 2008

of essential oil industries, the plant is supposed industries is very important factor to have a
to be placed near the source of raw materials profitable industry. The end users can be an
for continuous and cost effective operation. exporter or a factory. As indicated in Figure 1,,
For the current condition of the rural areas Ethiopia is importing a considerable amount of
where no electricity available, biomass can be essential oil for local factories. The
used as energy source for the distillation unit. development of essential oil industry in the
Most of the oil produced can stay long period country leads to save this foreign currency.
without spoil. Therefore, small-scale essential The high world market demand of essential
oil industries can be introduced to the rural oils can also be an attractive drive to introduce
community without expensive infrastructure small-scale essential oil industry as a source of
requirement. foreign currency. Therefore, it can be
Technology level concluded that the international and local
The technical skill of the operator demand of essential oil is at hand if the
determines the level of technology in small- industry is introduced.
scale industries like essential oil industry. The Impact on the Environment and Biodiversity
industry in the rural community is to be The environmental and biodiversity
operated by farmers on their own. This leads impact of essential oil industry can be seen in
the level of technology to be used very low. two dimensions: the source and cultivation of
Optimization of quality of the product and the aroma plants for essential oil production and
level of technical skill required is very the source of energy used in the distillation
important in selecting appropriate essential oil process. Selective cultivation of high yield
industrial technology. Technological level is aroma plants can result a loss of biodiversity.
also connected to the amount of investment The use of inorganic fertilizers during
required by poor farmers. cultivation can also result loss of soil fertility
Labour Intensity due to their long term harmful effect. On the
Aggregated data consistently show contrary, the use of degraded land for the
that increasing size of technology is associated cultivation of aroma plant can bring a
with decreasing numbers of workers relative to sustainable environment in the area. The
the capital. Labour intensive small size source of energy for the steam generation can
industries are a favourite argument of the also be a source of environmental degradation.
Ethiopian economic condition where labour- In rural communities, the use of modern fuel
intensive industries are the solution for the for the steam production is not feasible both in
current high unemployment rate. Several terms cost and environmental effect in the
factors could actually lead to this labour short and long run. The use of renewable
intensity. The degree of technology energy source from bio-energy is the ultimate
sophistication, informal sector more inclined solution. Sustainable biomass production to
towards substituting capital with labour and use as energy source should be taken into
employing low skill, minimum wage-tied account in the introduction of this small scale
labour, and the economics scale discussed industry to the rural community.
above are the main factors in determining Project Experience: Developing Low Cost,
labour intensity of a small-scale industry. Small-Scale Essential Oil Distillation Plant
Technologies for essential oil industries can be The project aims to design and
chosen from the lowest technology to the manufacture a prototype for low –cost small-
highest technology with minimal change in oil scale essential oil distillation plant adaptable to
product quality. This creates an advantage for the rural community. Considering the above
the industry to be introduced in the rural characterization a low cost essential oil
community, which is positive for the above distillation plant was developed. The following
factors. are the main constraints used in the modelling
Linkage pattern of the distillation plant.
As for the small scale producers in Method of Essential Oil Production
rural areas, integration with central The quality of oil is a determinant
downstream processing factories in the factor for oil product to be competitive in the
country would be essential to have a regular local or international market. Essential oils can
market for the primary products. The linkage be manufacture using different methods.
between the end users and the small-scale Distillation (steam distillation, hydro-

The Design and Manufacturing ---- Abebe and Mesele EJESM Vol.1.NO.1 2008

distillation, and water distillation), carbon Technical Parameters in the Design of Steam
dioxide extraction, cold pressing and solvent Distillation System
extraction are the methods used in the In this project, experience in other
production of essential oils. These different developing countries is considered in selecting
methodologies have different impact on the the optimum technology. The technology
quality of oil produced. The required experience in Wondo Gent essential oil
technology sophistication is also dependent on research center, South Ethiopia has also been a
the type of method used. great input. Based on the cumulative economic
Taking a matrix of the above technology and technical constraints, the model shown in
characterizations and experiences, steam figure 2 was designed. The plant has four main
distillation has been the best method for components, steam generator, still, condenser
optimum conditions. Steam distillation has and separator. Each Component is discussed as
also it own ranges of technology below.
sophistications. For our case where a group of The steam generator of the plant is
farmers are going to own and operate the responsible for the production of the required
technology, the level of the sophistication has amount of thermal energy in the form of steam
got limitation due to the low technical skills in to be fed to the still. Each part of the system is
the rural areas to operate the technology, the designed based on the availability of materials
low investment required, and low in local markets, energy resource, cost and
infrastructure availability in the rural local manufacturing capacity. The system can
communities. be operated with low technical skill level
Steam distillation uses thermal energy which can be attained in two-three day
in the extraction process and is a well-known trainings. The boiler is a biomass-fired type to
technology method [De Silva,1998]. A steam use the wood or any biomass resource
produced in a satellite station (boiler) and fed available in the rural areas. The system is
to the still where the bio-material will be designed for maximum thermal efficiency.
boiled to extract the oil inside and the required Thermal energy can be controlled using the
oil extract cooled in the condenser. Density readings on the pressure and temperature
difference method is used to separate the gages and manipulating the gate valve laying
liquid mixture (water and oil) in the separator. on tube line to the still.
Because of the satellite nature of the boiler, The still is the most important part of
thermal degradation of oil is avoided which is the plant to keep the quality of oil produced.
common problem in other production methods. A still is where oil is displaced from the
The thermal energy supply can be controlled biomaterial placed inside by a steam coming
according to the type of oil to be distilled. It is from the steam generator. In the design of
also the best way for energy efficiency which still, steam injection and distribution systems,
is one of the main costly inputs in the essential insulation from the atmospheric condition
oil industry for mass production. plays important role in attaining the subjected
Though steam distillation requires high quality and quantity of oil. Proper material
investment cost, it gives best oil quality handling system is also very important for
compared to other distillation methods. The easy operation and better efficiency. For this
cost of investment and the quality have a direct specific project, a universal still type for
connection to the quality of production and different type aroma plant is design based on
technology sophistication. Careful analysis is local material and manufacturing capacity. The
very important in reaching the optimum still is the expensive part of the plant. Stainless
investment cost with keeping the other factors steel is used to avoid any contamination of oil
standard. One of the merits of the steam as recommended by the literatures.
distillation is the opportunity in selecting the The condenser is responsible in the
level technology, from the low to high cooling of oil-water mixture to separate by
technology depending on the investment density difference in the separator. The outlet
required keeping the quality minimal change. temperature and the amount of the mixture
A steam distillation system can be used for steam coming from the still determine the size
different type of aroma plants as the same of the condenser and the cooling water
time. required. The requirement of continuous
cooling water in the condenser is sometimes a

Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management. Vol. 1 no.1 March 2008

problem in rural communities. This problem steam generator vessel for the required amount
can be solved using a height difference water of steam production. Steam carrying
tank and sighted close to a major water source component of the plant need precision
like a perennial stream or river. The condenser manufacturing. High welding accuracy is
is designed for optimum cooling water required in the manufacturing of steam
consumption, cost of materials and generator vessel and the still. Perfect tube
manufacturing, and its availability to the rural fitting are required in the steam transportation.
community. In order to manufacture these components, it
Separator is the smallest but very important requires skilled technician and capacity. The
part of the system. The equipment is designed total plant components can be manufactured to
based on the immiscibility of oil and water so the required level for both large and small-
that oil can be separated by density difference. scale manufacturing industries.
Most essential oils have density less than Cost of manufacturing includes
water. The separator is designed to keep the machine cost, labour cost and material cost.
optimum separation process and the required The above prototype is manufactured with a
volume for continuous operation. total cost 5012 Birr ($505 USD) (birr is
Manufacturing Aspects Ethiopian currency). Prototype manufacturing
Manufacturing appears the most is always expensive compared with the mass
important part of any design. It is the stage production. Therefore the plant can be
when all the feasibility of any proposed design manufactured at less than 5000 birr while the
is tested and verified. The objective of the imported plant with 33 litres still capacity
project is to manufacture a prototype and test. (which is less than the designed capacity by a
Low–cost manufacturing and participating factor of 3.75) costs 22,000 Birr ($2224 USD)
small-scale manufacturing enterprises are the excluding shipment cost (Woubneh, 2001).
two main constraints used in the design for These values will even higher if it includes
manufacturing processes of the project. It is custom taxes and shipment costs.
known that small–scale-manufacturing Conclusion
enterprises have limited capacity and low Literatures and experiences showed
technically skilled workers which limit the that small scale industries are indispensable for
level of accuracy and size of the product. The the economic development of Ethiopia.
advantage of agro-based small-scale Promotion and technology supports are crucial
manufacturing enterprises can be seen in two in the development of small-scale industries in
ways. The cost of manufacturing reduces in the country. Technology development and
small-scale manufacturing enterprises as the adaptation should be based on the resource,
same time it will help in the process of socio –economic condition of the targeted
mitigating unemployment in urban areas. entrepreneur and the end users of the product.
Large-scale manufacturing industries have a For countries like Ethiopia where agrarian
capacity of producing accurate products but economy dominates and 85% the population
expensive production. live in rural, the development of agro-based
The workshop of Mechanical small scale industries helps to bring a
Engineering Department has been used as host sustainable development in rural areas.
for manufacturing the prototype. Though Essential oil industry is one of the potential
enough machines are available, the workshop agro-processing industries not given adequate
can be assumed as small-scale workshop due attention. Though Ethiopia favours the
to the non-functionality of most machines cultivation of high quality aroma plants for
available. Moreover, the technicians are not essential oil, the benefit of the sector in rural
experienced in manufacturing such type of poverty alleviation is not evaluated by the
industrial plant. Assuming the workshop as policy.
small-scale workshop can help as to know Technological support is the very first
which part can be manufactured in these agenda to be answered in the introduction of a
workshops and which are not. Figure 3 shows new small-scale industry for an entrepreneur.
the prototype manufactured in the departments Technological characterization is important to
workshop. The prototype is designed for 125 fix parameters in the design and development
litres of still to hold an approximate of 50 kg of a technology. The socio-economic condition
of raw eucalyptus foliage and 80 litres of of the targeted entrepreneur is the main

The Design and Manufacturing ---- Abebe and Mesele EJESM Vol.1.NO.1 2008

constraint used in the characterization of the experience showed that it may not be possible
technology for small -scale industry. to manufacture all the components of the plant
One of the main objectives of in small-scale manufacturing industries for
developing low cost essential oil distillation producing a standard oil quality. The
plant was to design and develop a low cost integration of small and large-scale
distillation systems according to the manufacturing industries can help in the
characterization discussed. Getting the manufacturing of a low cost distillation plant
standard quality of oil to compete in the local at affordable cost group of farmers. The
and international market determines the problems seen in the design and manufacturing
accuracy of manufacturing essential oil of first prototype, is an important input for the
distillation plant. The manufacturing process future works in introducing the small scale
was supposed to involve small scale industry to the rural community.
manufacturing industries for better
contribution to job creation in urban areas. The


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promoting technology and technical skills in gallon/33 liter Bio-capacity,
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Ho.S.P.S. (1980) Small Business and reliance, The United Nations University, 1990,
Industrialization in South Korea, Asian Tokyo.
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Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management. Vol. 1 no.1 March 2008









1999 2000 2001
Value in 1000 USD
Quantity in tone
Fig 1. Ethiopian imports of Essential oils and allied products, 1999-2001.
Source: Central statistical Abstract, 2002, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Still Condenser



Fig.2 Modelled Steam distillation systems

The Design and Manufacturing ---- Abebe and Mesele EJESM Vol.1.NO.1 2008




Fig. 3 First Prototype trial in the department of mechanical Engineering


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