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Unit6 In the kitchen 单元练习


1.上午六点__________________ 2.寻找__________________

3.回到家__________________ 4.一位很棒的厨师_____________

5.做饭__________________ 6.wash some vegetables _____________ the pests away____________8.I can’t wait. ________________

9.How is my soup?____________ 10 in the fridge __________________


( ) 1. I come home ________ a football match.

A. at B. for C. from

( ) 2. _______ Ben and his mother cooking meat ?

A. Is B. Do C. Are

( ) 3. ----________ you listening to music?

---- No, I’m watching TV.

A. Do B. Are C. Can
( ) 4. The girl is ________ her pen, but she can’t find it.

A. looking at B. looking C. looking for

( ) 5. ---- Is Mike washing the vegetables?

---- _______.

A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he can C. Yes, he does

( ) 6. ----Is Helen ________ in the library?

----Perhaps she is.

A. reading B. reads C. read

( ) 7. ----Look! Mr. Yang is cleaning the car.

----I’ll go and help _______.

A. he B. his C. Him

( ) 8. I can see some birds the tree!

A. on B. in C. at


1.Nancy is watching TV in the sitting-room.(改为一般疑问句)

___________Nancy _____________in the sitting-room?

2. They are playing football at school. (改为否定句)

They _________ ___________ in the library.

3. Tom goes swimming on Sundays. (将 on Sundays 改为 now)

Tom _________ _________swimming now.

4. a great are you cook (.)(连词成句)


5. Liu Tao What doing is kitchen in the (?)(连词成句)





----Is Helen _____________ a book in the study?

----Yes, she is.


----_________ are you doing?

----I’m ___________ my mum .

3. ----他们在做土豆汤吗?


----________ __________ cooking potato soup?

----No, they’re cooking the ___________ ___________ ___________ .


John is a student. He has a sister, Linda. They are in the same school, and
they go to school together. It is three forty now. Classes are over. Linda is in the
school library. She is reading a storybook. Her friend Mary is in the library, too.
She is reading a book. Joe is not in the library with his sister. He is in the
classroom. He is looking for his book .


( ) 1. __________ has a brother.

A. Joe B. Linda C. Mary

( ) 2. ________ is in the library now.

A. Tom B. Joe C. Mary

( ) 3. Linda is _____________________.

A. reading a storybook B. reading a picture book

C. playing cards

( ) 4. __________ are in the classroom.

A. John B. Joe C. Linda

( ) 5. Joe is _______ in the classroom.

A. reading books B. looking for the book

C. sweeping the floor

It is three o’clock in the afternoon. Classes are over. Some students are
drawing pictures and some students are reading books. Some students are
playing football in the playground. My friends Mike and Yang Ling playing games
in the classroom. Nancy is playing games with them. Su Yang and Helen are not
in the classroom. They are in the library. Perhaps they are cleaning the library.

判断下面的句子与短文内容是否相符,在下列句子前面写上“ T”(正确)或者
( ) 1. Some students are flying kites in the playground.

( ) 2. Mike is playing games with Yang Ling.

( ) 3. Gao Shan and Liu Tao are playing cards.

( ) 4. Su Yang and Nancy are in the library.

( ) 5. Helen is in the classroom.

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