WT-2 Price As Imp

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Some people consider price as the most important thing to think about when buying products

(such as cellphones) or services (medical treatments)

Do you agree or disagree?

Points for agreement:

- Inflation (significant rise in cost of products)
- Unemployed or person with low salary often find it difficult to buy expensive items
- People with low paying jobs seek medical care from hospitals with less amenities and of
low cost.
- There is a mentality that goods with higher price would be of more quality compared to
things with lower cost.
- Similarly people who prefer high quality goods most of the time seek the most expensive
item in that area.
Points for disagreement:
- People buy things according to their need despite of the cost.

It is often argued that to buy any amenities or goods the first thing people think about is its cost. it has
become essential to think twice before buying any commodities. Hence, I strongly believe that
individuals acknowledge cost as the prominent thing while purchasing any goods or facilities.

Firstly, Inflation is the predominant reason why people consider cost as the prominent thing to
acknowledge while purchasing any products or services. From last few years there has been significant
increase in prices of goods and facilities, therefore many people back off after finding a product or
service with high price and seek for a cheaper alternative. In addition to, individuals with low salary
often seek services like medical treatments or products like cellphones with the price that would fit into
their budget as they are already getting low wages and had to buy other items that are essential for their

Moreover, it is assumed that goods or amenities that are high in price are of good quality. So, people
who expect high quality goods or facilities often prioritize money while purchasing them. For instance,
products with high cost like smartphones are durable and long lasting therefore people see it as an
investment and often purchase the expensive one among them considering that high price will give high

To conclude, I strongly believe that Due to inflation and the mentality of high cost equals to high quality,
the primary factor that many individual prioritize when purchasing items like cellphone or seeking
services like medical treatment is the cost
Here's a revised version of your text:

It is often argued that the cost is the foremost consideration for individuals when purchasing goods or
services. In today's economy, it has become crucial to carefully evaluate the expenses associated with
buying any products. Therefore, I firmly believe that people place significant importance on the cost
factor while acquiring goods or availing facilities.

Firstly, inflation plays a major role in why people prioritize cost when making purchases. Over the past
few years, there has been a significant increase in the prices of goods and services. As a result, many
individuals hesitate to proceed with a purchase if they find a product or service to be expensive, and
they instead search for more affordable alternatives. Moreover, individuals with lower incomes often
seek services such as medical treatments or products like cellphones that fit within their budget
constraints, as they also need to allocate funds for other essential items necessary for their survival.

Furthermore, there is a general assumption that high-priced goods or amenities are of superior quality.
Hence, individuals who value high-quality products or services tend to give priority to cost when making
purchases. For example, expensive smartphones are often perceived as durable and long-lasting, leading
people to view them as investments and opt for the pricier options, expecting better quality in return.

In conclusion, due to factors like inflation and the belief that higher cost equates to better quality, many
individuals prioritize cost as the primary factor when purchasing items like cellphones or seeking services
like medical treatments.

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