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The given graph showcases data about the mean amount of time spent on leisure activities while on

vacation in Greece in August 2019 by tourists from China, America, Turkey, and Brazil.

Overall, people from China and America spent most of their time reading books, whereas Turkish and
Brazilian tourists spent the majority of their time at the beach. In addition, tourists from each listed
country spent the least amount of their time visiting places.

To begin with, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent the same amount of time reading books which was 4
hours a day on average. The ratio of the amount of time spent at the beach and exploring places was
similar for people from both these countries. Where Turkish people spent 5 hours at the beach and 3
hours visiting places. Similarly, people from Brazil spent 6 hours and 2 hours a day on average at the
beach and visiting places respectively.

On the other hand, Chinese and American tourists spent the majority of their time reading books which
is 8 hours and 5 hours respectively. Where Chinese tourists spent 3 hours indulging at the beach, and
people from America spent 4 hours on that activity. Moreover, the time allocated to visiting places by
Chinese people was relatively lower than American tourists, which was just 1 hour for people from China
and 3 hours on average a day by American people while on vacation in Greece in August of 2019.

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