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Boundary Elements XXII, C.A. Brebbia & H.

Power (Editors)
© 2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-824-4

A study about fundamental solutions in plates

L. Palermo Jr.
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
State University at Campinas, Brazil


Plates have been studied with the direct boundary element formulation using thin
or thick plate theory with efficiency and accuracy. Thick plate analysis uses
Reissner's theory since Weeen [3]. Thin plate problems are widely studied in the
literature and the solutions due to Bezine-Stern [5] or due to Danson [6] are
employed obtaining good results. In [4] the transverse shear effect was separated
from the fundamental solution kernel of thick plates to make an efficient
approach to analyze thin and thick plates. The aim of this paper is to split the
thick plate fundamental solution due to Weeen into a sum of two solutions but
using an alternative way with reference to [4]. Thus, when two solutions are
considered it is better to understand the nature of thick plate approach with
reference to thin plate model. On the other hand, the fundamental solution
division is an interesting way to improve the performance of the numerical
analysis of thick plates. Further, the formulation is introduced as an upgrade
model from the thin plate approach. On the other hand, a relation between the
thick plate problem and plane strain problem will be shown and the fundamental
solutions similarities. Finally, a connection between thin and thick plates
fundamental solutions presented in [7] will be remembered.

1 Introduction

Plate analysis has been widely used in engineering problems with the classical
theory approach due the studies of S. Germain, Kirchhoff and Love, that
presented a good behavior when employed for thin plates. Classical theory
makes use of out-of-plane displacement derivatives in constitutive equations and
it is necessary to satisfy two boundary conditions to obtain a single solution. For
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© 2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-824-4

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a plate of a finite thickness, however, it appears more natural to require the
fulfillment of three boundary conditions than of two. But the order of basic
equation of classical theory is the mathematical reason to the impossibility of
satisfying more than two conditions. Physically, this reason lies in the fact that
the distortion of the elements of the plate due to the transverse shear stress has
been neglected. This hypothesis is equivalent to the assumption of the vertical
shear modulus is equal to infinite (G3=oo, for plate in x^ plane). The
assumption on modulus Gg enables the sum of the effect of variation of twisting
moments (Mn,2 or Miij) with the vertical shear forces (Qi or Q%) applied at the
same edge. Thus, an orthotropic material replaces the actual material of the plate,
supposed to be isotropic. The inaccuracy of the thin-plate theory turns out to be
of practical interest in the edge zone of a plate and around holes that have a
diameter not larger than the thickness of the plate. On the other hand, there are
explanations by Kelvin and Tait, or independently by Boussinesq, on the twisting
moment Mi% (or, M%i) assumptions and its effect. These authors pointed out that
there are only local effects of forces associated with these assumptions and the
stress condition of the rest of plate stays unchanged. Thin plate analysis is used
with BEM since Bezine-Stern [4] or Danson [3]. It must be pointed out that,
beyond the two boundary conditions, a concentrated reaction is placed in each
corner as an additional unknown in the boundary value problem when a
polygonal plate is considered in the direct boundary integral equation method
In order to overcome the above-mentioned features due to the dependence of
one displacement, other plate theories were conceived. In this way, Mindlin and
Reissner developed similar theories to consider the shear effect in plates and they
have been frequently used in numerical analysis as thick plates theories.
Thick plates are considered in BEM analysis since Weeen [1] that introduced
a formulation based on Reissner theory [2]. It must be pointed out that Reissner
conceived his theory from an assumed stress distribution and got the
corresponding strains using tridimensional stress-strain relations. In this way, the
curvatures had not been directly related with out-of-plane displacement
derivative in the constitutive equations and no corner forces had been introduced
even in the boundary value problem of a polygonal plate. But, three boundary
conditions should be satisfied in thick plate analysis rather than the two of
classical theory. The BEM formulation for thick plates had received several
contributions along the years like the hypersingular formulation [11] and a
strategy to consider any thickness plate with Reissner theory [4].

2 Plate Equations

The faces of the plate are taken to be free from tangential traction but under
normal pressures q, a^ is zero and 033 is equal to 0.5q in both faces These
expressions will be presented using the same notation used by Weeen [1], or the
Latin indices take values {1, 2, 3} and Greek indices in the range {1, 2}. A plate
of uniform thickness is referred to midline coordinates x~ and thickness
Boundary Elements XXII, C.A. Brebbia & H. Power (Editors)
© 2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-824-4

Boundary Elements XXII 375

coordinate %g The equilibrium equations for an infinitesimal plate element under
a distributed transverse loading q are given by:
M%P,p-Qa=0 (1)

Qa,a+4 = 0 (2)
The equilibrium equations are valid in both thin and thick plates theory. The
transverse shear (Q«), the bending and twisting moments (M<%p), all per unit of
length, have similar definition in both theories. In thin plate theory, the
constitutive relations written in terms of deflections are:

Qa = -D.w, (4)

D =E (5)
D is the flexural rigidity and v is the Poisson's ratio.

Figure 1: Differential element of the plate.

The Reissner's theory assumed a known stress distribution over the thickness.
It can be pointed out that in the study [ 1 ] (733 was equal to -q at 23 equal to -h/2
and zero at %3 equal to +h/2. But, Reissner introduced generalized displacement
expressions in [8] which led to approximate values for the deflection of the
middle surface of the plate with a weighted average across the thickness and
quantities (s<%) representing components equivalent but not identical to the
components of change of slope. In this way, the Reissner's displacements can be
written in terms of actual displacements V; according to:
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© 2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-824-4

376 Boundary Elements XXII


w = h V i- v*3

The expressions (6), (7) are considered in order to obtain constitutive

equations since [8]. However, a feature obtained with these expressions was that
the stress 033 must be assumed equal to ±0.5q at 23 equal to ±h/2, respectively
[3], and it does not change constitutive relations of Reissner's theory. Thus, the
following stresses distribution could be used, [3]:
-1VL (8)



The stress (733, expression (10), was obtained from the third stress equilibrium
equation in absence of body forces (<Ji3,i=0). Unless, the used constitutive
relations were based upon the tridimensional elastostatic, the third equation is
not verified with reference to stresses distributions [9] that carried to it had been
disregard. The constitutive equations for a Reissner plate written in terms of
displacements (s<%, w) are given by:

'-^ * • • -- a,,
1-v X2
Qa = i (12)

A, is a constant related to shear effect and it is equal to VlO/h .

Mindlin's plate theory was published in [2] taking into account its close
similarity with Reissner theory but it was conceived from an assumed strain
theory in the same way Timoshenko conceived its beam theory.
In plates, a well known differential equation is obtained from the equilibrium
equations (1) and (2) and it is given by:
M(%p,ap-q = 0 (13)
The differential equation (13) can be written in terms of deflections for a thin
plate. Lagrange obtained this equation with the expression:
Boundary Elements XXII, C.A. Brebbia & H. Power (Editors)
© 2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-824-4

Boundary Elements XXII 377

q =0 (14)
With V* denoting the Laplace operator (
In thick plates, an equation obtained from (13) can be obtained but it has not
been frequently presented due to the three displacements dependence of the
theory. Thus, the equilibrium equations (1) and (2) written in terms of
displacements are often presented as the thick plate equations.

3 The Fundamental Solution of a Thick Plate

The fundamental solutions used in plate analysis by BEM are well known and
the Weeen solution is widely used in thick plates. An alternative way to obtain
the fundamental solution for thick plate problems will be presented and its
relation with plane strain solution will also be shown. Further, the relation
between fundamental solutions for thick and thin plates will be discussed. Three
body forces F, are introduced in equilibrium equations (1) and (2) in order to
obtain the fundamental solutions and the distributed load q is turned null,
according to [3]. F^ is related to unit couples and Fg is related to the unit point
load. The equations (1) and (2) written in terms of displacements without q but
including F; are given by:
1-vf 2v ^ 1-

D r^xa+WaJ+F =o (16)
2 ' ' ^
An interesting similarity can be identified in thick plate equations whether the
classical plane elastostatic equations written in terms of dilatation and rotation
are remembered. On the other hand, considering the procedures presented in [10]
to obtain a singular solution, a vector (Si, s%, 0) noted by s could be introduced
with its components independent of X] (Sa=Sa(x<x)). Two quantities A and o> can
be defined, A would be the divergence of s (div(s)) and o would be the curl of s.
When A, co are included in the equilibrium equations (15) and (16), they will be
given by:
1-v 1-v 2/ \
D.A 1 - D CD , - D ATlsi + w J+ F =0 (17)
'' 2 ^ 2 '^ 1
1-v 1- v 2( \
,, « CD,
,i -D ~ X \l ^s ^ + w,<£/
^ J + F2 =0 (18)
D- XT A + V w U-F =0 (19)

with A = Sj j + 82 2 9 ® ~ ^2 1 "~ ^1 2
The equations (17) and (18) are similar to the equations of the plane
elastostatic, when they are written in terms of dilatation and rotation. The plane
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© 2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-824-4

378 Boundary Elements XXII

elastostatic equations will be written next using the displacement v* to facilitate
the comparison. It should be noted that displacements are uniform along the
thickness in plane elastostatic:

+ F =0 (20)

+ F =0 (21)

vE E
with, A = v . + v _ • 2%3 = v -v • X = T- n- r; ^ = —7- r
1,1 2,2' 2,1 1,2' (l + v)(l-2v) 2(l + v)
In order to obtain the fundamental solutions for thick plates, the vector field s
can be written in terms of its scalar (<|>(Xa)) and vector potentials ((0,0,H(Xa))
similar to those presented in [10]. The vector potential divergence is zero.
s = grad(<|>) + curl(o,0, H) (22)
With grad () representing the gradient operation
When the fundamental solution due to the couple F^ is found, the equation
(19) turns homogeneous, or:
1 — V 9r 9 9 "N
D - X V I* + V w = 0 (23)
2 \ y
The equation (23) carries to the following relation:
<|>(xi,X2) = -w(xj,X2)+E(xj,X2) (24)
The function E(x^) is a non singular function which has null its Laplacian and
it was assumed null in this study. Whether the relations (22) and (23) are used in
expressions (17), (18), the following system of differential equations is obtained:

D- V - H2 + F = 0 (25)

fF =0 (26)

When the body forces are turned null in equations (25) and (26), it can be
concluded that the function c() (or, w according to (24)) would be a biharmonic
function and the function H would be the solution of a Bessel's equation. The
body forces can be written in terms of its scalar (O(x«)) and vector potentials
((0,0,N(Xa)) in like manner it was made for the displacements:
(p , F ,0 j = grad(o) + curl(o,0, N) (27)
It must be noted that body force ¥3 was not included in (27) because it is a
unit point load and F% represents a unit point couple.
Using the Green's theorem on an infinite domain to obtain a field related
body forces, which it falls off faster than r ~* at infinite distances, the plane
analogy to the potential functions presented in [10] must be written as:
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© 2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-824-4

Boundary Elements XX11 379



Fa° can be understood as the result from domain integration in a circle containing
the Dirac-delta force in the direction a (it is equal to 1 in this study). When
relations (27), (28), (29) are applied in the plane e las to static equations (20), (21)
which were written in terms of potentials, <|> and H, the well known solution due
to the in plane unit point load can be obtained:
V — / \ X-' T V I 111 U^O T 1 .-y 1 j (30)
<*P 8TC|a(l-v)L r "? ' ''
When the relations (27), (28) and (29) are applied in thick plate equations
(25), (26) and F^ understood as unit point couples, Weeen's fundamental
solution for unit couples can be obtained. It must be remembered that the
solution should vanishing at infinite distances from the source point as the main
hypothesis in this development and to disregard arbitrary constants in general
solution. Further, the following relation can be used:
( \ dllnXr)
d(lnr) ( \
_L_^ = _v—L (31)

The solution to the function <|) is given by:

r (lnXr-l)) (32)
87iD c \s*
The solution to the function H due to the unit point couple F% is given by:
1 d / / \\
H = ~ T~T^ Un A,r + KrvfArM (33)
7iD(l - vjX d\2
KQ is a modified Bessel function.
To obtain the solution due to the out of plane unit point force (Fa), F% is zero
and the equations (17), (18) turn homogeneous. In this way, there are conditions
to use the equilibrium equation (13) relating the distributed moments to the
distributed loads beyond the equation (21) related to distributed shear
equilibrium. Thus, two equilibrium equations can be used to get the unknown
D.V^A + F, = 0 (34)

)+ Fg =0 (35)
Boundary Elements XXII, C.A. Brebbia & H. Power (Editors)
© 2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-824-4

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It can be shown that the solution of H is null due to the symmetry of the unit
point load problem. The obtained fundamental solutions using the notation
presented in [3] are given by:

u = lnz--z
a3 33 4

= X.r; A(Z)=KQ(Z) + - ; B(Z)=KO(Z)+-

U|j represents the rotation (j=l,2) or the deflection (j=3) due to a unit point
couple (i=l,2) or a unit point load (i=3). Another way to solve the unit point load
problem was done in [7]. In that study, the equilibrium condition (34) was
written in cylindrical coordinates and initial conditions were used. The initial
conditions were a null radial slope at source point and the equilibrium in vertical
direction with the unit point load. The obtained solution was:

"33=- Inr- (36)

The solution (38) is connected to Weeen's solution with a convenient choice

of the free constant A% plus a rigid body motion. Further, with other choices of
the free constant A% the thin plate fundamental solution due to Danson or Bezine-
Stern can be obtained when the shear parameter A, tends to infinite due to the
thickness approaching to zero as it is expected from a thin plate model.
When expression (22) is considered, an interesting feature can be noted. In
thin plate analysis the slopes are the deflection derivatives with reference to the
corresponding direction. Thus, in the fundamental solution due to unit couples
the irrotational field in (22) is a thin plate solution due to a unit couple. When a
unit point load solution is considered the corresponding slopes in thin plates are
the components of the gradient of the function <t>(x<x). In this way, the
fundamental solution in thick plates corresponds to an upgrade model from thin
plate analysis whether the potential functions presented in this paper are
considered. Thus, the upgrade expressions would be the curl of H in unit couple
solutions and the shear correction introduced by equation (35) in the unit point
load solution.
In computational implementation proper operations in the code should be
done to upgrade from two boundary parameters in thin plate model to three in
thick plates. Further, the free constant Ai (or InA,) must be turned -1 or -2 to
obtain solutions approaching to Danson or Bezine-Stern potential fields. Unless
this paper concerns with plate analysis, whether the similarity to plane strain
problem is remembered the potential fields used in plate analysis must be applied
in plane elastostatic for numerical purposes. It is important to mention that the
Boundary Elements XXII, C.A. Brebbia & H. Power (Editors)
© 2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-824-4

Boundary Elements XXII 381

Weeen's potential field is related to In (X) or a characteristic dimension of the
problem. The use of 1 parameter turns the results independent of the unit system.
Finally, the fundamental solutions written with reference to boundary
coordinates can be easily obtained with the use of potential fields presented in
this study. Weeen's solution was obtained with a fixed coordinate system. It
should be noted that the equilibrium equations (1,2) were written with reference
to body forces coordinate system. When the unknown functions (c|), H) were
obtained they were related to the distance and the directions of body forces
coordinate system. The vector s representing the quantities s<% was written by
equation (22) in the body forces coordinates system but it can be written with
reference to other coordinates system. But, when the reference system is changed
in equation (22) proper partial derivatives are employed in this operation. Two-
boundary coordinates system can be used with coordinates n (normal) and t
(tangential) that they are related with outward and tangential directions at the
boundary, respectively. The system noted by n\ f is placed in the collocation
point (source) and the system noted by i/, t* is placed in the field point. The
quantities §„, s* at the boundary can be written in terms of quantities Sj in the
body forces reference system Xj and vice versa. The expressions are given by:
SFI = W S( = s;t.
When two boundary system are considered, the final expressions for the
quantities $„, s, are given by:
f d(t> dr a<|> drP <9<t> 2t^ 3H dn^ dH dn^ dH dfi
dr ar/ an^ &/ dP &/ 6n^ di/ dn^ 0/ dt^ ft?
f a<|> dr a<t> dn^ a<j> di^ dH dr dH dn^ dH dfi
* a a/ a/* a^ a^ a^ a a/ 6n^ an^ at^ a/
With functions (t>=(|)(r, n^, t^) and H=H(r, n", t^).
It must be noted the expressions (37, 38) will be shorted in computational
implementation because there is one body force in each integral equation. But,
the simplifications made in fundamental solution expressions presented by
Weeen due to one system of reference used would only happen whether
fundamental solutions for rectangular plates were considered.
On the other hand, when boundary integral equations of thick plates are
written in boundary coordinates system like in thin plates, a computational
program for thin plates can be easily upgraded to consider thick plates and/or to
analyze polygonal plates with general boundary conditions.
A numerical implementation of thick plate analysis in boundary coordinates
will be presented in a future study.


The author is grateful to Professor Adolpho Hengeltraub for his assistance

and FAPESP due to the support for the development of studies in plates.
Boundary Elements XXII, C.A. Brebbia & H. Power (Editors)
© 2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-824-4


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[10] Love, A. E. H., A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, 4* Ed.,
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