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Death Related Verse in Gurbani

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 19

gurmuiK jnmu svwir drgh cilAw]
scI drgh jwie scw ipVu milAw]
gurmuiK Bojnu Bwau cwau AlilAw]
gurmuiK inhclu icqu n hlY hilAw]
gurmuiK scu Alwau BlI hUM BilAw]
gurmuiK sdy jwin Awvin GilAw ]14]

Spending this life fruitfully Gurmukh goes to the other world.

There in the True court (of lord) he gets his True place.
Repast of Gurmukh is Love and his delight is devoid of flirtatiousness.
Gurmukh has a tranquil heart and remains steadfast even in ups and
He speaks Truth and good of the good.
Only Gurmukhs are called to the court of the Lord and they come to the
world only when the Lord sends them.(14)

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 555

mÚ 3 ]
ikAw jwxw ikv mrhgy kYsw mrxw hoie ]
jy kir swihbu mnhu n vIsrY qw sihlw mrxw hoie ]
mrxY qy jgqu frY jIivAw loVY sBu koie ]
gur prswdI jIvqu mrY hukmY bUJY soie ]
nwnk AYsI mrnI jo mrY qw sd jIvxu hoie ]2]

Third Mehl:
What do I know? How will I die? What sort of death will it be?
If I do not forget the Lord Master from my mind, then my death will be
The world is terrified of death; everyone longs to live.
By Guru's Grace, one who dies while yet alive, understands the Lord's Will.
O Nanak, one who dies such a death, lives forever. ||2||
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 1239
slok mhlw 2 ]
iqsu isau kYsw bolxw ij Awpy jwxY jwxu ]
cIrI jw kI nw iPrY swihbu so prvwxu ]
cIrI ijs kI clxw mIr mlk slwr ]
jo iqsu BwvY nwnkw sweI BlI kwr ]
ijn@w cIrI clxw hiQ iqn@w ikCu nwih ]
swihb kw Purmwxu hoie auTI krlY pwih ]
jyhw cIrI iliKAw qyhw hukmu kmwih ]
Gly Awvih nwnkw sdy auTI jwih ]1]

Shalok, Second Mehl:

How can we speak of Him? Only He knows Himself.
His decree cannot be challenged; He is our Supreme Lord and Master.
By His Decree, even kings, nobles and commanders must step down.
Whatever is pleasing to His Will, O Nanak, is a good deed.
By His Decree, we walk; nothing rests in our hands.
When the Order comes from our Lord and Master, all must rise up and
take to the road.
As His Decree is issued, so is His Command obeyed.
Those who are sent, come, O Nanak; when they are called back, they
depart and go. ||1||

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 936

rwxw rwau n ko rhY rMgu n quMgu PkIru ]
vwrI Awpo AwpxI koie n bMDY DIr ]

Neither the kings nor the nobles will remain; neither the rich nor the poor
will remain.
When one's turn comes, no one can stay here.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 727
iqlµg mhlw 9 ]
hir jsu ry mnw gwie lY jo sMgI hY qyro ]
Aausru bIiqE jwqu hY kihE mwn lY myro ]1] rhwau ]
sMpiq rQ Dn rwj isau Aiq nyhu lgwieE ]
kwl Pws jb gil prI sB BieE prwieE ]1]
jwin bUJ kY bwvry qY kwju ibgwirE ]
pwp krq sukicE nhI nh grbu invwirE ]2]
ijh ibiD gur aupdyisAw so sunu ry BweI ]
nwnk khq pukwir kY ghu pRB srnweI ]3]3]

Tilang, Ninth Mehl:

Sing the Lord's Praises, O mind; He is your only true companion.
Your time is passing away; listen carefully to what I say. ||1||Pause||
You are so in love with property, chariots, wealth and power.
When the noose of death tightens around your neck, they will all belong to
others. ||1||
Know this well, O madman - you have ruined your affairs.
You did not restrain yourself from committing sins, and you did not
eradicate your ego. ||2||
So listen to the Teachings imparted by the Guru, O Siblings of Destiny.
Nanak proclaims: hold tight to the Protection and the Sanctuary of God.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 1106

kbIru ] mwrU ]
rwmu ismru pCuqwihgw mn ]
pwpI jIArw loBu krqu hY Awju kwil auiT jwihgw ]1] rhwau ]
lwlc lwgy jnmu gvwieAw mwieAw Brm Bulwihgw ]
Dn jobn kw grbu n kIjY kwgd ijau gil jwihgw ]1]
jau jmu Awie kys gih ptkY qw idn ikCu n bswihgw ]
ismrnu Bjnu dieAw nhI kInI qau muiK cotw Kwihgw ]2]
Drm rwie jb lyKw mwgY ikAw muKu lY kY jwihgw ]
khqu kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu swDsMgiq qir jWihgw ]3]1]

Kabeer, Maaroo:
Meditate in remembrance on the Lord, or else you will regret it in the end,
O mind.
O sinful soul, you act in greed, but today or tomorrow, you will have to get
up and leave. ||1||Pause||
Clinging to greed, you have wasted your life, deluded in the doubt of Maya.
Do not take pride in your wealth and youth; you shall crumble apart like dry
paper. ||1||
When the Messenger of Death comes and grabs you by the hair, and
knocks you down, on that day, you shall be powerless.
You do not remember the Lord, or vibrate upon Him in meditation, and you
do not practice compassion; you shall be beaten on your face. ||2||
When the Righteous Judge of Dharma calls for your account, what face
will you show Him then?
Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints: in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the
Holy, you shall be saved. ||3||1||

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 23

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 Gru 2 ]
Dnu jobnu Aru PulVw nwTIAVy idn cwir ]
pbix kyry pq ijau Fil Fuil juMmxhwr ]1]
rMgu mwix lY ipAwirAw jw jobnu nau hulw ]
idn QoVVy Qky BieAw purwxw colw ]1] rhwau ]
sjx myry rMguly jwie suqy jIrwix ]
hM BI vM\w fumxI rovw JIxI bwix ]2]
kI n suxyhI gorIey Awpx kMnI soie ]
lgI Awvih swhurY inq n pyeIAw hoie ]3]
nwnk suqI pyeIAY jwxu ivrqI sMin ]
guxw gvweI gMTVI Avgx clI bMin ]4]24]

Siree Raag, First Mehl, Second House:

Wealth, the beauty of youth and flowers are guests for only a few days.
Like the leaves of the water-lily, they wither and fade and finally die. ||1||
Be happy, dear beloved, as long as your youth is fresh and delightful.
But your days are few-you have grown weary, and now your body has
grown old. ||1||Pause||
My playful friends have gone to sleep in the graveyard.
In my double-mindedness, I shall have to go as well. I cry in a feeble voice.
Haven't you heard the call from beyond, O beautiful soul-bride?
You must go to your in-laws; you cannot stay with your parents forever.
O Nanak, know that she who sleeps in her parents' home is plundered in
broad daylight.
She has lost her bouquet of merits; gathering one of demerits, she departs.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 1372
kbIr kaufI kaufI joir kY jory lwK kroir ]
clqI bwr n kCu imilE leI lµgotI qoir ]144]

Kabeer, the mortal gathers wealth, shell by shell, accumulating thousands

and millions.
But when the time of his departure comes, he takes nothing at all with him.
He is even stripped of his loin-cloth. ||144||

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 555

slok ]
kbIrw mrqw mrqw jgu muAw mir iB n jwnY koie ]
AYsI mrnI jo mrY bhuir n mrnw hoie ]1]

salok |
kabeeraa marathaa marathaa jag muaa mar bh n jaanai koe |
aisee maranee jo marai bahur n maranaa hoe |1|

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 536

dyvgMDwrI mhlw 9 ]
jgq mY JUTI dyKI pRIiq ]
Apny hI suK isau sB lwgy ikAw dwrw ikAw mIq ]1] rhwau ]
myrau myrau sBY khq hY ihq isau bwiDE cIq ]
AMiq kwil sMgI nh koaU ieh Acrj hY rIiq ]1]
mn mUrK AjhU nh smJq isK dY hwirE nIq ]
nwnk Baujlu pwir prY jau gwvY pRB ky gIq ]2]3]6]38]47]

Raag Dayv-Gandhaaree, Ninth Mehl:

In this world, I have seen love to be false.
Whether they are spouses or friends, all are concerned only with their own
happiness. ||1||Pause||
All say, ""Mine, mine"", and attach their consciousness to you with love.
But at the very last moment, none shall go along with you. How strange
are the ways of the world! ||1||
The foolish mind has not yet reformed itself, although I have grown weary
of continually instructing it.
O Nanak, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean, singing the Songs
of God. ||2||3||6||38||47||
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 43
isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]
Blky auiT ppolIAY ivxu buJy mugD Ajwix ]
so pRBu iciq n AwieE CutYgI bybwix ]
siqgur syqI icqu lwie sdw sdw rMgu mwix ]1]
pRwxI qUM AwieAw lwhw lYix ]
lgw ikqu kuPkVy sB mukdI clI rYix ]1] rhwau ]
kudm kry psu pMKIAw idsY nwhI kwlu ]
EqY swiQ mnuKu hY PwQw mwieAw jwil ]
mukqy syeI BwlIAih ij scw nwmu smwil ]2]
jo Gru Cif gvwvxw so lgw mn mwih ]
ijQY jwie quDu vrqxw iqs kI icMqw nwih ]
PwQy syeI inkly ij gur kI pYrI pwih ]3]
koeI riK n skeI dUjw ko n idKwie ]
cwry kuMfw Bwil kY Awie pieAw srxwie ]
nwnk scY pwiqswih fubdw lieAw kFwie ]4]3]73]

Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

Arising each day, you cherish your body, but you are idiotic, ignorant and
without understanding.
You are not conscious of God, and your body shall be cast into the
Focus your consciousness on the True Guru; you shall enjoy bliss forever
and ever. ||1||
O mortal, you came here to earn a profit.
What useless activities are you attached to? Your life-night is coming to its
end. ||1||Pause||
The animals and the birds frolic and play-they do not see death.
Mankind is also with them, trapped in the net of Maya.
Those who always remember the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are
considered to be liberated. ||2||
That dwelling which you will have to abandon and vacate-you are attached
to it in your mind.
And that place where you must go to dwell-you have no regard for it at all.
Those who fall at the Feet of the Guru are released from this bondage. ||3||
No one else can save you-don't look for anyone else.
I have searched in all four directions; I have come to find His Sanctuary.
O Nanak, the True King has pulled me out and saved me from drowning!
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 726
iqlµg mhlw 9 ]
jwg lyhu ry mnw jwg lyhu khw gwPl soieAw ]
jo qnu aupijAw sMg hI so BI sMig n hoieAw ]1] rhwau ]
mwq ipqw suq bMD jn ihqu jw isau kInw ]
jIau CUitE jb dyh qy fwir Agin mY dInw ]1]
jIvq lau ibauhwru hY jg kau qum jwnau ]
nwnk hir gun gwie lY sB suPn smwnau ]2]2]

Tilang, Ninth Mehl:

Wake up, O mind! Wake up! Why are you sleeping unaware?
That body, which you were born with, shall not go along with you in the
end. ||1||Pause||
Mother, father, children and relatives whom you love,
will throw your body into the fire, when your soul departs from it. ||1||
Your worldly affairs exist only as long as you are alive; know this well.
O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; everything is like a dream.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panaa 726

iqlµg mhlw 9 kwPI
<> siqgur pRswid ]
cyqnw hY qau cyq lY inis idin mY pRwnI ]
iCnu iCnu AauD ibhwqu hY PUtY Gt ijau pwnI ]1] rhwau ]
hir gun kwih n gwvhI mUrK AigAwnw ]
JUTY lwlic lwig kY nih mrnu pCwnw ]1]
AjhU kCu ibgirE nhI jo pRB gun gwvY ]
khu nwnk iqh Bjn qy inrBY pdu pwvY ]2]1]

Tilang, Ninth Mehl, Kaafee:

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
If you are conscious, then be conscious of Him night and day, O mortal.
Each and every moment, your life is passing away, like water from a
cracked pitcher. ||1||Pause||
Why do you not sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, you ignorant fool?
You are attached to false greed, and you do not even consider death. ||1||
Even now, no harm has been done, if you will only sing God's Praises.
Says Nanak, by meditating and vibrating upon Him, you shall obtain the
state of fearlessness. ||2||1||

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