Bravery Emerges After Fear Final Draft

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Ghalya Al-kaabi 1

1st June 2023

ENGL 104 - 302
Dr. Anne Schmalsting

Bravery Emerges After Fear

As I stood on the sidelines, watching my friends frolic in the chilly water during that

memorable summer vacation, laughter and sun-kissed memories filled the air. However, my

heart was weighed down by an irrational fear of swimming. Thoughts of drowning and

helplessness plagued my mind, casting a dark shadow over my enjoyment near water.

Then, that fateful day arrived when the sun blazed high in the sky, and my worst nightmare

unfolded before my eyes. One of my closest friends found themselves in a perilous situation,

struggling against the relentless surf. Panic surged through me as I realized my own inadequacy

in saving them from the depths. Helplessness enveloped me like a vice, overshadowing the joyous

summertime vibe.

But just when I thought all hope was lost, my other friend appeared like a guardian angel. With

confidence and quick strokes, she bravely approached our struggling companion, swiftly pulling

them to safety just in the nick of time. Relief washed over me, accompanied by an overwhelming

sense of gratitude for my friend's courage. Amidst my thankfulness, a surge of determination

flooded my being, and I vowed never to let fear dictate my actions again.

From that point forward, my perspective on swimming underwent a profound transformation.

Witnessing my friend's struggle became the catalyst for change. I made a solemn commitment to

conquer my fear and acquire the life-saving skill of swimming.

Ghalya Al-kaabi 2
1st June 2023
ENGL 104 - 302
Dr. Anne Schmalsting

I wasted no time and immediately enrolled in professional swimming instruction. Starting from

the basics of buoyancy, stroke technique, and water safety, I confronted my fears head-on. Each

step I took was infused with the understanding that courage did not mean the absence of fear, but

rather the ability to face it headlong and triumph over it.

Weeks turned into days as I persisted, fueled by newfound determination. I embraced the

challenges that came with learning to swim, celebrating even the smallest victories along the

way. With each stroke, my self-assurance grew, and the fear that once held me hostage gradually

receded into the depths.

The metamorphosis became evident as the summer break drew to a close. I found myself moving

through the water with a grace and fluidity I had never imagined possible. The once-hostile

element transformed into a source of empowerment and progress. No longer content with

observing from the sidelines, I reveled in the freedom of movement afforded by the talent that

emerged from the ashes of my nightmare.

Yet, the true triumph lay not only in my improved swimming skills but also in the profound

personal development I had undergone. The encounter with my friend had ignited a fire deep

within me—a fire that fueled my determination to transcend limitations and extinguish my

worries. I had discovered that even amidst the most trying circumstances, courage and resilience

could be found.
Ghalya Al-kaabi 3
1st June 2023
ENGL 104 - 302
Dr. Anne Schmalsting

As I stood at the water's edge, looking out into the vast expanse before me, I was keenly aware

that my adventure had only just begun. Armed with the strength to conquer my fears, I emerged

on the other side with a skill that held the potential to save lives. Taking a deep breath, I dove

into the water, eager to embrace the seemingly boundless possibilities that lay before me. The

strength of my friend's bravery and the unbreakable spirit of friendship had forever changed me.

The water enveloped me, it’s cool embrace serving as a reminder of the journey I had

undertaken. With every stroke, I marveled at the newfound elegance and fluidity I possessed. The

rhythmic sound of my breathing synchronized with the gentle lapping of the waves, creating a

symphony of tranquility and confidence.

As I swam, I reveled in the vibrant tapestry of sensations that surrounded me. The water

caressed my skin, whispering tales of serenity and renewal. The sunlight filtered through the

surface, casting dancing reflections on.

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