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NT213 Book Report

"Business @ the Speed of Thought" by Bill Gates

I Language study
1. I asked for a copy of every paper form we used.
2. They agreed that these changes were coming.
3. In 1996 I decided to look at ways that Microsoft was still using paper.
4. But a market analysis recently suggested the company change its business
5. You use e-mail to ask routine questions of your doctor and to be reminded
about continuing health programs.
6. You've told the agent your viewing tastes and it's tracked your actual
viewing patterns, so it recommends several shows among the hundreds
available on digital TV.
7. Between 1975 and 1987 several business newspapers promised that the
paperless office wasn't far off.
8. The board agreed that the best way to compete was to give the company's
knowledge workers
My understanding of the digital nervous system.
Bill Gates in his book has pretty much explained the digital nervous
system (DNS) as simply as anyone could at that point, but to put it even more
bluntly it's "Getting info where it needs to be fast and efficient". He even
describes the concept of a "paperless office" which is unachievable without
the DNS. These concepts are pretty much common place today which makes
sense if we take in account that the book was being written in the year of
1998 and then released in 1999. When we look back at the DNS as a whole
today, it was nothing more than a logical step in industrial evolution.
The main thing people like is getting something they want the moment they
want it. That's the reason why people pay same day shiping. So, companies
had to develop a system that can fulfill that need. Gates's reasoning behind
the DNS was the efficiency and precision of his work force, with that he got
reduced costs of paper and processing fees and consumers getting their
product faster with little to no error. That encouraged a modern industrial
revolution with every company following in Gates footsteps.
With everything said, we can see that the whole point is obtaining
profit at a minimum cost and maximum efficiency and there is one thing you
can conclude without a doubt "Time is money".


The absence of security online
Since I was young, I was warned about trusting people that that I didn't
know, I even had a situation in preschool when an unknown lady came to
pick me up and I didn't want to go with her because I couldn't recognize her.
It turned out that she was actually my aunt that I didn't know, but you get the
point. Think about that kids that go with those godawful people that pray on
them and how you can do little to nothing to stop them except informing
them about the dangerous that await them, but today people of all ages are in
In this cyber age everything is available online to the consumer, from a
desk for your new fancy office, to a refrigerator for your freshly renovated
kitchen. With that, the company that takes your orders also needs your
private info which the weak point of every sells company, keeping your info
safe. Any programmer that is skilled enough to bypass the system
encryptions can take your credit card info and comit identity fraud, not to
mention that the CEO of Facebook (now Meta) was on trial for selling
personal info allegations. The moment we put our personal info online we are
fair game to anyone that needs it. So that raises the question, how can we
protect ourselves?
Well, not much but hope that the companies that we use on a daily
basis won't sell us to the Russians human traffickers or to the Chines shop
owner that looks at you funny every time you walk your dog (he probably
wants your dog for the little together he organizes every Sunday). But it's not
all bleak, in today's modern day and age one of the most invested IT branches
is Cyber Security. With every day passing, white hat hackers are developing
software that's more advanced than the last. Also, VPNs (Virtual Private
Networks) are getting more accessible to the wider public.
At the end, what's the conclusion? Well, you can't just live your life
with the thought of someone selling you to the highest bidder. Just don't give
out your info to random people and you'll be fine like the vast majority.

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