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Dokuz Eylül University

Maritime Faculty Marine Engineering Department

MEN3009 Heat Transfer - Midterm Exam

Name and Surname :________________________ 07.11.2012

Number :________________________

Exam Questions

(20pnt) 1- a- Write down the expressions for each mode of heat transfer, and identify the variables-units-
involved in each relation.
b- Name some good conductors of heat and some poor conductors
c- Consider steady one-dimensional heat transfer through a multi-layer medium. If the rate of
heat transfer is known, explain how you would determine the temperature drop across each
d- Define thermal diffusivity

(20pnt) 2- a- Derive a relation for the thermal resistance of sphere

b- A pipe is insulated such that the outer radius of the insulation is less than the critical radius
Now the insulation is taken off. Will the rate of heat transfer from the pipe increase or decrease
for the same pipe surface temperature?

(25pnt) 3- Assuming heat transfer through the wall as seen in Figure, to be one-dimensional;
a- draw the electrical analogy and find the rate of heat transfer qk through the wall
b- the temperature at the point where the materials A, B and C meet
c- the temperature drop across the Section 3

(35pnt) 4- Chilled water enters a thin-shelled 5-cm diameter, 150-m long pipe at 7 oC at a rate of 0.98 kg/s
and leaves at 8 oC (Cp= 4180 J/kg.oC). The pipe is exposed to air at 30 oC with a heat transfer
coefficient 9 W/m2.oC. If the pipe is to be insulated with glass wool insulation
(k= 0.05 W/m.oC) in order to decrease the temperature rise of water to 0.25 oC.
Average wall temperature can be taken as; Twall= (Tin+Tout)/2
a- draw the electrical analogy and find the rate of heat transfer
b- determine the required thickness of the insulation

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