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It still feels like yesterday. That day— I remember it being peaceful.

I looked up at the sapphire sky that

was joined by the hazel-colored birds— both slowly moving in a slow pace‚ contemplating the decisions
that I have made that day. I clenched my fist and felt my heart racing once again. Today‚ I will go against
my parents for the very first time. A risk that may most likely to lead me in trouble.

The jeepney I was on continuously rattled on the long bumpy road. Chitchats can be heard from left to
right. The extreme excitement is still here that could already be enough to make my heart jump out of
my chest. I sat stiffly on the rugged seat and tried to feel comfortable‚ placing my hand on my chest as I
hear my friends’ call. “Hey! Stop worrying already! You will enjoy it for sure!” It rang in my ear for quite
some time. “Haah” I let out a loud‚ deep sigh.

I get off the jeepney and saw how beautiful the view was— it was an unfamiliar yet a sight to behold
that I almost could not take my eyes off it. I dashed forward— “swoosh” feeling the cool breeze of the
wind that gently blew onto my hijab.

The aromatic grilled food not too far away‚ I could hear the faint sound of my stomache rumbling. The
children’s laughter was mixed with the sound of fragile leaves scattered around me that breaks as I
walked onto them.

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