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KKEE2113: Semiconductor Devices

Semester 2, session 2022-2023

e-Assignment 1
Answer all the following questions (30 marks).

1) A new semiconductor has Nc = 1019 cm-3, Nv = 5 × 1018 cm-3, and Eg = 2 eV. If it is doped with
1017 donors (fully ionized), calculate the electron, hole, and intrinsic carrier concentrations at
627 °C. Sketch the simplified band diagram, showing the position of EF. (10 marks)

2) We want to make a Schottky diode on one surface of an n-type semiconductor, and an ohmic
contact on the other side. The electron affinity is 5 eV, band gap is 1.5 eV, and the Fermi
potential is 0.25 eV.
a) Determine the values of work functions for the two metals? Give your answer as greater
than or less than certain values. (5 marks)
b) Sketch the band diagram of the structure. (5 marks)

3) An N-MOSFET with N+-polySi gate is fabricaed on a 15 -cm P-type Si wafer with oxide
fixed charge density = q × 8 × 1010 cm-2, channel width, W = 50 µm, channel length, L = 2 µm
and oxide thickness, Tox = 5 nm.
a) Determine the flat band voltage, Vt and the threshold voltage, Vt. (5 marks)
b) A circuit engineer requested N-MOSFET with Vt = 0.5 V from a device engineer. It was
not allowed to change the gate oxide thickness. If you are the device engineer, what can
you do? Give specific answers including what type of equipment to use. (5 marks)

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