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Discuss awareness campaign, activities, and implementation of

programs/projects of Gender and Development in your: 1.1. Community Among the families within our
community, abuse of women and children is possible to happen. Women, wives to be particular, usually
endure all the sufferings from their abusive relationship. But different barangay programs have become
the eye-opener for these women, these programs are organized by DSWD, 4P’s program and many
more. She and her children can also see the barangay captain file a report regarding the abuse within
their home. The couple will be asked by the barangay captain as well as their children to mediate and
address their problems. Other than standing up against abuse, women within our community are also
having their own job which helps their households too. 1.2. School The Polytechnic University of the
Philippines is active in discussing awareness about Gender and Development and gender equality
through Gender Responsive Activity, particularly, the Center for Gender Studies. The center has the
intention to build gender-responsive policies, programs, and activities for Universities through the
analysis of sex-disaggregated data. Also, with the help of research and public events the center aims to
discuss the challenges within the different gender issues. 1.3. At home Within our home, doing chores is
not according to gender which normally was. Our father thought that as long we are capable of doing
the chores, we must do it and not wait for someone else to do it for us. Same with my mother, she
thought us that working for a family is not just a duty of our father. We must help each other, and our
gender must not hinder us from doing so. 2. How important is institutionalizing Gender and
Development? It is important to institutionalize Gender and Development because gender is an
important factor in development today. It must be today that the opportunities should be available for
different genders. Women also deserve to have the opportunity same with men such as in education,
rights, working fields, and many more. Everyone must also feel free to give their opinion and share their
feelings, not just because we are thought that women can also express them. 3. In the present era
where GAD has been given spotlight, what do you think is still lacking in the implementation or
mainstreaming of GAD. Today, the effect of the Patriarchal social system where the power of men is
dominant in a lot of roles than women. It is still evident in working fields like in politics and moral
authorities. However, today’s generation is working to vanish this ideology. And shortly, equality among
genders will be finally achieved. Task 2 Instructions: From the three focused areas of Gender and
Development namely GAD and Education, GAD and Environment, and GAD and Access to Justice, select
one area, create or come up with an artwork based on your own interpretation and representation.
Provide a short caption or narrative why you have come up with that artwork. Note: Any medium is
allowed. Just make sure to create an artwork that you can attach in this module for submission purposes

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