FA (2007) Patrick COVID-19 Global Dysfunction

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It is tempting to conclude that

When the System multilateral institutions—ostensibly


foundational to the rules-based inter-

Fails national system—are, at best, less
effective than advertised and, at worst,
doomed to fail when they are needed
COVID-19 and the Costs of most. But that conclusion goes too far.
Global Dysfunction Weak international cooperation is a
choice, not an inevitability.
Stewart Patrick The dismal multilateral response to
the pandemic reflects, in part, the

he chaotic global response to decisions of specific leaders, especially
the coronavirus pandemic has Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S.
tested the faith of even the most President Donald Trump. Their
ardent internationalists. Most nations, behavior helps explain why the who
including the world’s most powerful, struggled in the initial stages of the
have turned inward, adopting travel outbreak and why forums for multilat-
bans, implementing export controls, eral coordination, such as the G-7, the
hoarding or obscuring information, G-20, and the un Security Council,
and marginalizing the World Health failed to rise to the occasion.
Organization (who) and other multi- Just as important is the unique
lateral institutions. The pandemic cooperation challenge that the novel
seems to have exposed the liberal order coronavirus represents—and the dis-
and the international community as tinctive weakness of the particular
mirages, even as it demonstrates the institution most central to addressing
terrible consequences of faltering it. The who has a mandate that exceeds
global cooperation. its capabilities. Member states have
A century ago, when pandemic assigned it more and more tasks while
influenza struck a war-torn world, limiting its independence and resources,
few multilateral institutions existed. setting the organization up for failure.
Countries fought their common To the extent that global health gover-
microbial enemy alone. Today, an array nance has failed, it has failed by design,
of multilateral mechanisms exists to reflecting the ambivalence of states torn
confront global public health emergencies between their desire for effective
and address their associated economic, international institutions and their
social, and political effects. But the insistence on independent action.
existence of such mechanisms has not The pandemic has revealed both the
stopped most states from taking a limits of the existing multilateral system
unilateral approach. and the horrific costs of the system’s
failure. If the current crisis causes
STEWART PATRICK is James H. Binger policymakers to conclude that multilat-
Senior Fellow in Global Governance at the eralism is doomed and convinces them
Council on Foreign Relations and the author of
The Sovereignty Wars: Reconciling America to provoke its unraveling, they will be
With the World. setting humanity up for even more

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When the System Fails

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Stewart Patrick

costly calamities. If the crisis instead of rising interdependence. Among the

serves as a wake-up call—a spur to invest most prominent of the new instruments
in a more effective multilateral sys- was the who, which was created as a
tem—the world will be far better specialized un agency in 1948.
prepared when the next global pandemic Since 2000, the organization has
strikes, increasing the likelihood that risen markedly in importance, as
the imperatives of cooperation will win various new and reemerging infectious
out over the pressures of competition. diseases have threatened global health
and security. The agency managed the
MISSING IN ACTION global responses to the sars epidemic
When the so-called Spanish flu ravaged in 2003, the H1N1 flu pandemic in
the world in 1918, global health gover- 2009, the Ebola epidemic in 2014–16,
nance was still in its infancy. Public and the Zika epidemic in 2015–16. In
health had been a national or local the wake of sars, the World Health
matter until the mid-nineteenth century, Assembly, the who’s governing body,
when revolutions in transport deepened strengthened the International Health
global integration to an unprecedented Regulations, the core legal prescriptions
degree. In 1851, European countries governing state conduct with respect to
hosted the first International Sanitary infectious disease. The new ihr gave
Conference, devoted to managing the who’s director general the authority
cholera. Over the next six decades, to declare a “public health emergency of
governments would hold 11 more such international concern” and required
conferences, negotiate multilateral member states to increase their pan-
treaties on infectious disease, and demic-response capacities.
establish new international organizations, Meanwhile, an entire multilateral
including the Pan American Sanitary ecosystem of global public health
Bureau and the Office International arrangements blossomed alongside the
d’Hygiène Publique. who and its ihr, including the Global
Yet these arrangements, focused as Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
they were on sanitation, were no match (now called gavi, the Vaccine Alliance),
for the Spanish flu. The lack of meaning- the Global Health Security Agenda,
ful international coordination to combat the World Bank’s Pandemic Emergency
the pandemic left each government to Financing Facility, and the Africa Cen-
fend for itself. The outbreak quickly ters for Disease Control and Prevention.
became the deadliest public health The result is a global health infrastruc-
emergency in modern times, killing an ture beyond the wildest dreams of the
estimated 50 million people worldwide. national leaders who confronted the 1918
It was not until the decades after influenza pandemic alone.
World War II that countries created a Amid the current pandemic, how-
robust infrastructure to manage interna- ever, governments have repeatedly
tional public health emergencies. They forsaken opportunities for consultation,
established hundreds of multilateral joint planning, and collaboration,
organizations and signed thousands of opting instead to adopt nationalist
treaties to manage the shared dilemmas stances that have put them at odds with

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one another and with the who. The refer to the virus as “the Wuhan
result has been a near-total lack of coronavirus,” after the Chinese city
global policy coherence. where it was first discovered.
In China, the initial epicenter of the The G-20, which comprises the
coronavirus pandemic, Xi’s govern- world’s most important established and
ment was slow to report the outbreak emerging economies, operated on a
to the who, and it resisted full trans- similar timeline, convening to discuss
parency thereafter. What’s more, the pandemic for the first time in late
Beijing initially rebuffed offers from March, nearly three months into the
the who and the U.S. Centers for outbreak. At their virtual summit, the
Disease Control and Prevention to parties rejected requests from the
provide desperately needed scientific International Monetary Fund to double
expertise in epidemiology and molecu- its resources and suspend the debt
lar virology. China was also slow to obligations of poor nations. (They have
share transmission data and biological since suspended low-income countries’
samples with the who. debt service payments.)
Outside China, many countries Finally, the Security Council re-
responded to the novel coronavirus by mained missing in action. China, which
implementing international travel held the rotating presidency of the
restrictions. On January 31, Trump Security Council in March, blocked it
ordered the United States closed to from considering any resolution about
foreigners who had recently traveled to the pandemic, arguing that public
China. On March 11, without consult- health matters fell outside the council’s
ing U.S. allies, he abruptly suspended “geopolitical” ambit. (This is plainly
air travel from Europe to the United untrue: in 2014, for instance, the body
States. Brazil, India, Israel, and Russia passed Resolution 2177, designating the
also implemented pandemic-related West African Ebola epidemic a “threat
border restrictions that month. Other to international peace and security.”)
countries, such as France and Germany, The most promising multilateral
either banned or imposed limits on the initiative was the most under­resourced.
export of protective medical equipment. On March 25, un Secretary-General
Particularly disappointing on the António Guterres launched a humani-
global stage was the lack of concerted tarian response plan to mitigate the
action by the G-7, the G-20, and the un effects of the coronavirus on fragile and
Security Council. The leaders of the war-torn states, which are home to
G-7, representing the world’s biggest approximately a billion people and a
advanced market democracies, failed to majority of the world’s poor, as well as
meet until early March. Even then, most of its 70 million refugees and
they did little more than highlight their internally displaced people. Yet with a
respective border closures. Later that budget of just $2 billion in un funds,
month, a meeting of G-7 foreign this plan had funding that was less
ministers dissolved into acrimony when than one-1,000th of what the United
U.S. partners rejected Washington’s States had dedicated to its domestic
demand that the final communiqué response by early May.

44 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
When the System Fails

PRIMAL INSTINCTS crises, international institutions do not

Such shortcomings have prompted spring autonomously into action. They
observers to conclude that failure is need to be spurred by their member
inevitable—that in times of crisis, states, who invariably hold the whip
citizens will look to their own leaders, hand. The secretariats of multilateral
and governments will care for their own organizations can take some initiative,
citizens at the expense of global con- but they always do so within constraints,
cerns. But the record of other crises in as agents of their sovereign principals.
recent years, especially the last global To the degree that global governance
financial crisis, suggests that sovereign exists, states—especially major powers—
states are quite capable of coordinated remain the true governors.
responses to shared global challenges, Unfortunately, powerful countries
provided that their leaders take an such as the United States and China
enlightened view of their countries’ have failed to play that vital leadership
long-term national interests. role during the coronavirus crisis. In
In 2008–9, first U.S. President keeping with his past rhetoric and
George W. Bush and then President actions, Trump has followed his “America
Barack Obama spearheaded a coopera- first” instincts and adopted a nationalist
tive international response to the global response to the pandemic, framing
credit crunch, helping prevent the covid-19, the disease caused by the new
world’s descent into another Great coronavirus, not as a threat to global
Depression. Bush convened the first- public health but as an assault on the
ever meeting of the leaders of the G-20 sovereignty of the United States and
in November 2008. The group met the safety of its citizens. As when he
twice more in 2009, Obama’s first year addresses the issue of immigrants and
in office, coordinating massive stimulus refugees, his first impulse was to harden
packages to restore global liquidity, U.S. borders against what he insisted
expanding the resources and mandates on calling a “foreign” or “Chinese”
of the International Monetary Fund virus. There was no sense in Trump’s
and the World Bank, and avoiding the reaction that the United States had any
type of discriminatory trade and responsibility to launch or even partici-
monetary policies that had fragmented pate in a collective global response.
and weakened the world economy in the Chinese leaders, meanwhile, have
early 1930s. The lesson is clear: multi- refused to cooperate with their counter-
lateral institutions are what states and parts at the G-20 and the un because
their leaders make of them. they fear exposure and embarrassment.
The late Richard Holbrooke, during Deliberations in the un Security Council,
his tenure as U.S. ambassador to the in particular, would have uncovered
un, made a similar point in criticizing China’s lack of transparency in handling
the lazy habit of chastising the un for the initial outbreak, as well as its cam-
failures of multilateralism. Such paign of misinformation regarding the
criticism, Holbrooke said, was akin to virus’s origins, sharpening international
“blaming Madison Square Garden criticism and frustrating the Chinese
when the Knicks lose.” Even during Communist Party’s geopolitical designs.

July/August 2020 45
Stewart Patrick

China’s desire to avoid those outcomes impose barriers and withdraw into
and the United States’ preoccupation smaller groups, thus militating against
with exposing Chinese mendacity multilateral responses. Pandemics may
prevented the Security Council from be transnational, but they are fought in
passing a powerful resolution on the the first instance within national
coronavirus, one that would have had the jurisdictions, by local communities
binding force of international law, seeking to protect themselves.
allowing it to cut through political
obstacles to cooperation. RULES AND REGULATIONS
In a more cosmopolitan world, other The persistent weakness of the who has
leaders might have filled the vacuum been a particular impediment to effective
left by Washington’s delinquence and multilateral mobilization against the
Beijing’s obfuscation. But that is not the coronavirus. The who is an invaluable
world in which the crisis took shape. repository of scientific expertise, a
Over the past dozen years, great-power focal point for global disease surveil-
competition has waxed, and democracy’s lance, and a champion of the human
fortunes have waned. Ascendant popu- right to health. It has helped eradicate
lism and nationalism have weakened the several diseases—most notably small-
domestic foundations for multilateral pox—and has put others, such as polio,
cooperation by empowering authoritarian on the ropes. It has also highlighted
despots and weakening public support the growing threat from noncommuni-
for liberal internationalism. Global cable diseases of relative affluence,
public health, long insulated from geopo- such as obesity and diabetes.
litical rivalry and nationalist dema- Yet the who remains deeply flawed,
goguery, has suddenly become a terrain beset by multiple institutional short-
of political combat, crippling the world’s comings that hamstring its ability to
response to the pandemic. coordinate a pandemic response. Blame
Epidemiological dynamics have also rests partly with the who’s largest
stymied cooperation. Unlike the global funders, including the United States,
financial crisis, which struck most coun- the United Kingdom, Germany, and
tries at about the same time, the virus has Japan, as well as large charities, such as
spread gradually and unevenly. The the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
who declared the coronavirus a pandemic which have pressed the organization to
on March 11, but even today, the conta- expand its agenda without providing
gion’s spread and effects vary widely commensurate resources, all the while
from country to country. This has frus- earmarking a growing share of its
trated policy coordination, as national and budget to address select diseases rather
subnational authorities have responded than to support robust public health
to the outbreak’s ever-shifting epicenter capacities in member states. Bureau-
by adopting policies reflecting very cratic impediments—such as a weak
different short-term threat assessments. chain of command, an indecisive senior
Infectious diseases evoke far more leadership, and a lack of accountabil-
fear than most other international ity—have also undercut the organiza-
threats, reinforcing primal instincts to tion’s performance.

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The who’s bungled response to the self-assess and self-report their prog-
Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014 ress in implementing the regulations,
revealed many of these shortcomings. accountability is minimal.
An independent review panel attributed Even more troubling, the revised
the who’s poor performance to crip- ihr include a huge loophole that
pling budget cuts, a paucity of deploy- allows states to defect during emergen-
able personnel and logistical capacity, cies. Countries can impose emergency
and a failure to cultivate relationships measures that diverge from who
with other un agencies, the private guidelines if they believe these will
sector, and nongovernmental organiza- produce superior results, provided they
tions. Hoping to correct some of those report their plans within 48 hours of
flaws, the World Health Assembly implementation. In their early responses
authorized the creation of a new global to the coronavirus, governments
health emergency workforce and a small repeatedly used this clause to impose
contingency fund for rapid response. border closures, travel bans, visa restric-
Neither reform resolved the who’s tions, and quarantines on healthy
deeper structural problems, which the visitors, regardless of whether these
coronavirus has again laid bare. measures had who endorsement or any
The biggest impediment to the basis in science. Many did not even
who’s success is the failure of its mem- bother to inform the who, forcing it to
ber states to comply fully with the ihr. glean information from media sources
Following the sars crisis, in which and obligating its director general,
China and other countries either Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to
refused or neglected to report epidemic dispatch letters reminding member
data in a timely and transparent manner, states of their obligations.
the World Health Assembly revised the The pandemic has also underscored
ihr. The new regulations bolstered the flaws in the who’s process for declar-
who’s surveillance capacities, empowered ing an emergency. It was not until
its director general to declare an emer- January 30 that the who finally desig-
gency, and required all member states nated the spread of the new coronavi-
to develop and maintain minimum core rus as a global emergency, after many
capabilities to prevent, detect, and countries had shut their borders and
respond to disease outbreaks. grounded commercial aircraft. On top
The coronavirus pandemic has of criticizing the agency’s delay,
revealed how resistant member states commentators disparaged the who’s
remain to implementing their commit- binary, all-or-nothing approach to
ments and how little leverage the who warnings, calling for a more nuanced
has to ensure that they do so. Fifteen spectrum of alerts.
years after the ihr were revised, fewer More important, the coronavirus
than half of all countries are in compli- crisis has exposed the lack of protocols to
ance, and many nations still lack even ensure that all nations have access to
rudimentary surveillance and laboratory vaccines. In past outbreaks, such wealthy
capacities to detect outbreaks. Since countries as Australia, Canada, and the
national governments are permitted to United States have hoarded vaccines for

48 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
When the System Fails

domestic use. This continues today. In Throughout the pandemic, the who
March, Trump attempted and failed to has bent over backward to curry favor
obtain exclusive U.S. access to a potential with important but difficult partners—
coronavirus vaccine that is under devel- no surprise given the power asymmetry
opment in Germany. Even if govern- between the agency and major donor
ments do not hoard vaccines, there will states. Reliant on Chinese data and
be widespread disparities in access and cooperation to stem the pandemic, Tedros
distributional capacity. went to extraordinary lengths early this
Finally, the pandemic has raised the year to ingratiate himself with Xi and
specter that some nations may decline to assuage Chinese sensibilities.
to share virus samples, using the “Let me be clear: this declaration
Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit- [of an emergency] is not a vote of no
Sharing as their justification. The confidence in China,” the director
protocol, an international agreement general insisted on January 30. “In many
that was adopted in 2010 and that has ways, China is actually setting a new
been ratified by more than 120 coun- standard for outbreak response,” he said,
tries, serves a worthwhile function: gushing. “It’s not an exaggeration.” It
granting nations sovereignty over their was in fact a gross exaggeration, given
biological resources. But its application how China mismanaged the early
to human pathogens is an obvious stages of the epidemic. Multiple critics
perversion of that objective. During have taken Tedros to task, labeling him
the 2005–7 avian influenza pandemic, Beijing’s “enabler.”
Indonesia resisted sharing virus sam- The who’s servility has not been
ples, citing the misguided concept of limited to its approach to China,
“viral sovereignty.” The Nagoya Protocol however. The agency has also largely
increases the likelihood that countries avoided direct criticism of the United
will act similarly today, risking unac- States, its largest donor. The reverse,
ceptable delays in scientific analysis of needless to say, has not been true. At an
novel viruses and in the development of April 7 news conference, Trump took
lifesaving vaccines to stop pandemics. aim at the who to deflect attention
from his administration’s own poor
BOWING TO REALITY response to the outbreak. He falsely
In the wake of this pandemic, one accused the agency of stating in January
anticipates growing calls to renegotiate that the coronavirus was “no big deal,”
the ihr, to strengthen the authority of and he promised to “put a hold” on
the who, and to increase the obligations U.S. financial support for the interna-
of the organization’s member states. tional organization. Tedros pushed
Doing so in the current populist climate back, but ever so gently and obliquely,
would be risky, however. Governments urging all who member states to avoid
might seize the opportunity to claw “politicizing” the coronavirus response.
back even more sovereign prerogatives, He did not directly refer to either Trump
weakening the legal foundations for a or the United States. For international
coordinated global response to a public institutions, it seems, kowtowing is just
health emergency. another way of bowing to reality.

July/August 2020 49
Stewart Patrick

GIVE AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE their freedom of action, or granting it

In the ensuing months, the who and the authorities and capabilities it needs
other multilateral institutions have to coordinate a pandemic response.
taken some meaningful steps to contain One lesson that will emerge from the
the pandemic and cushion its economic covid-19 pandemic is that multilateral
blows. The who has served as a leading cooperation can seem awfully abstract,
source of expertise on the virus, sent until you actually need it—whether you
teams to affected countries, helped poor rely on it to flatten the curve of an
nations build up their health capacities, epidemic, ensure the safety of airline
advanced worldwide scientific collabora- travel, protect displaced people, or
tion, combated misinformation, and prevent another global economic
continued to promote the ihr. Simulta- meltdown. Another, harder lesson is
neously, it has shaped the responses of that the multilateral system is not a
dozens of other un agencies and affiliated self-regulating, autonomous machine
organizations, including the International that springs into action whenever
Civil Aviation Organization, the World needed. No amount of technocratic
Tourism Organization, the un Refugee expertise or institutional reform can
Agency, the un Development Program, compensate for the current lack of
the International Monetary Fund, the political direction and sustained leader-
World Bank, and many, many more. ship in that system. Prominent member
But a truly empowered who could states must be wise benefactors to the
have done more. With enhanced politi- multilateral system if they want to be
cal powers and a more flexible budget, its beneficiaries.∂
the agency might have spearheaded a
coherent multilateral response to the
pandemic, persuaded nations to har-
monize their border closures and travel
restrictions, shamed laggards into
fulfilling their binding treaty commit-
ments under the ihr, and deployed
significant resources and personnel to
the shifting epicenter of the pandemic.
The main obstacle to this outcome, and
the reason for the haphazard global
response, was the persistent ambiva-
lence that all countries, particularly
great powers, feel toward global health
governance. All governments share a
fundamental interest in a multilateral
system that can respond quickly and
effectively to stop potential pandemics
in their tracks. They are less enthusiastic
about delegating any of their sovereignty
to the who, allowing it to circumscribe

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