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Môn: TIẾNG ANH (Đề chuyên)
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CHUYÊN TIẾNG ANH Năm học 2022-2023
Môn: Tiếng Anh (Đề chuyên)
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
(Đề thi gồm 09 trang)
Điểm bằng số: Giám khảo 1: Số phách
(Do Hội đồng phách ghi)

Điểm bằng chữ: Giám khảo 2:


Part I. You will hear part of the talk to a gardening club about a local park. Listen and label
the map below. Write the correct letter (A-I) next to questions 1-5. (5 points)
Minster Park

0. Statue of Diane Gosforth _____E_____ 3. Maze ___________

1. Wooden sculptures ___________ 4. Tennis courts ___________
2. Playground ___________ 5. Fitness area ___________

Part II. You will hear five short conversations. For each question, choose the best answer A, B
or C. Write your answers in the numbered spaces given below. (5 points)
1. You hear two friends talking. Which sport are they watching on TV?
A. golf B. tennis C. football
2. You hear a man talking about a day out. Who is the speaker?
A. a teacher B. a policeman C. an actor
3. You hear a girl talking about a documentary she’s just seen. What was the documentary about?
A. a lake B. plants C. animals
4. You hear a boy talking about his day at school. How does he feel now?
A. excited B. relieved C. disappointed

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5. You hear a brother and sister talking about the music at a party. What do they agree about?
A. how good it was B. how unusual it was C. how loud it was
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part III. You will hear part of a talk about dolls. For each question, complete the sentences.
Write your answers in the numbered spaces given below. (10 points)

 The first known dolls were found in (1) ___________ in ancient Egypt.
 The earliest dolls in the museum date from the (2) ___________.
 Early European dolls were dressed like (3) ___________.
 On the 17th-century dolls, you can see details like the (4) ___________.
 17th-century dolls may cost as much as (5) ___________ each.
 Collectors look for examples in perfect condition, with their (6) ___________.
 19th-century dolls had (7) ___________ and real hair.
 If you can take off the doll's hair, you may see the (8) ___________ underneath.
 Before the 20th-century, all dolls were (9) ___________, not babies.
 From the 1930s, dolls were made of (10) ___________.

Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Part I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
in each of the questions. Write your answers in the numbered spaces given below. (5 points)
1. A. sunbathe B. thunderstorm C. earthquake D. southeast
2. A. conversed B. promised C. increased D. advertised
3. A. honor B. honest C. hoard D. heir
4. A. gravity B. biography C. aspiration D. possible
5. A. immersion B. conclusion C. provision D. erosion
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part II. Choose the word whose main stress is different from that of the others in each of the
questions. Write your answers in the numbered spaces given below. (5 points)
1. A. nature B. person C. happy D. allow
2. A. industrial B. regular C. enormous D. community
3. A. illustrate B. classify C. recognize D. interview
4. A. Biology B. Literature C. Technology D. Geography
5. A. invention B. inventory C. internet D. discussion
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Part I. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each of the following
sentences. Write your answers in the numbered spaces given below. (10 points)
1. You mean it will be environmentally friendly, ______?
A. won’t you B. won’t it C. will you D. don’t you
2. Tom made a bad mistake at work, but his boss didn’t fire him. He’s lucky______ a second
A. having given B. to have given C. having been given D. to have been given
3. The story Harry Potter is set in an______ world.
A. imagine B. imaginary C. imaginative D. imagination
4. Jack has just bought a ______ coat to prepare for the coming winter.
A. Chinese nice bamboo B. bamboo Chinese nice
C. nice Chinese bamboo D. nice bamboo Chinese
5. Most of the people in my factory division ______along with one another.
A. like and get B. likes and gets C. likes and get D. like and gets
6. The strike has been going on for over two months now. The strikers______ to work until they
_______ a raise and the benefits they are demanding.
A. will not return- get B. return- get C. return- will get D. don’t return- gets
7. A newborn baby can neither walk nor crawl. A newborn antelope, ______, can run within
minutes of birth.
A. however B. consequently C. otherwise D. even though
8. Some of the relics ______ at the archaeological site of the Central Sector of the Imperial Citadel
of Thang Long belong to the Ly Dynasty.
A. have been found B. have found C. found D. finding
9. ______you are towards others, the more generous they are likely to be towards you.
A. The more generous B. The most generous C. More generous D. The less generous
10. In order to ______their goals in college, students need to invest the maximum amount of time,
money, and energy in their studies.
A. achieve B. catch C. manage D. establish
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part II. Give the correct form of the given words in the brackets to finish the following
sentences. Write your answers in the numbered spaces given below. (10 points)
1. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, many students cannot attend their ________ course. (RESIDE)
2. Our lives have become more convenient thanks to domestic ________ such as fridges,
dishwashers, vacuum cleaners and the like. (APPLY)
3. Intensive cultivation and excessive use of chemical fertilizers have ________ the soil in the area.
4. The final match between Viet Nam and Thailand continued despite the sudden _______. (POUR)
5. He is by no means a professional. The white belt ________ that he's an absolute beginner.
6. The fight for the ________ gave a fascinating insight into the country's dynamics. (LEAD)
7. It has been _______ for the Anbu to investigate serious and brutal crimes in the village. (CUSTOM)
8. In the end, the wicked witch lived in ______ all alone in the middle of the jungle. (MISERABLE)

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9. He failed the course because of his poor record of ________. (ATTEND)
10. It is widely accepted that running a company without computers is virtually _______. (POSSIBLE)
Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part III. There are 5 mistakes in the following passage. Underline the mistakes and write the
correct answers in the spaces given below. There is one example. (2.5 points)
1 It seems that the mystery of why the Pyramids were built may have solved. Until quite recently
2 people got used to think that they were just tombs for pharaohs. Instead, the connection with
3 astronomy seems much more important. Egyptologists have often asked them how long it took to
4 build them and why people built them in the first place. Experts came up against a suggestion that
5 the Egyptians may have believed that the River Nile was the earthly equivalent of the Milky Way.
6 Many agree that the sizes of the three Giza Pyramids are in proportion to the three stars of Orion.
7 Nothing, then, was by the chance. Rather, the souls of dead pharaohs were deliberately being
8 projected through shafts to reach his goal of the Orion constellation.
Your answers:
Line Mistakes Corrections
1 have solved have been solved

Part IV. Complete each of the sentences with one of the phrasal verbs given below. Make any
changes if necessary. Write your answers in the numbered spaces given below. (2.5 points)
get up to pick up hold back do up give away pick on take back come out

1. The boy lowered his head with a frozen look on his face as he desperately ________ his tears.
2. ______ he not ______ the details of the secret recipe the other day, he wouldn't get sacked now.
3. What ________ you guys ________ in the last few weeks? The head teacher's asked me to keep
my eyes open for you.
4. When you get back from holiday, we _______ your room. I'm sure you will be pleased with its
new look.
5. Phuong strongly objects to ________ by other girls just because of coming from Asia.
Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Part I. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word to complete the following passage. Write your
answers in the numbered spaces given below. (5 points)
The word theatre comes from Greek and literally means seeing place. The theatre has (1)
_______ popular since ancient times. People did not go to the theatre simply to see an interesting
performance for the plays formed part of religious festivals. All early Greek theatres (2) _______ of
no more than a flat space with an altar at the foot of a hillside. (3) _______ that time, there were no
seats as there (4) _______ in modern theatres, so the audiences stood or sat on the slopes of the
hillside. Gradually, special theatres were made (5) _______ building large stone or wooden steps
one behind (6) _______ up the hillside. In later times, a hut was built at the far side of the acting
area (7) _______ it formed a background for the actors playing the parts of the different characters.
Eventually, a raised platform was built (8) _______ that the actors could be seen more clearly. This
was the first appearance of anything like our modern stage. As (9) _______ as these permanent
theatres, there were simple wooden stages carried around by actors when they performed in
different places. There was also a hut with curtains that served (10) _______ as background scenery
and as a dressing room.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part II. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each gap. Write
your answers in the numbered spaces given below. (5 points)
Saying "Thank you"
If you do someone a (1) _____, you might assume they would normally say "Thank you".
However, recordings of more than a thousand casual conversations between friends and family
around the world (2) _____ that this is not necessarily the (3) _____.
A study of how often people (4) _____ gratitude for a relatively trivial act found that "Thank
you", or words with the same meaning, occurred only once in every 20 interactions. There were
some (5) _____ between the eight languages recorded, but even in the language which featured
"Thank you" most, it was only observed in 14% of exchanges. The researchers say "Thank you" is
(6) _____ for unusual requests, and they also point to its standard use in more formal (7) _____.
Experts believe the global reluctance to (8) _____ helpful acts does not indicate rudeness.
Rather, it demonstrates that close-knit groups take co-operation for (9) _____. "Social life (10)
_____ because it is in our nature to ask for help and pay back in kind, rather than just words," said a
researcher. "There is an unspoken agreement that people will co-operate."
1. A. hand B. favour C. support D. benefit
2. A. display B. uncover C. expose D. reveal
3. A. point B. matter C. case D. event
4. A. assert B. express C. utter D. announce
5. A. varieties B. disagreements C. differences D. conflicts
6. A. reserved B. devoted C. engaged D. maintained
7. A. backgrounds B. settings C. sites D. frames
8. A. admit B. realise C. perceive D. acknowledge

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9. A. given B. agreed C. granted D. established
10. A. thrives B. grows C. booms D. shines
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each of the
questions. Write your answers in the numbered spaces given below. (10 points)
1 The Winterthur Museum is a collection and a house. There are many museums
devoted to the decorative arts and many house museums, but rarely in the United States is a
great collection displayed in a great country house. Passing through successive generations of
a single family, Winterthur has been a private estate for more than a century. Even after the
extensive renovations made to it between 1929 and 1931, the house remained a family
residence. This fact is of importance to the atmosphere and effect of the museum. The
impression of a lived-in house is apparent to the visitor: the rooms look as if they were
vacated only a short while ago whether by the original owners of the furniture or the most
recent residents of the house can be a matter of personal interpretation. Winterthur remains,
then, a house in which a collection of furniture and architectural elements has been
10 assembled. Like an English country house, it is an organic structure; the house, as well as the
collection and manner of displaying it to the visitor, has changed over the years. The changes
have coincided with developing concepts of the American arts, increased knowledge on the
part of collectors and students, and a progression toward the achievement of a historical effect
in period-room displays. The rooms at Winterthur have followed this current, yet still retained
the character of a private house.
15 The concept of a period room as a display technique has developed gradually over the
years in an effort to present works of art in a context that would show them to greater effect
and would give them more meaning for the viewer. Comparable to the habitat group in a
natural history museum, the period room represents the decorative arts in a lively and
interesting manner and provides an opportunity to assemble objects related by style, date, or
place of manufacture.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Historical furniture contained in Winterthur
B. How Winterthur compares to English country houses
C. Elements that make Winterthur an unusual museum
D. The reason that Winterthur was redesigned
2. The phrase "devoted to" is closest in meaning to __________.
A. sentimental about B. specializing in
C. surrounded by D. successful in
3. What happened at Winterthur between 1929 and 1931?
A. The house was repaired B. The estate became a museum
C. The owners moved out D. The old furniture was replaced
4. What does the author mean by stating "the impression of a lived-in house is apparent to the visitor"?
A. Few people visit Winterthur
B. The furniture at Winterthur looks comfortable

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C. Winterthur is very old
D. Winterthur does not look like a typical museum
5. The word "assembled" is closest in meaning to __________.
A. summoned B. brought together
C. fundamentally changed D. appreciated
6. The word "it" refers to __________.
A. collection B. English country house
C. visitor D. Winterthur
7. The word "developing" is closest in meaning to __________.
A. exhibiting B. evolving
C. informative D. traditional
8. According to the passage, objects in a period room are related by all of the following EXCEPT:
A. past ownership B. date
C. place of manufacture D. style
9. What is the relationship between the two paragraphs in the passage?
A. Paragraph 2 explains a philosophy of art appreciation that contrasts with that explained in
Paragraph 1.
B. Paragraph 2 explains a term that was mentioned in Paragraph 1.
C. Each paragraph describes a different historical period.
D. Each paragraph describes a different approach to the display of objects in a museum.
10. Where in the passage does the author explain why displays at Winterthur have changed?
A. lines 3-5 B. lines 6-8 C. lines 12-15 D. lines 18-20
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part IV. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-H for each part of the article. There
is one extra heading that you do not need to use. Write your answers in the numbered spaces
given below. (5 points)
A. Too hot for life E. A treat for the amateur
B. A place of contrast F. A distant wanderer
C. Red for danger G. An unseen influence
D. Gases in turmoil H. Fact and fiction

A Family of World
1. The solar system is a family of worlds. Nearest to the sun is Mercury, a place where the day is hot
enough to melt some metals and the night sufficiently cold to make a rubber ball as brittle as glass.
The planet has no atmosphere to scatter light so the sun glares down from a pitch-black sky.
2. Venus, on the contrary, has an atmosphere so thick that no one on its surface could ever see the
sun. Though the sun is concealed, its energy reaches the planet's surface, turning it into a baking
desert where nothing can live.
3. Beyond the earth and its moon, we come to the planet Mars. Its famous redness is due to
oxidization - a sort of rusting process that has taken place over a million of years. According to a
now discredited theory, intelligent creatures on Mars have dug canals to harness the small
amounts of water released when the planet's polar icecaps melt in the Martian spring.

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4. Jupiter is a giant ice-ball surrounded by an atmosphere of poisonous gases. It is an atmosphere
full of storms and turmoil. The biggest storm of all - visible in the form of the Great Red Spot -
has lasted for over 200 years and shows no sign of dying away.
5. Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are giant steppingstones leading us into the unseen coldness of outer
space. Saturn is the most distinctive planet of the three, since it has the famous rings which
almost everyone has heard about. They form a halo round its equator, and no one knows quite
how they were formed. A spectacular sight when observed through a powerful telescope, they
can also be seen and enjoyed with a simple pair of binoculars.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Part I. Use the word given in capital at the end of the original sentence to complete the second
sentence so that it means exactly the same as the printed one before it. Do not change the
given word. (5 points)
1. Although I admire his courage, I think he’s foolish to do such a thing. AS
 Much.................................................................................................................................................
2. The doctor said, “ You really ought to rest for a few days, Jasmine.” STRONGLY
 The doctor..........................................................................................................................................
3. He was in a happy mood after his big brother's skillful performance. SPIRITS
 He ................................................................................ after his big brother's skillful performance.
4. I don’t want you to buy me such an expensive present. SOONER
 I’d such an expensive present.
5. You must accept the fact that he's left you to pursue his career abroad. TERMS
 You .................................................................................. he's left you to pursue his career abroad.

Part II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it. (5 points)
1. The film didn’t come up to my expectations.
 The film fell ......................................................................................................................................
2. Jenny’s father was very busy, but he still played with her.
 No matter ..........................................................................................................................................
3. As soon as we receive your check, we shall send the goods to you.
 On .....................................................................................................................................................
4. The price of Covid-19 kit tests has fallen sharply recently.
 There .................................................................................................................................................
5. She hardly went to the pub when she was in Britain.
 Hardly ...............................................................................................................................................

Part III. Paragraph writing (10 points)

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Nowadays, soft skills are more and more important for a person to do a job well. Write a
paragraph (180 words) about the soft skills young people need to acquire to prepare for their
future jobs.

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--- THE END ---

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