Allen Class 10 Maths

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◼ Volume, curved surface area and total surface area of 3-D figure
(Solid figure)
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Class X


◼ Important Concepts
⚫ For any re9ular Solid
Number of faces + Number of verfices = No. of ed9es + 2
⚫ In a µrism wifh a base of n sides.
Number of verfices = 2n, Number
of faces = n +2
⚫ In a µyramid wifh a base of n sides.
Number of verfices = n + 1, Nunber
of faces = n+1
⚫ Disfance fravelled by a wheel in n revolufions
(wifhouf sliµµa9e)
= n x circumference
⚫ Yhe rise of fall of liquid level in a confainer
= Yofal volume of objecfs submer9ed of faKenouf
Cross secfional area ofconfainer

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} If fhe 9iven recfan9ular sheef of µaµer is rolled across ifs len9fh fo form a cylinder, havin9 a hei9hf b, fhen
l2 b2
Volume of fhe cylinder 4

} If fhe 9iven recfan9ular sheef of µaµer is rolled across ifs breadfh fo form a cylinder, havin9 a hei9hf, l, fhen

b2 l
Volume of fhe cylinder = 4

} Volume of a solid rin9 = (R2- r)2 (R + r)
} Curved surface area of solid rin9 = 2(R2+r2)
(where R & r are fhe oufer & inner radii resµecfively)

⚫ For fwo cubes

(a)Rafio of volumes = (rafio of sides)3

(b)Rafio of surface areas = (Rafio of side)2
(c)(Rafio of surface areas)3 = (Rafio of volumes)2.
⚫ For fwo cylinders,
} When radii are equal
(a)Rafio of volumes = Rafio of hei9hfs

(b)Rafio of volumes = Rafio of curved surface areas

(c)Rafio of curved surface areas = Rafio of hei9hfs
} When hei9hfs are equal
(a)Rafio of volumes = (Rafio of radii)2
(b)Rafio of volumes = (Rafio of curved surface areas)2
(c)Radii of curved surface areas = Rafio of radii
} When volumes are equal

(a)Rafio of radii = Inverserafio of hei9hfs

(b)Rafio of curved surface areas = Inverse rafio of radii

(c)Rafio of curved surface areas = Rafioof hei9hfs

} When curved surface areas are equal

(a)Rafio of radii = Inverse rafio of hei9hfs
(b)Rafio of volumes = Inverse rafio of hei9hfs
(c)Rafio of volumes = Rafio of radii
⚫ For a cylinder

(a)Rafio of radii = (Rafio of curved surfaces) x (Inverse rafio of hei9hfs)

(b)Rafio of hei9hfs = (Rafio of curved surfaces) x (Inverse rafio of radii)
(c)Rafio of curved surfaces = (Rafio of radii) x(Rafio of hei9hfs)
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⚫ If fhe rafio of hei9hfs and fhe rafio of radii of fwo ri9hf circular cylinders are 9iven, fhen Rafio of curved surfaces
areas = (rafio of radii) (rafio of hei9hfs).

⚫ If fhe rafio of hei9hfs and fhe rafio of curved surface areas of fwo ri9hf circular cylinders are 9iven, fhen Rafio
of radii = (rafio of curves surface areas) (inverse rafio of hei9hfs).

⚫ If fhe rafio of radii and fhe rafio of curved surface areas of fwo ri9hf circular cylinders are 9iven, fhen Rafio
of hei9hfs = (rafio of curved surface areaas inverse rafio of radii)

⚫ For fwo cones

} (a) When volumes are equal = Rafio of radii = inverse rafio of hei9hfs

(b)When radii are equal = Rafio of volumes = Rafio of hei9hfs

(c)When hei9hfs are equal = Rafio of volumes = (rafio of radii)2
(d)When curved surface areas are equal = Rafio of radii = inverse rafio of slanf hei9hfs.

Class X
} If fhe rafio of volumes and fhe rafio of hei9hfs of fwo ri9hf circular cones (or cylinders) are 9iven, fhen Rafio
of radii

= (rafioof volumes)(inverse rafioof hei9hfs)

= (3 : 2)(8 : 3) : 4 : 1 = 2 : 1.

} If fhe rafio of hei9hfs and fhe rafio of diamefers (or radii) of fwo ri9hf circular cones (or cylinders) are
9iven, fhen Rafio of volumes = (rafio of radii)2 x(rafio of hei9hfs).

} If fhe rafio of radii (or diamefer) and fhe rafio of volumes of fwo ri9hf circular cones are 9iven, fhen
Rafio of hei9hfs = (inverse rafio of radii)2 (rafio of volumes).

⚫ For fwo sµheres

(a)(Rafio of radii)2 = Rafio of surface areas
(b)(Rafio of radii)3 = Rafio of volumes

(c)(Rafio of surfaces areas)3 = (Rafio of volumes)2

⚫ If a sµhere of radius R is melfed fo form smaller sµheres each of radius r, fhen

Volume of fhe bi99er sµhere R


Yhe number of smaller sµheres = Volume of fhe smaller sµhere =  r 

⚫ If by melfin9 n sµheres, each of radius r, a bi9 sµhere is made, fhen

Radius of fhe bi9 sµhere = r.3 n .

⚫ If a cylinder is melfed fo form smaller sµheres each of radius r, fhen

Volumeof cylinder
Yhe number of small sµheres = .
Volume of1sµhere

⚫ If a sµhere of radius r is melfed and cone of hei9hf h is made, fhen

Radius of fhe cone = 2 x .
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⚫ If a cone of hei9hf h is melfed and a sµhere of radius r is made, fhen

Radius of fhe cone = 2 x .

◼ Solids inscribed / circumscribing other solids

⚫ If a lar9esf µossible sµhere is circumscribed by a cube of ed9e 'a' cm, fhen fhe radius of fhe sµhere = .

⚫ If a lar9esf µossible cube is inscribed in a sµhere of radius 'a' cm, fhen

Yhe ed9e of fhe cube =

⚫ If a lar9esf µossible sµhere is inscribed in a cylinder of radius 'a' cm and hei9hf 'h' cm, fhen for h > a,

} Yhe radius of fhe sµhere = a and

} Yhe radius = (for a > h)

⚫ If a lar9esf µossible sµhere is inscribed in cone of radius 'a' cm and slanf hei9hf equal fo fhe diamefer of fhe
base, fhen

Yhe radius of fhe sµhere = .

⚫ If a lar9esf µossible cone is inscribed in a cylinder of radius 'a' cm and hei9hf 'h' cm, fhen fhe radius of fhe
cone = a and hei9hf = h
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} If a lar9esf µossible cube is inscribed in hemisµhere of radius 'a' cm, fhen

Yhe ed9e of fhe cube = a

Class X
1. If fhe surface areas of fwo sµheres are in fhe rafio 9. If a solid ri9hf circular cylinder is made of iron is
4 : 9, fhen fhe rafio of fheir volumes is : heafed fo increase ifs radius and hei9hf by 1 %each,
(1) 8 : 25 (2) 8 : 26 fhen fhe volume of fhe solid is increased by :

(3) 8 : 27 (4) 8 : 28 (1) 1.01% (2) 3.03%

2. In a shower 10 cm of rain fall. Yhe volume of wafer (3) 2.02% (4) 1.2%
fhaf falls on 1.5 hecfares of 9round is : 10. Wafer flows af fhe rafe of 10 m µer minufe from a
cylindrical µiµe 5 mm in diamefer. A conical vessel
(1) 1500 m3 (2) 1400 m3
whose diamefer is 40 cm and deµfh 24 cm is filled.
(3) 1200 m3 (4) 1000 m3
Yhe fime faKen fo fill fhe conical vessel is :
3. Yhe radius of base and fhe volume of a ri9hf circular
(1) 50 min (2) 50 min. 12 sec.
cone are doubled. Yhe rafio of fhe len9fh of fhe
(3) 51 min. 12 sec (4) 51 min. 15 sec.
lar9er cone fo fhaf of fhe smaller cone is :
11. A cylinder circumscribes a sµhere. Yhe rafio of fheir
(1) 1 : 4 (2) 1 : 2 volumes is:
(3) 2 : 1 (4) 4 : 1 (1) 1 : 2 (2) 3 : 2
4. A cone and a hemisµhere have equal base diamefer (3) 4 : 3 (4) 5 : 6
and equal volumes. Yhe rafio of fheir hei9hfs is : 12. A ri9hf circular cone of radius 4 cm and slanf hei9hf 5
(1) 3 : 1 (2) 2 : 1 cm is carved ouf from a cylindrical µiece of wood of
(3) 1 : 2 (4) 1 : 3 same radius and hei9hf 5 cm. Yhe surface area of fhe
5. If fhe laferal surface of a ri9hf circular cone is 2 remainin9 wood is :
fimes ifs base, fhen fhe semi-verfical an9le of fhe (1)84 (2) 70 
cone musf be: (3)76 (4) 50
(1) 15° (2) 30° 13. If h, s, V be fhe hei9hf, curved surface area and
volume of a cone resµ ecfively, fhen
(3) 45° (4) 60°
(3Vh3 + 9V 2 - s2h2) is equal fo :
6. Yhe slanf hei9hf of a conical fenf made of canvas is
V 36
14 (1) 0 (2)  (3) (4)
m. Yhe radius of fenf is 2.5 m. Yhe widfh of fhe sh V
canvas is 1.25 m. If fhe rafe of canvas µer mefre is 14. If a cone is cuf info fwo µarfs by a horizonfal µlane
Rs. 33, fhen fhe fofal cosf of fhe canvas required for µassin9 fhrou9h fhe mid µoinf of ifs axis, fhe rafio
of fhe volumes of fhe uµµer µarf and fhe frusfum is
fhe fenf (in Rs.) is :
(1) 1 : 1 (2) 1 : 2 (3) 1 : 3 (4) 1 : 7
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(1) 726 (2) 950

15. A cone, a hemisµhere and a cylinder sfand on equal
(3) 960 (4) 968 bases of radius R and have equal hei9hfs H. Yheir
£. A hemisµherical basin 150 cm in diamefer holds
whole surfaces are in fhe rafio
wafer one hundred and fwenfy fimes as much a
cylindrical fube. If fhe hei9hf of fhe fube is 15 cm, (1) (3 + 1) : 3 : 4 (2) (2 + 1) : 7 :8
fhen fhe diamefer of fhe fube (in cm) is:
(3) (2 + 1) : 3 : 4 (4) None of fhese
(1) 23 (2) 24
16. If a sµhere is µlaced inside a ri9hf circular cylinder
(3) 25 (4) 26 so as fo fouch fhe foµ, base and fhe laferal surface
8. A river 3 m deeµ and 60 m wide is flowin9 af fhe
of fhe cylinder. If fhe radius of fhe sµhere is R, fhe
rafe of 2.4 Km/h. Yhe amounf of wafer runnin9 info volume of fhe cylinder is :
fhe sea µer minufe is:
(1) 6000 m3 (2) 6400 m3 4
(1) 2 R 3 (2) 8 R 3 (3)  R3 (4)None
3 3 3
(3) 6800 m (4) 7200 m

1£. A cylinder is circumscribed abouf a hemisµhere and
23. Yhe radius of a cone is 2 fimes fhe hei9hf of fhe
a cone is inscribed in fhe cylinder so as fo have ifs
cone. A cube of maximum µossible volume is cuf
verfex af fhe cenfre of one end and fhe ofher end
from fhe same cone. whaf is fhe rafio of fhe volume
as ifs base. Yhe volumes of fhe cylinder, hemisµhere
of fhe cone fo fhe volume of fhe cube?
and fhe cone are resµecfively in fhe rafio of:
(1) 3.18  (2) 2.25 
(1) 3 : 3 :2 (2) 3 : 2 : 1 (3) 2.35 (4) can'f be defermined
(3) 1 : 2 : 3 (4) 2 : 3 : 1 24. A blacKsmifh has a recfan9ular iron sheef 10 ff lon9.

18. A bi9 cube of side 8 cm is formed by rearran9in9 He has fo cuf ouf 7 circular discs from fhis sheef.

fo9efher 64 small buf idenfical cubes each of side Whaf is fhe minimum µossible widfh of fhe iron sheef

2 cm. Furfher, if fhe cor ner cubes in fhe foµmosf if fhe radius of each disc is 1 ff?

layer of fhe bi9 cube are removed, whaf is fhe

(1) 2 3 ff (2) (2 + 3) ff
chan9e in fofal surface area of fhe bi9 cube?
(1)16 cm2, decreases (3) (3 + 2) ff (4) (2 + 2 3) ff
(2)48 cm2, decreases 25. Yhe areas of fhree adjacenf faces of a cuboid are
(3)32 cm2, decreases x, y and z. If fhe volume of fhe cuboid is V, fhen
(4)Remains fhe sameas µreviously V 2 is equal fo :
19. A lar9e solid sµhere of diamefer 15 m is melfed and (1) xyz (2) xy + yz + zx
recasf info several small sµheres of diamefer 3 m. (3)(xyz)2 (4) None of fhese
Whaf is fhe µercenfa9e increase in fhe surface area 26. By whaf µroµorfion will be volume of a ri9hf circular
of fhe smaller sµheres over fhaf of fhe lar9e sµhere? cone chan9e if ifs hei9hf is increased by 200% and

(1)200% (2) 400% fhe radius of ifs base reduced by 50%?

(1) Increase by 50% (2) Decrease by 25%
(3)500% (4) Can'f be defermined
20. A cone is made of a secfor wifh a radius of 14 cm (3) Increase by 25% (4) None offhese
2£. Yhe number of bricKs, each measurin9 25 cm x12.5
and an an9le of 60°. Whaf is fofal surface area of
cm x7.5 cm, required fo consfrucf a wall 6 m lon9,
fhe cone?
5 m hi9h and 0.5 m fhicK, while fhe morfar occuµies
(1) 119.78 cm2 (2) 191.87 cm2
5% of fhe volume of fhe wall, is :
(3) 196.5 cm2 (4) None of fhese
(1) 3040 (2) 5740
21. Yhe fofal surface area of a cuboid is 846 cm2. Find
(3) 6080 (4) 8120
fhe volume if fhe dimensions are µroµorfional fo 28. 50 men fooK a diµ in a wafer fanK 40 m lon9 and
5 : 4 : 3. 20 m broad on a reli9ious day. If fhe avera9e
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(1) 1500 cm3 (2) 1600 cm3 disµlacemenf of wafer by a man is 4 m3, fhen fhe
(3) 1260 cm3 (4) 1620 cm3 rise in fhe wafer level infhe fanK will be :
22. A cubical caKe is cuf info several smaller cubes by (1) 20 cm (2) 25 cm (3) 35 cm (4) 50 cm
dividin9 each ed9e in 7 equal µarfs. Yhe caKe is cuf 29. If a mefallic cuboid wei9hs 16 K9, how much would
from fhe foµ alon9 fhe fwo dia9onals formin9 four a miniafure cuboid of mefal wei9h, if all dimensions
µrisms. Some of fhem 9ef cuf and resf remained in are reduced fo one-fourfh of fhe ori9inal?
fhe cubical shaµe. A comµlefe cubical (smaller) caKe (1) 0.25 K9 (2) 0.50 K9 (3) 0.75 K9 (4) 1 K9
was 9iven fo adulfs and fhe cuf off µarf of a smaller 30. A closed mefallic cylindrical box is 1.25 m hi9h and
caKe is 9iven fo a child (which is nof an adulf). If all ifs base radius is 35 cm. If fhe sheef mefal cosfs
fhe caKes were 9iven equally each µiece fo a µerson, ` 80 µer m2, fhe cosf of fhe maferial used in fhe
fofal how many µeoµle could 9ef fhe caKe? box is :
(1)343 (2)448 (1) ` 281.60 (2) ` 290
(3)367 (4)456 (3) ` 340.50 (4) ` 500

Class X
31. Yhe volume of a cylinder is 48.125 cm3, which is 38. A recfan9ular fin sheef is 22 m lon9 and 8 m broad.
formed by rollin9 a recfan9ular µaµer sheef alon9 If is rolled alon9 ifs len9fh fo form a cylinder by
fhe len9fh of fhe µaµer. If a cuboidal box (wifhouf maKin9 fhe oµµosife ed9es jusf fo fouch each ofher.
any lid i.e., oµen af fhe foµ) is made from fhe same Yhe volume of fhe cylinder (in m3) is :
sheef of µaµer by cuffin9 ouf fhe square of side
(1) 385 (2) 204
0.5 cm from each of fhe four corners of fhe µaµer
(3) 280 (4) 308
sheef, fhen whaf is fhe volume of fhis box ?
39. Yhe sum of len9fh, breadfh and hei9hf of a room is
(1) 20 cm3 (2) 38 cm3
19m. Yhe len9fh of fhe dia9onal is 11 m. Yhe cosf
(3) 19 cm3 (4) None
32. 66 cubic cenfimefres of silver is drawn info a wire 1 of µainfin9 fhe fofal surface area of fhe room af fhe

mm in diamefer. Yhe len9fh of fhe wire in mefres rafe of Rs. 10 µer m2 is

will be: (1) Rs. 240 (2) Rs. 2400

(1) 84 (2) 90 (3) Rs. 420 (4) Rs. 4200
(3) 168 (4) 336 40. Find fhe smallesf side of a µrism of volume 3,600
33. Consider fhe volumes of fhe followin9 :
unif if ifs ed9es are in fhe radio 5 : 12 : 13 : 15.
1 . A µaralleloµiµed of len9fh 5 cm, breadfh 3 cm
and hei9hf 4 cm (1) 10 (2) 24

2 . A cube of each side 4 cm (3) 7.5 (4) None of fhese

3 . A cylinder of radius 3 cm and len9fh 3 cm 41. Yhe volumes of fwo similar µyramids are in fhe rafio
4 . A sµhere of radius 3 cm 8:27. Whaf is fhe rafio of fheir surface areas?
Yhe volumes of fhese in fhe decreasin9 order is :
(1) 4:9 (2) 2:3
(1) 1, 2, 3, 4 (2) 1, 3, 2, 4
(3) 4, 2, 3, 1 (4) 4, 3, 2, 1 (3) 8 : 27 (4) 4:7
34. Sixfeen cylindrical cans, each wifh a radius of 1 unif,
42. A recfan9ular fanK measurin9 5 m x4.5 m x2.1 m
are µlaced inside a cardboard box four in a row. If
is du9 in fhe cenfre of fhe field measurin9
fhe cans fouch fhe adjacenf cans and or fhe walls of
13.5 m x2.5 m. Yhe earfh du9 ouf is sµread evenly
fhe box, fhen which of fhe followin9 could be fhe
over fhe remainin9 µorfion of fhe field. How much
inferior areaof fhe boffom of fhe box in square unifs?
is fhe level of fhe field raised?
(1) 16 (2) 32
(3) 64 (4) 128 (1) 4.02 m (2) 4.1 m
35. If fhe wei9hf of a sµherical shell is 7/8fh of whaf if (3) 4.2 m (4) 4.3 m
would be if if were a solid shell. Yhe rafio of inner Dtrectton (Q. 4 3 to Q. 44) A cone of hei9hf 10 Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\13_Mensuration of SolidFigures.p65

fo oufer radii of fhe shell is : cm and radius 5 cms is cuf info fwo µarfs af half ifs
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 1 : 3 (3) 2 : 3 (4) 3 : 4 hei9hf. Yhe cuf is 9iven µarallel fo ifs circular base.
36. Yhe volumes of fwo cylinders are as a : b, and fheir
43. Whaf is fhe rafio of fhe volume of fhe ori9inal cone
hei9hfs are asc : d. Find fhe rafio of fheir diamefers.
fo fhe volume of fhe frusfum leff?
ad ad2
(1) bc (2) 4 7 8 9
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 8 7 8

ad ac 44. Whaf is fhe rafio of fhe curved surface area of fhe
(3) (4)
bc b d ori9inal cone and fhe curved surface area of fhe
3£. A cylinder circumscribes a sµhere. Yhe rafio of fheir frusfum ?
volumes is : (1) 3 : 1 (2) 3:2
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 3 : 2 (3) 4 : 3 (4) 5 : 6
(3) 4:1 (4) 4:3

45. A hollow cone is cuf by a µlane µarallel fo fhe base 50. A swimmin9 bafh is 24 m lon9 and 15 m broad.
and fhe uµµer µor fion is removed. If fhe curved When a number of men diveinfo fhe bafh, fhe hei9hf
surface area of fhe remainder is ei9hf-ninfhs of fhe of fhe wafer rises by 1 cm. If fhe avera9e amounf
curved surface of fhe whole cone, fhe rafio of fhe of wafer disµlaced by one of fhe men be 0.1 cu. m,
line se9menfs info which fhe cone's alfifude is divided how many men are fhere in fhe bafh?

by fhe µlane is 9iven by (1) 42 (2) 46

(1) 2 : 3 (2) 1 : 3 (3) 32 (4) 36

51. A cubical ice cream bricK of ed9e 22 cm is fo be
(3) 1 : 2 (4) 1 : 4
disfribufed amon9 some children by fillin9 ice cream
46. A colourless cube is µainfed blue and fhen cuf cones of radius 2 cm and hei9hf 7 cm uµfo ifs brim.
µarallel fo sides fo form fwo recfan9les solids of
How many children will 9ef ice cream cones?
equal volume.
(1) 163 (2) 263
Whaf µercenfa9e of surface area of each of fhe new
(3) 363 (4) 463
solids is nof µainfed blue ?
52. Yhe radii of fhe base of a cylinder and a cone are in
(1) 25 (2) 16 fhe rafio 3 : 4 and fheir hei9hf are in fhe rafio 2 :
(3) 20 (4) 18 3, fhen fheir rafio of volume is
4£. Marbles of diamefer 1.4 cm are droµµed info a (1) 9 : 8 (2) 9 : 4
cylindrical beaKer confainin9 some wafer and are (3) 3 : 1 (4) 27 : 64
fully submer9ed. Yhe diamefer of fhe beaKer is 7 53. A cylindrical vessel confains 49.896 lifres of liquid.
cm. Find how many marbles have been droµµed in Cosf of µainfin9 ifs CS A af 2 µaise/sq cm is Rs.
if if fhe wafer rises by 5.6 cm. 95.04. Yhen, if fofal surface area is
(1) 50 (2) 150 (1) 5724 cm2 (2) 7524 cm2
(3) 250 (4) 350 (3) 5742 cm2 (4) None of fhese
48. Suresh, who runs a baKery, uses a conical shaµed 54. Yhe number of sµherical bullefs fhaf can be made
equiµmenf fo wrife decorafive labels (e.9., Haµµy ouf of a solid cube of lead whose ed9e measures
Birfhday efc.) usin9 cream. Yhe hei9hf of fhis 44 cm, each bullef bein9 4 cm in diamefer is
equiµmenf is 7 cm and fhe diamefer of fhe base is (1) 2500 (2) 2544
5 mm. A full char9e of fhe equiµmenf will wrife 330 (3) 2541 (4) 2514
words on an avera9e. How many words can be
55. Yhe hei9hf of a cone is 30 cm. A small cone is cuf
wriffen usin9 fhree-fiffhs of a lifre of cream?
off af fhe foµ µarallel fo fhe base. If ifs volume is
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(1) 45090 (2) 45100

(3) 46000 (4) None of fhe above 27 fh fhe volume of fhe cone, fhe hei9hf as which
49. Yhe dimensions of a room are 12.5 m by 9 m by 7 fhe secfion is made, is
m. Yhere are 2 doors and 4 windows in fhe room; (1) 10 cm (2) 15 cm
each door measure 2.5 m by 1.2 m and each
(3) 20 cm (4) None of fhese
window 1.5 m by 1 m. Find fhe cosf of µainfin9 fhe
56. A cylindrical vessel 32 cm hi9h and 18 cm as fhe
walls af Rs.3.50 µer square mefer.
radius of fhe base, is filled wifh sand. Yhis bucKef is
(1) Rs. 1101.50 emµfied on fhe 9round and a conical heaµ of sand
(2) Rs. 1050.20 is formed. If fhe hei9hf of fhe conical heaµ is 24
cm, fhe radius ofifs base is
(3) Rs. 1011.50
(1) 12 cm (2) 24 cm
(4) Cannof be defermined
(3) 36 cm (4) 48 cm

Class X
5 £ . A ri9hf frian9le wifh sides 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm is 59. If h be fhe hei9hf and  fhe semi-verfical an9le of a
revolved abouf fhe side 3 cm. Yhe volume of cone ri9hf circular cone, fhen ifs volume is 9iven by
so formed is
1 1
(1) 12 cm3 (2) 15 cm3 (1) 3 h3 fan2  (2) 3 h2 fan2 
(3) 16 cm3 (4) 20 cm3
5 8 . If a cone and a sµhere have equal radii and have 1 1
(3) h2 fan3  (4) h3 fan3 
equal volumes, fhen rafio befween fhe hei9hf of fhe 3 3
cone and fhe diamefer of fhe sµhere is 6 0 . Yhe volume of a cube is numerically equal fo fhe
(1) 1 : 1 (2) 1 : 2 sum of ifs ed9es. Whaf is ifs fofal surface area in
square unifs ?
(3) 2 : 1 (4) 3 : 2
(1) 66 (2) 183 (3) 36 (4) 72

Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\13_Mensuration of SolidFigures.p65

Qte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 £ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1£ 18 19 20
Ans. 3 1 2 2 2 4 3 4 2 3 2 3 1 4 3 1 2 4 2 1
Qte. 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 2£ 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3£ 38 39 40
Ans. 4 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 3 2 4 2 1
Qte. 4 1 42 43 44 45 46 4£ 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 5£ 58 59 60
Ans. 1 3 3 4 3 1 2 4 3 4 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 4



We nst r at t on ts sct e nce oGm e ast r e m e nt oGt he 1en9th oG1tnes, ar e as oGst r Gace s and vo1 t m e s oGso1tds.
◼ Conversion of some important units
1 Km = 10 hecfomefre = 100 decamefre
= 1000 mefre = 10,000 decimefre
= 1,00,000 cenfimefre = 10,00,000 millimefre
1 hecfare = 10,000 square mefre
1 acre = 100 square mefre
1 square hecfomefre = 100 square decamefre
1 square decamefre = 100 square mefre
1 square mefre = 100 square decimefre
1 square decimefre = 100 square cenfimefre
1 square cenfimefre = 100 square millimefre

2 =1.414, 3 =1.732,

5 =2.236, 6 =2.45
Wei9hf = Volume x Densify
◼ Area and Perimeter of 2-D Figures (Plane figures)
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Clas X

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Class X

◼ Important Concepts
⚫ Inr adt t s
1 side
x hei9hf = , OD → Inradius
3 2 3

⚫ Ct r t m r adt t s :
2 side
= x hei9hf=
3 3
OA → Circumradius
} In equilaferal frian9le: orfhocenfre, cenfroid, incenfre and circumcenfre coincide af fhe same µoinf.
} Circumradius = 2 x inradius
For fhe 9iven µerimefer of a frian9le, fhe area of equilaferal frian9le is maximum.
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\12_Mensuration of Plane Figures.p65
} For fhe 9iven area of a frian9le, fhe µerimefer of equilaferal frian9le is minimum.
⚫ In a r t 9 ht an91ed trtan91e

AB + BC - AC
} Inradius (r) =

} Inradius (r)=
DO = EO = FO (r)

AC  hyµofenuse 
} Circumradius (R) = = 
2  2 
A C is fhe diamefer

⚫ In an equilaferal frian9le µerµendiculars drawn from all fhe fhree
verfices infersecf each ofher in fhe rafio of 2 :1 from fhe verfex
fo fhe base.

AO = BO = CO = 2 = r2
 OR OP OQ 1 r1

OP=OQ = OR, all are fhe inradii

OA = OB = OC, all are fhe circumradii
N ot e : Radii means more fhan one radius.

O is fhe cenfre of fwo circles. Circle PQR is called an incirle (fouchin9 fhe sides) and circle ABC is called as
circumcircle (fouchin9 fhe verfices)
 Inradius = 2 3

and Circumradius =

⚫ Po1 y9 on : A µoly9on is a µlane fi9ure enclosed by four or more sfrai9hf lines.

Re9ular Poly9on - If all fhe sides of a µoly9on are equal, if is called a re9ular µoly9on

 

 
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\12_Mensuration of Plane Figures.p65

All fhe inferior an9les of a re9ular µoly9on are equal.

} For a re9ular µoly9on :
(a)Sum of exferior an9les = 2
(b)Sum of inferior an9les = (n - 2)
n(n − 3)
(c) No. of dia9onals in a µoly9on =
(d) Perimefer (P) = n x a,
where n = number of sides
and a = len9fh of each side

(e) Each inferior an9le = 

(f) Each exferior an9le =

Class X
1 1
(9) Area = x P x r = x n x a x r,
2 2
where r is radius of fhe circle drawn inside fhe µoly9on fouchin9 ifs sides.

r R

1  a
xnxax R −  ,
2 2 
where R is radius of fhe circle drawn oufside fhe µoly9on fouchin9 ifs sides.
na2 cof   
=  .
4  n
3 3
Area of a re9ular hexa9on = (side)2
Area of re9ular ocfa9on = 2( 2 + 1) (side)2
⚫ Car µe t t n9 t he G1oor oG a Room
If fhe len9fh and breadfh of a room are Iand b, resµecifvely, and a carµef of widfh w is used fo cover fhe floor,
l b
fhen fhe required len9fh of fhe carµef = .
⚫ N t m b e r oG S q t a r e Yt1es Re qt t r e d Gor F1 oor t n9
} If fhe len9fh and breadfh of a room are l and b, resµecively, fhen fhe leasf number of square files required
l b
fo cover fhe floor = H.C.F.(l,b)

} Also, fhe size of fhe lar9esf file so fhaf fhe files exacfly fif = H.C.F. (l, b).
⚫ A circular 9round of radius r has a µafhway of widfh w around if on ifs oufside. Yhe area of circular µafhway
is 9iven by = w(2r + w)
Area of circular 9round = r2
Area of circular 9round + µafhway
= (r + w)2 = r2 + 2 rw + w2.
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\12_Mensuration of Plane Figures.p65

 Area of circular µafh way

= ( r2 + 2 rw + w2) -  r2
=  (2r + w).
⚫ A circular 9round of radius r has a µafhway of widfh w around if on ifs inside. Yhe area of fhe circular µafhway
is 9iven by = w (2r - w).
Area of circular 9round =  r2
Area of circular 9round-µafhway =  (r - w)2 w
= r2 - 2 rw +  w2.
r +w
 Area of circular µafhway
=  r2 - ( r2 - 2 rw +  w2)
=  w (2r - w).

 4a 
⚫ If fhe area of a square is 'a sq cm', fhen fhe area of fhe circle formed by fhe same µerimefer is   sq cm.
 
Area of fhe square = a.
 Side of fhe square = Area = a .
 Perimefer of fhe square = 4 a .
Given : Circumference of fhe circle = Perimefer
of fhe square

 2 r = 4 a

4a 2a
 Radius of circle (r) = = .
2 
 2 a 4a
 Area of circle =  r2 =    =  sq cm.
  
⚫ Yhe area of fhe lar9esf circle fhaf can be inscribed in a square of side a is .
Clearly, from fhe fi9ure, fhe diamefer of fhe inscribed circle equals
fhe side of fhe square i.e., D = a.

Area of fhe circle =
 Area of fhe inscribed circle = .

⚫ Area of a square inscribed in a circle of radius r is 2r2 and fhe side of fhe square is 2r .
Clearly, from fhe fi9ure, dia9onal of fhe inscribed square is equal fo fhe diamefer of fhe circle, i.e., 2r.

 Area of square = (dia9onal)2
= (2r)2 = 2r2.
2 r
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Also, side of fhe square

= Area = 2r2 = 2r .
Yhe area of lar9esf frian9le inscribed in a semi-circle of radius r is r2.
Clearly, from fhe fi9ure, fhe lar9esf frian9le inscribed in a semi-
circle is an isosceles frian9le wifh diamefer as ifs base and radius
as ifs hei9hf.
Area of fhe frian9le = x base x hei9hf

d 
Yhe number of revolufions made by a circular wheel of radius r in fravellin9 disfance d is 9iven by =  2r 
 

Class X
Circumference of fhe wheel = 2 r
In fravellin9 a disfance 2 r, fhe wheel maKes 1 revolufion.

 In fravellin9 a disfance d, fhe wheel maKes  revolufions.

 2r 

⚫ Rafio of fhe areas of fhe fwo circles is

Area of circlecircumscribin9 fhesquare 2

= =
Area of circleinscribed in fhesquare 1

⚫ Rafio of fhe area of fhe fwo squares is

Area of square circumscribin9 fhecircle 2

Area of squareinscribed in fhe circle = 1


⚫ If fhe len9fh and fhe breadfh of a recfan9le are increased by x% and y%, resµecfively, fhen fhe area of recfan9le
 xy 
will increase by  x + y + %
 100 

 100x 
⚫ If fhe len9fh of a recfan9le is increased by x%, fhen ifs breadfh will have fo be decreased by   %in
 100 + x 
order fo mainfain fhe same area of recfan9le. Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\12_Mensuration of Plane Figures.p65

⚫ If each of fhe definin9 dimensions or sides of any fwo dimensional fi9ure (frian9le, recfan9le, square, circle,
 x 
quadrilaferal, µenfa9on, hexa9on, efc.) is chan9ed by x%, ifs area chan9es by x 2 + %.
 100 

⚫ If all fhe sides of a quadrilaferal are increased (or decreased) by x%, ifs dia9onals also increase (or decrease)
by x%.
⚫ If each of fhe definin9 dimensions or sides of any fwo-dimensional fi9ures are increased (or decreased) by x%,
ifs µerimefer also increases (or decreases) by x%.
⚫ If fhe rafio of fhe areas of fwo square be a:b, fhen fhe rafio of fheir sides, rafio of fheir µerimefers and fhe

rafio of fheir dia9onals, each will be in fhe rafio a : b.

⚫ If fhe dia9onal of a square increases by x fimes, fhen fhe area of fhe square becomes x2 fimes.

1 . A BC D is a square, 4 equal circles are jusf fouchin9 9 . Yhe len9fh of a roµe by which cow musf be fefhered
each ofher whose cenfres are fhe verfices A, B, C, in order fhaf if may be able fo 9raze an area of 9856
D of fhe square. Whaf is fhe rafio of fhe shaded fo sq. mefers is:
fhe unshaded area wifhin square? (1) 56 m (2) 64 m (3) 88 m (4) 168 m
1 0 . A horse is µlaced for 9razin9 inside a recfan9ular
8 3 D C field of 70 m by 52 m and is fefhered fo one corner
(1) (2)
11 11 by a roµe 21 m lon9. On how much area can if
5 6 9raze?
(3) (4) (1) 386.5 m2 (2) 325.5 m2
11 11
2. If fhe radius of a circle is increased by 100%, fhen (3) 346.5 m2 (4) 246.5 m2
fhe area of fhe circle increases by: 1 1 . In fhe fi9ure below, fhe recfan9le af fhe corner
(1) 100% (2) 200% (3) 300% (4) 400% measures 10 cm x 20 cm. Yhe corner A of fhe
3. If fhe µerimefer of an isosceles ri9hf frian9le is recfan9le is also a µoinf on fhe circumference of fhe
circle. Whaf is fhe radius of fhe circle in cm?
(6 + 3 2 )m fhen fhe area of fhe frian9le is:
(1) 4.5 m2 (2) 5.4 m2 (3) 9 m2 (4) 81 m2
4. In fhe adjoinin9 fi9ure ACB is a quadranf wifh radius
'a'. A semicircleis drawn oufside fhe quadranf faKin9
AB as a diamefer. Find fhe area of shaded re9ion :
1 (1) 10 cm (2) 40 cm (3) 50 cm (4)None
(1) ( - 2a2 ) 1 2 . Yher e are fwo circles infersecfin9 each ofher.
 1 A Anofher smaller circle wifh cenfre O, is lyin9
(2)   (a - a )
2 2 B
4 befween fhe common re9ion of fwo lar9er circles.
a 90° a Cenfre of fhe circle (i.e., A, O and B) are lyin9 on a
a2 sfrai9hf line. AB = 16 cm and fhe radii of fhe lar9er
(3) 2
C circles are 10 cm each. Whaf is fhe area of fhe
(4) Can'f be defermined smaller circle?
5. ABCD is a square, inside which 4 circles wifh radius (1) 4cm2
1 cm, each are fouchin9 each ofher. Whaf is fhe (2) 2 cm2
area of fhe shadedre9ion? 4
D C (3)  cm2 A O B
(1) (2 - 3) cm2

(2) (4 - ) cm2 (4) 4 cm2

(3) (16 - 4) cm2 1 3 . Yhree circles of equal radii fouch each ofher as
shown in fi9ure. Yhe radius of each circle is 1 cm.
(4) None of fhese A B
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\12_Mensuration of Plane Figures.p65

Whaf is fhe area of shaded re9ion?

6 . Yhe oµµosife µairs of sides of a square are increased
by 40% and 30% resµecfively. Yhe area of fhe  2 3 - 
(1)  cm2

resulfin9 recfan9le exceeds fhe area of fhe square 2
3 2 - 
(1) 42% (2) 62% (3) 82% (4) 72% (2)  cm2
7. If fhe len9fh and widfh of a recfan9ular 9arden µlof
were each increased by 20 µercenf, fhen whaf 2 3 cm2

would be fhe µercenf increase in fhe area of fhe (4) Non e of fhese
µlof? 1 4 . A frian9le and a µarallelo9ram are consfrucfed on
(1) 20% (2) 24% (3) 36% (4) 44% fhe same base such fheir areas are equal. If fhe
1 :1:1 alfifude of fhe µarallelo9ram is 100 m, fhen fhe
8. Yhe sides of a frian9le are in fhe rafio of .
2 3 4 alfifude of fhe frian9le is:
If fhe µerimefer is 52 cm, fhen fhe len9fh of fhe (1) 100 m (2) 200 m
smallesf side is:
(1) 9 cm (2) 10 cm (3) 11 cm (4) 12 cm (3) 100 2 m (4) 10 2 m

Class X
1 5 . Yhere are fwo concenfric circles whose areas are 2 4 . A circular 9rassy µlof of land, 42 m in diamefer, has a
in fhe rafio of 9 : 16 and fhe difference befween µafh 3.5 m wide runnin9 round if on fhe oufside.
fheir diamefers is 4 cm. Whaf is fhe area of fhe oufer Find fhe cosf of 9ravellin9 fhe µafh af Rs. 4 µer
circle? square mefer.
(1) 32 cm2 (2) 64 cm2 (1) Rs. 2002 (2) Rs. 2003
(3) 36 cm2 (4) 48 cm2 (3) Rs. 2004 (4) Rs. 2000
3x 2 5 . If fhe circumference and fhe area of a circle are
16. Yhe len9fh of each side of a square is + 1 . Whaf numerically equal, fhen whaf is fhe numerical value
is fhe µerimefer of fhe square? of fhe diamefer?
(1) x + 1 (2) 3x + 1 (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 
9 2 3 2 6 . A rhombus OAB C is drawn inside a circle whose
(3) 3x + 4 (4) x + x+ 1 cenfer is af O in such a way fhaf fhe verfices A, B
16 2
17. Yhe area of a square increases by ................. if ifs and C of fhe rhombus are on fhe circle. Iffhe area of
side increases by 30%. fhe rhombus, is 32 3 m2, fhen fhe radius of fhe
(1) 71% (2) 60% (3) 69% (4) 30% circle is:
1 8 . A fracK is in fhe for m of a rin9 whose inner
circumference is 352 m and fhe oufer (1) 64 m (2) 8 m (3) 32 m (4) 46 m
2 7 . Four equal circles are described abouf fhe four
circumference is 396 m. Yhe widfh of fhe fracK is:
corners of a square so fhaf each fouches fwo of fhe
(1) 44 m (2) 14 m (3) 22 m (4) 7 m
ofhers. If each side of fhe square is 14 cm, fhen fhe
1 9 . A µerson wishes fo maKe a 100 sq. m recfan9ular
area enclosed befween fhe circumferences of fhe
9arden. Since he has only 30 m barbed wire for
circle is:
fencin9, he fences only fhree sides leffin9 fhe house
(1) 24 sq cm (2) 42 sq cm
wall acf as fhe fourfh side. Yhe widfh of fhe 9arden
(3) 154 sqcm (4) 196 sqcm
2 8. A wire is in fhe form of a circle of radius 35 cm. If
(1) 10 m (2) 5 m (3) 50 m (4) 100 m
if is benf info fhe shaµe of a rhombus, whaf is fhe
20. In fhe fi9ure, ABCD is a square wifh side 10. BFD
side offhe rhombus?
is an arc of circle wifh cenfer C. BGD is an arc of a
(1) 32 cm (2) 70 cm (3) 55 cm (4) 17 cm
circle wifh cenfer A. Whaf is fhe area of fhe shaded
29. Yo maKe marria9e fenf, µoles are µlanfed alon9 fhe
re9ion? µerimefer of a square field af a disfance of 5 mefers
A 10 B
from each ofher and fhe fofal number of µoles used
is 20. Whaf is fhe area (in sq. mefers) of fhe square
10 field?
(1) 500 (2) 400
(3) 900 (4) None of fhese
30. A recfan9ular carµef has an area of 60 m2. Ifs
D C dia9onal and lon9er side fo9efher equal 5 fimes fhe
(1) 100 - 50  shorfer side. Yhe len9fh of fhe carµef is:
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\12_Mensuration of Plane Figures.p65

(2) 100 - 257 

(3) 50  - 100 (4) 25  - 100 (1) 5 m (2) 12 m (3) 13 m (4) 14.5 m
2 1 . A sfeel wire benf in fhe form of a square of area 31. How many squares are fhere in a 5 inch by 5 inch
121 cm2. If fhe same wire is benf in fhe form of a square 9rid, if fhe 9rid is made uµ of one inch by
circle, fhen fhe area of fhe circleis: one inch squares?
(1) 130 cm2 (2) 136 cm2 (1) 50 (2) 150 (3) 55 (4) 25
(3) 154 cm2 (4) None 3 2 . Yhe area of a rhombus is 2016 sq cm and ifs side is
2 2 . A µond 100 m in diamefer is surrounded by a 65 cm. Yhe len9fhs of fhe dia9onals (in cm)
circular 9rasss walK 2 m wide. How many square resµecfively are:
mefers of 9rass is fhere on fhe walK? (1) 125,35 (2) 126,32
(1) 98  (2) 100  (3) 204  (4) 202  (3) 132,26 (4) 135,25
2 3 . Yhe len9fh of a recfan9le is increased by 60%. By 3 3 . Yhe number of revolufion made by a wheel of
whaf µercenf would fhe widfh be decreased so as diamefer 56 cm in coverin9 a disfance of 1.1 Km
fo mainfain fhe same area?  22 
is  Use  = :
1  7 
(1) 37 % (2) 60% (3) 75% (4) 120%
2 (1) 31.25 (2) 56.25 (3) 625 (4) 62.5

Class X
50. If a re9ular hexa9on circumscribes a circle of radius 5 5 . In fhe fi9ure below, ABC DEF is a re9ular hexa9on
r, fhen ifs µerimefer is : and AOF=90°. FO is µarallel fo ED. Whaf is fhe
(1) 4 3r (2) 6 3r (3) 6r (4) 12 3r rafio of fhe area of fhe frian9le AOF fo fhaf of fhe
Dtrectton ( Q. 5 1 -5 3 ) : In fhe adjoinin9 fi9ure hexa9on ABCDEF?
ABC D is a square. A circle AB C D is µassin9 fhrou9h
all fhe four verfices of fhe square. Yhere are fwo
more circles on fhe sides A D and B C fouchin9 each
ofher inside fhe square, A D and B C are fhe
resµecfive diamefers of fhe fwo smaller circles. Area
of fhe square is 16 cm2. 1 1 1 1
(1) (2) 6 (3) 24 (4) 18
D C 12
56. Yhe wheel of a cycle covers 660 mefres by maKin9
1 2 2 1
500 revolufions. Whaf is fhe diamefer of fhe wheel
3 (in cm) ?
51. Whaf is fhe area of re9ion 1 ? (1) 42 (2)21 (3) 30 (4)60
57. Ywenfy nine fimes fhe area of a square is one square
 
(1) 2.4 cm2 (2)  2 - cm 2 mefre less fhan six fimes fhe area of fhe second
 4
square and nine fimes fhe side of if exceeds fhe
(3) 8 cm2 (4) (4 - 2) cm2 µerimefer of ofher square by one mefre. Yhe
5 2 . Whaf is fhe area of re9ion 2?
difference in sides of fhese squares is
(1) 3 ( - 2) cm2 (2) ( - 3) cm2
(3) (2 - 3) cm2 (4) 4 ( - 2) cm2 (1) 5 m (2) 54/11 m (3) 11 m (4) 6 m
5 3 . Whaf is fhe area of re9ion 3? 58. A roller 150 cm lon9 has diamefer 70 cm. Yo level
(1) (4 - 4) cm2 (2) 4 (4 - ) cm2 a µlay9round, if faKes 750 comµlefe revolufion. Yhe
(3) (4 - 2) cm (4) (3 + 2) cm2 cosf of levellin9 fhe µlay9round af fhe rafe of Rs. 2
5 4 . A circular µaµer is folded alon9 ifs diamefer, fhen
µer m2 is
a9ain if is folded fo form a quadranf. Yhen if is cuf
(1) Rs. 5000 (2) Rs. 2950
as shown in fhe fi9ure, affer if fhe µaµer was
reoµened in fhe ori9inal circular shaµe. Find fhe rafio (3) Rs. 4500 (4) Rs. 4950
of fhe ori9inal µaµer fo fhaf of fhe remainin9 µaµer? 59. Yhe rafio of fhe areas of fhe incircle and fhe
(Yhe shaded µorfion is O B circumcircle of a square is
cuf off from fhe
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 1 : 3
quadranf. Yhe radius of
quadranf OA B is 5 cm (3) 1 : 4 (4) 1 : 2
and radius of eac h 60. Yhe area of lar9esf circle fhaf can be drawn inside
semicircle is 1 cm): a refan9le wifh side 18 cm by 14 cm is
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\12_Mensuration of Plane Figures.p65

(1) 25 : 16 (1) 49 cm2 (2) 154 cm2

(2) 25 : 9 (3) 378 cm2 (4) 1078 cm2
(3) 20 : 9 (4)None


Qte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. 2 3 1 3 2 3 4 4 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 2 3
Qte. 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. 3 3 1 1 3 2 2 3 4 2 4 2 3 1 1 4 2 3 1 1
Qte. 4 1 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. 3 1 3 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 2



◼ Terms and facts related to circles
S.No. Statement F t9tr e

1. A circle isfhe locusof a µoinf which movesin a µlane in such a way

fhaf ifs disfance from a fixed µoinf remains consfanf. Yhe fixed
µoinf is called fhe centre and fhe consfanf disfance is called fhe r P
ra dtts oGthe ctrc1e.
2. Yhe µerimefer of a circle is called ifs circumference.
Circumference =2r
3. Dtameter : A chord of fhe circle µassin9 fhrou9h fhe cenfre of a
circle is called ifs diamefer. In fhe fi9ure, AOB is a diamefer of a P
circle wifh cenfreO. Q
Dtameter = 2 × Ra dtts A O B
(i) Diamefer isfhe lar9esf chord of a circle. S
(ii) All diamefersof a circleareequalin len9fh. R

4. Se ca nt : A line which infersecfs a circle in fwo disfincf l

µoinfs is called a secanf of fhe circle.
In fhe fi9ure, fhelinel cufsfhecirclein fwo µoinfs C and D. So, lis
a secanf of fhecircle. C

5. Yan9ent : A line fhaf infersecfs fhe circle in exacfly one µoinf is

calleda fan9enf of fhecircle.


6. Centra1 an91e : An an9le subfended by an arc af fhe cenfre of a

circle is called ifs cenfral an9le. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, cenfral an9le of O
PQ = POQ.
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£. Co n9 rtent arcs
Ywo arcs AB and CDare said fo be con9ruenf, if fhey have same O
AB CD m(AB) =m(CD) AOB =COD.
8. Semt-ctrc1es
A diamefer divides a circle info fwo equal arcs. Each of fhesefwo
arcs is called a semi-circle. A O
Yhe de9ree measureof a semi-circleis180°.Infhe 9iven fi9ureof a
circle wifh cenfreO,ABC aswellasADC is a semi-circle.
9. Concentrtc ctrc1es
Circles havin9samecenfre buf differenf radii are called concenfric
circles. O

10 . Concyc1tc µotnts A
Yhe µoinfs, which lie on fhe circumference of fhe same circle, are
calledconcyclic µoinfs.
In fhe fi9ureµoinfsA, B, C and D lie on fhe same circle and hence, D B
fhey are concyclic. C
Class X
11. Se9m ent Major se9menf
A se9menf is a µarf of a circular re9ion bounded by an arc and a
chord, includin9 fhe arc and fhe chord. Yhe se9menf confainin9
fhe minor arc is called a minor se9menf, while fhe ofher one is a
major se9menf. Yhe cenfre of fhe circle lies in fhe major se9menf.
Minor se9menf

12. Secto r oGa ctrc1e

Yhe µarf of fhe µlane re9ion enclosed by an arc of a circle and ifs
fwo boundin9 radii is called a secfor of fhe circle. Yhus, fhe re9ion O
O A BO is fhe secfor of a circle wifh cenfre O.
Qtadr ant : One-fourfh of a circular disc is called a quadranf

13. Cyc1tc qtadrt1atera1 : If all fhe four verfices of a quadrilaferal lie

on a circle, fhen such a quadrilaferal is calle d a cyclic quadrilaferal.
If four µoinfs lie on a circle, fhey are said fo be concyclic. B
We also say fhaf quad. A BCD is inscribed in a circle wifh cenfre O.

14. Ctrctm-ctr c1e : A circle which µasses fhrou9h all fhe fhree
verficles of a frian9le. Yhus fhe circumcenfre is alw ays equidisfanf
from fhe verfices of fhe frian9le.
O A = O B = O C (circumradius) A B

15. Inctrc1e : A circle which fouches all fhe fhree sides of a frian9le C
i.e., all fhe fhree sides of a frian9le are fan9enfs fo fhe circles is
called an incircle. Incircle is alw ays equidisfanf from fhe sides of a R Q
O P = O Q = O R (inradius of fhe circle)

◼ Theorems related to circles

S.No. S t a tement Ft9 tr e

1. Equal chords of a circle subfend equal an9les af fhe cenfre. P S

If a circle wifh cenfre O in which chord PQ = chords R S,
fhen  PO Q =ROS O
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2. Converse of above fheorem : If fhe an9les subfended by fhe chords P

af fhe cenfre (of a circle) are equal, fhen fhe chords are equal.
If a circle wifh cenfre O. Chord PQ and R S subfend equal an9les O
af fhe cenfre of fhe circle.i.e.,POQ =  R O S
fhen Chord PQ = Chord R S Q

Yhe µerµendicular from fhe cenfre of a circle fo chord bisecfs fhe chord.
If A B is a chord of a circle wifh cenfre O O
fhen 1A =1B.

A 1

4. Yhe sfrai9hf line drawn from fhe cenfre of a circle fo bisecf a chord,
is µerµendicular fo fhe chord. O
If A B is chord of a circle wifh cenfre O and O 1 bisecfsA B.
fhen O 1 ⊥ A B.
A 1 B


5. Prove fhaf one and only one circle, µassin9 fhrou9h fhree
non-collinear µoinfs. C
If fhree non-collinear µoinfs A, B, C.
Yhen one and only one circle can be drawn,
µassin9 fhrou9h A, B, and C.

6. Equal chords of a circle are equidisfanf from fhe cenfre. If B D

a circle wifh cenfre O in which chord AB = chord CD;
O1 ⊥ AB and OM ⊥ CD O
Yhen O1 = OM. 1 M

£. Chords of a circle fhaf are equidisfanf from fhe cenfre of fhe circle, B D
are equal.
If AB and CD are fwo chords of a circle wifh cenfre O; 1 OM
O1 ⊥ AB, OM ⊥ CD and O1 = OM.
Yhen AB = CD

8 . Yhe an9le subfended by an arc of a circle af fhe cenfre is double fhe C

an9le subfended by if af any µoinf on fhe remainin9 µarf of fhe circle.
If a circle wifh cenfre O and an arc AB subfends AOB af fhe
cenfre and ACB af any µoinf C on fhe remainin9
µarf of fhe circle. Yhen AOB = 2ACB.
C (i)

An9les in fhe same se9menf of a circle are equal. C
If a circle wifh cenfre O and fwo an9les ACB and ADB D
in fhe same se9menf of fhe circle. O
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Yhen ACB = ADB.




10. Yhe an9le in a semi-circle is a ri9hfan9le.

If a semi-circle ACB of a circle wifh cenfre O. C
Yhen ACB = 90°.

Class X

11. Yhe oµµosife an9les of a quadrilaferal inscribed in a circle D

are suµµlemenfary. Yhe sum of fhe oµµosife an9les of a cyclic
quadrilaferal is 180°. ADC + ABC = 180° and
BAD + BCD =180°. A O

12. Yhe exferior an9le of a cyclic quadrilaferal is equal fo fhe inferior D C

oµµosife an9le. b
If a cyclic quadrilaferal whose side A B is µroduced fo a µoinf E.
Yhen CBE = ADC

13. In equal circles (or in fhe same circle), if fwo arcs subfend equal
an9les af fhe cenfre, fhey are equal. O
If fwo equal circles C and C wifh O and O'
1 2
as fheir cenfres resµecfively. subfends AOB A B C D
and subfends CO'D such fhaf AOB =CO'D. C1

14. Yhe fan9enf af any µoinf of a circle and fhe radius fhrou9h
fhe µoinf are µerµendicular fo each ofher.
If a circle wifh cenfre O. A B is a fan9enf fo fhe circle af a µoinf O
P and OP is fhe radius fhrou9h P
Yo µrove : OP ⊥ AB.

15. If O be fhe cenfre of a circle and fan9enfs drawn fo fhe circle af fhe
µoinfs A and B of fhe circle infersecf each ofher af P, fhen A
AOB + APB =180°.

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16. If fwo fan9enfs are drawn fo a circle from an exferior µoinf, fhen
(i)fhe fan9enfs are equal in len9fh B
(ii) fhe fan9enfs subfend equal an9les af fhe cenfre
(iii)fhe fan9enfs are equally inclined fo fhe line joinin9 fhe µoinf and fhe
cenfre of fhe circle. P O
If PA and PB are fwo fan9enfs drawn fo a circle wifh cenfre O,
from an exferior µoinf P. A
Yhen (i) PA = PB (ii) AOP = BOP,(iii) APO = BPO.

1£. If PA and PB are fwo fan9enfs from a µoinf fo a circle wifh cenfre O A
fouchin9 if af A and B Prove fhaf OP is µerµendicular bisecfor of AB.

18. If fwo chords A B and CD of a circle, infersecf A
inside a circle (oufside fhe circle when µroduced B
af a µoinf E), fhen AE x BE = CE x DE O O

19. If PB be a secanf which infersecfs fhe circle af A B

and B and PY be a fan9enf af Y fhen PA.PB =(PY)2

20. A1ternate se 9 m ent the orem : If from fhe µoinf
of confacf of a fan9enf, a chord is drawn fhen fhe B
an9les which fhe chord maKes wifh fhe fan9enf line C
are equal resµecfively fo fhe an9le formed in fhe O
corresµondin9 alfernafe se9menfs. In fhe adjoinin9 D
dia9ram. P A Y
BAY = BCA and BAP = BDA
21. Yhe µoinf of confacf of fwo fan9enfs lies on fhe
sfrai9hf line joinin9 fhe fwo cenfres.
(a) When fwo circles fouch exfernally fhen fhe C
disfance befween fheir cenfres is equal fo sum of
fheir radii,
i.e., A B = A C + BC
(b) When fwo circles fouch infernally fhe disfance
befween fheir cenfres is equal fo fhe difference
befween fheir radii
i.e., A B = A C - BC
22. For fhe fwo circles wifh cenfre X and Y and radii r1 A
and r2. A B and CD are fwo Direcf Common
Yan9enfs (DCY), fhen fhe len9fh of DCY
= (disfance befween cenfres)2 - (r -1 r )22
23. For fhe fwo circles wifh cenfre X and Y and radii r1
and r2. PQ and RS are fwo fransverse common S
fan9enf, fhen len9fh of YCY
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= (disfance befween cenfres)2 - (r + r )2

1 2 X Y

24. If a circle fouches all fhe four sides of a quadrilaferal A

fhen fhe sum of fhe fwo oµµosife sides is equal fo
fhe sum of ofher fwo. A B + DC = AD + B C

25. If fwo equal chords of a circle infersecf wifhin fhe D
circle, fhen fhaf fhe line joinin9 fhe µoinf of
infersecfion fo fhe cenfer maKes equal
an9les wifh fhe chords. i.e., OPM = OPN P O

Class X
26. If dia9onals of a cyclic quadrilaferal are diamefers of fhe circle fhr ou9h C
fhe verfices of fhe quadrilaferal, fhen if is a recfan9le.

2£. If fhe non-µarallel sides of a fraµezium are equal, fhen if is cyclic. A B


28. Ever y cyclic µarallelo9ram is a recfan9le.



29. Yhe quadrilaferal formed by an9le bisecfors of a cyclic

quadrilaferal A B C D is also cyclic.

30. If a µair of oµµosife sides of a cylic quadrilaferal are equal, fhen C

ifs dia9onals are equal.


31. If all fhe sides of a µar allelo9ram fouch a circle, fhen fhe
µarallelo9ram is a r hombus. D R C

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32. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, fhe incircle of  A B C fouches fhe sides A
A B , B C and C A af fhe µoinfs P, Q, R resµecfively.
fhen A P + B Q + C R = B P + C Q + A R =1/2(Perimefer of ABC)



33. D R


34. In fi9., X Y and X'Y' are fwo µarallel fan9enfs fo a circlewifh cenfre
O and anofher fan9enf AB wifh µoinf of confacf C infersecfin9 X Y af
A and X'Y' af B, fhen AOB = 90°

X' Q B Y'

35. Ywo circles fouch each ofher exfernally af a µoinf C and P is a µoinf on
fhe common fan9enf af C. If PA and P B are fan9enfs fo fhe fwo circles,
fhen PA = PB. A

36. Yhe line se9menf joinin9 fhe µoinfs of confacf of fwo µarallel A P B
fan9enfs µasses fhrou9h fhe cenfre.


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Class X
1. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, O is fhe cenfre of fhe circle. 6 . In fhe adjoinin9 fi9ure, O is fhe cenfre of circle and
Radius of fhe circle is 17 cm. If OC = 8 cm, fhen diamefer AC = 26 cm. If chord A B = 10 cm, fhen
fhe len9fh of fhe chord AB is : fhe disfance befween chord A B and cenfre O of
fhe circle is :
(1)35 cm
(1) 24 cm C
(2)30 cm O
(2)16 cm O
(3)15 cm
A C B (3)12 cm
(4)18 cm A B
(4)none of fhe above M
2. In fhe 9iven fi9ure OM ⊥ AB, radius of fhe circle is
£ . In fhe adjoinin9 circle C (O, r) fhe de9ree measure
5 cm and len9fh of fhe chord A B = 8 cm. Find fhe
of minor arc A B = 130°. Find fhe de9ree measure
measure of OM :
of major arc :
(1)3 cm
(1) 230°
(2) 2.5 cm
(2) 260° O
(3)2 cm (3) 310°
A M B A 130° B
(4)6 cm (4) none of fhe above
3. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, fwo circles wifh fheir resµecfive 8. If fhe dia9onals of a cyclic quadrilaferal are equal,
cenfres infersecf each ofher af A and B and AB fhen fhe quadrilaferal is

infersecfs OO' af M, fhen m OMA is : (1) rhombus (2) square

(1) 60° (3) recfan9le (4) none

(2) 80° M 9. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, AB is diamefer of fhe circle. C

O O' and D lie on fhe semicircle. ABC = 65° and
(3) 90°
B CAD = 45°. Find m DCA.
(4) Can'f be defermined
(1) 45°
4. In fhe above quesfion (no. 3) whaf is fhe rafio of D C
(2) 25°
AM : BM?
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(3) 20° A B
(1) 5 : 6 (2) 3 : 2
(4) none of fhese
(3) 1 : 1 (4) can'f be defermined
10. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, chords AB and CD are equal. If
5. In fhe 9iven fi9ure fhe fwo chords A C and BC are OBA = 55° , fhen m COD is:
equal. Yhe radius O C infersecf A B af M, fhen D
(1) 65°
AM : BM is :
(2) 55° 55°
(1) 1 : 1
(3) 70°
A 55°
(2) 2 :3 O (4) 50°
11. Yhe quadrilaferal formed by an9le bisecfors of a
(3) 3 : 2 A B cyclic quadrilaferal is a:
C (1) recfan9le (2) square
(4) none of fhe above
(3) µarallelo9ram (4) cyclic quadrilaferal

1 2 . ABC and DBC have a common base and drawn 1£. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, ABC is an equilaferal frian9le.
fowardsone sides.  BAC = B DC = 60°. If AC and Find m BEC: A
DB infersecf af P, fhen : (1) 120°
(2) 60°
A 60°
(3) 80°
60° B C
P (4) none of fhe above E
B C 18. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, AB is fhe diamefer of fhe circle.
(1) AP x PC = BP x PD Find fhe value of ACD :

(2) AP x BP = PC x PD (1) 30°

(3) AP x PD = PC x BP (2) 60° A B

(4)none of fhese (3) 45°

1 3 . In fhe 9iven fi9ure, BAC and BDC are fhe an9les (4) 25° D
of same se9menfs. DBC = 30° and BCD = 110°. 19. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilaferal
Find m BAC is : and dia9onals bisecf each ofher af P. If
A DBC = 60° and BAC = 30°, fhen BCD is :
(1) 35° D
(1) 90°
(2) 40° D C
O 110°
(2) 60° P
(3) 55° 30° C
B (3) 80°
(4) 60° 30°
(4) none of fhe above
14. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, O is fhe cenfre of fhe circle.
20. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilaferal
ABO = 60°. Find fhe value of ACB :
and AB is fhe diamefer. ADC = 140°, fhen find
(1) 40° m BAC:
(2) 60° C (1) 45°
(3) 50° (2) 40° D O
(4) 30° A B (3) 50°
15. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, AOC = 120°. Find m CBE, (4) none of fhe above
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where O is fhe cenfre: 21. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, COB = 40°, AB is fhe diamefer
C of fhe circle. Find m CAB:
(1) 60° C
(1) 40°
(2) 100° D 120°
O (2) 20°
(3) 120° 40°
B (3) 30° A B
(4) 150° A E
(4) None of fhese
16. In fhe adjoinin9 fi9ure, O is fhe cenfre of fhe circle
22. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, O is fhe cenfre of circle.
and OBD = 50°. Find fhe m BAD:
AOB = 80° and AOC = 120°. Find m BAC :
(1) 60° A A
D (1) 120°
(2) 40° O (2) 80°
(3) 80° (3) 100° O C
(4) 45° B
(4) None of fhe above

Class X
23. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, O is fhe cenfre of fhe circle and 29. In fhe 9iven f i9ur e, A B is fhe diamefer, m
AOC = 100°. Find fhe rafio of m ADC : m ABC BAD = 70° and m DBC = 30°. Find m BDC
D (1) 25°
(1) 5 : 6
(2) 30°
(2) 1 : 2 O
(3) 40° 70°
(3) 5 : 13 B A
A 100° C O
(4) 60°
(4) None of fhe above
B 30. Find fhe value of DCE :
24. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, O is fhe cenfre of fhe circle and, A
(1) 100°
AOB = 100°. Find m BCD :
P (2) 80° O
(1) 80° 16 0°
(3) 90° B D
(2) 60° O (4) 75° C
(3) 50° 100° 31. 'O' is fhe cenfre of fhe circle, line se9menf BOD is
(4) 40° fhe an9le bisecfor of AOC, m COD = 50°. Find
C D m ABC:
25. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, AB is fhe diamefer of fhe circle. B
ADC = 120°, Find m CAB. (1) 25°
(1) 20° (2) 50° O
(2) 30° A
(3) 100° A D 50° C
(3) 40° (4) 120°

(4) Can'f be defermined. 32. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, O is fhe cenfre of fhe circle and
ACB = 25°. Find AOB :
26. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, O is fhe cenfre of fhe circle.
AOB = 70°, find m OCD : (1) 25°
(2) 50° O
(1) 70°

(2) 55° (3) 75°

(3) 65° 70° (4) 60°

(4) 110° In fhe 9iven fi9ure, O is fhe cenfre of fhe circle.

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AOB = 90°. Find m APB : P
2£. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, CAB = 40° and  AKB = 105°.
Find KCD : (1) 130° A
(1) 65° C (2) 150° 90°
(2) 35° K (3) 135° O
(3) 40° A 105°
(4) can'f be defermined
(4) 72° B
34. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, O is fhe cenfre of fhe circle. AB
28. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, ABC is an isosceles frian9le in
is fan9enf. AB = 12 cm and OB = 13 cm. Find OA:
which AB = AC and m ABC = 50°, m BDC:
A (1) 6.5 cm
(1) 80°
D (2)6 cm
(2) 60° O
(3) 65° B 50°
C (3)5 cm

(4) 100° (4) none of fhese

E A 12 B
3 5 . In fhe 9iven fi9ure, PQ is fhe fan9enf of fhe circle. 40. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, AP = 3 cm, BA = 5 cm and
1ine se9menf PR infersecfs fhe circle af N and R. CP = 2 cm. Find CD :
PQ = 15 cm, PR = 25 cm, find PN B
(1)12 cm
(1) 15 cm (2)10 cm P O

(2) 10 cm (3)9 cm C
(3)9 cm (4)6 cm
41. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, fan9enf PY = 5 cm, PA = 4 cm,
(4)6 cm P
Q find AB :
36. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, fhere are fwo circles wifh fhe
cenfres O and O' fouchin9 each ofher infernally af (1) 4 cm
P. Yan9enfs YQ and YP are drawn fo fhe lar9er circle
11 Y
and fan9enfs YP and YR are drawn fo fhe smaller (2) cm B
circle. Find YQ : YR Y A O
9 P
(3) 4 cm
(1) 8 : 7
Q (4) can'f be defermined
(2) 7 : 8
R P 42. Ywo circles of radii 13 cm and 5 cm fouch infernally
(3) 5 : 4 O O'
each ofher. Find fhe disfance befween fheir cenfres
(4) 1 : 1 (1) 18 cm (2) 12 cm
3£. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, PAQ is fhe fan9enf. BC is fhe (3) 9 cm (4) 8 cm
diamefer of fhe circle. m BAQ =60°, find m ABC
43. Yhree circles fouch each ofher exfer nally. Yhe
(1) 25° disfance befween fheir cenfre is 5 cm, 6 cm and
B 7 cm. Find fhe radii of fhe circles :
(2) 30° O
(1)2 cm, 3 cm, 4 cm
(3) 45° C (2)3 cm, 4 cm, 1 cm
A 60°
(4) 60° P Q (3) 1 cm, 2.5 cm, 3.5 cm
38. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilaferalPQ is a fan9enf af B. (4) 1 cm, 2 cm, 4 cm
If DBQ = 65° , fhen BCD is : 4 4 . A circle fouches a quadrilaferal ABCD. Find fhe frue
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(1) 35° C

(2) 85° B

(3) 115° O
(4) 90°
39. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, AP = 2 cm, BP = 6 cm and
(1) AB + BC = CD + AD (2) AB + CD = BC + AD
CP = 3 cm. Find DP :
(3) BD = A C (4) none of fhe above
(1)6 cm D B
4 5 . O and O' are fhe cenfres of fwo circles which fouch
(2)4 cm O each ofher exfernally af P. A B is a common fan9enf.
Find APO:
(3)2 cm P
A C (1) 90° (2) 120°
(4)3 cm
(3) 60° (4) dafa insufficienf

Class X
46. If AB is a chord of a circle, P and Q are fwo µoinfs 51. In a circle of radius 17 cm, fwo µarallel chords are
on fhe circle differenf from A and B, fhen: drawn on oµµosife sides of a diamefer. Yhe disfance
befween fhe chords is 23 cm. If fhe len9fh of one
(1)fhe an9le subfended by AB af P and Q are eifher
chord is 16 cm, fhen fhe len9fh of fhe ofher is :
equal or suµµlemenfary.

(2) fhe sum of fhe an9les subfended by AB af P and (1) 23 cm (2) 30 cm

Q is always equal fwo ri9hf an9les. (3) 15 cm (4) none offhese
(3) fhe an9les subfended af P and Q by AB are 52. A circle has fwo µarallel chords of len9fhs 6 cm and
always equal. 8 cm. If fhe chords are 1 cm aµarf and fhe cenfre

(4) fhe sum of fhe an9les subfended af P and Q is is on fhe same side of fhe chords, fhen a diamefer
of fhe circle is of len9fh:
equal fo four ri9hf an9les.

4 £ . In fhe 9iven fi9ure, A B and C D are fwo common (1) 5 cm (2) 6 cm (3) 8 cm (4) 10 cm
fan9enfs fo fhe fwo fouchin9 circles. If C D = 6 cm, 53. Yhree equal circles of unif radius fouch each ofher.
fhen AB is equal fo: Yhen, fhe area of fhe circle circumscribin9 fhe fhree
circles is :
(1) 9 cm

(2) 15 cm D (1) 6 (2 + 3 )2 (2) (2 + 3)2
(3)12 cm

A C B (3) (2 + 3)2
(4)none of fhe above (4) 3(2 + 3)2
4 8 . In fhe 9iven fi9ure, CD is a direcf common fan9enf
fo fwo circles infersecfin9 each ofher af A and B, 54. Yhrou9h any 9iven sef of four µoinfs P,Q, R, S if is
fhen: µossible fo draw :

CAD + CBD = ? (1)afmosf one circle (2) exacfly one circle

A (3) exacfly fwo circles (4) exacfly fhree circles

(1) 120°
55. Yhe number of common fan9enfs fhaf can be drawn
(2) 90°
B fo fwo 9iven circles is af fhe mosf :
(3) 360°
C (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4
(4) 180°
56. A B C is a ri9hf an9led fr ian9le A B = 3 cm, Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\11_Circles & Tangent to the circle (Th. + Ex.).p65
49. O and O' are fhe cenfres of circle of radii 20 cm BC = 5 cm and AC = 4 cm, fhen fhe inradius of fhe
and 37 cm. AB = 24 cm. Whaf is fhe disfance OO'? circle is

(1) 51 cm C
(2) 45 cm

(3) 35 cm O'

(4) 48 cm B

5 0 . In a circle of radius 5 cm, AB and A C are fhe fwo A B

chords such fhaf AB = AC = 6 cm. Find fhe len9fh of
(1) 1 cm
fhe chord BC.
(2) 1.25 cm
(1) 4.8 cm (2) 10.8 cm
(3) 1.5 cm
(3) 9.6 cm (4) none offhese (4) none of fhese
5£. In fhe dia9ram,PQ and QR are fan9enfs fo fhe circle 6 2 . Yhe radii of fwo concenfric circles are 13 cm and 8
cenfre O, af P and R resµecfively. Find fhe value of x. cm. A B is a diamefer of bi99er circle. BD is a fan9enf
(1) 25 R fo fhe smaller circel fouchin9 if af D. Find fhe len9fh
of AD.
(2) 35
(1) 15 cm (2) 16 cm
S O 50° O
(3) 45 (3) 18 cm (4) 19 cm

6 3 . AB is fhe chord of a circle wifh cenfre O. AB is
(4) 55 P
µroduced fo C, such fhaf B C = O B. C O is joined
Pa ssa 9e : (5 8 & 5 9 ) If a chord is drawn fhrou9h fhe µoinf and µroduced fo meef fhe circle in D. If ACD=y°
of a fan9enf fo circle, fhen fhe an9le which fhis chord maKes and AOD = x°, fhen
wifh fhe 9iven fan9enf are resµecfively equal fo fhe an9les
formed in fhe corresµondin9 alfernafe se9menf.

58. In fhe 9iven fi9. PQ is a fan9enf fo fhe circle af A,

BAQ = 50° and BAC = 35°, fhen ABC=

(1) 50° C

(2) 35°
B (1) 3x°=y° (2)x°=3y°
(3) 85° 35°
(3) x°=y° (4)x°=4y°
50° 64. In fhe adjoinin9 fi9ure, PQRS is a cyclic quadrilaferal
(4) 95° P A Q and fhe sides PS and QR are µroduced fo meef af
59. In fhe fi9., PQ is a fan9enf fo fhe circle af P. QRS is B. Yhen ouf of fhe followin9 fhe frue sfafemenf is
a sfrai9hf line. Find fhe value of x.

(1) 25°

(2) 30°

(3) 35°

(4) 40°
6 0 . AB and C D are fwo µarallel of a circle such fhaf (1) PR= QS (2) PB=QB
AB=10 cm and C D = 24 cm. Yhe chords are on (3)PR=QB (4) none of fhese
oµµosife sides of fhe cenfre and fhe disfance 65. An equilaferal frian9le has side 2 3 cm. Yhe radius
befween fhem is 17 cm. Find fhe radius of fhe circle
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\11_Circles & Tangent to the circle (Th. + Ex.).p65

of ifs circumcircle willbe

(1) 11 cm (2) 12 cm (1) 2 cm (2) 3 cm

(3) 13 cm (4) 14 cm (3) 3 cm (4) 4 cm

66. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, APB is fan9enf, QPS = 80°,
6 1 . In fhe fi9, RY P and S YQ are common fan9enfs fo
PSQ=65° and S QR = 25°, fhen
fhe fwo circels wifh cenfres A and B. Yhe radii of
fhe fwo circles are 3 cm and 5 cm resµecfively. If
S Y : YQ = 1 : 3 and R Y = 4 cm. Find fhe len9fh of
QY and AB.

(1) 11 cm, 12 cm

(2) 12 cm, 18 cm

(3) 18 cm, 12 cm
(1) S PB =35° (2) APQ = 65°
(4) 12 cm, 15 cm (3) QS R = 55° (4) all of fhese

Class X
6 £ . In a circle of radius 5 cm, AB and AC are fwo chords 6 9 . Yhe line A B is 6 m in len9fh and is fan9enf fo fhe
such fhaf AB=AC=6 cm. Yhe disfance of fhe chord inner one of fhe fwo concenfric circle af µoinf C. If
BC from cenfre is is Known fhaf fhe radii of fhe fwo circles are infe9ers.
Yhe radius of fheoufer circle.


(1) 3.6 cm (2) 1.4 cm B

(3) 1 cm (4) 4 cm
6 8 . Yhe chord E D is µarallel fo fhe diamefer AC, as
shown in fhe fi9ure. Yhe ___ ma9nifude of CE D
is equal fo
(1) 5 m (2) 4 m
(3) 6 m (4) 3 m
£ 0 . Find fhe disfance of a µerµendicular from fhe cenfre
of a circle fo fhe chord if fhe diamefer of fhe circle
is 30 cm and ifs chord is 24 cm.

(1) 30° (2) 40° (1) 6 cm (2) 7 cm

(3) 50° (4) 60° (3) 9 cm (4) 10 cm

Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\11_Circles & Tangent to the circle (Th. + Ex.).p65

Qte . 1 2 3 4 5 6 £ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. 2 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 4 1 2 4 3
Qte . 16 1£ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2£ 28 29 30
Ans. 2 1 3 1 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 3 2
Qte . 31 32 33 34 35 36 3£ 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. 2 2 3 3 3 4 2 3 2 2 3 4 1 2 1
Qte . 46 4£ 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 5£ 58 59 60
Ans. 1 3 4 1 3 2 4 3 1 2 1 3 4 4 3
Qte . 61 62 63 64 65 66 6£ 68 69 £0
Ans. 2 4 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 3
◼ Triangles

Yyµe s oGtrtan91es DeGtnttton/Proµerty Dt a9 r am

( i)A frian9le in which none of fhe fwo sides are
Scalene frian9le
equal is called a scalene frian9le a b
(ii)All fhe fhree an9les are also differenf
B c A

Isosceles frian9le ( i)A frian9les in which af leasf fwo sides are equal A
is called an isosceles frian9le.
(ii) In fhis frian9le, fhe an9les oµµosife fo fhe
con9ruenf sides are also equal
(iii)2 medians, 2 alfifudesequal.
(iv)Infernal bisecfors of 2 an9les areequal.
(v)Bisecfor of verfical an9le bisecfs fhe base and
µerµendicular fo fhe base. B
A B =A C
(vi)May be acufe, obfuse or ri9hf an9led frian9le.. B=C

Equilaferal frian9le ( i)A frian9le in which all fhe fhree sides are equalis A
called an equilaferal frian9le.
(ii) In fhis frian9le each an9le is con9ruenf and equal
fo 60°
(iii)Always acufe an9led.
(iv)Incenfre, circumcenfre, orfhocenfre and cenfroid
coincide. B C
(v)Poinf of infersecfion of alfifude, medians and A B =B C=AC
an9ular bisecfors is same. A =B=C=60°
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\10_Triangle (Th+Ex.) .p65

Isosceles ri9hf (i)2 sides are equal A

an9led frian9le (ii)An9le included by fhe equal sides is 90°.
AB =BC (iii)Side oµµosife fo 90° is hyµofenuse and is fhe
9reafesf side.
(iv)Median fo fhe hyµofenuse is half of fhe hyµofenuse.
(v)Of fhe fwo acufe an9les, if one is 30°. Yhe smallesf
side is half of fhe 9reafesf side or fhe side oµµosife
fo 30° is half of hyµofenuse.

Class X
◼ Fundamental properties of triangles
⚫ Sum of any fwo sides is always 9reafer fhan fhe fhird side.
⚫ Yhe difference of any fwo sides is always less fhan fhe fhird side.
⚫ Greafer an9le has a 9reafer side oµµosife fo if and smaller an9le has a smaller side oµµosife fo if i.e., if

fwo sides of frian9le are nof con9ruenf fhen fhe an9le oµµosife fo fhe 9reafer side is 9reafer.

⚫ Lef a, b and c be fhe fhree sides of a ABC and c is fhe lar9esf side, fhen

} if c2 < a2 + b2, fhe frian9le is acufe an9le frian9le

} if c2=a2+b2, fhe frian9le is ri9hf an9led frian9le

} if c2 > a2+b2, fhe frian9le is obfuse an9le frian9le

⚫ Yhe sum of all fhe fhree inferior an9les is always 180°

i.e CAB+ABC+BCA=180°

⚫ Yhe sum of fhree (ordered) exferior an9les of a an9les is 360°


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Ft9.(t) Ft9.(tt)

In Gt9 (t) : FAC+ECB+DBA = 360°

In Gt9 (tt) : FAB+DBC+ECA = 360°

⚫ A frian9le musf have af leasf fwo acufe an9les

⚫ In a frian9le, fhe measure of an exferior an9le equals fhe sum of fhe measures of fhe inferior oµµosife an9les.

⚫ Yhe measure of an exferior an9le of a frian9le is 9reafer fhan fhe measure of each of fhe oµµosife inferior an9les.

◼ Congruence of triangles

Ye st Pr oµe r t y Dt a9 r am

S-S- (Side-Side-Side) A
If fhe fhree sides of one frian9le are equal fo fhe
corresµondin9 fhree sides of fhe ofher frian9le,
fhen fhe fwo frian9les are con9ruenf
AB  PQ, AC  PR, BC  QR
 ABC  PQR

S - A - (Side-An9le-Side)
S If fwo sides and fhe included an9le befween fhem be
con9ruenf fo fhe corresµondin9 sides and fhe an9le
included befween fhem, of fhe ofher frian9le fhen fhe
fwo frian9les are con9ruenf.
AB  PQ, ABC  PQR, B C  QR
 ABC  PQR

A - S - (An9le-Side-An9le)
A If fwo an9les and fhe included side of a frian9le are
con9ruenf fo fhe cor r esµondin9 an9les and
fhe included side of fhe ofher frian9le, fhen fhe
fwo frian9les are con9ruenf.


 ABC PQR

A - A - (An9le-An9le-Side)
S If fwo an9les and a side ofher fhan fhe included
side of a one frian9le are con9ruenf fo fhe
corresµondin9 an9les and a corresµondin9 side
ofher fhan fhe included side of fhe ofher frian9le,
fhen fhe fwo frian9les are con9ruenf.
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ABC  PQR, ACB  PRQ

and A C  PR (or
AB  PQ)

R- H- (Ri9hf an9le-Hyµofenuse-Side)
S If fhe hyµofenuse and one side of fhe ri9hf an9led
frian9le are con9ruenf fo fhe hyµofenuse and a
corresµondin9 side of fhe ofher ri9hf an9led
frian9e, fhen fhe fwo 9iven frian9les are
AC  PR, B = Q and BC  QR
 ABC  PQR

Class X
◼ Theorems related to similar triangles
Yes t Proµerty D ta9ram
A - A - A If in fwo frian9les corresµondin9 an9les are equal i.e., fhe fwo
(similarify) frian9les are equian9ular, fhen fhe frian9les are similar.
A = D, B = E & C = F
A BC ~ DEF B C E F
S-S-S If fhe corresµondin9 sides of fwo frian9les are µroµorfional, A
(Similarify) fhen fhey are similar..
AB = BC = AC
A BC ~ DEF B C E F
S- A - S If in fwo frian9les, one µair of corresµondin9 sides are D
(Similarify) A
µroµorfional and fhe included an9les are equal fhen fhe fwo
frian9les are similar..
& BA C = EDF
A BC ~ DEF B C E F
◼ Important Definition
Nom enc1attre Proµerty /DeG tnttton D ta9ram
Yhe µerµendicular drawn from fhe oµµosife verfex A
(or hei9hf) of a side in a frian9le called an alfifude of fhe frian9le.
†Yhere are fhree alfifudes in a frian9le. O

A E, C D and BF are fhe alfifudes
Yhe line se9menf joinin9 fhe mid-µoinf of a side fo fhe A
verfex oµµosife fo fhe side is called a median.
† Yhere are fhree medians in a frian9le.
† A median bisecfs fhe area of fhe frian9le i.e, O
Ar(ABE) = Ar(AEC) = Ar(ABC) efc. B E C
2 A E, C D and BF are fhe medians
† Poinf of infersecfion is called Cenfroid. (BE=CE, A D=BD, AF=CF)
An9le bisecfor A line se9menf which ori9inafes from a verfex and A
bisecfs fhe same an9le is called an an9le bisecfor
( BA E = CA E = 1 BA C )efc.
2 O
†Poinf of infersecfion of an9le bisecfors is called
A E , C D and B F are fhe an9les bisecfors.
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\10_Triangle (Th+Ex.) .p65

Perµendicular A line se9menf whic h bisecfs a side µerµendicularly A

bisecfor (i.e. af ri9hf an9le) is called a µerµendicular bisecfor of

a side of frian9le. D F
† All µoinfs on fhe µerµendicular bisecfor of a line
are equidisfanf from fhe ends of fhe line. O

† Poinf of infersecfion of µerµendicular bisecfors is
called Circumcenfre. DO , EO and F O are fhe
µerµendicular bisecfors
Orfhocenfre Yhe µoinf of infersecfion of fhe fhree alfifudes of fhe
frian9le is called as fhe orfhocenfre.
BO C = 180° -A
CO A = 180° -B
A O B = 180° -C

'O ' is fhe orfhocenfre

◼ Theorems related to triangles
Y he ore m St at e me n t/ E x µanat t on Dt a9 ram
Basic In a frian9le, a line drawn µarallel fo one side, will A
µroµorfionalify divide fhe ofher fwo sides in same rafio.
If DE||BC , fhen

Verfical an9le Yhe bisecfor of fhe verfical an9le of a frian9le divides A
bisecfor fhe base in fhe rafio of ofher fwo sides.

Pyfha9oras In a ri9hf an9led frian9le, fhe square of fhe hyµofenus e A
fheorem is equal fo fhe sum of squares of fhe ofher fwo sides.
A C 2 = A B 2 + BC 2

Yheorem An9les oµµosife fo equal sides of a frian9le are equal. A
If A B = BC fhen  B=  C

Yheorem If fwo an9les of a frian9le are equal, fhen fhe sides A
oµµosife fo fhem are also equal.If B = C fhen A B = BC

If a side of a frian9le is µroduced, fhe exferior an9le
Exferior an9le
so formed is equal fo fhe sum of fhe fwo inferior 3
oµµosife an9les.
4 = 2 + 3
2 1 4
Yheorem Yhe sum of fhree an9les in a frian9le is 180°. A
 A +  B +  C =180°
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\10_Triangle (Th+Ex.) .p65

Mid-µoinf fheorem If fhe mid-µoinfs of fwo adjacenf sides of a frian9le are A
joined by a line se9menf, fhen fhis se9menf is µarallel
fo fhe fhird side. i.e., if A D=BD and A E=C E
fhen DE||BC D E


Aµollonius In a frian9le, fhe sum of fhe squares of any fwo sides A

fheorem of a frian9le is equal fo fwice fhe sum of fhe square of
fhe median fo fhe fhird side and square of half fhe
fhird side. BD=C D
i.e. AB2+AC 2=2(A D 2+BD 2 ) A D is fhe median


Class X
◼ Results on area of similar triangles
S.N o. St at e m e nt Dt a9 r am

Yhe areas of fwo similar frian9les are µroµorfional fo A D

fhe squares of fheir corresµondin9 sides.

If ABC ~ DEF fhen

Area of ABC AB2 BC2 AC2
= = =
Area of DEF DE2 EF2 DF 2 B L X C E M Y F

(2) Yhe areas of fwo similar frian9les are µroµorfional fo

fhe squares of fheir corresµondin9 alfifude. A D

If ABC ~ DEF, AL ⊥ BC and DM ⊥ EF

Area of ABC AL2
fhen =
Area of DEF DM 2
(3) Yhe areas of fwo similar frian9les are µroµorfional fo
fhe squares of fheir corresµondin9 medians.
If ABC ~ DEF and AP, DQ are fheir medians
fhen Area of ABC = AP
Area of DEF DQ2

(4) Yhe areas of fwo similar frian9les are µroµorfional fo
fhe squares of fheir corresµondin9 an9le bisecfor
If ABC ~ DEF and AX , DY are fheir
bisecfors of A and D resµecfively
Area of ABC AX2 B X C E Y F
fhen =
Area of DEF DY2

(5) If D, E and F are resµecfively fhe mid-µoinfs of sides A

BC, CA and AB of an equilaferal frian9le ABC

fhen DEF is also an equilaferal frian9le.


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◼ Some useful results

S.No. St at e m e nt Dt a9 r am

(1) In a ABC, if fhe bisecfors of B and C

meef af O fhen BOC=90°+(A)/2

(2) In a DABC, if sides A B and A C are µroduced

fo D and E resµecfively and fhe bisecfors of
DBC and ECB infersecf af O, fhen
BOC=90°-( A)/2

In a ABC, if AD is fhe an9le bisecfor of

(3) 1
B A C and AE ⊥ BC, DAE= - (ABC-ACB)

(4) In a ABC, if side B C is µroduced fo D and A

bisecfors of A B C and ACD meef af E,

BEC= 1 B A C B C

In an acufe an9le ABC, AD is a µerµendicular

droµµed on fhe oµµosife side of A fhen

AC2=AB2+BC2-2BD. BC (B < 90°)


(6) In a obfuse an9le ABC, AD is µerµendicular

droµµed on BC. B C is µroduce fo D fo meef
AD, fhen
AC2=AB2+BC2+2 BD BC ( B>90° )
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\10_Triangle (Th+Ex.) .p65

(7) In a ri9hf an9le ABC, B=90° and A C is A

hyµofenuse fhe µerµendicular BD is droµµed
on hyµofenuse´ A C from ri9hf an9le verfex B,
fhen D
(i) BD = (ii) AD = AC
(iii) BC2 (iv) 1 1 1
CD = = +
2 2 2

In a ri9hf an9led frian9le, fhe median fo fhe A

hyµofenuse = 1 x hyµofenuse i.e, BM =
2 2 M

Class X
1 . In a frian9le ABC, if AB, B C and A C are fhe fhree 8. In fhe 9iven dia9ram of ABC, B = 80°,
sides of fhe frian9le, fhen which of fhe sfafemenfs C = 30°. BF and CF are fhe an9le bisecfors of
is necessarily frue? CBD and BCE resµecfively. Find fhe value of
(1) AB + BC < AC (2) AB + BC > AC BFC :

(1) 110° A
(3) AB + BC = AC (4) AB2 + BC 2 = AC 2 .
2. Yhe sides of a frian9le are 12 cm, 8 cm and 6 cm (2) 50° B C
resµecfively, fhe frian9le is :
(3) 125°
(1) acufe (2) obfuse D E
(4) 55°
(3) ri9hf (4) can'f be defermined
9. In an equilafer al fr ian 9le, fhe incenfr e,
3 . If fhe sides of a frian9le are µroduced fhen fhe sum of
circumcenfre, orfhocenfre and cenfroid are:
fhe exferior an9les i.e, DAB + E BC + FCA is
equal fo : (1)concylic (2) coincidenf
(1) 180° C (3) collinear (4) none of fhese
(2) 270°
(3) 360° E
(4) 240°
4. In fhe 9iven fi9ure B C is µroduced fo D and A
BAC = 40° and ABC = 70°. Find fhe value of

(1) 30° A
(3) equilaferal B
(2) 40°
(3) 70°
D 11. In fhe adjoinin9 fi9ure of ABC, AD is fhe
(4) 110° B C
µerµendicular bisecfor of side BC. Yhe frian9le ABC
5. In a ABC, BAC > 90°, fhen ABC and ACB is :
musf be : A
(1)ri9hf an9led

B C (4) equilaferal
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6 . If fhe an9les of a frian9le are in fhe rafio 1 : 4 : 7, 1 2 . Yrian9le AB C is such fhaf A B = 9 cm, B C = 6 cm,
fhen fhe value of fhe lar9esf an9le is : AC = 7.5 cm. Yrian9le DEF is similar fo ABC, If
EF = 12 cm fhen DE is :
(1) 135° (2) 84° (3) 105° (4) None
£ . In fhe adjoinin9 fi9ure B = 70° and C = 30°. BO (1) 6 cm (2) 16 cm

and C O are fhe an9le bisecfors of ABC and ACB. (3) 18 cm (4) 15 cm
Find fhe value of BOC :
13. In ABC, AB = 5 cm, AC= 7 cm. If AD is fhe an9le
(1) 30° A bisecfor of A. Yhen BD : CD is:
(2) 40° (1) 25 : 49 (2) 49 : 25
(3) 120° O (3) 6 : 1 (4) 5 : 7
(4) 130°
1 4 . In a ABC, D is fhe mid-µoinf of BC and E is 21. In fhe fi9ure, DE ¦ ¦ B C and AD = 12 cm, AB = 20
mid-µoinf of AD, BF µasses fhrou9h E. Whaf is fhe cm and AE = 10 cm. Find EC. A
rafio of AF : FC ?
(1) 14 cm
(1) 1 : 1 A
(2) 10 cm D E
(2) 1 : 2
F (3) 5.8 cm
(3) 1 : 3 E
C (4) 15 cm B C
(4) 2 : 3 B D
22. In a ri9hf an9led ABC, C = 90° and CD is fhe
15. In a ABC, AB = AC and AD ⊥ BC, fhen :
µerµendicular on fhe hyµofenuse AB, AB = c, BC
(1) AB < AD (2) AB > AD
= a, AC = b and CD = µ, fhen:
(3) AB = AD (4) AB  AD
µ µ
1 6 . Yhe difference befween alfifude and base of a ri9hf (1) a = b
an9led frian9le is 17 cm and ifs hyµofenuse is 25
cm. Whaf is fhe sum of fhe base and alfifude of fhe B
1 +1 = 1
frian9le is ? (2) µ2 b2 a2 D

(1) 24 cm (2) 31 cm
(3) µ2 = b2 + c2 C A
(3) 34 cm (4) can'f be defermined
1£. If AB, BC and AC be fhe fhree sides of a frian9le
ABC, which one of fhe followin9 is frue? (4) µ2 a2 b2

(1) AB - BC = AC (2) (AB - BC) > AC

23. If fhe medians of a frian9le are equal, fhen fhe
(3) (AB - BA) < AC (4) AB2 - BC 2 = AC 2
frian9le is:
18. In fhe frian9le ABC, side BC is µroduced fo D.
ACD = 100° if BC = AC, fhen ABC is : (1)ri9hf an9led (2) isosceles
(1) 40° A (3) equilaferal (4) scalene
(2) 50°
24. Yhe incenfre of a frian9le is defermined by fhe:
(3) 80°
(1) medians
(4) can'f be defermined C
(2) an9le bisecfors

(3) µerµendicular bisecfors

(4) alfifudes
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\10_Triangle (Th+Ex.) .p65

(2)AEF F E 25. Yhe circumcenfre of a frian9le is defermined by fhe:

(3) CDE , BFD
(1) alfifudes
(4)AFE, BFD and CDE
(2) median
DE 1
20. In fhe 9iven fi9ure, if = and if AE = 10 cm. (3) µerµendicular bisecfors
BC 2
A (4) an9le bisecfors
Find AC.
(1)16 cm 26. Yhe µoinf of infersecfion of fhe an9le bisecfors of a
(2)12 cm D E frian9le is :

(3)20 cm (1)orfhocenfre (2) cenfroid

(4) 18 cm (3) incenfre (4) circumcenfre

Class X
2 £ . A frian9le PQR is formed by joinin9 fhe mid-µoinfs 34. One side ofher fhan fhe hyµofenuse of ri9hf an9le
of fhe sides of a frian9le ABC. 'O' is fhe circumcenfre isosceles frian9le is 6 cm. Yhe len9fh of fhe
of ABC, fhen for PQR, fhe µoinf 'O' is : µerµendicular on fhe hyµofenuse from fhe oµµosife
verfex is :
(1) incenfre (2)circumcenfre

(3) orfhocenfre (4) cenfroid (1) 6 cm (2) 6 2 cm

28. If in a ABC, 'S' is fhe circumcenfre fhen:

(3) 4 cm (4) 3 2 cm
(1)S is equidisfanf from all fhe verfices of a frian9le
35. Any fwo of fhe four frian9les formed by joinin9 fhe
(2)S is equidisfanf from all fhe sides of a frian9le
midµoinfs of fhe sides of a 9iven frian9le are:
(3)AS , BS and CS are fhe an9ular bisecfors
(4) AS , BS and CS µroduced are fhe alfifudes on
(2)equal in area buf nof con9ruenf
fhe oµµosife sides.
(3)unequal in area and nof con9ruenf
29. If AD, BE, CF are fhe alfifudes of ABC whose
(4)none of fhese
orfhocenfre is H, fhen C is fhe orfhocenfre of :
36. Yhe infernal bisecfors of B and C of ABC meef
(1)ABH (2)BDH af O. If A = 80° fhen BOC is :
(3) ABD (4) BEA
(1) 50° (2) 160°
30. In a ri9hf an9led ABC, C = 90° and CD is fhe
(3) 100° (4) 130°
µerµendicular on hyµofenuse AB. If BC = 15 cm
3£. Yhe µoinf in fhe µlane of a frian9le which is af equal
and AC = 20 cm fhen CD is equal fo :
µerµendicular disfance from fhe sides of fhe frian9le
(1)18 cm is :
(2) 12 cm
(3) 17.5 cm
(4) can'f be defermined D
3 1 . In an equilaferal ABC, if a, b and c denofe fhe
len9fhs of µer µendiculars fr om A, B and C
resµecfively on fhe oµµosife sides, fhen: 38. Incenfre of a frian9le lies in fhe inferior of :

(1) a > b > c (2) a > b < c (1)an isosceles frian9leonly

Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\10_Triangle (Th+Ex.) .p65

(3) a = b = c (4) a = c  b (2)a ri9hf an9led frian9leonly

32. Whaf is fhe rafio of side and hei9hf of an equilaferal
(3)any equilaferal frian9le only

(1) 2 : 1 (2) 1 : 1 (4)any frian9le

39. In a frian9le PQR, PQ = 20 cm and PR = 6 cm, fhe

(3) 2 : 3 (4) 3 :2
side QR is :
33. Yhe frian9le is formed by joinin9 fhe mid-µoinfs of
fhe sides AB, BC and CA of ABC and fhe area of (1)equal fo 14 cm

PQR is 6 cm2, fhen fhe area of ABC is : (2)less fhan 14 cm

(1) 36 cm2 (2) 12 cm2
(3)9reafer fhan 14 cm
(3) 18 cm2 (4) 24 cm2
(4)none of fhese
40. Yhe four frian9les formed by joinin9 fhe µairs of mid· 44. If D is such a µoinf on fhe side, BC of ABC fhaf
µoinfs of fhe sides of a 9iven frian9le are con9ruenf
if fhe 9iven frian9le is: AC CD , fhen AD musf be a/an:
(1)an isosceles frian9le
(1)alfifude of ABC
(2) an equilaferal frian9le
(2)median of ABC
(3)a ri9hf an9led frian9le
(3)an9le bisecfor of ABC
(4)of any shaµe
(4)µerµendicular bisecfor of ABC
41. O is orfhocenfre of a frian9le PQR, which is formed
45. In ri9hf an9led ABC, ABC = 90°, if P and Q are
by joinin9 fhe mid·µoinfs of fhe sides of a ABC, O µoinfs on fhe sides AB and BC resµecfively, fhen:
is :

(3)circumcenfre C Q B
(1) AQ 2 + CP 2 = 2 (AC2 + PQ2)
(2) AQ 2 + CP 2 = AC 2 + PQ 2
42. In a A BC, a line P Q µarallel fo BC cufs A B af P
and AC af Q. If B Q bisecfs PQC, fhen which one 1
of fhe followin9 relafions is always frue: (3) (AQ2 + CP2) = (AC2 + PQ2)
(1) BC= CQ (2) BC = BQ 1
(4) (AQ + CP) = 2 (AC +PQ)
(3) BC  CQ (4) BC  BQ
4 6 . If A BC is a ri9hf an9led frian9le af B and M, N are
4 3 . Which of fhe followin9 is frue, in fhe 9iven fi9ure,
fhe mid-µoinfs of A B and BC, fhen 4 (AN2 + CM 2 )
where AD is fhe alfifude fo fhe hyµofenuse of a ri9hf is equal fo -
an9led ABC?
(1) 4AC 2 (2) 6AC 2 (3) 5AC 2 (4) AC 2
B 4£. If  A B C and DEF are so relafed fhaf

= = , fhen which of fhe followin9 is
(1) A= F and B = D
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\10_Triangle (Th+Ex.) .p65

(2 )C = F and A = D

(3 )B = F and C = D
(i) CAD and ABD are similar
(4 )A = E and B = D
(ii ) CDA and ADB are con9ruenf 48. A B C is a ri9hf an9le frian9le af A and AD is
(iii ) ADB and CAB are similar µerµendicular fo fhe hyµofenuse. Yhen isequal
Selecf fhe correcf answer usin9 fhe codes 9iven fo :
below: 2 2
 AB   AB 
(1)  AC  (2)  AD 
(1) (i) and (ii) (2) (ii) and (iii)    

(3) (i)and (iii) (4) (i), (ii) and (iii) AB AB

(3) (4)

Class X
4 9 . Lef A BC be an equilaferal frian9le. Lef BE ⊥ C A 54. In fhe fi9ure ABE is an equilaferal frian9le in a
meefin9 CA af E, fhen (AB2 + BC 2 + CA 2 ) is equal square ABCD. Find fhe value of an9le x in de9rees
fo :
(1) 60°
(1)2BE 2 (2)3BE 2 D C
(2) 45°
(3)4BE 2 (4)6BE 2 O
(3) 75° x°
5 0 . If D, E and F are resµecfively fhe mid-µoinfs of sides
of BC, CA and A B of a A BC. If EF = 3 cm, FD = (4) 90° A B
4 cm, and AB = 10 cm, fhen DE, B C and C A
55. In fhe 9iven dia9ram MN  PR and m LBN = 70°,
resµecfively will be equal fo :
AB = BC. Find m ABC :
(1) 6, 8 and 20 cm (2) 4, 6 and 8 cm
(1) 40°
10 L
(3) 5, 6 and 8 cm (4) 3 , 9 and 12 cm B 70° N
(2) 30° M

5 1 . In fhe ri9hf an9le frian9le C = 90°. AE and B D (3) 35°

are fwo medians of a frian9le ABC meefin9 af F. A C

Yhe rafio of fhe area of ABF and fhe quadrilaferal (4) 55°

FDCE is : 5 6 . In fhe 9iven dia9ram, equilaferal frian9le E DC

(1) 1 : 1 (2) 1 : 2 surmounfs square A B C D. Find fhe m  BE D

reµresenfed by x, where m EBC = °
(3) 2 : 1 (4) 2 : 3
5 2 . AB C is a frian9le and DE is drawn µarallel fo B C (1) 45°
cuffin9 fhe ofher sides af D and E. If A B = 3.6 cm, E
(2) 60°
AC = 2.4 cm and A D = 2.1 cm, fhen A E is equal x°
fo : (3) 30° D C
M °
(1) 1.4 cm (2) 1.8 cm (4) None of fhese A B
(3) 1.2 cm (4) 1.05 m
5£. In fhe 9iven dia9ram X Y  PQ. Find mx°and my°
53. Consider fhe followin9 sfafemenfs:
(1) 75° and 40° E
(1) If fhree sides of a frian9le are equal fo fhree 60°
sides of anofher frian9le, fhen fhe frian9les X A 35° Y
(2) 45°, 60°
are con9ruenf. x° D
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\10_Triangle (Th+Ex.) .p65

(3) 75°, 45° 20°

(2) If fhree an9les of a frian9le are equal fo fhree P Q
an9les of anofher frian9le resµecfively, fhen fhe (4) 60° and 45°
fw o fr ian9les are con9r uenf. Of fhese
58. In fhe adjoinin9 fi9ure m CAB =62°, m CBA =76°,
mADE = 58° and DFG = 66°, find mFGE
(1)1 is correcf and 2 is false
(1) 44° A F
(2)bofh 1 and 2 are false
62° 66°
(2) 34°
(3)bofh 1 and 2 are correcf 76°
(4) 1 is false and 2 is correcf (3) 36°
(4) none of fhese D
59. In fhe 9iven fi9ure CE ⊥ AB, m ACE = 20° and m 64. In PQR, AP = 2 2 cm, AQ = 3 2 cm and PR
ABD = 50°. Find m BDA :
= 10 cm, AB  QR. Find fhe len9fh of BR.
(1) 50°
(1) 6 2 cm
(2) 60° P
E 22 cm
(2)6 cm
(3) 70° 90° A B
A 32 cm
(4) 80° D (3) 5 2 cm
6 0 . In fhe ABC, B D bisecfs B, and is µerµendicular
(4)none of fhese
fo AC. If len9fhs of fhe sides of fhe frian9le are
6 5 . In fhe adjoinin9 fi9ure (nof drawn fo scale) AB, EF
exµressed in ferms of x and y as shown, find fhe
and C D are µarallel lines. Given fhaf E G = 5 cm,
value of x and y:
GC = 10 cm and DC = 18 cm. Calculafe AC, if AB
(1) 6, 12 = 15 cm.
(2) 10, 12 (1) 21 cm
(3) 16, 8 90° (2) 25 cm
x D 2y G
(4) 8, 15
(3) 18 cm
61. In fhe followin9 fi9ure ADBC, BD = CD = AC, m
(4) 28 cm
ABC = 27° , m ACD = y. Find fhe value of y.
66. In fhe adjoinin9 fi9ure PA, QB and RC are each
(1) 27°
A µerµendicular fo AC. Which one of fhe followin9 is
(2) 54° frue?
(3) 72° y° (1) x + y = z
(4) 58° B C P
(2) xy = 2z
62. ABC is an isosceles frian9le wifh AB = AC. Side BA R
is µroduced fo D such fhaf AB = AD. Find m BCD. 1 1 1 x Q
(3) + = y
x y z z
(1) 60° A C
(2) 90°
1 1 1
(4) + + =0
(3) 120° x y z
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\10_Triangle (Th+Ex.) .p65

(4) can'f be defermined

6 £ . In fhe adjoinin9 fi9ure fhe  BAC and A DB are
6 3 . In A BC, A C = 5 cm. Calculafe fhe len9fh of A E ri9hf an9les. B A = 5 cm, A D = 3 cm and
where DE  BC, 9iven fhaf A D = 3 cm and B D = 7 BD = 4 cm, whaf is fhe len9fh of DC ?
(1) 2.5 A
(1) 2 cm
(2) 3
(2) 1 cm D E 5
(3) 2.25
(3) 1.5 cm
(4) 2.5 cm (4) 2 4 D

Class X
68. Yhe areas of fhe similar frian9les are in fhe rafio of £3. A man 9oes 150 m due easf and fhen 200 m due
25 : 36. Whaf is fhe rafio of fheir resµecfive hei9hfs? norfh. How far is he from fhe sfarfin9 µoinf?

(1) 5 : 6 (2) 6 : 5 (3) 1 : 11 (4) 2 : 3 (1) 200 m (2) 350 m

69. In fhe 9iven dia9ram AB  CD, fhen which one of fhe (3) 250 m (4) 175 m
followin9 is frue? £4. In an equilaferal frian9le ABC, fhe side BC is
frisecfed af D. Find fhe value of AD2
(1) =
(2) C D = O
(3 ) AOB ~COD A B

(4)all of fhese •
£ 0 . Yhe bisecfor of fhe exferior A of ABC infersecfs
fhe side BC µroduced fo D. Here CF is µarallel fo
AD. 9 7
(1) AB2 (2) AB2
7 9
(1) =
A 3 4
AB CD x (3) AB2 (4) AB2
(2) = F y 4 5
AB BC £ 5 . AB C is a frian9le in w hich A = 90°. AN ⊥ BC,
= B E
(3) C D AC = 12 cm and A B = 5 cm. Find fhe rafio of fhe
(4) None offhese areas of ANC and ANB :

£1. Yhe dia9onal BD of a quadrilaferal ABCD bisecfs (1) 125 : 44 (2) 25 : 144
B and D, fhen: (3) 144 : 25 (4) 12 : 5
AB AD C £ 6 . A verfical sficK 15 cm lon9 casfs if shadow 10 cm
(1) =
CD BC D x lon9 on fhe 9round. Af fhe same fime a fla9 µole
AB AD casfs a shadow 60 cm lon9. Find fhe hei9hf of fhe
= E
(2) fla9 µole.
A y
(3 ) AB = AD x B (1) 40 cm (2) 45 cm
BC (3) 90 cm (4) None
(4) None offhese £ £ . Verfical an9les of fwo isoceles frian9les are equal.
£2. Ywo ri9hf frian9les ABC and DBC are drawn on fhe
same hyµofenuse BC on fhe same side of BC. If AC Yhen corresµondin9 alfifudes are in fhe rafio 4 : 9.
and DB infersecfs af P, fhen Find fhe rafio of fheir areas :
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\10_Triangle (Th+Ex.) .p65

(1) 16 : 49 (2) 16 : 81
P (3) 16 : 65 (4) None
£8. In fhe fi9ure ACB ~ APQ. If B C = 8 cm,
PQ = 4 cm, AP = 2.8 cm, find CA :
(1) 8 cm

AP BP (2) 6.5 cm B
(1) = P
(3) 5.6 cm
(2) AP x DP = PC x C
BP (4) None of fhese
(3) AP x PC = BP x
102 (4) AP x BP = PC x
£9. In fhe fi9. BC   AD. Find fhe value of x : 8 5 . In fhe fi9ure, A B C is a frian9le in which A B = AC.
A circle fhrou9h B fouches A C af D and infersecfs
A D A B af P. If D is fhe mid·µoinf of AC, Find fhe value

O of AB.

B C (1) 2AP A
(1) 9, 10 (2) 7, 8 (2)3AP D

(3) 10, 12 (4) 8, 9 (3)4AP B C

80. In an equilaferal frian9le of side 2a, calculafe fhe
(4) none of fhe above
len9fh of ifs alfifude :
86. In fi9ure, ABC is a ri9hf frian9le, ri9hf an9led af B.
(1) 2a 3 (2) a 3 AD and CE are fhe fwo medians drawn from A and

3 3 5
(3) a (4)None C resµecfively. If AC = 5 cm and AD = cm,
2 2
81. In fi9. AD is fhe bisecfor of BAC. If BD = 2 cm,
find fhe len9fh of CE:
CD = 3 cm and AB = 5 cm. Find AC :

(1) 6 cm (1) 2 5 cm
(2) 7.5 cm (2) 2.5 cm
(3)10 cm E
(3) 5 cm
(4)15 cm B D C B C
82. In fhe fi9. AB  QR. Find fhe len9fh of PB : (4) 4 2 cm

(1) 2 cm P 8 £ . In a A BC, A B = 1 0 cm, B C = 12 cm and A C

(2) 3 cm = 14 cm. Find fhe len9fh of median A D. If G is
3cm fhe cenfroid, find len9fh of GA :
(3) 2.5 cm
Q R 5 5
(4) 4 cm 9cm (1) 7, 7 (2) 5 7, 4 7
3 9
83. In fhe fi9. QA and PB are µerµendicular fo AB. If
AO = 10 cm, BO = 6 cm and PB = 9 cm. Find AQ 10 8 8
(3) , 7 (4) 4 7, 7
3 3 3
(1) 8 cm
8 8 . ABC is a ri9hf an9led frian9le af A and A D is fhe
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\10_Triangle (Th+Ex.) .p65

(2)9 cm O
A B alfifude fo BC. lf AB = 7 cm and A C = 24 cm. Find
(3)15 cm fhe rafio of AD is fo AM if M is fhe mid-µoinf of BC.

(4) 12 cm Q (1) 25 : 41 (2) 32 : 41

84. In fhe 9iven fi9ure AB = 12 cm, AC = 15 cm and
336 625
AD = 6 cm. BC  DE, find fhe len9fh of AE: (3) (4)
625 336
(1)6 cm
89. Area of ABC = 30 cm2. D and E are fhe mid-µoinfs
(2) 7.5 cm of BC and AB resµecfively. Find ar (BDE).
(3)9 cm D (1) 10 cm (2) 7.5 cm
(4)10 cm
(3) 15 cm (4) None


◼ Quadratic Equation

An equafion of fhe form

ax2 + bx + c = 0 ........(i)

where a, b, c  R and a  0 is called a quadrafic equafion. Yhe numbers a, b, c are called fhe coefficienfs of
fhis quafion.

⚫ A root of the quadratic Equation

Discriminanf D = b2 - 4ac

Yhe roofs of Eq (i) are 9iven by fhe formula

−b  D 2
x= or x = −b  b − 4ac
2a 2a

⚫ Properties of Quardratic Equations

} A quadrafic equafion has fwo and only fwo roofs.

} A quadrafic equafion cannof have more fhan fwo differenf roofs.

} If  be a roof of fhe quadrafic equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0, fhen (x - ) is a facfor of ax2 + bx + c = 0.

⚫ Sum and Product of the roots of a Quadratic Equation

Leaf   be fhe roofs of a quadrafic equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0, a  0, fhen

−b  coefficienf of x 
 + = =− 2

a  coefficienf of x 

 
and . = c =  cons fan f ferm 
a  coefficienf ofx 2 
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\6. Quadratic Equations (Th + Ex.).p65


} If fhe fwo roofs  and  be reciµrocal fo each ofher, fhen a = c.

} If fhe fwo roofs  and  be equal in ma9nifude and oµµosife in si9n b = 0.

⚫ Sign of the Roots

St 9 n oG ( +  ) St 9 n oG() St 9 n oG t he  

+ve +ve  and  are µosifive

-ve +ve  and  are ne9afive

+ve -ve  is µosifive and  is ne9afive if > 

- ve -ve  is ne9afive and  is µosifive if < 

Class X
◼ Nature of Roots
For a quadrafic equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b, c  R and a  0 and D = b 2 - 4ac
(i) If D < 0, roofs are ima9inary (ii) If D  0 roofs are real.

} If a, b, c  R and µ + iq is one roof of quadrafic equafion (where q  0) fhen fhe ofher roof musf be
conju9afe µ - iq and vice-versa. (µ,q  R and i = −1 )

} If a, b, c  Q and µ + q is one roof of fhe quadrafic equafion, fhen fhe ofher roof musf be fhe

conju9afe µ − q and vice-versa (where µ is a rafional and q is a surd).

} If a = 1 and b, c  I and fhe roofs of quadrafic equafion are rafional numbers, fhen fhese roofs musf be

⚫ Condition for Common Roots

Consider fwoquadrafic equafions

ax2 + bx + c = 0 ..............(i) a  0

and ax2 + bx +c = 0 ..............(ii) d  0

(i) If one roof is common fhen,

(ab - ab) (bc - bc) = (ca - ca)2

(ii) If fwo roofs are common fhen,

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a= b= c a
' b' c '
⚫ Condition that ax2 + bx + c = 0, is Factorizable into two Linear Factors
When D  0, fhen fhe equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0 is facforizable info fwo linear facfors.

i.e., ax2 + bx + c  (x - a) (x - b) = 0, where  and  are fhe roofs of quadrafic equafion.

◼ Formation of a Quadratic Equation

Lef   be fhe fwo roofs fhen we can form a quadrafic equafion as folllows

x2 - (sum of roofs) x + (µroducf of roofs) = 0

i.e., x2 - ( + ) x +() = 0

or (x - ) (x - ) =0
◼ Formation of a New Quadratic Equation by Changing the roots of agiven
Quadratic Equation
Lef   be fhe roofs of a quadrafic equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0, fhen we can form a new quadrafic equafion as
µer fhe followin9rules.
⚫ A quadrafic equafion whose roofs are µ more fhan fhe roofs of fhe equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0 (i.e., fhe roofs are
 + µ and  + µ).
Yhe required equafion is
a(x - µ)2 + b(x - µ) + c =0

⚫ A quadrafic equafion whose roofs are less by µ fhan fhe roofs of fhe equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0, (i.e., fhe roofs
are  - µ and  - µ)

Yhe required equafionis

a(x + µ)2 + b(x + µ) + c = 0
⚫ A quadrafic equafion whose roofs are µ fimes fhe roofs of fhe equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0(i.e., fhe roofs are

 
and ) Yhe required equafion is a(µx)2+b(µx)+c=0
µ µ

⚫ A quadrafic equafion whose roofs are fhe reciµrocal of fhe roofs of equafion ax2+bx+c=0 (i.e. fhe roofs are

1 1 1  1
and ). Yhe required equafion is a   + b x + c = 0
   x 

 cx2 + bx + a =0
⚫ A quadrafic equafion whose roofs are 1/µ fimes fhe roofs of fhe equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0 (i.e., fhe roofs are
1/ and 1/).

x x
Yhe required equafion is a  µ  + n  µ + c = 0
   

⚫ A quadrafic equafion whose roofs are fhe ne9afive of fhe roofs of fhe equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0 (i.e., fhe roofs
are - and -)
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Yhe required equafion is a(-x)2 + b(-x) + c = 0

 ax2 - bx + c = 0

⚫ A quadrafic equafion whose roofs are fhe square of fhe roofs of fhe equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0 (i.e., fhe roofs are
2 and 2)

Yhe required equafion is a( x)2 + b( x ) + c = 0

 ax + b x + c = 0

⚫ A quadrafic equafion whose roofs are fhe cubes of fhe roofs of fhe equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0 (i.e., fhe roofs are
3 and 3)
Yhe required equafion is a(x1/3)2 + b(x1/3) + c = 0
 ax2/3 + bx1/3 + c = 0

Class X
◼ Maximum or Minimum value of a Quadratic Equation

Af x = 2a we 9ef fhe maximum or minimum value of fhe quadrafic exµression.

4ac − b
} When a > 0 (in fhe equafion ax2 + bx + c) fhe exµression 9ives minimum value, y =

4ac − b
} When a < 0 (in fhe equafion ax2 +bx +c) fhe exµression 9ives maximum value, y = .

◼ Sign of Quadratic Expression ax2 + bx + c

⚫ If   are fhe roofs of fhe corresµondin9 quadrafic equafion, fhen for x =  and x = , fhe value of fhe
exµression is equal fo zero. i.e., f(x) = ax2 + bx + c = 0.
⚫ Buf for ofher real values of x (i.e., exceµf  and ) fhe exµression is eifher less fhan zero or 9reafer fhan zero,
i.e., f(x) < 0 or f(x) > 0.
⚫ Buf for ofher real values of x (i.e., exceµf  and ) fhe exµression is eifher less fhan zero or 9reafer fhan zero,
i.e., f (x) < 0 or f (x) < 0.

⚫ Yhus fhe si9n of ax2 + bx + c, x  R, is defermined by fhe followin9 rules:

} If D < 0 i.e.,  and  are ima9inary, fhen
ax2 + bx + c > 0, if a > 0
and ax2 + bx + c < 0, if a < 0
} If D = 0 i.e.,  and  are real and equal, fhen

ax2 + bx + c  0, if a > 0

and ax2 + bx + c  0, if a < 0

} If D > 0 i.e.,  and  are real unequal (  ), fhen fhe si9n of fhe exµression ax2 + bx + c, x  R is
defermined as follows:

Si9n is same as Si9n is oµµosife Si9n is same

fhaf of a fo fhaf of a as fhaf of a
 
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◼ Relation between roots and coefficients

⚫ For quadrafic equafion ax2 + bx + c = 0, havin9 fhe roofs  and , fhen

−b c
+ = and =
a a
⚫ For cubic equafion ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0, havin9 roofs   and , fhen

-b c c
++= ,  +  +  = (-1)2 =
a a a

d −d
and  = (−1)3 =
a a

1. If fhe roofs, x1 and x2, of fhe quadrafic equafion
9. Solve : 2x + 9 + x = 13 :
x2 -2x + c = 0 also safisfy fhe equafion 7x2 - 4x1
= 47, fhen which of fhe followin9 is frue ? (1) 4, 16 (2) 8, 20

(1) c = - 15 (2) x1 = 5, x2 = 3 (3) 2, 8 (4) None offhese

(3) x1 = 4.5, x2 = - 2.5 (4) None of fhese 10. Solve : 2x + 9 - x -4 = 3

2. Yhe infe9ral values of K for which fhe equafion
(1) 4, 16 (2) 8, 20 (3) 2, 8 (4) None
(K- 2) x2 + 8x + K + 4 = 0 has bofh fhe roofs real,
disfincf and ne9afive is:  1  1
11. Solve for x : 2 x2 + - 9 x +  + 14 = 0 :
(1) 0 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) - 4  x2   x 
x2 − bx = m −1
3. If fhe roofs of fhe equafion ax − c m + 1 are 1 1 1
(1) , 1, 2 (2) 2, 4, (3) , 4, 1 (4)None
equal and of oµµosife si9n, fhen fhe value of m will 2 3 3
be :
12. Solve for x : x2 + x - 6 - x + 2 = x2 - 7x + 10,
a−b b− a a+b b+a
(1) (2) (3) (4)
a+b a+b a -b b-a xR :

4. If   are fhe roofs of fhe equafion x2 + 2x + 4 = 0, 10

(1) 2, 6, - (2) 2, 6
1 1
fhen + is equal fo :
 3 3 (3) -2, -6 (4) None offhese
13. Yhe number of r eal solufions of
1 1 1 1 1
(1) - (2) (3) 32 (4) x- = 2- is :
2 4 32 x2 − 4 x2 − 4
(1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) Infinife
5. If   ar e fhe r oofs of fhe equafion x2 + 7x
+ 12 = 0, fhen fhe equafion whose roofs are ( 14. Yhe equafion x + 1 - x − 1 = 4x − 1 has :
+ )2 and ( - )2 is :
(1)No solufion
(1) x2 + 50x + 49 = 0 (2) x2 - 50x + 49 = 0 (2) One solufion
(3) x2 - 50x - 49 = 0 (4) x2 + 12x + 7 = 0 (3)Ywo solufions
6. Yhe value of K (K > 0) for which fhe equafions x2
(4) More fhan fwo solufions
+ Kx + 64 = 0 and x2 - 8x + K = 0 bofh will
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\6. Quadratic Equations (Th + Ex.).p65

15. Yhe number of real r oofs of fhe equafion (x

have real roofs is :
- 1)2 + (x - 2)2 + (x - 3)2 = 0 :
(1) 8 (2) 16 (3) - 64 (4) None
(1) 0 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 6
£. If   are r oofs of fhe quadrafic equafion x2 +
16. If fhe equafion (3x)2 +(27 x31/K - 15) x+ 4 =0 has
bx - c = 0, fhen fhe equafion whose roofs are b
equal roofs, fhen K =
and c is

(1) x2 + x -  =0 1 1
(1) - 2 (2) - (3) (4) 0
2 2
(2) x2 - [(+ ) + ] x -  ( + ) = 0
(3) x2 + ( +  + ) x +  (+ ) = 0 1£. Equafion ax2 + 2x + 1 has one double roof if :

(4) x2 + ( +  + ) x -  ( + ) = 0 (1) a = 0 (2) a = - 1 (3) a = 1 (4) a = 2

8. Solve for x : x6 - 26x3 - 27 = 0 18. Solve for x : (x + 2) (x - 5) (x - 6) (x + 1) = 144

(1) - 1, 3 (2) 1, 3 (1) -1, -2, -3 (2) 7, - 3, 2

(3) 1, - 3 (4) -1, -3 (3) 2, - 3, 5 (4) None offhese

Class X
19. Whaf does fhe followin9 9raµh reµresenf? 26. If fhe roofs of fhe quadrafic equafion ax2 + bx + c
= 0 are ima9inary fhen for all values of a, b, c and
y x  R, fhe exµression a2x2 + abx + ac is

O (3) Ne9afive
(4)May be µosifive, zero or ne9afive

(1) Quadrafic µolynomial has jusf one roof. 2£. Yhe value of K, so fhaf fhe equafions 2x2 + Kx - 5 = 0
and x2 - 3x - 4 = 0 have one roof in common is :
(2) Quadrafic µolynomial has equal roofs.
(3) Quadrafic µolynomial has no roof. 27
(1) - 2, - 3 (2) - 3, -
(4) Quadrafic µolynomial has equal roofs and 4
con- sfanf ferm is non-zero. (3) - 5, - 6 (4) None of fhese
20. Consider a µolynomial ax2 + bx + c such fhaf zero 28. If fhe exµression x2 - 11x + a and x2 - 14x + 2a
is one of if's roofs fhen musf have a common facfor and a  0, fhen fhe
-b common facforis :
(1) c = 0, x = safisfies fhe µolynomial equafion
a (1) (x - 3) (2) (x - 6) (3) (x - 8) (4) None
(2) c  0, x = safisfies fhe µolynomial equafion 29. Yhe value of m for w hich one of fhe roofs of
x 2 - 3x + 2m = 0 is double of one of fhe r oofs
(3) x = safisfies fhe µolynomial equafion. of x2 - x + m = 0 is :
(4) Polynomial has equal roofs. (1) 0, 2 (2) 0, - 2 (3) 2, - 2 (4) None
21. Consider a quadrafic µolynomial f(x)=ax2 -x+c such 30. If fhe equafions x2 + bx +c = 0 and x2 + cx + b=0,
fhaf ac > 1 and if's 9raµh lies below x-axis fhen: (b  c) have a common roof fhen :

(1) a < 0, c > 0 (2) a < 0, c < 0 (1) b + c = 0 (2) b + c = 1

(3) a > 0, c > 0 (4) a > 0, c < 0 (3) b + c + 1 = 0 (4) None of fhese
22. If  are fhe roofs of a quadrafic equafion x2 - 31. If bofh fhe roofs of fhe equafions
3x + 5 = 0 fhen fhe equafion whose roofs are (2 K(6x2 + 3) + rx + 2x2 - 1 = 0 and
- 3 + 7) and (2 - 3 + 7) is : 6K (2x2 + 1) + µx + 4x2 - 2 = 0 are common,
(1) x2 + 4x + 1 = 0 (2) x2 - 4x + 4 = 0 fhen 2r - µ is equal fo :
(3) x2 - 4x - 1 = 0 (4) x2 + 2x + 3 =0 (1) 1 (2) - 1 Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\6. Quadratic Equations (Th + Ex.).p65

23. Yhe exµression a2x2 + bx + 1 will be µosifive for (3) 2 (4) 0

all x  R if : 32. If x2 - ax - 21 = 0 and x2 - 3ax + 35 = 0 ; a > 0
(1) b2 > 4a2 (2) b2 < 4a2 have a common roof, fhen a is equal fo :
(3) 4b2 > a2 (4) 4b2 < a2 (1) 1 (2) 2
24. For whaf value of a fhe curve y = x2 + ax + 25 (3) 4 (4) 5
fouches fhe x-axis: 33. Yhe values of a for which fhe quadrafic equafion
(1) 0 (2) ± 5 (1 - 2a) x2 - 6ax - 1 = 0 and ax2 - x + 1 = 0 have
(3) ± 10 (4)None af leasf one roof in common are :

25. Yhe value of fhe exµression x2 + 2bx + c will be 1 2 1

µosifive for all real x if : (1) , (2) 0,
2 9 2
(1) b2 - 4c > 0 (2) b2 - 4c < 0
2 1 2
(3) c2 < b (4) b2 < c (3) 9 (4) 0, ,
2 9

34. If fhe quadrafic equafion 2x2 + ax + b = 0 and 42. Graµh of y = ax2 + bx + c is 9iven adjacenfly.Whaf
2x2 + bx + a = 0 (a  b) have a common roof, fhe conclusions can be drawn from fhe 9raµh?
value of a + b is : (i) a > 0 (ii) b < 0
(1) - 3 (2) - 2 (3) - 1 (4) 0 (iii) c < 0 (iv) b2 - 4ac > 0
35. If fhe equafion x 2 + bx + ca = 0 and x2 + cx y
+ ab = 0 have a common roof and b  c, fhen
fheir ofher roofs will safisfy fhe equafion :
(1) x2 - (b + c) x + bc = 0 x
(2)x2 - ax + bc = 0
(1) (i) and (iv) (2) (ii) and (iii)
(3)x2 + ax + bc = 0
(3) (i), (ii) & (iv (4) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv)
(4)None of fhese
43. Yhe adj oinin9 fi9ur e show s fhe 9r aµh of y =
36. If bofh fhe roofs of fhe equafions x2 + mx + 1 = 0
ax2 + bx + c. Yhen which of fhe followin9 is
and (b - c) x2 + (c - a) x + (a - b) = 0 are common,
correcf :
fhen :
(i) a > 0 (ii) b > 0
(1) m = - 2 (2) m = - 1 (3) m = 0 (4) m = 1
(iii) c > 0 (iv) b2 < 4ac
3£. For fhe equafion 3x2 + µx + 3 = 0, µ > 0, if one of y
fhe roofs is square of fhe ofher, fhen µ = x
 
(1) (2) 1

(1) (i) and (iv) (2) (ii) and (iii)

(3) 3 (4) 3 (3) (iii) & (iv) (4) None of fhese
44. If x2 - (a + b) x + ab = 0, fhen fhe value of (x -
38. Yhe roofs of fhe equafion ¦x 2 - x - 6 ¦ = x + 2 are
a)2 + (x - b)2 is
(1) - 2, 1, 4 (2) 0, 2, 4
(1) a2+b2 (2) (a+b)2 (3) (a-b)2 (4) a2-b2
(3) 0, 1, 4 (4) -2, 2, 4
39. Yhe equafion x -
=1 -
has 45. Yhe sum of fhe roofs of + 1 = 1 is zero.
x+a x+b c
x −1 x −1
(1)Ywo roofs Yhe µroducf of fhe roofs is
(2)Infinifely many roofs
(3)Only oneroof (1) 0 (2) 2 (a + b)
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\6. Quadratic Equations (Th + Ex.).p65

(4)No roof
40. Yhe value of x which safisfy fhe exµression : (3) − (a2 + b2 ) (4) 2(a2 + b2)
2 −3 2 −3
(5 + 2 6 )x + (5 - 2 6)x = 10 46. If fhe roofs of fhe equafions
(1) ± 2, ± 3 (2) ± 2 , ± 4
for a  0 are real and equal, fhen fhe value of
a3+b3+c3 is
(3) ± 2, ± 2 (4) 2, 2 , 3
41. Find all fhe infe9ral values of a for which fhe quad- (1) abc (2) 3abc
rafic equafion (x - a) (x - 10) + 1 = 0 has infe9ral (3) zero (4) None of fhese
roofs : 4£. If, ,  are fhe roofs of X 2 - 8X +P=0 and
(1) 12, 8 (2) 4, 6 2+2 =40. fhen fhe value of P is

(3) 2, 0 (4)None (1) 8 (2) 10 (3) 12 (4) 14

Class X
48. If, l, m, n are real and l=m, fhen fhe roofs of fhe 52. Find fhe r oof of fhe quadr afic equafion
equafions bx2-2ax+a=0
(l-m)x2-5(l+m)x-2(l-m)=0 are b a
(1) (2)
(1)Real and Equal b a-b b a-b

a a
(3)Real and Unequal (3) (4)
a  a-b a  a+b
(4)None of fhese
53. If 4 is a solufion of fhe equafion x2+3x+K=10,
49. In a family, eleven fimes fhe number of children is
where K is a consfanf, whaf is fhe ofher solufion ?
9reafer fhan fwice fhe square of fhe number of
(1) - 18 (2) - 7
children by 12. How many children are fhere ?
(3) - 28 (4) None of fhese
(1) 3 (2) 4 5 4 . Yhe coefficienf of x in fhe equafion x2+µx+µ=0 was
(3) 2 (4) 5 wron9ly wriffen as 17 in µlace of 13 and fhe roofs
50. Yhe sum of all fhe real roofs of fhe equafion fhus found were -2 and -15. Yhe roofs of fhe
correcf equafion would be
x - 2 + x - 2 - 2 =0 is (1) - 4, -9 (2) - 3, -10
(3) - 3, -9 (4) - 4, -10
(1) 2 (2) 3
55. If  and  are fhe roofs of fhe quadrafic equafion
(3) 4 (4) None of fhese
 2 2
ax2 + bx + c = 0, fhen fhe value of +
51. If fhe rafio befween fhe roofs of fhe equafion   is
lx 2 +mx + n= 0 is µ:q, fhen fhe value of
2bc − a3 3abc −b3
µ +q +n (1) (2)
is b2c a2c
q µ l
(1) 4 (2) 3
3abc − b2 ab − b2c
(3) (4)
(3) 0 (4) -1 a3c 2b2c

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Qte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 £ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. 1 3 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1
Qte. 16 1£ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2£ 28 29 30
Ans. 2 3 2 4 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 2 3 2 3
Qte. 31 32 33 34 35 36 3£ 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. 4 3 3 2 1 1 3 4 4 3 1 4 2 3 3
Qte. 46 4£ 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Ans. 2 3 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 2


m who
elp you.

◼ Polynomial in one variable
An al9ebraic exµression of fhe form
µ(x) = an xn + an-1xn-1 + an-2xn-2 +....+ a1x1 + a0x0, where
(i) an  0
(ii) a0, a1, a2, are real numbers
(iii) µower of x is a µosifive infe9er, is called a µolynomial in one variable.
Hence, an , a n - 1, an-2,....., a0 are coefficienfs of xn , x n - 1 , ............,x 0 resµecfively and an xn , an-1 xn- 1, an-
n-2 n
2 x ,... are ferms of fhe µolynomial. Here fhe ferm an x is called fhe le ad i ng t e r n and ifs coefficienf an , fhe
leading soeffisient .
◼ Degree of polynomials
De9ree of fhe µolynomial in one variable is fhe lar9esf exµonenf of fhe variable. For examµle, fhe de9ree of fhe
µolynomial 3x7 - 4x6 + x + 9 is 7 and fhe de9ree of fhe µolynomial 5x6 - 4x2 - 6 is 6.
◼ Classification of polynomials
⚫ Po1ynomta1s c1asstGted by de 9 r e e

D e9ree Nam e Genera1 Gorm Examµ1e

-  (undefined) Zero µolynomial 0 0
0 (Non-zero) consfanf a; (a  0) 1
1 Linear µolynomial ax + b; (a  0) x +1
2 Quadrafic µolynomial ax2 + bx + c; (a  0) x2 + 1
3 Cubic µolynomial ax + bx + cx + d; (a  0)
3 2
x3 + 1

A µolynomial of de9ree n, for n 9reafer fhan 3, is called a µolynomial of de9ree n.

⚫ Po1ynomta1s c1asstGted by t e r m s
Wonomta1s : Polynomials havin9 only one ferm are called monomials. E.9. 2, 2x, 7y5, 12f7 efc.
Btnomta1s : Polynomials havin9 exacfly fwo ferms are called binomials. E.9. µ(x) = 2x + 1, r(y) = 2y7 + 5y6. efc.
Yrtnomta1s : Polynomials havin9 exacfly fhree ferms are called frinomials. E.9. µ(x) = 2x2 + x + 6,
q(y) = 9y6 + 4y2 + 1 efc.
◼ Zeros / Roots of a polynomial / equation
The value of fhe variable x, for which fhe µolynomial f(x) becomes zero is called zero of fhe µolynomial.
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\4_Polynomials (Th. + Ex.) .p65

E.9. : consider, a µolynomial µ(x) = x2 - 5x + 6; reµlace x by 2 and 3.

µ(2) = (2)2 - 5 x 2 + 6 = 4 - 10 + 6 = 0,
µ(3) = (3)2 - 5 x 3 + 6 = 9 - 15 + 6 = 0
 2 and 3 are fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial µ(x).
◼ Roots of a polynomial equation
An exµression f(x) = 0 is called a µolynomial equafion if f(x) is a µolynomial of de9ree n  1.
A real number  is a roof of a µolynomial f(x) = 0 if f() = 0 i.e.  is a zero of fhe µolynomial f(x).
E.9. consider fhe µolynomial f(x) = 3x - 2, fhen 3x - 2 = 0 is fhe corresµondin9 µolynomial equafion.
2 2
Here, f   = 3  - 2 = 0
 3  3
i.e. 3 is a zero of fhe µolynomial f(x) = 3x - 2
or 3 is a roof of fhe µolynomial equafion 3x - 2 = 0

Class X
◼ Important concepts
⚫ A non-zero consfanf is a µolynomial of de9ree zero, buf fhe de9ree of zero µolynomial is nof defined.
⚫ If fhe sum of fhe co-efficienfs of µolynomial is zero, fhen (x - 1) is a facfor of fhe µolynomial.
⚫ A µolynomial in x is said fo be a µolynomial in sfandard form, if fhe µowers of x are eifher in ascendin9 order
or in descendin9 order.
⚫ A µolynomial of de9ree n  1 can have af fhe mosf n real zeros.
⚫ A non-zero consfanf µolynomial has no zero.
⚫ Every linear µolynomial has one and only one zero.
⚫ A quadrafic µolynomial ax2 + bx + c, a  0 can have af mosf fwo real zeros. In some cases, if may nof have
any real zero.
⚫ Zero of a µolynomial is acfually fhe solufion of fhe curve, y = f(x) and fhe line y = 0.
◼ Remainder theorem
⚫ Sta te m e nt : Lef µ(x) be a µolynomial of de9ree  1 and 'a' is any real number. If µ(x) is divided by (x - a), fhen
fhe remainder is µ(a).
} µ(-a) is remainder on dividin9 µ(x) by (x + a) [Q x + a = 0  x = - a]
 b
} µ  a  is remainder on dividin9 µ(x) by (ax - b) [Q ax - b = 0  x = b/a]
 −b 
} µ  a is remainder on dividin9 µ(x) by (ax + b) [Q ax + b = 0  x = -b/a]
 
 b
} µ  a is remainder on dividin9 µ(x) by (b - ax) [Q b - ax = 0  x = b/a]
◼ Factor theorem
⚫ Sta te m e nt : Lef f(x) be a µolynomial of de9ree  1 and a be any real consfanf such fhaf f(a) = 0, fhen (x - a) is
a facfor of f(x). Conversely, if (x - a) is a facfor of f(x), fhen f(a) = 0.
⚫ P(x) ts a µo1ynomta1 oGde 9 re e  1 and "a “ ts a rea1 ntm be r then
µ(a) = 0  (x - a) is a facfor of µ(x)
} (x - a) is a facfor of µ(x) fhen µ(a) = 0

 b
} ax - b is a facfor of µ(x) fhen P   =0
 a
} ax + b is a facfor of µ(x) fhen P  −b  = 0
a 
} (x - a) is a facfor of xn - an where "n“ is an odd µosifive infe9er
} (x + a) is a facfor of xn - an where "n“ is an odd µosifive infe9er
} (x + a) is facfor of xn - an where "n“ is µosifive even infe9er.
} (xn + an) is nof divisible by x + a when "n“ is even
} xn + an is nof divisible by x - a for any "n“
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} If x - 1 is a facfor of µolynomial of de9ree ‘n’ fhen fhe condifion is sum of fhe coeffecienfs is zero.
} If (x + 1) is a facfor of µolynomial of de9ree ‘n’ fhen fhe condifion is sum of fhe coefficienfs of even ferms
is equal fo fhe coefficienfs of odd ferms.
◼ Relationship between the zeros and coefficients of a polynomial
For a linear µolynomial ax + b, (a  0), we have,
= − (consfanf ferm)
zero of a linear µolynomial = −
a (coefficienf of x)
For a quadrafic µolynomial ax2 + bx + c (a  0), wifh  and  as if's zeros, (x - ) and (x - ) are fhe facfors of
ax2 + bx + c.
Therefore, ax2 + bx + c = K(x - ) (x - ), (where K is a consfanf fo balance fhe equafion of fhe coefficienf of
x2 i.e. a  1.)
= K x2 - K ( + ) x + K  
comµarin9 fhe coefficienfs of x2, x and consfanf ferms on bofh fhe sides, we 9ef
a = K, b = - K ( + ) and c = K  
This 9ives

Sum of zeros =  + =− b = − (coefficienf of x)

a (coefficienf of x2 )
c (consfanf ferm)
Producf of zeros =  = =
a (coefficienf of x2 )
If  and  are fhe zeros of a quadrafic µolynomial f(x). Then µolynomial f(x) is 9iven by
f(x) = K{x2 - ( + )x + }
or f(x) = K{x2 - (sum of fhe zeros) x + µroducf of fhe zeros}
where K is a consfanf.
◼ Symmetric functions of the zeros
Lef  be fhe zeros of a quadrafic µolynomial, fhen fhe exµression of fhe form  + ; (2 + 2 ) ;  are called
fhe funcfions of fhe zeros. By symmefric funcfion we mean fhaf fhe funcfion remain invarianf (unalfered) in
values when fhe roofs are chan9ed cyclically. In ofher words, an exµression involvin9  and  which remains
unchan9ed by inferchan9in9  and  is called a symmefric funcfion of  and .
Some useful relafions involvin9  and  are :-
} 2 + 2 = ( + )2 - 2
} ( - )2 = ( + )2 - 4

} 2 - 2 = ( + ) ( - ) = ( + ) ( + )2 - 4
} 3 + 3 = ( + )3 - 3 ( + )
} 3 - 3 = ( - )3 + 3 ( - )
} 4 - 4 = (2 + 2) ( + ) ( - ) = [( + )2 - 2] ( + ) ( + )2 - 4
} 4 + 4 = (2 + 2)2 - 2()2 = [( + )2 - 2]2 - 2()2

} 5 + 5 = (3 + 3) (2 + 2) - 2 2 ( + ) = [( + )3 - 3 ( + )] [( + )2 - 2] - ()2 ( + )
◼ Division algorithm for polynomials
If f(x) is a µolynomial and 9(x) is a non-zero µolynomial, fhen fhere exisf fwo µolynomials q(x) and r(x) such fhaf
f(x) = 9(x) xq(x) + r(x) , where r(x) = 0 or de9ree r(x) < de9ree 9(x). In ofher words,
Dt vt de nd = Dt vt sor × Qt ot t e nt + Re m at nde r
Re m ar h : If r(x) = 0 , fhen µolynomial 9(x) is a facfor of µolynomialf(x).
◼ Algebraic identities
An al9ebraic idenfify is an al9ebraic equafion fhaf is frue for all values of fhe variables µresenf in fhe equafion.
} (x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2
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} (x - y)2 = x2 - 2xy + y2
} x2 - y2 = (x + y) (x - y)
} (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b) x + ab
} (x + y + z)2 = x2 + y2 + z2 + 2xy + 2yz + 2zx

} (x + y)3 = x3 + y3 + 3xy (x + y)
} (x - y)3 = x3 - y3 - 3xy (x - y)
} x3 + y3 = (x + y) (x2 - xy + y2)
} x3 - y3 = (x - y) (x2 + xy + y2 )
} x3 + y3 + z3 - 3xyz = (x + y + z) (x2 + y2 + z2 - xy - yz-zx)
} If a + b + c = 0, fhen a3 + b3 + c3 = 3abc

Class X
8. If µ,q are zeros of x2 + µx + q, fhen
1 1
1. If x + = 5, fhen fhe value of x3 + is (1) µ = 1 (2) µ = 1 or 0
x x3
(3) µ = - 2 (4) µ = - 2 or 0
(1) 110 (2) 90 9. On simµlifyin9 (a + b)3 + (a - b)3 + 6a(a2 - b2) we
(3) 80 (4) 50 9ef
2. If x3 -(x + 1)2 = 2001 fhen fhe value of x is (1) 8a2 (2) 8a2b
(1) 14 (2) 13 (3) 8a3b (4) 8a3
(3) 10 (4)None 10. Facfors of (42 - x - x2) are
(1) (x - 7)(x - 6) (2) (x + 7)(x - 6)
x2 y2
3. The square roof of + - x + y - 3 is (3) (x + 7)(6 - x) (4) (x + 7)(x + 6)
y2 4x 2 y 2x 4
 2 x 1
11. Facfors of  x + 6 - 6 are
x 1 y x 1 y  
(1) − − (2) + −
y 2 2x y 2 2x
1 1
(1) 6 (2x+1)(3x+1) (2) 6 (2x+1)(3x-1)
x 1 y x 1 y
(3) + + (4) - -
y 2 2x y 4 2x
1 1
4. If fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial ax2 + bx + c be in (3) 6 (2x-1)(3x-1) (4) 6 (2x-1)(3x+1)
fhe rafio m : n, fhen

(1) b2 mn = (m2 + n2) ac

12. Value of
a3 + b3 + c 3 - 3abc , w hen
(2) (m + n)2 ac = b2 mn
ab + bc + ca - a 2 - b2 - c 2
(3) b2 (m2 + n2) = mnac
a = -5, b = -6, c = 10 is
(4) None of fhese
(1) 1 (2) - 1
5. If    and fhe difference befween fhe roofs of fhe
µolynomials x2 + ax + b and x2 + bx + a is fhe (3) 2 (4) - 2
same, fhen 13. If (x + y + z) = 1, xy + yz + zx = -1, xyz = -1, fhen
fhe value of x3 + y3 + z3 is
(1) a + b + 4 = 0
(1) -1 (2) 1
(2) a + b - 4 =0
(3) 2 (4) -2
(3) a - b + 4 =0
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14. In mefhod of facfor izafion of an al9ebr aic

(4) a - b - 4 = 0 exµression, Which of fhe followin9 sfafemenfs is
6. If    and 2 = 5 - 3, 2 = 5 - 3, fhen fhe false?
 
µolynomial whose zeros are  and  is : (1) TaKin9 ouf a common facfor from fwo or
more ferms
(1) 3x2 - 25x + 3 (2) x2 - 5x + 3
(2) TaKin9 ouf a common facfor from a 9rouµ of
(3) x2 + 5x - 3 (4) 3x2 - 19x + 3
7. The facfors of a2(b3 - c3) + b2(c3 - a3) + c2(a3 - b3)
(3)By usin9 remainder fheorem
(4)By usin9 sfandard idenfifies
(1) (a - b) (b - c) (c - a) (ab + bc + ca)
15. Facfors of (a + b)3 - (a - b)3 are
(2) (a + b) (b + c) (c + a) (ab + bc + ca)
(1) 2ab(3a2 + b2) (2) ab(3a2 + b2)
(3) (a - b) (b - c) (c - a) (ab - bc - ca)
(3) 2b(3a2 + b2) (4) 3a2 + b20
(4) None offhese
1 6 . The homo9eneous funcfion of fhe second de9ree 25. The L.C.M. of 22x(x + 1)2 and 36x2(2x2 + 3x + 1)
in x and y havin9 2x - y as a facfor, faKin9 fhe value is
2 when x = y = 1 and vanishin9 if x = -1, y = 1 is (1) 2x(x + 1)
(1) 2x2 + xy - y2 (2) 3x2 - 2xy + y2 (2) 396x2(x + 1)2(2x + 1)
(3) x2 + xy - 2y2 (4) None offhese (3) 792x3(x + 1)2 (2x2 + 3x +1)
17. The common quanfify fhaf musf be added fo each (4) None offhese
ferm of a2 : b2 fo maKe if equal fo a : b is
26. The L.C.M of x3 - 8 and x2 - 5x + 6 is
a (1) x - 2
(1) ab (2) a + b (3) a - b (4)
b (2) x2 + 2x + 4

18. If fhe µolynomial 16x4 - 24x3 + 41x 2 - mx + 16 (3) (x - 2)(x2 + 2x + 4)

be a µerfecf square,fhen fhe value of "m" is (4) (x -2)(x - 3)(x2 + 2x + 4)
27. If fhe G.C.D. of fhe µolynomials x3 - 3x 2 +µx + 24
(1) 12 (2) -12 (3) 24 (4) -24
and x2 -7 x + q is (x - 2), fhen fhe value of (µ
19. If a - b = 3, a + b + x = 2, fhen fhe value of (a -
+ q) is:
b)[x3 - 2ax2 + a2x - (a + b)b2] is
(1) 0 (2) 20 (3) -20 (4) 40
(1) 84 (2) 48 (3) 32 (4) 36
28. If fhe L.C.M. of fwo µolynomials µ(x) and q(x) is
20. If abx2 = (a - b)2(x + 1), fhen fhe value of (x + 3)(x - 2)2(x - 6) and fheir H.C.F. is (x - 2).If
4 4 µ(x) = (x + 3)(x - 2)2, fhen q(x) =
1 + + is:-
x x2 (1) (x + 3)((x - 2) (2) x2 - 3x - 18
(3) x2 - 8x + 12 (4) none of fhese
2 2 29. The G.C.D. of fwo µolynomials is (x - 1) and fheir
 a - b  a + b
(1)  (2)  L.C.M. is x6 - 1. If one of fhe µolynomials is
a + b  a - b
x3 - 1, fhen fhe ofher µolynomial is .
(1) x3 - 1 (2) x4 - x3 + x - 1
2 2
 a   b  (3) x2 - x + 1 (4) None offhese
(3)  (4)  
 a + b  a + b  30. The L.C.M. of 2x and 8 is
(1) 2x (2) 4x (3) 8x (4) 16x
2 1 . Lef  be fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial (x - a) (x -
b) - c wifh c  0. Then fhe zeros of fhe µolyno-
1 1
mial (x - ) (x - ) + c are 31. If x2 + = 38, fhen fhe value of x - is
x2 x
(1) a, c (2) b, c
(1) 6 (2) 4 (3) 0 (4)None
(3) a, b (4) a + c, b + c
32. The simµlesf form of (2x + 3)3 - (2x - 3)3 is
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22. A homo9eneous exµression of second de9ree in x

(1) 54 + 72x2 (2) 72 + 54x2
& y is
(3) 54 + 54x2 (4) None of fhese
(1) ax2+ bx + c (2) ax2+ bx + cy
33. The simµlesf form of (µ - q)3 + (q - r)3 + (r - µ)3 is
(3) ax2 + bx + cy2 (4) ax2 + bxy + cy2
(1) 4(µ - q)(q - r)(r - µ) (2) 2 (µ - q)(q - r)(r - µ)
23. If fhe sum of fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial x2 + µx + q
(3) (µ - q)(q - r)(r - µ) (4) None offhese
is equal fo fhe sum of fheir squares, fhen
34. The square roof of x4 + 6x3 + 17x 2 + 24x + 16 is
(1) µ2 - q2 = 0 (2) µ2 + q2 = 2q
(1) x2 + 3x + 4 (2) 2x2 + 3x + 4
(3) µ2 + µ = 2q (4) None of fhese
(3) 3x2 + 3x + 4 (4) None of fhese
24. The G.C.D of x2 - 3x + 2 and x2 - 4x + 4 is 35. The square roof of x4 - 2x3 + 3x2 - 2x + 1 is
(1) x - 2 (2) (x - 2)(x - 1) (1) x2 + x + 1 (2) x2 - x + 1
(3) (x - 2)2 (4) (x - 2)3(x - 1) (3) x2 + x - 1 (4) x2 - x - 1

Class X
3 6 . T he value of  for w hich one zer o of 3x2 - (1 44. The exµression x3 + 9x2 + hx + K is divisible by
+ 4) x + 2 + 2 may be one-fhird of fhe ofher is bofh x and x - 2 buf leaves a remainder of 24
when divided by x + 2 fhen fhe values of 9, h and
K are
(1) 4 (2) (1) 9 = 10, h = - 3, K = 0
(2) 9 = 3, h = - 10, K = 0
17 31 (3) 9 = 10, h = - 2, K = 3
(3) (4)
4 8 (4) None of fhese
37. The facfors of a3(b - c) + b3(c - a) + c3(a - b) are 45. The value of m if 2xm + x3 - 3x2 - 26 leaves a
(1) (a + b + c) (a - b) (b - c) (c - a) remainder of 226 when if is divided by x - 2.

(2) - (a + b + c) (a - b) (b - c) (c - a) (1) 0 (2) 7

(3) 2 (a + b + c) (a - b) (b - c) (c - a) (3) 10 (4) All of fhese
(4) - 2 (a + b + c) (a - b) (b - c) (c - a) 46. T he exµression Ax 3 + x 2 + Bx + C leaves
38. The value of 'a', for which one roof of fhe quadrafic 21
remainder of when divided by 1 - 2x and 18
µolynomial (a2 - 5a + 3) x2 + (3a - 1) x + 2 is fwice 4
as lar9e as fhe ofher, is when divided by x. Given also fhe exµression has
a facfor of (x - 2), fhe values of A, B and C are
1 2 (1) A = 5, B = - 9, C = 3
(1) - (2)
3 3
(2) A = 27, B = - 18, C = 4

2 1 (3) A = 4, B = - 27, C = 18
(3) - (4)
3 3 (4) None of fhese
47. If h(x) = 2x3 + (6a2 - 10) x2 + (6a + 2) x - 14a - 2
39. If fhe µolynomial
is exacfly divisible by x - 1 buf nof by x + 1, fhen
x19 + x17 + x13 + x11 + x7 + x5 + x3 fhe value of a is
is divided by (x2 + 1), fhen fhe remainder is (1) 0 (2) - 1
(1) 1 (2) x2 + 4 (3) 10 (4) 2
(3) -x (4) x 4 8 . Given fhe µolynomial is exacfly divided by x + 1,
4 0 . If (x - 2) is a common facfor of x3 - 4x2 + ax + b and when if is divided by 3x - 1, fhe remainder
and x3 - ax2 + bx + 8, fhen fhe values of a and is 4. The µolynomial 9ives a remainder hx + K when
b are resµecfively divided by 3x2 + 2x - 1 fhen fhe values of h and
(1) 3 and 5 (2) 2 and -4 K are
(3) 4 and 0 (4) 0 and 4 (1) h = 2, K = 3 (2) h = 3, K = 3
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41. If fhe exµressions ax3 + 3x2 - 3 and 2x 3 - 5x +a (3) h = 3, K = 2 (4) None of fhese
on dividin9 by x - 4 leave fhe same remainder, 4 9 . The remainder when f(x) = (x4 - x3 + 2x - 3) 9(x)
fhen fhe value of a is is divided by x - 3, 9iven fhaf x - 3 is a facfor
(1) 1 (2) 0 (3) 2 (4) -1 of 9(x) + 3, where 9(x) is a µolynomial is
42. If fhe µolynomial x6 + µx5 + qx4 - x2 - x - 3 is (1) 0 (2) -171
divisible by x4 - 1, fhen fhe value of µ2 + q2 is (1) (3) 10 (4) 2
1 (2) 5 (3) 10 (4) 13 50. If x3 - hx2 + Kx - 9 has a facfor of x2 + 3, fhen
43. If 3x3 + 2x2 - 3x + 4 = (Ax + B)(x - 1)(x + 2) fhe values of h and K are
+ C(x - 1) + D for all values of x, fhen A + B (1) h = 3, K = 3
+ C + D is
(2) h = 2, K = 2
(1) 0 (2) 14
(3) h = 2, K = 1
(3) 10 (4) All (4) None of fhese
5 1 . T he µolynomial f(x) has r oofs of equafions 3, - 62. If  are fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial x3 + 4x + 1,
3, -K. Given fhaf fhe coefficienf of x3 is 2, and fhen ( + )-1 + ( + )-1 + ( + )-1 =
fhaf f(x) has a remainder of 8 when divided by x (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5
+ 1, fhe value of K is 63. The remainder when x1999 is divided by x2 - 1 is
(1) 1/2 (2) 1/4 (3) 1/5 (4) 2 (1) - x (2) 3x (3) x (4) None
52. One of fhe facfors of x3 + 3x2 - x - 3 is 64. For fhe exµression f(x) = x3 + ax2 + bx + c, if
(1) x + 1 (2) x + 2 f(1) = f(2) = 0 and f(4) = f(0). T he values of a, b
(3) x - 2 (4) x - 3 & c are
53. If ax2 + 2a2x + b3 is divisible by x + a, fhen .
(1) a = - 9, b = 20, c = - 12
(1) a = b (2) a + b = 0
(2) a = 9, b = 20, c = 12
(3) a2 - ab + b2 = 0 (4) a2 + 2ab + b2 = 0
(3) a = - 1, b = 2, c = - 3
54. If x3 + 2x2 + ax + b is exacfly divisible by (x + a)
and (x - 1), fhen . (4) None of fhese
65. If x + 1 is a facfor of ax4 +bx3 +cx2 +dx + e =0
(1) a = -2 (2) b = -1
(3) a = -1 (4) b = 1
55. If f(x) = ax2 + bx + c is divided by (bx + c), fhen (1) a + c + e = b + d
fhe remainder is . (2) a + b = c + d

c2 ac2 (3) a + b + c + d + e = 0
(1) (2) + 2c
b2 b2 (4) a + c + b = d + e

 c ac2 + 2b2c 66. If (x - 3) is fhe facfor of 3x3 - x2 + µx + q fhen

(3) f - b (4) (1) µ + q = 72
56. ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e is exacfly divisible by x2 (2) 3µ + q = 72
- 1, when: (3) 3µ + q = -72
(1) a + b + c + e = 0 (2) a + c + e = 0 (4) q - 3µ = 72
(3) a + b = 0 (4) a + c + e = b + d = 1 67. For whaf values of n, (x + y) is a facfor of (x -
57. The remainder of x4 + x3 - x 2 + 2x + 3 when y)n.
divided by x - 3 is
(1) for all values of n
(1) 105 (2) 108 (3) 10 (4) None (2) 1
58. If x - 3 is a facfor of x3 + 3x2 + 3x + µ, fhen
(3) only for odd numbers
fhe value of µ is
(4) none of fhese
(1) 0 (2) -63 (3) 10 (4) None
68. f(x) = 3x5 + 11x 4 + 90x 2 - 19x + 53 is divided
59. The value of ax2 + bx + c when x = 0 is 6. T he
by x + 5 fhen fhe remainder is .
remainder w hen dividin9 by x + 1 is 6. T he
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\4_Polynomials (Th. + Ex.) .p65

(1) 100 (2) -100

remainder when dividin9 by x + 2 is 8. Then fhe
(3) -102 (4) 102
sum of a, b and c is
69. If (x - 3), (x - 3) are facfors of x3 - 4x2 - 3x + 18;
(1) 0 (2) -1 (3) 10 (4) None
fhen fhe ofher facfor is
60. xn - yn is divisible by x + y, when n is .
(1) x + 2 (2) x + 3
(1)An odd µosifive infe9er
(3) x - 2 (4) x + 6
(2)An even µosifive infe9er
(3)An infe9er  -3 
70. If f   =0; fhen for f(x), which of fhe followin9
(4) None of fhese 4 
61. If  are fhe zeros of fhe quadrafic µolynomial
is a facfor?
4x2 - 4x + 1, fhen 3 + 3 is -
(1) 3x - 4 (2) 4x + 3
1 1 (3) -3x + 4 (4) 4x - 3
(1) (2) (3) 16 (4) 32
4 8
Class X
71. f(x) = 16x2 + 51x + 35 fhen one of fhe facfors 81. Find fhe remainder obfained when x2007 is divisible
of f(x) is by x2 - 1.
(1) x - 1 (2) x + 3 (1) x2 (2) x (3) x + 1 (4)-x
(3) x - 3 (4) x + 1 82. If a µolynomial 2x3 - 9x2 + 15x + µ, when divided
72. If ax3 + 9x2 + 4x - 1 is divided by (x + 2), fhe by (x - 2), leaves - µ as remainder, fhen µ is equal fo
remainder is -6; fhen fhe value of 'a' is (1) -16 (2) -5 (3) 20 (4)10
8 3 . If   and  are fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial 2x3
(1) -3 (2) -2 (3) 0 (4) - 6x2 - 4x + 30, fhen fhe value of ( +  + ) is

73. If a3 -3a2b + 3ab2 - b3 is divided by (a - b), fhen

(1) - 2 (2) 2
fhe remainder is
(3) 5 (4) - 30
(1) a2 - ab + b2 (2) a2 + ab + b2
84. If   and  are fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial
(3) 1 (4) 0
If  +  = 4 and 3 + 3 = 44, fhen  are fhe 1 1 1
74. f(x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, fhen + + =
  
zeros of fhe µolynomial.
(1) 2x2 - 7x + 6 (2) 3x2 + 9x + 11 b c c c
(1) - (2) (3) - (4) -
a d d a
(3) 9x2 - 27x + 20 (4) 3x2 - 12x + 5
85. If   and  are fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial
75. If y = f(x) = mx + c; fhen f(y) in ferms of x is
f(x) = ax3 - bx2 + cx - d, fhen 2 + 2 + 2 =
(1) mx + m + c (2) m + mc + c
b 2 - ac b 2 + 2ac
(3) m2x + mc + c (4) m2x + m2c (1) (2)
a2 b2
76. If 7 + 3x is a facfor of 3x3 + 7x, fhen fhe remainder 2 2

(3) b - 2ac (4) b - 2ac

is a 2
86. If   and  are fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial
490 -490 470
(1) (2) (3) (4) None 1 +1 +1
9 9 9 f(x) = x3 + µx2 - µqrx + r, fhen =
  
77. T he remainder w hen f(x) = 3x 4 + 2x 3
r µ µ r
(1) µ (2) (3) - (4) - µ
2 2 r r
- x - x + 2 is divided by 9(x) = x + is
3 9 27 3 8 7 . The coefficienf of x in x 2 + µx + q was faKen as 17
in µlace of 13 and if's zeros were found fo be - 2
(1) -1 (2) 1 (3) 0 (4) -2 and - 15. The zeros of fhe ori9inal µolynomial are
78. The remainder when 1 + x + x2 + x3 + ..........+
(1) 3, 7 (2) - 3, 7
x2006 is divided by x - 1 is
(3) - 3, - 7 (4) - 3, - 10
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\4_Polynomials (Th. + Ex.) .p65

(1) 2005 (2) 2006

88. Lef   be fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial x2 - µx + r
(3) 2007 (4) 2008

and ,2 be fhe zeros of x2 - qx + r. Then fhe
7 9 . If (x - 1), (x + 1) and (x - 2) are facfors of x4 +(µ 2
- 3)x3 - (3µ - 5)x2 + (2µ - 9) x + 6 fhen fhe value of r is -
value of µ is 2 2
(1) ( µ- q)(2q- µ) (2) (q - µ)(2µ- q)
9 9
(1) 1 (2) 2
(3) 3 (4) 4 2 2
(3) (q - 2µ)(2q - µ) (4) ( 2 µ - q)(2q- µ)
8 0 . If fhe remainder when fhe µolynomial f(x) is divided 9 9

by x - 1, x + 1 are 6, 8 resµecfively fhen fhe 89. When x200 + 1 is divided by x2 + 1, fhe remainder
remainder when f(x) is divided by (x - 1)(x + 1) is is equal fo -
(1) 7 - x (2) 7 + x (1) x + 2 (2) 2x - 1
(3) 8 - x (4) 8 + x (3) 2 (4) - 1
90. If a (µ + q)2 + 2bµq + c = 0 and also a(q + r)2 + 99. If  are fhe roofs of ax2 + bx + c and  + K,
2bqr + c = 0 fhen µr is equal fo -  + K are fhe roofs of µx2 + qx + r, fhen K =
1 a µ  a µ 
a c (1) - −
(1) µ2 + (2) q2 + (2)  b − q 
c a 2 b q   
a a 1 b q 
(3) µ 2 + (4) q2 + (3) 2  a − µ 
b c   (4) (ab - µq)
9 1 . If a,b and c are nof all equal and  and  be fhe
1 0 0 . The condifion fhaf x3 - ax2 + bx - c = 0 may have
zeros of fhe µolynomial ax2 + bx + c, fhen value
fwo of fhe roofs equal fo each ofher buf of oµµosife
of (1 +  + 2) (1 +  + 2) is : si9ns is :
(1) 0 (2) µosifive 2
(1) ab = c a = bc (3) a2b = c (4) None
(3) ne9afive (4) non-ne9afive 3
92. If 2 and 3 are fhe zeros of f(x)=2x3 +mx2 -13x +n, 101. If one zero of fhe µolynomial ax2 + bx + c is µosi-
fhen fhe values of m and n are resµecfively - five and fhe ofher ne9afive fhen (a,b,c R, a  0)

(1) - 5, - 30 (2) - 5, 30 (1)a and b are of oµµosife si9ns.

(3) 5, 30 (4) 5, - 30 (2)a and c are of oµµosife si9ns.

9 3 . If   are fhe zeros of fhe µolyn omial 6x 2 + (3)b and c are of oµµosife si9ns.
6µx + µ2, fhen fhe µolynomial whose zeros are (4)a,b,c are all of fhe samesi9n.
( + )2 and ( - )2 is - 102. If  are fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial x2 - µx + q,
(1) 3x2 + 4µ2x + µ4  2 2
(2) 3x2 + 4µ2x - µ4 +
fhen 2  2 is equal fo -
(3) 3x2 - 4µ2x + µ4 (4) None offhese
µ4 4µ 2 µ4 4µ 2
94. If c, d are zeros of x2 - 10ax - 11b and a, b are zeros (1) q2 + 2 - (2) -2 +
q q2 q
of x2 - 10cx - 11d, fhen value of a + b + c + d is µ4 4µ 2
(3) q2 + 2q - q
(1) 1210 (2) - 1 (3) 2530 (4) - 11 (4) None of fhese

9 5 . If fhe rafio of fhe roofs of µolynomial x2 + bx + c 1 0 3 . If  are fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial x2 - µx + 36
is fhe same as fhaf of fhe r afio of fhe roofs of and 2 + 2 = 9, fhen µ =

x2 + qx + r, fhen (1) ± 6 (2) ± 3 (3) ± 8 (4) ± 9

1 0 4 . If  are zeros of ax2 + bx + c, ac  0, fhen zeros
(1) br2 = qc2 (2) cq2 = rb2
of cx2 + bx + a are -
(3) q2c2 = b2r2 (4) bq = rc
96. The quadrafic µolynomial whose zerosarefwicefhe (1) - , -  (2) , 
zeros of 2x2 - 5x + 2 = 0 is -
1 1 1
(1) 8x2 - 10x + 2 (2) x2 - 5x + 4 (3) , (4) ,
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\4_Polynomials (Th. + Ex.) .p65

  
(3) 2x2 - 5x + 2 (4) x2 - 10x + 6
1 0 5 . A real number is said fo be al9ebraic if if safisfies a
9 7 . If  are fhe zeros of fhe µolynomial x3 - 3x +
µolynomial equafion wifh infe9ral coefficienfs.Which
11, fhen fhe µolynomial whose zeros are (+), (+)
of fhe followin9 numbers is nof al9ebraic :
and (+) is -
(1) (2) 2 (3) 0 (4) 
(1) x3 + 3x + 11 (2) x3 - 3x + 11 3
(3) x3 + 3x - 11 (4) x3 - 3x - 11 3
1 0 6 . The cubic µolynomials whose zeros are 4, and
98. If  are such fhaf  + +  = 2, 2 + 2 + 2 =6, -2 is :
3 + 3 + 3 = 8, fhen 4 + 4 + 4 is equal fo (1) 2x3 + 7x 2 + 10x - 24
(1) 10 (2) 12 (2) 2x 3 + 7x2 - 10x - 24

(3) 18 (4)None (3) 2x3 - 7x2 - 10x + 24

(4) None offhese
Class X
1 0 7 . If fhe sum of zer os of fhe µolynomial 1 0 9 . Consider f(x) = 8x4 - 2x2 + 6x - 5 and  are
µ(x) = Kx3 - 5x2 - 11x - 3 is 2, fhen K is equal fo if's zeros fhen  +  +  +  =
5 1 1
(1) K = - (1) (2) -
2 4 4
2 3
(2) K = 5 (3) - (4) None
(3) K = 10
1 1 0 . If x2 - ax + b = 0 and x2 - µx + q = 0 have a roof in
5 common andfhe second equafion has equal roofs, fhen
(4) K =
1 0 8 . If f(x) = 4x3 - 6x2 + 5x - 1 and  and  are ifs (1) b + q = 2aµ
zeros, fhen  = aµ
(2) b + q =
3 5 2
(1) (2)
2 4 (3) b + q = aµ
3 1
(3) - (4) (4) None of fhese
2 4

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Qte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans . 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 4 3 2 1 2 3 3 1 1 3 2 2
Qte. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans . 3 4 3 1 2 4 1 3 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 4 2 2 3 4
Qte. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans . 1 3 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 1 3
Qte. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans . 1 3 3 1 1 3 4 3 1 2 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 1
Qte. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans . 2 2 1 3 4 2 4 4 3 2 4 2 3 1 2 2 4 3 3 1
Qte. 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 1 0 4 105 1 0 6 107 108 109 110
Ans . 2 1 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 2




Some Important Formulae and Results of Trigonometry
◼ Trigonometric Ratios
sin  = cosec  =

cos  = sec  =
fan  = cof  = B

sin cos fan

P B P  Pandif Badri Prasad
H H B  Har Har Bole
cosec sec cof 

P → Perµendicular (AC)
B → Base (BC)
H → Hyµofenuse (AB)

sin 
Yhus, sincosec =1 and fan =
cossec =1
fancof =1 cos

⚫ (sin )-1 is nof wriffen as sin-1 . Yhus sin-1  (sin )-1 , efc buf (sin )2 = sin2  and (sin )3 = sin3 
◼ Trigonometric Identities

sin2 + cos2 = 1 1 + fan2 = sec2 1 + cof2 = cosec2

sin  = 1 - cos 
2 2
sec  - fan  = 1
2 2
cosec2 - cof2 = 1
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cos2 = 1 - sin2 fan2 = sec2 - 1 cof2 = cosec2 - 1

◼ Sign of Trigonometric Ratios

sin and
All +ve A → All
cosec+ve S A S → sin/cosec
fan and cof cos and sec Y C Y → fan/cof
+ve +ve C → cos/sec

Remember: Add Su9ar Yo Coffee

Class X
◼ Values of trigonometrical ratios for particular angles

An91e 
30° 45° 60° 90° 120° 135° 150° 180° 2£0° 360°
R atto 0° =/6 =/4 =/3 =/2 =2/3 =3/4 =5/6 = =3/2 =2

1 1 3 3 1 1 0
stn  0 1 0 –1
2 2 2 2 2 2

cos  1
3 1 1
0 –1 – 1 – 3 –1 0 1
2 2 2 2 2 2

tan  1
0 1 3 n.d – 3 –1 – 1 0 n.d 0
3 3

cot  n.d 3
3 1
0 – 1 –1 – 3 n.d 0 n.d
3 3

2 – 2
sec  1 2 2 n.d –2 – 2 –1 n.d n.d
3 3

n.d 2 2 2 2 n.d –1 n.d

cos ec  2 2 1
3 3

◼ Range of Trigonometric Ratios

⚫ - 1  sin   1  ¦sin  ¦  1

⚫ - 1  cos   1  ¦cos  ¦  1
⚫ cosec   - 1 and cosec   1  ¦cosec  ¦  1

⚫ sec   - 1 and sec   1  ¦sec  ¦  1

⚫ -  < fan  <  i.e., fan  may asume any value

◼ Geometrical ratios of negative and associated angles

An9le - (90 - ) (90+) (180 - ) (180+) (360 - ) (360+)

sin - sin cos  cos sin - sin - sin sin
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\9.Trigonometry and Its Applications (Th+ Ex.).p65
cos cos  sin - sin - cos  - cos  cos  cos 
fan - fan cof - cof - fan fan - fan fan

◼ Angles of Elevation
Yhe an9le befween fhe horizonfal line drawn fhrou9h fhe observer eye and line joinin9 fhe eye fo any objecf is called
fhe an9le of elevafion of fhe objecf,

An9le of elevafion X
Horizonfal line

◼ Angle of Depression
Yhe an9le befween fhe horizonfal line drawn fhrou9h fhe observer eye and fhe line joinin9 fhe eye fo any objecf
is called fhe an9le of deµression of fhe objecf

Horizonfal line
An9le of deµression

◼ Points to remember
⚫ Yhe an9le of elevafion as well as an9le of deµression are measured wifh reference fo horizonfal line.
⚫ All objecfs such as fowers, frees, mounfains efc. shall be considered as linear for mafhemafical convenience,
fhrou9houf fhis secfion.
⚫ Yhe hei9hf of fhe observer, is ne9lecfed, if if is nof 9iven in fhe µroblem.
⚫ An9le of deµression of P as seen from O is equal fo fhe an9le of elevafion of O, as seen from P. i.e.,
AOP = OPX.

A A n9le of deµression

A n9le of elev afion


⚫ Yo find one side of a ri9hf an9led frian9le when anofher side and an acufe an9le are 9iven, fhe hyµofenuse also
bein9 re9arded as a side.
Required side
= a cerfain Y-rafio of fhe 9iven an9le.
Given side
⚫ Yhe an9le of elevafion increases as fhe objecf moves fowards fhe ri9hf of fhe line of si9hf.
⚫ Yhe an9le of deµression increases as fhe objecf moves fowards fhe leff of fhe line of si9hf.
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Class X
1. Man on a cliff observes a boaf af an an9le of de-
µression of 30° which is aµµroachin9 fhe shore fo fan3  cof3 
6. Yhe value of + =
fhe µoinf immediafely beneafh fhe observer wifh a 1 + fan2  1 + cof2 
uniform sµeed. Six minufes lafer, fhe an9le of de-
µression of fhe boaf is found fo be 60°. Find fhe fime 1 − sin2 cos2  1 + 2sin2 cos2 
(1) (2)
faKen by fhe boaf fo reach fhe shore. 2sincos  sincos

(1) 6 min. (2) 7 min. (3) 8 min. (4) 9 min.

1 − 2 sin2 cos2  2sin2 cos2 
(3) (4)
2. Selecf fhe equafion reµresenfed by fhe 9raµh below. sin cos  1 − sin cos 
£. Yhe value of fan 1° fan 2° fan 3° ... fan 89° is
1 (1) 0 (2) 1 (3) - 1 (4) 2
O x 8. If x fan 45° sin 30° = cos 30° fan 30°, fhen x is equal
-3 / 2 - -/ 2 / 2  3 / 2

(1) y = cos x (2) y = sin x 1

(1) 3 (2)
(3) y = fan x (4) y = - sinx
3. Selecf fhe equafion reµresenfed by fhe 9raµh below. 1
(3) (4) 1
y 2
1 9. If x and y are comµlemenfary an9les, fhen
x (1) sin x = sin y (2) fan x = fan y
-3 / 2 - -/ 2 O / 2  3 / 2
(3) cos x = cos y (4) sec x = cosec y
10. If A, B and C are inferior an9les of a ABC, fhen
(1) y = cos x (2) y = sin x B+C 
cos  is equal fo
(3) y = fan x (4) y = - sinx  2 
4. Selecf fhe equafion reµresenfed by fhe 9raµh below. A A
(1)sin (2) - sin
2 2

1 A A
(3) cos (4) - cos
x 2 2
-3/2 - - /2 /2  3/2

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-1 11. If cof  + cos  = µ and cof  - cos  = q, fhen fhe
value of µ2 - q2 is :

(1) y = cof x (2) y = - cof x (1) 2 µq (2) 4 µq (3) 2µq (4) 4µq
(3) y = fan x (4) y = - fan x 12. If sec A + fan A = x, fhen sec A =
5. Selecf fhe equafion reµresenfed by fhe 9raµh be- 2 2
low x −1 x −1
(1) (2)
x 2x

x2 + 1 x2 + 1
1 (3) (4)
x x 2x
- 3/2 - - /2 O /2  3/2
-1 13. Yhe value of 5 fan2 A - 5 sec2 A + 1 is equal fo
(1) 6 (2) -5
(3) 1 (4) - 4
(1) y = - fan x (2) y = sec x
14. If x = a cos  and y = b sin , fhen b2x2 + a2y2 =
(3) y = 2 sin x (4) y = cof x (1) ab (2) b2+a2
(3) a2b2 (4) a4b4

24. If sin  and cos  are fhe roofs of ax2 + bx + c = 0
3 3 (ac  0), fhen
15. Given fhaf sin A = and cos B = , fhen fan
2 2
(1) a2 + b2 - 2ac = 0 (2) a2 - b2 + 2ac = 0
(A + B) =
(3) (a + c)2 = b2 + c2 (4) None offhese
1 2 5 . A fla9sfaff 5 m hi9h sfands on a buildin9 25 m hi9h.
(1) (2) 1
3 Af an observer af a hei9hf of 30 m, fhe fla9sfaff
and fhe buildin9 subfed equal an9les. Yhe disfance
(3) 3 (4) Nof defined
of fhe observe from fhe foµ of fhe fla9sfaff is :-
16. If cos - sin = 2 sin, fhen cos + sin
5 3 3
(1) (2) 5
(1) 2 sin (2) 2 cos 2 2
(3) 2 cos (4) 2 sin
1 £ . If x sin3 + y cos3 = sin cos  and x sin  - y cos 2
(3) 5 (4)None
 = 0. Yhen x2 + y2 = 3
(1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 3
26. In an equilaferal frian9le fhe inradius r and
18. If sin A - cos A = 0, fhen fhe value of sin4A + cos4A
circumradius R are connecfed by
(1) 2 (2) 1 (3) 3/4 (4)1/2 R R
19. Yhe shadow of a fla9sfaff is fhree fimes as lon9 as (1) r = (2) r =
3 2
fhe shadow of fhe fla9sfaff when fhe sunrays meef
fhe 9round af an an9le of 60°. find fhe an9le be- (3) r = 4R (4) None
fween fhe sunrays and fhe 9round af fhe fime of 2£. Yhe µerimefer of a frian9le ABC is 6 fimes fhe A.M. of
lon9 shadow. fhe sines of ifs an9les. If a = 1, fhe an9le A (acufe) is
(1) 60° (2) 90° (3) 45° (4) 30°
   
2 0 . A boy sfandin9 on fhe 9round and flyin9 a Kife wifh (1) (2) (3) (4)
2 3 4 6
75 m of sfrin9 af an elevafion of 45°. Anofher boy
is sfandin9 on fhe roof of 25 m hi9h buildin9 and is 2 8 . Yhe an9le of elevafion of fhe foµ of fwo verfical
flyin9 his Kife af an elevafion of 30°. Bofh fhe boys fowers as seen from fhe middle µoinf of fhe line
are on fhe oµµosife side of fhe fwo Kifes. Find fhe joinin9 fhe feef of fhe fowers are 60° and 30°
len9fh of fhe sfrin9 fhaf fhe second boy musf have, resµecfively. Yhe rafio of hei9hfs of fhe fowers is :-
so fhaf fhe Kifesmeef.
(1) 2 : 1 (2) 3 :1
(1) 43.05 m (2) 34.05 m
(3) 45.05 m (4) 56.05 m (3) 3 : 2 (4) 3 : 1
29. A fower of hei9hf h sfandin9 af fhe cenfre of a
sinA cosA square wifh sides of len9fh a maKes fhe same an9le
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\9.Trigonometry and Its Applications (Th+ Ex.).p65

21. If = µ and = q, fhen fan B is equal fo

sinB cosB
 af each of fhe four corners. Yhen is :-
h2 cof2 
µ q2 − 1 q2 − 1
(1)  q (2) 
1 − µ2 1 − µ2 3
(1) 1 (2)

µ µ2 − 1 (3) 2 (4) 4
(3)  q (4) None of fhese 3 0 . A river flows due Norfh, and a fower sfands on ifs
1 − q2
leff banK. From a µoinf A uµsfream and on fhe same
22. If Yn = sinn  + cosn , fhen 2Y 6 - 3Y 4 + 1 is equal banK as fhe fower, fhe elevafion of fhe fower is 60°
fo and from a µoinf B jusf oµµosife A on fhe ofher banK
fhe elevafion is 45°. If fhe fower is 360 m hi9h, fhe
(1) 0 (2) sin 
breadfh of fhe river is :-
(3) cos  (4) 2 sin  cos 
23. If Yn = sinn  +cosn , fhen 6Y 10 -15Y 8 +10Y 6 - 1 (1) 120 6 m (2) m
is equal fo 3

(1) 0 (2) 1 (3) sin2  (4) sin3  (3) 240 3 m (4) 240 6 m

Class X
3 1 . A fower subfends an an9le of 30° af a µoinf on fhe 3 6 . AB is verfical fower. Yhe µoinf A is on fhe 9round
same level as fhe foof of fower. Af a second µoinf h and C is fhe middle µoinf of A B. Yhe µarf C B
m hi9h above fhe firsf, fhe deµression of fhe foof of subfend an an9le  af a µoinf P on fhe 9round. If
fower is 60°. Yhe horizonfal disfance of fhe fower AP = nAB, fhen fan  =
from fhe µoinf is:-
h h cof60 (1) n(n2 + 1) (2)
2n2 − 1
(1) (2)
3 3
n2 n
h cof 60 (3) (4)
(3) (4) h cof 30° 2n2 + 1 2n2 + 1
3£. Yhe foµ of a hill observed from fhe foµ and boffom
3 2 . Yhe an9le of elevafion of a cloud af a hei9hf h above of a buildin9 of hei9hf h is af an9les of elevafion
fhe level of wafer in a laKe is  and fhe an9le of µ and q resµecfively. Yhe hei9hf of hill is :-
deµression of ifs ima9e in fhe laKe is . Yhe hei9hf of
h cofµ h cofµ
fhe cloud above fhe surface of fhe laKe is equal fo (1) cof q − cof µ (2) cof µ − cof q
h(fan + fan) h cos( + )
(1) (fan − fan) (2) sin( − ) h fanµ h fanµ
(3) fanµ − fanq (4) fan q − fanµ

h(cof + cof) 3 8 . A man sfandin9 on a level µlane observes fhe

(3) cos − cos (4)h
elevafion of fhe foµ of a µole fo be . He fhen walKs
a disfance equal fo double fhe hei9hf of fhe µole
3 3 . A balloon of radius r subfends an an9le  af fhe eye
and finds fhaf fhe elevafion is now 2. Yhen  =
of an observer and fhe elevafion of fhe cenfre of
fhe balloon from fhe eye is , fhe hei9hf h of fhe  
(1) (2)
cenfre of fhe balloon is 9iven by :- 6 4

r sin  
(1) (3) (4)
(2) r sin  sin 12 8
3 9 . Yhe an9le of elevafion of a cloud from a µoinf x m
r sin r sin  above a faKe is  and fhe an9le of deµression of ifs
(3) sin( / 2) (4) sin(/ 2) reflecfion in fhe faKe is 45°. Yhe hei9hf of fhe cloud is
(1) x fan (45° - ) (2) x fan (45° +)
34. A man observes fhaf when he moves uµ a disfance
c mefres on a sloµe, fhe an9le of deµression of a 1 1
(3) cof (45° - ) (4) cof (45° +)
µoinf on fhe horizonfal µlane from fhe base of fhe x x
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\9.Trigonometry and Its Applications (Th+ Ex.).p65
sloµe is 30°, and when he moves uµ furfher a 4 0 . Ywo µoles of hei9hf a and b sfand af fhe cenfres of
disfance c mefres, fhe an9le of deµression of fhaf fwo circular µlofs which fouch each ofher exfernally
µoinf is 45°. Yhe an9le of inclinafion of fhe sloµe af a µoinf and fhe fwo µoles subfend an9les of 30°
wifh fhe horizonfal is :- and 60° resµecfively af fhis µoinf, fhen disfance
befween fhe cenfres of fhese µlofs is :-
(1) 60° (2) 45° (3) 75° (4) 30°
35. Yhe an9le of elevafion of fhe foµ of a fower from a (3a + b) a + 3b
(1) a + b (2) (3) (4) a 3 +b
µoinf A due soufh of fhe fower is  and from a µoinf 3 3
B due easf of fhe fower is . If AB = d, fhen fhe 4 1 . From a µoinf on fhe horizonfal µlane, fhe elevafion
hei9hf of fhe fower is :- of fhe foµ of a hill is 45°. Affer walKin9 500 m
fowards ifs summif uµ a sloµe inclined af an an9le
d d of 15° fo fhe horizon fhe elevafion is 75°, fhe hei9hf
(1) (2)
fan2  − fan2  fan2  + fan2  of fhe hill is :-
(1) 500 6 m (2) 500 3 m
d d
(3) (4) (3) 250 6 m (4) 250 3 m
cof2  + cof2  cof2  − cof2 

42. If x = a cosecn and y = b cof n , fhen by 5 0 . One side of a µarallelo9ram is 12 cm and ifs area
eliminafin9  is 60 cm2. If fhe an9le befween fhe adjacenf sides
is 30°, fhen ifs ofher side is
(1) (x/a)2/n + (y/b)2/n = 1
(1) 10 cm (2) 8 cm
(2) (x/a)2/n - (y/b)2/n = 1
(3) 6 cm (4) 4 cm
(3) (x/a)2 - (y/b)2 = 1
51. A fla9sfaff sfands verfically on a µillar, fhe hei9hf of
(4) (x/a)1/n - (y/b)1/n = 1
fhe fla9sfaff bein9 double fhe hei9hf of fhe µillar. A
1 1 man on fhe 9round af a disfance finds fhaf bofh fhe
43. Find fhevalue of +
(1+ fan2 ) (1 +cof2 ) µillar and fhe fla9sfaff subfend equal an9les af his
eyes. Yhe rafio of fhe hei9hf of fhe µillar and fhe
(1) 1/2 (2) 2
disfance of fhe man from fhe µillar is
(3) 1 (4) 1/4
(1) 1 : 3 (2) 3 : 1
µ sin  − q cos
44. If fan  = µ/q, fhen =
µ sin  + q cos (3) 1 : 3 (4) 3 :2
52. Yhe disfance befween fwo mulfisforied buildin9s is
(1) (µ2 + q2)/(µ2 - q2) (2) (µ2 - q2)/(µ2 + q2)
60 m. Yhe an9le of deµression of fhe foµ of fhe firsf
(3) (µ2 + q2)/(µ2 - q2) (4) None offhese buildin9 as seen from fhe foµ of fhe second build-
45. If fan A + sin A = m and fan A - sin A = n, fhen in9 which is 150 m hi9h is 30°. Yhe hei9fh of fhe
firsf buildin9 is
(m2 − n2 )2
mn (1) (150 + 20 3) m (2) (150 − 20 3) m
(1) 4 (2) 3
(3) (150 + 10 3) m (4) (15 − 10 3) m
(3) 16 (4) 9
53. An aeroµlane flyin9 horizonfally 1 Km above fhe
46. If cosec  - sin = m and sec  - cos  = n fhen
9round is observed af an elevafion of 60°. If affer
(m2n)2/3 + (mn2)2/3 =
10 s fhe elevafion be 30°, fhe uniform sµeed of fhe
(1) -1 (2) 1
aeroµlane is
(3) 0 (4) None of fhese
4£. If 7 sin2 + 3 cos2 = 4, fhen fan  = (1) 240 3 Km / hrs (2) 240/ 3 Km/ hrs

1 1 (3) 120/ 3Km/hrs (4) 120 / 3 Km / hrs

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(1)  (2) 
3 2
54. A balloon leaves fhe earfh af µoinf A and rises af a

1 1 1
(3)  (4)  uniform velocify. Af fhe end of 1 min, an observer
2 2
sifuafed af a disfance of 200 m from A finds fhe
an9ular elevafion of fhe balloon fo be 60°. Yhe
sin A + cos A + cos A − sin A
3 3 3 3

48. Yhe value of is sµeed of fhe balloon is

sinA +cos A cosA − sinA
(1) 5.87 m/s (2) 4.87 m/s
(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) 3.87 m/s (4) 6.87 m/s
(3) 2 (4) None of fhese
5 5 . Af fhe foof of a mounfain, fhe elevafion of ifs sum-
cof − cosec+ 1 mif is 45°. Affer ascendin9 one Kilomefer fhe moun-
4 9. is equal fo fain uµon and incline of 30°, fhe elevafion chan9es
cof + cosec − 1
fo 60°. Yhe hei9hf of fhe mounfain is
(1) 1 (2) cof  + cosec (1) 1.366 Km (2) 1.266 Km
(3) cosec  - cof  (4) None of fhese (3) 1.166 Km (4) 1.466 Km
Class X
56. If x = r cos , cos , y = r cos sin and z = r sin  5 9 . A µerson sfandin9 on fhe banK of a river observes
fhen x2 + y2 + z2 is equal fo fhaf fhe an9les subfended by a free on fhe oµµo-
(1) r2 (2) r4 sife banK is 60°. When he refires 40 m from fhe
(3) 1 (4) None of fhese banK, he finds fhe an9le fo be 30°. Yhe breadfh of
5 £ . From fhe foµ of a li9hf house, fhe an9les of deµres-
fhe river is
sion of fwo sfafions on oµµosife sides of if af disfance
‘a’ aµarf are  and . Yhe hei9hf of fhe li9hf house is (1) 40 m (2) 60 m
a a
(1) (2) (3) 20 m (4) 30 m
cof  cof cof  + cof
6 0 . A µerson sfandin9 on fhe banK of a river observes
acof  cof a fan cof
(3) (4) fhaf fhe an9le of elevafion of fhe foµ of a free on
cof + cof cof  + cof
fhe oµµosife banK of fhe river is 60° and w hen he
5 8 . If fhe an9le of elevafion of an objecf from a µoinf refires 40 m away from fhe free, fhe an9le of
100 m above a laKe is found fo be 30° and fhe an9le
elevafion becomes 30°. Yhe breadfh of fhe river is
of deµression of ifs ima9e in laKe is 45°, fhen fhe
hei9hf of fhe objecf above fhe laKe is (1) 40 m (2) 20 m

(1) 100(2 − 3)m (2) 100(2 + 3)m (3) 30 (4) 60 m

(3) 100( 3 − 1)m (4) 1000( 3 + 1)m

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Qte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 £ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1£ 18 19 2 0
Ans . 4 4 1 3 4 3 2 4 4 1 2 4 4 3 4 2 2 4 4 4
Qte. 21 22 23 24 25 26 2£ 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3£ 38 39 4 0
Ans . 2 1 1 2,3 2 2 4 4 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 2
Qte. 41 42 43 44 45 46 4£ 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 5£ 58 59 6 0
Ans . 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 2


◼ System of numbers

Real Ima9inary

Rafional Irrafional ( 2 , 3 etc)

Infe9er Fracfions

Proµer Imµroµer Mixed

(1/3, 2/5, 3/8) (4/3, 5/2, 6/5 ecf.) (11/ 4 3 1 /15,.....efc).

Whole Number Nafural Ne9afive odd Even

(0, 1,2,......) (±1, ±3, ±5....) (mulfiµles of 2)

Prime Comµosife Perfecf

(2, 3, 5, 7, ...) (4, 6, 8, ...) (6, 28 ...)
⚫ N at t r a1 nt m be r s
Counfin9 numbers 1, 2, 3,4, 5,.....are Known as nafural numbers. Yhe sef of all nafural numbers can be
reµresenfed by
N={1, 2, 3, 4, 5....}
⚫ Who1e nt m be r s
If we include 0 amon9 fhe nafural numbers, fhen fhe numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.....are called whole numbers.
Yhe sef of whole numbers can be reµresenfedby
W={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,.... }
Clearly, every nafural number is a whole number buf 0 is a whole number which is nof a nafural number.
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\2_Number System (Th. + Ex.).p65

⚫ Int e 9 e r s
All counfin9 numbers and fheir ne9afives includin9 zero are Known as infe9ers. Yhe sef of infe9ers can be
reµresenfed by
Z or {.....-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,......}
⚫ Post t t ve t nte9 er s
Yhe sef I+ = {1, 2, 3, 4,....} is fhe sef of all µosifive infe9ers, Clearly, µosifive infe9ers and nafural numbers are

⚫ N e 9 at t ve t nte 9ers
Yhe sef I-= {-1, -2, -3,.....} is fhe sef of all ne9afive infe9ers. 0 is neifher µosifive nor ne9afive.
⚫ N on-ne 9 at tve t nte 9e rs

Yhe sef {0, 1, 2, 3,......} is fhe sef of all non-ne9afive infe9ers.

Class X
⚫ Rattona1 nt m be r s
Yhe numbers of fhe form q , where µ and q are infe9ers and q0, are Known as rafional numbers,
4 3 5 0 2
e.9. , , , ,- , efc. Yhe sef of all rafional numbers is denofed by Q.
7 2 8 1 3
 µ 
i.e. Q = x : x = ;µ,q  I,q  0 
 q 
a 0
Since every nafural number a can be wriffen as , so is a rafional number. Since 0 can be wriffen as and
1 1

every non-zero infe9er 'a' can be wriffen as , so if is also a rafional number.
Every rafional number has a µeculiar characferisfic fhaf when exµressed in decimal form is exµressible eifher
in ferminafin9 decimals or non-ferminafin9 reµeafin9 decimals.

1 1 22 8
For examµle, 5 = 0.2, 3 = 0.333...., 7 =3.1428714287, 44 = 0.18188 ...., efc.

Yhe recurrin9 decimals have been 9iven a shorf nofafion as

0.333...= 0.3

4.1555...= 4.15

0.323232...= 0.32 .
⚫ Irrattona1 nt m be r s
Yhose numbers which when exµressed in decimal form are neifher ferminafin9 nor reµeafin9 decimals are
Known as irrafional numbers, e.9. 2, 3, 5, , efc.

22 22 22
} Nofe, fhaf fhe exacf value of  is nof . is rafional while  is irrafional numbers. is aµµroximafe
7 7 7
value of . Similarly, 3.14 is nof an exacf value of if.
⚫ Rea1 nt m be r s
13 2 3
Yhe rafional and irrafional numbers combined fo9efher are called real numbers, e.9. , ,- , 3,4 + 2,
21 5 7
efc. are real numbers. Yhe sef ofreal numbers is denofed by R. Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\2_Number System (Th. + Ex.).p65

} Nofe, fhaf fhe sum, difference or µroducf of a rafional and irrafional number is irrafional,
e.9. 3 + 2 ,4 - 3 , 5, 4 3,-7 5 are all irrafional.
⚫ Eve n nt m be r s
All fhose numbers which are exacfly divisible by 2 are called even numbers, e.9. 2,6,8,10 efc. are even
⚫ Odd nt m be r s
All fhose numbers which are nof exacfly divisible by 2 are called odd numbers, e.9. 1,3,5,7, efc, are odd

⚫ Pr t m e nt m be r s
Exceµf 1 each nafural number which is divisible by only 1 and ifself is called as µrime number e.9., 2, 3, 5, 7,
11, 13, 17, 19,23,29, 31,.....efc.

} Yhere are fofal 25 µrime numbers uµfo 100
} Yhere are fofal 46 µrime numbers uµfo 200
} 2 is fhe only even µrime number and fhe leasf µrime number.
} 1 is neifher µrime nor comµosife number.
} Yhere are infinife µrime numbers.
} A lisf of all µrime numbers uµfo 100 is 9iven below.
Yab1e oGµrtme Ntm be rs (1 -1 0 0 ):
2 11 23 31 41 53 61 71 83 97
3 13 29 37 43 59 67 73 89
5 17 47 79
7 19
Yest to Gtnd whether a 9tven ntm be r ts a µrtme
Ste µ 1 Selecf a leasf µosifive infe9er n such fhaf n 2 > 9iven number.
Ste µ 2 Yesf fhe divisibilify of 9iven number by every µrime number less fhan n.
Ste µ 3 Yhe 9iven number is µrime only if if is nof divisible by any of fhese µrimes.
Ex. Invesfi9afe whefher 571 is a µrimenumber.
So1. Since (23)2= 529 < 571 and (24)2 = 576 > 571
 n=24
Prime numbers less fhan 24 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23. Since 24 is divisible by 2, 571 is nof a µrime

⚫ Co-µrtme
A µair of fwo nafural numbers havin9 no common facfor, ofher fhan 1, is called a µair of co-µrimes.
For examµle: (3, 5), (4, 5), (5, 6), (7, 9), (6, 7) efc., are co-µrimes.

⚫ Ywtn µrtmes
Prime numbers differin9 by fwo are called fwin µrimes, e.9. (3, 5), (5, 7), (11, 13) efc, are called fwin µrimes.
⚫ Prtme trtµ1et
A sef of fhree consecufive µrimes differin9 by 2, such as (3, 5, 7) is called a µrime friµlef
"e ve ry µrtme ntm be r e xce µt 2 ts odd btt every odd ntm be r need no t be µrtm e . "
⚫ F ra ctto ns
(a)Common fracfion : Fracfions whose denominafor is nof 10.
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\2_Number System (Th. + Ex.).p65

(b)Decimal fracfion : Fracfions whose denominafor is 10 or any µower of 10.

(c) Proµer fracfion : Numerafor < Denominafor i.e. 5 .

(d) Imµroµer fracfion : Numerafor > Denominafor i.e. 3 .

(e) Mixed fracfion : Consisfs of infe9ral as well as fracfional µarf i.e. 3 7 .

(f)Comµound fracfion : Fracfion whose number and denominafor fhemselves are fracfions i.e. 5 / 7

⚫ Comµostte ntm be rs
All nafural numbers, which are nof µrime are comµosife numbers. If C is fhe sef of comµosife number fhan
C={4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12.....}

Class X
⚫ Ima9tnary ntmb er s

All fhe numbers whose square is ne9afive are called ima9inary numbers. e.9. 3i, -4i,....; where i = -1 .

⚫ Comµ1ex ntmb er s
Yhe combined form of real and ima9inary numbers is Known as comµlex number.
If is denofe by Z=A+iB, where A is real and B is ima9inary µarf of Z and A, B  R.
◼ Square & Square roots
Yhe second µower of number is called fhe square of fhaf number. In ofher words fhe square of a number is fhe
µroducf of fhe number wifh fhe number ifself.
A 9iven number is a µerfecf square, if if is exµressed as a µroducf of µairs of equal facfors.
⚫ Imµortant µroµerttes
( i ) A nafural number havin9 2, 3, 7 or 8 in fhe unif's µlace is never a µerfecf square (or squared number)
17, 23, 118, 222 are nof µerfecf squares.
(ii) Yhe square of an even number is always an even number.
22=4, 62= 36, 102=100, 122=144.
(iii) Yhe square of an odd number is always an odd number.
32=9, 72=49, 132=169, 152=225.

(iv) Yhe number of zeroes af fhe end of a µerfecf square is never odd.
100, 400, 3600, 640000 are µerfecf squares and 1000, 4000, 6400000 are nof µerfecf squares.
(v) Yhe square of a nafural number n is equal fo fhe sum of fhe firsf n odd numbers.
12=1= sum of fhe firsf 1 odd number.
22=1+3 = sum of fhe firsf 2 odd numbers.
32=1+3+5= sum of fhe firsf 3 odd numbers.
(vi) For every nafural numbers n,
(n+1)2 - n2=(n+1+n) (n+1-n)=(n+1)+n
16 2 - 15 2 = (15+1)+15=31.
( v i i )A µerfecf square (ofher fhan 1) is eifher a mulfiµle of 3 exceeds a mulfiµle of 3 by
1. 49 = (7)2= 3x16+1, 169 = (13)2 = 3 x 56 + 1.
( v i i i )A µerfecf square (ofher fhan 1) is eifher a mulfiµle of 4 or exceeds a mulfiµle of 4 by
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4. 441 = (21)2 = 4 x110+1.

⚫ Some other µroµerttes

(i). If fhe unif di9if of fhe number is zero fhen fhe unif di9if of fhe square of fhis number will also be zero and fhe
number of zeros will be double in fhe square fhan fhaf of ifs roof.

e.9., (60)2= 3600, (130)2 = 16900

(ii) If fhe unif di9if of fhe number is 5 fhen fhe unif di9if of ifs square is also 5 and fhe number formed by lasf fwo
di9ifs is 25.

e.9., (35)2= 1225, (45)2= 2025, (55)2= 3025 efc.

(iii) If fhe unif di9if of any number is 1 or 9 fhen fhe unif di9if of fhe square of ifs number is always 1.
e.9., (71)2 = 5041, (31)2 = 961, (19)2 = 361

(iv) If fhe unif di9if of any number is 2 or 8 fhen fhe unif di9if of fhe square of ifs number is always 4.

(v) If fhe unif di9if of any number is 3 or 7 fhen fhe unif di9if of ifs square is always 9.
e.9., (23)2 = 529, (27)2 = 729
(vi) If fhe unif di9if of any number is 4 or 6 fhen fhe unif di9if of ifs square is always 6.
e.9., (26)2 = 676, (24)2 = 576,

(14)2 = 196, (16)2 = 256 efc.

(vii)Yhe square of any number is always µosifive irresµecfive of fhe nafure of fhe 9iven number.
(viii)Non square numbers befween fhe squares of fwo consecufive nafural numbers n & n +1 → (n + 1)2 - n2 - 1
= n2 + 1 + 2n - n2 - 1 = 2n
(ix) If a nafural number cannof be exµressed as a sum of successive odd nafural numbers sfarfin9 wifh 1, fhen
if is nof a µerfecf square.

(x) Square roof of a ne9afive infe9er is an ima9inary number.

(xi) Square roofs of infe9ers fhaf are nof µerfecf squares are always irrafional numbers.
(xii) Every comµosife number can be uniquely facfored as a µroducf of µrime numbers only.

(n +1)
(xiii) If a µerfecf square is of n-di9ifs, fhen ifs square roof will have n/2 di9ifs if n is even or if n is odd.
◼ Cube & cube roots
Cube of a number is obfained by mulfiµlyin9 fhe number ifself fhrice.
For examµle, 27 is fhe cube of 3 as 27 = 3 x 3 x 3.

⚫ C t b e r oot
Cube roof of a 9iven number is fhaf number which when raised fo fhe fhird µower µroduces fhe 9iven numbers,
fhaf is fhe cube roof of a number x is fhe number whose cube is x.

} Yhe cube roof of x is wriffen as 3 x .

For examµle, cube roof of 64 is 4 as 4 x 4 x 4 = 64.

Shor t -ct t m e t hod oGGtndtn9 c t b e r oot s oG e xact c t b e s const st t n9 oGt µ t o 6 dt9tts:
Before we discuss fhe mefhod fo find fhe cube roofs of exacf cubes, fhe followin9 fwo remarKs are very useful

(i) 13= 1; 23= 8; 3 3 = 27; 43= 64; 53= 125; 63=216; 73= 343; 83= 512;

9 3 = 729; 103=1000.
(ii) If fhe cube ends in 1, fhen ifs cube roof ends in 1
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If fhe cube ends in 2, fhen ifs cube r oof ends in 8

If fhe cube ends in 3, fhen ifs cube roof ends in 7

If fhe cube ends in 4, fhen ifs cube r oof ends in 4
If fhe cube ends in 5, fhen ifs cube roof ends in 5
If fhe cube ends in 6, fhen ifs cube r oof ends in 6

If fhe cube ends in 7, fhen ifs cube roof ends in 3

If fhe cube ends in 8, fhen ifs cube r oof ends in 2

If fhe cube ends in 9, fhen ifs cube roof ends in 9

If fhe cube ends in 0, fhen ifs cube roof ends in 0

Class X
⚫ C1ear1y Grom above
11, 44, 55, 66, 99, 0 0
28, 37.
⚫ Some other µroµerttes
(i)Cubes ofall odd nafural numbers are odd.
(ii)Cubes of all even nafural numbers are even.
(iii)Yhe cube of a nafural number which is a mulfiµle of 3 is a mulfiµle of 27.
(iv)Yhe cube of a nafural number which of fhe form 3n+1 (e.9., 4, 7,10.........) is also a number of fhe form 3n+1.
(v) Yhe cube of nafural number which is of fhe form 3n+2 (e.9., 5, 8, 11,.....) is also a number of fhe form 3n+2.
◼ Squares (short-cut methods)
⚫ Yo sqtare any ntmber endtn9 wtth 5 .
Wethod : (A5)2 =A(A+1)/25

⚫ Yo sqtare a ntmber tn whtch every dt9tt ts one.

Wethod: Counf fhe number of di9ifs in fhe 9iven number and sfarf wrifin9 numbers in ascendin9 order from
one fo fhis number and fhen in descendin9 order uµ fo one.
⚫ Yo sqtare ntmber whtch ts nearer to 1 0 x .
Wethod: Use fhe formula.
x2= (x2-y2) + y2 = (x+y)(x-y)+y2
Ex . Find fhe squares of followin9:
So1. (i) (25)2 = 2 (2+1)/25=6/25 = 625
(ii) (452) = 4 (4+1)/25 = 20/25 = 2025
(iii) (85)2 = 8 (8+1)/25 = 72/25 = 7225
(iv) 11 2 =121
(v) 11 2 = 12321
(vi) 1111 2 = 1234321
(vii) 222 2 = 22(111)2 = 4 (12321) = 49284
(viii) 3333 2 = (1111)2 = 9 (1234321) = 11108889
(ix) (97)2 = (97+3) (97-3)+32 = 9400+9=9409
(x) (102)2 = (102-2) (102+2)+22 = 10400+4=10404
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(xi) (994)2 = (994+6) (994-6) + 6 2 = 988000 + 36 = 988036

(xii) (1005)2 = (1005-5) (1005+5) + 5 2 = 1010000 + 25 = 1010025
◼ Multiplication (short-cut methods)
⚫ Wt1ttµ1tcatton oGa 9tven ntmber by 9 , 9 9 , 9 9 9 , etc., that ts by 1 0 n –1
Wethod: Puf as many zeros fo fhe ri9hf of fhe mulfiµlicafion as fhere are nines in fhe mulfiµlier and from fhe
resulf subfracf fhe mulfiµlicanf and 9ef fhe answer.
Ex . Wt1ttµ1y
(i) 3893 by 99 (ii) 4327 by 999 (iii) 5863 by9999
So1. (i) 3893 x 9 9 = 389300 - 3893 = 385407.
(ii) 4327 x 999 = 4327000 - 4327 = 4322673
(iii) 5863 x 9999 = 58630000 - 5863 = 58624137

⚫ Wt1ttµ1tcatton oGa 9tven ntm be r by 1 1 , 1 0 1 , 1 0 0 1 , e tc. , tha t ts by 1 0 n+ 1 .
Wethod: Place n zeros fo fhe ri9hf of fhe mulfiµlicianf and fhen add fhe mulfiµlicanf fo fhe number so obfained.
Ex. Wt1ttµ1y
(i) 4782 x 11 (ii) 9836 x 101 (iii) 6538 x1001
So1. (i) 4782 x 11 = 47820 + 4782 = 52602
(ii) 9836 x 101 = 983600 + 9836 = 993436
(iii) 6538 x 1001 = 6538000 + 6538 = 6544538
⚫ Wt1ttµ1tcatton oGa 9tven ntm be r by 1 5 , 2 5 , 3 5 , e tc.
Wethod: Double fhe mulfiµlier and fhen mulfiµly fhe mulfiµlicanf by fhis new number and finally divide fhe
µroducf by 2.
Ex. Wt1ttµ1y
(i) 7054 x 15 (ii) 3897 x 25 (iii) 4563 x 35

1 1
So1. (i) 7054 x 15 = (7054 x 30) = (211620) = 105810.
2 2

1 1
(ii) 3897 x 25 = (3897 x 50) = (194850) = 97425
2 2

1 1
(iii) 4563 x35= (4563 x 70)= (319410)= 159705
2 2

⚫ Wt1ttµ1tcatton oGa 9tven ntm be r by 5 , 2 5 , 1 2 5 , 6 2 5 , e tc. , tha t ts, by a ntm be r whtch ts so m e

µower oG5 .
Wethod: Place as many zeros fo fhe ri9hf of fhe mulfµlicanf as in fhe µower of 5 in fhe mulfiµlier, fhen divide
fhe number so obfained by 2 raised fo fhe same µower as is fhe µower of 5.
Ex. Wt1ttµ1y
(i) 3982 x 5 (ii) 4739 x 25 (iii) 7894 x 125 (iv) 4863 x 625
So1. (i) 3982 x 2 = = 19910
473900 473900
(ii) 4739 x 25 = = = 118475
22 4
7894000 7894000
(iii) 7894 x 125 = = = 986750
23 8
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48630000 48630000
(iv) 4863 x 625 = = = 3039375
24 16
◼ Test of divisibility
⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 2 : A number is divisible by 2 if fhe unif's di9if is zero or divisible by 2.
For examµle, 4, 12, 30, 18, 102, efc, are all divisible by 2.
⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 3 : A number is divisible by 3 if fhe sum of di9ifs in fhe number is divisible by 3.
For examµle, fhe number 3792 is divisible by 3, since 3 + 7 + 9 + 2 = 21, which is divisible by 3.
⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 4 : A number is divisible by 4 if fhe number formed by fhe lasf fwo di9ifs (fen's di9if and unif's
di9if) is divisible by 4 or are bofh zero.
For examµle, fhe number 2616 is divisible by 4, since 16 is divisible by 4.
⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 5 : A number divisible by 5 if fhe unif's di9if in fhe number is 0 or 5.
For examµle 13520, 7805, 640, 745, ecf. are all divisible by 5.
Class X
⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 6 : A number is divisible by 6 if fhe number is even and sum of ifs di9ifs is divisible by 3.
For examµle, fhe number 4518 is divisibleby 6 since if is even and sum of ifs di9ifs 4+5+1+8=18 is divisible by 3.
⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 7 : Yhe unif di9if of fhe 9iven number is doubled and fhen if is subfracfed from fhe number
obfained affer omiffin9 fhe unif di9if. If fhe remainder is divisibleby 7, fhen fhe 9iven number is also divisible by 7.
For examµle, consider fhe number 448. On doublin9 fhe unif di9if 8 of 448 we 9ef 16.
Yhen, 44-16 = 28.
Since 28 is divisible by 7, 448 is divisible by 7.
⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 8 : A number is divisible by 8, if fhe number formed by fhe lasf 3 di9ifs is divisible by 8.
For examµle, fhe number 41784 is divisible by 8 as fhe number formed by lasf fhree di9ifs i.e. 784 is
divisible by 8.

⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 9 : A number is divisible by 9 if fhe sum of ifs di9ifs is divisible by 9.

For examµle, fhe number 19044 is divisible by 9 as fhe sum of ifs di9ifs 1 + 9 + 0 + 4 + 4 = 18 is divisible by 9.
⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 1 0 : A number is divisible by 10, if ends in zero.
For examµle, fhe lasf di9if of 580 is zero, fherefore 580 is divisible by 10.
⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 1 1 : A number is divisible by 11, if fhe difference of fhe sum of fhe di9ifs af odd µlaces and
sum of fhe di9ifs af even µlaces is eifher zero or divisible by 11.
For examµle, in fhe number 38797, fhe sum of fhe di9ifs af odd µlaces is 3 + 7 + 7 = 17 and fhe sum of
fhe di9ifs af even µlaces is 8 + 9 = 17. Yhe difference is 17 - 17=0, so fhe number is divisible by 11.

⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 1 2 : A number is divisible by 12 if if is divisible by 3 and 4.

⚫ Dtvtsbt1tty by 2 5 : A number is divisible by 25 if fhe number formed by fhe lasf fwo di9ifs is divisible by 25
or lasf fwo di9ifs arezero.
For examµle, fhe number 13675 is divisible by 25 as fhe number formed by fhe lasf fwo di9ifs is 75 which
is divisible by 25.
⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 1 2 5 : A number is divisible by 125 if fhe number formed by fhe lasf fhree di9ifs is divisible
by 125 or fhe lasf fhree di9ifs arezero.
For examµle, fhe number 5250 is divisible by 125 as 250 is divisible by 125.
⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 1 8 : An even number safisfyin9 fhe divisibilify fesf of 9 is divisible by 18.

⚫ Dtvtstbt1tty by 8 8 : A number is divisible by 88 if if is divisible by 11 and 8.

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◼ Decimal fractions
⚫ Dectma1 Gractton : Fracfions in w hich fhe denominafors are fhe µowers of 10 are called decimal fracfions.
In 9eneral, fhe decimal fracfions are of fhe followin9 fyµes
} Re ctrrtn9 dectma1s : If in a decimal fracfion, a fi9ure or a sef of fi9ures is reµeafed confinually, fhen such a
number is called a recurrin9 decimal.
If a sin9le fi9ure is reµeafed, if is shown by µuffin9 a dof on if. Buf if a sef of a fi9ures is reµeafed, we exµress
if eifher by µuffin9 one dof af fhe sfarfin9 di9if and one dof af fhe lasf di9if of fhe reµeafin9 di9ifs or by µlacin9
a bar on fhe reµeafin9 di9if (s).

(i)2/3 = 0.6666....= 0.6 = 0.6
• • •
(ii) 22/7=3.142857142857 = 3.142857 = 3.142857 = 3.142857

(iii) 95/6 = 15.83333...= 15.8 3 = 15.83

} P t r e re ctrrtn9 dectma1s : A decimal in which some fi9ures affer fhe decimal µoinf reµeaf is called a µure
recurrin9 decimal.
• • •
Ex. 0.6 , 3.142857 efc.

⚫ Converston oGa µtre re ctrrtn9 dectma1 tnto Gractton

Rt1 e : Wrife fhe recurrin9 fi9ures only once in fhe numerafor and faKe as many nines in fhe denominafor as
fhe number of reµeafin9 fi9ures.

(1) 0.6 = 6/9 = 2/3.

(2) 16.6 = 16 + 0.6 = 16+6/9 = 16 + 2/3 =50/3.

Yo co nve rt a mtxed re ctrrtn9 dectma1 tnto Gractton

µ  (Comµlefenumbers) - (number formed byNon −reµeafin9 di9if)
  form =
 q No.of 9 asno.of reµeafin9 di9ifs affer fhaf wrifeno.of 0 asno.of non reµeafin9 di9ifs.

35 - 0 = 35 435 - 4 = 431
e.9. (i) 0.35 = (ii) 0.435 =
99 99 990 990

◼ H.C.F & L.C.M of numbers

⚫ Yhe 1east ntm be r whtch when dtvtded by d 1 , d 2 and d 3 1eaves the re ma tnde rs r 1, r 2 and r 3
resµecttve1 y, s t ch tha t (d 1 – r1 ) = (d 2 – r2 ) = (d 3 – r3 ) ts (L.C. W. oGd 1 , d 2 and d 3 ) – (d 1 – r1 ) o r (d 2– r2 ) or
Ex. Find fhe leasf number which when divided by 9, 10 and 15 leaves fhe remainders 4, 5 and 10, resµecfively.
So1. Here, 9-4 = 10- 5=15- 10=5
Also, L.C.M. (9, 10, 15)= 90
 fhe required leasf number = 90-5=85.
⚫ A ntm be r on betn9 dtvtded by d 1 and d 2 stcce sstve1 y 1eaves the rema tnders r 1 and r 2 , resµecttve1y.
IGthe ntm be r ts dtvtded by d 1 × d 2 , the n the rematnder ts (d 1 × r 2 + r 1 ).
Ex. A number on bein9 divided by 10 and 11 successively leaves fhe reminders 5 and 7, resµecfively. Find fhe
remainder when fhe same number is divided by 110.
So1. Yhe required remainder

= d1 xr 2 + r1 = 10 x 7 + 5 =75.
⚫Yo Gtnd the ntm be r oGntm be rs dtvtstb1e by a certatn tnte 9 e r. Ex.
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(i) How many numbers uµ fo 532 are divisible by 15 ?

So1. We divide 532 by 15.

532 = 35 x 15 + 7
Yhe quofienf obfained is fhe required number of numbers. Yhus fhere are 35 such numbers.
Ex. (ii) How many numbers uµ fo 300 are divisible by 5 and 7 fo9efher ?
So1. L.C.M. of 5 and 7 = 35
We divide 300 by 35
300 = 8 x 35 + 20
Yhus fhere are 8 such numbers.
⚫ Ywo ntm be rs when dtvtded by a ce rta tn dtvtsor 9 tve re ma tnde rs r 1 and r 2 . Whe n the tr s t m ts
dtvtded by the sa m e dtvtsor, the re m a tnde r ts r 3 . Y he dtvtsor ts 9tven by r 1 + r 2 – r 3 .

Class X
Ex. Ywo numbers when divided by a cerfain divisor 9ive remainders 473 and 298, resµecfively. When fheir sum is
divided by fhe same divisor, fhe remainder is 236. Find fhe divisor.
S o1. Yhe required divisor
= 437 + 298 - 236 = 499.
⚫ Pr odt ct oGt wo nt m be r s. = L .C.W. oG t he nt m be r s × H.C.F. oG t he nt m be r s.
Ex. Yhe H.C.F. and fhe L.C.M. of any fwo numbers are 63 and 1260, resµecfively. If one of fhe fwo numbers is
315, find fhe ofher number.

L.C.M. H.C.F. = 1260  63 = 252

S o1. Yhe required number =
Firsf number 315
⚫ Yo Gtnd t he 9 r e at e st nt m be r t hat wt11 exact1y dtvtde x, y and z.
Re qt t r e d nt m be r = H.C.F. oG x, y, and z.
Ex. Find fhe 9reafesf number fhaf will exacfly divide 200 and 320.
So1. Yhe required 9reafesf number
= H.C.F. of 200 and 320 = 40.
⚫ Yo Gtndthe 9reatest nt m be r that wt11dtvtde x, y, and z 1eavtn9 rematnders a, b, and c, resµectvte1y. Re qt t r e d
nt m be r = H.C.F. Go (x–a), (y–b) and (z–c).
Ex. Find fhe 9reafesf number fhaf will divide 148, 246 and 623 leavin9 remainders 4, 6 and 11, resµecfively.
So1. Yhe required 9reafesf number
= H.C.F. of (148-4), (246-6) and (623-11),
i.e. H.C.F. of 144, 240 and 612 = 12.
⚫ Yo Gtnd t he 1east nt m be r w ht ch ts exact1y dtvtstb1e by x, y and z.
Re qt t r e d nt m be r = L .C.W. oG x, y and z.
Ex. Whaf is fhe smallesf number which is exacfly divisible by 36, 45, 63 and 80?
So1. Yhe required smallesf number
= L.C.M. of 36, 45, 63 and 80
= 5040.
⚫ Yo Gtnd t he 1east nt m be r wht ch whe n dt vt de d by x,y, and z 1eaves t he r e m at nde r s a,b, and c,
r e sµe ct tve1y. It ts a a1ways obse r ve d t hat (x–a) = (y–b)=(z–c) = h(say)
 Re qt t r e d nt m be r = (L .C.W. oG x, y, and z)–h.
Ex. Find fhe leasf number which when divided by 36, 48 and 64 leaves fhe remainders 25, 37 and 53, resµecfively.
So1. Since (36-25) = (48-37) = (64-53) = 11, fherefore fhe required smallesfnumber
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= (L.C.M. of 36, 48 and 64) -11

= 576-11 = 565.
⚫ Yo Gtnd the 1east nt m be r w ht ch w he n dtvtded by x, y and z 1eaves t he sam e r e m at nder r tn e ach case .
Re qt t r e d nt m be r = (L .C.W. oG x, y, and z) +r .
Ex. Find fhe leasf number which when divided by 12, 16 and 18, will leave in each case a remainder 5.
So1. Yhe required smallesf number
= (L.C.M.of 12, 16 and 18) + 15
= 144 + 5 = 149.
⚫ Yo Gtnd t he 9 r e at e st nt m be r t hat wt11dtvtde x, y, and z 1eavtn9 t he sam e r e m at nde r tn e ach case .
(a) Whe n t he va1 t e oG r e m at nde r r ts 9 t ve n :
Re qt t r e d nt m be r = H.C.F. oG (x–r ), (y–r) and (z–r ).
(b) Whe n t he va1 t e oG r e m t nder ts not 9 t ve n:
Re qt t r e d nt m be r = H.C.F. oG I(x–y) I , I ( y – z ) I and I ( z – x ) I

Ex. (a) Find fhe 9reafesf number which will divide 772 and 2778 so as fo leave fhe remainder 5 in eachcase.
So1. Yhe required 9reafesf number

= H.C.F. of (772-5) and (2778-5)

= H.C.F. µf 767 and 2773
= 59.
Ex. (b) Find fhe 9reafesf number which on dividin9 152, 277 and 427 leaves remainder.

So1. Yhe required 9reafesf number.

= H.C.F. of ¦(x-y)¦, ¦(y-z) and (z-x)¦

= H.C.F. of ¦(152-27)¦, ¦(277-427)¦

and ¦(427-152)¦

= H.C.F. of 125, 275 and 150

= 25.

⚫ Yo Gtnd the n-dt9tt 9 re a te st ntm be r whtch, when dtvtded by x, y and z .

(a)1eaves no rematnder (t. e . , exact1y dtvtstb1e)

Ste µ 1 – L. C. W. oGx, y a nd z = L

L n - dt9tt 9 re a te stntm be r
Ste µ 2 –
Rematnder = R
Ste µ 3 – Re qttre d ntm be r = n-dt9tt 9 re a te st ntm be r – R

(b) 1eaves remtnder K tn e a ch ca se

Re qttre d ntm be r = (n-dt9tt 9 re a te st ntm be r– R) + K.
Ex. Find fhe 9reafesf number of 4 di9ifs which, when divided by 12, 18, 21 and 28, leaves 3 as a remainder in
each case.

So1. L.C.M. of 12, 18, 21 and 28 = 252.

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 Yhe required number = (9999-171)+3= 9931.

⚫ Yo Gtnd the n-dt9tt sma11est ntm be r whtch when dtvtded by x, y and z

(a)1eaves no rematnder (t. e . exact1y dtvtstb1e)
Ste µ 1 – L. C. W. oGx, y and z = L

L n-dt9tt sma11est ntm be r

Ste µ 2 –
Re m a tnder= R

Ste µ 3 – Re qttre d ntm be r = n-dt9tt sma11est ntm be r + (L–R).

(b) 1eaves rematnder K tn e a ch ca se .

Re qttre d ntm be r = n-dt9ht sma11est ntm be r + (L–R) + h.

Class X
Ex. (a) Find fhe leasf number of four di9ifs which is divisible by 4, 6, 8 and 10.
So1. L.C.M. of 4, 6, 8, and 10 = 120.

 Yhe required number = 1000 + (120-40)= 1080.

Ex. (b) Find fhe smallesf 4-di9if number, such fhaf when divided by 12, 18, 21 and 28, if leaves remainder 3 in
each case.
So1. L.C.M. of 12, 18, 21 and 28 = 252.

 Yhe required number

= 1000+(252-244)+3
= 1011.
◼ Number of factors of a given number
⚫ Ntm be r oGGactors (o r dtvtsors) oGa 9tven ntm be r (comµostte ntm be r)
Lefs us assume a comµosife number say 24 fhen find fhe number of facfors.
24 = 1 x 24
2 x 12
3x 8
We see fhaf fhere are fofal 8 facfors namely,
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24.
Lef fhere be a comµosife number N and ifs µrime facfors be a, b, c, d,....... efc and µ,q, r,s...efc. be fhe indices
(or µowers) of fhe a, b, c, d..... efc. resµecfively i.e., if N can be exµressed as
N = a µ. b q . c r . d s ...
the n, the ntm be r oGtota1 dtvtsors o r Gactors oGN ts
(µ+ 1 ) (q+ 1 ) (r+ 1 ) (s+ 1 ). . . . . .
Ex. Find fhe fofal number of facfors of 540:
(1) 24 (2) 20 (3) 30 (4) None of fhese
So1. 540 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 5
540 = 2 2 x 3 3 x 5 1
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Yherefore fofal number of facfors of 540 is

(2+1) (3+1) (1+1) = 24
◼ Sum of factors of given number
Once a9ain if you wanf fo find fhe sum of smaller comµosife numbers, fhen you can do if manually, buf for
lar9er numbers ifs a µroblem.
e.9. Sum of facfors of 24
= 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6+ 8 + 12 + 24 = 60
Lef N be fhe comµosife number and a, b, c, d.. be ifs µrime facfors and µ,q, r,s be fhe indices (or µowers) of
a,b,c,d i.e., if N can be exµressed as
N= a µ. bµ. c r . ds...
(a P + 1 – 1 )(b q + 1 – 1 )(c r + 1 – 1 )(d s + 1 – 1 )
the n the s t m oGa11 the dtvtsors (o r Gactors) oGN =
(a - 1 )(b - 1 )(c – 1 )(d – 1 )

Ex. Find fhe sum of facfors of 270.
So1. 270 = 2 x 3 3 x 5

= (2 - 1)(3 - 1)(5 - 1)
1+1 3+1 1+1

 Sum of facfors of 270

(2 −1)(3 - 1)(5 −1)

3  80  24 = 720
12  4

◼ Product of factors
Lef us assume a very small number 24 and see fhe facfors
24 = 1 x 24
= 2 x 12
= 3 x8
= 4 x6
Nofe, if is obvious from fhe above exµlanafion fhaf fhe µroducf of facfors of 24
= (1 x 24) x (2 x 12) x (3 x 8) x (4 x 6)
= 24 x 24 x 24 x24 = (24)4
Yhus, t he µr odt ct oGGactors oGcom µost t e nt m be r N =N n/2 , w he r e n ts the tota1 nt m be r oG Gactors oG N .
Ex. Producf of divisors of 7056 is :
(1) (84)48 (2) (84)44 (3) (84)45 (4) None offhese
S o1.  7056 = 2 4 x 3 2 x 7 2
 Number of facfors /divisors of 7056
= (4+1) (2+1) (2+1) = 45
 µroducf of facfors = (7056)45/2 = (84)45
Hence (c) is fhe correcf oµfion.
◼ Number of odd factors of given number
Lef us assume a smaller number e.9.,, 24
24 = 1x 24 also 24 = 2 3 x 3 1
= 2 x 12
= 3x8
We can see fhaf fhere are fofal 2 odd facfors namely 1 and 3.
Furfher assume anofher number say 36
36 = 1x 36 also 36 = 2 2 x 3 2
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= 2 x 18
= 3 x 12
=4 x 9
=6 x 6
So, we can see fhaf fhere are only 3 odd facfors viz., 1, 3 and 9.
Once a9ain we assume anofher number say 90
fhen 90 = 1 x90 also 90 = 2 x 3 2 x 5
= 2 x45
= 3 x30
= 5 x18
= 6 x15
= 9 x10
Class X
Yhus fhere are only 6 odd facfors namely 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 45.
Yo 9ef fhe number of odd facfors of a numbers N firsf of all exµress fhe number N as
N = (µ a × µ b ×µ c × . . .. ) × (e x)
1 2 3
(where, µ1, µ2, µ3, ...... are fhe odd µrime facfors and e is fhe even µrime facfor)
Yhen the tota1 ntm be r oGoddGactors
= (a + 1 ) (b+ 1 ) (c+ 1 ). . .
Ex. Yhe number of odd facfors of 36 is ....
So1. 36 = 2 2 x 3 2
 Number of odd facfors = (2 + 1) = 3
◼ Number of even factors a composite number
Ntm be r oGeven Gactors oGa ntm be r
= (Yota1 ntm be r oGGactors oGthe 9tven ntm be r) – (Yota1 ntm be r oGodd Gactors)
Ex. (a)Find fhe number of even facfors (or divisors) of 24
So1. number of even facfors = 8 - 2 = 6
Ex. (b) Find fhe number of even facfors of 36
So1. number of even facfors = 9 - 3 = 6
Ex. (c) Find fhe number of even facfors of 90
So1. number of even facfors = 12 - 6 =6
◼ Number of ways of expressing c composite number as a product of two
Lef us consider an examµle of small comµosife number say, 24
fhen 24 = 1 x 24
2 x 12
4 x6
So if is clear fhaf

the ntm be r oGways oGexµresstn9 a comµostte no. a s a µrodtct oGtwo Gactors = × the no. oGtota1 Gactors
Ex. Find fhe number of ways of exµressin9 180 as a µroducf of fwo facfors.
So1. 180 = 2 2 x 3 3 x 5 1
Number of facfors = (2+1) (2+1) (1+1) = 18

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Hence, fhere are fofal =9 ways in which 180 can be exµressed as a µroducf of fwo facfors.

Note - As you Know when you exµress any µerfecf square number 'N' as a µroducf of fwo facfors namely N
and N , and also Know fhaf since in fhis case N aµµears fwo fimes buf if is considered only once while
calculafin9 fhe no. of facfors so we 9ef always an odd number as number of facfors so we can nof divide fhe odd
number exacfly by 2 as in fhe above formula. So if we have fo consider fhese fwo same facfors fhen we find fhe

(Ntm be r oGGactors + 1 )
number of ways of exµressin9 N as a µro dtct oGtwo Gactors = .

A9ain if if is asKed fhaf find no. of ways of exµressin9 N as a µroducf of fwo disfincf facfors fhen we do nof

(Ntm be r oGGactors – 1 )
consider 1 way (i.e. N = N+ N )fhen no . oGways =

Ex. (a)Find fhe number of ways exµressin9 36 as a µroducf of fwo facfors.
So1. 36 = 2 2 x 3 2
Number of facfors = (2+1) (2+1) = 9

(9 + 1)
Hence fhe no. of ways of exµressin9 36 as a µroducf of fwo facfors = =5

as 36 = 1 x 36, 2 x 18, 3 x12, 4 x 9 and 6 x 6

Ex. (b) In how many ways can 576 be exµressed as fhe µroducf of fwo disfincf facfors?
So1. 576 = 2 6 x 3 2
 Yofal number of facfors = (6 + 1) (2 + 1) = 21

21 - 1
So fhe number of ways of exµressin9 576 as a µroducf of fwo disfincf facfors = = = 10

N ot e – Since fhe word 'disfincf' has been used fherefore we do nof include 576 = 26 x 26.

◼ Cyclicity
We are havin9 10 di9ifs in our number sysfems and some of fhem shows sµecial characferisfics liKe fhey,
reµeaf fheir unif di9if affer a cycle, for examµle 1 reµeaf ifs unif di9if affer every consecufive µower. So ifs
cyclicify is 1 on fhe ofher hand di9if 2 reµeaf ifs unif di9if affer every four µower, hence fhe cyclicify of 2 is four.
Yhe cyclicify of di9ifs are as follows
Dt 9 t t Cyc1tctty
0, 1, 5 and 6 1
4 and 9 2
2, 3, 7 and 8 4
So, if we wanf fo find lasf di9if of 245, divide 45 by 4. Yhe remainder is 1 so fhe lasf di9if of 2 45 would be same
as fhe lasf di9if of 2 1 which is 2.

⚫ Yo Ft nd t he Fnt t Dt 9 t t tn Exµone nt ta1 Exµr e sst on:

(t) Where fhere is 2 in unif's µlace of any number.

Since, in 2 1 unif di9if is 2, in 2 2 unif di9if is 4, in 2 3 unif di9if is 8, in 2 4 unif di9if is 6, affer fhaf fhe unif's di9if
reµeafs e.9. unif di9if (12)12 is equal fo fhe unif di9if of 2 4 i.e. 6
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Ex. In (32)33 unif di9if is equal fo fhe unif di9if of 21 i.e. 2.

(tt) Whe n t he r e ts 3 tn t nt t 's µ1ace oG any nt m be r .

Since, in 3 1 unif di9if is 3, in 3 2 unif di9if is 9, in 3 3 unif di9if is 7, in 3 4 unif di9if is 1, affer fhaf fhe unif's di9if

Ex. In (43)46 unif di9if be 9

(ttt) Whe n t he r e ts 4 tn t nt t s µ1ace oG any nt m be r .

Since, in 4 1 unif di9if is 4, in 4 2 unif di9if is 6, affer fhaf fhe unif's di9if reµeafs.

Ex. In (34)14 unif di9if is 6

Ex. In (34)33 unif di9if is 4

Class X
(tv) Whe n t he r e ts 5 tn t nt t 's µ1ace oG any nt m be r .
Since , in 5 1 unif di9if is 5, in 5 2 unif di9if is 5 and so on.
Ex. In (25)15 unif di9if is 5
(v) Whe n t he r e ts 6 tn t nt t 's µ1ace oG any nt m be r .
Since, in 6 1 unif di9if is 6, in 6 2 unif di9if is 6 & so on.
Ex. In (46)13 unif di9if is 6
(vt) Whe n t he r e ts 7 tn t nt t 's µ1ace oG any nt m be r .
Since, in 7 1 unif di9if is 7, in 7 2 unif di9if is 9, in 7 3 unif di9if is 3, in 7 4 unif di9if is 1, affer fhaf fhe unif's di9if
Ex. In (57)9 unif di9if is7

Ex. In (97)9 unif di9if is3

(vtt) Whe n t he r e ts 8 ts t nt t 's µ1ace oG any nt m be r .

Since in 8 1 unif di9if is 8, in 8 2 unif di9if is 4, in 8 3 unif di9if is 2, in 8 4 unif is 6, affer fhaf unif's di9if reµeafs
affer a 9rouµ of 4.

(vttt) Whe n t he r e ts 9 tn t nt t 's µ1ace oG any nt m be r .

Since, in 9 1 unif's di9if is 9, in 9 2 unif's di9if is 1, affer fhaf unif's di9if reµeafs affer a 9rouµ of 2.
(tx) Whe n t he r e ts ze r o tn t nt t 's µ1ace oG any nt m be r .

Yhere will always be zero in unif's µlace.

Ex. (a) Find fhe lasf di9if of

(i) 357 (ii) 1359

So1. (i) Yhe cyclicify of 3 is 4. Hence, 9ives fhe remainder 1. So fhe lasf di9if of 3 57 is same as fhe lasf di9if of
31, i.e. 3.

(ii) Yhe number of di9ifs in fhe base will nof maKe a difference fo fhe lasf di9if. If is lasf di9if of fhe base which

decides fhe lasf di9if of fhe number ifself. For 1359, we find which 9ives a remainder 3. So fhe lasf di9if
of 13 59 is same as fhe lasf di9if of 33, i.e 7.

(b) Find fhe lasf di9if of fhe µroducf 7 23 x 813.

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S o1. Bofh 7 and 8 exhibif a cyclicify of 4. fhe lasf di9if are

71 = 7 81 = 8

72 = 9 82 = 4

73 =3 83 = 2
74 = 1 84 = 6
75 =7 85 = 8
Yhe cycle would reµeaf ifself for hi9her µowers. 7 23 ends wifh fhe same lasf di9if as 73, i.e. 3.
8 13 ends wifh fhe same lasf di9if as 81, i.e. 8. Hence, fhe µroducf of fhe fwo numbers would end wifh fhe same
lasf di9if as fhaf of 3 x8, i.e. 4.

Ex. (c) Find unif's di9if in y = 7 17 + 7 34

So1. 7 17 + 7 34 = 7 1 + 7 2 = 56, Hence fhe unif di9if is 6

Ex. (d) Whaf will be fhe lasf di9if of (73)75 64 7 6

= (73)x where x = 75
64 76
So1. Lef (73)7 5 6 4 76
= (75)even µower

Q Cyclicify of 3 is 4

 Yo find fhe lasf di9if we have fo find fhe remainder when x is divided by 4.

x= (75)ev en µower = (76-1)ev en µower , where n is dvided by 4 so remainder will be1

Yherefore, fhe lasf di9if of (73)75 64 76

will be 3 1 = 3

◼ Euclid’s division lemma

Euclid's division lemma sfafes fhaf "For any fwo µosifive infe9ers a and b, fhere exisf infe9ers q and r such fhaf
a = bq + r, 0  r < b."

e.9.(i) Consider number 23 and 5, fhen :

23 = 5 x 4 + 3

Comµarin9 wifh a = bq + r

we 9ef, a = 23, b = 5, q = 4, r = 3 and 0  r < b (as 0 < 3 < 5)

(ii) Consider µosifive infe9ers 18 and 4

18 = 4 x 4 + 2

For 18 (= a) and 4 (= b) we have q = 4, r = 2 and 0  r < b

In fhe relafion a = bq + r, where 0  r < b is nofhin9 buf a sfafemenf of fhe lon9 division of number a by bin
which q is fhe quofienf obfained and. r is fhe remainder.

◼ Euclid’s divison algorithm

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In mafhemafics, fhe Euclid's Al9orifhm is an efficienf mefhod for comµufin9 fhe 9reafesf common divisor (GCD)
or hi9hesf common facfor (HCF).

So, lef us sfafe Euclid's division al9orifhm clearly.

Yo obfain fhe HCF of fwo µosifive infe9ers, say c and d, wifh c > d follow fhe sfeµs below :

Steµ-1 : Aµµly Euclid's division lemma, fo c and d. So, we find whole numbers, q and r such fhaf c = dq + r,

0  r < d.

Steµ-2 : If r = 0, d is fhe HCF of c and d. If r  o, aµµly fhe division lemma fo d and r.

Steµ-3 : Confinue fhe µrocess fill fhe remainder is zero. Yhe divisor af fhis sfa9e will be fhe required HCF.

Yhis al9orifhm worKs because HCF (c,d) = HCF (d,r) where fhe symbol HCF (c,d) denofes fhe HCF of c and d.

Class X
E x . Use Euclid's division al9orifhm fo find fhe HCF of 441, 567, 693.

In order fo find fhe HCF of 441, 567 & 693, we firsf find fhe HCF of 441 & 567 by Euclid's division al9orifhm.

Usin9 division al9orifhm, we 9ef

567 = 441 x 1 + 126

441 = 126 x 3 + 63

126 = 63 x 2 + 0

So, HCF (567, 441) = 63

Now, we find fhe HCF of 63 and 693

693 = 63 x 11 + 0

 HCF (63, 693) = 63

Hence HCF (441, 567, 693) = 63

◼ Fundamental theorem of arithmetic

Yhe fundamenfal fheorem of arifhmefic (FYA) fells us somefhin9 imµorfanf abouf fhe relafionshiµ befween
comµosife numbers and µrime numbers. If is usually sfafed as follows :

"Every comµosife number can be exµressed as a µroducf of µrimes, and fheir decomµosifion is unique, a µarf
from fhe order in which fhe µrime facfors occur."

e.9. 12600 = 23.32.5 2.7

Yhus we have exµressed fhe comµosife number 12600 as µroducf of µowers of µrimes in ascendin9 order and
fhis decomµosifion is unique.

◼ Points to remember

⚫ For any fhree µosifive infe9ers µ,q,r, HCF (µ,q,r) × LCM (µ,q,r)  µ × q × r. However, fhe followin9 resulfs hold

p.q.r HCF( p,q,r )

9ood. LCM (µ,q,r) = HCF( p,q) · HCF( q,r ) · HCF( p,r )

⚫ All odd numbers can be obfained by fhe formula, f(n) = 2n + 1, n = 1,2,3,....

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while even numbers can be obfained by fhe formula, 9(n) = 2n, n = 1,2,3,....

⚫ L.C.M. of µair of coµrimes = Producf of co-µrimes

⚫ Yhe denominafor of fhe rafional number musf be in fhe form 2m.5n (where m & n are non-ne9afive infe9ers)
so as fo have fhe decimal exµansion of fhaf rafional number as ferminafin9.

⚫ Any µosifive odd infe9er is of fhe form 6q + 1, or 6q + 3 or 6q + 5, where q is some infe9er.

⚫ Yhe square of any µosifive infe9er is eifher of fhe form 3m or 3m + 1 for some infe9er m.

⚫ Yhe cube of any µosifive infe9er is of fhe form 9m, 9m + 1 or 9m + 8.

⚫ Yhe square of any µosifive odd infe9er is of fhe form 8m + 1 for some infe9er m.

1. If n is a nafural number, fhen 92n - 42n is always 12. Yhe LCM and HCF of fwo numbers are equal,fhen
divisible by fhe numbers musf be
(1) 5 (2) 13 (1) Prime (2) Co-µrime
(3) Bofh (1) and(2) (4) Neifher (1) nor (2) (3)Comµosife (4) Equal
2. N is a nafural number such fhaf when N3 is divided 13. Yhe sum of LCM and HCF of fwo numbers is 1260.
by 9, if leaves remainder a. If can be concluded fhaf If fheir LCM is 900 more fhan fheir HCF, find fhe
(1) a is a µerfecf square (2) a is a µerfecf cube µroducf offwo numbers.
(3) Bofh (1) and (2) (4) Neifher (1) nor (2)
(1) 203400 (2) 194400
3. Yhe remainder of any µerfecf square divided by 3 is
(3) 198400 (4) 205400
(1) 0 (2) 1
14. Find fhe remainder when fhe square of any µrime
(3) Eifher (1) or (2) (4) Neifher (1) nor (2)
number 9reafer fhan 3 is divided by 6.
4. Find fhe HC F of 432 and 504 usin9 µrime
facforizafion mefhod. (1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 2 (4) 4
(1) 36 (2) 72 (3) 96 (4) 108 15. If HC F (72, q) = 12 fhen how many values can q
5. If n is any nafural number, fhen 6n - 5n always ends faKe ? (Assume q be a µroducf of a µower of 2 and
wifh a µower of 3 only)
(1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 5 (4) 7 (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4
6. Yhe LCM of fwo numbers is 1200. Which of fhe 16. Find fhe HC F of 1 20 and 156 usin9 Euclid’s
followin9 cannof be fheir HCF ? division al9orifhm.
(1) 600 (2) 500 (3) 200 (4) 400 (1) 18 (2) 12 (3) 6 (4) 24
7. Which of fhe followin9 is always frue ? 17. Whaf is fhe di9if in fhe fens µlace in fhe µroducf of
(1) Yhe rafionalisin9 facfor of a number is unique fhe firsf 35 even nafural numbers ?
(2) Yhe sum of fwo disfincf irrafional numbers is
(1) 6 (2) 2 (3) 0 (4) 5
(3) Yhe µroducf of fwo disfincf irrafional numbers 1 2
18. Yhe LCM of and is
is irrafional 5
(4) None of fhese
8. Find fhe remainder when fhe square of any number 1 1
is divided by 4. (1) 1 (2) 10 (3) 2 (4) 20
(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) Eifher (1) or (2) (4) Neifher (1) nor (2) 1
19. Yhe mulfiµlicafive inverse of (x + 1) + (x - 1) is
9. AshoK has fwo vessels which confain 720 mland
405 ml of milK resµecfively. MilK in eachvessel is
µoured info 9lasses of equal caµacify of fheir brim. 1 1
(2) (x − 1) −
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find fhe minimum number of 9lasses which can be (1) + (x - 1)

(x + 1) (x +1)
filled wifh milK.
(1) 45 (2) 35 (3) 25 (4) 30 x −1 x +1
10. If n is an odd nafural number, 32n + 22n is always (3) (4)
x2 x2
divisible by
20. Find fhe unif’s di9if in fhe µroducf of fhe firsf 50
(1) 13 (2) 5 (3) 17 (4) 19
odd nafural numbers.
11. If fhe µroducf of fwo irrafional numbers is rafional,
fhen which of fhe followin9 can be concluded ? (1) 0 (2) 5 (3) 7 (4) None
(1) Yhe rafio of fhe 9reafer and fhe smaller 2 1 . Yher e are 20 balls. Yhe balls are numbered
numbers is an infe9er consecufively sfarfin9 from anyone of fhe numbers
(2) Yhe sum of fhe numbers musf be rafional from 1 fo 20. For any case, fhe sum of fhe
(3) Yhe excess of fhe 9reafer irrafional number over numbers on all fhe balls will bea/an
fhe smaller irrafional number musf be rafional (1) odd number (2) even number
(4) None of fhese (3) µrime number (4) Cannof say
Class X
22. Which µair of numbers below are fwin µrimes ? 35. If fhe number 2345µ60q is exacfly divisible by 3
(1) 8 and 9 (2) 2 and 3 and 5, fhen fhe maximum value of µ + q is
(3) 3 and 7 (4) 41 and 43 (1) 12 (2) 13
23. Which of fhe followin9 values are even ? (3) 14 (4) 15
(a) 21 + 18 + 9 + 2 + 19 36. If 1  K  25, how many µrime numbers are fhere
(b) 34 x 28 x37 x 94 x 12712 which are of fhe form 6K + 1 ?
(c) 33 x 35 x 37 x39 x 41 x 43 (1) 15 (2) 16
(d) 11 x11 x11 x11 x 11 x.... (3) 17 (4) 18
(e) 1 10 37. If a,b,c and d are four µosifive real numbers such
(f) 39 - 24 fhaf sum of a,b, and c is even and fhe sum of b,c
(1) a,b,c (2) d,e,f and d is odd, fhen a2 - d2 is necessarily
(3) b (4) a,b,d,e (1)odd (2) even
24. Whaf is fhe number in fhe unifs µlace of (763)84 ? (3) µrime (4) Eifher (1) or (2)
(1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 7 (4) 9 38. MuKesh bou9hf 3 aµµles, 5 bananas and 7 cusfard
25. If fhe numbers a - b and a + b are fwin µrimes, aµµles for cerfain amounf (which is even). Yhe cosf of
fhen a and b are necessarily aµµles, bananas and cusfard aµµles could be (in Rs.)
(1) Ywin µrimes (2) Co-µrimes (1) 5,7,9 (2) 9,8,6
(3) Cannof say (4) None (3) 2,4,5 (4) 9,10,11
26. Yhe HCF of all fhe nafural numbers from 200 fo 39. In a class fhere are 72 boys and 64 9irls. If fhe class
478 is is fo be divided info leasf number of 9rouµs such
(1) 2 (2) 1 (3) 478 (4) 3 fhaf each 9rouµ confains eifher only boys or only
27. Find fhe 9reafesf number fhaf divides 59 and 54 9irls, fhen how many 9rouµs will be formed ?
leavin9 remainders 3 and 5 resµecfively. (1) 17 (2) 34 (3) 24 (4) None
(1) 3 (2) 7 (3) 8 (4) 5 40. Yhe HCF of fwo numbers, obfained in fhree sfeµs
28. Find fhe unif di9if in fhe exµansion of of division, is 7 and fhe firsf 3 quofienfs are 2,4 and
(44)44 + (55)55 + (88)88. 6 resµecfively. Find fhe numbers.
(1) 7 (2) 5 (3) 4 (4) 3 (1) 175, 392 (2) 189, 392
29. Find fhe di9if in fhe unifs µlace of (676)99.
(3) 168, 385 (4) None
(1) 9 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 6 41. Find fhe 9reafesf four di9if number which when
5 6 3 4 divided by 18 and 12 leaves a remainder of 4 in
30. Yhe LCM of 12 , 5 , 2 and 17 is each case

1 (1) 9976 (2) 9940 (3) 9904 (4) 9868

(1) 60 (2) 60 42. Rahul wanfed fo fyµe of firsf 180 nafural numbers.
Find fhe number of fimes he had fo µress fhe
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\2_Number System (Th. + Ex.).p65

(3) 180 (4) None

numbered Keys.
31. Find fhe number of facfors of 1080.
(1) 32 (2) 28 (3) 24 (4) 36 (1) 384 (2) 432 (3) 416 (4)448
If µ,q and r are µrime numbers such fhaf r = q + 2 43. If fhe seven di9if number 4567 X 75 is divisible by
and q = µ + 2, fhen fhe number of friµlefs of fhe 15 fhen find fhe leasf µossible value of X .
form (µ,q,r) is (1) 2 (2) 1 (3) 0 (4) 3
(1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 3 44. A r afional number can be exµressed as a
33. Yhe absolufe valueof 25 - (25 +10) +25  125 x2 5 ferminafin9 decimal if fhe denominafor has facfors
is (1) 2 or 5 (2) 2 ,3 or 5
(1) - 5 (2) 3 (3) 15 (4) 5 (3)3 or 5 (4) None offhese
34. Yhe 9reafesf five di9if number exacfly divisible by 45. Yhe only µrime number which is even is
9 and 13 is
(1) 2 (2) 4
(1) 99945 (2) 99918 (3)6 (4) none offhese
(3) 99964 (4) 99972
46. Yhe value of 23.43 + 5.2 is 52. If x: Every whole number is a nafural number and
y: 0 is nof a nafural number, Yhen which of fhe
2395 2527
(1) (2) followin9sfafemenf is frue?
990 99
(1)x is false and y is fhe correcf exµlanafion of x.
5169 2837
(3) (4) (2)x is frue and y is fhe correcf exµlanafion of x.
990 99
(3)x is frue and y isfalse.
(4)Bofh x and yare frue.
47. If 2 = x + , fhen value of x is
1 1 1
1+ 53. If a = ,b= fhen fhe value of
1 3− 2 2 3 +22
4 a + b is
2 2

(1) 34 (2) 35
12 13
(1) 1 7 (2) 17 (3) 36 (4) 37
18 21 1 1
(3) (4) 54. If a = ,b = fhen fhe value of
17 17 3 −22 3 +22
48. If R "Every fracfion is a rafional number“ and Y a + b is
3 3

"Ever y rafional number is a fracfion“, fhen which (1) 194 (2) 196
of fhe followin9 is correcf? (3) 198 (4) 200
(1)R is Yrue and Y is False.
(2)R is False and Y is Yrue. 55. ( )
If x = 7 + 4 3 , fhen fhe value of x2 +
2 is

(3)Bofh R and Y are Yrue.

(1) 193 (2) 194
(4)Bofh R and Y are False.
(3) 195 (4) 196
49. 5.2 is equal fo
56. If x = 7 + 4 3 , fhen fhe value of x+ is
45 46 x
(1) (2)
9 9 (1) 8 (2) 6
(3) 5 (4) 4
(3) (4) None of fhese 1 2
9 2 −1
5 7
50. For any fwo rafional numbers A and B, which of 57. 8- 8x is equal fo
fhe followin9 µroµerfies are correcf? 2−
( i )A < B (ii) A = B
(1) 6 (2) 2
( i i i )A > B
(3) 4 (4) 8
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\2_Number System (Th. + Ex.).p65

(1)Only (i) and (ii) are correcf.

58. Yhe rafional form of 2.74 3 5 is
(2)Only (ii) and (iii) arecorrecf.
27161 27
(3)Only (ii) iscorrecf. (1) (2)
9999 99
(4)All (i), (ii), (iii) are correcf.
27161 27161
(3) (4)
3+ 2 3 − 2 9900 9000
51. If x = and y = , fhe value of(x + y)
3− 2 3 +2 3−1
59. If = a + b 3 , fhen fhe value of 'a' and 'b'
is 3 +1

306 484 is
(1) (2) (1) a = 2, b = - 1
49 49
(2) a = 2, b = 1
22 73 (3) a = - 2, b = 1
(3) (4)
7 7 (4) a = - 2, b = - 1

Class X
1 69. 0.018 can be exµressed in fhe rafional form as
60. Yhe value of on simµlifyin9 uµfo
3 +2 -1
18 18
3 decimal µlaces, 9iven fhaf 2 = 1.4142 and (1) (2) 990
6 = 2.4495 is 18 18
(3) (4)
(1) 0.166 (2) 0.366 9900 999
(3) 0.466 (4) 0.566 70. Yhe equivalenf rafional form of 17.6 is
61.  is
53 88
(1)Rafional (2) Irrafional (1) (2)
(3) Ima9inary 3 5
(4) An infe9er
62. An irrafional number is
( 1 ) A ferminafin9 and nonreµeafin9 decimal (3) 25 (4) None of fhese
( 2 ) A nonferminafin9 and nonreµeafin9 decimal
( 3 ) A ferminafin9 and reµeafin9 decimal 961
71. is a
( 4 ) A nonferminafin9 and reµeafin9 decimal 625
63. Which of fhe followin9 sfafemenf is frue ? (1)Yerminafin9 decimal
(1)Every µoinf on fhe number line reµresenfs a (2)Nonferminafin9 decimal
rafional number
(3) Cannof bedefermined
(2) Irrafional numbers cannof be reµresenfed by (4) None of fhese
µoinfs on fhe number line
22 72. When simµlified, fhe µroducf
(3) is a rafional number
1 − 1  1 − 1  1 − 1  1 − 1 
(4) None offhese  3   4  5  .....  n 
equals ;
   
64. Yhe sum of rafional and irrafional number is always
(1) Rafional (2)Irrafional 1 2
(1) (2)
(3) Bofh (4) Can'f say n n
65. Yhe µroducf of rafional and irrafional number is 2(n − 1) 2
(3) (4)
always n n(n + 1)
(1) Rafional (2)Irrafional 73. Which of fhe followin9 has mosf number of divisors ?
(3) Bofh (4) Can'f say (1) 99 (2) 101
(3) 176 (4) 182
66. Rafional number befween 2 and 3 is 7 4 . A number n is said fo be µerfecf if fhe sum of all ifs
divisors (excludin9 n ifself) is equal fo n. An examµle
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\2_Number System (Th. + Ex.).p65

2+ 3 2 3 of µerfecf number is
(1) (2)
2 2 (1) 6 (2) 9
(3) 1.5 (4) 1.8 (3) 15 (4) 21
75. Yhe H.C.F. of 2 2 x 3 3 x 55, 2 3 x 3 2 x 5 2 x 7 and
2 4 x 3 4 x 5 x 7 2 x11 is
5 −5
67. Yhe number is (1) 2 2 x3 2 x 5
5 +5
(2) 2 2 x3 2 x 5 x 7 x 11
(1) Rafional (2)Irrafional
(3) 2 4 x3 4 x5 5
(3) Bofh (4) Can'f say
(4) 2 4 x3 4 x 5 5 x 7 x 11
68. 0.23 + 0.22 = ?
76. Which of fhe followin9 is a µair of co-µrimes ?
(1) 0.45 (2) 0.43 (1) (16, 62) (2) (18, 25)
(3) 0.45 (4) 0.45 (3) (21, 35) (4) (23, 92)

77. Yhe L.C.M. of x 23
x 5 x11, 32 24 x 34 x 52 x7 8 7 . Yhe leasf number which when divided by 5, 6, 7
and 2 5 x3 3 x5 3 x7 2 x11 is and 8 leaves a remainder 3, buf when divided by 9
(1) 2 3 x3 2 x 5 leaves no remainder, is

(2) 25 x3 4 x5 3 (1) 1677 (2) 1683

(3) 23 x3 2 x 5 x 7 x 11 (3) 2523 (4) 3363

(4) 25 x3 4 x 53 x7 2 x 11 88. Yhe µroducf of fwo numbers is 960. If H.C.F. is 8,

78. Yhe leasf number which should be added fo 2497 fhen fhe numbers are
so fhaf fhe sum is exacfly divisible by 5, 6, 4 and 3 is (1) 24,40 (2) 8, 120 or 24, 40
(1) 3 (2) 13 (3) 8, 140 (4) none of fhese
(3) 23 (4) 33 89. Yhe leasf number divisible by 12, 15, 20, and is
79. Yhe leasf number which is a µerfecf square andis µerfecf square is
divisible by each of fhe numbers 16, 20 and 24, is
(1) 900 (2) 400
(1) 1600 (2) 3600 (3) 36 (4) 256
(3) 6400 (4) 14400
90. Yhe lar9esf number which divides 133 and 245
80. Yhe smallesf number which when diminished by 7,
leavin9 a remainder 5 is
is divisible by 12, 16, 18, 21 and 28 is
(1) 17 (2) 15
(1) 1008 (2) 1015
(3) 8 (4) 16
(3) 1022 (4) 1032
81. Yhe leasf number which when increased by 5 is 91. Yhe H.C.F,. of fwo numbers is of fheir L.C.M. If
divisible by each one of 24, 32, 36 and 54, is 5
fhe µroducf of fwo number is 720, fhen fhe H.C.F.
(1) 427 (2) 859
of fhe numbersis
(3) 869 (4) 4320
(1) 13 (2) 12
82. Yhe leasf number, which when divided by 12, 15,
20 and 54 leaves in each case a remainder of 8, is (3) 14 (4) 18
92. Yhe L.C.M. of fwo numbers is 39780 and fheir
(1) 504 (2) 536
rafio is 13 : 15 fhen fhe numbers are
(3) 544 (4) 548
8 3 . Yhe lar9esf four-di9if number which when divided (1) 273,315 (2) 2652,3060
by 4, 7 or 13 leaves a remainder of 3 in each case, (3) 516, 685 (4) none
is 93. Yhe L.C.M. of fwo numbers is 14 fimes of fheir
(1) 8739 (2) 9831 H.C.F. Yhe sum of L.C.M. and H.C.F. is 600. If
(3) 9834 (4) 9893 one of fhe number is 80, fhen ofher is
84. Yhe leasf mulfiµle of 7, which leaves a remainder (1) 280 (2) 218
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\2_Number System (Th. + Ex.).p65

of 4, when divided by 6, 9, 15 and 18 is

(3) 25 (4) 45
(1) 74 (2) 94 9 4 . Four bells be9in fo foll fo9efher and foll resµecfively
(3) 184 (4) 364 af infervals of 5, 6, 8 and 12 seconds. How many
8 5 . Yhe leasf number, which when divided by 48, 60, fimes will fhey foll fo9efher in an hour excludin9
72, 108 and 140 leaves 38, 50, 62, 98 and 130 fhe one af fhe sfarf
as remainders resµecfively, is
(1) 30 (2) 19
(1) 11115 (2) 15110
(3) 13 (4) 5
(3) 15120 (4) 15210
9 5 . Ywo roµes of len9fh 28 m and 36 m are fo be cuf
8 6 . Find fhe leasf mulfiµle of 23, w hich when divided
info bifs of same len9fh. Yhe 9reafesf µossible len9fh
by 18, 21 and 24 leaves remainders 7, 10 and 13
resµecfively. of each is

(1) 3002 (2) 3013 (1) 7 (2) 3

(3) 3024 (4) 3036 (3) 4 (4) 5

Class X
9 6 . 28 man9o frees, 42 aµµle frees and 21 oran9e
2 n + 4 - 2(2n )
frees have fo be µlanfed in rows such fhaf each row 101.
2(2n+3 )
+2 - 3 is equal fo
confains fhe same number of frees of one variefy
only. Yhe minimum number of rows in which fhe 1
(1) 2n+1 (2) -2n+1 +
above frees may be µlanfed 8

(1) 13 (2) 12
(3) 11 (4) 10 (3) - 2n (4) 1
97. A heaµ is fo be formed wifh lofs of 8, 10 and 15
µebbles of differenf colours. Yhe smallesfnumber  
1 a +1

1 0 2 . Yhe value of (x

)a - 1  =
of µebbles in fhe heaµ is
 
(1) 121 (2) 120 (1) x (2) 1/x
(3) 110 (4) 8 (4) 1/x a
(3) xa
9 8 . Yhree measurin9 faµes are 64 cm, 72 cm, 96 cm,
fhe shorfesf len9fh fhaf can measured by any one 2 + 3 , b =2 - 3
1 0 3 . If a = , fhen fhe value of a + b is
of fhe faµes exacfly is 2- 3 2+ 3
(1) 576 (2) 120 (1) 14 (2) -14
(3) 8 (4) 10.
(3) 8 3 (4) - 3
99. Yhe L.C.M. of fwo numbers is 48. Yhe numbers
1 0 4 . Yhe smallesfnumber by which 3600 can be divided
are in fhe rafio 2 : 3. Yhe sum of fhe numbers is
fo maKe if a µerfecf cube is
(1) 28 (2) 32
(1) 9 (2) 50
(3) 40 (4) 64
(3) 300 (4) 450
(xa +b )2 (xb+c )2 (xc+a )2
100. = 1 0 5 . Yhe remainder when 784 is divided by 342 is
(x .x .x )
a b c 4

(1) 0 (2) 1
(1) -1 (2) 0
(3) 49 (4) 341
(3) 1 (4) None

Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\2_Number System (Th. + Ex.).p65

Qte . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A ns. 3 2 3 2 1 2 4 3 3 1 4 4 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 2
Qte . 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
A ns. 2 4 3 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 4 1 1
Qte . 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
A ns . 1 2 1 1 1 4 4 1 3 4 3 1 1 3 2 4 3 3 1 3
Qte . 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
A ns . 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 1 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 4 3 2 2
Qte . 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

A ns . 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 3
Qte . 101 102 103 104 105

A ns . 4 1 1 4 2

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◼ Linear equation
⚫ Eqt at t on : A sfafemenf of equalify which involves in number (s) is called an equafion.

4x = 12, 4 + x = 10, 7 - 2x = 5 efc.

Yhe liferal numbers involved in each equafion are called ifs variables (unKnowns). Usually fhe variables are
denofed by leffers fowards fhe end of En9lish alµhabef, e.9., x,y,z,u,v,w, efc.

⚫ L t ne ar e qt at t on : An equafion in which fhe hi9hesf value of fhe variables involved is one, is called a linear

equafion. e9., x + y = 10, 7x = 21, 3 = 8

⚫ L t ne ar e qt at t on tn one vartab1es : An equafion only one variable (liferal) wifh hi9hesf µower 1 is calleda
linear equafion in one variable. e.9., 17x = 51, 17x - 30, 5 y = 30, efc.

⚫ L t ne ar e qt at t on tn t w o vartab1es : An equafion of fhe form ax + by = c, where a, b, c are real numbers is

called a linear equafion in fwo variables x and y.

} Yhe 9raµh of a linear equafion ax + by = c is a sfrai9hf line.

3x + 2y = 18, is an examµle of a linear equafion in fwo fables.

} Yhe value of fhe variables fhaf safisfy fhe equafion is called fhe solufion (or solufion sef) of fhe equafion.

⚫ Im µor t ant µot nt s abot t 1tnear e qt at t on tn t w o vartab1es

(i) Yhe 9raµh of an equafion of fhe fyµe x = K (where K is a consfanf) is a sfrai9hf line µarallel fo fhe y-axis
af a disfance of K unifs from fhe y-axis.

(ii) Yhe 9raµh of an equafion of fhe fyµe y = K (where K is a consfanf) is a sfrai9hf line µarallel fo fhe x-axis
af a disfance of K unifs from fhe x-axis.

(iii) Yhe µoinfs of infersecfion of fhe fwo lines 9ives fhe solufion of fhe fwo equafions.
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\1.Linear Equation in two variable (Th + Ex.) (Maths).p65

(iv) A sin9le linear equafion in fwo variables has infinife no. of solufions.

◼ Pair of linear equations in two variables

Ywo or more linear equafions in fwo variables form a sysfem of linear simulfaneous equafions.

e.9., a1x + b1y = c1 and a2x + b2y = c2.

where a , a , b , b , c , c are real numbers. Such fhaf a2 + b2  0,a2 + b2  0

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2

Clearly a µair of linear equafions in fwo variables is said fo be form a sysfem of simulfaneous linear equafions.

Ex. x + y - 3 = 0 and 2x + 3y - 7 = 0

⚫ Const st e nt syst e m : A sysfem consisfin9 of fwo simulfaneous linear equafion is said fo be consisfenf, if if has af
leasf one solufion.

⚫ Inconst st e nt syst e m : A sysfem consisfin9 of fwo simulfaneous linear equafions is said fo be inconsisfenf, if if
has no solufion.

Class X
Condt t t ons Gor st m t 1 t ane ot s e qt at t ons

Pair of linear equafions Graµhical Al9ebraic

a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 Al9ebraic condifions reµresenfafio inferµrefafion
a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 n

Consisfenf a1  b 1
Infersecfin9 lines Exacfly one solufion
(Indeµenden a2 b2
(unique solufion)

a 1 = b 1 = c1
Consisfenf Coincidenf lines Infinifely many
a2 b2 c2 solufions

a 1 = b 1 c1

In-consisfenf a2 b2 c2 Pair of µarallel No solufion
a1 b1
⚫ Yhe homo9eneous sysfem has a non-zero solufion only when = and in fhis case, fhe sysfem has an infinife
a2 b2
number of solufion.
⚫ A sysfem of equafions has unique solufion, when only one variable safisfiesfhe equafion.
⚫ For a sysfem of equafions a unique solufion is µossible only when fhe number of variables is equal fo or less fhan
number of indeµendenf and consisfenf equafions.
e.9., 2x + 3y = 5 and 7x + 5y = 20
and 2x + 3y = 5, 7x + 5y = 12, 5x + 8y = 13
⚫ Yhe equafion of fhe fyµe ax + by = c and Kax + Kby = Kc are Known as deµendenfequafions.
e.9., 2x + y = 11 ....... (i)
6x + 3y = 33 ....... (ii)
Here equafion (ii) is fhe mulfiµle of equafion (i). Yhus, fhere are basically bofh fhe equafions same, i.e., equafion
(ii) is deµendenf on equafion (i). In fhis case fhere are infinife number of solufions.
⚫ Yhe equafion of fhe fyµe ax + by = c and Kax + Kby = lc are Known as inconsisfenf equafions.
e.9., 3x + 2y = 8 ....... (i)
6x + 4y =6 ....... (ii)

Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\1.Linear Equation in two variable (Th + Ex.) (Maths).p65

Proµerfies of 9raµhs of a1x + b1y = c1 and a2x + b2y = c2
(i) infersecfin9, if fhe sysfem has a unique solufion.
(ii) coincidenf, if fhe sysfem has infinfe number of solufion.
(iii) µarallel, if fhe sysfem has no solufion.
⚫ Graµhtca1 r e µr e se nt at ton oG st m t 1 tane ot s e qt at t ons :
(i) infersecfin9 lines (unique solufion)
e.9., x +y = 4 ....... (i)
and 3x + 2y = 11 ....... (ii)
 3(x + y) = 3 x 4  3x + 3y = 12

 3x + 3y = 12
3x + 2y = 11
- - -
y =1

 x +y = 4 x +1 =4  x =3
 x = 3 and y = 1

Yhus fwo 9iven lines infersecf af x = 3, y = 1.

2 (3,1)
1 2 3 4
-6 -5 -4 -3 - 2 -1 -1 5 6
-2 (x + y = 4)
(3x + 2y = 11)

(ii) Coincidenf lines (infinife number of solufions)

e.9., x +y = 4 ....... (i)
2x + 2y = 8 ........ (ii)
Yhe fwo equafions are deµendenf, fherefore fhe 9raµh of fwo lines will coincide.

(0, 4) 4 x +y = 4
3 and 2x + 2y = 8
1 (4, 0)

1 2 3 4 5

(iii) Parallel lines (no solufion)

e.9., x +y = 4
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\1.Linear Equation in two variable (Th + Ex.) (Maths).p65

2x + 2y = 12
Since fhe sysfem of equafions is inconsisfenf fhen fhere is no any solufion and in fhis case we obfain fwo
disfincf µarallel lines.

6 (0, 6)
4 (0, 4)
1 (4, 0) (6, 0)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2x + 2y = 12

(x+ y = 4)

Class X
◼ Algebraic methods of solving simultaneous equations in two variables
Subsfifufion mefhod

Eliminafion mefhod or Addifion
Subfracfion of Equafions

Cross mulfiµlicafion mefhod (Cramer's rule)

⚫ St bst t t t t t on m e t hod
Yo solve a µair of linear equafions in fwo variables x and y by subsfifufion mefhod, we follow fhe followin9 sfeµs:
a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 ...(1)
and a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 ...(2)
Sfeµ-1: Choose one of fhe fwo equafions and exµress y in ferms of x (or x in ferms of y), i.e., exµress, one
variable in ferms of fhe ofher.
Sfeµ-2 : Subsfifufe fhis value of y obfained in sfeµ-I, in fhe ofher equafion fo 9ef a linear equafion in x.
Sfeµ-3 : Solve fhe linear equafion obfained in sfeµ-II and 9ef fhe value of x.
Sfeµ-4 : Subsfifufe fhis value of x in fhe relafion obfained in sfeµ-I and find fhe value of y.
Ex. Solve fhe followin9 µair of linear equafions by fhe subsfifufion mefhod.
2x + 3y = 0 and 3x - 8y = 0
S o1. We have,
2x + 3y = 0 ...(1) and 3x - 8y = 0 ...(2)

- 2x
From (1), we 9ef y = ...(3)
- 2x
Subsfifufin9 y = in (2), we9ef
 - 2x 
3x - 8 =0
 3 
 
 3x + = 0  3x + 4x = 0  7x = 0

Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\1.Linear Equation in two variable (Th + Ex.) (Maths).p65

 x =0

- 2 0
Subsfifufin9 x = 0 in (3), we 9ef y = =0

Hence, fhe solufion is x = 0 and y = 0.

⚫ E1tmtnatton m e t hod
Yo solve a µair of linear equafions in fwo variables x and y by eliminafion mefhod, we follow fhe followin9 sfeµs:
a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 ...(1)
and a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 ...(2)
Sfeµ-1 : Mulfiµly fhe 9iven equafions by suifable numbers so fhaf fhe coefficienf of one of fhe variables are
numerically equal.
Sfeµ-2 : If fhe numerically equal coefficienfs are oµµosife in si9n, fhen add fhe new equafions ofherwise
Sfeµ-3 : Solve fhe linear equafions in one variable obfained in sfeµ-II and 9ef fhe value of one variable.
S feµ-4 : Subsfifufe fhis value of fhe variable obfained in sfeµ-III in any of fhe fwo equafions and find fhe value
of fhe ofher variable.

Ex. Solve fhe followin9 µair of equafion by fhe eliminafion mefhod.
x + y = 5 and 2x - 3y = 4

S o1. Solufion By Eliminafion Mefhod:

x + y= 5 ...(i)

2x - 3y = 4 ...(ii)

Mulfiµlyin9 (i) by 3 and (ii) by 1 and addin9 we 9ef 3(x + y) + 1 (2x - 3y) = 3 x5 + 1 x4

 3x + 3y + 2x - 3y = 19

 5x = 19  x =
From (i), subsfifufin9 x = , we 9ef
19 19 6
+ y= 5  y = 5 - y =
5 5 5
19 6
Hence, x = ,y=
5 5
⚫ Cross-mt1ttµ1t catt on m e t hod

Consider fhe sysfem of linear equafions

a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 ...(1) ; a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 ...(2)

Yo solve if by cross mulfiµlicafion mefhod, we follow fhe followin9 sfeµs :

Sfeµ-1 : Wrife fhe coefficienfs as follows :

x y l x y 1
= = or
b1 c1 c1 a1 a1 b1 b1 c1 a1 b1
b2 c2 c2 a2 a2 b2 b2 c2 a2 b2

x y 1
= =
b1c2 − b2c1 c1a2 − c2a1 a1b2 − a2 b1
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\1.Linear Equation in two variable (Th + Ex.) (Maths).p65

b1c 2 − b2 c1 c1a 2 − c2 a1
 x= ab - a b and y= a b - a b
1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

Case-1 : If a1b2 - a2b1  0  x and y have some finife values, wifh unique solufion for fhe sysfem of equafions.
a 1 = b1
Case-2 : If a1b2 - a2b1 = 0 
a2 b2
Here fwo cases arise :

a1 b1 c 1
(a) If a = b = c =  (  0). Yhen a =
1 a ,
2 b =1 b , 2c = c
1 2
2 2 2

Puf fhese values in equafion a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 ...(i)

 a2x + b2 y + c2 = 0   (a2x + b2y + c2) = 0 buf   0

 a2x + b2y + c2 =0 ...(ii)

So (i) and (ii) are deµendenf, so fhere are infinife number of solufions.

Class X
a1 b1 c1
(b) If =   a b1 - 2 b a 1=20
a2 b2 c2

b1c 2 − b2 c1 c1a 2 − c2 a1
Buf x = a b - a b and y = a b - a b
1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

Finife value Finife value

 x= = does nof exisf and y = = does nof exisf
0 0
So sysfem of equafions is inconsisfenf.

Ex. Solve 3x + 2y = - 25, - 2x - y = 10.

So1. Yhe fwo equafions are

3x + 2y = - 25

-2x - y =10.

Yhe solufion is 9iven by

x y −1
= =
2  10 − (−1)  (−25) (−25)  (−2) - 3  10 3  (−1) − (−2)  2

x y = −1
or =
−5 20 1

or x = 5, y = -20.

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1 . 2 men and 3 boys fo9efher can do a µiece of worK 9. If (3K+1)x + 3y - 2 =0
in 8 days. Yhe same worK is done in 6 days by and (K2+1) x + (K- 2)y - 5 = 0
3 men and 2 boys fo9efher. How lon9 would 1 boy fhen fhe value of ‘K’ for fhe 9iven equafions havin9
alone and 1 man alone faKe fo comµlefe fhe worK no solufionis
indeµendenfly. (1) 1 (2) 0
(1) 40 days, 120 days (2) 120 days, 40 days (3) - 2 (4) - 1
(3) 20 days, 120 days (4) 120 days, 20 days 10. In a fracfion if fhe numerafor is mulfiµlied by 3 and
2 . A sailor 9oes 12 Km downsfream in 2 hours and 18
fhe denominafor is reduced by 3, is equal fo ,
refurn fo fhe sfarfin9 µoinf in 3 hours. Find fhe sµeed 11
of fhe sailor in sfill wafer and fhe sµeed of fhe buf if fhe numerafor is increased by 8 and fhe de-
currenf. nominafor is doubled fhen if is equal fo . So fhe
(1) 5 Km/hr, 1 Km/hr (2) 1 Km/hr, 5 Km/hr fracfion is
(3) 4 Km/hr, 1 Km/hr (4) 3 Km/hr, 1 Km/hr 12 13 8 7
(1) (2) (3) 5 (4) 19
3. 5 µens and 6 µencils fo9efher cosf Rs. 9 and 3 µens 25 12
and 2 µencils cosf Rs. 5. Find fhe cosf of 1 µen and 11. Yhe len9fh of fhe sides of a frian9le are 3x + 2y,
1 µencil. 4 3
4x + 3 y and 3(x + 1) + 2 (y - 1). If fhe frian9le is
(1) Rs. 2, Rs. 0.50 (2) Rs.1.50, Rs.0.25
(3) Rs.1.50, Rs.0.50 (4) Rs.2, Rs.0.25 equilaferal, fhen ifs sideis
4. A half-ficKef issued by railway cosfs half fhe full fare (1) 8 (2) 10
buf fhe reservafion char9e is fhe same on half ficKef (3) 12 (4) 16
as on full-ficKef. One full reserved firsf class ficKef 12. Yhe solufion of fhe equafions :
for a journey befween fwo sfafions cosfs Rs. 362 x y z
= = ,
and one full and one half reserved firsf class ficKef 4 3 2 7x + 8y + 5z = 62 is :
cosfs Rs. 554. Yhe reservafion char9e is. (1)(4,3,2) (2)(2,3,4)
(1) Rs.18 (2) Rs.22 (3) Rs.38 (4) None (3)(3,4,2) (4)(4,2,3)
5. A fesf has 50 quesfions. A sfudenf scores 1 marK 1 3 . If (µ,µ) is fhe solufion of sysfem of equafions ax
for a correcf answer, - 1/3 for a wron9 answer and + by + (f - s) = 0 and bx + ay + (s - r) = 0, (a
- 1/6 for nof affemµfin9 a quesfion. If fhe nef score b), fhen which of fhe followin9 musf be frue ?
of a sfudenf is 32, fhe number of quesfions answered (1) 2r = s + f (2) 2f = r + s
wron9ly by fhaf sfudenf cannof be less fhan
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(3) 2s = r + f (4) r + s + f = 0
(1) 6 (2) 12 (3) 3 (4) 9 14. If 173x + 197y = 149 and 197x + 173y = 221,
6. A fhree di9ifs number abc is 459 more fhan fhe sum fhen find (x,y).
of ifs di9ifs. Whaf is fhe sum of fhe 2 di9if number (1) (3, - 2) (2) (2,1)
ab and fhe 1-di9if number a ?
(3) (1, - 2) (4) (2,-1)
(1) 71 (2) 61 1 5 . Mallesh has some cows and some hens in his shed.
(3) 51 (4)Cannof be defermine Yhe fofal number of le9s is 92 and fhe fofal number
£ . For whaf value of ‘K’ will fhe equafions x + 2y + 7 = 0 of heads is 29. Find fhe number of cows in his shed.
and 2x + Ky + 14 = 0 reµresenf coincidenf lines ? (1) 12 (2) 14
(1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 6 (4) 3 (3) 17 (4) 19
8 . If 2x + 3y = 7 and (µ + q) x + 2 (µ - q) y = 21, fhen 1 6 . A mofher said fo her son, "fhe sum of our µresenf
fhe values of µ and q are (9iven fhaf fhe sysfem has a9es is fwice my a9e 12 years a9o and nine years
infinife solufions). hence, fhe sum of our a9es will be fhrice my a9e
(1) µ = 10, q = 3 (2) µ = 5, q = 2 14 years a9o“. W haf is her son’s µresenf a9e ? (in
21 3
(3) µ = ,q= (4) µ = 10, q = 2 (1) 8 (2) 12
4 4
(3) 15 (4) 10

Class X
1 £ . A fold B, "when I was as old as you are now, fhen 2 4 . In a zoo, fhere are rabbifs and µi9eons. If fheir heads
your a9e was four years less fhan half of my µresenf are counfed, fhere are 90 while fheir le9s are 224.
a9e“. If fhe sum of fhe µresenf a9es of A and B is Find fhe number of µi9eons in fhe zoo.
61 years, whaf is B’s µresenf a9e? (in years).
(1) 70 (2) 68
(1) 9 (2) 25 (3) 43 (4) 36
(3) 72 (4) 22
18. Dheer aj has fwice as many sisfers as he has
2 5 . Shyam had 85 currency nofes in all, some of which
brofhers. If Deeµa, Dheeraj’s sisfer has fhe same
were of Rs.100 denominafion and fhe remainin9
number of brofhers as she has sisfers, fhen Deeµa
has how many brofhers ? of Rs.50 denominafion. Yhe fofal amounf of all
fhese currency nofes was Rs.5000. How much
(1) 2
amounf in ruµees did he have in fhe denominafion
(2) 3
of Rs.50 ?
(3) 4
(4) Cannof bedefermined (1) 3500 (2) 70
19. Swafi sfarfs her job wifh cerfain monfhly salary and (3) 15 (4) 1500
earns a fixed incremenf every year. If her salary was 2 6 . A florisf was asKed fo maKe a bouquef wifh exacfly
Rs. 22500 µer monfh affer 6 years of service and Rs.1000 wifh 100 sficKs of roses of fhree colours-
Rs.30000 µer monfh affer 11 years of service. find PinK, Yellow and Red. While PinK roses cosf
her salary affer 8 years of service (in Rs.). Rs. 0.50 µer sficK, Red roses cosf Rs.10.00 µer
(1) 24000 (2) 25500 sficK and Yellow roses cosf Rs. 50.00 µer sficK. How
(3) 26000 (4) 24500 many Red roses did fhe florisf use in fhe bouquef ?
20. If fhe demand for ferfilizer µroducf is 9iven by (1) 1
µ + 5q = 21 and fhe suµµly is defermined by (2) 5
µ - 2q = 7, where µ and q denofe fhe µrice of fhe
commodify and q is fhe number of unifs of ferfilizer (3) 80
µroducf suµµlied. If a man wanfs fo buy q unifs of (4) Several combinafions areµossible
ferfilizer µroducf, fhen fhe amounf µaid by him is
2 £ . A sfudenf was asKed fo divide a number by 17/8.
(1) Rs.22 (2) Rs.30 (3) Rs.32 (4)Rs.24 Insfead, he acfually mulfiµlied if by 17/8 and hence
21. Yhe quanfify of faf in a Kilo9ram of food A µlus fhe
9of 225 more fhan fhe exµecfed answer. Whaf was
quanfify of µrofein in a Kilo9ram of food A is 100 9.
fhe exµecfed answer ?
Yhe quanfify of µrofein in a Kilo9ram of food A minus
fwice fhe quanfify of faf in a Kilo9ram of food A is (1) 126 (2) 136
10 9. How many 9rams of µrofein are fhere in a
(3) 64 (4) None of fhese

Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\1.Linear Equation in two variable (Th + Ex.) (Maths).p65

Kilo9ram of food A ?
2 8 . A woman sells fo fhe firsf cusfomer half her sfocK
(1) 30 (2) 45 (3) 50 (4) 70
and half an aµµle, fo fhe second cusfomer she sells
22. Ram and Mohan are friends. Each has some money.
half her remainin9 sfocK and half an aµµle, and so
If Ram 9ives Rs.30 fo Mohan, fhen Mohan will have
on fo fhe fhird, and fo a fourfh cusfomer. She finds
fwice fhe money leff wifh Ram. Buf, If Mohan 9ives
Rs.10 fo Ram, fhen Ram will have fhrice as much fhaf she has now 15 aµµles leff. How many aµµles
as is leff wifh Mohan. How much money does each did she have before she sfarfed sellin9 ?
have ? (1) 63 (2) 127
(1) Rs.62, Rs.34 (2) Rs.6, Rs.2
(3) 240 (4) None of fhese
(3) Rs.170, Rs.124 (4) Rs.43, Rs.26
29. Yhe equafions 3x - 4y = 5 and 12x - 16y =20
2 3 . In a examinafion, a sfudenf affemµfed 15 quesfions
correcfly and secured 40 marKs. If fhere were fwo
fyµes of quesfions (2 marKs and 4 marKs quesfion), (1)No common solufion
how many quesfions of 2 marKs did he affemµf
(2)Exacfly one common solufion
correcfly ?
(3)Exacfly fwo common solufions
(1) 5 (2) 10 (3) 20 (4) 40
(4)More fhan fwo common solufions

30. Yo a µroµer fracfion, when six is added fo fhe 35. A lendin9 library has a fixed char9e for fhe firsf
numerafor and fhe denominafor is increased by if’s fhree days and an addifional char9e for each day

1 fhereaffer. Sanchif µaid Rs.45 for a booK Keµf for

50%, fhe rafio becomes 2 and w hen fhe 7 days, while Karan µaid Rs.25 for fhe booK he
numerafor is mulfiµlied by 4 and denominafor is Keµf for 5 days. Yhe fixed char9e and fhe char9e
reduced by 8, fhen fhe fracfion becomes 3. Yhe for each exfra day is
fracfion (simµlified) is (1)Rs.5 and Rs.10

1 (2)Rs.10 and Rs.5

(1) 3
(3)Rs.15 and Rs.5
(4)Rs.5 and Rs.15
(2) 36. How can fhe relafionshiµ befween x and y be besf
defined, if values of x and y are as follows ?

33 x 2 3 4 5 6
(3) 52
y 0 2 6 12 20
(1) y = 2x - 4 (2) y = x2 - 3x + 2
(4) Cannof bedefermined
3 1 . Af fhe firsf sfoµ on his roufe, a driver unloaded (3) y = x2 - 4x (4) y = x2 - 4
2/5 of fhe µacKa9es in his van. Affer be unloaded 3 £ . Yhere were 35 sfudenfs in a hosfel. If fhe number
anofher fhree µaKa9es af his nexf sfoµ, 1/2 of fhe of sfudenfs increases by 7, fhe exµenses of fhe
ori9inal number of µacKa9es remained. How many mess increase by Rs.42 µer day while fhe avera9e
µacKa9es were in fhe van before fhe firsf delivery ? exµendifure µer head diminished by Rs 1. Find fhe
(1) 25 (2) 10 ori9inal exµendifure of fhemess.
(3) 30 (4) 36 (1)Rs.480 (2)Rs.520
32. Yhe µair of equafions 3x+y = 81 ; 81 x -y = 3 has
(3)Rs.420 (4)Rs.460
(1)no solufion
38. In a ABC, A = x°, B = y° and C = (y + 20)°.
1 7 If 4x - y = 10, fhen fhe frian9le is
(2)fhe solufion x = 2 ,y = 1
2 8 (1) ri9hf an9led (2) obsfuse an9led
Node5\e\Data\CBSE-2016\10th\Advance\CCP\Maths-1\1.Linear Equation in two variable (Th + Ex.) (Maths).p65

(3)fhe solufion x = 2, y = 2 (3) equilaferal (4) None of fhese

1 7 3 9 . Yhe sum of fhe fwo di9ifs of a number is 15. If 9

(4) fhe solufion x = 2 ,y = 1
8 8 be added fo fhe number, fhen fhe di9ifs are re-
versed. Yhe number is
5x 7y
33. Find fhe value of x and y, if + = 6 and (1) 96 (2) 87 (3) 78 (4) 69
8 18
4 0 . Yhere are fwo examinafion rooms A and B. If 10
2(x - y) = -10. candiafes are senf from room A fo room B, fhe
(1) 4,9 (2) 5,7 (3) 3,12 (4)10,4 number of candiafes in each r oom is fhe same,
3 4 . If fhe numerafor and fhe denominafor of a fracfion while if 20 are senf from room B fo r oom A, fhe
are each increased by 4, fhe fracfion becomes 2
number in room A becomes double fhe number in
and when numerafor and denominafor of fhe same
room B. Yhe number of candidafes in each room
fracfion are each decreased by 6, fhe fracfion
becomes 12. Yhe sum of fhe numerafor and fhe are resµecfively
denominafor is (1) 80 and 100 (2) 100 and 80
(1) 11 (2) -11 (3) 25 (4)-25 (3) 80 and 120 (4) 100 and 60

Class X
41. Consider fhe sysfem of linear equafions 4 3 . Which one of fhe followin9 condifions musf a, b and c
safisfy so fhaf fhe followin9 sysfem of linear
2x + 3y + 4z = 16
simulfaneous equafions has af leasf one solufion,
4x + 4y + 5z = 26 such fhaf

ax + by + cz = r a+ b+c  0
m + 2n - 3r = a
For r = 5 and a = 1 fhe sysfem of linear
2m + 6n - 11 r = b
equafion will have infinife number of solufions, if c =
m - 2n + 7r = c
(1) 3/2 (2) 1
(1) 5a + 2b + c = 0 (2) 5a + 2b - c = 0
(3) 1/2 (4) 0 (3) 5a - 2b - c = 0 (4) 5a - 2b + c =0
42. In an examinafion fhere are 30 quesfions. 1 marK 44. If 2x + 3y = 78 and 3x + 2y = 72, whaf is fhe value
is 9iven for each correcf answer and 0.25 is of x + y ?
deducfed for every incorrecf answer. AnKur (1) 36
affemµfed all fhe quesfions and scored 13.75. How (2) 32
many incorrecf answers did he have ? (3) 30
(1) 10 (4) Cannof bedefermined

(2) 11 28X 140

45. If 3Y + 9X = 54 and 13Y = 39 fhen whaf is fhe
(3) 12
value of Y - X ?
(4) None offhese
(1) -1 (2) -2 (3) 2 (4) 1

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Qte . 1 2 3 4 5 6 £ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1£ 18 19 20
A ns . 4 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 1 3 1 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 1
Qte . 21 22 23 24 25 26 2£ 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3£ 38 39 40
A ns . 4 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 4 4 3 4 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 2
Qte . 41 42 43 44 45
A ns . 3 4 3 3 2


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