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Age: 77
Birthday: November 19, 1945
Civil status: Married
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

We can all agree that our grandparents have a special space in our heart. Both of my grandfathers
have passed away many years ago. My paternal grandmother is living in Tarlac City while my
maternal grandmother is living here in Olongapo City, that’s why I have a more close
relationship with my maternal grandmother.

My maternal grandmother’s name is FE ABLANEDA ALEGRE and she was born on

November 19, 1945 at Mercedes, Camarines Norte.

Her parents were Ingracio Ablaneda and Maria Imperial. Her mother’s occupation back
then is a tinapa maker and vendor while her father is a farmer. My grandmother has 9 siblings
and she is the 7th child. Growing up, she helped to plant rice in their farm while attending school
at the same time.

She finished elementary when she was 12 years old and immediately moved to their
relatives in Manila and help with household chores yet, she never felt like a maid as they still
treat her like a family. While she was in Manila, she met my grandfather and soon after, they fell
in love. My grandmother came back home in Camarines Norte with my grandfather, to ask her
hands to her parents to be his girlfriend and years later, they get married in the age of 18 & 19.
After the marriage, they came back to Manila as my grandfather’s work is there. During that time
my grandmother is already pregnant with their first child. They have no permanent address that
time because wherever my grandfather’s work at they also move house. Until, my grandfather’s
work is here in Olongapo at Mina’s as a carpenter, Olongapo City became their permanent
address. My grandmother’s work is a manicurist while her husband is a carpenter and brought by
their hard work and perseverance, they afford to buy a lot, raised the seven children they have in
total, three sons and four daughters and sent them to school.

After my grandfather retired as a carpenter in Mina’s, he also asked my grandmother to

stop giving service as a manicurist. They built a small variety store in their home and it became
there source of living. Year 2012 my grandfather died due to cardiomegaly and their variety store
closed. Until then, my grandmother is getting support from their two sons who work abroad.
Up until today, my grandmother is happily living here in Olongapo City together with her
first born at barangay Gordon Height Upper.

Her great contribution in the family is the teachings to lead a respectful life as she talked
about her experiences and moral stories that I embrace up until today and I believe that she
possess lifetime knowledge that no one can ever take. For me, she is a hero, she is my hero. I
remember one time that she told me that when I was still baby I often get sick and one afternoon,
I had a convulsion and only me and my lola are at home that time. She rash me to the hospital
without a slipper just so I could receive an immediate treatment and intervention and maybe
because of the panicked she felt and I am forever grateful for her and I love her so much.

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