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Business Report:

A business report is an evaluation of a particular issue, set of circumstances, or financial operations that
relate to the performance of a business. Its main purpose is to communicate relevant information
succinctly and efficiently. It is often written in response to an executive of the company, and often takes
the form of a memo with the report attached.

A business report is written in an abbreviated style that allows the reader to navigate the report quickly,
and identify key elements.

It makes use of headings, sub-headings, bullet points, diagrams and tables, to communicate the relevant

Business reports can range from brief one-or-two page reports, to reports of a hundred pages or more

It will usually include the following elements:

 Title page
 Table of Contents
 Introduction
 Executive Summary
 Body
 Findings/Recommendations
 Conclusion

purpose of this report:

Keep in mind that the purpose of a business report is generally to assist in decision making. Be sure you
are clear on what decision is to be made and the role the report plays in this decision.

Business report Writing:

Now that you have organised your thoughts, you need to put them into writing. Ensure your writing
demonstrates clarity and logic. You should think constantly about your readers and make your report
easy for them to read. To achieve good readability, you should:

 use effective headings and subheadings

 structure your paragraphs well
 write clear sentences with plain language
 keep your writing professional
 use white space and well-chosen fonts
 number your pages
 use footnotes, tables, figures, and appendices appropriately.
Types of Business reports:

There are many types of business reports of which some important types are:

 Annual Report (Describes yearly report on sales/profits or anything)

 Sales and Revenue Report (Describes profits year by year analysis)
 Inventory Report (Describes checklist of items a company has)
 Marketing/Progress report
 Confidential report (secret report on some personal findings inside company)
 Standing Committee Report

Importance of Business reports:

 It helps in many aspects like decision making or fact finding or analyzing performances.
 Cash flow and income statements to assess business growth.
 Business plans to set the plans for the future.
 Mission statements to state the main objective of the company.
 Annual reports to disclose the past year's performance.
 Feasibility studies to help determine future plans and projects.
 Helps Monitoring operations procedures within the company.
 Offering insight into the attitude and motivations of their employees.

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