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What you all know:

The empire imposes that each citizen pass a genetic test at 16

years old, those who correspond to a certain profile are selected
and sent to the academy of the Imperial Dragons, the special
forces of the empire.

It's a tough workout. The hours of sleep are short, the instruction
intensive and the exercises often dangerous. In the second year,
students must choose a specialization, whether they become a
field engineer, a class A pilot or a field officer.

The courses are then divided, in addition to general education

which brings everyone together, you begin your specialization.

For those who are chosen, it is a great honor. Their families

receive generous compensation and are exempt from taxes and
duties. They are the elite of the Imperial Army.
You: You are in the promotion 66, and very close to end your
training. The graduation ceremony will arrive soon and then you
will be selected by squad and sen to serve the empire.

the academy is led by Marina Ray, she is the wife of the

Emperor's 6th son and although she is much younger than him,
she rules the academy with an iron fist.
Zarin Pavlov is the head of the tactical branch of the academy. He
is an experienced soldier who firmly believes in the doctrines of
the empire.

Raoul Martias is the head of the field engineering branch of the

academy. It is the oldest and some would say the wisest. He is
always kind to his students.
Jarod Rico is the leader of your class and promotion. It is a
former Imperial Dragon reconverted in teaching. He makes your
class walk straight.
Marina Parfatchi. Is the secretary and communicator of the
academy, she is a dynamic and benevolent young girl, rumor has it
that the Dracchis make her nervous.

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