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Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


That Feeling

OMG Series 1

Author: B.J. Summers

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


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Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously.
Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products
referenced status and trademark owners of different products referenced in this work of fiction,
which have been used without permission. The publication/use of the trademarks is not authorized,
associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Table of Contents

Chapter One – You hurt me

Chapter Two – The unexpected

Chapter Three – It is Going to Work or Not?

Chapter Four – More than I dreamed

Chapter Four – Back to Reality?

Author Page - BJ Summers

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Chapter One – You hurt me

"That son of a…" I huff in disbelief as I stare at my phone. Right there, in front of my
very eyes on Instagram is my boyfriend making out with some random bleached
blonde bimbo in a nightclub when he told me he was working.

"Of course, of course!" I scream and throw my phone across the room and onto my

My bedroom door suddenly opens, and my best friend and roommate, Rachel, rushes
in with a bewildered look on her face. "Dude, what is going on?" she asks as she
steps closer to my desk, where I was trying to get some work done for my super
important presentation tomorrow.

"Liam!" I yell. "That asshole is currently, right this moment, at The Vine hooking up
with someone and posting it all over his stories!"

To my irritation, she didn't look surprised. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I

She sighs and sits down on my bed. "Babe, it's not like he hasn't done this before.
I told you so many times to dump his ass, but you never listen."
She says as she quickly taps on her phone and then shows me the screen.
"Besides, it looks like he posted it as public by accident, because it's already gone."

I breathe deeply. Rachel is right. She is right. Liam has done this before.
I should have left him months ago, but I could never actually do it.
We work together, and I see him every day.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


"Why do I keep giving him a chance after chance? What kind of stupid idiot am I?"
I moan in frustration as I dramatically drop my head in my hands.

Rachel sighs. "You have BDC."

My head pops up, and I frown. "BDC?"

She laughs. "Big Dick Cravings!" I honestly don't know how to react to this, and it
clearly must have shown on my face as she starts to laugh out loud.
"Sweetie, let's be honest, no man is worth all that bs if he's not packing some major

She was not wrong. Liam not only had the biggest dick I've ever had, but boy can he
use it.
My body begins to shiver when I think about our sex life. It's mind-blowing.
He knows my body like the back of his hand, and he knows it.

"Shit," I whisper in agreement.

"So, what are you going to do?" Rachel asks, looking concerned.

I sigh. "I guess I'll confront him, break things off. I can't do this anymore, and it just
sucks because we work together.
I'll have to see his stupid smug face every day for the rest of eternity." My heart hurts.
I thought we were supposed to be together. He makes me happy. He satisfies me.

"You want me to go kick him in the balls and put him out of order for a day or so?"
she asks sympathetically.
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

"No, it's fine. I'm going to be a big girl and kick his ass myself." I say as I attempt a

Rachel walks over to me and hugs me before she leaves for work.
She just booked a singing gig at a stunning jazz club downtown, and I've never been
prouder of her.
That girl has more talent in her pinkie toe than I do in my whole body.
As she closes my door, I turn my attention back to my presentation, although I have
no idea how I'm going to be able to concentrate now with that disgusting picture in
my mind.

I woke up the next morning with a new mind-set. To hell with Liam and his big dick.
This is LA, and the world was my oyster.
I was going to nail my presentation today and look like a lady boss while doing it.
I take extra care with my hair and makeup, making soft beachy waves to my hair and
apply my favourite red lipstick.

"Men." I scoff as I admire my work in the mirror.

My natural red hair looked extra shiny, softly bouncing in curls just below my
My green eyes looked vibrant with my choice of brown and gold eyeshadow, and my
body-hugging little black wrap dress was hugging me in all of the right places.
I'll show him what he's going to be missing, as I grab my purse and keys from the
kitchen counter and head towards the elevator in my building.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


It felt like the LA traffic was taking extra-long today, and I tried my best to ignore the
building pit in my stomach.
I shrugged them off as just work jitters. Today was a big day.
We were meeting with new investors for our advertising company, and my boss
finally gave me the position as a team leader to make sure we book them.
Today had to go perfectly, and I can deal with Liam and his betrayal tomorrow.
As soon as the Uber driver pulled up to my company's building, I felt a wave of
I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and pulled my shoulders back. Game on.
I think.

The morning went relatively well.

My team and I went over my presentation; everyone was briefed and ready for action.
The investors would be here in precisely twenty minutes.
I look up to see my boss approaching my office through the glass window of my
office blinds.

"Are we ready to nail these investors?" he asks even though he is not in the room yet.
I stand quickly and adjust my dress.

"We are ready, Mr. Tate," I say confidently.

He frowns. "You better bring you're A-Game today, Hanna. We've got a lot riding on
this, and I'm counting on you to have your eyes on the prize. Be aggressive. Be
aggressive." He continues as he pounds his fist into the air.

I always found it super awkward when he did that, but today I was feeling it.
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

I was feeling good. "Yes, Sir!" I say with enthusiasm.

"That's what I like to hear!" he shouts as he turns abruptly on his heel and leaves.
I sigh deeply and sit back down to gather my notes.

You got this. You got this. You got this. I chant.

Suddenly there is a knock on my door, and I look up to see Liam standing there with
that stupid smug smile on his face.
My heart instantly skips a beat, and I catch myself looking at his crotch.
His smile widens.

"Hey, baby girl. We've got 15 minutes before the big meeting, and you wanna meet
in the supply closet for a quickie?"

What fresh hell is this? I think as I look at his face, his stupid, smug beautiful face.
He looked like a supermodel with the body to go with it.
The best way to describe his looks was to reference the heavenly Greek gods of your
favorite Calvin Klein models, but Italian.
His lush dark hair was pushed back into a sleek, freshly styled back swoop.
His eyes were the perfect shade of blue, the kind that pierces your soul and instantly
makes the blood in your body rush to all the fun parts.
The light grey suit and white button-down shirt he wore today showed off every
bulge of his muscular chest and shoulders.

I swallowed hard. Give me strength. But it was no use.

My body was instantly reacting to him, me completely forgetting what happened the
night before and walking straight down the hall to the supply closet.
I saw that knowing smile in the corner of my eye as I passed him.
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

We came together with the instant he clicked the lock, our mouths passionately
seeking each other.
He kissed me hard as he pushed me against the wall, and I felt greedy.
I was ready even before we started, getting wetter and wetter with each thrust of his
manhood against my hips.
I lost myself in his taste, his scent, his rock-hard cock pressing against me.
I moan as he begins to touch me through my dress, although that didn't last long
before he shoved two fingers inside me.

I push my hips harder against his hand as my arousal intensifies.

My hand moves to his crotch all on its own, and I begin to stroke him through his
pants. God, he was huge, and I wanted him. I wanted him so much it hurt.

Suddenly the picture of him kissing that blonde pops in my head and I groan loudly.
I open my eyes and grab him by his perfect hair and looked in his eyes. He smiled.
Smiled like nothing was wrong. Like he didn't cheat on me just last night. Like I
didn't know. He thought I was clueless. That he could use me, and I'd still be with
him because I craved him too much.

Well, that part is genuine. I think.

At that moment, I wanted to use him, make him feel what I was feeling; so, I smile
I swipe my tongue up his chin to his lips and put my hand on top of his head and
begin to push him down.
He instantly knew what I wanted and went down without a fight.
He pulled my panties out of the way so fast and had his tongue inside me so quickly I
could barely catch my breath.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


I moaned as he sucked me into his warm mouth, his tongue dancing on my clit in the
way that he knew I loved.
I pushed his head harder against me, and I can feel myself getting close, the pleasure
building and building until finally, I explode.
I bite the fist of my free hand to keep myself from screaming out loud.
The orgasm rocked my entire body, going on and on until I finally relax against the
Liam lowers my leg from his shoulder – I didn't even notice it was there – and stands
up with a smile as he wipes his face with his palm.

"My turn." He whispers as he pulls me closer to him by my hips.

I cock my head to the side and feign innocence. "Sorry, buddy, no time," I say and
quickly re-wrap my dress and push passed him towards the door.

"What do you mean?" he demands. The look on his face is pure confusion. It was

I shrug and open the door. "Got an important meeting to prep for, but thanks," I say
as I pat him on the shoulder and walk out the door while closing it behind me.

I rush to the ladies' room before he has a chance to follow me and stare at myself in
the mirror.
That Was Amazing! I think to myself as I proceed to do a small victory dance.
I've never felt more empowered and stronger in my entire life.
This time I took what I wanted and left him longing, and hopefully majorly
uncomfortable. I muse to myself.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


The alarm on my watch went off, signaling me that it was time for the meeting, and I
quickly fixed my hair and tried my best to wipe off any red smudges my lipstick may
have left on my face.
I took a deep calming breath and composed myself before walking out of the door
and straight to my office to get my notes.

The meeting with the investors went so well. I promised my boss, my A-game and
boy did I deliver.
All eyes were on me as I expertly explained everything to them, and there was not a
single sour face in the room – apart from Liam, of course, but that just pumped me up
even more.
When I finished, they clapped, and the deal was approved and notarized by our in-
house legal representative.

My boss gave me his most dazzling and approving smile while I shook the hand of
each board member as they left the conference room. I did it.
This deal would mean big things for our company, and I made that happen.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


It was a long day, and all I wanted to do was get home, take a hot bath, and go to
sleep. As I stared out of the window of the Uber, I felt my phone vibrating in my
purse. I took it out, fully expecting a message from Rachel or my boss congratulating
me, but to my surprise, it was from Liam.

"What the hell was that today?" he sent.

I tried to think of response: what the hell was last night? Who the hell was that
woman? You broke my heart, so that was my revenge?
But the more I thought, the less I began to care.

Not once in the year, we saw each other did he ever give me a reason as to why he
couldn't keep his dick in his pants.
He never even said he was sorry.
He just fucked me until I couldn't think of anything anymore until I didn't care
anymore because he seduced my pain away, and I let him.
Every single time and it was a few times – that I knew of.
Liam hurt me because I allowed him to. Well, no more. I am done. Finished.

My phone vibrates again. I sigh, not wanting to deal with this right now.
I was on a high, I had just had a massive win for myself and for my company I was
not going to let him – it was a picture of him standing naked in the mirror holding his
cock, hard as a rock in his hand, his full lips pouting puppy dog style and asking me
what he was supposed to do about that.

I clear my throat and cross my legs as I feel instantly aroused.

I thought about it for a moment and looked at the picture again.
I bite my lip as my eyes scan his body.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


"Excuse me, Sir? I want to change my drop off location." I say to the driver and
quickly typed in Liam's home address into the app.
We quickly turn off the freeway, and I was at his house within minutes.

He opened the door, and I throw myself at him like the dirty little tramp I am.
I don't think we fucked that long or that hard since we first started having sex.
I pushed everything to the back of my mind; all my feelings and emotions
disappeared as he pounded himself into me over and over again until we were both
gasping for air.
So exhausted and so satisfied, we lay in bed covered in sweat and other fluids.

I turn on my side as the reality of what I had just done began to sink in.
What the hell was I thinking?

"Is it always going to be this way?" I whisper.

Liam laughs. "God, I hope so." He says.

Tears well up in my eyes as I realize he didn't even know what I was talking about.
This was my fault. I did this. Again.

I jump up and drag the covers over my exposed breasts.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously, Liam? Do I mean that little to you?"

Taken aback by my sudden outburst, he sits up. "Whoa, Hanna, why are you freaking
out on me?"

I blow out a breath. "Really? Why? Liam, why?"

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


"Yes, what just happened?" the confusion on his stupid smug face made my blood

"You cheated! On me! Last night!" I scream. "I saw the Instagram story you
accidentally posted."

He paused for a moment. "Wait, wait, wait. That is why you left me with blue balls
this morning? Because of a stupid Instagram story?"

My mouth flopped open. I was utterly dumfounded that he was that dense to his
"Are you not even going to explain the post or the fact that you were making out and
doing God knows what else with someone that wasn't me?" I demand.

He shakes his head, looking even more confused. "I just… I can't deal with you when
you're acting like this right after we had such a good time." I gasped.
"If you were so upset with me, why did you come here tonight? Why did you let me
go down on you this morning, which by the way, was super rude not returning the

"Because I was mad!" I slam my hand on the bed.

"Because you hurt me…" I couldn't help it and started to cry. "because you make me
do stupid things, and because I let you."

Liam moves away from me and sits on the edge of the bed.
"We aren't… Weren't we serious? God, Hanna, I thought we were having fun with
each other. Enjoying being young." He says.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Tears are streaming down my face. "We've been dating for a year, and you thought
we weren't serious and just having fun?"

"Hanna," he says softly. "I like you, and I've had so much fun spending time with
you, but you know me.
You've gotten to know me this past year, or whatever. I'm not the settling down type.
Commitment to one person isn't natural, and I honestly thought you understood that."

"What could have made you think that?" I demand.

Liam stands up and puts on his underwear.

"All the other times, you brought up the other girls! We talked about it, and sure I got
that you didn't like it, but then we ended up having sex, and everything was okay. I
even made a point of not doing it around you anymore because I wanted to be more

I could not believe my ears. And yet, I've been thinking it all along.
It was me who allowed it to go this far.
I made him think it was okay because I kept going back, kept rewarding it.
I fall on the bed clutching the covers close to my breasts, suddenly feeling so naked
and vulnerable.

"Hanna, talk to me." He says nervously. "Or…or… I dunno maybe you should, like,
I turn my head to face him, looking him in the eyes. He was standing there, nervous
and confused, and I couldn't help but feel defeated.
"Okay," I whisper.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Chapter Two – The unexpected

The next two weeks were absolute hell for me.

I did everything in my power to not think about Liam.
Late one night, I even considered texting him and saying that I was okay with him
seeing other people, just because I missed him. Us. Our attraction. The way we
connected. I felt like there was a huge missing piece taken from me, and I had no idea
how to fill it.

I have no idea how or why I had allowed things to go as far as they did.
I replayed our last conversation over and over in my mind, and I felt how his word
His words, hurt, but now feeling this empty and alone, I didn't mind them.
Maybe I wanted to believe that I could change him and make him fall in love with
Perhaps I was just desperate for the thrill of our intense physical attraction.

The idea of starting with someone new made my skin crawl, and to add insult to
injury, our new investors added a hidden clause in their contract that a legal
representative of their choosing could come and do inspections of our financial
growth whenever it suited them.
They said quote "we need to know if you are using our money wisely."
It wasn't so much the fact that they wanted to know if they made the right choice but
the fact that even though I handled the financial department, they didn't think I was
able to give an accurate representation of it because of my age.
"We need someone more experienced.” Like I wasn't qualified enough to do the job,
they hired me to do in the first place.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


I sit at my desk with my chin leaning on my hand, reading a new report, when
someone knocked on the door.
I look up to see a stranger. He is tall, very tall, so tall in fact that he had to duck his
head when he came into the office.
I scanned his face. He had a well-groomed beard decorated with splashes of grey
His jaw was thick, and his nose strong and straight. His eyes were so dark that they
almost looked black.

Wow. I think as I push my chair back to stand up.

"Is there something I can do for you, Mr.?" I ask

He moves closer and holds out his hand. "Denver. Alexander Denver." He says. His
voice was deep and rough.

"Mr. Denver," I say as I take his hand and shake it. "what can I do for you?"

"Well firstly," he says as he unbuttons his dark grey suites button and sits down in the
chair opposite to my desk, "you can explain to me exactly what it is that Denver,
Carlston & Hammond decided to invest over half a million dollar without consulting
me, Denver, and secondly, why they gave the deal…" he swirls his finger in my
direction "to you?"

Indeed taken aback by his blunt questioning, I open my mouth to say something, but
before I could say anything, he held up his hand to stop me.
"That doesn't matter; what does matter is that I am here to make sure that this deal is
a profitable one and that you are qualified to handle it."
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

I smirk. "So, I take it you are the gentleman referred to in the email as our new
financial consultant?"

He flashes white teeth and leans forward while staring into my eyes. "You catch on

I bite my tongue to keep myself from saying something I might regret.

This is work after all, and I was not going to let this arrogant ass intimidate me.

"So, where are you with the projections?" he asks.

I sigh softly and open up the program on my computer to show him everything I've
done so far. "Let me show you," I say.

He stands up abruptly and walks around my desk and stands next to me as he places
one hand on the counter.
I can see his eyes quickly scan the screen, but he was so close I couldn't help but
smell his cologne. It was intense and musky, and my body instantly responded to it.
He felt so good standing there next to me.
I look at his hand that was resting on my desk, and it was large with stiff lean fingers.

"Hmm…" he mumbles as he reads it.

"Do you have any…" I begin to say, but he honest to God shushed me.
I shake my head in disbelief.
The nerve of this man to shush me was the last straw. I push my chair back and stand
up tall.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


"Don't do that," I say in a harsh tone.

I'm going to say this as professionally as I possibly can, but do not shush me.
If you don't want to work with me, or whatever it is that is going on here, you can
take it up with my boss."

He slowly turns his head and narrows his eyes. His incredibly tall frame towers over
me, and I suddenly feel like the already small space behind my desk is closing in on

"Do you mind?" I say and motion with my hands for him to move.

He does so immediately and sits back down in the chair opposite to me, he frowns.
"I apologize if I come across as… harsh. But this is my company and my name at
stake, not to mention a lot of money. Nobody consulted me on the different
candidates showcased for this project, nor was I told about the investors meeting."

I frown. "How is that possible? We've been planning this for months, and everything
was a done deal, we just had that meeting as a formality for the investors to showcase
our offer."

His eyebrow twitched, and he feigned a smile.

"I was otherwise engaged at the time. It seems that my partners did not want to wait
any longer." he twirls his hand "they decided to go ahead without me."

I was so confused, and this was all news to me.

"I wasn't made aware of that. But," I breathe slowly.
"If you'd like, I can make time and re-do the entire presentation for you in full, just
like I did the first time, and I can show you why this company is the best option."

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


He shrugs. "Fine. I will have my assistant send a time and place for us to meet, and
you can give it a shot." he stands up and re-buttons his jacket.
We both nod, and he leaves my office with a grim look on his face.

The moment he leaves my sight, my boss, Mr. Tate, walks into my office.

"What was that about?" he asks.

I sit down in my chair and sigh. "I don't know. Mr. Denver said that he was not aware
of these investment plans or the fact that I would take the lead.
He wants me to re-do the pitch so that he can assess if I'm the right candidate."
I rub my temples. "This doesn't make sense. Everything was approved, and we
planned this for months how it is possible that he had no idea, or more so that the
deal was approved without his consent."

Mr. Tate begins to pace my office with his hands on his hips. "I was scared this was
going to happen," he mutters.

I look up at him, surprised. "Sir, what do you mean?"

He blows out a deep breath.

"Look, I had some separate meetings with the board members, and they informed me
about Mr. Denver's situation. But they said they had it covered and that it wouldn't
affect us, so I don't understand why, now suddenly, he has an issue."

"I mean he is a partner in the company, his name is in it for goodness sake. Of course,
he's upset that such a big deal was kept from him." I muse.
"What's his situation?" I ask.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Mr. Tate grows visibly nervous, and I felt that knot in my stomach, returning.
He sighs. "Look, this is strictly a need-to-know situation. But since you're going to be
working with him, I suppose I should tell you, but this doesn't leave this office. Do
you understand?"

I swallow hard. "Yes, of course. I understand." I say, unsure.

Mr. Tate blows out a deep breath and pushes a hand through his greying hair.
"Okay, so his sister, Angelica Denver, is a big deal lawyer in New York, but her
clients are… well, to put it mildly, bad people."

I raise my eyebrows. "She defends criminals?" I ask.

Mr. Tate laughs. "Worse. Politicians and powerful ones at that. She was working on a
big case, this client - who I will not name – was accused of doing some nasty things
with underage girls, and she was trying to get the case thrown out. Some stuff went
down, and the press got news of the story, and it blew up like a damn nuke. He got
off, of course, but his reputation was badly hurt, and he was not happy about it."

I knew exactly whom he was talking about, and it was all over the news for weeks.
But I stayed quiet; this conversation was already too uncomfortable for me to handle.

"Anyway, she ends up going missing. She has been gone for almost two months, and
no one knows where she is or what the hell happened. Mr. Denver took it upon
himself to find out, and he's been quote: on leave due to personal reasons for

I sit back in my chair and rest my arms on the table.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


"This is some pretty serious messed up stuff, Sir. But I still don't understand why they
went ahead without him and why now suddenly he's back and fully invested."

Mr. Tate shrugs. "I don't know what to tell you, all I know is if he causes any trouble
they might retract the deal, it's not 100% guaranteed until the 30-day trial clause is
completed. You can't mess this up. Without his backing, the investors could withdraw
their funding, and then we could all lose our jobs. This company needs that money, as
you well know."

I nod. We do need that money. Without that funding, we cannot launch our new
campaign, which could be catastrophic.

"Do what you do best if the other members loved your proposal; he should get too.
Make sure he loves it, Hanna." he sighs.
"God, I need a cigarette." he moans and leaves my office.
Mr. Tate quit smoking five years ago, and if this situation is making him start up
again, it's even more severe than I could imagine.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


As soon as I got home, I started doing some digging on Alexander Denver. A quick
Google search gave me plenty to work with, and he sure does have a reputation for
being a hard-ass, most probably why he is so successful at 34 and one of the biggest
Investment companies in New York.

"Wall Street all the way, huh, Denver?" I whisper to myself as I continue reading.

This situation goes on for quite some time.

He is a very busy man; it seems.
As well as his family, the Denver Dynasty complete with a financial guru, A-class
lawyers as well as some political players.
No wonder he is so entitled, look at what type of family he comes from. I think to
During my research, an alert popped up on my screen. It was an email from Mr.
Denver's assistant.




Subject: Tate Advertising / Finance Investment Meeting Confirmation.


Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Dear Ms. Mullican

As per your discussion with Mr. Denver, we confirm meeting at:

Friday 26, 19:00

Location: Suite 304. 64 Wall Street, NYC

Travel arrangements have been confirmed for 09:30 at LAX International Airport, as
well as a driver to pick you up at 09:00 sharp at your home address.

Thank you,

Kind regards,

Allysa Carver
Personal Assistant to Alexander Denver
Denver, Carlston & Hammond INC.


"What fresh hell?" I gasp. "I have to go to New York for the meeting? What? Why?"
I stammer. "How is this even happening?"

Rachel bursts through my bedroom door with her Rachel look. "What is going on,
and why are you talking to yourself?" she demands.

I show her the email, and to my dismay, she seems – impressed.

"Why are you looking at me like that? This is insane! Can't I take off and go to New
York? Who the hell does this man think he is?"
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

She grabs my computer mouse and opens a tab up with his image. She grins. "Your
next BDC fix."

I almost choke. "You're insane. This man is trying to get me fired by making my job
harder than it already is!"
I pull my face and feign disgust. "Besides, he's not even that good looking, and he's
like, old."

Rachel grabs me by the shoulders and gives me a little shake. "Dude, I'm kidding, get
your head straight. He is just a super busy businessman, and it seems like he is
making time for you.
That means he wants to know what you have to say, so tell your boss, get your ass on
that flight and go show that fine ass man why you are the best at what you do!"

I cock my head.
"First off, no need to get aggressive, and second, he is super intimidating, and at least
here in my home turf, I know what to expect; but this? This feels like a scare tactic."

Rachel drops her head below her shoulders and groans while she stomps her feet.
"Dude, stop it! You make me so mad sometimes.
This is an amazing opportunity, and as you explained it to me the other night, you
need this guy. So I don't think you have much of choice." she leans down and kisses
my forehead.
"You can do this. You are so good at what you do, and you worked that pretty little
ass off to get where you are. Don't start doubting yourself now."

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


It was moments like these that made me love Rachel even more. She was such a good
friend. An honest to God angel, and I could not have imagined not having her in my

"I love you," I say softly and smile. "I love you too, HannaBanna."

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Chapter Three – It is Going to Work or Not?

The coming weeks to the 26th were gruesome.

I worked everything out, gotten my boss to agree to the meeting, and me taking time
off and prepared all of my previous and current data.
I was ready for this pitch, and I was hopeful too.
Rachel was right, I can do this and I will. No matter what it takes, I was going to
make the great and famous Alexander Denver my bitch.

The ride to the airport had my stomach in so many knots, but I was feeling optimistic.
This meeting had to go well, and on the plus side, I'd never been to New York before,
so that was also pretty exciting.
After the deed is done, I could maybe do some sightseeing, go to Times Square, see
the Statue of Liberty.
So many thoughts came and went from my mind that before I knew it, we arrived at
the Airport.

I look around confused as he did not stop at the terminal building. I could see it right
there, but we took a turn and drove through a couple of security gates and went
straight onto the tarmac where a small jet was waiting, door open. "This can't be
right," I mutter to myself.

"Mr. Denver arranged for you to fly on his private jet, Miss Mullican." The driver

Shit, I didn't think he heard me. "Oh, sure. I mean, yes, of course. Yes."
That's right Hanna play it cool. Play it cool. It's no big deal.
Just a private freaking jet. Nothing to get all flustered about.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


You're fine. This is fine.

I think to myself as I open the car door and give my small carry on luggage to the

I walked hesitantly to the stairs that lead up to the plane.

A beautiful young flight attendant appeared in the door and welcomed me on board
as I made my way up slowly.

"Welcome aboard, Ms. Mullican, my name is Sophia, and I'll be taking care of you
today. Can I take your coat while I show you to your seat?"

I smile, nod, and give her my coat and then proceed to follow her down the aisle of
the jet where she ushered me into one of the four seats on the plane.
"We'll be taking off in just a few minutes, would you like some Champagne while
you wait?"

Although tempting, I declined and just asked for some water instead.
This was insane. It was beautiful.
The seats were large and plush, and everything was decorated in beige and gold.
Sophia brought me a glass of cold water and instructed me to put on my seatbelt for
I quickly searched through my purse for the Valium Rachel had given me the night
before and took it.
No matter how plush, I still hated flying.
The take-off was smooth and comfortable and, not before long, I felt the pill begin to
kick in, and I relaxed into the soft seat, enjoying the smooth ride and falling asleep.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Liam stood before me in all his naked glory and eyed me hungrily. He was fully
erect, and I was ready. I wanted him so much. I needed him.

"Touch me," I whisper.

He shakes his head no and smiles that smile that could make me fall apart right there
and then. He steps closer to the bed where I was sitting and takes his manhood in his
hand. He guides the tip and presses it against my lips while slowly dragging it side to
side. I open my mouth willingly, and I could immediately taste his readiness. His

I grew hungry. Greedily taking in more and more of him as he slowly begins to thrust
his hips back and forth. I follow his lead, slow and steady until I finally feel him
grow harder. His moans were echoing as he picks up the pace, thrusting a little harder
each time when suddenly he pulls away from me. I moan disapprovingly and reach
out for him, but he doesn't let me.

"Turn around," he orders.

I immediately comply, standing up and turning around. He takes me by the nape of

my neck and pushes me down onto the bed, and I go willingly. His hand reaches in
between my thighs, and I feel his fingers pressing against me. My entire body shivers
as he pushes in one finger then two. His pace his annoyingly slow, and I push back
with my hips in an attempt to take more of him.

"No.," he says and pulls his hand away.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


My body shaking with anticipation I wait for him to touch me again, but he doesn't.
"Please," I beg. I hear a soft suckle until finally, hands spread me open, and I feel his
warm mouth on me. Hid tongue darting into me fast and hard. My back arches and I
moan in pleasure. He's doing things he's never done before, and I love it. I want

Within an instant, he withdrew his mouth, pushed me down, and was inside me. I
gasp at the sudden feeling of being filled to the brim. He pulls back, almost wholly
going out and then suddenly thrust every inch back in.

"Oh, God." I moan as he continues his slow assault over and over again until I
couldn't take it anymore. I begin to push back against him, following his rhythm, and
I hear a low growl. He withdrew entirely from me and grabbed my shoulders and
rolled me onto my side, getting behind and inside me so quickly. I follow his lead yet
again, my eyes closed as we dance together in a powerful rhythm that had me
moaning with every thrust.

He takes my chin in his hand and turns my face towards him. Eyes still closed I feel
him kiss me deeply, his mouth moving against mine like it never has before. He even
tastes different. I open my eyes, and instead of looking into familiar blue eyes, I see
dark, almost black eyes staring back at me.

Suddenly I realize it wasn't Liam anymore; it was Alexander.

I gasp both in shock and pleasure as the orgasm hits me hard. I am rolling in intense
waves over and over again until I finally scream out.

"Alexander?" I moaned, still feeling the rippling effects roll over me.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Alexander smiles and flashes his white teeth as he thrusts into me one last time
before I feel him erupting side me. He holds onto me tightly and rests his head on my
shoulder, laughing softly.

"What's going on?" I breathe shakily.

Alexander kisses my shoulder and my neck until his mouth is at my ear. "Prepare
cabin for descent," he whispers.

"What" I breathe.

I jolt awake and uptight.

"We have reached our New York destination, cabin crew please prepare for descent."
I hear over the intercom of the airplane.

"What the hell?" I whisper as I wipe the drool from my mouth.

"Oh my God," I say as I realize it was all just a drug-induced dream.
A sexy as hell, incredible mind-numbingly fantastic vision.

I look around the cabin nervously for the flight attendant, feeling embarrassed by the
thought of being caught having sex dreams about their boss.
What if I made noises in my sleep?!
I panic. I certainly did in my dream.

I look out the window and see the faint outline of New York City and breathe a sigh
of relief.
I must have slept through the entire trip, and here we are.
The plane landed just as smoothly as it took off, and in no time, I was greeted with
the ding of the seat-belt alarm.
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

I got my coat back from Sophia and thanked her for the trip as quickly as I could
without being rude.
I just wanted to get off as soon as possible and get this weekend over with.
Images of my dream flashed in my mind as I walked to another vehicle and was
greeted by a new driver that held up a sign with my name on it.

"Good afternoon, Miss Mullican. I'll be taking you to your hotel." the driver says.
I thank him shyly and get into the back of the car as he holds the door open for me.
I didn't want to keep thinking about the dream, but I couldn't stop either.
It felt so real. So good.

I closed my eyes and saw those black eyes staring back at me, and I shiver.
This is not good. I needed to stop, like right now.
I needed this man, and not like that.
I needed to stay focused on what I came here to do.
Sex should be the last thing on my mind.
I ball my hands into fists and force the images of us out of my mind.
Focus, you have to focus.
I chant to myself the entire ride from the airport to my hotel.

New York was a city.

There were people everywhere; the hustle was so real that I couldn't help but be
enthralled by it.
Everywhere I looked at there was something new to see.
Vast masses of people walking around everywhere.
It was so busy and so was everyone there. After a while, I finally got to my hotel.
It was so tall that even though I bent my entire body backward, I still couldn't see
where it stopped.
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

I got my bag from the driver, thanked him and went inside to check-in and get ready
for this meeting.
I sent up a silent prayer in the elevator to help me forget about that dream and win
this case.

It was almost time for the driver to come to pick me up.

I pace the hotel lobby in anticipation. I was ready.
I had done this once before, and I won them over, it should be a piece of cake now.
I know my work, and I know what I can do.
I just had to prove it to Alexander - Mr. Denver. I correct myself.

The hotel concierge calls me over to let me know my ride is waiting outside, and I
take a deep breath to steady myself.
The drive was quick, but I still couldn't help but stare out the window and marvel at
New York at night.
It was a completely different place at night. The lights were so bright it seemed like it
was still daytime. No wonder people write songs about it. It's amazing.

We stopped outside the location drop off, and I get my things together as the driver
opens the door for me.
"Good luck," he says knowingly.

I smile. "Thanks, but I don't think I need it," I say as I walk away with my head held

I walked through large glass doors, reminding me of the classic New York buildings
you see in all the movies.
The inside was open and cold with delicate yet minimal decorations.

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I walk up to the reception and announce myself and the suite number I was going to.
The guard, a friendly old gentleman, nodded and picked up the phone, repeating
everything I just told him.

"Please take elevator B to floor 13, and the receptionist will take you the rest of the
way," he says.

"Thank you," I say and turn into the directions of the elevators. There were two on
each side, and I stood in front of the one marked B.

While I waited, I went over all of the details in my mind — the start, my pitch, how I
predict the outcome compared to the current projections.
I had committed everything to memory; now, I just needed to get it out there.

The lift opened, and I looked for the right button.

I pressed it, and it lit up while the doors close. The ride was fast and smooth, and
before I knew it, the doors opened again.
A petite blonde girl greeted me at the door and told me to wait in the conference
I asked her where the projector setup was, and she explained to me where I could find
it and how to use it.
I quickly set up my laptop and placed my presentation outline on the table.
Now I just had to wait for someone to show up.

After about ten minutes, the doors opened and in strolled Mr. Denver.
I sucked in a deep breath as I looked him in the eye - remembering.
As soon as the thought entered my mind, I push it back and stand to greet him.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


"Mr. Denver, it's good to see you. Thank you for agreeing to this meeting and your
hospitality. It's been something."
I cringe silently to myself as he shakes my hand.
Stay professional, Hanna. I remind myself.

"Well, yes, I apologize for dragging you out across the country, but I was needed
here, so..." he sighs.

"Then I won't keep you in suspense," I say and walk to the front of the room and
stand next to the screen.

I activate the projector. "If you'll open your outline book to page 3, we can get

He nods and I begin my presentation.

I take him through everything, piece by piece, page by page.
I switch between illustrations and precisely what I mean by them, and he follows me
intently along.
The entire presentation takes me about 25 minutes to complete, and when I finish, I
turn off the projector and move to sit in the seat opposite of him.

"So, do you have any questions?" I ask as I notice he was writing something in the

He takes a moment to finish, puts his pen down, and closes the outline.
He stares at me for a moment and then smiles. "Well..." he laughs softly. "I am…
impressed," he says.
He leans back in his chair, picks up his pen and begins to tap the tip on the table.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


"I do have some questions, but I feel that you covered everything quite well in this
very detailed outline," he says.

"I'd be happy to answer anything you want," I say.

My confidence grew. Mr.Denver looked happy, impressed, and that was a good sign.

He nods. "You have a good understanding of financial management, and your current
projections look fantastic. Even your predictions look good if you're able to bring
them to fruition," he says.

"You outlined your company's intention of using this money to create growth through
the planned projects, but who will be running these projects? How are they planned,
and how can you be sure that they will reach the desired outcome?"

I think about that for a moment. "Well, as you know, I'll be presented with possible
projects by our clients. They propose their ideas to us, we assign an expert in that
field, and we come up with several different project ideas. The client picks the best
one, and we assign a team to create it. My job is to create a budget for that project
and weigh the pros and cons, as well as I, head subject assessment meeting with
controlled groups to give us feedback, and then we go public and present it to the
client and their media teams."

He nods. "So, you don't decide which projects are picked?" he asks.

"My job is strictly to work out a budget for the approved ideas, and another
department handles the more creative aspects of the project."

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


He rubs two fingers over his lips as he thinks. "What happens when you predict a
positive outcome for a project, and the public doesn't respond to it well, or it doesn't
meet your projections?"

"We go through an extensive approval process before we go public, as I mentioned,

but in the unlikely event that something like that happens, we could suffer a loss," I
"The world is very different today, Mr. Denver. One person out there can dislike the
idea and jump on the internet, creating an uproar; it happened to many advertising
companies before. It's something we can't completely control. Which is why, with
your financial support, we can increase our budgets to make sure that we can take a
project and roll it over several times, look at it with several pairs of eyes and make
sure that they pass our guidelines to protect us against a potential PR disaster."

He nods. "That is very true."

We sit in silence for a moment. I can see him thinking, and I can't help but wonder
what is going on in that mind of his — praying that I made my point clear and that he
understands why we need this funding so severely.

"Your clients. Are they disaster friendly?"

I reach over to his side of the table and take the outline from him.
I open it to the page with all of our current clients and a list of potential clients we are
looking to sign.

"We represent a lot of high profile clients, some smaller businesses, as well as a few
social media-based clients," I say and push the outline back to him.
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

He gives it a quick scan with his finger and stops at a name I can't make out from
where I'm sitting.

"This… you are representing this person?" he asks and turns the outline around.

I read the name, Broderick McClay. "Not yet, we are approaching his team with
active proposals to work on his new line of eco-friendly line of jewellery.
He wants to recycle gold and other materials from old or discarded technology to
create his line of designer accessories." I say. "He has a following of over 3 million
people on several different social media platforms and has the potential to bring in a
lot of sales. People love him." I add.

Mr. Denver purses his lips. "Yes, I am aware."

"If we sign him and handle his brand advertisement, it could be huge for our
company. I'm talking about millions. But we need funding. His managers are very
particular, and what they're proposing won't be cheap."

His eyes remain focused on the outline, on that name. Almost like he didn't even hear
me. "Do… do you have any issues with this potential client?" I ask.

He looks at me, and I shiver.

His eyes looked cold and intense, and I could almost feel his distance, but as soon as
it came, it was gone.
'No… you should pursue him. If your company can land this person," he slams his
finger on the page. "I'll double the proposed amount."

I frown. "So, you'll agree if we sign Mr. McClay?" I ask.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


He shakes his head. "No. I agree with your original proposal. I will give your
company the funding it needs and sign your contract. We have a deal. But I'm making
you a new one as well: get this McClay to sign to your company, and I'll give you
another five hundred thousand."

I raise my eyebrows.
What could make this man so significant?
And why doubling the investment just for one client?
It didn't make sense, but to be honest, at this point, I did not care. I did it. I got the

I stand up and reach out my hand. "You've got yourself a deal. I'll talk to my boss and
ask to lead the team in signing Mr. McClay personally."

Mr. Denver stands as well and takes my hand.

I'm not sure if it was the excitement of the moment or the heat of his palm, but his
touch sent shivers down my spine, and I had to bite my tongue.
He releases my hand and checks his watch.

"Well, we've been here for some time. How about we get something to eat and to
celebrate your success?" he smiles.

I couldn't help myself; I smile back and suddenly feel the blood rush to my cheeks.
"I could use a drink," I say.

He flashes those white teeth and motions his hand to the door.
We leave together and take the lift downstairs, where a car was already waiting.
My heart fluttering with excitement, I get into the back with him, and we pull away
into the streets of New York City.
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

I sit close to the window and lean my head up to that I could take in everything.
It was all too much, my adrenaline was pumping, I was happy, and I enjoyed every
moment of it.

"You're acting as if you've never seen it before." Mr. Denver says suddenly, and I
jump back into my seat.

I blush. "Guilty. This is my first time here. My job doesn't require much travel, and I
began working straight out of college."

He smiles. "Well then, welcome to New York," he says with enthusiasm. Something
about his behaviour has changed. He seems somewhat relaxed, almost playful.

I smile wide and clap my hands together. "It's amazing! So beautiful and busy and
insane. I see why people flock here."

His smile fades a little. "At first, yes, but it's also very challenging to live here. It's a
shark tank, only the strong survive."

I can see he meant it. It's written all over his face. "Well..." I say. "It's a good thing
I'm only here as a visitor then."

He laughs. This time a real laugh. "Yes, I suppose it is."

I find that I like the sound of his laugh.

When he is not in working mode, he seems like a nice guy.
I'm excited about going out and seeing the city first-hand.
Who knows, it might be a fun night to end off a very stressful day.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


We stop at a building, and the driver opens the door for me.
It was just as significant as my hotel; it seems all the buildings here were larger than
life, but that is obvious since they named skyscrapers for a reason.
We enter through a side door that leads down a close ally instead of using the front
doors, and I wonder if this is a special entrance for VIP, such as Alexander Denver.

A smartly dressed young man leads us to a dimly lit bar, decorated with flush black
leather couches, small coffee tables, and an L-shaped bar.
We sit at the back corner of the bar, and a bartender immediately approaches us and
asks what we wanted.

"We'll have a bottle of your finest champagne." he says and smiles, "we are
celebrating after all."

I smile and nod my head in agreement. Yes, we are. I think to myself.

The bartender brings over a large dark green bottle wrapped in gold foil with
something written on in French, and I plug my ears as Mr. Denver pops the cork
We both laugh as the liquid rushes out and quickly grabs our glasses to fill them.

We hold up to each other, and I wait. He looks at me for a moment.

"Here's to a promising future of outlines, projections and equal growth." I smile and
clink his glass and take a sip.

"Wow, that is amazing," I say while enjoy the rich flavour mixed with bubbles.

We talked for hours — about business but mostly about my career and how I decided
to get into the advertising business.
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

I told Alexander about my life, my wants and dreams, and opened up more than I
ever thought I would.
Maybe it was the Champagne or his relaxed and fun tone, but I felt so comfortable
with him.
I told him about my father and, how he inspired me to become the best in whatever I
do and how he always supported my dreams.

"Forgive me for pressing, but you keep talking in the past tense?" he says.

I nod slowly. "My Dad passed away about two years ago," I say softly and swallow
the sudden lump in my throat.
I see remorse in his eyes. "It was sudden, he got sick, and it took him quickly."

"I'm sorry," he says sincerely and touches my knee.

I look down at his hand, and my body suddenly responds to feeling his skin on mine.
My head was beginning to feel a little fuzzy from all the drinking and I couldn't help
but see flashes of my dream dance behind my eyes. I lean closer to him.

"It was one of the hardest times of my life, but he taught me to be strong, so I was," I

Something flashed in his eyes, and he leans closer too. "You are an incredible
woman," he says.

At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

His hand still on my knee, his closeness, I felt overwhelmed by his robust and
powerful essence.
He exuded power and confidence and he smells so damn good. I think to myself.
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

I lick my lips. "You have to be. This world will eat you up if you don't grab it by the
balls first."
I almost spit my drink as I laugh.
"Oh God, did I say that out loud? I'm so sorry; I think I've maybe had one too many."

He laughs out loud. "Well, you aren't wrong."

We laughed and began talking again.

Before I knew it, the bartender informed us that it was the last call.
He had perfect timing. My head was starting to spin, and I needed to get home.

As if reading my mind, he says: "Perhaps we should get you home."

He, too, looked like he was feeling the effects of drinking two bottles of Champagne.

I sigh. I didn't want to go. This was too much fun.

I enjoyed his company so much, but it was getting so late, so I agreed.
Alexander told the bartender to put it on his tab, and he took my coat while pulling
back my chair, and we started to leave for the door.

We walked side by side down the small alley, and my shoulder brushed up against his
arm. He looked down at me with something in his eyes, and my heart jumped.
My head was spinning, but all I could think about was kissing him, right there in that
dark alley.
I stopped walking and looked at him.
He came closer and bent his head down, his face almost touching mine.
He put his forehead against mine and sighed as he took my hands in his.
I close my eyes and wrap my fingers around his.

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He leans in even more, and I feel his breath against my mouth, it smelled of
Champagne, and I felt overwhelmed by his closeness.

I turn my face bringing my mouth closer to his, waiting for him to kiss me.
He hesitates for a moment until I feel him press his lips against mine.
It was soft and gentle, and I kiss him back.
He lets go of my hands and takes my face in his palms as he deepens his kiss.
I instantly respond and push against him, grabbing him by his hips, pulling him closer
to me.
He groans profoundly and turned direction shoving me against the wall of the alley.
His mouth opens, and he kisses me harder as he pressed his body against mine.

I gasp for air, and he kisses my neck, his hands roaming my body.
I was so aroused that I would let him take me right here in this alley.
I reach up, standing on the tips of my toes and pull him by his neck and back to my
mouth kissing him harder.
I can feel him against me. Growing, pressing against my stomach.
When suddenly, he pulls away breathless leaving me bewildered and wanting.

"We… we have to go." he breathes. "The car is here."

"Yes..." I breathe. "Let's go," I say with intent.

Alexander looks from me to where the car should be and back to me.
Desire so clearly on his face that I nearly threw myself at him again.

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"Come," he says as he holds out his hand.

Oh, I intend to.
I think as I take it and we walk down the rest of the alley to the car.
He opens the door and lets me get in first.
I slide over to the other seat waiting for him to get in beside me, but he doesn't.
He stands there, looking at me.

"I… I had a great evening, Miss Mullican," he says and smiles, flashing those white
teeth again.
"Thank you," he says and closes the door, and the driver pulls away.

I sit there in absolute disbelief of what just happened. What did happen?
My body is still alive with desire.
I look back to see him pacing up and down rubbing his hands through his hair.
We drive back to my hotel and angrily throw my purse on the ground and sit down on
the bed.
I took off my shoes and lay back down onto the bed. Why didn't he come with me?
He wanted to. Why did he stop? Why aren't we together right now having mind-
blowing sex? Did I misread the situation? What am I not getting?

I touch my swollen lips. I could still feel him could smell him on my clothes.
He wanted me until he didn't.
Maybe this was a blessing in a very frustrating disguise. This was so inappropriate.
I could lose my job over this. I sit up straight.

"Be thankful, Hanna, "I say. "Don't mix business and pleasure. It a recipe for disaster;
you know that!" I puff a breath to move my hair out of my face.

I went to bed that night with mixed feelings, tossing and turning all night.
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

I couldn't get him out of my mind.

But at least I had one victory.
I closed the deal and got the opportunity to grow our business even more.
At least there was that.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Chapter Four – More than expected..

As soon as I open my eyes, my head greeted me with one of the hardest hangovers I
had ever had. I touch my skull and groan loudly.
The light was too bright, I had fallen asleep with the blinds open, and my head
wanted to explode.
I pull the covers over my face to shield me from the light, and I suddenly remember
last night. The meeting. The bar. The kiss.

"Oh, my Godddaaa..." I moan, feeling so embarrassed by my behavior. What the hell

was I thinking???

I blindly reach for my phone on my bedside table under the covers and hiss when the
light hit me.
I dialled Rachel’s number, and she picked up at the first ring.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" She screams on the other side of the
line. I yank the phone away from my ear.

"Stop yelling at me," I moan.

"You haven't been responding to my texts, I thought something might have happened
to you," she says more calmly.

"Rach, I got the contract and a huge side deals as well," I say.

Rachel squeals, and I pull the phone away again. "I'm going to hang up if you don't
stop yelling. My head hurts." I moan.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


"Why what happened?" she whispers.

I laugh. "After the meeting, Alexander and I went out for drinks to celebrate."
Rachel stays quiet for a moment. "Hello?" I ask.
She clears her throat. "You and Alexander went out for drinks?"
I could hear the smugness in her voice, and I knew I deserved it.

I panic. "Yes, well, Alexander wanted to take me out and show me some of the City,
and we got a couple of drinks and had a perfect time," I explain.

"What do you mean by a perfect time?" she's on to me I know it. I know her.

"Oh God, Rach, I messed up. I messed up so bad." I groan and pull the covers off of
my head.

"We KISSED," I yelled before she could say anything.

"And it was so hot, oh my God, Rachel, it was so hot. But so wrong. I shouldn't have,
but we've been talking and drinking, and he smells so good, you should smell him. I
just..." I sigh. "I just couldn't help myself."

"Shut up, you tramp!" she yells again. "Tell me everything! Did you bone? How was
he? Was he big? I bet he was big? How was it? Tell me, tell me, TELL ME!"

"What part of stop yelling, don't you understand!" I yell back. "Now shut up and let
me speak."

She stays quite. "Okay," I take a deep breath. "We did not, first off, bone. Although I
wanted to. We were making out outside of the bar, and it was getting all hot and

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


heavy, and then suddenly he stops, put me in a car and just let the driver go off
without him. All he said was that he had a nice evening and then said thank you."

"What a clam jam." she sighs. I frown. "What on earth is a clam jam?"

She laughs. "It's like the girl version of cock-blocking."

I burst out laughing. "You are crazy, do you know that?"

Suddenly the phone in my hotel room starts ringing. "hey, hold on a sec." I tell
Rachel as I pick up the phone next to the bed.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello, Miss Mullican, this is Gloria from the front desk. I'm calling to let you know
you have a visitor requesting to come up to your room."

I jump out of bed. "Sorry, what? A visitor? Who?" I ask anxiously.

"He says his name is Denver, a Mr.Alexander Denver."

"Oh shit," I mutter.

"Excuse me?" says the lady on the phone.

"What? No, not you. Uhm, sure, please send him up. But, give me like 5 minutes,

Gloria giggles. "Of course." the line dies.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

"Rachel?" I yell. "He's here. He's coming up, oh God, what should I do?"

Rachel laughs. "Make sure you look like you don't have a major hangover, for one,
and then put the phone down."

I run my hand through my hair. "Yea, okay, right. Look good. Okay, I'll talk to you
later." I mumbled and ended the call.

I quickly run to the bathroom and fix my hair, it was a mess, but I managed to get the
knots out. I take a makeup wipe and clean my under eyes, quickly apply some fresh
mascara and lip gloss. I rinse my mouth out with mouthwash and immediately brush
my teeth.

I look down at my baggy ragged pajamas. "Shit." I cried and ran to my suitcase and
rummage through it and dressed in a pair of jeans and a cute top. "This will have to
do," I say to myself as I scramble to clean the room and make up the bed.
I throw all of my discarded clothes under the bed and quickly threw random items
into the dresser drawers.

There is a knock on the door, and I nearly jump out of my skin. Shit, shit, shit!
I think as I scan the room one last time before running to the door.

I close my eyes and cringe a little. "Uhm, who is it?" I panic.

What the…? I mouthed in embarrassment as my stupidity.

"It's me. Alexander..." he says unsure. "Denver," he adds quickly.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


I jump out and down to shake off my nerves. "Oh, hey. How are you?" I say.

"Erm… you want to open the door and maybe talk face to face?" I can hear him

"Oh yeah, of course," I say. "Like, right now, yes," I mumble and grab the handle of
the door and start pulling at it. But it won't open.

He giggles. "I think you maybe have to unlock it first."

My head drops. "I knew that," I say as I unlock the door and open it.

The door flung open, and there he was.

He was standing in a beautiful and assumingly custom dark grey suit with a black
button-down shirt.
My blood was pounding in my ears, cheeks and heart, and I just wanted to crawl in a

"Hey there," I say slowly and put my hand on the doorframe.

He looks at my arm, blocking the doorway and gives me a confusing smile.

I realize that I was indeed blocking the door and whip it back quickly. "C-come on i-
in," I mumble as I scratch my head and turn my body so that he could pass.

He walks in slowly and looks around the room, and I panic that I maybe didn't clean
it well enough.
I turn and close the door as well as my eyes and stand there for a second to try and
compose myself.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


This is so awkward, what do I do? I think to myself. Okay stay calm, stay cool. I

When I turned around, he was looking at me with his hands in his pockets and an
amused look on his face.
"I hope you don't mind me showing up like this..." he says. "Unannounced, I mean."

Was he nervous too? I wonder.

I feign indifference and swipe my hand through the air. "No, of course not. It's fine."
I say quickly.

He cocks his head to the side. "You seem…busy. I hope I didn't disturb you."

"Me? Busy?" I say, unsure. "Always, but I can make time for you." I cringe as the
words leave my mouth.

Unsure, he motions to the chairs at the little dining table. "May I?"

I nod my head aggressively. "Yes… please sit." I say.

I try to compose myself as I walk towards him, sitting down in the chair opposite to

Alexander eyes me cautiously and places a yellow envelope on the table.

Where did that come from? I wonder not remembering seeing anything in his hands.

"I wanted to bring this to you personally. It's the signed contract as well as the
documentation for our new agreement," he says.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


I could not help but feel a little disappointed that this visit was just about business.
I cleared my throat. "Thank you. I will make sure my boss gets this as soon as I get
back home." I say, trying to sound professional.

"Good," he says while playing with the corner of the table, rubbing his finger cover
the edge repeatedly.

We look at each other in silence for what seems to be forever before we both begin to
speak at the same time. I laugh nervously. "Sorry, you speak," I say.

He smiles. "I know that we… had a moment," he swallows hard.

"Last night. And I feel very badly for taking advantage of you when we'd both been
drinking quite heavily." he leans forward.
"I'm sorry if I acted unprofessionally with you. It won't..." he sighs. "It won't happen

My heart drops, and I instantly feel like he punched me square in the stomach.
I look down to hide the expression on my face. You stupid, stupid, little girl.
My inner voice says.

"I know..." I begin to say, fully ready to give up and throw in the towel when I
suddenly feel something change inside me.

"You know," I say.

"Since my dad died, I've done everything to make a man happy. To fill a void or
something and I don't know maybe feel like whatever I'm doing, is to make sure that
the person in my life is happy. And it's never been good enough." I sigh.
"But last night, with you, I decided to do something that made me happy. Something
that I wanted." I force a laugh.
Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved

"And I'm not sorry it happened. And you didn't take advantage of me. I wanted it.
That was my choice."

I sigh while I stand up, walk to the door and open it.
"I felt something between us. But I get it if you didn't. I do. Just don't sit there and act
like you didn't feel it too. Don't insult me like that."

I hold the door open for him as he slowly stands up and walks towards me.
His eyes focus on mine, and I saw that same look like the night before.
That hunger. That desire.
He removes my hand from the door and pushes it close with his foot, not once
looking away from me.
My stomach leaps in anticipation as he takes my chin and holds it between his thumb
and index finger.
He sighs as he slowly rubs his thumb over my lips, and just like that, I feel my body
coming alive.

"I didn't want to be the man that uses a woman just because he felt like he could. I
was not insulting you, I respect you," he whispers as he leans in close.
"You are the most incredible, frustratingly sexy work-driven person I have met in
such a long time," he says as he pushes my hips against the wall with his free hand,
his thumb sliding under my shirt and tracing my skin.

Just like the night before he leans his forehead against mine. "I am dealing with some
incredibly serious shit… and I can't afford to be as distracted as I am right now."

I suddenly remember the talk, my boss and I had about his sisters' disappearance, and
I understand why he was trying to keep his distance.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


I sigh. "I might not know or understand what it is that you're going through..." I put
my hand on his chest. "But, right here, right now, I've never wanted something -
someone - more in my life."
He takes my hand from his chest and kisses it softly. "You're making saying goodbye
so hard, Hanna."

I reach around his waist and pull his body against mine. "Then don't say it," I whisper
and stand on my toes, holding my mouth close to his, waiting and hoping.

"Alexander..." I breathe. He groans loudly and grabs me by my hips, picking me up

off the ground.
I instantly wrap my legs around his hips, and we kiss. Passionately.
Our mouths were finding each other over, and over our tongues dancing together in
such ecstasy, it was hard not to lose myself in it.

He carries me to the bed, and we drop down hard, his weight overwhelming all of my
His kisses deepen as he explores my body with his hands tugging at my shirt,
desperately seeking to feel my skin.
I reach up to pull the jacket off his shoulders, and he complies by quickly removing
I quickly undo the buttons of his shirt and laughs when I struggled with a few.
He pulls my shirt up and over my hair and yanks my bra to the side to reveal my
breasts to his hungry gaze.

He leans down and starts sucking my nipples, I moan softly and raise my hips to push
against his body.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


He responds by pushing back, sucking harder as he begins to grind against my pelvis.

I reach down with both hands and grab him by his backside, pulling him harder
against me.
I can feel every inch of him pressing against me, and I couldn't stop moaning.
I wanted more. I wanted all of him.

He stands up on his knees, beginning to unlock his belt and pulls down his pants.
I grew impatient and pulled down his underwear for him taking him into my hand,
stroking him gently.
He closed his eyes and groaned softly as I continued to play with him.

Suddenly he takes me by the wrist and pulls my hand away. "Wait," he said

I looked up at him, confused, and he smiled and got off the bed and reached down for
his pants.
He took out his wallet and opened it, and took out a condom.

I gave him a cheeky smile. "What?" he breathes. "You can't blame a guy for hoping."

I bite my lip and begin to remove my bra and jeans as he put the condom on.
He was fully erect and even more impressive than I thought.
He climbed back onto the bed and slowly pulled my panties down my legs and threw
them to the side.
He took my foot in his hand and began kissing me slowly down until he reached my
He stopped there and began to massage the inside of my thighs, slowly working his
way up while pushing my legs open.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


I gasp for air as he suddenly takes me into his mouth, expertly playing with my clit
while he slowly pushes one finger into me.
I arch my back and push my body closer to him, rocking my hips as I follow his lead.

"Alexander..." I moan as I feel the pressure begin to build. "Please..." I cry.

He lifts his head and smiles. "Please what?" he teases.

I groan and reach for him between my legs. "Say it." He growls.

I moan in frustration. "Say it," he demands.

"I want you inside me." I plead.

His smile was victorious. "As you wish," he whispers as he crawls on top of him,
positioning himself between my legs.

"Open for me," he says as he takes my leg and pulls it up and around his waist.
I feel him push against me, and I arch my hips as he slowly enters me.
He takes both my hands and put them above my head as he slowly begins to thrust in
and out.

He groans deeply as he puts his forehead on mine, holding eye contact as he

continues to pound into me, going faster and faster.
I push my hips against him, meeting his every thrust with one of my own as he drove
me wild with his rhythmic assault.
I felt every nerve in my body go alive, my vision blurred, and I felt my toes curl as I
begin to orgasm.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


As though he could sense my body's reaction, he picks up the pace, going faster and
harder until he too moans out in pleasure.
Our bodies coming together both physically and mentally he releases my hands and
holds himself up with one arm as he shivers.
I take his face in my hands and kiss him deeply as my body still ripples with pleasure.

Alexander rolls off me and pulls me close to him as he kisses me deeply.

Tired and satisfied, I rest my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arm around his
We stay there for a while, not saying anything and trying to catch our breath.
He takes my face in his hand and strokes my cheek gently, looking lovingly into my
"How am I supposed to say goodbye now?" he whispers, his voice breaking.

I push myself upon his chest and lean over him. "Don't," I whisper and kiss him

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Chapter Four – Back to Reality?

The entire flight home, I couldn't stop thinking about Alexander and our time
We spent the last day touring New York, going to excellent restaurants, and we even
took a ferry around the Statue of Liberty.
Alexander told me that also though he lived there for years, he never once took the
time to ride the boat and see her.
We laughed, talked and made love until we couldn't take anymore because we were
too exhausted to do anything else.
He even drove me to the airport himself.
We promised not to say goodbye.
We would visit each other whenever we could and always keep in contact.
It was a weekend, I would never forget.

As soon as my flight landed, there was a text from him saying "Thank you, I miss
you already." and my heart did something funny.

The Uber pulled up to my driveway, and I took my bags and headed to my apartment
with a smile on my face and hope in my heart.

I walked up to my front door and went inside, fully expecting to find Rachel waiting
for me.
To my complete shock, Liam was sitting on the couch with a large arrangement of
red roses.

He looked up and smiles. "Hey, baby girl, welcome home."

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


I frown and put my bags down on the ground. "Liam, what are you doing here?" I

He stands and walks up to me, handing me the roses.

"I was thinking about what you said, for, like, a long time. And you're right." he
"I messed up, big time. But I want to make it right. I want you." he smiled, and before
I could say anything, he kisses me.

A rush of emotions hits me all at once, and I felt dizzy. "I don't understand," I say as I
pull away from him.

"I treated you like dirt, and you stayed with me because you saw something in me.
Something that I didn't even see myself. Not until I had to be without you. Hanna,
you're my person. And I love you."

My mouth flops open. "You… you love me?"

Liam takes the flowers from my hands putting them down on the couch and takes my
hands into his.
"Yes, I love you, Hanna. I think I always have, but I was too stupid to see it. Too
stupid to understand that even though I'm young, I can be happy with just one person.

Feeling dizzy, I walk to the couch and sit down.

Liam follows me and crouches down in front of me.
"Give me a chance, just one chance to show you that I am the man you thought I
was." he pleads.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Everything that I felt for Liam came bubbling up to the surface. All of my feelings.
All of my hope and affection. Our history and attraction.
All of the reasons why I kept going back to him time after time.
In some sick way, I did love Liam, and I think I always have, and here he is, sitting in
front of me right now saying all of the words that I've so badly wanted to hear for so

"Liam..."I sigh.

He takes my face in his hands. "You… you don't have to say anything right now.
Think about it. Think about it, and then we'll talk."

Defeated, I nod. He kisses me again, and I can't help but kiss him back. He was so
familiar. He felt like home.

Suddenly the door bursts open, and Rachel comes rushing in with a weird look on her
She looks at us with confusion but shakes her head and says, "not, now whatever."

Rachel grabs the TV remote and puts it on to the news channel. "Hanna, look," she

The first story to appear on the channel was a reporter in New York telling the story
about a discovered woman's body.

"At approximately 12.39 pm this morning, the body of well-known Lawyer Angelica
Denver was found floating in the Hudson River by local fishermen. The cause of her

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


death is still unknown to the public, but authorities are working tirelessly to find an
answer to this ongoing investigation after the victim went missing two months ago..."

Rachel turns off the sound. I've already heard enough. "Oh my God, Alexander," I
say softly.

"Hey, isn't that the sister of that big shot investor you went to see this weekend?"
Liam says. "That's crazy."

Rachel jumps nervously. "Hey, Liam, You mind getting outta here? I have to talk to
Hanna about girl stuff, okay?"

Liam looks instantly uncomfortable.

"Uhm sure, Hanna?" I turn to him blankly.
"I'll talk to you later, okay? Think about what I said," he says as Rachel pushes him
out of the door.

"Hanna?" Rachel snaps her fingers in front of my face. "What?" I catch.

"Are we going to talk about it?" she asks, concerned.

I stand. "Not now. I have to call Alexander." I say as I run to my bedroom and close
the door.

I dial his number quickly but voicemail kicks in instantly. "Hey, Alexander….it's me,
Hanna. I just saw the news. Please call me back."

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


I called and texted him for the next three weeks and heard nothing.
He went radio silent completely.
Meanwhile, Liam was hounding me about getting back together, and I had no idea
how I felt about it.
I cared so deeply for him, and he did so much to prove to me he meant what he said
that day, but I couldn't get Alexander out of my mind.

Not our time together and not about my worry for his mental health after the news
about his sister.
I tried to focus on work and even managed to get an interview with Broderick
McClay in the hopes of our company, signing him to get that extra money.
But it was hard to stay focused when all I could think about was Alexander.

Where was he? How was he? I even phoned his office trying to find him, but they
said he hadn't shown up for work since his sister was found.
No one knew where he was.

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


My phone rang suddenly, waking me up. It was from Alexander.

I answered immediately.

"Hey, where are you? What's happening?" I say while trying to wake up.

There was nothing for a moment, but I could hear him breathing. "Alexander?
Answer me." I say urgently.

"Hanna… I have to do something. I needed you to know that I meant everything that
happened between us." his voice breaks.

"Alexander, what are you talking about? Talk to me!" I urge, sitting upright.

"Hanna..." he breathes "Goodbye."

The line dies.

"Hello? Alexander? Hello?" I check my phone and see that the call did end.

He said goodbye. We promised we wouldn't say it, and he just did. What was he
going to do that made him say it?
My heart sinks in my stomach as I think about what he says.
He needed to do something. Something that made him say goodbye.

"Oh, God..." I gasped, it was over?

Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


Author Page - BJ Summers

Bestselling author BJ Summers welcomes you into a world of rock-hard abs and irresistible smiles.
Her sexy, contemporary romances--including her wildly successful irresistible OMG Series--have
garnered a legion of praise from her readers. When BJ isn't plotting ways to introduce readers to
their next sexy-as-hell book boyfriend, she's deep in her writing cave and furiously tapping away on
her keyboard, writing scenes that would make even a hardened sailor blush.
BJ started writing after having her little boy, Luke, September 2017. All during her pregnancy with
Luke, she continued to read and she only wanted to read romance. She was reading a book a day --
sometimes two.

In January 2018, BJ was staying up late with Luke and just thinking of all these stories. They came
to her constantly so she finally sat down and just started writing. She always wanted to do it; so she
figured, why not?
Today BJ cannot be happier for making that decision!

Happy reading and keep dreaming wildly,

BJ Summers

For all the updates and news on her upcoming books (not to mention a whole lotta hunks), visit her
follow her on Amazon.

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Copyright © 2019 [ B.J.Summers ] – All rights Reserved


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