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Listening Comprehension 2

1 Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answers.

1. Emma wants to talk about the people she works with / her job / Mr Brown.
2. Emma doesn’t like typing letters / data entry / sending e-mails.
3. Mr Fox understands why Emma wants to leave the company / do a different job / meet new people.
4. The administrative assistant is in charge of meeting sales reps / ordering supplies / scheduling
5. Emma wants to think about / apply for / hear more about the new job.

2 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1. Emma likes the ........people............. she works with.

2. The company is ........very happy................... with Emma’s work.
3. Emma wants to apply for the job of .....administrative assistant..................... .
4. Mr Fox thinks Emma will ...........enjoy................ the new job.
5 The sales reps sometimes need help .....preparing presentations.......... .

Reading Comprehension

1 Read the e-mail. Then write T (true), F (false) next to the sentences below.

From: Maxine Fields

To: Production Team
Subject: Company News

Hi everyone,
The Maintenance Department is replacing the air-conditioners on the top floor this week, so
the Human Resources Department is sitting in room 109 on the ground floor. They will be
back in their offices on the top floor next Monday.
As you know, our company is growing and we are hiring new staff. I am pleased to tell you
that Tim Brooks is joining our department next month. He will be in charge of our South
American account. I know some of you worked with Tim at Technostar and I'm sure you'll
make him feel welcome.
The meeting with Simon Fields is on Wednesday at our Chapel Street offices. The meeting is
in the small conference room on the second floor (the last room on the right). The meeting
starts at 9.00 am. I will send an e-mail with the agenda later today.
Good news: Mario's Pizza is offering all our employees a 15% discount. For those of you that
don’t know, Mario's is opposite the bank.

....T... 1. The company is replacing its air-conditioners.
....F... 2. Tim is working at the company now.
....T... 3. Tim already knows some of the company's employees.
....T... 4. Simon Fields is coming to the company's office.
....F... 5. Not all employees can get a discount at Mario’s Pizza.

2 Answer the questions.

1. Where does the Human Resources Department usually sit?

The HR department usually sits on the top floor. ..................................................................................
2. Why is the company hiring new staff?
Because the company is growing. .........................................................................................................
3. What is Tim's new job?
He will be in charge of the South American account .............................................................................
4. What is Maxine going to send the production team?
She is going to send the agenda for the meeting ..................................................................................
5. Where is Mario's Pizza located?
It is opposite the bank.............................................................................................................................

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