EVAU TEST KEY. Instagram

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Instagram: why we can’t live without it


IES Félix de Azara
Year 2021-2022
1. Add True or False, quoting the relevant information
from the text to justify your answer. (3 points)

a) Google is no longer America's most visited web site.

TRUE: “The social networking site has topped Google in
the number of hits.”
b) Instagram does not provide new information about your
FALSE: “it can lead to less-than-pleasant revelations
about the people you thought you knew.”
2. Answer the following questions according to the
information given in the text. Use your own words.(2

a) Is Instagram a social networking site used compulsively

by everybody?
No, it isn’t. Instagram users are mainly young people
who are obsessively visiting this platform even in
unusual situations such as in toilets or while flying.

b) What does the author mean by the “Instagram

The author uses the expression “Instagram photobomb" to
refer to a photo posted on Instagram in which you can be
seen in the background, doing something you can feel
embarrased about.
3. Find words or phrases in the text which mean as the
following: (1 point)

a) drawback: disadvantage

b) surpassed: topped

c) conduct: Lead / behaviour

d) endless: infinite
4. Complete the following sentences. The meaning
should be the same as that of the sentence
above. (2 points)
a) ‘It's the first site I go to when I turn on my computer’, he said.

He said that (…)it was the first site he went to when he turned on his
He said that (…) it is the first site he goes to when he turns on his computer.
b) In my opinion, you should phone him back later.

If I (…) were you, I would call him

c) Thousands of teenagers are currently using Instagram as a social networking site.
Instagram (…) is currently being used as a social networking site by thousands
of teenagers.
d) Instagram offers infinite access to the private lives of one’s friends. For this
reason, users must be cautious with the information they give.
Because (…) Instagram offers infinite access to the private lives of one's
friends, users must be cautious with the information they give.

- Presentation (full page) - Another vs. other

- No contractions - Generally speaking THE
- Do not forget the SUBJECT!!! - Verb as a subject -ING
- 3rd person singular - No ETC / …
- Capital letters!!! - I am going to explain…
- People ARE
- Adverbs –LY
- STRUCTURE: Thesis statement and topic sentences
- PARAGRAPHS!!! (plan in advanced / balanced length)
- Avoid too long sentences
- Use social media vocabulary (account, post, upload, profile…)
- FOBIDDEN WORDS!!! (good, bad, important, thing, do, get,
- RESEARCH (uncountable noun)
- Youth vs. Young vs Youngsters

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