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I. Objectives:
1. Review previous topics.
2. Memorize the Bible Verse Matthew 4:17.
3. Answer questions according to the story read.
4. Match sentences that go together.
5. Enumerate the key ideas of the lesson.


III. Materials:
A. Preliminaries
1. Bellwork sheets, crayons, coloring pages, paper, pens, erasers, sharpener
2. Copies of worship songs and choruses on poster paper or PowerPoint
3. Monitor (can also use projector and screen)
4. Bibles, guitar
5. TO envelopes, TO Pocket Charts
6. Printed modules

B. Motivation:
1. Dance video for the children to follow: Move and Freeze

C. Lesson Presentation:
1. PPT of the lesson (see the drive)

D. Reinforcement activities: blind fold, any available materials that will serve as

IV. Lesson Development:

A. Preliminaries:
1. Bellwork: (See Activity 1 in the module)
2. Opening Prayer
3. Seal of God
4. KCGS Oath
5. KCGS Hymn
6. Rules Setting: Remind the children of the rules that you have discussed in the
previous meetings
7. Tithes and Offering

B. Motivation:
B1. Action Song: Move and Freeze

B2. Recall the previous Bible verses. (see PPT)

C. Introduce the new Bible verse: Mathew 4:17

C.1: Game – Gotcha!!

Instruction: Quote a verse incorrectly to your kids, omitting or changing a

key word. Ask them to shout, “Gotcha!” when they catch the mistake. Then
quote the verse accurately together.

D. B*R*E*A*K*

E. Review the previous lessons. Make use of the questions in the previous LPs.
 What is the essence of God in the Old Testament?
 What is the essence of God in the New Testament?
 What Bible verse tells us that the Word was made flesh?
 What Bible verse tells us that the Father and the Son are one?
 Why did the Jews persecute Jesus Christ?
 Are the Father and the Son separate?


Instruction: Read the story to the children. Make use of the PPT presentation given
by the Central KCGS Office.

The coming of the Begotten Son was the beginning of the righteous
seed. He was born of a woman but with
a different DNA. His Spirit came from the
Father. He was loyal to the Father no
matter what. This is His spiritual
genetics. But the people in His days were
simply stiff-necked. A model was sent, but they did not accept Him.
They remained in their mentality that because they were the chosen people, there was no need for
a Son. This is self-righteousness of man.

The Jewish thought that they had found their own way back to God. They did not know that
the Father was looking for the true worshippers who would worship Him in spirit and in truth.
They were ignorant of God’s righteousness.

They studied His Words but never able to come to the knowledge
of the truth. They remained the servants of sin.

To enter God’s Kingdom, the Begotten Son preached repentance.

In Matthew 4:17, He said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is
near.” But the Israelites did not mind His message. He told the
Jews that the kind of salvation they needed was an inward thing. They lacked the Spirit of the
Father. This spirit could only be attained through repentance.

Though they were Hi chosen people, they still had to repent because of the serpent seed
within them. They must become a new Jew. To become a new Jew, change must begin from

In the Old Testament, the circumcision in order to be recognized as a Jew was physical. A
baby boy’s foreskin must be cut-off. But the Begotten Son was referring to a change in the
spirit through repentance. That is called circumcision in the spirit and in the heart. But they
refused to accept it. The Jews did not like His Kingship which was a spiritual Kingship. Why
so? It is because their perception of salvation was to have freedom from the invaders. Jesus
Christ offered a spiritual Kingship where they had to repent and obey the Father’s Will.

Review questions:
 What is the meaning of the word ‘model’?
 What is Bible verse quotes “Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is near?
 What is spiritual circumcision?
 What is spiritual kingship?
 Who is a new Jew?
 What message did Jesus Christ bring to the Jews?
 What is the Begotten Son’s spiritual genetics?

(The teacher can add more questions for review)

VI. Reinforcement Activities:

Trust me:

1. Set up your “maze” in a large room. It should combine physical barriers like boxes with
imaginary hazards like mats that are meant to designate “hot lava”. Don’t let any of the
players see it before the game begins.
2. Divide the group into teams of two. One of the players from each team will be blindfolded.
3. The first team will enter the room with the maze. You will explain to those players the
meaning of the obstacles in front of them. You may have ropes that need to be jumped,
boxes that need to be climbed over and imaginary hazards like lava (a colored mat) or
monsters (large plush toys).
4. The player wearing the blindfold will have to walk through the maze, getting directions
from their teammate. The teammate will describe the hazards in front of them and how to
deal with each one.
5. You can score the performance of the team by how many hazards they run into or how
long it takes to complete the course. You could make some hazards force the team to
return to the start.
6. The team with the shortest time or most points win.

The game aims to see the listening skills of the child and his/her obedience to the isntructions
given by his/her teammates.

VII. Evaluation: (See module)

VIII. Home Learning Activity (See module)

IX. Closing Prayer

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