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Multti-Clean Dilution Control Systems 4 Ful-Trole 64 @& eye Super Concentrated One Step Cleaner/Disinfectant A cleans and Disintects Sa ead + Ful-Trole 64 isa powerful, “one-step” disinfectant cleaner that | Appearance Red Liquid, Spring Air Frag cleans surfaces effectively while it disinfects against a variety | pH (undiluted)... 120-124 of bacteria (including VRE, MRSA), viruses (including HIV-1 | Specific Gravity 1.004 1.008 and HBV), fungi, mofd & mildew. See chart at right for full list _ | Flashpoint. Sm None of claims. Diltons ns 2 anfgah, (Hospital Grade) f 1 Wi beg tration WY ) Two Dilutions Grade) tal 9% Active 559% Use at 2 ounces per gallon when cleaning me ay ee SUN ee Nea Storage Stability 1 ear under normal condition oI Freeze - Thaw Stability Paes three cycles, "i EPA Registration #: = 10324-80:5449 * Use at 11/4 ounces per gallon when cleaning schools, industrial (or any non-medical institutional facilities. Economical. CLAIMS: eivectve in hard water up t 400 ppm] hardness (Calculated as CaCO,) in the presence of 5% Multi-purpose aoe ospital Insitutions! + Restroom cleaner Bilvtion ps gallon Zoe 1.1/4 exis + Non-acid toilet bow! cleaner ‘nnn urteyiconan : : * Shower, bathtubs, & whirlpools Hope vnntey) 5 4 * Locker rooms, exercise areas & dressing rooms Heer Sine A : * Use on any hard nonporous surface such as: walls, tables, floors, | Kena Mgran vrs x * toilets, garbage pails, chairs, tle, countertops, sinks, medical | Yciis 3 : ‘equipment surfaces including bed frames, bedrails, wheel | funas chaise, dental chairs, medical beds etc. ‘cd bans 2 ‘+ Also, great for deodorizing surfaces in toilet areas, behind and _| Nevepmantrenaronntes under sinks and counters, edagcoaien 2 garbage cans and garbage peste storage areas, and many joss Frac fac 78 s Otherplaces where bacteria) UA) 1 Gallon Earl wicrenae) x growth can cause mal odors. Concentrate | Kpeumanac(anboccheman) : 2 Great Fragrances Paxinos (bit Restart) : : ‘The fresh and_ clean Leo a x fragrances of Ful-Trole-64 Serata mrceten i k leave a pleasant lastin Smet eteae : scent in restrooms. Avirtual shieatnet : : ‘one product restroom Senate ay i eerie aystem: 112 Gallons ATU. Saab hececuepaerms : Institutional Grad etc Resta : rman ata eri ny mn ME DO a AT ii Se eta cee a a tT Poca eae gee as ‘ram pdt prove detec: No penn ha avon) wove ee oma Me ry eestor waren bal ee Mure eH why aed 9 eee Multti-Clean LETT 600 Cardigan Road See erent y IR Cue Toc eC REL Pan ree Sto Paco Form 1113, 12/03 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (COMPLIES WITH 29CFR 1910.1200) SONI: CHEMICAL PRODUCT & COMPANY IDENTIFICATION sty (As Used on Label and Lis) Nuf-Cloan #64 Fu-Trole-64, Sping Rr -seauct Class: Disfectant Cleaner, EPA Regataton Numbor.1032+20.5449, Emergency Telephone Number. 900-255-3828 “eiephone Number for formation: 651-181-1900 Mamufoctrbr's Name and Address: Na-cheano 500 Cardigan Road, Shoreviow, MN 55126 'SECTION I COMPOSITIONINFORMATION ON WGREDIENTS. azardous Components (Specific Chemical entity {Chemical "Common Namo(s) * "An Quaterary Ammonium Chloride Suactanis 5.5 (CAS # oat ast 0426-112, Ssge.96-3 7173-515 8 Terasadum EDTA, Terehyata 18 CAS #64-028 © Achat Ehonfates 1-5 GAS #386011 Sodium Mtasleate, Pertahyarate 03-10 ‘GAS woaaeo2-0 Evan 0-100 (CAS #7732165 [SECTION i= HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION "Emergency Overview [Appearance and Odor: Rad Lqud ral Aroma [Primary Hazards: Corrosive Potential Heath Hazards pout ot En Skin Absorption: gen: naan: ay cause burns or everase eye damage lcoiac occurs SXi_My cause ture @ contact oc Ingestion: Maybe harmful swalowed, inalation: No unusa vapor hazard, ‘Signe and Symptoms of Exposure: lation andor burg sansaton on contact, [Carcinogenciy: NTP? No TARE Monograph? No OSHA Regulated? No Target Organ (sk: No adatonal deta Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Heat Hazards, Ghronie: Av. [Workygienic Practices? —Do nat contaminate Toad or baveragos wit deana] enemas [SECTION 1X. PHYSICALICHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS [Boling Point: "Approximately 2127 pe 20 1aa [Specie Gravity (H20)=1: 1.02 Solio: > 05 Vapor Density (air=): NAV. Odor Threshole: Nav Everton Rate Gut Acta = 1 N Av. Ola abton Solubility in Water. Compete” Content NAW [vapor Pressure (MMHG): NA Maing Poin [SECTION X - STABILITY AND REACTMTTY. [stabiy: Unstable: ‘Stables [Conditions to Avo: A. ncompatty materials 0 ao): Dont mi mth or lanes or deodorants srardous Decomporon eacardous Conditions to Avold: Np SECTION XI TOXICOLOGICAL NFORMATION wait net occur: x ‘Chemical OSHAPEL —ACGIHTLV Recor. LDSD Toso T00ppm—TOOppM NAW 366mgng NAW (rat, ora 8 oN Naw Nav $2.000maR NAW i co NM Naw Nav. > 200 mat z (ante) Do NAY Naw. 2m Nhe e way Naw. Naw Naw Product LDSO: 6,750 mgikg (at) Teratogen, Reproductive Toxin Status: No Mutagen, [Toncotogially Synergistic Products: "NA [SECTION xil- ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION. [Ecotonieslogial information: W. Av [Chemical Fate tnormation: "N. Av ‘SECTION Xil- DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS [SECTION V-FIRST AIO MEASURES. [Emergency and Fist Ald Procedures: Have he produc cont or label wh you wren eating 8 poison contol enter r doco going fo estar IF ON SKIN OR| [CLOTHING: "Take of Conaminates Citing. Rinse skn inmodiately wih plenty ol rate or 1520 minutes. IFN EYES: Holt eye open and ince slowly and gen wih |e’ for 5:20 manatee, Ramave conto lanes present. afer the fst & mites, nen contin rning eye. Calla plson conval center or doce fer veaimant adie. le SWALLOWED: “Call a poison conte center or Goiorinmedially fo eaten adv. Have person sp a‘gase of water f able fo swallow. Do not induce vomig| niese told 020 by 8 poleon contol cantor or decor D9\nat ge anys | mouth fo an unconscious person Call a poison con carter or doctor for tester [Sivco. IFINHALED: Move person to ech ri person snot treating. ca 91 c fan ambanes, and then gve arial respraton, preferably moutro-mouth, Cal a| poison conta conte doco fer Uestnent ave NOTE TO PHYSICIAN. Probacle| Imocoes! damage ay conrandest the uve of gare lage [Sources Used: Raw ‘mates. data. general toxcalogy fom the wade for sm products, EPA approved aba, Waste Disposal Method: Posiida waces ae acioly hazardous. Improper disposal of excees pest, spray] mature or neat s8vclton of Federal Law if there wmstes canna be aposed ol Joy uso according t abel nctuctons, conlact your stato Pesticide or Envronmental [Cont Agency, or the Hazardous Waste reprocoriaive at the nearest EPA Regional etice for gudnce RCRA azard Clase: _Regltod by FIFRA [SECTION XIV- TRANSPORT INFORMATION [Shipping Classification Oisniecan’ Ligue Caroaive (Guatemary Ammonion (compound), Cass 8 [UN number: 1903. Packing Group: [SECTION XV - PREPARATION DATA Prepared By: Nike Elms. iepnone Rember 65-01-1500 ri SECTION Wvi= REGULATORY FORMATION [SECTION V. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flammabiiy: Wo “Ratigniion Temperature: NA. [Flash Point (method used): Nore [Flammable Lit: N Ao. tet vet [Exunguishing Mela NA. ‘water? Foam? Water Fog? ‘Alcohol Foam? cox? Dry Chemieat? Vaporizing Liquid? Other? Special Fire Fighting Procedures: N. Ap. [Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Av [TDG Fammabitty Classiication: Non-tammable |Senciuviyto Mechanical mpact: Nene [US Federal Regulations "TSCA Stas: Al ingredients tod, CERCLA Reportable Qual: N- Av [SARA Tie ‘Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Chemicals: None Section 31/912 Hazard Category Immediate heath hazard "Tonle Chemical None Ineernationsl Regulations WHMIS Convaled Prost Hazard Cass. NA, [SECTION XVI OTHER INFORMATION sorbent materia exanale oor dn}orvacuum. Rinse aferied ores wih wal [SECTION VI- HANDLING AND STORAGE. [Precautions tobe Taken in Handling and Storing }bo not conaminate food or water by storage er spose. Store ony in ofall cortaners. Se ibe instctons or container disposal. Dono reuse ply container. Jotner Precautions: _ Keep out o reac ochre Do not breathe spray mist [SECTION vil - EXPOSURE CONTROL S/PERSONAL PROTECTION [Respiratory Protecion (Specify Types): Notrequres [Ventiation: Local Exhaust: Not ecured ‘Special: Not required Mechanical (General): Normal good vont sient. Other: Notrequiod Protective Gloves: Natural uber or syrtbeti Eye Protection: Approved safety goggles oglsses. Footwear: Not equred [Other Protective Clething or Equipment: Not required Sensitivity to Static Discharge: None None [SECTION V= ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES IN. Ap. = Not Applicable; NA. Not Available Steps to be Taken in Case Matorial is Released or Spied Joke ana contain spl wih inet matoral (cand, er, et), Collet spl wit mop,| NFPA SYSTEM A Aiitoiiend 2. Arietta 3. A Rec Heed

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