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HORRORS BELOW ... ......... ..... . ...... ...... .... ........... 2

. . . . . . . . FATED QUESTS ...... . .. . . . ............. ............... .... . . 52
. . . . . . .. . . .

Box Contents . 4
. ................................................................................ The Obsidian Tower .................................................................... 54
Varanthax's Maw............................................................................ 6 The Spawnmaster. ........................................................................ 56
War in theDepths ......................................................................... 8 The Orb of Secrets ....................................................................... 58
Fire and Slaughter........................................................................ 10 Trail ofDestruction ..................................................................... 60
Scions of the Flame ..................................................................... 12
Khainite Shadowstalkers .................................................... :....... 13 SPOILS OF VICTORY
Fated Quests ................................................................................. 62
KILLERS IN THE DEPTHS.... . . . . . ... .......... ... . .. l4. . . . . . . . . . Khainite Shadowstalkers Quests ............................................... 64
Scions of the Flame Quests ........................................................ 65
TUNNELS OF DEATH. ... ..... . ...... ... . .... . ... .. . 24
. . .. . . .. . . . .. . .

Catacombs 26
.................................................................................... BACKGROUND TABLES
Dungeon Battles .......................................................................... 27 Khainite Shadowstalkers ............................................................ 66
Dungeon Terrain ......................................................................... 28
Dungeon Abilities........................................................................ 3 1
Infernal Forgefloor ...................................................................... 32
Dungeon Battle Battleplan Generator ...................................... 34

CAMPAIGN SECTION .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . ..40

. ..... . . . . . . ... . . . ... .

The Captured Melusai ................................................................. 4 2

Khaine's Blood .. . . 44
............................ ..... ........ ................................

Pit ofDarkness ............................................................................. 46

The lmmolation Engine ...........................................: .................. 48
Beasts of Flame ............................................................................ 50


Warcry: Catacombs 0 Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2020. Warcry: Catacombs, Warcry, GW, Games Workshop, Warhammer, Stormcast Eternals, and all associated
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Games Workshop Limited, Willow Road, Nottingham, NG7 2WS, United Kingdom
o walk the savage, magic-blasted lands of the Eightpoints is to c ourt
d e a t h . Here, b l o o dthirsty warbands play out t heir l e th a l g a m e s of
c o n quest, f a l l i n g u p o n one a n o t her with b l a d e s a n d m auls, leaving
p i l e s of corpses stre w n a cross t h e p l a i n s - a gru e s o m e fe a s t f or t h e e ver­
hungry R a p t ory x f l o cks. O n l y t h e f o olish or t h e brave would s e t f o o t i n
such a place, risking t h e p erilous p a t h through t h e arcways a n d a cross
t h e d e s ol a t e h e l l s c a p e s t h a t s tretch beyond t h e t owers of t h e Vara nspire,
dre a d fortress of t h e E verch o s e n.

Y e t as fearsome as t h e sur f a c e l a n d s are, e v e n d e a dlier p l a c e s exist

beneath t h e crust of Archaon's d o m a i n . M a n y of these subt erra n e a n
d w e l l i n g s have e x i s t e d since before t h e C h a o s c onquest of t h e A l l p o ints,
y e t h a v e b e c o m e j us t a s t h oroug h l y steeped in corrup t i o n as t h e w a r p e d
a n d t w i s t e d l a n d s ab ove. O n e such l o c a t i o n is Varanth a x ' s Maw, a n
i m m e n s e cinder-s p e w i n g f orge - c o m pl e x bui lt i n t o t h e s k e l e t o n of a great
drake, which descends deep b e n e a t h the earth in a series of warre n s ,
l a v a - c h a n n e l s a n d fore b o d i n g underground t e mples. T h e Maw h ouses
many secrets, n o t the least of which are bub bling d e p osits o f varanite,
t h e molten r e a l m s t o n e of t h e E i g h t p o i n t s - a rare a nd volatile subs t a n c e
of i m m e n s e a r c a n e p o w er. It is n o t s o l e l y t h e f o l l ow ers o f C h a o s w h o s e e k
to l a y c l a i m to t h i s pri z e .

Even now, t h e S h a d o w Q u e e n Morathi d i s p a t c h e s her n i g h t-shroud e d

S h a d o w s t a l ker agents i n t o t h e Maw, in s e arch of pre cious a r t e f a c t s a n d
fresh s t o c k s of vara nite - t h e stuf f s h e has n a m e d 'Khaine's B l o o d ' , a n d
d esires f o r h er sorc erous rituals. I n t h e d ark n e s s , t h e s e e l i t e aelven
assassins m a t c h blades w i t h t h e f ire-worshipping zealots k n o w n as t h e
S c i o n s o f t h e F l a m e , w h o s e e k treasure s a n d secrets of t h eir o w n .

T o v e n ture i n t o t h e c a t a c o m b s of Varanthax's Maw is to e nt er a

s w e lteri n g l a b y r i n t h of t w i s t i n g , fiery tunnels f il l e d w i t h insid ious traps
and dera n g e d k i l l ers, in which death lurks around e v er y corn er. Only t h e
m o s t brutal warriors w i l l sur v i v e t h e h orrors of t h e M a w , a n d e m erge to
s e e t h e blo o d -red skies o f t h e Eigh t p oi n t s o n c e m ore.
Stretching beneath the surface of the Eightpoints are dungeons of vast scale and formidable complexity; bloodstained
catacombs where warriors of the Dark Gods engage in brutal, claustrophobic skirmishes fought over territory,
plunder or simply to earn the favour of their pitiless patrons. Of these vast complexes, few are more fiercely contested
than the infernal forge ofVaranthax's Maw.

Warcry is a game of skirmish combat set within the been transformed by the corrupting power of Chaos into a
Eightpoints, the centre of the Dark Gods' power in the ritual killing ground for the cruel pleasure of the Dark Gods.
Mortal Realms. Players take command of rival warbands, Champions from far across the Eightpoints and beyond flock
each desperate to earn their place in the armies of the here; some hope to ransack the treasures found within, while
Everchosen through the obliteration of their foes. These others pursue forbidden knowledge or seek the substance
ruthless gangs test both their blades and their wits in fast­ known as varanite, a volatile molten realmstone that can
paced skirmishes, in which each combatant knows that be used to fuel the most deranged arcane rituals. Whatever
defeat means death - or perhaps something far worse. their cause, intruders swiftly find themselves fighting for
their lives within this warren of cramped, blood-splattered
Many of these deadly encounters take place in the twisted tunnels, locked in a brutal struggle against their rivals
wastes of the Eightpoints. Yet there are locations hidden in an environment that seeks nothing more than their
deep beneath the surface, sprawling subterranean complexes gory deaths.
that are whispered of in fear and awe by those rare few who
have set foot within them and lived to tell the tale. Of these Warcry: Catacombs introduces an entirely new way of
cursed places, few are as infamous as Varanthax's Maw. playing Warcry. Furious underground battles give rise to
unique tactical scenarios as combatants navigate twisting
A deep and labyrinthine network of fiery forge-floors, corridors filled with traps, locked doors and scattered piles
arming chambers and sulphurous caverns, the Maw has of debris in their attempts to outflank and destroy their foes.

Though the dangers to be found far underneath the cursed soil of the Eightpoints are
manifold, so too are the opportunities for plunder and glorious battle. Many warbands gladly
risk a journey into damnation for such rich rewards.
Entrances can be turned into deadly chokepoints, forcing So, take up your weapon and descend into the depths
warriors into one-on-one confrontations with superior ofVaranthax's Maw. Face your foes in glorious battle
opponents, while even the strongest fighter might be and discover who is truly the mightiest warrior in the
outmanoeuvred and isolated before being taken down in a Eightpoints. Remember, the Dark Gods are watching. . .
flurry of strikes from lesser fighters.

Within you will find rules for using Catacombs gameboards A NOTE O N T H E CORE B O O K
in your games of Warcry, along with rules for using the In the Warcry Core Book you will find terrain cards
terrain pieces in this set and for fighting skirmish battles in that require scenery models not included in the
the depths of the Eightpoints. Also included are narrative Warcry: Catacombs box. When using terrain cards from
campaign quests for the two warbands included in this box: the Core Book, simply substitute any scenery models you
the zealous, fire-worshipping Scions of the Flame and the do not have with scenery models from this box, choosing
gracefully murderous Khainite Shadowstalkers - sinister a piece that best matches the size and shape of the one
aelves imbued with the umbra! magic of the Grey Realm. being replaced. In addition, on page 39 of this book you
will find six terrain cards that use the scenery models
Each of the faction-specific quests in this book will take from this box. You can use these terrain cards instead of
you on a journey into the treacherous depths ofVaranthax's those in the Core Book.
Maw, and offers powerful rewards for your warband should
you triumph. In addition, there are four new 'fated quests' Warcry also has a range of 'Ravaged Lands' terrain sets.
that provide exciting opportunities for any warband to Each includes new scenery models and terrain cards,
explore the deepest regions of the Maw, challenging these allowing you to further expand your terrain collection.
intrepid souls to prove their honour and earn untold glory.
1. Overground terrain
2. Dungeon terrain
3. Tokens
4. Dice
5. Fighter cards
6. Ability cards
7. Catacombs book
8. Warcry Core Book
9. Reversible gameboard
Of the many underground dungeons, crypts and cursed
temples that stretch far beneath the crust of the Eightpoints,
there are certain names that resonate with particular infamy
and foreboding.Varanthax's Maw is one of them. None save
perhaps the Everchosen recall the origins of the hellish forge, SLIT-THROA'.
nor the fate ofVaranthax itself - the drake whose titanic bones SPRAWL
form the outer walls of the structure. Some say it was Archaon
that slew the beast, others that it was leashed and bound by
Chaos-worshipping duardin.

Whatever the truth of its origins, the scale of this immense

subterranean complex is yet to be fully understood. Even
after years of raids and expeditions into its seemingly endless
depths, such incursions nearly always end in death and
madness, for unspeakable things lurk in the darkest places of
the deep earth. The forge-tunnels of the Maw connect to many
primordial places, lairs occupied by monstrous entities waiting
with the patience of aeons for unwary souls to stumble into
their domain.

Over the long centuries since Archaon's conquest of the

Allpoints, secretive cults, troglodytic inhabitants and
marauding worshippers of theDark Gods have
constructed their own war-camps within the
sweltering catacombs of the Maw. Entire levels
have been claimed and conquered a hundred
times, left scattered with the detritus of tribes
long since wiped out by their rivals. Cruelly
ingenious traps are a constant danger,
both those designed by the dungeons'
original creators and others laid down
by peoples that have dwelt there over
the ages. Poison-smeared spike pits,
crushing deadfalls, crystalline statues that
spit flesh-melting beams of fire, and a
thousand other horrors await those who
delve into the darkness.

Most deadly of all are the bands of

killers that roam the depths in search of
plunder or glory. The under-warrens play
host to raging battles between scores of
rival warbands and relic hunters, who seek
to purge their foes and claim the secrets
within for themselves. Not all who battle
here are worshippers of theDark Pantheon.
Servants of the God-King, minions of the
Great Necromancer and rampaging greenskins -
all have their own reasons for seeking out such sites
of power, though all risk torment at death at the hands
ofthe Everchosen's minions.

Varanite - also known as Archaon's Gift or bloodrock- is
MOLTEN REALMSTONE unique to the Eightpoints, a deep-red liquid rife with the
Varanthax's Maw has always been regarded as a place of great mutating energies of Chaos. When refined through infernal
power, but in recent times the numbers of trespassers risking ritual, it can be forged into objects of terrible power. Extracting
the long and terrible journey into its sulphurous depths has the substance is fraught with danger, for a single drop on bare
increased a hundredfold. Rumours have begun to spread flesh can cause the victim's body to writhe and reform into
across the Eightpoints and beyond of a vast seam of varanite at hideous configurations. Moreover, varanite is hard to find, as it
the heart of the Maw, a bounty of molten realmstone desired runs in gushing channels far below the surface, the course and
by sorcerers and warlords alike. motion of which are as unpredictable as the changing wind.





The Scions of the Flame are zealots and
firebrands all, warrior-priests who seek to
engulf the realms in a cleansing inferno. They
worship Chaos in the form of the Ever-Raging
Flame - a malevolent embodiment of the
Realm of Fire - believing that both flesh
and spirit are hardened and made greater in
the searing crucible of its fury. To wit, they
embrace the passionate rage of Aqshian magic,
to the point of consuming the flesh of elemental
beasts in order to channel its power. Scions of
the Flame hunt and kill magmavores and ash
salamanders, eating the blazing hearts of these
creatures in strange pre-battle rituals. Those
found unworthy are incinerated from within,
unable to absorb such fearsome heat. Others
become living torches, their weapons radiating
intense flame as they carve their foes apart
in the throes of religious ecstasy. The Scions
believe that the fires ignited by the Everchosen's
realm-spanning wars will grow to swallow
all living things, and so they seek to pledge
themselves to Archaon's cause and earn a place
in the fiery apocalypse to come.

Blazing Lord Brazen Champion Immolator Fireborn

Consumed by a furious zealotry, the Scions of the Flame are utterly single-minded in their
determination to incinerate their foes and set the realms ablaze with purifying fires.
Eireborn with Sunblade Inferno Priest Initiate with Initiate with
and Brazier Axe Brazier Weapon Hooh.ed Axe

Shroud Queen

Shroudblade with Darkflame Warlock Slaughtershade with Darkflame Warlock

Umbra! Spear with Repeater Umbra! Spears with Doomfire Ring

Shroudblades with Cursed Swords

Having trach.ed their quarry silently through the night, the Khainite Shadowstalkers strike with cruel
precision, wielding darkness as a weapon to disorient and terrify their foes.
A band of dauntless Kharadron excavators finds that a pach of ravenous shaven stands between them
and their long-sought prize, and bloodshed swiftly ensues.

Warriors of the Spire Tyrants and the Splintered Fang clash in a bloody fight to the death, both
warbands having been drawn to the undertunnels of the Maw by the promise of slaughter.
The Maw is not the only great dungeon of the Eightpoints- shrouded by death, the ruins of
Lost Velorum stretch far beneath the surface, and are no less lethal a battleground.
The blazing fury of the Scions of the Flame finds its match in the lethal grace of the
Khainite Shadowstalkers amidst the tangled tunnels of Varanthax's Maw.
The Scions of the Flame have claimed the entirety of Varanthax's Maw as theirs alone, and will
immolate any who dare trespass upon their sacred domain.

A Shroud Queen leads a swift and furious assault upon a band of Iron Go/ems, calling the shadows
themselves into motion to strangle the life from her prey.
S prawling caverns and catacombs stretch for miles beneath the forge-complex of Varanthax's Maw. Similarly deadly
dungeons can be found across the Mortal Realms. Unspeakable monsters and cruel-hearted warbands lurk in these
shadowy places, waiting to pounce on the unwary, but for those brave enough to explore the forsaken depths, untold
riches and long-lost secrets await . . .

The rules i n this book are intended DUNGEON BATTLE SCIONS OF THE FLAME
to be used alongside the core BATTLEP LAN CAMPAIGNS
rules, and are separated into the GENERATOR Two campaign quests for the Scions
following sections: This section includes tables for of the Flame (pg 48-51).
generating the deployment card,
victory card and twist card for a FATED QUESTS
DUNGEON BATTLES dungeon battle (pg 34-39). Four fated quests which can be
This section includes a step-by-step embarked upon by war bands of any
guide on how to set up a dungeon faction (pg 52-61).
battle (pg 27). CAMPAIGN SECTION
This section contains a host of
campaign quests that warbands can
DUNGEON TERRAIN embark upon, and is divided into the
This section contains additional rules following sub-sections:
that are used when fighting a battle
on a dungeon battlefield (pg 28-31). KHAINITE
INFERNAL Three campaign quests for the KHAINITE
FORGEFLOOR Khainite Shadowstalkers (pg 42-47). SHADOWSTALKERS
This section includes the set-up The first is an overground campaign, BACKGROUND TABLES
instructions for the dungeon while the second and third are Tables to generate names, origins
battlefield included in this boxed set dungeon battle campaigns. and backgrounds for a Khainite
(pg 32-33). Shadowstalkers warband (pg 66).
The running battles that rage throughout the cramped dungeons of the Eightpoints are claustrophobic and
unpredictable, and every bit as bloody as those that take place above ground.

This section explains how to play a SETTING UP DUNGEON RESOLVING THE

dungeon battle using the contents of TERRAIN BATTLEPLAN CARDS
this boxed set. These rules are used In a dungeon battle, terrain is set up Next, each of the battleplan cards is
in addition to the core rules. as follows: resolved in the order of deployment,
victory and twist.
To set up a dungeon battle, resolve 1. S ET UP BRIDGES

the following steps in order (page Dungeon battlefields usually have The battle is now ready to begin.
36 of the Core Book explains how to one or more bridges placed over pits.
resolve steps 1-3): Set up any bridges as shown in the RESERVE PHASE
set-up rules for the battlefield you The deployment cards used in
1. Muster warbands picked (the rules for the Infernal dungeon battles do not indicate
Forgefloor are on pages 32-33). the battle round in which reserve
2. Make the priority roll fighters are set up, or where they
2. SET UP DUNGEON DOORS are set up. Instead, all fighters from
3. Pick battle groups Next, starting with the player that battle groups that are in reserve are
won the priority roll, players take it set up on the battlefield in the reserve
4. Pick a dungeon battlefield in turns to set up 1 dungeon door phase of the third battle round.
(see below) on any dungeon doorway (pictured
below), until all dungeon doorways Starting with the player who has
5. Generate the battleplan cards have a dungeon door upon them. the initiative, players take it in
(pg 34) turns to set up 1 of their reserve
fighters on the battlefield until all
6. Set up the dungeon terrain reserve fighters have been set up.
(see below) Each reserve fighter must be set
up within 3" of the centre of an
7. Resolve the instructions on the entrance tunnel (pictured below)
battleplan cards (pg 34) and more than 3" from any enemy
There are 10 dungeon doors in fighters that were set up in the same
8. The battle begins this boxed set: 6 are open and 4 reserve phase.
are sealed.


Dungeon battles are fought on a Lastly, starting with the player that
special kind of battlefield referred won the priority roll, players take it
to as a dungeon battlefield. The in turns to set up 1 unique dungeon
Infernal Forgefloor dungeon terrain feature until 4 have been Note that fighters in the same battle
battlefield (pg 32-33) is included in set up in total. There are 7 unique group do not need to be set up within
this boxed set. dungeon features to choose from: 3" of the same entrance tunnel.
the wall breach, the arms stash,
If both players agree, they can pick the cursed caskets, the lever, the MONSTERS
which dungeon battlefield the battle shattered pillars (comprised of two Fighters with the Gargantuan
will be fought on. Otherwise, the models), the sewer and the collapsed runemark (0) cannot be included in
players roll off and the winner picks doorway (pg 30). warbands in dungeon battles.
which dungeon battlefield is used.
The same unique dungeon feature DUNGEON BATTLES
GENERATING THE cannot be chosen more than once, DURING CAMPAIGNS
BATTLEPLAN CARDS with the exception of the lever, If the players agree, a campaign
Use the battleplan generator on page which can be chosen twice (there are battle can be fought on a dungeon
34 to determine the battleplan cards 2 models for the lever in the box). battlefield. If a convergence battle is
that will be used for the battle. Then, Unless noted otherwise, each unique a dungeon battle, the convergence
the player who won the priority roll dungeon feature is set up anywhere map will dictate where dungeon
chooses which player uses the red on the battlefield floor more than 1" doors are placed and which unique
deployment points and which player from any doorways, bridges or other dungeon features are used and where
uses the blue deployment points. unique dungeon features. they are placed.
Fighting in the cramped confines of a subterranean complex comes with its own unique challenges; doors and
narrow tunnels restrict movement and form chokepoints in life-or-death battles, while the very ground beneath
one's feet can give way, dropping unwary combatants into spike pits or streams of bubbling lava.

DUNGEON WALLS In the image below, the Shroudblade SEALED DUNGEON DOORS
Dungeon battlefields have areas is not visible to the Immolator as a Sealed dungeon doors are treated as
referred to as dungeon walls. A straight line cannot be drawn between dungeon walls for the purposes of
dungeon wall is outlined with a the two fighters without it passing movement, visibility, measuring and
thin red line and includes the area through the dungeon wall. objectives (see left). This means that
enclosed within.Dungeon walls are fighters are not visible to each other
a type of terrain feature that uses the through a sealed dungeon door, even
following rules: if the model itself has gaps in it.

TERRAIN FEATURE Some abilities can open a sealed

While not represented by scenery dungeon door. If a sealed dungeon
models, dungeon walls are terrain door is opened, remove the model
features that are treated as obstacles. from play. Treat the doorway it was
placed upon as an open dungeon
Dungeon walls are not treated as door for the rest of the battle.
the battlefield floor. This means that
fighters, treasure tokens, objective
markers and other terrain features MEASURING DISTANCES PITS
cannot be placed upon them. Distances cannot be measured A dungeon battlefield may have one
through dungeon walls. Instead, or more areas referred to as pits. Pits
Because dungeon walls are obstacles, players must measure around them. will be clearly outlined on the map
fighters may receive the benefit of in the set-up rules for the dungeon
cover from them (Core Book, pg 46). OBJECTIVES battlefield on which they appear
If a straight line drawn from the (the set-up rules for the dungeon
MOVEMENT centre of an objective marker to battlefield in this book are on pages
Fighters cannot move through the closest point on a fighter's 32-33). Pits are a type of terrain
dungeon walls. This includes models base crosses over a dungeon feature that uses the following rules:
that can fly. The only exception to wall, that fighter does not count
this is when a fighter uses the 'Float when determining control of TERRAIN FEATURE
Through Wall' ability (pg 31). that objective. Pits are not treated as the battlefield
floor. This means that fighters,
VISIBILITY treasure tokens, objective markers
When determining visibility DUNGEON DOORS and other terrain features cannot be
(Core Book, pg 35), lines drawn A dungeon battlefield will have one placed upon them.
across dungeon walls are treated or more dungeon doors.Dungeon
in the same way as those drawn doors are mounted on a base that is MOVEMENT
through terrain features, meaning treated as the battlefield floor. Pits are treated as the air. This means
that dungeon walls block visibility. that fighters can jump over them.
There are two types of dungeon However, a fighter that jumps over a
doors: open dungeon doors and pit suffers impact damage at the end
sealed dungeon doors. Consult the of that move action (this represents
image on the opposite page to see the fighter being scorched by the
which dungeon doors are open and heat rising from the lava below). A
which are sealed. fighter that finishes a move action
with the centre of their base on a pit
Dungeon doors are obstacles that is immediately taken down.
use the following additional rules:
Edges of the battlefield floor that
OPEN DUNGEON DOORS touch a pit are treated as the edge of
In this image, the Shroudblade Open dungeon doors use the rules a platform. This means that fighters
is visible to the Immolator as a for doors (Core Book, pg 47), except attacked near a pit may fall (Core
straight line can be drawn from a that no fighters are restricted from Book, pg 46). If a fighter within 'h"
part of the Shroudblade to a part of moving through them. of a pit is said to have fallen, they are
the Immolator. immediately taken down.
TREASURE TOKENS fighter on a bridge drops treasure,
AND PITS the players roll off. The winner of Using Dungeon Terrain
If a fighter carrying treasure is taken the roll-off picks a point on the in Other Battles
down on a pit, before the fighter is battlefield floor within 3" of the If you are using any dungeon
removed from play, the players roll off. fighter and within 1" of the edge terrain scenery models in battles
The winner of the roll-off picks a point of that pit and places the treasure that are not dungeon battles,
on the battlefield floor within 3" of the token there. none of the special rules for
fighter and within 1" of the edge of that those models in this book apply.
pit and places the treasure token there. WEAKENED AND For example, the bridges are
COLLAPSED BRIDGES simply platforms and the unique
If a fighter ends a move or disengage dungeon features are either
BRIDGES action with the centre of their base obstacles or low terrain.
A dungeon battlefield may have on a metal bridge, after that action,
one or more bridges. There are two roll a dice. On a 1, the bridge is said
types of bridges: metal bridges and to be weakened; place a token next to
wooden bridges. the bridge to represent this. Wooden
bridges start the battle weakened.
Bridges are treated as the battlefield If a fighter ends a move or disengage
floor. The long edges of a bridge are action with the centre of their base
treated as the edge of a platform. on a weakened bridge, after that
action, roll a dice. On a 1, the bridge
If a fighter with the centre of their is said to have collapsed.
base on a bridge is said to have fallen,
they are immediately taken down. When a bridge collapses, every
fighter with the centre of their base
OBJECTIVES AND on that bridge is taken down one
TREASURE TOKENS after the other, in an order chosen by
Objectives and treasure tokens the player whose turn is taking place.
cannot be placed on bridges. If a The bridge is then removed.

I. Open Dungeon Door
2. Sealed Dungeon Door
3. Metal Bridge
4. Wooden Bridge 0

FEATURES Roll a dice each time a fighter ends The sewer is an entrance tunnel if
Each unique dungeon feature has its a move action or disengage action there are no enemy fighters upon it.
own special rule, as follows: within 1" of the cursed caskets. On
a 1, allocateD6 damage points to THE COLLAPSED
The wall breach must be set up To set up the collapsed doorway,
wholly on a dungeon wall, with THE LEVER the player picks 1 open or sealed
only the stand of the gallows and The lever can only be set up within 1" dungeon door, removes it from the
debris being allowed to overhang, of a sealed dungeon door. A fighter battlefield, and replaces it with the
as shown below. Parts of dungeon within 1" of the lever can operate it collapsed doorway. The collapsed
walls within lh'' of the wall breach as an action. If they do so, the player doorway is both an obstacle and
are considered to be the battlefield controlling that fighter picks 1 sealed dangerous terrain. Parts of dungeon
floor instead. dungeon door within 1" of the lever. walls within 112' of the collapsed
That dungeon door is opened. doorway are considered to be the
battlefield floor instead.
If both lever models are set up,
they can be set up within 1" of the
same dungeon door or different
dungeon doors.


Each of the two models that make
up the shattered pillars can be set
THE ARMS STASH up anywhere on the battlefield floor
Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic more than 1" from any doorways,
of attack actions that have a Range bridges or other unique dungeon When placing the collapsed doorway,
characteristic of 3 or less made by features. Each model is both an all of the dungeon doorway must be
fighters within 1" of the arms stash. obstacle and low terrain. beneath the model, as shown above.

l. The Wall Breach
2. The Arms Stash
0 3. The Cursed Caskets
4. The Lever
5. The Shattered Pillars
6. The Sewer
7. The Collapsed Doorway

.. r' 't: 1_,·-�'J\�- · \.

, ' '1�£j.i �I�

During a dungeon battle, fighters can use the following abilities in addition to
any others they can use. There are 3 universal abilities, and 3 faction-specific
abilities (1 for Nighthaunt, and 2 for the Corvus Cabal).


[Double] Lurk in the Shadows: Until the end of the battle

round, this fighter is not visible to enemy fighters more
than 6" away if this fighter is within l" of a dungeon wall.

[Double] Breach Door: Only fighters that do not have

the Nighthaunt runemark (f) can use this ability. A
fighter can use this ability only if they are within 1" of a
sealed dungeon door. Pick 1 weapon from this fighter's
fighter card that has a Range characteristic of 3 or less
and roll a number of dice equal to the value of this ability.
Add the number of dice that scored a 2+ to the Strength
characteristic of the weapon you picked. If the score is 6 or
more, that dungeon door is opened.

[Triple] Push into Pit: Pick a visible enemy fighter within

1" of this fighter and within Y," of a pit. Both players
roll a dice and add the roll to their fighter's Toughness
characteristic. If your score is higher than your opponent's,
the enemy fighter is taken down.


[Double] Wall Run: A fighter can use this ability only

if they are within l" of a dungeon wall. Until the end of
this fighter's next move action this activation, this fighter
can move over other fighters as if they could fly. However,
during that move action, this fighter must stay within 1" of
a dungeon wall.

[Triple] Float Through Wall: Until the end of this fighter's
activation, they can move over dungeon walls and through
sealed dungeon doors but must end any move action with
their base wholly on the battlefield floor.

[Quad] Running St rike: This fighter uses the 'Wall Run'
ability, then makes a bonus move action, and can then
make a bonus attack action.
The u pper levels of Varanthax's Maw are dominated by immense and cavernous forge-chambers, connected by
blisteringly hot tunnels through which flow the rivers of lava that power the furnaces.

A dozen vast furnace-halls comprise the upper levels ofVaranthax's Maw, connected by a series of cramped tunnels
and lava channels. After centuries of contested rule during which each subsequent claimant of the Maw laid down
their own cruel traps to deter intruders, these warrens and forgeworks have been transformed into sweltering
deathtraps. Warbands battling down here must negotiate rivers of molten rock and metal, treacherous walkways and
countless other hazards, even as they seek to avoid the blades of their foes.
Dungeon Battlefield BRIDGES
Terrain Set-up There are 2 metal bridges and 2
Each dungeon battlefield comes wooden bridges on this dungeon
with set-up instructions like battlefield, which are set up in the
those found on these pages. The positions shown on the map below.
image of the battlefield shows
where to set up the bridges, PITS
while the rules on page 27 tell The areas outlined by broken yellow
you how to set up the doors lines are pits.
and unique terrain features.
However, in a convergence, the ENTRANCE TUNNELS
battleplan will show where to set The entrance tunnels are indicated by
up any doors and unique terrain the green arrows. There are 12 in total.
features too.
The orientation arrow next to the
map indicates how it aligns with the
deployment card that is in play.
Dungeon battles do not use the rules Once the battleplan cards have been Fighters in battle groups that do not
for generating a battleplan in the determined, the player that won the have a deployment point are placed
Core Book. Instead, the battleplan is priority chooses which player uses in reserve, and will come onto the
generated using the cards presented the red deployment points and which battlefield using the Reserve Phase
in this section. There are two tables player uses the blue deployment rules on page 27.
each for the deployment cards, points. Then, the terrain is set up,
victory cards and twist cards. before each of the battleplan cards is EXHIBITION BATTLES
resolved in the order of deployment, You can use these tables to generate
Designer's Note: Terrain cards are victory and twist. an Exhibition Battle (Core Book,
not used in dungeon battles; see pg 72). Deployment Card Table
page 27 for the rules on dungeon DEPLOYMENT CARDS A andVictory Card Table A only
terrain placement. Dungeon deployment cards show include cards with the Symmet rical
the entrance tunnels (-) on a runemark (��).
The player who won the priority dungeon battlefield. In addition,
roll first rolls a dice to determine each dungeon deployment card To generate an Exhibition Battle,
if Table A or B will be used for the will include only 2 of the battle the player who won the priority
deployment card (1-3 =Table A, groups for each warband. Fighters rolls a dice on each of these tables
4-6 =Table B), and then rolls a dice from battle groups shown on the to determine the deployment and
to determine which card from that deployment card are set up as victory card in play. The player who
table is in play. The same process is normal within 3" of the centre of lost the priority roll then chooses
then repeated for the victory card the entrance tunnel next to their which table to roll on to determine
and the twist card. deployment point. the twist card in play.



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You encounter a rival warband in tire dark depths. The greatest warlords value every inch of the battlefield.
Strike them down and take this place for your own.
The battlefield is divided halfway along its width and length
Starting with the player who won the priority roll, players into quarters of equal dimensions, as shown below. Then,
alternate placing objectives until they have placed 3 place 1 objective at the centre of the battlefield.
objectives each. Each objective can be placed anywhere on At the end of each battle round, each player scores 1 victory
the battlefield more than 6" from any other objectives and point for each quarter of the battlefield that has more fighters
more than 3" from the battlefield edge.
from their warband wholly within it than it does enemy
At the end of each battle round, each player scores 1 fighters. Fighters within more than one quarter do not
victory point for each objective they control. The battle contribute towards the number of fighters in any quarter.
ends afier 5 battle rounds. When the battle ends, the player At the end of the fifth battle round, the player that controls
with the most victory points wins the battle. the objective scores 1 additional victory point.

The battle ends after 5 battle rounds. When the battle ends,
the player with the most victory points wins the battle.

Time is of the essence. You must strike out swiftly� for the
longer you larry, the lesser the rewards.
4 --��..���--��--�
Place 1 objective at the centre of the battlefield. Then,
starting with the player who won the priority roll, players TREASURE HOARD
alternate placing objectives until they have placed 2
objectives each. Each objective can be placed anywhere on There are riches in this place to be taken. Destroy your
the battlefield more than 6" from any other objectives and rivals before they can escape with it.
more than 3" the battlefield edge.
Starting with the player who won the priority roll, players
At the start of the combat phase of the fourth and fifih
alternate placing treasure tokens until they have placed 3
battle round, each player removes I objective from the
treasure tokens each. Each treasure token can be placed
battlefield, starting with the player with the initiative.
anywhere on the battlefield more than 6" from any other
At the end of each battle round, each player scores 1 treasure tokens and more than 3" from the battlefield edge.
victory point for each objective they control. The battle
At the start of the combat phase of the fourth and fifth
ends after 5 battle rounds. When the battle ends, the player
battle round, each player removes I treasure token from
with the most victory points wins the battle.
the battlefield, starting with the player with the initiative.

The battle ends after 5 battle rounds. When the battle ends,
the player who has the most fighters carrying treasure
wins the battle.

6 --�--..�������
The momentum of battle shifts this way and that, as both Treasured items reside ill tllis place, but the cost of
sides seek to claim the highest body count. bearing them is great.

At the end of each battle round, each player totals the Place 1 treasure token at the centre of the battlefield.
Wounds characteristics of fighters from their warband that Then, starting with the player who won the priority roll,
were taken down that battle round. The player with the players place 1 treasure token each. Each treasure token
lower total scores 1 victory point. can be placed anywhere on the battlefield more than 9"

The battle ends afier 5 battle rounds. When the battle ends, from any other treasure tokens and more than 3" from the

the player with the most victory points wins the battle. battlefield edge.

If a fighter is carrying treasure at the end of their

activation, allocate 06 damage points to them.

The battle ends after 5 battle rounds. When the battle ends,
the player who has the most fighters carrying treasure
wins the battle.

Your rivals claim this place as tlteir own. Take it by force and send any Strike tile enemy where they are the most vulnerable.
The players roll off and the winner chooses who is the attacker and
The players roll off and the winner chooses who is the attacker and who is the defender. The defender places 3 objectives anywhere on the
who is the defender. The defender places 4 objectives anywhere on the battlefield, each more than 9" any other objectives and more than 3"
battlefield, each more than 9" any other objectives and more than 3" from the battlefield edge.
from the battlefield edge.
At the start of each combat phase, the defender picks I objective to be
At the end of each battle round, the attacker scores 2 victory points for the critical point until the end of the battle round.
each objective they control, and the defender scores 1 victory point for
At the end of each battle round, each player scores 1 victory point for
each objective they control.
each objective they control. If the attacker controls the critical point,
The battle ends after 5 battle rounds. When the battle ends, the player they score an additional 3 victory points. The battle ends after 5 battle
with the most victory points wins the battle. rounds. When the battle ends, the player with the most victory points
wins the battle.

Havingfled i11to the dark deptl1s of tllis place, your enemies make one Trapped in this subterranean labyrinth, you will ht�ve to battle past
last stand against you. Leave none alive. your rivals ifyou are ever to see the light of day again.

The players roll off and the winner chooses who is the attacker and who The players roll off and the winner chooses who is the attacker and who
is the defender. is the defender.

The battle ends after 5 battle rounds. If at the end of the battle half or The attacker picks one battlefield edge to be the escape route. Any of the
more of the defender's fighters have been taken down, the attacker wins defender's fighters that finishes a move action within I" of an entrance
the battle. Otherwise, the defender wins the battle. tunnel on the escape route can escape the battlefield. Remove the fighter
from the battlefield but do not count them as being taken down.

Reserve fighters cannot be set up within 1" of entrance tunnels on the

escape route.

!f half of the fighters in the defender's warband escape, the defender

wins the battle. Otherwise, after 5 battle rounds, the battle ends and the
attacker wins the battle.

5 6 --�--..���--����
1he enemy laave invaded your domaita, seeking to loot and pillage. The enemy have treasure hoarded in this place. Track it down and
Otae of your treasures is worth more than any other - make sure it does crush any who oppose you.
not fall into their hands.
The players roll off and the winner chooses who is the attacker and who
The players roll off and the winner chooses who is the attacker and who is the defender. The defender places I treasure token anywhere on the
is the defender. battlefield more than 6" from the battlefield edge.

The defender takes 6 treasure tokens and secretly notes down which is At the start of each combat phase, the defender places I additional
the true prize. Then, starting with the attacker, players alternate placing treasure token anywhere on the battlefield more than 6" from any of the
treasure tokens until they have placed 3 treasure tokens each. fighters in their warband and the battlefield edge. If this is impossible,

Each treasure token can be placed anywhere on the battlefield more the attacker picks 1 of their fighters to carry that treasure instead.

than 6" from any other treasure tokens and more than 3" from the The battle ends after 5 battle rounds. When the battle ends, the defender
battlefield edge. scores 1 victory point for each fighter from their warband carrying

At the start of each combat phase, the defender picks I treasure token on treasure, and the attacker scores 2 victory points for each fighter from

the battlefield or 1 piece of treasure that is being carried and removes it their warband carrying treasure. The player with the most victory points

from play. The true prize cannot be picked. wins the battle. If the battle is tied, no more treasure tokens are placed on
the battlefield in subsequent battle rounds.
The battle ends after 5 battle rounds. When the battle ends, if one of the
defender's fighters is carrying the true prize, the defender wins the battle.
Otherwise, the attacker wins the battle.

2 -
Both warbands have hidden scouts lurkingjust beyond sigl1t, ready From somewhere deep below, a sweltering heat rises, stifling the
to ambush thefoe. air and drainingfighters of their energy.

In the reserve phase of the first battle round, starting with the If a fighter makes any move actions, subtract 1 from their
player who has the initiative, players alternate rolling a dice for each Toughness characteristic (to a minimum of I) until the end of the
reserve fighter in their warband. On a 4+, the fighter being rolled for battle round.
arrives immediately.

There is no sign of either warband'$ reinforcements until tire battle This place isflooded in t/Jick, impenetrable darkness.
is almost over.
Fighters more than 6" apart are not visible to each other.
Reserve fighters arrive in the reserve phase of the fourth battle
round instead of the third battle round.

Wlwever created this place did not intendfor it to be opened again.
The doors in this level have been lined with poisoned spikes and Fighters cannot use the 'Breach Door' ability this battle.
etched with life-draining magical sigils.

Roll a dice each time a fighter moves through a dungeon door. On

the roll of a 1 , allocate 06 damage points to that fighter.


- 2
At thefirst shouts of battle, reinforcements race tojoin thefray. From rigged pressure plates to gouts offlt�me shotfrom hidden
openings, whoever built this catacomb clearly didn't care
Reserve fighters arrive in the reserve phase of the second battle
for trespassers.
round instead of the third battle round.
If a fighter makes any move actions or disengage actions during
their activation, roll a dice after the fighter finishes their activation.
- On a I, allocate 06 damage points to that fighter.
The corridors of tiJis place are twisting and hard to navigate. You TWIST
catmot be sure when your allies will arrive.
Reserve fighters do not automatically arrive in the third battle round.
Instead, in the reserve phase of the second and subsequent battle rounds, Tales of treasures hidden just beyond in this place h11ve given you
starting with the player who has the initiative, players alternate rolling a dice cause to muster all your resources for this battle.
for each reserve fighter in their warband. On a 5+, the fighter being rolled
for arrives immediately. Otherwise, they do not arrive that battle round. In At the start of each hero phase, you receive 2 wild dice instead of 1 .
the fifth battle round, any remaining reserve fighters arrive as normal.

6 �
�� � I�
It is said afel/ creature stalks this place, yet none have seen it; only have Rusted or rotten, the bridges of this p/11ce are brittle and
they heard the screams of their allies dragged off into the darkness. ready to snap.

At the start of the combat phase, the player with the initiative can pick Every bridge starts the battle weakened.
I enemy fighter more than 6" away from any other fighters and roll a
dice. On a 6, that fighter is taken down. On a 1-5, their opponent can
pick I enemy fighter more than 6" away from any other fighters and roll
a dice. On a 6, that fighter is taken down. On a 1-5, the sequence ends.
This page includes 6 terrain cards that utilise the overground scenery models in the Warcry: Catacombs box. These
cards are intended to be used when setting up a battle that is not a dungeon battle (Core Book, pg 36) or one of the
overground convergences from the Campaign Section later in this book. If you are playing such a battle, when the
Core Book tells you to draw a terrain card, instead roll a dice on this table to determine the terrain card that is in play.

If you are playing a convergence from a campaign in the Core Book, you can substitute the terrain card for that
convergence with one from this page. If you do so, the player controlling the Adversary warband picks the terrain card
on this page they think best matches the narrative of that convergence.

.t. 2
/ '-..,

/ />
3 .t. 4
� 0

/ 0 ,


5 .t. 6
'-.., ,

Ill tidings have reached the court of the Shadow Queen. The Melusai Illaxineth, an agent

of Morathi, has been captured during a Slaaneshi raid u pon Ulgu and taken back to the
Eightpoints. Illaxineth knows too much about the machinations of the Daughters of Khaine
and the movements of their Ulguan armies. The High Oracle has decreed that she must be
silenced permanently, lest the enemy extracts sensitive secrets from her mind. This task falls to
the Khainite Shadowstalkers, and must be completed in the utmost haste.


e e .,,.
• Weave Shadow Nexus: In their wake the Khainite
fiRST C O N V ERGENCE Shadowstalkers erect pillars of night-black stone, a round
.' · J a gg e d P a s s which the u mbra! m agic of Ulgu lies thick and heavy.

You can spend 10 glory points to dominate a territory by

weaving a shadow nexus. Mark on your warband roster
how m a ny territories you have dominated. Dominat i ng
territory offers the following bonus:

For each territory dominated by your warband, increase

the points you have available to spend on fighters when
mustering your warband for a campaign battle by 50.


Shade-kraken Oil: Sourced on the black Favoured of Morathi: It is said this warrior
marketfrom Anvilgard, weapons coated in courts the Shadow Queen's esteem.
this poison deal a deadly bite.
I If this fighter is included in your warband,
Add 3 to the damage points allocated by each you begin the battle with 1 additional
critical hit from attack actions made by the wild dice.
bearer that have a Range characteristic of 3
or less.

Murderous Agility: Enemies fall in quick

Nightwoven Garrotte: This thin cord is made succession as this warrior carves a bloody path
from pure Ulguan shadowstuff. through their lines.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this When this fighter uses the 'Dance of
2 artefact as an action. Pick 1 visible enemy Death' ability, they can make a bonus
fighter within 1" of the bearer and roll 6 dice. disengage action.
For each roll that is higher than the target
fighter's Toughness characteristic, allocate 3
damage points to that fighter.
Impervious to Pain: Wounds dealt to
this warrior seem only to fuel theirfervour
Ebonite Cuirass: This sleek breastplate is as and murderlust.
light as air and as tough as meteoric steel. Subtract 1 from the damage points allocated
Add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of by each hit and critical hit (to a minimum of
the bearer. 1) from attack actions that target the bearer.

The Golden Twins, two BAT TL E P L A N

impossibly vain and sadistic Terrain: See map.
Slaaneshi warlords, seized Deployment: Generate
Illaxineth and several other
prisoners during a raid.
a deployment card as
described on page !52 of >
You have tracked them to the Core Book.
the winding canyons of
Victory: No Mercy
Carrion Gulch, yet it is not only
the worshippers of the Dark Twist: Foreboding Location
Prince that dwell within this
labyrinth of jagged rock. You
can feel cruel eyes upon your
back - a rival warband, stalking
you through the rocks. Make
an example of them to dissuade
further attacks.


As you approach the gaudy BAT T L E P L A N

mass of tents that lie amidst the Terrain: See map.
ruined fortress that the Twins Deployment: Generate
have claimed as their own, a deployment card as
the air grows cloyingly thick. described on page !52 of
Everywhere echo the screams of the Core Book.
the Slaaneshi warlords' terrorised
Victory: The Raid
prisoners. Foul censers spewing
intoxicating perfumes into the The Aspirant warband is
air mark the entrance to the the attacker.
Twins' personal lair. These must Twist: No Holding Back
be destroyed swiftly, before their
corrupting influence overwhelms
your mental defences - as has
happened to the wretched souls
that now assault your warband.


Chambers of excruciation have BAT T L E P L A N

been constructed by the Twins in Terrain: See map.
the ruins of an ancient temple. Deployment: Generate
Guided by the subtle urgings of a deployment card as
the shademark seared into your described on page !52 of
flesh, you can sense the presence the Core Book.
of your quarry close by. The
Victory: Purge
Golden Twins' forces outnumber
your own many times over. The Aspirant warband is
Unlocking the cells of their the attacker.
tormented captives should cause Twist: Grudge Match
a sufficient distraction; while the
Chaos defenders wet their blades
on these unfortunate souls, you CAMPAIGN OUTCOME
can slip through the shadows If the Aspirant warband i s the winner, they complete this campaign quest.
and locate Illaxineth. Turn to page 64 to see the outcome and claim your reward.
Long has Morathi desired to secure for herself a bounty of varanite, that strange and terrible

realmstone unique to the Eightpoints which tears apart and mutates the flesh of all who
touch it. Thus, she has ordered her most trusted Shadowstalkers to journey to the dominion
of Archaon and recover a sizeable sample of this most volatile of substances, which she
has named Khaine's Blood. Such a mission will be difficult indeed, for the servants of the
Three-Eyed King defend all deposits of the stuff with rabid ferocity, aware of what should
happen to them if they fail their master.

Weave Shadow Nexus: In their wake the Khainite
Shadowstalkers erect pillars of night-black stone, a round
fiRST CONV ERGENCE which the umbra/ magic of Ulgu lies thick and heavy.
S en t r y P o s t s
You can spend 10 glor y points to dominate a territory by
weaving a shadow nexus. Mark on your warband roster
how many territories you have dominated. Dominating
territory offers the following bonus:

S EC O N D C o N V E R G E N C E For each territory dominated by your warband, increase

M agma Flows the points you have available to spend on fighters when
mustering your warband for a campaign battle by 50.

F I N A L C o N V E RG E N C E
T h e M o l t e n Wo u n d


Chokemist Censer: This lantern spews a

suffocating, impenetrable mist. Unnatural Speed: This warrior hunts their
prey with terrifying swiftness.
1 Subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic 1
(to a minimum of 1) of attack actions made Add 1 to the Move characteristic of
by enemy fighters while they are within 3" of this fighter.
the bearer.

Nightpiercer: This insubstantial sliver of Whirlwind of Blades: This fighter is deadliest

realmstone can find the gaps in any armour. in close combat, unleashing devastating
flurries of attacks.
2 Add 2 to the Strength characteristic of attack 2
actions made by the bearer that have a Range Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of attack
characteristic of 3 or less. actions made by this fighter that have a Range
characteristic of 3 or less.

Echo Hood: This cowl adds to the bearer's

range of senses, allowing them to strike with
greater certainty and accuracy. One With the Darkness: This warriorfights
3 Add 1 to the damage points allocated by each wreathed in tendrils ofshadow and smoke.
hit and critical hit from attack actions made This fighter is not visible to enemy fighters
by the bearer that have a Range characteristic more than 6" away.
of 3 or less.

Even your Shadowstalkers BAT T L E P L A N

would be hard-pressed to Terrain: See map.
infiltrate the most prosperous Deployment: Generate
varanite excavation sites in the a deployment card from
Eightpoints, for they are guarded Table B on page 35.
by great legions of A rchaon's
The Aspirant
soldiers and protected by lethal
warband uses the red
arcane wards. Yet whispers have
deployment points.
guided you towards a new source
of Khaine's Blood, located far Victory: Annihilation
beneath the great volcano-forge The Aspirant warband is
of Varanthax's Maw. Approach the attacker.
the Maw, and swiftly slit the
throats of its sentries before the Twist: Dark Shadows
entire garrison can be roused
against you.


Those whofirst discovered the BATTLEP L A N

vein of varanite bubbling up from Terrain: See map.
beneath the Maw have moved Deployment: Generate
swiftly to secure their prize. a deployment card from
They have sealed the precious Table B on page 35.
realmstone deposit behind one
The Aspirant
of the forge-complex's immense
warband uses the red
underground vaults, and filled
deployment points.
the surrounding tunnels with
lava in order to keep intruders Victory: Take by Force
at bay. To reach your prize, The Aspirant warband is
you must locate the levers that the attacker.
control the vast floodgates of the
Maw, raising them in order to Twist: Sealed, Never to
be Opened
drain the rivers of magma. Kill
any who stand in your way.


Within the Maw's great vault you BAT T L E P L A N

find a flowing river of varanite Terrain: See map.
that has forced its way up from Deployment: Generate
deep underground like blood a deployment card as
from a mortal wound, twisting described on page 34.
the very rock around it into lurid
and impossible configurations. Victory: Search
and Pillage
Extracting the realmstone
yourselves would prove utterly The Aspirant warband is
lethal, but those who discovered the attacker.
this deposit have already drawn Twist: Warning Calls
up some of the substance and
stored it within ewers of rune­
marked nullstone. Secure a C A M PA I G N O U T C O M E
sample of the stuff. and put all I f the Aspirant warband i s the winner, they complete this campaign quest.
witnesses to the sword. Turn to page 64 to see the outcome and claim your reward.
As darkness stretches across the Eightpoints, you lead a cadre of Shadowstalkers into the

Everchosen's domain, sliding unnoticed past oblivious sentries. Your task here is one that could
only be accomplished by those with shadow-stuff in their blood. The High Oracle of Khaine
desires to link the strands of the Umbra! Web to this cursed land by securing the Well of
Shadows - a font of untapped dark magic that lies in the depths of Varanthax's Maw. The most
holy Oracle has tasked you with securing this prize before any others can lay claim to it.

Weave Shadow Nexus: In their wake the Khainite
Shadows talkers erect p illars of n ight-black stone, around
The D e s c e n t
which the umbra! m agic of Ulgu lies thick and heavy.

You can spend 10 glory points to dominate a territory by

weaving a shadow nexus. Mark o n your warband roster
how many territories you have dominated. Dominating
territory offers the following bonus:

For each territory dominated by your warband, increase

the points you have available to spend on fighters when
mustering your warband for a campaign battle by 50.

We l l o f S h a d o w s


Umbra! Snare: This net of wisping shadows

can ensnare the unwary. Hobbling Strike: This warrior seeks tofirst
slow theirfoe before moving in for the kill.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this
artefact as an action. Pick 1 visible enemy 1 Each time an enemy fighter is allocated
fighter within 6" of the bearer. Until the end damage points by an attack action made by
of the battle round, that fighter cannot make this fighter, halve the Move characteristic of
move actions or disengage actions. that fighter until the end of the battle round.

Darkseeker Darts: These enchanted throwing

knives seek out their target with the unnerving
precision of angry bloodwasps.
Escape Artist: This warrior is all but
2 Once per battle, the bearer can use this impossible to pin down.
artefact as an action. Pick 1 visible enemy
2 When this fighter makes disengage actions,
fighter within 18" of the bearer and roll 2
they can move up to 5" instead of 3". In
dice. For each roll of 5+, allocate 5 damage
addition, this fighter does not suffer impact
points to that fighter.
damage from deadly terrain.
Snatcher's Cloak: Fashioned from the hide
of a shadow-snatcher, this cloak whips out to
intercept incoming projectiles.
Shadow Channeller: This warrior's mastery of
3 Subtract 2 from the damage points allocated the night is second to none.
by each hit and critical hit (to a minimum of 3
1) from attack actions that target the bearer Add 1 to the value of abilities (to a maximum
made by enemy fighters that are more than of 6) used by this fighter.
6" away.

Legend has it that the Well of B AT T L E P L A N

Shadows was constructed by an Terrain: See map.
ancient cult of umbramancers, Deployment: Generate
who utilised it to summon a deployment card as
horrors ofthe night to do their described on page 34.
bidding. Its exact location is
unknown, but rumours tell Victory: Overpower
of a powerful sorcerer, Kol Twist: Generate a twist
Rothzir, who proclaims himself card as described on
the Consort ofNight and has page 34.
gathered shadow daemons to his
side and conquered a section of
Varanthax's Maw. Seek out some
of the sorcerer's minions and pry
the truth from them.


You discover the location of the B AT T L E P L A N

cremation chambers in which Terrain: See map.
Rothzir resides, which are Deployment: Generate
forever encompassed in a pall of a deployment card from
blackest night - an aura that is Table B on page 35.
of negligible use against your kin,
The Aspirant
who carry the stuff ofshadows in
warband uses the red
their very blood. Of more concern
deployment points.
are the sigils of agony that the
sorcerer has erected throughout Victory: Running Battle
the catacombs, arcane traps that Twist: There are 2
paralyse intruders in a state of twist cards in play:
permanent excruciation. Slide Dark Shadows and
unseen through the darkness, Hidden Traps.
eliminate Rothzir's guards and
unbind his magical defences.


As you kill your way deeper BAT T L E P L A N

and deeper into Kol Rothzir's Terrain: See map.
lair, you sense a potent swell of Deployment: Generate
Ulguan magic. Alerted to the a deployment card as
assassins in his domain, the described on page 34.
sorcerer has secured himself in
Victory: The True Prize
the chamber of the Well itself,
where he is attempting to draw The Aspirant warband is
an unspeakable horror upfrom the attacker.
the depths to loose upon his
Twist: Alert and Ready
foes. Time runs short. One of
Rothzir's lieutenants carries the
shadow seal necessary to access
his private chambers. Slay this C A M PA I G N O U T C O M E
warrior, and retrieve the seal. If the Aspirant warband i s the winner, they complete this campaign quest.
Turn to page 64 to see the outcome and claim your reward.
Deep in the bowels ofVaranthax's Maw, the deranged warsmith Pavollax Iron-eye is fashioning

a flame-spewing machine of destruction, intent upon using it to immolate his rivals and
secure dominion over the Bloodwind Spoil. This weapon would surely prove invaluable to the
worshippers of the Ever-Raging Flame, who seek to engulf the lands in a cleansing inferno. Yet
first, they must seize the engine from Iron-eye, which will prove no small task; many are the
warriors that the warsmith has swayed to his cause with promises of plunder and glory.

Raise Monolith: The Scions of the Flame erect burning
braziers filled with smouldering brimstone and ragerock
fragments that burn eternally.

You can spend 10 glory points to dominate a territory

by raising a monolith. Mark on your warband roster
how many territories you have dominated. Dominating
territory offers the following bonus:

For each territory dominated by your warband, increase

the points you have available to spend o n fighters when

mustering your warband for a campaign battle b y 50 .
In addition, you can include I thrall in your warband
tl when mustering for a campaign battle. Thralls included
SECOND CONVERGENCE in this manner cost points like any other fighter. Thralls
, · S u n ken Tunnels are not added to your warband roster and can never gain
destiny levels, bear artefacts or b e chosen to become a
favoured warrior.


The Molten Blade: This blade glows bright hot Subterranean Warrior: This warrior is a
and holds immense heat, as ifjust removed veteran of claustrophobic underground battles.
from the forge.
I Add 1 to the value of abilities (to a maximum
Add 1 to the damage points allocated by each of 6) used by this fighter. Add 2 instead in
hit and critical hit from attack actions made dungeon battles.
by the bearer that have a Range characteristic
of3 or less.

Zealous Conqueror: This warrior delights in

seizing territory from the faithless.
Flameblessed Ashes: These ashes are all that
remains of a mighty warrior sacrificed to the 2 Add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of attack
2 Ever-Raging Flame. actions made by this fighter that have a Range
characteristic of 3 or less while they are
If the bearer is included in your war band, you
within 3" of an objective.
begin the battle with 1 additional wild dice.

Magmavore Fang: Merely holding this trophy Heart of Fire: The fla me within this warrior
against the skin fills one with furious strength. burns fiercer than any other.
3 3 During the aftermath sequence, when rolling
Add 2 to the Strength characteristic of attack
actions made by the bearer that have a Range for destiny levels, this fighter gains a destiny
characteristic of 3 or less. level on a S - 6.

In his arrogance the warsmith BAT T L E P L A N

Iron-eye does not even care Terrain: See map.
to conceal the scale of his Deployment: Generate
construction. The tremors a deployment card as
unleashed by the Immolation described on page 34.
Engine can be felt far and wide.
It is easy to trace this to the Victory: Overpower
gates of Varanthax's Maw, the Twist: Generate a twist
great forge-complex. You enter card as described on
the structure through a fissure page 34.
deep in the earth, bored out in
ages past by a giant magmavore.
Those who deny the primacy
of the Ever-Raging Flame have
claimed this subterranean level -
they must be put to the torch.


Varanthax's Maw rocks beneath BAT T L E P L A N

your feet, as the tremors of the Terrain: See map.
Immolation Engine become Deployment: Generate
more insistent than ever. From a deployment card as
ruptured crevasses in the earth, described on page 34.
bubbling lava spills forth, oozing
slowly towards you. You seek high Victory: Breakout
ground before the tide of molten The Aspirant warband is
rock sweeps over you. Even as the defender.
you search for a way out of these
Twist: Suffocating Heat
tunnels, you run straight into a
rival warband, also seeking to
escape. Sacrifice your foes to the
Flame, and perhaps its wrath will
temporarily be sated.


Pavollax Iron-eye's workshop is a BAT T L E P L A N

sulphurous pit that echoes to the Terrain: See map.
thunder of hammers and the hiss Deployment: Generate
of superheated steam. Looming a deployment card as
before you is the Immolation described on page 34.
Engine; a wheeled behemoth of
glowing metal and rune-marked Victory: Take By Force
daemonflesh the size of a cogfort. The Aspirant warband is
You are not the only warband the attacker.
that has been drawn here by the
Twist: Alert and Ready
rumblings of theflame-spewing
war machine's construction;
burn all who stand in your way
to ashes, and seize the dread C A M PA I G N O U T C O M E
Immolation Enginefrom the If the Aspirant warband i s the winner, they complete this campaign quest.
clutches of its maker. Turn to page 65 to see the outcome and claim your reward.
The Ever-Raging Flame has blessed you with a vision of glorious devastation. Somewhere deep

below the earth, an elemental force of annihilation rages against its bonds. Your god's desire is
to see it unleashed. Guided by skull-searing flashes of pain, you travel far across the Bloodwind
Spoil, to the caverns of Varanthax's Maw. The song of fiery wrath that echoes in your mind
emanates from far below these ancient, haunted ruins. You must travel deep underground and
locate its source.

Raise Monolith: The Scions of the Flame erect burning
braziersfilled with smouldering brimstone and ragerock
fragments that bum eternally.
Ambush Site 'tt ")� You can spend 10 glory points to dominate a territory
by raising a monolith. Mark on your warband roster
how many territories you have dominated. Dominating
territory offers the following bonus:

For each territory dominated by your warband, increase

the points you have available to spend on fighters when
mustering your warband for a campaign battle by 50.
In addition, you can include 1 thrall in your warband
when mustering for a campaign battle. Thralls included
i n t h is manner cost points like any other fighter. Thralls
are not added to your warband roster and can never gain
destiny levels, bear artefacts or b e chosen to become a
favoured warrior.


Drakeblood Tattoos: White-hot spiral

patterns of enchanted drakeblood cover this Voice of Doom: This warrior spouts litanies
warrior's skin. of hate in the heat of battle, filling their allies
1 with battlelust.
Subtract I from the damage points allocated
by each hit and critical hit (to a minimum of While this fighter is waiting, add I to the
I) from attack actions that target the bearer. Attacks characteristic of attack actions made
by friendly fighters while they are within 6" of
Cindermaw Helm: This wearer of this this fighter.
obsidian helm can spit hot, blinding ash into
theface of afoe.
Master of the Blazing Form: This warrior
2 Once per battle, the bearer can use this wields their blade in an unconventional high
artefact as an action. Pick I visible enemy guard, parrying any incoming strikes.
fighter within I" of the bearer and roll 6 dice.
For each roll of 2+, allocate 2 damage points 2 Subtract I from the Attacks characteristic
to that fighter. (to a minimum of I) of attack actions made
by enemy fighters while they are within 3" of
Banner of the Ashen King: This relic of this fighter.
the legendary warrior-prophet is sacred to
the Scions.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this Scorching Aura: In battle, this warrior is
3 artefact as an action. Until the end of the battle surrounded by a blistering heat haze.
round, add I to the Attacks characteristic of 3 Each time this fighter finishes a move action,
attack actions that have a Range characteristic visible enemy fighters within 3" of this fighter
of 3 or less made by friendly fighters while they suffer impact damage.
are within 6" of the bearer.

The tunnels of the Maw are BAT T L E P L A N

long and winding, and though Terrain: See map.
you travelfor many days you Deployment: Generate
cannot find a path to the lower a deployment card as
levels. As you pass through yet described on page 34.
another cramped dungeon, you
sense movement in the shadows. Victory: Take By Force
You are being hunted. A smile The Aspirant warband is
crosses your burn-scarred face. the defender.
You willfall upon these would-be
Twist: Generate a twist
ambushers, and seize some of card as described on
their number to be offered to the page 34.
Ever-Raging Flame. Perhaps,
when sated, the Flame will light
your path forward.


You come across a recently looted BAT T L E P L A N

shrine hidden in the depths of Terrain: See map.
the Maw that is dedicated to a Deployment: Generate
primordial deity of tyranny and a deployment card from
fiery domination. Amongst the Table B on page 35.
shattered tiles that litter this
The Aspirant
unholy place, you find reference
warband uses the red
to the 'Chamber of Boiling
deployment points.
Blood', within which daemonic
fire-spirits were bound into Victory: Treasure Hoard
cages of beaten brass. From what Twist: Generate a twist
you can decipher, it seems as card as described on
though this sacrificial hal/ lies page 34
somewhere nearby. Perhaps those
who looted this place possess
relics that will reveal more . . .


The relics you recovered lead BAT T L E P L A N

you to the Chamber ofBoiling Terrain: See map.
Blood. Within this brazen vault, Deployment: Generate
worshippers of long-forgotten a deployment card as
gods have sealedfire-daemons described on page 34.
into brass sarcophagi. Bound
Victory: Cursed Relics
within the cursed metal, these
elemental beings rage and thrash, Twist: Rumoured Riches
unable to break free. Should they
be loosed, their furious rampage
will surely sate the Ever-Raging
Flame. Yet at that moment,
a rival warband arrives upon
the scene, no doubt seeking C A M PA I G N O U T C O M E
this powerfor themselves. They I f the Aspirant warband i s the winner, they complete this campaign quest.
must burn. Turn to page 65 to see the outcome and claim your reward.
Warriors fight for many reasons, be it the pursuit of treasure, lust for power or a simple love of war. Those who battle
amidst the Bloodwind Spoil are no different, though each warlord's story is defined by their choices and character.

In this section, you will find four

special campaign quests known as FATED QUEST TERRITORY RULES
fated quests. To use these quests,
refer to page 63 of the Core Book. Dominate Territory: As the power • Beasts of Chaos �
of a warband grows, so too does the • Blades of Khorne (Daemons of
extent of the territory to which it can Khorne) i5
PATHS OPEN TO lay claim. Those serving the Dark • Blades of Khorne (Khorne
ANY W HO DARE Gods often raise imposing monoliths Bloodbound) Q
Fated quests do not have a faction within their domain, whilst those of • Corvus Cabal *
runemark. Instead, you can choose 1 a different allegiance display their • Cypher Lords *
faction runemark to apply to a fated might in myriad other ways. • Disciples ofTzeentch (Daemons
quest. This means it can be embarked ofTzeentch) '-
upon by a warband from any faction. You can spend 10 glory points • Disciples ofTzeentch (Tzeentch
to dominate a territory. Mark on Arcanites) 4
In addition, individual fated quests your warband roster how many • Hedonites of Slaanesh fl
do not have their own territory rules. territories you have dominated. • Iron Golem f!l-
Instead, the territory rules opposite Dominating territory offers the • Maggotkin of Nurgle (Daemons
are used by all warbands that embark following bonuses: ofNurgle) *
upon a fated quest. • Maggotkin of Nurgle (Nurgle
Growing Power: For each territory Rotbringers) f&l
dominated by your warband, • Scions of the Flame +
increase the points you have • Skaven V
available to spend on fighters when • Splintered Fang ce>
mustering your warband for a • Spire Tyrants �
campaign battle by 50. • Untamed Beasts •
• The Unmade *
Thralls: If your warband is from
one of the following factions, for Thralls included in this manner are
each territory dominated by your not added to your warband roster
warband, you can include 1 thrall and cost points like any other fighter.
in your warband when mustering Thralls can never gain destiny
for a campaign battle. levels, bear artefacts or be chosen to
become a favoured warrior.
Even the most noble champion may occasionally sully their soul in pursuit of glory, while a black-hearted rogue
might reveal themselves to possess a shred of honour - albeit only if it benefits them to show it. In the corrupted
lands of the Eightpoints, it is a warrior's deeds alone that define them and chart the course of their destiny.

The campaign outcomes for fated

quests differ from faction-specific
campaign quests. When you
complete a fated quest, you have to
make a choice between Honour or
Glory before you claim your reward.

If you choose Glory, your reward

will be an artefact of power. If you
choose Honour, your reward will be
an exalted command trait.

Exalted command traits represent
qualities so strong that they come to
define a warrior for the rest of their
life. The first time you receive an
exalted command trait, it must be
given to your leader, and it replaces
any existing command trait that
they might have.

Once your leader has been

given an exalted command
trait, any future exalted
command traits received
are discarded. Exalted
command traits can
never be given to a
favoured warrior.
Few who inhabit the deadly wilds of the Bloodwind
Spoil do not know of the Obsidian Tower. Located in
a high pass of the Skullpike Mountains that overlooks
Varanthax's Maw, it is home to a coven of vile sorcerers
known as the Zythian Kin, who have committed
countless outrages against your kind. They are slavers
FINAL CONVERGENCE and daemonists, torturers and despoilers, and within

' 4f
B eneath the
their black-walled fortress they think themselves all

but invulnerable.
• • • • • • • •

FIRST It is time to disabuse them of that notion. The tower
stands upon a thin promontory of rock, with a single
arched bridge leading to its gates, and a plunging
SECOND C ONVERGENCE precipice on all other sides. Immune to conventional
U ndertunnels
assault, but not, perhaps, to an attack from below. . .


Rockstrider Pelt: The skin of this sure-footed Calculating: Cold-blooded and pragmatic, this
1 mountain beast imbues the wearer with speed. warrior is apt at split-second decision making.
Add 1 to the Move characteristic of the bearer. I f this fighter is included in your warband, you
begin the battle with 1 additional wild dice.

Golden Scale: This gleaming scale mail seems

almost impervious to damage.
Blastproof: This warrior shrugs off explosions and
2 Subtract 1 from the damage points allocated by arcane assaults.
each hit and critical hit (to a minimum of 1) from 2
Add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of
attack actions that target the bearer.
this fighter.

Vitriolic Blade: This weapon pumps searing acids

into those it strikes. Darting Strike: Like a viper, thisfighter can strike
before the enemy has time to react.
Each time the bearer scores a critical hit with
3 an attack action that has a Range characteristic 3 Add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of attack
of 3 or less, subtract 1 from the Toughness actions made by this fighter that have a Range
characteristic of the target fighter (to a minimum characteristic of 3 or less if they have made a
of 1) for the rest of the battle. move action in the same activation.


Before you can launch your B AT T L E P L A N

assault upon the Zythian Kin, Terrain: See map.
you require something that Deployment: Generate
can breach the walls of the a deployment card as
fortress. Something powerful, described on page 1 52 of
and lethally explosive. Some the Core Book.
barrels of Aqshianfire-crystals ,./
Victory: The Raid
would suit your needs very well.
Fortunately, you have heard The Aspirant warband is
of a shipment of this volatile the attacker.
substance passing through Twist: Generate a twist
Carrion Gulch. Seize it, and card as described on page
claim the fire-crystals. 152 of the Core Book.

Now that you have several BAT T L E P L A N

casketsfilled to the brim with Terrain: See map.
fulminatingfire-crystals, you Deployment: Generate
must place them next to the a deployment card as
foundations of the Obsidian described on page 34.
Tower. The only way to reach the
promontory is through the fiery Victory: Search
and Pillage
tunnels of the Maw - hostile
territory. It is not long before The Aspirant warband is
you come under attack by a rival the defender.
warband. Hold these attackers Twist: Warning Calls
off, and ensure they do not lay
their hands upon your cargo.


You are directly beneath the BAT T L E P L A N

foundations of the Obsidian Terrain: See map.
Tower, where the slick, black Deployment: Generate
roots of the tower meet the a deployment card from
pitted rock that characterises Table B on page 35.
this section of the Maw. Having
The Aspirant
identified several key structural
warband uses the red
weaknesses, you must now place
deployment points.
your volatile fire-crystals. Yet
these caverns are home to a Victory: Overpower
warband that is angered by your Twist: Generate a twist
intrusion. Fight them off, and card as described on
prepare the tower for demolition. page 34.


If the Aspirant warband is the winner, they complete this campaign quest. Read the text below, and then choose either
Honour or Glory.

You place your caskets filled with sparkingfire-crystals next to the most vulnerable points of the Obsidian Tower's
foundations, and hastily retreat to what you hope is a safe distance. No sooner have you thrown yourself into cover
than a cataclysmic explosion rocks the cavern, and a boiling tide of blue-white flame roars over your head. You
witness the fall of the Obsidian Tower, which collapses in on itself and tumbles into an abyss blasted open by the
detonation. When the smoke finally clears, the Zythian Kin's fortress has been reduced to ashes and rubble.

You cautiously enter the ruins, to make certain that you have obliterated the Zythian Kin. To your surprise,
however, you stumble upon one of the sorcerers pinned beneath a shelf of blasted stone, kept barely alive by his
arcane wards. You ready your blades to finish the man off, but he pleads with you to spare him - in exchange for
his life, he promises to lead you to a cache of potent magical items. Do you honour your vow to wipe out the black­
hearted Kin, or does the promise of powerful treasure stay your hand?

I f you choose Honour, turn t o page 62 to see the outcome If you choose Glory, turn to page 63 to see the outcome
and claim your reward. and claim your reward.
The discovery of vast seams of molten realmstone
boiling up from below Varanthax's Maw has drawn the
eye of countless avaricious souls who wish to make use
of its terrible, warping power. Most die in the catacombs
of the Maw, hopelessly lost and ultimately either
devoured by roving monsters or slain by rival killers.

Yet word has reached your ears of a deranged sorcerer

known as Ithixa Kar - the Spawnmaster - who has
laid claim to a potent vein of varanite. Whispers tell
that he is using the stuff to create his own personal
army of Chaos Spawn, dousing captives in the boiling,
mutagenic liquid in order to transform them into
razor-fanged, multi-limbed abominations. Kar must be
stopped, before his depraved plans come to fruition.


Souldrinker Pendant: Enemies that come close

Blade Master: This warrior's single-minded
to the bearerfeel their strength being sapped
devotion to martial prowess has seen them become
from them.
a peerlessfighter.
l Subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic (to 1
Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of attack
a minimum of 1) of attack actions that target
actions made by this fighter that have a Range
the bearer that have a Range characteristic of3
characteristic of 3 or less.
or less.

Sepulchral Plate: Despite being many centuries

Deathless Vitality: How this warrior still retains
old, this ornate suit of armour has not rusted.
2 their strength and vigour after so long is unknown,
Add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of 2 even to their closest allies.
the bearer.
Add 5 to the Wounds characteristic of this fighter.
Lifeward Ring: This ring is said to have sustained
the life force of an ancient lord of Velorum by
Slaughter Seeker: In battle, this warrior thirsts
devouring that ofhis retainers.
for bloodshed and hunts down their enemies
3 Once per battle the bearer can use this artefact without mercy.
as an action. Pick 1 visible friendly fighter within 3
Each time an enemy fighter is taken down by an
1" of the bearer. That fighter is taken down.
attack action made by this fighter, roll a dice. On a
Then, remove any damage points allocated to
4+, this fighter can make a bonus move action.
this fighter.


Many are seeking the lair of BAT T L E P L A N

Kar, for the lure of varanite Terrain: See map.
appeals to all sorts of avaricious
Deployment: Generate
souls. Word has reached your a deployment card as
ears that one such band in the described on page 152 of
canyons of Carrion Gulch has the Core Book.
captured a half-insane h uman
Victory: No Mercy
who escapedfrom the warlord's

clutches before he could be Twist: No Holding Back
sacrificed. You m ust secure this
prisoner at any cost, for he may
have valuable knowledge as to
Kar's location.

The prisoner reveals that Ithixa BAT T L E P L A N

Kar is lurking within the ruins of Terrain: See map.
an ancient forge-temple beneath Deployment: Generate
the Maw, where his seam of a deployment card as
varanite is concentrated. To described on page 152 of
enter the temple, one must pass the Core Book.
through a sealed door that can
Victory: Steal the Prize
only be unlocked by three keys
crafted from unstable, white-hot Twist: Generate a twist
aqthracite. Unfortunately, these card as described on page
keys lie in the hands of a rival 152 of the Core Book. /
warband, and must be seized.


Kar's stronghold is a gallery BAT T L E P L A N

of nightmares. In cages Terrain: See map.
surrounding the chamber, a host Deployment: Generate
of mutated horrors shriek and a deployment card from
howl insanely. You notice that Table B on page 35.
there are red-hot metal grates
The Aspirant
in the ground beneath the cages.
warband uses the red
Perhaps the channels of lava
deployment points.
thatflow through these tunnels
could be redirected in order to Victory: Vital Territory
incinerate the Chaos Spawn. Twist: Suffocating Heat
Kar's hired killers are guarding
the ancient machinery that
controls the flow of magma, and
must be put to the sword.


If the Aspirant warband is the winner, they complete this campaign quest. Read the text below, and then choose either
Honour or Glory.

The agonised shrieking of his mutant flock draws forth Ithixa Kar, a gaunt and skull-faced giant of a man with a
shock of untamed grey hair and madness dancing in his eyes. The Spawnmaster screams in rage as he watches them
burn to cinders. You pursue the sorcerer through his lair, and come to a chamber that might once have been a hall of
convocation. It now looks more akin to an infected wound; a vast quantity of molten varanite is spewing up from a
hole in the earth, twisting and warping the rock around it into unnatural configurations.

Above the geyser of varanite, a cagefilled with terrified prisoners dangles precariously on a thick chain of iron. The
fleeing Kar hauls upon a brass lever set into the wall, and the cage begins to descend towards the bubbling pool of
blood-coloured realmstone. Cackling madly, Kar dashes out of sight down an adjoining corridor. You could catch
the old devil, you are certain, but that would mean sentencing the ashen-faced prisoners to a terrible fate. Saving
the helpless would be an honourable act, but who is to say that tracking down and killing Kar now would not save
more lives in the greater account? You must make your decision with haste, for the cage is lowering swiftly.

If you choose Honour, turn to page 6 2 to see the outcome If you choose Glory, turn to page 63 to see the outcome
and claim your reward. and claim your reward.
One level of Varanthax's Maw has been claimed by a
coven of Mindstealer Sphiranxes - cruel-minded and
cunning devourers of secrets that delight in flaying
the minds of their captives, stripping memories and
knowledge away piece by piece. Rumour has it that these

Ritual Cha��;; � arcane beasts have stored their most treasured findings
in an aetherquartz glyph-orb.

. . . . ... .. . � This artefact lies at the heart of the creatures' lair,

above a confluence of several magma channels. Only
the bravest or most foolhardy souls would dare to enter
The O r b
the domain of the Sphiranxes and seek out this device,
but surely the rewards to be claimed outweigh the
deadly risks?


Uncanny Luck: This warrior seems touched by the

Helm of Portents: Any who don this helm are
hand offortune.
granted visions of what may come to pass.
l I When rolling for [Perishable] lesser artefacts
If the bearer is included in your warband, you
borne by this fighter, they retain their power on a
begin the battle with l additional wild dice.
2+ instead of a 4+.

Focus Strength: With incredible mental

Onyx Lodestone: When drawn out into the open,
fortitude, this warrior can call upon deep reserves
the air around this stone stifles and grows heavy.
of strength.
2 Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as
2 When this fighter makes a wait action, until
an action. If they do so, until the end of the battle
the end of the battle, add l to the Attacks
round, fighters cannot fly.
characteristic of attack actions made by this
fighter that have a Range characteristic of 3
or less.
Twilight Timeglass: As sand falls through this
glass cylinder, time seems to slow for the bearer.
Legendary Warrior: It seems nothing can oppose
3 Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact this warrior on their path to greatness and glory.
as a bonus action. If they do so, they can 3 During the aftermath sequence, when rolling for
make a bonus move action and can fly for that
destiny levels, this fighter gains a destiny level on
move action.
a 5-6.


The Sphiranx coven has BAT T L E P L A N

transformed this stretch of the Terrain: See map.
Maw into a deadly maze, laced Deployment: Generate
with devious traps and sigils a deployment card as
of binding. As you enter yet described on page 34.
another chamber lined with
cha n nels of molten iron, doors Victory: Running Battle
slam shut around you, a n d Twist: Sealed, Never to
flickering phantasmal images be Opened
of blood-crazed warriors charge
towards you from the darkness.
Banish these ephemeral foes!

The sound offrenzied chanting BAT T L E P L A N

reaches your ears. In the Terrain: See map.
chambers ahead, a dishevelled Deployment: Generate
gathering driven to madness a deployment card as
by decades trapped within described on page 34.
the Sphiranxes'fiery lair are
preparing a sorcerous ritual in Victory: Cursed Relics
an attempt to shatter the walls The Aspirant warband is
of their prison and escape. Seize the attacker.
the slivers of Chamonite they are
Twist: Generate a twist
using as a catalyst, but beware card as described on
the lethal emanations of the page 34.
corrupted realmstone.


As you press on, images of B AT T L E P L A N

gleaming yellow eyes flicker on Terrain: See map.
the periphery ofyour vision, Deployment: Generate
but no sooner do you spin about a deployment card as
than the half-glimpsed observers described on page 34.
dissolve into nothingness. Yet
you are sure it is this unseen Victory: The True Prize
presence that lures you into the The Aspirant warband is
chamber that contains the Orb the attacker.
ofSecrets itself Perhaps it also
Twist: Generate a twist
guided the rival warband that card as described on
now stand before the artefact, page 34.
bathed in its eerie glow. Defeat
them, and ensure you alone lay
claim to the priceless artefact.


I f the Aspirant warband is the winner, they complete this campaign quest. Read the text below, and then choose either
Honour or Glory.

No sooner have you taken up the Orb of Secrets than it disintegrates into sand in your palm, the fine, white dust
trickling through your fingers. The sound of mocking laughter fills your ears, and you look up to see a Mindstealer
Sphiranx padding out of the shadows, turquoise eyes blazing in the gloom. You hear a voice in your mind that can
only have issued from the feline beast; it speaks in a tongue incomprehensible to you, but somehow you understand
its intent. The telepathic Sphiranx is impressed by your resilience and ingenuity, and offers you a trade - it will grant
you the device that you seek - an item of great magical power - but in exchange it wishes to rifle through your mind
in search ofprecious secrets.

Can you risk allowing such a devious entity to invade the darkest corners ofyour consciousness? Honour demands
that you take up arms against the Sphiranx, even ifsuch an undertaking would mean your death. On the other
hand, you have come far to seek the Orb of Secrets, and such a treasure would surely prove invaluable. The
creature's blazing blue eyes peer at you so intently that you are almost certain it can read your thoughts. Reach your
decision swiftly, before the Mindstealer Sphiranx grows tired of its game.

I f you choose Honour, turn to page 6 2 to see the outcome If you choose Glory, turn to page 63 to see the outcome
and claim your reward. and claim your reward.
Rumours have reached you of a savage colossus that has
embarked upon a rampage of destruction across the
Eightpoints, pulverising anything unfortunate enough
to get in its way. Sensing an opportunity to earn fame
and renown by slaying this beast - and curious as to the
strangely erratic nature of the monster's movements -
you set off in pursuit.
•"f{. S p l i n t e r e d It is all too easy to follow the creature's trail of
Bridge destruction to the sulphur-caverns of Varanthax's
Maw. Your quarry must be somewhere inside, for the
ruins of smashed pillars and shattered masonry belie
its presence.


Smuggler's Brooch: When the outer ring of this Impetuous Fighter: This warrior is known
jadestone brooch is twisted, wreaths of smoke for charging into the fray the instant they sight
momentarily shroud the bearer. the enemy.
1 Once per battle the bearer can use this artefact as In the first battle round, add 2 to the Move
a bonus action. If they do so, until the end of the characteristic of this fighter.
battle round, they not visible to enemy fighters
more than 3" away.
Bone-shattering Strikes: Like the fomoroid they
Faceless Statuette: Plundered from the rubble of hunt, this fighter has learned to destroy their
an ancient shrine, this marble statue grants the enemies with mighty, two-handed swings.
blessing of a long-forgotten deity. 2
2 Add 2 to the Strength characteristic of attack
Add 2 to the value of abilities (to a maximum of actions made by this fighter that have a Range
6) used by the bearer. characteristic of 3 or less.
Chameleonic Mask: Covered in scales and inset
with gems, this mask can take on many aspects. Eye for Treasure: This warrior has a sixth sense
when it comes to tracking down valuable loot.
At the start of the battle, before the first battle
3 round, you can pick l artefact of power borne by a 3 If this fighter is included in your warband, you
fighter in either player's warband. This artefact of can make an additional search roll on the lesser
power gains that artefact of power's ability until artefacts table in the aftermath sequence of
the end of the battle. the battle.


Soon after descending into

the Maw you enter a chamber
that contains a shrine to some
Terrain: See map.
Deployment: Generate
�· . '
._. .,.- --'
·:. .. ·..
· ·· .
"'" 'Pih4 It
:- Jl
. -·

-a·' -_ �
�-4. '
' :��
· r§l:!l e-
{\ .·
.. .- .

·r - -... - .....
� • .,._

.....-; � -�
. ·� .-. •.. .. - ·�


-�· 11J.�-��-:
ancient deity, now bashed a deployment card as ... . -�· " 0
�· �'\· :•..,.. 0

. _,

*" ,i-··"· .
and hammered into a million . ·. '
described on page 34. . ·
- ..
; --- ..... :�- -�

,. ..�·)_:::-,I :a,.·��. ).,.-1:.- �l --_l

. ,. 'J
fragments. As you sift through -·.
the wreckage, you hear a cry of Victory: Annihilation
o utrage. The guardians of the Twist: Generate a twist �- �. . •._. . ..
. '
' ,�....� v ,.....
. .
.. ·.,_·-:, !
. ·
- . •.
shrine have returned to find card as described on
...... . ' 1:;r;�
. • ·' �·�· • · . · tiL..

' ,. ••.
-�"1 . • ' "'
their site of worship ruined, page 34. • 0 .

' .. "'!!'{ , ....,

and now blame you for the
�. •· · . � I • · ,�_.i.
· �·, 0
-;,' 0 .•
desecration. Defend yourself

fro m their o utraged assault.


You are crossing a narrow stone BAT T L E P L A N

bridge when you see your quarry Terrain: See map.
for the first time - a hulking Deployment: Generate
Fomoroid Crusher. With a roar, a deployment card as
it brings its stone club down described on page 152 of
upon the bridge, shattering it the Core Book.
and pitching you into darkness.
Victory: No Mercy
You hit the ground hard. When
you finally come round, you find Twist: Generate a twist
yourselves face to face with a card as described on page
band of cut-throats that seek to 152 of the Core Book.
strip you of everything of value.


After a long and deadly trek BAT T L E P L A N

through Varanthax's Maw, you Terrain: See map.
finally pick up the fomoroid 's Deployment: Generate
trail. It leads to a great door a deployment card as
of smooth black stone far too described on page 34.
heavy for you to open. There is a
glowing sigil on its surface, and Victory: Critical Point
as you study your surroundings Twist: Alert and Ready
you realise that there are
matching symbols carved upon
pillars across the chamber.
These must be activated in order
to open the path ahead. Slay
anything that stands in the way
of your progress.


I f the Aspirant warband is the winner, they complete this campaign quest. Read the text below, and then choose either
Honour or Glory.

After many days of travel through the winding tunnels of the Maw, you have finally caught up with your quarry.
The fomoroid has apparently ceased its berserk charge and is now sitting motionless amidst a chamber filled with
strange, cyclopean pillars of stone. Images are carved crudely across the columns, depicting hordes of the creature's
kind raising immense edifices of stone and marble under the watchful eyes and lashing whips of masked lords. The
diorama ends with a scene of great slaughter, with the fomoroids turning upon their enslavers in a bloody uprising,
and raising new shrines and monuments from their bones.

The fomoroid does not seem to have noticed your presence. Were you able to discern an expression upon its brutish
face, you wouldjudge it to be one of terrible loss. The creature hardly seems the furious force of destruction that you
anticipated. Indeed, you sense that its rampage is at an end. An honourable warrior would leave the fomoroid to
its silent vigil. On the other hand, taking its head as a trophy would no doubt earn you great renown and glory. The
choice is yours.

If you choose Honour, turn t o page 6 2 t o see the outcome If you choose Glory, turn to page 63 to see the outcome
and claim your reward. and claim your reward.
S P O I L S O f V I C T O RY
Through battle and bloodshed, you and your warband have emerged triumphant. Across the Bloodwind Spoil lie the
broken remains of your foes, their ambition no match for your cunning and skill-at-arms. Whether you will cleave
to an honourable path, or risk damning yourself in pursuit of greater glory, is up to you to decide . . .

On these pages you will find conclusions for each o f the fated quests provided in this book. If you chose the path to
Honour, you will find your reward on this page. If you chose the path to Glory, your reward awaits on the page opposite.


The sorcerer's words are cut short as you plunge your EXALTED COMMAND TRAIT
blade into the trapped fool's throat. With a final, pained Relentless Blade: When you set your mind to kill a
gurgle he lies still. There is no gift that this wretch could foe, nothing can sway you from your cause.
have offered that would sway you from your pledge to
destroy the Zythian Kin once and for all. You depart the Once per battle, this fighter can make a bonus
smoking ruins of the Obsidian Tower, content that your disengage action, and they can finish that bonus
blood oath has been fulfilled. disengage action within 1" of enemy fighters.


Cursing, you leave Ithixa Kar toflee into the darkness, EXALTED COMMAND TRAIT
and dash towards the brass lever. You reach it just in Honourbound: You would rather suffer agony and
time, and with a groan of metal chains the suspended death than abandon your code.
cage stops in mid-air. It takes some time to safely
extract the prisoners, but despite your frustration at the While this fighter is carrying treasure or is within 3" of
Spawnmaster's escape, your integrity and honour remain an objective marker, subtract 2 from the damage points
intact. At the least, Kar's demented army of mutants has allocated by each hit and critical hit (to a minimum of
been destroyed. 1) from attack actions that target this fighter.


Your mind and your sanity are not gifts to be bartered EXALTED COMMAND TRAIT
away in exchange for power. With a cry of defiance you Mental Fortress: Even the most cunning and sinister
leap forward, striking out at the mocking image of the enchantments cannot find purchase in your mind.
Sphiranx. Your blade carves open the creature'sflank,
and with a hiss it disappears in a flash of blinding light, The value of abilities used by this fighter is always 6
taking the Orb with it. No matter. The creature's attempts (regardless of any other modifiers).
to seize control of your mind are at an end.


Whether pity or honour stays your hand, it matters EXALTED COMMAND TRAIT
not. Your erstwhile quarry is clearly no longer a danger, Slaver's Bane: You hold a special hatred in your
and there is no glory in slaying a creature that will not heart for those who dominate and enslave the weak.
fight to defend itself. Before you leave the fomoroid to its
forlorn silence, you study the carvings etched across the At the start of the battle, before the hero phase of the first
chamber. As you look over them, you feel a strange sense battle round, roll a number of dice equal to the number
of kinship with the enslaved and downtrodden beings of dominated territories your opponent's warband has.
depicted within. For each 4+, you receive 1 additional wild dice.

Tempted by the sorcerer's honeyed words, you free him ARTEFACT OF POWER
and allow the injured man to lead you to the treasures Ring of Raging Flame: This ensorcelled ring can
that were promised - though of course your blade never project a gout offire hot enough to melt plate armour.
strays far from his throat. In a warded vault not far
from the Tower, the sorcerer concealed several powerful Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as an
artefacts from his fellow spellcasters. Allowing the last of action. If they do so, pick a visible enemy fighter within
the Zythian Kin to limp away, you claim from the cache a 9" of this fighter and roll 6 dice. For each roll of 3+,
ring inset with a chunk of glowing ragerock. allocate 2 damage points to that fighter.


Ignoring the horrified screams of the prisoners, you ARTEFACT OF POWER

put your head down and charge after the fleeing Bloodrock Staff: This strangely organic-looking staff
Spawn master. Eventually, you corner him in front of a is capped with a fist of crystallised varanite. It can
plunging abyss, a river of lava running beneath. With a project a fan of unnaturalflames that inflict horrific
peal of deranged laughter, he turns and sweeps out his mutations upon those they touch.
staff, sending forth a gout of vile, purple flames. You roll
beneath the spell, and your answering strike splits the Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as an
Spawnmaster's belly open. Still cackling, he tumbles away action. If they do so, allocate 06 damage points to each
into darkness, leaving only his stave behind. visible enemy fighter within 3" of this fighter. Roll a
dice for each.


Your desire for the Orb of Secrets overcomes your A RTEFACT OF POWER
hesitation. The Sphiranx's will slides into your The Orb of Secrets: This misty globe of crystal
consciousness with the precision of a flensing blade, gleams with a cold light, andfills the bearer's mind
peeling layers of doubt and misdirection away one by one. with whispered truths and revelations.
Eventually, the Sphiranx ceases its telepathic assault.
When you open your eyes, the creature has disappeared. If the bearer is included in your warband, you begin the
Where it stood is a plinth, on top of which lies a smooth battle with 2 additional wild dice.
orb of crystal that ripples with cold, cerulean light.


Whatever melancholy has seized this brute, it does not ARTEFACT OF POWER
excuse the slaughter the formoroid has already wrought. Crusher-hide Cloak: This leathery mantle
You draw your blade and charge. The beast 's defence is deflects arrows, bullets and axe-strikes with
half-hearted at best. After a few, quick strikes you slice contemptuous ease.
open the fomoroid's belly, and it collapses to the ground,
wheezing its last breaths. You intend to fashion a cloak Subtract 2 from the damage points allocated by each hit
and critical hit (to a minimum of 1) from attack actions
from the Crusher's thick hide - a trophy that will let your
that target the bearer.
enemies know you are not to be trifled with.
S P O I L S O f V I C T O RY
The deadly confines of Varanthax's Maw no longer hold any fear for you or your grizzled comrades. Under your
leadership your warband has grown into a truly deadly force, feared by all who have heard the legends of their
exploits. Your tale is not yet over, but for now you can relish the rewards of your victory.

On the following pages you will find you can grant to your favoured or embark upon a fresh campaign -
conclusions for the faction-specific champion to wield in any future either one of those detailed in this
campaign quests provided in this battles. Although you have earned book or one provided in another
book, concluding your warband's a great victory, your warband's Games Workshop publication. In
epic journey. You will also receive a odyssey is not over. You can continue time, your foes will learn to dread
unique reward for completing each to take on all rivals with the new the very mention of your name!
campaign: an item or blessing which and powerful tools at your disposal,


The chained Blood Sister named Illaxineth greets you ARTEFACT OF POWER
with a bloody smile, knowing the gift that you are here to Bloodspite: A giftfrom the High Oracle herself, this
grant her. She has suffered greatly under the cruel blades master-crafte d heartshard glaive transforms the
of the Golden Twins, but she swears on the life of the blood of those it slays into razor-sharp daggers of
High Oracle that not a single secret escaped her lips. Your crystal and sends them whipping towards nearby foes.
blade strikes swift and sure, ending her torment. Nearby,
you find her stolen wargear, including a double-bladed Each time the bearer takes down an enemy fighter with
glaive of crimson crystal - a weapon Illaxineth named an attack action that has a Range characteristic of 3 or
Bloodspite. The outraged cries of the Golden Twins echo less, before that fighter is removed from play, allocate
behind you in perfect harmony as you make your escape. D6 damage points to each visible enemy fighter within
3" of that fighter. Roll a dice for each.


When the last ofyourfoes has been cut down, you gather A RTEFACT OF POWER
several of the nullstone ewersfilled with varanite - a Varanite Kris: This crudely fashioned but impossibly
meagre offering, considering the vast size of this deposit sharp sliver of crystallised varanite possesses the
of molten realmstone, but enough to satisfy the High power to twist the flesh of those it strikes in violent
Oracle's needsfor now. On the corpse of one of the slain and terrible fashion.
extractors, you discover a daggerfashioned from a sliver
of refined varanite. A truly vile creation, it radiates the Add 5 to the damage points allocated by each critical
mutating power of Khaine's Blood - not a weapon to be hit from attack actions made by the bearer that have a
handled lightly, but an example of the ferocious power of Range characteristic of 3 or less.
the stuff


You burst into the Well ofShadows just as Kal Rothzir's A RTEFACT OF POWER
dread ritual is approaching its climax. Something Rothzir's Sceptre: Craftedfrom Ulguan realmstone
amorphous and blacker than night is coalescing in the and black gold, this sceptre hungrily drains the
air, summoned by the sorcerer's arcane call. Yet before it energy and will to fightfrom nearbyfoes.
can manifest in its entirety, your hurled dagger strikes
Rothzir in the heart. With a soundless scream, he Subtract 1 from the Attacks and Strength
tumbles off the precipice into the Well, his body claimed characteristics of attack actions (to a minimum of 1)
made by enemy fighters while they are within 3" of
by the inky blackness. You believe you hear a faint
the bearer.
susurrus of laughter, as the shadows calm. The Well is
secured in the name of the High Oracle.

Pavollax Iron-eye does not die easily; you duel the crazed ARTEFACT OF POWER
warsmith on top of his creation, the metal shell beneath Brimstone Gauntlets: Apparently fashioned from
your feet glowing hot enough to sear flesh and melt iron. rough, igneous rock, these gloves can emit a cloud of
For all his fury, Iron-eye cannot m atch the wrath of the blazing, blinding sulphur.
Ever-Raging Flame. Your ferocious strike sends him
tumbling into one of the Immolation Engine's great brass Subtract 2 from the Attacks characteristic of attack
chimneys, and a gout of sulphur-smelling steam envelops actions (to a minimum of 1) that target the bearer that
him , boiling him inside his armour. Having claimed the have a Range characteristic of 3 or less.
Immolation Engine for your own ends, you also retrieve
the dead warsmith's brass gauntlets.


A cyclone of white-hot flames bursts forth as you break A RTEFACT OF POWER

open the sarcophagi, half-formed shapes with molten Firecloak Ring: Containing the bound essence of a
fangs and eyes like black coals visible amidst the inferno. fire-daemon, this glowing, red-hot band of iron can
This livingfirestorm rushes away down the tunnels of summon a shield of flames and cinders to protect
the Maw, incinerating all in its path but sparing the lives the bearer.
of you and your fellow warriors. Doubtless the Ever­
Raging Flame will be sated by the catastrophe that these Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as an
unbound fire-spirits will unleash. Better still, there are action. If they do so, until the end of the battle round,
many other treasures of fire and ruin to be found in these subtract 3 from the damage points allocated by hits and
sacred chambers. critical hits (to a minimum of I) from attack actions
that target the bearer.
The Shadowstalkers are M orathi's
deadliest assassins. Wreathed in S H A D OWSTALKERS SHADOWSTALKERS
darkness, they slip past sentries
and locked gates to murder their
targets without leaving a hint of
their presence unless they wish it. D10 FIRST NAME D10 LAST NAME

To be granted the shademark by the I Syreth l Dhusk

Shadow Queen is to be sentenced to
a lingering death in pursuit of duty 2 Vorya 2 Calesk
- a pact entered into by all who join
3 Scythia 3 Mhasik
the ranks of the Shadowstalkers,
either willingly or otherwise. Every 4 Druchon Hellekos
time one of Morathi 's secretive
agents transports themselves 5 Slitha 5 Or tess
across vast distances through the
mysterious Umbra! Web, they 6 Krath 6 Vhanir
sacrifice a portion of their soul to
the mists of the Shadow Realm. 7 L6iru 7 Eroth
Yet when they are imbued with the
power of Ulgu, these killers are all 8 M6irath 8 Palhesk
but unstoppable, leaping between
9 Aneth 9 Wychar
pools of darkness as they cut apart
10 10
any who dare to cross blades R6th Siress
with them.



Morathi's Ire - This warband has, through failure

Inner Daemon - The daemonic entity that resides
or insubordination, earned the fury of Morathi, and
l in this warrior's blood sometimes exerts its own,
now strive to regain her favour.
powerful will.

Infiltrators - You warriors can scale any fortress

2 Utterly Silent - This warrior never makes a sound,
wall and open any lock in pursuit of their prey. 2
no matter what surface they are walking on.

Honoured - Having risen high in the ranks of Fading to Mist - This warrior often appears
3 the faithful, your warriors have been granted the 3 insubstantial, as if the wind might carry them away
mircath, and power over darkness. - this does not render their blades any less deadly.

Umbramancers - Few can claim so potent a Bringer of Darkness - Where this warrior walks,
4 4
mastery over the shadows as your warriors. pitch-black clouds gather.

Shadow path Watchers - Your warriors' former Umbral Familiar - This warrior is accompanied
5 duty was to watch over the twisting labyrinth of the 5 by a strange creature fashioned from wisps
Ulguan shadowpaths. of darkness.

Banished - These warriors are forbidden from

Shadow Consort - Rumour has it that this warrior
6 returning to Ulgu until they have satisfied their 6
was once an intimate companion ofMorathi.
queen's demands.

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