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Q1 - LESSON 5 Student’s name: …………………………

Class: 9B… Corrector’s name: ………………………

You will hear an announcement about an evening’s programs on Radio Pearl. For questions 9-18,
complete the sentences.


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 1
I. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group.
1. A. prevention B. organism C. attraction D. engagement
2. A. inhabit B. disappear C. imagine D. continue
3. A. politician B. popularity C. laboratory D. documentary
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
4. A. mastered B. gifted C. minded D. dedicated
5. A. teacher B. each C. speech D. school
6. A. confine B. conceal C. concentrate D. convention

I. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate Passive verb form.
7. The boxes ……………………………………………………………… (not / pack) yet.
8. Your food ……………………………………………………………… (still / prepare).
9. The new ship …………………………………………………………… (launch) next week.
10. Luckily by the time we got there the painting …………………………………………….. (not / sell).
11. We had to go on holiday because our house …………………………………………… (decorate).
12. I’m afraid that next week’s meeting ………………………………………………………… (cancel).
13. If we don’t hurry, all the tickets ………………………………………… (sell) by the time we get there.
14. All main courses ……………………………………………………… (serve) with vegetables or salad.
At least that is what is written on the menu.
15. The second goal ……………………………………………… (score) by Hughes in the 41st minute.
16. The cathedral ……………………………………………………… (build) in the fourteenth century.

II. Choose the correct answer.

17. She was anxious ……………. for the post of Personal Assistant to the Director.
A. about be selected B. to have selected C. to be selected D. to be selecting
18. “Why are the Newtons asking for loan repayment modifications?” – “Because their house …………….
in the flood.”
A. was damaged B. damaged
C. had damaged D. was being damaged
19. “How’s the new town planning project going?” – Oh, there’s still a lot …………….”
A. having done B. has been done C. to be done D. have done
20. “How did his speech go?” – “With all the noise outside, he couldn’t ……………. himself heard.”
A. make B. be making C. be made D. have made
21. “Did you hear anything about last month’s Barclays’ robbery?” – Yes. Eventually the robbers ………….
given a ten-year sentence.”
A. were being B. were C. had D. been

III. Write sentences in the Causative form using “have, make, get” as in the example.
0. He insisted that Peter left immediately. ...He made Peter leave immediately...
22. Janet persuaded Diane to drive her to the airport.
23. My car radio is being fitted by Gary today.
24. She asked her sister to translate the article.


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 2
25. I finally persuaded the landlord to change the locks.
26. My mother insisted that I should wear a dress to the wedding.
27. I’ll ask John to pick me up at the station.
28. Sue persuaded her colleagues to change their minds.
29. She is going to ask them to rewrite the assignment.
30. I can’t believe he asked me to return the cheque.
31. He insisted that they should stay at home.
32. I’ll try to persuade him to give you the money he owes you.
33. The receptionist asked her to wait outside his office.
34. The doctor insisted that she should go to hospital.
35. He asked the porter to carry his luggage.

I. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word.
I have had what, I think, is the (36) ……………..……… extraordinary day of my life. While the events
are (37) ………………..…… clear in my mind, I wish to write them down. Let me introduce (38)
……………..…… My name is Lawrence Tyrel. I am thirty-five years old, and in perfect health. I have never
been ill in my life, not (39) ………….……… for a day. I am an artist. I am (40) ……………..……… very
successful, but I earn enough money to (41) …….…………… care of my needs. My only near relative, a sister,
(42) …………….……… three years ago. So I have no family.
I ate breakfast this morning at eight. After I (43) ……………..……………… read the morning paper, I
smoked my pipe and let my mind wander. I hoped I would think of (44) ……………..……………… to draw.
The room was very hot, even (45) ……………..………… the door and window were open. I had decided to
go to the public swimming (46) ………..…………… when an idea for a drawing (47) ……………..……… to
I began to (48) ……………..………………. I was so interested in my work that I forgot to eat lunch. I
did not stop until the clock struck five. I looked at what I had done. For a hurried picture, I felt it was the best
thing I had ever drawn.

II. Match the beginning of each sentence of the left with its ending on the right.
49. Our plans went ………. a. miserably.
50. My hopes were ………. b. complete flop.
51. After the horse threw me I lost ………. c. disaster.
52. He failed his ………. d. business.
53. Our political campaign failed ………. e. point completely.


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 3
54. His plans are a recipe for ………. f. badly wrong.
55. A year later he went out of ………. g. dashed when I heard the news.
56. She seemed to miss the ………. h. final exams.
57. His latest novel was a ………. i. my nerve and couldn’t get back on.

III. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. You must use
between TWO AND FIVE WORDS. Do not change the word given.
58. My parents last spoke to me a month ago. heard
I …………………………………………………………… my parents for a month.
59. All the students had a lot of respect for their teacher. looked
All the students …………………………………………………………… their teacher.
60. Tom thought we might get hungry so he took some sandwiches with him. case
Tom took some sandwiches with him …………………………………………… hungry.
61. Linda didn’t feel like eating. mood
Linda wasn’t …………………………………………………………… eat.
62. My brother was treated unfairly by his teachers. deserve
My brother ……………………………………………… treated that way by his teachers.
63. He couldn’t buy the car he wanted because he didn’t have enough money. too
The car he wanted was…………………………………………………………… buy.
64. My parents’ house is as big as mine. same
My parents’ house …………………………………………………………… mine.
65. We all agreed with my father’s proposal apart from Joy. exception
With…………………………………………………, we all agreed with my father’s proposal.


I. Rhetorical Structure Questions - Find the Relationship Between the Main Idea and the Keywords
The connections between the main idea and specific words or phrases in the answer choices should be
identified. These connections (which are rhetorical purposes) serve to strengthen the coherence of the passage.
The genes that form the genetic pool of a population are transmitted from one generation to the next. So,
it is from the gene pool of the parents that the gene pool of their descendants is formed. The gene pool, however,
is affected when people from outside places come into a region. This phenomenon, called “gene flow,” brings
about changes to the gene pool of the population. Thus, the number of genes in the gene pool can vary over

1. Why does the author talk about gene flow?

A. To give an example of characteristics being passed on
B. To explain how casual grouping leads to mass variations
C. To show that the gene pool of a population does not always stay the same
D. To demonstrate how a large gene pool will lead to less variation

II. Rhetorical Structure Questions – Practice 1

There were a number of challenges Hercules had to face before he could capture Cerberus to complete his
final task. For example, he had to kill off Hydra, take the Amazon Queen’s belt, and wrestle the monster before
he was allowed to take Cerberus out of the underworld. In the end, Hercules succeeded. Upon completing his
twelfth task, Zeus permitted him back onto Mount Olympus and granted him all the powers of a god.


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 4
2. Why does the author mention Hydra, the Amazon Queen’s belt, and the monster?
A. To point out how Hercules captured Cerberus
B. To explain the violence present in mythology
C. To note what beasts Hercules had to fight on his journey
D. To give examples of the challenges Hercules had to face

III. Rhetorical Structure Questions – Practice 2

Al “Scarface” Capone will forever be famous for his place in American movies, but who was the real man
behind the Hollywood creation? Alphonse Gabriel Capone was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1899. Capone
was a promising student but had trouble following the rules. At the age of fourteen he was expelled for causing
violence at school. After that, he never went back. As a young man he joined local gangs and used his wit and
courage to work himself up. It didn’t take long before he became a major force in the world of organized crime.
When alcohol was made illegal in the U.S., Capone started to make a lot of money. He moved to Chicago,
where he brought alcohol down from Canada to sell for a very large profit in the United
States. He made lots of money and he also made lots of enemies. He was attacked so many
times that he had a bulletproof car built for himself. When he was arrested years later, the
car was taken and used by President Roosevelt as his limousine. In 1931, Capone was
indicted for violation of income tax laws. He had made and spent a lot of money but failed
to ever pay any government taxes. He was convicted and was sentenced to 11 years in jail,
some of which were served in the famous Alcatraz prison. It was to be the end of his crime
days. When he was finally released from prison, he was too sick to continue his life of
crime. He died in 1947 while living in Florida.

3. Why is Capone’s causing violence at school mentioned in paragraph 1?

A. To define the school rules in his time
B. To explain why he owned a bulletproof car
C. To show how famous a character he was in American movies
D. To give an example of how he had trouble following the rules

4. Why does the author talk about Capone’s bringing alcohol from Canada in paragraph 2?
A. To justify Capone’s life of crime
B. To show why Capone was indicted
C. To explain how he became rich
D. To prove that Capone did not pay taxes


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 5

Q1 - LESSON 5 Student’s name: …………………………

Class: 9B… Corrector’s name: ………………………

I. Read the text below and decide which word A, B, C or D.
Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle (1) …..….... the Palace of Holyroodhouse are the official (2)
…..……. of the Sovereign and, as such, serve as both home and office for the Queen, whose personal flag flies
(3) …..……. her Majesty is in residence.
These buildings are used extensively for State ceremonies and official entertaining and are opened to the
(4) …..……. as much as these commitments allow. They are furnished with fine pictures and (5) …..……. of
art from the Royal Collection, assembled over four centuries by successive sovereigns. Many of the State
Apartments and rooms at the official residences have been in continuous use since their conception and many
of the paintings are (6) …..……. in the rooms for which they were originally (7) …..…….
The official residences are in (8) …..……. use and the style and manner in which they are (9) …..……. to
visitors reflects their working status. Rooms are kept as close to their normal (10) …..……. as possible.
Inevitably, opening times are subject to change at short notice depending on circumstances.
The Royal Collection, which is (11) …..……. by the Queen as Sovereign in trust for her successors and
the Nation, is administered by the Royal Collection Trust to which a proportion of admission fee and other (12)
…..……. from visitors is directed.
The remainder of this money funds the majority of the cost of restoring Windsor Castle which was badly
(13) …..……. by fire in November 1992.
1. A. or B. and C. in D. nor
2. A. venues B. residences C. situations D. occupation
3. A. whatever B. however C. whoever D. whenever
4. A. humans B. public C. people D. strangers
5. A. paintings B. statues C. works D. jobs
6. A. created B. explored C. produced D. displayed
7. A. instructed B. intended C. performed D. guarded
8. A. local B. national C. regular D. minor
9. A. designed B. shown C. given D. taken
10. A. feature B. location C. destination D. appearance
11. A. owned B. belonged C. borrowed D. sold
12. A. salary B. budget C. income D. wages
13. A. destroyed B. ruined C. damaged D. collapsed

II. Make passive and causative sentences using the words in brackets.
0. A: Were there many people invited to the party?
B: Yes, about 50 people were invited (about 50/people/invite).
14. A: Where is the accounts department?
B: Oh, it …………………………………………………………… (move/to/fifth floor).


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 1
15. A: Why does he look so happy?
B: He …………………………………………………………… (promote/to manager).
16. A: What will happen to the old farmhouse?
B: It …………………………………………………………… (knock down).
17. A: Where are James and Simon?
B: They ……………………………………………………… (send/to the London office/last month).
18. A: Did you collect your car from the garage?
B: No, it ……………………………………………………… (repair/at the moment).
19. Eating too much chocolate makes me ………………………… sick (feel).
20. Mr Smith had his English lessons ………………………… for by his company. (pay)
21. My mother had a dressmaker ………………………… her skirt. (shorten)

II. Read and choose the right answer

Studies about social groups are a very interesting aspect of psychology because they show how differently
people act when they are influenced by the thoughts and emotions of others. Studies have found that different
people respond differently to group situations. When placed in a group, some people tend to dominate; they are
natural leaders. However, the majority of people take a passive role.
When in a group, most people rarely work as hard as they do alone. This phenomenon is known as “social
loafing.” There are several explanations for why it occurs, but mainly it’s because the responsibility and the
reward are divided in more ways. People are more willing to let others do the work for them and rely on other
people. When people are alone, they have to take care of themselves. This gives them incentive to work harder.
Also, when people are in groups they tend to adopt the opinions of the people that they are with. Time and
again studies have shown that people forget themselves and act on the will of the group rather than sticking to
their own principles. This is called the “conformity pressure,” and very few people can honestly say that they do
not fall prey to this. If someone is in a group of people who love the theatre, they will not tell them how much
they hate it for fear of being left out of the group.

22. Why does the author mention the responsibility and the reward being divided in more ways?
A. To clarify group work’s effectiveness
B. To explain the cause of social loafing
C. To discuss the benefits and drawbacks of groups
D. To show how group work negatively affects people

23. Why is someone in a group that loves the theatre mentioned in the passage?
A. To indicate people stick to their principles
B. To describe the result of conformity pressure
C. To explain to whom conformity pressure occurs
D. To give an example of how conformity pressure works


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 2
You will hear five different people talking about why they decided to become nurses. For questions 19-23,
choose which of the reasons (A-F) each speaker is giving. Use the letters only once. There is one extra
letter which you do not need to use.

A. It was a childhood dream. Speaker 1 19

B. Teachers had recommended it. Speaker 2 20

C. A friend had decided to do it.. Speaker 3 21

D. It offered a secure income. Speaker 4 22

E. It is a family tradition. Speaker 5 23

F. It is emotionally satisfying.


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 3

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