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Questions for Quiz – Navigational Safety Campaign – Phase 2

T he quiz will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

T his quiz aims to ascertain your understanding in the Company Safety Management System, Navigation procedures. T his
activity should be viewed as a positive and constructive approach for you and enhancing Navigation safety.
While completing this questionnaire, please keep the following points in mind:
All questions in the quiz are required to be attempted.
T his quiz is meant to be completed separately by each of the Bridge team including officers and ratings.
Please do not discuss the quiz with anyone who has not completed it.
T he Navigation Safety Campaign is an endeavor to raise awareness and provide the required guidance to enhance onboard
safety and reduce incidents.

1. Vessel Name *


2. When the Master is on the Bridge – it automatically releases OOW from his duties:



3. When Master comes on the Bridge before approaching port, how Master should indicate
that he takes con of the vessel from OOW:

By making appropriat e ent ry in t he Official Log Book

By asking to make him a cup of coffee

Any change of conn must be ordered verbally, acknowledged, and logged in t he Deck Log Book

4. Close loop communication between Master and OOW should be as follows:

T he order is given by Mast er and silent ly execut ed by OOW

T he order is given by Mast er, order is acknowledged by OOW, and Mast er has confirmed t hat t he
order understood correct ly

T he order is given by Mast er, order is acknowledged by OOW, but not confirmed by Mast er
5. OOW has the right to call Master on the Bridge, when:

Weat her det eriorat es, and wind increases

Visibilit y reduces

Traffic densit y increases

Failure of Bridge equipment occurs

All of t he above

6. Visibility is considered to be restricted, when visibility drops less, than stated in

Master’s Standing Orders / Night Order Book:


Not correct

Don’t know

7. Providing immediate safety of the ship is not compromised, members of the Bridge
Team to be encouraged to seek clarification of actions of other Bridge Team Members,
to gain more experience:



8. Bridge Team Meeting should be conducted in due time before approaching port:


Only, in case Mast er prefers to carry out Bridge Team Meet ings

Not compulsory
9. In case OOW feels concern about actions of Master, he has the right to politely clarify
with the Master his intention, to make sure Master’s actions are correct:

In case Mast er allows such quest ions

T his right of t he OOW depends on t he navigat ional sit uat ion

OOW has such right at all t imes

10. During port approaches and departures, there are no any limitations with regards to
people, who can be present on the Bridge:

Yes, in order to be able to check correct wording of COLREGS during close quart ers sit uat ion

Yes, in order to be able to verify in int ernet correct light s and shapes displayed by ot her vessels

Access to int ernet should be rest rict ed on t he Bridge and to be used only when it is necessary for
t he safe navigat ion of t he vessel

11. Passage Plan must be prepared by 2nd Officer and verified by Master:

When 2nd Officer has free t ime and had enough sleep, in order not to make mist ake in t he Passage

Passage Plan must be prepared by 2nd Officer and reviewed and verified by Mast er before
depart ure

In case 2nd Officer is busy, dut y AB can prepare a Passage Plan and present to Mast er for approval,
in order to save t ime

12. In case a Master has a doubt about the port vessel is proceeding to, Master should:

Cont act t he Agent to get required informat ion about t he port from t he Agent , properly assess all
t he informat ion, collect all available info from Navigat ional publicat ions, and in case any doubt st ill
exist s – cont act Marine Superint endent for furt her clarificat ion

Assume t hat everyt hing will be all right , as his vessel not t he first to call t his port

Refuse proceeding to port , even before all required dat a about t he port is collect ed
13. Bridge Team should continuously assess available sea room and UKC, especially when
proceeding through restricted navigational area:



I don’t want to share t his informat ion

14. Minimum hours of rest in any 24 hours period must be not less than:

6 hours

10 hours

12 hours

15. Maximum hours of work during any 24 hours should be not more, than:

14 hours

12 hours

10 hours

16. As per MLC, during any 24 hours, crewmember should have a rest of minimum 10 hours,
and this rest can be split in not more than 3 periods:



Depending on t he vessel’s t rade

17. Bahri Shipmanagement considers that 2 instances of W&R hours breach per month for 1

Significant non-compliance
Bet t er to avoid

Dismissal of ment ioned crewmember

18. When Pilot is on board, it relieves Master from responsibility for safe navigation of the

Depends on agreement bet ween Mast er and Pilot

Presence of Pilot on t he Bridge does not relieve Mast er of his responsibilit y for t he safe operat ion
of t he vessel

In case Mast er been on t he Bridge for more t han 6 consecut ive hours

19. In case required, OOW can utilize one of ECDIS computers for other purpose while
vessel is underway (e.g. pre-arrival documents preparation, cargo calculation):


If t ime bet ween port s is limit ed and it is necessary to do so

If Chief Officer permit s

20. If Master permits – OOW can be left alone on the Bridge during hours of darkness:



21. Any prescription medicine to be declared to the Master upon joining the vessel for him
to be aware and in order to inform required parties accordingly:



22. One of intentions of this Campaign, is to develop an effective communication within the
Bridge Team:


23. The common belief within the Maritime industry is we tend to see as cause of
navigational incidents the following human related factors:

Lack of communicat ion

Lack of awareness

Workload and fat igue


All of t he above

24. To have positive impact on human factor, you shall:

Fost er an environment to value each t eam member

Encourage “Jut Cult ure”

Promot e an at mosphere of responsible behavior and t rust on t he wheelhouse

All of t he above

25. The analysis of Marine Accidents showed that most collisions are due to decision
errors. At the precondition level, it highlights the importance:

Poor visibilit y and misuse of inst rument s (environment al factors),

Loss of sit uat ion awareness or deficit of at t ent ion (condit ions of operators)

Deficit s in int er-ship communicat ions or Bridge Resource Management (personnel factors)

All of t he above
26. The carriage and consumption of alcohol and use or possession of unprescribed drugs
is totally prohibited on board any Mideast managed vessel:



27. Electronic navigation aids including ECDIS, RADAR, ARPA and AIS are substitutes for
maintaining a proper look out:

Somet imes



28. Bridge Watch Level III to be implemented at following conditions (as minimum

Passing islands / relat ive shallow contours, in open ocean or coast al

Coast al navigat ion, arrival/depart ure port s, rest rict ed wat ers

Open ocean, clear visibilit y, fine weat her

29. Should the Pilot or Mooring Master fail to act on the direction of the Master or OOW
when the Master or OOW judges the safety of the vessel is at risk, they:

Must t ake such act ion as may be appropriat e to ensure t he safet y of t he vessel. Record full det ails
of any such act ions in t he Deck Log Book and prompt ly advise office

Should cont inue observing how sit uat ion develops before t aking any act ion

Make an appropriat e ent ry in t he Deck Log Book

30. What Master shall do on detecting Pilot under influence of drug and alcohol:

Relieve pilot of his dut ies on det ect ing him under t he influence of drug or alcohol. Mast er shall
polit ely request t he Pilot to undert ake a breat h t est
Provide Pilot wit h a cup of coffee

Advise Pilot to be careful wit h his act ions, as he looks t ired

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