The Lonely Unicorn

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The lonely unicorn:

Once upon a time there was a land called unicorn land and all the animals that lived in there were
unicorns. Of course, that was not including the king and queen but obviously they weren’t animals.
Well almost all of the animals were unicorns.

Here was an odd one out. It was a similar shape to a unicorn, but it wasn’t as pretty. All the other
unicorns had long swirly horns but this one had no horn at all and all the other unicorns sparkly
rainbow coat but this one just had a brown coat.

I was a sad life for this unicorn because all the other unicorns bullied her. She just couldn’t
understand why she looked different from the rest of the unicorns. She was generally quite bored
and lonely because she couldn’t join in with many of their games because they normally involved
using their magic horns. But unfortunately, the lonely unicorn didn’t have a horn of course.

One day the lonely unicorn was sent to the king and queen of unicorn land. She was worried at first
but then she realised she had nothing to fear. There in front of her was a friendly looking vet. The
unicorn figured out he was a vet because he had a stethoscope hanging around his neck. Since the
unicorn had been born the king and queen had always wondered why she looked so different. They
had ordered for the vet to come and see if there was anything wrong with the unicorn.

After a while the vet announced there was nothing to worry about. He explained that the unicorn
was actually a horse and had obviously got mixed up with another unicorn when she was younger.

The king and queen were so happy they had always wanted a horse in their family and now they had
one. They told the horse that she was to become the king and queen’s top pet.

The next day they had a big celebration to celebrate the horse becoming The Top Pet. From then on,
the unicorns only played games that the horse could play. There were a few times when the horse
even got to pull the royal carriage.

The end
By Makenna Preston

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