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Mr. Hendra Kusuma 27/08/2030

We are pleased to propose our company, namely Socio Citizen Group, engaged in the environment,
nature empowerment and nature preservation including water, land, etc.

PT. Pigeon Indonesia is a well-known and innovative company engaged in environmental

conservation, in particular nature conservation. We have excellent offering will be implementing
reforestation through planting with our designated areas that still run short of hygiene water. We
believe that will be a great collaboration and teamwork between us. based on our programs, we
believe that the power of collaboration to achieve the great results.

For more details of the cooperation, we will inform you after PT Pigeon Indonesia is in agreement.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Manager Relationship SocioZen Gruop

Muhammad Agus Pamungkas

Muhammad Agus Pamungkas

Socio Citizen group Jl. Ir Soekarno Gn. Anyar (+6287654321) Surabaya, 14332 Email:
2 May, 2002

Reforestation by Social Citizens Group

"Keep it green, clean, & enjoy its beauty."
'Social Citizens Group.’

• Executive summary:
The “Reforestation” is the social program offered by the ‘Social Citizens Group' for the regions in
Indonesia with a specific condition and special needs action areas. our vision is to make Indonesia better in
environment and keep Indonesia as the world' lungs.
We see that Jatisari has lack of water while we are aware there is plenty of water absorption and we
look for an opportunity through that. As a consequence of the current situation in Jatisari village, we offered
a program of Reforestation called 'Keep it green, clean, & enjoy its beauty' that will benefit water
absorption, oxygen supply and soil structure and fertility. In the implementation, we needed some
volunteers to help to succeed our program, we also received a fair budget that helped to succeed this
program. the further details are briefly explained below.

• Introduction:
The Social Citizens Group is the environmental organisation with experience in successful recycling in
flood-prone areas, and success in barren and water-scarce areas. Our visions are to make Indonesia better
environmentally and have regional equity that is fertile, environmentally friendly, abundant clean water
supplies and sufficient natural resources.

• Problem Statement or Opportunity:

We have seen that a total of 425 people or 141 households in Jatisari Village, Arjasa Subdistrict,
Situbondo Regency, East Java, are experiencing a clean water crisis due to a broken borehole pump that
has yet to be repaired. They have to go to another water source with a considerable distance of about 1.5
kilometres if they want to get clean water. We see that there is still a lot of barren land in the area, so we
look for an opportunity through that.

• Proposed Solution.
As a consequence of the current situation in Jatisari village, we are sending our proposal for business
cooperation as the solution of lack of clean water in Jatisari. We offered a program of Reforestation called
'Keep it green, clean, & enjoy its beauty.' that have several beneficial for instance:
1. New water absorption: with our resources, we are going to plant trees surrounding Jatisari village areas
to make water absorption areas that provide clean water for residents.
2. Increasing Oxygen supply: with the growth of the trees that live in the area, will be followed up by an
increase in oxygen.
3. maintaining soil structure & fertility: by doing reforestation, we also help to reorganise the soil that
will possibly be used as agriculture in the future.

• Implementation Plan:
As this program is important for the village's development, our program involving participants from
our group members consists of 50 people, and we require support from at least 250 volunteers from
villagers. The equipment that we need are digging tools, such as: hoes, sickles, and water hoses. Materials:
water pump, compost fertilizers (will be provided by groups). The execution if we meet an agreement will
be around May (8-9 or 9-10 of May). Rules, Regulation & operational will be following by:
1. Some members from the Social Citizens Group will be chosen as the group leader.
2. teams divided into 6 teams which consist of 50 participants of each team. each team will spread to the
location that was already instructed to the group leader.
3. At the location, participants spread over the field and make a mini group of 2-3 people and start planting
the seeds.
4. The time break will be at 12.00pm and at 4.30pm, the food can be picked up at the rest zone for eating
& praying).
Some accidents may occur during the program, using a glove will be helpful to prevent any injuries, if you
have any problems, ask for a medical check at the rest zone.

• Financials:
We are determining to guide with PT. Pigeon Indonesia to make a greener environment of Indonesia.
This is the approximate detail of financial during operation:

No. Financial Detail for Forestation


1. 25 water pump machine rentals (2 Rp. 2.500.000


2. 350 tree seedlings Rp. 1.500.000

3. Consumption of the participants. Rp. 1000.000

Total Rp. 5000.000

1.1. Tabel Outcome Financial

• Conclusion:
After reading the details we shared, we hope that you can consider this offer. With our full responsibility
and with our well-structured plan, we believe this will be beneficial for our cooperation and much beneficial
for Jatisari village's future. if you have any further question or agreement, please contact our E-mail or call
our number attached.

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