Mohammad - Anvahi - SSM - Strategi Change and Leadership Assignment

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COURSE NAME : Strategic Leadership and Change

STUDENT NAME : Mohammad Gholamali Anvahi

Develop a set of mental maps about strategic thought, organizational

culture, and leading strategic changes.

Practice strategic thinking and strategic change planning.


Enhance your model of leading and managing change.


Develop a charter for an organization

A 94.50% − 100% 4.00
A- 89.50% − 94.40% 3.67
B+ 86.50% − 89.40% 3.33
B 82.50% − 86.40% 3.00
B- 79.50% − 82.40% 2.67
C+ 76.50% − 79.40% 2.33
C 72.50% − 76.40% 2.00
C- 69.50% − 72.40% 1.67
D+ 64.50% − 69.40% 1.33
D 59.50% − 64.40% 1.00
F 0% − 59.40% 0.00

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I, Mohammad Gholamali Anvahi, student at Swiss School of Management have completed

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Date Assignment Issued 26/09/2022
Date Assignment Due 26/10/2022


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Faculty Name Mr. Danish Salim
Student ID SSM/Dubai/BBA/00390
Email ID
Course BBA – Global Management
Date Submitted 20/10/2022


Max Marks Marks
Question 1 25
Question 2 25
Question 3 25
Question 4 25
Overall Grade  
Assessor’s Name  
Feedback by Faculty, if any
1. What is SWOT Analysis? How does it help in strategy formulation for a business?
Explain with related examples. (25M)
2. What is change leadership? Explain 3Cs of change leadership. (25M)
3. What is ADKAR Model. Explain stages of ADKAR Model with examples. (25M)
4. Who according to you is a leader? What are the leadership myths? Explain using
relevant examples. (25M)
A company is a set up where people with various talents come together and work in a
common direction to achieve the goals. The goals include the mission, and vision of the
company and to attain the mission and vision the company requires to formulate strategies.
Strategies are a carefully crafted plan of action that consists of all the aspects, resources, and
steps to be taken by the employees so that the work becomes smooth and desired goals are
attained most effectively and efficiently (Campbell, 2017).
The strategy formulation is a critical task for the company. It has various factors that are to be
considered before designing and directing to the employees. The key factor that impacts
strategy formulation is the environment of the business. When the internal and external
factors of the company come in contact, it formulates an environment which can be termed as
a business environment. This environment consists of micro factors which are internal to the
company like the resources, employees, or owners and macro factor which consist of
resources and people outside the company like suppliers, customers, government, society etc.
It is this business environment that can impact the business settings because based on the
internal and external situations only, a company can think of a way ahead or a plan of action.
There are various tools to read the business environment, and to judge outcomes accordingly.
Some of these models are to judge the effectiveness of internal environment, while some are
to evaluate the external environment, but the most effective and easy to apply tool is the
SWOT Analysis. This tool is a balanced way to evaluate both internal and external
environment as it helps to evaluate internal strengths and weaknesses and gives an idea about
the external opportunities and threats.
SWOT Analysis
A simple and basic analysis that company can conduct to evaluate the internal strengths and
weaknesses to match them with the opportunities and threats in the external environment is
known as SWOT analysis. SWOT is an abbreviation of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
and Threats that serve as a major pillar for this analysis (Basheer, 2021).
1. Strengths – This is an internal factor of the company. These are the key advantages
that the organization has when compared to the other companies present in the
market. The main features that the company has can be a competitive advantage.
These are defined by the factors that are helping them in performing well, the
resources or the logistics and strategies.
2. Weaknesses – Just like strengths even the weaknesses are the internal factors of the
company. These are the areas where the company lacks something or the other and
must ensure that improvement takes place. These factors can be competitive
advantage of other companies that are lacking in the own company. Even this element
can include strategies, resources, and performance indicators.
3. Opportunities – The external analysis factor that tells the company about the growth
option in the market is known as opportunity. Once the organization understands it’s
strengths it can start looking out for the opportunities that link well with the strengths
and that can help in further growth of the company. The opportunities also link with
the trends of the market that can be utilized for the best interest.
4. Threats – As opposed to the opportunities, there are some environmental chances that
link with the threats that the company has. These are the potential threats that can
serve as a main block in the success of the firm. The company has to constantly check
the strategies of the competitors, how these strategies link with the weaknesses that
the company has, also are these chances serious enough to make changes in the
organization or can be managed easily.
Illustration of SWOT Analysis
Taking a hypothetical medium-sized food chain following can be the SWOT:

1. New Style and
1. Price too high/low
2. Waiting line always
2. Great Team
3. Not a strong
3. Great Customer
booking system.

1. Can diversify in
1. Competitors
healthy options (vegan
offering delivery or
are well-established.
2. Expansion in
2. Price
better/highly crowded

SWOT Analysis in Strategy Formulation

It is a comprehensive analysis that can highlight various details about the internal as well as
the external factors of the company. Using this tool can give information about the market
chances coming up to effectively match them with the company’s best and worst decisions. It
will not only save the company from making mistakes but will also help it grow in the right
direction and the right way. When it comes to strategy formulation, the company can make
use of TOWS which is the reverse approach so that threats can be ruled out, opportunities are
highlighted and based on the weaknesses and strengths, the opportunities are utilized (Berry,
Illustration of TOWS
Taking the same example of food chain:
Opportunities Threats
Strength-Opportunities Strategy Strength-Threat Strategy
 Since the team is great and  Constantly training the
enthusiastic, the firm can think of employees, so that the
Strengths some expansion options. customer-service gives
competitive advantage and
rules over the competitive
pricing also.
Weakness-Opportunities Strategy Weakness-Threats Strategy
 The waiting lines systems can easily  Since the booking systems
be dealt with if the company decides are not strong, and the
on opening or expanding the outlet. competitor are offering
Weaknesses delivery options, the
company must think in the
direction of partnering up
with a delivery part or start
own delivery services.

It can be noted through the given example and the justification of the work, that the
environment surrounding the company is crucial in strategic management and strategy
development. Any change in the factors of the environment would lead to a change in the
policies and strategies of the organization also. Some of these factors are in control of
company but not always will the company have a control. Use of different tools is important
for having an awareness about the environment.
An individual who can foresee the changes for making the policies or strategies better so that
it is easier for the people in the company to attain the mission and vision, is known as a
leader. Leadership is the influence that leaders have on people and can be practiced at all the
levels in the company.
Leadership is not restricted to any one profile or one level or one situation rather it can be
practiced by individuals in different circumstances especially in the time of crisis or change
(Halkias et al., 2017).
Change Leadership
When the individuals become firm and confident on bringing in an improvement and
emphasize on the importance of adaptability of the organization, they then become the
change leaders and exhibit change leadership practices. These practices include generating an
excitement in the stakeholders to bring about a change and make the employees, and the other
groups associated with the organization aware of the strategies and productivity that the
change can bring in. It is a growing and critical aspect of leadership in today’s world which is
constantly evolving and is being termed as VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and
Ambiguous) world. A commonly known example of a change leader is Elon Musk, who had
the capacity to dream and bring a change in the world by introducing Tesla and Space X.
Change Management v/s Change Leadership
Just like the terms management and leadership are used interchangeably, it is also the same in
the case of change management and change leadership. However, there is a difference in both
the concepts which is as follows:
Sno. Basis Change Leadership Change Management
The concept of change leadership Change management is an
has its core focus on strategies, and operational focus that works
it is all about creating the vision for around designing and developing
1. Focus
the future. practices that can help in creating
change plan to support visions
2. Approach It is a proactive approach that helps It is a reactive approach relying on
in interpretating environment and the strategies designed for vision.
deciding about the changes that are
to take place.
The process of directing a force for It is a process of small steps taken
change initiative after evaluating by the organization to keep the
the risks and well-versed obstacle change under control and ensure
3. Plan
is adopted in change leadership. that the resistance to change in the
organization is managed
effectively (Malik, 2021).
The change leaders are generally The change managers are more
4. Characteristics transformational, influential, authoritative, transactional, and
participative, and engaging. consultative.

Skills of Change Leaders

It is not easy for a leader to be change leader. There are various skills that are to be shown
and upgraded so that the change can be devised in the organization. Following are the skills
and qualities of the change leaders:

Communication Determination Curiousity

Agility Confidence

3 Cs of Change Leaders
Every change initiative is based on some key factors. It is these factors that help the leaders
and ensure that the change is executed well. For the change leaders to carry out the change
effectively, the pillars of change are 3Cs. These 3Cs are:
1. Communicate
To be effective and efficient, a person doesn’t only have to inform the team that
“what” is happening, rather they have to ensure that the team is aware of “Why”
things are changed, and a new direction is opened. When the team or employees
understand the reason behind the change, they tend to cooperate better, and the
change is executed well.
2. Collaborate
Another important factor for change leadership is to ensure that the team is always
engaged at the early stages. A change leader must ensure that the team break the
barriers and walls of resistance and come out to work in collaboration rather than
considering everyone as a competition. The earlier the collaboration happens, the
better it gets for the team to execute change efficiently.
3. Commit
Commitment is the third core strength of the change leaders. These leaders exhibit
persistence, resilience and always carry a positive outlook. They show and build a
commitment where everyone is encouraged to come outside the comfort zone to
ensure change is executed for gaining better opportunities in the organization. The
commitment is given by these leaders towards the company, the team and they also
show a devotion to the time being spent on bringing the change for the organization
(Sieberichs, 2020).
Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that, in today’s changing
environment, it is essential to have a person who understands the environment to find
the right opportunities and makes decision towards bringing in the change. The
company not only requires leaders and managers, but they also require change leaders
for a smooth and right transition in the longer run.
The change in the organization is the unavoidable. Things, people, situations, and resources
everything changes from time to time. To ensure that the change is managed well, the leaders
make use of well-defined models. After years of research and execution in different
scenarios, various research scholars came up with different change management models.
One such model is ADKAR Model of Change Management.


Make people know

and understand
about the change Evaluate the
much in advance. team's reaction
towards the Address the issues
change. If they are or gaps that come
happy or resistant. in between Set smaller
If reluctent then planning and milestones.
find for ways to execution of conduct the Constatly check on
manage the change. Provide practice so that the change
reluctance. help and employees become management so
counseling to the used to, also that the desired
team to enlighten following up in and actual
them with the different scenarios outcome are met.
protocols. can be helpful Make use of
rewards so that
employees don't
stop following the
new protocols.

Enablement Zone Engagement Zone

Consisting of 5 core elements, this model was designed in the early 90s by Jeffery Hiatt to
ensure that the companies are able to manage the change well. It is not an easy task to be
initiating and implementing the change in the organization as there is more resistance than
acceptance (Hiatt, 2006).
The ADKAR model is hence used to focus on the people-aspect of change in the company.
The various stages of this framework include:
1. Awareness
The first stage towards change is to make people aware about the change. The
awareness about the change can be possible only when the employees in the company
know the reason why the change is being introduced and why is it necessary at the
given point in time. When people know the importance of change, it becomes easier
for the organizations to execute it without resistance. The employees can be made
aware by discussion of experience, and examples so that they understand the
requirements and be motivated towards the change. Change is inevitable, however, to
keep the employees motivated towards the same, it is important that they are made
conscious well in advance.
2. Desire
Only communicating and consciousness about the change doesn’t guarantee a smooth
accomplishment. Once the change is communicated and its importance is explained,
the leader then must focus on creating a motivation in the people for being a game for
the change. The most used technique to motivate people towards any action is to
listen to their views. When people are heard and they trust the management, there are
chances that the enthusiasm will increase, and transition will be easier. On the
contrary, if management decides to just make the team aware about the change and
not listen to the feedback or opinion, the desire to be changing will be low and there
are chances that conflicts in implementation might arise.
3. Knowledge
A good way to further add to the motivation of the employees is, to provide them with
as much as information about the change as possible. When the people are aware and
motivated to move to a new direction, it is only the knowledge, understanding and the
clarity that can help to do the work effectively. Therefore, to bring in the change in
the company, the leaders must train the employees about their roles in the change and
how critical it can prove to be (Matern, 2020). The knowledge in this scenario is all
about sharing the experiences and reflect on how the change can enhance the overall
work of the company.
4. Ability
Connected to knowledge is the capacity of the person, which is termed as ability in
the model. If knowledge shows the depth of understanding, ability is about the
competence of the person to be able to execute the understanding into practice. Not
always the knowledge is enough, sometimes people with tremendous knowledge also
fail because of they are unable to execute the change, the way they were supposed to
be. It is now the responsibility of the leaders to provide training and chances to
employees to become able to do the work effectively.
5. Reinforcement
The last stage of the model is reinforcement and just like the term suggests, it is all
about strengthening the new practices in the routine and memory of the employees.
The companies must make sure that the change is not only implemented but is
sustained for the longer run so that no one goes back to the old practices and old ways
of the work defeating the process of change. This is a point from where the employees
cannot turn back and all they can think of is to move forward and take up more
opportunities. To ensure the phase is managed well, the company can start keeping
milestones and give rewards to the employees till they get used to and make the
change as new normal (Bennett and Bush, 2014).
The covid-19 situation and the virtual meetings for the board can be a practical and relevant
example for the model. To implement virtual meetings the employees were first made aware
that because of pandemic situation people must follow social distance norms and no meetings
can happen in person. Being aware about their own health and safety people had a desire to
move to the online platforms. However, it was difficult for some people to understand the
system that goes behind joining in a virtual session. Hence, the offices started giving out
various demo training sessions to enhance the knowledge. However, it was still not all, even
after knowing the process and taking idea about the process, when the time for meeting came
there were a lot of glitches. These issues showed the ability of the people in actually using
virtual meetings and the change. Even after issues, people were given trainings, taught about
software use, and constantly called on virtual platforms to connect. This is where the change
was adopted by everyone. Now that the pandemic is in control, the virtual meeting system is
still being used to reinforce the system as it helps in saving time, travel cost, and is a
convenient option for the multi-national organizations.
There are various simple and complex models available to manage the change in the
organization. It varies from leader-to-leader and situations so that the change can be
implemented easily, and the company growth is not hampered. ADKAR model is a simple
step-by-step approach which can utilize the current resources to make the employees future
The leaders are the ones who inspire and ensures that the outcomes that were aimed for are
achieved. These are the people who are visionary and future oriented (Thomas, 2004). They
have the capacity to communicate the things in a way that everyone understands and is
inclined towards following the same. A true leader thinks well-within the time and takes the
lead so that everyone else in the team can contribute towards goal with the best of their
One of the greatest leaders of all the times can be Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. He
is the person who drove UAE and made sure that the nation gets the best of resources and
makes a mark on the world.
Leadership Myths

Myth 1 One style fit all

Myth 2 Leaders work smart not hard

Myth 3 They are the answer key to everything

Myth 4 Leadership and Management are synonyms

Myth 5 Leadership is linked to the position

 One style fit all

Everyone is different, and everyone’s mind works differently. Hence, there can never
be one leadership style that would work in all the teams in the organization. From
perception to habits and work behaviour, everything differs where the human resource
is concerned. Therefore, the myth that one style of leadership can work for the
organization should never be considered as true. For example, a leader in the
marketing department will be more transformational and engage everyone to get best
ideas, but the same leader will have to be strict and transactional in the production
department to get the work done at the earliest.
 Leaders work smart not hard
Only smart work and no hard work is a myth itself. Leaders are smart in prioritizing
the work and delegating them in a way that work conduct is at an optimum level.
When it comes to delivering some work, it is also a fact that leaders give in their best
effort to help the team and be an example and motivation for everyone. For example,
in a situation where the team has to deliver some reports to the board, the leader will
prioritize portions of report smartly as per everyone’s capabilities and would also help
in covering crucial parts of the work with complete effort.
 Answer key to all
Leaders in company are considered as answer key for any and everything being asked.
However, the reality is that the leaders are generally aware of their weaknesses. Based
on the weakness, they work on the team building and ensure that the team together
innovates. The leaders give chances to the others to innovate and contribute so that
overall growth is not hampered. They don’t have the answers to all questions, and
they happily agree to this fact (Walter, 2013). For example, a leader who specializes
in sales, but is not good with accounts can take help of a team member to solve any
 Leadership is synonym of managements
The most common debate around leadership is the similarity in management and
leadership. People tend to use these terms interchangeably. There is a difference in
being leaders and being managers. There are times when leaders manage, or managers
lead but it’s not always the same in the company scenario. Managers are required in
the company to see through the logistics behind execution while leaders are the one
who give the vision to that path. For example, for a company, a new plan is drawn by
the leader considering various factors and resources, but in the same plan managers
are needed to make certain that nothing goes wrong in execution.
 Leadership is linked to position
Another common lore is that leadership comes with the position. In reality, the
highest position holders also miserably fail in being good leaders. Leadership is more
reliant on influence than being on the position of the person (Dolan, 2020). Position
can make good managers, but not good leaders. For example, as a manager position
holder a person might think of getting work done at any cost, but to convince the team
for setting priorities of work, the leadership skills are needed which can be in person
from any position.
Different people have contrasting views about leaders and the way they carry out
leadership. However, one should not believe in the common myths about the leaders. The
behaviour of individual and the role they must play in a critical situation defines the way
a person demonstrates the leadership skills. The industries, the environment, and the type
of work to be conducted are the key factors in the organization that creates a charter for
leadership. Where there is work and success, myths are likely to be rise, but the leaders
and companies that do not get impacted by these myths are the ones that tend to grow and
sustain the competition in the market well.
 Basheer, A. (2021). How to create a SWOT Analysis for developing a Marketing
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create-a-swot-analysis-for-developing-a-marketing-plan [Accessed 8 Oct. 2022].
 Bennett, J.L. and Bush, M. W. (2014). Coaching for change. New York, Routledge.
 Berry, T. (2018). What is a SWOT analysis? [online] Bplans Blog. Available at: [Accessed 8 Oct. 2022].
 Campbell, D. (2017). Business Strategy. Pearson.
 Dolan, L. (2020). 5 Leadership Myths and How to Overcome Them. [online]
Available at:
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 Halkias, D., Santora, J.C., Harkiolakis, N. and Thurman, P.W. (2017). Leadership
and change management: a cross-cultural perspective. London: Routledge.
 Hiatt, J.M. (2006). ADKAR: A model for change in business, government, and our
community. 1st ed. Loveland: Prosci Learning Center Publications.
 Malik, P. (2021). Change Leadership: How to Lead Change Effectively (2022) -
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 Matern, L. (2020). How to take the ADKAR model from theory to practice. [online] Available at:
adkar-model-from-theory-to-practice [Accessed 12 Oct. 2022].
 Sieberichs, N. (2020). The 3 C’s of Change Leadership | Fuse. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct.
 Thoms, P. (2004). Driven by time: time orientation and leadership. Westport:
 Walter, E. (n.d.). 5 Myths Of Leadership. [online] Forbes. Available at:
sh=41b5fc54314e [Accessed 14 Oct. 2022].

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